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DOC0535 20 December 2018, 14:28 [email protected]

User Manual Rugged FTIR Spectrometer for Real-Time Process Analysis

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Table of Contents Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... 2

Contact Keit .............................................................................................................. 5

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6

1.1 Introduction to the IRmadillo ................................................................................... 6

1.2 Brief introduction to infrared spectroscopy .............................................................. 6

1.3 How FTIR spectrometers work ................................................................................ 7

1.4 What makes the IRmadillo different? ...................................................................... 7

2. System overview ................................................................................................ 8

2.1 System configuration .............................................................................................. 9

2.2 Controller ................................................................................................................ 9

2.3 Software ................................................................................................................. 9

3. Safety ................................................................................................................ 10

3.1 General safety ...................................................................................................... 10

3.2 Electrical safety ..................................................................................................... 10

3.3 Hazardous environment safety – Ex ..................................................................... 11

3.4 Pressure safety notes ........................................................................................... 12

3.5 Ventilation and location ......................................................................................... 12

4. Installation ........................................................................................................ 13

4.1 Spectrometer components .................................................................................... 13

4.1.1 Product label (A) ............................................................................................ 14

4.1.2 Probe purge outlet (B) .................................................................................... 14

4.1.3 Probe (C) ....................................................................................................... 14

4.1.4 ATR Element (D) ........................................................................................... 14

4.1.5 Breather (E) ................................................................................................... 14

4.1.6 Earthing point (F) ........................................................................................... 15

4.1.7 Probe purge inlet (G) ..................................................................................... 15

4.1.8 Spectrometer body purge inlet (H) ................................................................. 15

4.1.9 Communication port (I) .................................................................................. 15

4.1.10 Power cable port (J) ....................................................................................... 15

4.1.11 Mounting holes (K) ......................................................................................... 15

4.2 Electrical installation ............................................................................................. 16

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4.2.1 Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) ............................................................... 16

4.2.2 Ensuring a power connection to the spectrometer ......................................... 16

Table 1 – IRmadillo power specifications ..................................................................... 16

4.2.3 Connecting the power cable to the instrument ............................................... 16

4.3 Data communication connection ........................................................................... 18

4.3.1 Connecting the data communication cable to the spectrometer ..................... 18

4.3.2 Connecting the data communication cable to the controller ........................... 18

4.4 Purging the unit ..................................................................................................... 19

4.5 Stabilisation period................................................................................................ 20

5. Using the system and software ...................................................................... 21

5.1 Getting started ...................................................................................................... 21

5.1.1 Manual sample acquisition ............................................................................. 21

5.1.2 Continuous collection ..................................................................................... 21

5.1.3 Collect a background scan ............................................................................. 21

5.1.4 Manual sample acquisition ............................................................................. 23

5.1.5 Monitoring a reaction or process. ................................................................... 23

5.2 The Spectrometer tab ........................................................................................... 24

5.3 Manual sample acquisition .................................................................................... 30

5.4 Configure acquisition ............................................................................................ 34

5.5 Batch viewer ......................................................................................................... 36

5.6 Reaction Monitor ................................................................................................... 41

5.7 Modbus Communications ...................................................................................... 42

5.7.1 Holding registers ............................................................................................ 43

5.7.2 Representation of Data in Modbus ................................................................. 43

5.7.3 Modbus TCP server ....................................................................................... 44

5.8 OPC-UA ................................................................................................................ 45

5.9 Configure Chemometrics ...................................................................................... 47

5.10 Log viewer ............................................................................................................ 49

5.11 Offline viewer ........................................................................................................ 52

6. Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 53

6.1 Service and support contacts ................................................................................ 53

6.2 Preventative maintenance and service intervals ................................................... 53

6.3 Protecting and cleaning the dip probe ATR element ............................................. 53

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6.4 Cleaning prior to SIP ............................................................................................. 56

6.5 ATR and O-ring ..................................................................................................... 56

6.6 Cleaning the fibre optic data cable connectors ...................................................... 57

6.7 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 59

7. Accessories...................................................................................................... 61

7.1 Sample cell ........................................................................................................... 61

7.2 Flow cell ................................................................................................................ 62

7.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 62

7.2.2 Safety ............................................................................................................ 62

7.2.3 Specifications and safety limits (flow cell) ...................................................... 63

7.2.4 Installation ..................................................................................................... 64

7.2.5 Maintenance .................................................................................................. 67

7.2.6 Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 67

Appendix 1: Technical Specification Sheet (Model ASM0627, Ex-Certified IRmadillo) ................................................................................................................ 68

Appendix 2: Technical Specification Sheet (Model ASM0676, Non-Ex Certified IRmadilloSIP) .......................................................................................................... 69

Appendix 3: Controller Specifications ................................................................ 70

Appendix 4: Technical Drawings IRmadillo ........................................................ 73

Appendix 5 Declarations of Conformity ............................................................... 75

EU Declaration of Conformity - IRmadillo (Ex-Certified Spectrometer)............................. 75

EU Declaration of Conformity - IRmadilloSIP (Sterilise in Place Spectrometer) ............... 76

EU Declaration of Conformity - Controller ........................................................................ 77

EU Declaration of Conformity – Flow Cell ........................................................................ 78

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Contact Keit


Postal address: Keit Ltd. Unit 4, Zephyr Building Eighth Street, Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0RL United Kingdom

Telephone number: +44 (0) 1235 431260

Support email: [email protected]

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Page 6 Introduction: DOC0535 20 December 2018, 14:28 Back to Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the IRmadillo The IRmadillo is a solid-state mid-infrared process spectrometer designed to enable monitoring of either batch or continuous processes of liquids in a range of industries.

The IRmadillo has no moving parts and a rigid probe which is inserted directly into the reaction vessel or process pipeline for continuous real-time analysis. The device is tolerant of extreme vibration levels. The spectrometer can be combined with either multivariate analysis (i.e., chemometrics), or univariate analysis (i.e., peak height tracking) to act as a concentration meter. This allows for accurate monitoring of a process/reaction state in real time at the point of production.

1.2 Brief introduction to infrared spectroscopy Spectroscopy is the study of how molecules interact with light. There are many different types of spectroscopy spanning a wide range of light wavelengths (i.e., infrared, UV-visible, microwave, NMR using radiowaves, and X-ray spectroscopy).

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique that monitors chemicals by looking at the vibration of chemical bonds. Different molecular bonds – and therefore chemical components

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- can be identified at various parts of the infrared spectral range from near-infrared (NIR), to mid-infrared (MIR) and far-infrared. Of these, the mid-infrared region is the most information-rich area of the spectrum and therefore highly desirable for use in analysis.

