Page 1: User Manual - Apogee Rockets...spy camera). To Stop Recording: To stop recording, press-and-release the “VIDEO/CAMERA” button. The yellow indicator light will flashbrieflyand then

808 Keychain Camera User Manual

The inexpensive video camera that works great on model rockets!Features:

• It has a small contour design which easily attaches to the side of a model rocket.• SavesvideofilesinAVIvideoformat.• Can record under low illumination conditions.• Videorecordsat30fpsandimagesizeof640X480pixels• SupportsUSB1.1andUSB2.0.• Supportsupto16GBT-flashcards.• Build-inlithiumbattery,whichcantakeavideoofonehour,withastandbytimeupto120hours.The

batteryis280mha3.7V• Made in China

Page 2: User Manual - Apogee Rockets...spy camera). To Stop Recording: To stop recording, press-and-release the “VIDEO/CAMERA” button. The yellow indicator light will flashbrieflyand then

Operating Your 808 Keychain Video Camera1. Charging the Battery

Thebatteryinthe808Keychainvideocameraisabuilt-inlithiumrechargeablebattery.Youshouldrecharge itbeforeusing thecamera.Themethodfor charging is:

Connect the 808 Keychain video camera toyourcomputerusingthesuppliedUSBcable.

During the charge cycle the yellow light will flashslowly.Whenitisfullycharged,theyellowlightwillstopflashingandremainsteadilyilluminated.

Notice: When battery power is too low, thecamerawillenterintoprotectionmode.Inthisstate,itcannotbeturnedon. Itshouldberechargedforvideo operations.

2. Turning on the 808 Keychain video cameraPlease confirm the TF (micro SD) card has

already been inserted into the product! This camera does not come with a TF card, and it must be supplied by the user of the device. This cameradoesnotsupportT-flashcardsgreaterthan16GBofstorage.

NOTE:MakesureaT-Flash(MicroSD)cardhasbeeninsertedbeforeturningonthecamera.IfaT-Flashcardisnotinstalled,theyellowlightwillbeginflashing fast,and thecamerawillpoweroffautomatically after 15 seconds.

3. Making a Video RecordingTo Start Recording:Pressandholdthe“VIDEO/CAMERA”button

for3seconds.Theyellow indicator lightwill flashquickly three times, and will then go dark. It isnowrecordingvideo(itisinstealthmodesootherpeoplecan’t tell it is recording.Remember, it isaspycamera).

To Stop Recording:To stop recording, press-and-release the

“VIDEO/CAMERA”button.Theyellowindicatorlightwill flash briefly and then again become steadilyilluminated.

IMPORTANT! Before turning the unit off or restartingthevideocamera,pauseafewsecondstoallowthevideofiletobewrittentothememorycard. Turning on the video camera too soon will createincompletevideofiles.

The lens isnotdesignedforclose-upvideos.You’llneedatleast50cm(about20in)betweenthelensandthesubjectforproperfocusandtoallowsufficientillumination.

4. To Take Still PhotosTakingstillphotosiseasy.Whenthecamerais

poweredonandisin“standbymode”(indicatedbythesteadyyellow light), simplypress-and-releasethe“VIDEO/CAMERA”button.Theyellowindicatorlight will flashmultiple times, which represents aphotoshot.Arepeatedpresswillresult inanotherphoto taken.

5. Setting the Time StampNote:Thereisnowaytoturnoffthetime-stamp

onthevideothatweareawareof.(Thetimestampmay reset every time you plug the camera into your computer,somakesuretocheckitwhenyouarepreparingtolaunch.)

a.MakesuretheT/Fmemorycardisinsertedinto the keychain camera.


c.OpentheTAG.txtfilewithawordprocessingprogram. It is located in the root directory of the memorycard.ThisfileisgeneratedbythecameraonnewT-flashcards,soyoumayneedto takea

Insert the Micro SD card with the metal contacts facing upward.

Press and hold the “ON/OFF” button for 3seconds.The yellow indicator lightwill illuminate,indicatingthatthecameraisnowpoweredon,andisinstandbymode.