1.3 How FTIR spectrometers work Fourier transform infrared spectrometers (FTIRs) use a computational process (Fourier transform) that interprets the information of an interference pattern (interferogram) in the mid-infrared region to generate a spectrum.

Conventional FTIR instruments use a Michelson interferometer which consists of a pair of moving mirrors, designed to split and recombine light into an interference pattern. However, the moving mirrors make the instrument highly sensitive to vibration, and therefore not suitable for direct use in industrial environments.

To work around this, some manufacturers have coupled conventional FTIR spectrometers with long fibre optic probes connected to the instrument which has been removed to a stable safe zone at some distance. Unfortunately, current fibre optic probe design is known to have a fragile nature and is prone to performance failure when bent, handled, or twisted; again making it difficult to achieve real-time process monitoring in a manufacturing environment.

1.4 What makes the IRmadillo different? The IRmadillo is an FTIR instrument in that it creates an interferogram and requires a Fourier transform to interpret the information for a spectrum. But rather than using a moving mirror to create the interferogram it uses a proprietary arrangement of fixed mirrors to create an interference pattern.

Unlike conventional FTIR spectrometers, the IRmadillo has no moving parts making it extremely resistant to vibration and therefore able to be used directly in the manufacturing environment. It can be fixed directly onto the side of a reaction vessel or pipe at the point of production rather than remotely located. This enables manufacturers to continuously monitor their chemical reactions in real time with an inline analytical instrument. The IRmadillo is an innovation in process analytical technology that changes how manufacturers can monitor and control their processes.


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2. System overview

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2.1 System configuration The following communication protocols with the distributed control system (DCS) are currently supported:

• OPC-UA over Ethernet

• Modbus RTU over RS-485

• Modbus TCP over Ethernet

• Others: contact Keit Ltd.

Historical records of spectra and detailed instrument diagnostics are stored locally on the controller for preventative maintenance and fault finding.

The logfile is a record of registered events, configuration changes and errors.

The Data Link to the DCS allows only minor configuration changes. Significant changes can only be made by logging into the controller locally using a keyboard, visual display unit (VDU), and mouse.

2.2 Controller The controller is delivered with the spectrometer software pre-installed. The standard industrial controller allows direct connection of the system cables.

The controller is an industrial-grade computer which performs signal processing and provides spectra and chemometrics data to the DCS.

2.3 Software See Section 5 Using the system and software for full details. The controller uses the Microsoft Windows 10 IOT operating system. It comes pre-configured with the following software:

Keit Spectrometer This auto-runs on startup and is the default application. It allows viewing and saving of real-time data.

Project Viewer For viewing of previously recorded spectra and diagnostics information.

Log file viewer For viewing the log of user interaction with the system

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3. Safety The term “WARNING” is used to inform you about situations that could result in personal injury to yourself or other persons. The term “CAUTION” is used to inform you about situations that could result in damage to the spectrometer or other equipment.

3.1 General safety

WARNING The spectrometer weighs ~18 kg; take care when handling it to avoid injury

CAUTION Do not operate outside the specified range of environmental or analyte conditions specified on the product label

CAUTION The probe is NOT a carry handle. It will be damaged if used to support the instrument

CAUTION Do not open the spectrometer

3.2 Electrical safety

WARNING The primary electrical earth connection should be to the main enclosure via the M6 screw

WARNING The Keit supplied electrical mains cable must be earthed and should include a 5A fuse as well as a means of isolating both live and neutral; obey local electrical safety codes

WARNING Never disconnect the mains power connector when energised

CAUTION Residual current protection or ground fault interrupter devices are advised

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3.3 Hazardous environment safety – Ex

WARNING Do not open the spectrometer

WARNING Do not operate outside the range of environmental or analyte conditions specified on the product label

WARNING Dust particles must be excluded from the monitored media

WARNING The device contains safety-critical breathers; do not restrict air flow around it

WARNING The spectrometer’s Ex protection relies on the gas purge ports being either plugged or connected to a clean air line. Do not leave the ports open.

CAUTION Protect the spectrometer probe tip from impact and under no circumstances use the probe as a carry handle

The product was assessed against the following standards for hazardous environments: • IEC60079-0 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment General Requirements • IEC60079-1 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures • IEC60079-26 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment with EPL Ga

In addition, IEC60079-28 Explosive Atmospheres – Protection of equipment using optical radiation was considered but the equipment is not in the scope of this standard because (ref section 1, part 5) it has an enclosure that fully contains the optical radiation and provides IP6X protection in accordance with IEC60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code).

Furthermore, elements of IEC60079-31 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure have been applied to preclude optical absorbers from entering the probe.

In accordance with IEC60079-26, the rigid dip probe achieves EPL Ga and can be inserted into zone 0 environments while the main instrument achieves EPL Gb for use in zone 1. The user should be aware that creating an opening in a zone 0 environment may lead to the release of flammable gas and flame entrance. EPL Ga is achieved for the dip probe since it is an enclosure providing protection against dust ignition. The dip probe tube is made of Hastelloy C-276 or stainless steel 316L. The tip is made of an amorphous infrared (chalcogenide) glass and provides the interface to liquid analytes. The glass is sealed within the dip probe tube by means of a perfluoroelastomeric (FFKM) O-ring. Stainless steel, Hastelloy and FFKM are inert materials and not known to suffer corrosion in most environments.

CAUTION Infrared glass should not be used in chemicals with pH >9. If in doubt, consult Keit. Ltd.

The following Ex conditions apply: • The media to be monitored must be an area where dust particles are excluded • The dip probe must be mounted so that it is protected from impact

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3.4 Pressure safety notes Do not exceed the pressure or temperature limits stated on the product label as this could be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty. The ATR element and its O-ring form a pressure boundary. The ATR element is made from an infrared glass which is fragile. For safe operation it should show no signs of damage; Refer to Section 6 Maintenance for further details.

3.5 Ventilation and location The spectrometer is thermally stabilised and designed to operate in a variety of conditions and environments.


Purging the instrument with dry nitrogen or air is strongly recommended for optimum performance (Note: Maximum inlet gauge pressure of 1 Barg, with a flow rate between 0.5 Litre/min and 2 Litre/min). When using nitrogen, it is imperative to ensure adequate ventilation to prevent asphyxiation. The use of an oxygen sensor is recommended.

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4. Installation

4.1 Spectrometer components See Appendix 4: Technical Drawings IRmadillo for detailed drawings

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4.1.1 Product label (A) The product label specifies the model of instrument with permissible environmental and analyte operating conditions, along with applicable certification.

4.1.2 Probe purge outlet (B) Allows purge gas to escape the probe.

4.1.3 Probe (C) The probe is designed to be installed directly into a reaction vessel or pipe and is made of a non-corroding metal.

4.1.4 ATR Element (D) The ATR element at the end of the probe is made of an infrared glass that will be damaged by chemicals with pH >9. Contact [email protected] if in doubt.

The material of the ATR element is fragile. It is important to keep the element clean because this is where the spectrometer interacts with analytes. See page 53 Protecting and cleaning the dip probe ATR element for more information.

CAUTION: Do not expose the ATR element to alkaline (basic) solutions with pH > 9 as this will cause irreversible damage to the ATR and will invalidate the warranty.

4.1.5 Breather (E) Do not obstruct the breather.

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4.1.6 Earthing point (F) The spectrometer body has an M6 earth attachment point below the probe. This should be used in addition to earthing through the power supply cable.

WARNING Failure to properly earth the spectrometer may cause serious injury or death.

4.1.7 Probe purge inlet (G) The spectrometer has been fitted with two 4mm outside diameter (OD) purge inlet ports. One of these purges the probe. More detail on how to purge the instrument is given on page 19 Section “Purging the unit”.

4.1.8 Spectrometer body purge inlet (H) The spectrometer has been fitted with two 4mm outside diameter (OD) purge inlet ports. One of these purges the body. More detail on how to purge the instrument is given on page 19 Section “Purging the unit”.

4.1.9 Communication port (I) The connectors are specifically designed to work in hazardous zones and have IP65 rating. More detail on how to connect them to the cables is given on page 18 in section Data communication connection.

4.1.10 Power cable port (J) The connectors are specifically designed to work in hazardous zones and have IP65 rating. More detail on how to connect them to the cables is given on page 16 in section Electrical installation.

4.1.11 Mounting holes (K) The spectrometer should be supported using the four M8 mounting holes in its base. Note that the spectrometer weighs~18 kg.

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4.2 Electrical installation

NOTE: See Page 10 Section Electrical safety prior to attempting installation.

4.2.1 Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Ensure that a reliable power supply is available. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is strongly recommended. Contact [email protected] for further information.

4.2.2 Ensuring a power connection to the spectrometer

Unless otherwise specified, the power cable will be delivered blunt cut.

The spectrometer is designed to operate over a wide range of voltages shown below in Table 1. If you plan to operate the spectrometer outside of these ranges, contact Keit for advice before powering up the instrument.

Table 1 – IRmadillo power specifications

Parameters Value Units

AC input voltage 90-264 V

AC input frequency 47-60 Hz

Power consumption 100 (max) W

4.2.3 Connecting the power cable to the instrument

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WARNING: Always disconnect the power source first before connecting or disconnecting the power cable to the spectrometer. Never connect the power cable to the spectrometer when energised.

NOTE: Ensure the mains and data communication ports and cable connectors are dry prior to mating.

NOTE: Keep the dust caps on connectors and fibres when not in use. Never leave an exposed fibre connector.

a. Ensure the power cable is not live. Unscrew the cover on the spectrometer’s power connector (larger connector on the right-hand side) and on the mating power cable. Ensure the connectors and ports are dry.

b. The cable fits in one position only; there are 5 keyways that must line up. The largest keyway can be used to line them up. The connector will click into place when aligned.

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c. Fully tighten the fastening ring by turning clockwise.

d. To lock the connectors in place, tighten the grub screws indicated by the arrows in the image above.

e. Connect the power cable to the mains power supply

f. The spectrometer is now powered up and will start thermally stabilising.

4.3 Data communication connection

4.3.1 Connecting the data communication cable to the spectrometer a. Unscrew the cover on the spectrometer’s data communication port (the left-hand side

connector) and the mating data communication fibre cable.

b. The cable fits in one position only; There are 5 keyways that must line up. The largest keyway can be used to line them up. The cable will click into place when properly aligned.

c. Fully rotate the fastening ring clockwise until the connection is secure.

4.3.2 Connecting the data communication cable to the controller a. Remove the dust cap from the data communication cable.

b. Carefully match up the data communication cable with the corresponding port on the back of the controller.

c. Tighten the locking nut. This will make a secure connection.

d. Check that the green and orange lights on the controller are present (see image below).

e. If the lights are not visible consult the troubleshooting guide, page 59, Section 6.7 Troubleshooting.

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NOTE: Protect the data communication fibre from stress and tight bends (< 30mm bend radius not allowed!). Tight bends cause a stress at the glass surface and increase the probability of fracture

4.4 Purging the unit The IRmadillo spectrometer is designed to be continuously purged. This eliminates any interference in operation caused by water vapour and carbon dioxide within the instrument; both interact strongly with infrared (IR) light.

Suitable purge gases:

• Dry, oil-free (compressed) air • Dry nitrogen

CAUTION: Ensure purge gas is free of oil, grease and particulates. Impurities may cause damage.

NOTE: All FTIR instruments are very sensitive to water vapour and carbon dioxide. Even in well-controlled environments, e.g. laboratories, environmental changes can be large enough to cause significant changes in the spectrum. It is STRONGLY recommended to purge the instrument at all times.

To purge the instrument:

a. Connect a 4mm diameter gas hose to the probe purge inlet port. NB Do not confuse the inlet with the OUTLET which is on the opposite side of the probe.

b. Connect a 4mm diameter gas hose to the body purge inlet port on the instrument.

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c. Ensure both gas tubes are connected to a suitable gas supply.

d. Adjust the total flow to 0.5 to 2 L per minute, with a maximum gauge pressure of 1 Barg.

e. Do not turn off the flow during normal operation

4.5 Stabilisation period The IRmadillo requires a stabilisation period of >12 hours once powered on and purged. This is to allow the internal components to reach a stable temperature and humidity. Once fully dried out the instrument is very robust against changes in ambient conditions, provided a purge gas supply is maintained.

If you have any questions on the installation, please contact [email protected].

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5. Using the system and software Software version 3.5.3

5.1 Getting started The Keit Spectrometer Software uses the concept of projects to store spectral data. Two types of project are available: (1) Manual Sample Acquisition and (2) Continuous Collection.

5.1.1 Manual sample acquisition

This is an operation mode that allows you to collect individual samples, either for bench analysis or as part of chemometric model-building. Each spectral acquisition is started manually by the user and stored with a manually entered name.