Page 3: User Manual - Apogee Rockets...spy camera). To Stop Recording: To stop recording, press-and-release the “VIDEO/CAMERA” button. The yellow indicator light will flashbrieflyand then

video or photowith the camera first before you’llseetheTAG.txtfile.


For example, October 23, 2013 at 12-noonwouldbe:


so that you can have enough time to get the camera turnedonandthenewtime-stamploaded.


g. Disconnect the camera from the computer and power it on. Take a short video. Put the camera backintostand-bymode,andthenturnitoff.


6. Turning Power offWhethecameraisinstandbymode,holdthe

“ON/OFF”button,untilindicatorgoesout.Thenthecamera is turned off.

7. Auto-power off functionThe 808 Keychain camera will save video



b.Whenavailablememoryspaceon theT/Fcardisinsufficient,theindicatorlightwillgoout,thevideofilewillbesaved,andthecamerawillpowerdown.

c.When in standby mode, without anyoperationfor45seconds,itwillbeauto-poweroff.

8. Connecting to your computerWhenthe808Keychaincameraisconnected

to your computer using the USB cord, yourcomputershouldrecognizeitjustlikeasimpleUSBmemorystick.Whileconnected toyourcomputer,the illumination light will be a steady or flashingyellowcolor(dependingonifitneedstocharge).

You should see several folders on the“removable drive.” The folder called “DCIM”contains the videos and the photos you have taken. Open the folder, and copy the files you wish toviewtoyourcomputer.Itisbettertocopythefilesbeforetryingtoplaythem,astheywillplaywithlesschoppiness.

Use your computer to delete the video filesfromtheT/Fcardtofreeupmemoryspacetotakemorevideos.Thecameracanalsobeusedasamemorydisktoholdandtransferfiles.

9. ResetWhen the camera doesn’t seem to work

properly, it needs to be reset. Use a stiff rod (apaper clipworkswell) to press theReset button.TheResetbuttonisintheholeplacedbetweentheUSBportandTFcardslot.

10. Mounting OptionsYoucanremovethekeyringfromthedevice

to save weight. Then use strong electrical tape or ducttapewrappedoverthe808keychaincamerato hold it onto your model rocket. Be sure not to coverupthetwooperationbuttonsnearthelensofthe device.

Open the TAG.txt file to change the time code on the camera.

Page 4: User Manual - Apogee Rockets...spy camera). To Stop Recording: To stop recording, press-and-release the “VIDEO/CAMERA” button. The yellow indicator light will flashbrieflyand then

Onsmallrockets,mountthecameraclosertothefrontoftherockettokeeptheCenter-of-Gravityforward of the Center-of-Pressure. On biggerrockets, you can move the camera rearward togetamoreunobstructedviewofthegroundduringlaunch.

11. Other Important InformationSuitable usage: Please follow all applicable

state laws. Do not use it illegally.Moisture Warning: Do not get the 808

keychain video camera wet or use it in high humidity conditions. It is not waterproof and will destroy the device.

Shooting illumination: The 808 Keychaincameraworks best in sunlight conditions.Do notaim the camera at the sun or other strong light sources,asthatwilldamagetheopticalsensorsinthe camera.

Cleaning requirements: Protect the camera and the lens from dust and dirt.

Disposal: Protect the environment, do notto throw the product in with household garbage.It shouldbedisposedof in amanner suitable forelectronic products.

Removing the T/F Card:toremovethecard,press inward on the edge of the card with your fingernail.Itisspring-loaded,andwillpopoutafteryou release the pressure.


Warranty InformationApogeeComponents isnot themanufacturer

of this product. It is made by some unknowncompany in China. We do not warranty 808Keychaincamerasother than itwillworkonyourbenchwhenyoureceive it (only ifyoupurchasedityourself,directlyfromApogeeComponents.).Ifyourcameradoesnotoperatewhenyoureceiveit,contact the vendor you purchase the camera from. Once the camera has been flown or driven on avehicle,thewarrantyisnolongerineffect.

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