5.1.2 Continuous collection

In this operation mode, the software collects spectral data in ‘Batches’. Each batch may be started manually (or automatically) with a pre-defined name. The spectra that are collected are automatically stored in a database for recall and analysis. In this mode, chemometric analysis may be applied to the recorded data, and the outputs of these may be communicated to a plant control system or DCS over Modbus or OPC-UA.

5.1.3 Collect a background scan

FTIR requires the collection of a background spectrum (also called a reference or baseline scan) before any absorption scans can be performed. This must be performed before the probe is inserted into the reaction/process of interest. The process for collecting a reference scan is as follows:

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a. Ensure the spectrometer has been fully purged and allowed to warm up during this time. We recommend leaving the instrument connected to power and purge gas for a minimum of 12 hr before collecting a background scan.

b. Remove the dust cap or sample cell from the probe and ensure that the ATR element is clean, dry and with no obvious traces of contamination. If it is not clean you will need to clean and dry the ATR element first.

c. Choose the time for the reference. To minimise noise in the subsequent spectra, we recommend a scan duration of at least 1800 s (30 min), with an optimum background scan time of 3600 s (1 hr).

d. Click on the Background Scan button and choose Collect Background.

While the software is collecting a background scan, the Background Scan button will turn green:

And the status bar will contain text “Collecting Background”.

You will not be able to change the view or start any other processes while reference collection is underway.

NOTE: It is important to wait for the purging and warming up to be completed before collecting the background scan. Do not run the reference scan while waiting for warm up and purge because the environment inside the spectrometer will change during the purge, and the results will be inaccurate.

NOTE: Because all subsequent scans will use the reference scan to calculate the absorbance, it is very important to scan for as long as possible to optimise performance. The IRmadillo does not need frequent new background scans to be collected, so it worth investing time in a high quality background scan at the beginning of use.

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5.1.4 Manual sample acquisition

If you wish to build up a library of only a few scans (for example to build a chemometric or univariate model), then manually saving and naming each scan into the database is the most effective method. Create a new (or open an existing) Manual Sample Acquisition project.

Next click on the Sample Acquisition tab, which will give you the view shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sample Acquisition tab

a. Insert the probe into the sample to be analysed (or fix the sample cell or flow cell as per their instructions), ensuring that the ATR element is fully immersed.

b. Enter a meaningful name into the Sample Name box, and check that the Time to scan and Samples boxes are appropriate for your measurement requirements. We recommend 120 s per sample and running each sample in triplicate, so chose 3.

c. Press the “Collect Sample (F1)” button (or press F1) and wait for the sample collection to complete – you should see a progress bar in the status bar at the bottom of the application window. Once the measurement has been collected, a new row will appear in the Data Panel which gives some information about sample(s) that you have just collected.

d. You can now remove the probe from the sample, thoroughly clean the probe and ATR element, then insert the probe into the next sample and start the next collection.

5.1.5 Monitoring a reaction or process.

The IRmadillo is designed for reaction and process monitoring. The Keit Spectrometer Software saves data directly to a database as spectra are generated. This means you can perform some interpretation during use with a chemometric model generated with various external packages, as well as exporting the data into text files for further analysis.

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a. Ensure that you have collected a background scan.

b. Insert the probe into the reaction vessel, pipework, or sample to be analysed, ensuring that the ATR element is fully immersed and that no bubbles or air voids are trapped when you fill the equipment with analyte.

c. Create a new (or open an existing) Continuous Collection project and click on the Configure Acquisition tab. Use the controls in this tab to adjust the settings so that the instrument provides information that’s appropriate for your application.

d. Refer to the descriptions of the various features and functions for further information on how to configure the instrument.

e. When you are ready to begin analysing a batch, click the New Batch button.

f. Settings and data will be automatically saved to the project, there is no save button and any configuration changes that you make will be recorded in the project.

5.2 The Spectrometer tab When you start the Keit Spectrometer Software you will see the Spectrometer screen which provides information to help you set up the instrument and ensure that it is working properly.

After starting the software wait a few seconds for the spectrometer to connect and for the internal electronics to activate and the emitter to warm up. Diagnostics information is shown in the panel at the right-hand side, and at the right-hand side of the tab bar.

Figure 2: The Spectrometer tab

1 2

3 4






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1. Menu control buttons

New Project:

Create a new project (either Manual Sample Acquisition or Continuous Collection)

Open Project…

Open a project from disk. If you have multiple projects with their own background scans, you will be asked which background scan you wish to use.

If you choose to use the As Saved background, it will replace whatever you have loaded.

Save Copy of Project

Saves a copy of the current project. This is the safest way to duplicate a project; copying via your file browser may not copy your most recent data.

Reload last project (and background) on startup

Selecting this will turn on (or off) loading of the previous project when the software is started. This is useful when the instrument is configured to operate without a directly-connected monitor/keyboard so that the software can begin collecting data immediately after the hardware starts.

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Context help will appear in a floating window to display information about the control or display that the mouse pointer is currently hovering over. Use this feature to discover more information about the controls on the software interface.

Spectrometer Action

Additional actions to be performed

Reset Spectrometer

You may reset the spectrometer in the case that it appears to stop responding.

Reenable Sagnac TEC

If the specified operating temperature range of the instrument is exceeded, the thermal stabilisation will shut down to protect the thermoelectric cooler (TEC). In this case, an error will be flagged in the Data Integrity Errors panel. The TEC must be reenabled by using this control.

Import Settings from File, Export Diagnostics Configuration to File and Export Full Settings to File

These functions allow Keit to diagnose and resolve issues that may arise with the spectrometer, and to carry out upgrades in the future.

Show Debug Info

Displays additional information in the main interface (i.e. return spectrum number, and FFT processing time) which may be useful when diagnosing performance issues.

2. Tab Bar

Once you configure the software for the operating mode that you wish to use, additional tabs will appear to display information relevant to the configuration.

3. Operating Mode

The spectrometer has three operating modes:

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Normal Running Mode

This is the standard mode in which you will collect data. A spectrum is returned every ten seconds.

Cleaning Mode

You may wish to view the spectrum of the probe while cleaning to ensure the ATR element is clean. The best way to do this is to put the spectrometer in Cleaning Mode, which displays a new spectrum every two seconds (but does not allow the spectra to be processed or saved). When the spectrometer is in Cleaning Mode, the Cleaning Mode window appears and the rest of the software is frozen. To return to Normal Running Mode, either click Dismiss or close the Cleaning Mode window.

Standby (Emitter OFF)

The infrared light source in the spectrometer must be switched off during sterilisation (SIP) cycles to prevent it overheating and changing its spectral characteristics. This control is also available over the various automation interfaces (ModBus, OPC-UA). Ensure that your sterilisation cycle does not exceed the temperature rating of your probe.

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4. Background scan

FTIR requires the collection of a background spectrum (also called a reference or baseline scan) before any absorption scans can be performed. This must be performed before the probe is inserted into the reaction/process of interest.

Collect New Background

Collects a new background reference spectrum for the duration that is specified in the Time to collect box.

Import Background from other Project File

Loads the background reference spectrum from another project file and saves it in the current project marked as ‘Reference’.

Export Background to KeitData file

Allows you to save the background reference spectrum separately to the project file for occasions when you’d like to be able to load it independently from the project data.

Export Background to Text file

Allows you to save the background reference spectrum in a human-readable format for occasions when you’d like to carry out calculations using it.

Import Background from KeitData file

Allows you to load the background reference spectrum from a separate file into the current project.

5. Spectrum Display

This panel shows a live display of the current raw spectrum, the current absorption spectrum, and the currently loaded background reference spectrum. You can use the controls at the top-left corner to zoom in on a particular spectral region.

6. Data Integrity

The spectrometer continuously carries out internal diagnostics checks to ensure that the measurements that are being collected can be trusted. Any conditions that could result in the measurements being compromised are indicated in this panel.

One common error is that the instrument is still warming up. Refer to the Troubleshooting section of your user manual for more information and advice on how to interpret the data integrity errors.

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7. Health Statistics

Selected spectrometer diagnostics may be plotted over the past 15 minutes to allow the instrument performance to be checked and any errors or warnings to be diagnosed. Select a Spectrometer Health parameter from the list at the right-hand side (8) to plot its history.

8. Spectrometer Health

Relevant metrics on the spectrometer performance are displayed in this table. Selecting a row in this table will cause the recent history of this metric to be plotted in the panel to the left (7).

9. Measurement status bar

Information about the instrument will appear in this bar. This includes whether a background spectrum has been loaded and whether the spectrometer is currently scanning.

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5.3 Manual sample acquisition Creating a new Manual Sample Acquisition project or opening a previously-stored one will cause the Sample Acquisition tab to appear in the tab bar. This project type will allow you to collect individual spectra.

1. Sample name

Each sample that you collect can be named for later identification.

2. Time to scan

Use this box to specify the sampling duration for each spectrum. A typical spectral acquisition is 120 s.

3. Samples

If you wish to make several measurements of a single sample, specify the number in the Samples box. The instrument will make successive scans of the same sample.

4. Collect Sample

Click this button to begin sampling. As each measurement is collected, the Samples box will automatically decrease to show the number that remain to be collected. Samples are automatically saved to the current project – there is no separate ‘Save’ action.

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5. Data panel

After each sample has been collected, information about it will appear in this panel. Each line refers to a different measurement. To display the absorption spectrum for that sample in the spectrum panel (8), click on it. Multiple spectra may be selected by Ctrl-clicking with the mouse.

6. Configure Chemometrics

The Keit Spec application contains analysis engines that can use chemometric models generated by a number of software vendors. When a model is configured, a summary of the results output is visible in this panel.

This button opens a floating window to allow the chemometric model(s) to be configured and adjusted. When the model is loaded or changed, the software will reprocess the whole of the current batch against it. This may take a few minutes for a large batch or complex model.

Refer to the section on Chemometrics for further information about the chemometric models.

7. Export and More

Sample data may be exported to a text file for use with analytical software (such as chemometric model-building software). Choose to either export spectra of all samples shown in the data panel (5), or export spectra of selected samples. Export samples list will export the data shown in the data panel (5), including chemometric data, but does not export any spectra. You may select multiple samples by Ctrl-clicking on them in the data panel (5).

Delete all selected Samples

Deletes every spectrum that is selected in the data panel. You may select multiple samples by Ctrl-clicking on them in the data panel (5).

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Show Sample Frame Info

Opens a floating window that displays diagnostic information about the spectrometer for that Sample measurement. This is useful when diagnosing issues with your measurements.

Show Sample Frame Info (Full)

Opens a floating window that displays extensive diagnostic information about the spectrometer for that Sample measurement.

8. Spectrum panel

The spectrum of the currently-selected Sample(s) in the data panel (5) is displayed in this panel. Several spectra may be overlaid by selecting multiple samples in the data panel by Ctrl-clicking on multiple rows.

9. Graph panel display

Use this button to display a contextual menu to allow the plot display to be adjusted. This menu can also be found by right-clicking on the plot.

Display Type

The spectrum panel can display the current sample as either an Absorption, Transmission or Raw spectrum (also known as single beam), depending on which is more useful to you.

Autoscale X/Y

The X and Y ranges of the plot are scaled to show the whole spectrum. If you wish to concentrate on a smaller range, unchecking these options will prevent the plot rescaling each time a new sample is displayed.

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Allows the data that is currently displayed in the spectrum panel (7) to be exported to a range of different file types, including copying it directly to the Windows clipboard, an Excel spreadsheet (requires a working copy of Microsoft Excel ® to be installed), or as an image.

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5.4 Configure acquisition

1. Chemometrics Panel

The Keit Spec application contains analysis engines that can use chemometric models generated by a number of software vendors. When a model is configured, a summary of the results output is visible in this panel.

Configure Chemometrics

This button opens a floating window to allow the chemometric model(s) to be configured and adjusted. When the model is loaded or changed, the software will reprocess the whole of the current batch against it. This may take a few minutes for a large batch or complex model.

Refer to the section on Chemometrics for further information about the chemometric models.

2. Record Batch (in project file)

In a continuous collection project, data may be collected in batches. Each project must contain at least one batch. Use the controls in this panel to control how the batches are collected.

New Batch

Click this button to begin collecting a new batch. The software will prompt for the batch name or identifier and then begin collecting spectra based on the settings in the Record data panel.


If your project contains a batch that has already been started and then paused, clicking the ‘Resume’ button will restart the collection without prompting for a new batch name.


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End Batch

Stops recording the current batch. You can resume collection with the Resume button, or start a new batch.

Scan Averaging Duration

The spectrometer returns spectra every 10 seconds by default. It is highly recommended to change this number to 120 s for most processes.

Limit Batch History

If your process runs for a particularly long time you may wish to only keep a portion of the historical data. Enabling this box allows you to chose how long to retain information before (the default is 7 days). Data older than the specified time will be deleted from the local hard drive. This option is more useful for continuous processes than batch processes.

Automatically Resume on startup

Checking this box will ensure that the instrument resumes saving data when the software starts up.

Enable Batch Viewer

The Batch Viewer displays real-time and historical information about the various batches that you have recorded in the current project.

3. Data Communication Methods

Additional functions and features may be turned on as appropriate for your process monitoring application. Turning on each of these options adds a new tab to the tab bar. Information about these features can be found in the documentation for that tab.

Modbus Slave

The instrument can communicate with a plant control system using Modbus RTU. Turn this feature on to enable control over Modbus RTU.

Modbus TCP Server

The instrument can communicate with a plant control system using Modbus TCP over Ethernet. Turn this feature on to enable control over Modbus TCP.

OPC-UA Server

The instrument can communicate with a plant control system using OPC-UA (subject to purchase of a separate OPC server license). Turn this feature on to enable control over OPC-UA.

4. Publishing Rate

This controls how quickly results are published via OPC or Modbus.

Every Frame

This publishes every spectrum that the spectrometer returns (one every 10 seconds).

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Scan Averaged

This publishes the averaged spectra that are stored to the Project File.

5. Enable Recovery Reboot

The software can recover from communications issues (e.g. if the hardware link needs to be reset). The system will attempt to reset the communications link between the head-end computer and spectrometer if it should become corrupt. If this does not resolve communications issues, the software will restart the computer if this box is checked. The computer will automatically log the user back in and restart the spectrometer control software.

6. Reaction Monitor

Displays real-time information about recent spectra. Control limits can be applied to various spectroscopic values, and alarms asserted when the process deviates beyond the limits.

5.5 Batch viewer

1. Batch panel

This panel contains a list of the batches that have been stored in the current project. Select a batch to display its history in the Trends panel (5) and relevant spectra in the spectrum panel (3).

2. Spectrum additional actions

Use this button to display a contextual menu to allow the plot display to be adjusted. This menu can also be found by right-clicking on the plot.



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Display Type

The spectrum panel can display the current sample as either an Absorption, Transmission or Raw spectrum, depending on which is more useful to you.

Autoscale X/Y

The X and Y ranges of the plot are scaled to show the whole spectrum. If you wish to concentrate on a smaller range, unchecking these options will prevent the plot rescaling each time a new sample is displayed.


Allows the data that is currently displayed in the spectrum panel to be exported to a range of different file types, including copying it directly to the Windows clipboard, an Excel spreadsheet (requires a working copy of Microsoft Excel ® to be installed), or as an image.

3. Spectrum plot

This panel shows the current live spectrum in the batch, and the spectrum under the mouse pointer in the Trends panel (5). If the batch that is selected is not being updated (i.e. another batch is currently being recorded to), the display will show the most recent spectrum in the batch in addition to the spectrum under the mouse pointer.

Use the display tools to adjust the display to zoom in on specific regions and move the plot view around.

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4. Export and Info

Export Metrics to TXT file

The current chemometric model outputs may be exported to a text file for analysis or presentation with other software. You may choose to export only the data that is currently displayed in the Trends panel (as Viewed) or all the data in the batch.

Export Spectra to TXT file

The spectra in the current batch may be exported to a text file for analysis or presentation with other software. You may choose to export only the data that is currently displayed in the Trends panel (as Viewed), all the data in the batch, or only spectra that have been marked. See the Trends panel (5) for information about marking spectra.

For each spectrum, diagnostics information is available to assess the instrument or calculation performance.

Show Frame Info

Opens a floating window that displays diagnostic information about the spectrometer for that Sample measurement.

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Show Frame Info (Full)

Opens a floating window that displays extensive diagnostic information about the spectrometer for that Sample measurement.

Show Chemometrics Info

Displays the model output from the current set of calculation parameters for the currently displayed point on the trends panel (5).

Show Spectrometer Settings

Displays a floating window with information about the spectrometer, including software version numbers and serial numbers.

5. Trends Panel

Recent history of the chemometric model output appears in the Trends panel. The rolling output for each of the species/parameters is displayed with the quantity (Y) displayed on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Hovering the mouse over the panel will cause the spectrum related to that point in time to be displayed in the Spectrum panel (3).

Right-clicking on the Trends panel, or clicking on the context menu button ( ) at the top left causes a contextual menu to appear.

Time Axis

The time axis can display local time, or the time since the selected batch was started.

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Set Marker Here

Individual spectra can be marked to allow the trends and analysis to be correlated with other external events (e.g. the addition of new reactants to the process, or the adjustment of some parameters). Hover the mouse over the spectrum/time period that you want to mark, and then right-click and choose Set Marker Here. Enter an appropriate name into the dialog that appears and click OK.


Export allows the data that is currently displayed in the spectrum panel to be exported to a range of different file types, including copying it directly to the Windows clipboard, an Excel spreadsheet (requires a working copy of Microsoft Excel ® to be installed), or as an image.

Export Metrics to TXT file

The current chemometric model outputs may be exported to a text file for analysis or presentation with other software. You may choose to export only the data that is currently displayed in the Trends panel (as Viewed) or all the data in the batch.

Export Spectra to TXT file

The spectra in the current batch may be exported to a text file for analysis or presentation with other software. You may choose to export only the data that is currently displayed in the Trends panel (as Viewed), all the data in the batch, or only spectra that have been marked. See the Trends panel (5) for information about marking spectra.

Time Periods

The time period over which data are displayed may be adjusted as appropriate for the current batch measurement.

6. Autoscale Range

By default, the Trends panel shows all the data in the current batch.

Off holds the current view range unchanged as data is updated.

Autoscale (Default) shows the whole batch data.

Leading shows the most recently collected data, with history defined by the range set on the context menu (right-click on the plot).

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5.6 Reaction Monitor Reaction monitor displays simple control charts of the parameters in your current chemometric model. This allows visualisation of when a process or parameter strays outside its specified limits.

1. Metrics Panel

The currently available metrics are displayed in a table. Select one to highlight its plot in the display panel (4) and its alarms in the alarm settings panel (2).

2. Alarm settings panel

Alarms may be defined to highlight when a process has deviated from its expected range. Select the metric that you want to set an alarm against in the Metrics panel (1) and turn the Alarm on with the toggle. Set the target value to the absolute value that is expected, and then set the limits based on a percentage of the target value.

The alarm is indicated in the ALARM column in the Metrics panel.

3. Chart Display Settings

Chart History Length (sec)

Adjusts the history duration on the monitoring plots.


When the checkbox is checked, the measurements are averaged to smooth out noise and displayed in the plots in the display panel (4). The Averaging (sec) box adjusts the amount of averaging applied.





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4. Display panel

The various parameters that are being monitored are displayed in this panel with the various control limits shown (if specified), based on the alarm settings for each parameter.

5.7 Modbus Communications The instrument can communicate over Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP/IP with a plant’s distributed control system (DCS). Both of these Modbus interfaces are very similar, so the Modbus RTU is described fully first before introducing Modbus TCP/IP.

To enable either of the Modbus interfaces they must be enabled on the Configure Acquisition tab. This example shows the Modbus Slave enabled for an RS-485 serial port.

This tab allows the communication to be set up, and communications to be debugged during system programming.

1. Communication settings

Configure the communications port to match your plant control system settings.

2. Enable Slave

Once the settings are configured, enable the Modbus Slave to begin communicating with the plant control system/Modbus master.

3. Register List

The Modbus registers that are available from the IRmadillo are shown in this panel, along with their addresses. Clicking on a register will cause a description of its contents and its data to be displayed in the box below (5). Note that:

Input registers are used to read data from the spectrometer

Holding registers are used to write commands to the spectrometer.






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For example, to read the output from chemometric models over Modbus you will need to read data from these input registers:

1000 – Number of Metrics. Each metric is an output from the chemometric model.

9000 – Values for each Metric. In the screengrab the number of metrics is 6. Each metric requires two 16-bit registers to represent a floating point number so the metrics array is 12 registers long.

4. Input Register Contents

The input register that is selected in the Register list (4) is summarised in this panel, along with its contents. This display updates as the value in the register changes.

5. Command Debug

The last Modbus command that was received, along with the response that the instrument returned are shown in the boxes. Use the Hold Display button to freeze the display if the values change too rapidly to read. The number of messages processed, and the errors received are also shown to assist in debugging a connection to a plant control system.

5.7.1 Holding registers It is possible to send commands from your Modbus master to the spectrometer. The commands are shown in blue in the register list and described in detail in the register contents below it. There are four accepted Spectrometer Actions associated with holding register 108, Spectrometer Action. These are described in the table below.

Value Name Notes

1 Reenable Sagnac TEC Resets the TEC (thermo-electric cooler) inside the spectrometer. Note that it may take several hours for the spectrometer to stabilise.

2 Reset Spectrometer Performs a hard reset of the spectrometer. Note that it may take several hours for the spectrometer to stabilise.

3 Collect Background Scan Collects a new background scan.

4 Test Dialog Pops up a dialogue box in Keit Spec. Can be used to test the communication.

5.7.2 Representation of Data in Modbus

Modbus uses different methods to represent data of different types. These are described in the table below.

Data Type Size (Registers) Description Float 2 IEEE 32-bit float in 2 Registers, Low Address=Most Significant


Boolean 1 U16, False=0, True=1 (or higher) U16 1 Unsigned 16 bit integer

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Data Type Size (Registers) Description U32 2 32-bit unsigned integer in 2 Registers, Low Address=Most

Significant U16 Array of Float

2*N N * IEEE 32-bit float in 2 Registers each

2D Array of Float

2*N*M N*M array, N sets of M numbers

5.7.3 Modbus TCP server The instrument can also communicate over Ethernet using Modbus TCP. To enable this functionality turn on the Modbus TCP Server on the Configure Acquisition tab as described earlier.

1. Communication settings

Configure the server’s port number as required to match your plant control system settings.

2. Enable Server

Once the settings are configured, enable the Modbus Server to begin communicating with the plant control system/Modbus client.

3. Command Debug

The last Modbus command that was received, along with the response that the instrument returned are shown in the boxes. Use the Hold Display button to freeze the display if the values change too rapidly to read. The number of messages processed, and the errors received are also shown to assist in debugging a connection to a plant control system.




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5.8 OPC-UA The instrument can communicate over OPC-UA with a plant control system, subject to the purchase of an additional software license for the OPC server. This tab allows the communication to be set up and communications to be debugged.

1. Communication settings

Configure the communications port to match your plant control system settings.

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2. Enable Slave

Once the settings are configured, enable the OPC-UA server to begin communicating with the plant control system.

3. Autoconnect on startup

When this box is checked, the instrument will automatically start the OPC-UA server when the software is started.

4. Command Debug

The last OPC command that was received is displayed in this box to assist in debugging connection to the plant control system.

It is possible to send commands from your OPC client to the spectrometer. The accepted commands are:

Instruction written to “Command”


Collect Background Scan Collects a new background scan.

Zero Background Scan Zeros the background, so the server is returning raw spectra.

Reset Spectrometer Performs a hard reset of the spectrometer. Note that it may take several hours for the spectrometer to stabilise.

Reenable Sagnac TEC Resets the TEC (thermo-electric cooler) inside the spectrometer. Note that it may take several hours for the spectrometer to stabilise.

Test Dialog Opens a dialogue box in Keit Spec. Can be used to test the communication.

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5.9 Configure Chemometrics

1. Add model button

New chemometric models may be added with the Add model button. Keit Spec supports Camo Unscrambler, Eigenvector Solo or PLS Toolbox , and Univariate models. Camo Unscrambler is supported by incorporating the Unscrambler X Engine version 10.4.1.

The Camo or Eigenvector tools are required to build models that can then be imported to the Keit software. Export the model file from your analysis software, and then load it into the Keit software. The data stored in the current batch or project will be re-analysed against the model and the results presented in the Trends panel of the Batch viewer tab. If you are using Modbus or OPC-UA to connect to a plant’s distributed control system, the results of the models will be available over those interfaces for the current live spectrum. No scaling is applied to the results since they are represented as floating point numbers over Modbus and OPC.

Univariate models are based on integrating the area under the spectral curve between two wavenumbers and are useful as a method to monitor simple reactions and spectra.




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Enter the wavenumber range that is appropriate for your spectrum into the Min and Max boxes and click OK.

2. Current Models Panel

The current chemometric models that are loaded are shown in the dialog box. Click on a row in the table to show the current statistics from that model in the Statistics panel.

3. Statistics Panel

The model statistics associated with the chemometric model that is selected in the Current Models panel are shown in this panel.

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5.10 Log viewer The Keit Spec application logs changes that are made to its configuration, various events and performance information about the spectrometer. Logs are also useful in case you need to contact Keit for service assistance. A log file is created for each month that the instrument is operating.

The log viewer software is installed on your computer when you install the main Keit Spec application. When you start the Log Viewer, it will prompt for you to choose the log file that you wish to view.

Choose the log file that you want to view, and the main application window will appear.

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1. Log Levels

There are a series of different log levels that are recorded. Use the drop-down to choose the most appropriate level of detail to the task that you want to perform.

Log Level Serious Standard Verbose Debug Instrument Errors X X X X Application events (starting/stopping)


Settings Changes X X Settings configuration errors, non-fatal errors and warnings.


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2. Filtering Options

The log file can be filtered to limit the display the entries that you are interested in. Free-text search is achieved by entering it into the LIKE box. This search uses SQL syntax, so the wildcard character is ‘%’.

This means that to search for ‘CRC’ anywhere in a log entry, you would enter ‘%CRC%’ into the LIKE box.

3. Log Entries

Each log entry is displayed in a new row in the table. Hover the mouse pointer over long fields to display information that overflows the space that you have available.

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5.11 Offline viewer Project files can be opened in the Keit Offline Viewer software. The software is installed alongside the Keit Spec application on your computer. When the software opens, choose the project file that you want to view. The interface that is displayed will depend on the type of project that you open and appears very similar to the relevant tab (either Manual Sample Acquisition or Batch Viewer) of the main application.

NOTE: If you wish to copy a project file to another location on your computer, ensure that the project is not open within the Keit Spec application since this may cause the data to be corrupted in the copy.

1. Open Project

Click this button to choose the project that you wish to open. The main panel (3) will change depending on whether the project that you choose is a Manual or Continuous one.

2. Chemometrics

This button opens the Chemometrics configuration floating window for use with Continuous Collection projects

3. Main Display Panel

This panel displays the information relative to the project. The panel will change to reflect either the Continuous Collection Batch Viewer tab or the Manual Sample Acquisition tab. Refer to the relevant section above for information about the controls within these panels.

2 1


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6. Maintenance

6.1 Service and support contacts


Postal address: Keit Ltd. Unit 4, Zephyr Building Eighth Street, Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0RL United Kingdom

Telephone number: +44 (0) 1235 431260

Support email: [email protected]

6.2 Preventative maintenance and service intervals It is recommended that a Keit engineer performs an annual service to carry out preventative maintenance and recalibration. The work performed will depend on your configuration and installation requirements.

Please contact Keit directly to arrange a service visit.

6.3 Protecting and cleaning the dip probe ATR element The ATR element is made of a fragile infrared glass and may scratch or chip if mistreated.

Cleanliness of the ATR is essential to good performance and should be carried out regularly, frequency depending on your application (if you are unsure of a suitable frequency, please contact Keit who can assist you in deciding on best practice).

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You may wish to switch the software into cleaning mode to aid with cleaning. This is outlined on page 27, Cleaning Mode

in Section 5.2 The Spectrometer tab. When using cleaning mode the spectra are updated quickly enabling you to see when all spectral features and peaks have disappeared from the spectrum. A clean spectrum is observed as a flat line displaying only noise features, centred at 0 absorbance values.

Cleaning instructions for IRmadillo fitted with INFRARED GLASS probe (IRmadillo, IRmadilloHT and IRmadilloSIP):

• Carefully retract the system from the vessel or pipe taking care not to chip or scratch the ATR.

• Rinse the ATR element with a suitable solvent. The choice of solvent will depend on your process. The following are suitable:

• Water • Acetone • Alcohols • Surfactant solutions (not alkali) • Alkanes (hexane, cyclohexane, etc.) • Ethers

• You may fully immerse the ATR in solvent if needed.

• Carefully wipe the ATR with a lint-free cloth (Keit recommends using Webril Handi-Pads [available from ThorLabs item number CP-100] and Solon Cotton Tipped Swabs [available from Edmund Optics item number 56-926]). It is important to use lint-free wipes to avoid risk of damage to the glass.

• The metal tube of the probe can also be cleaned by wiping with a cloth.

• For hard to remove fouling (such as biofilms or dried on chemicals) Keit recommends an oxidative acid clean. To perform this:

o First clean the ATR using the methods outline above

o Place the PTFE sample cell on the end of the probe and fill with 1 M nitric acid solution

o Leave to soak for 1 hr

o Carefully remove the acid using a pipette and fill the sample cell with water

o Remove the water using a pipette

o Remove the sample cell and rinse the ATR again with water

o Carefully wipe the ATR with a lint-free cloth (Keit recommends using Webril Handi-Pads [available from ThorLabs item number CP-100] and Solon Cotton Tipped Swabs [available from Edmund Optics item number 56-926]). It is important to use lint-free wipes to avoid risk of damage to the glass.

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• It may be necessary to repeat the cleaning steps again if the contaminant has only been partially removed.

CAUTION Under no circumstances should you attempt to clean the ATR with abrasive materials (such as a scouring pad), or alkaline materials (such as hydroxides). These will damage the ATR element and will invalidate the warranty.

Cleaning instructions for IRmadillo fitted with DIAMOND probes (IRmadilloDiamond) only:

• Retract the system from the vessel or pipe

• Rinse the ATR element with a suitable solvent. The choice of solvent will depend on your process. The following are suitable:

• Water • Acetone • Alcohols • Surfactant solutions (not alkali) • Alkanes (hexane, cyclohexane etc…) • Ethers

• You may fully immerse the ATR in solvent if needed.

• Carefully wipe the ATR with a cloth

• The metal tube of the probe can also be cleaned by wiping with a cloth.

• For hard to remove fouling (such as biofilms or dried on chemicals) Keit recommends an oxidative acid clean. To perform this:

o First clean the ATR using the methods outline above

o Place the PTFE sample cell on the end of the probe and fill with 1 M nitric acid solution

o Leave to soak for 1 hr

o Carefully remove the acid using a pipette and fill the sample cell with water

o Remove the water using a pipette

o Remove the sample cell and rinse the ATR again with water

o Carefully wipe the ATR with a cloth

• It may be necessary to repeat the cleaning steps again if the contaminant has only been partially removed.

CAUTION The alkali cleaning soak may only be used with the DIAMOND probe instruments and will damage the ATR element of any fitted with INFRARED GLASS. Soaking instruments with infrared glass in alkali will invalidate the warranty. If you are unsure which type of instrument you have, contact Keit.

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• In some cases it may be necessary to perform an alkali clean on the diamond probe:

o First clean the ATR using the methods outline above

o Place the PTFE sample cell on the end of the probe and fill with 1 M sodium hydroxide solution

o Leave to soak for 1 hr

o Carefully remove the alkali using a pipette and fill the sample cell with water

o Remove the water using a pipette

o Remove the sample cell and rinse the ATR again with water

o Carefully wipe the ATR with a cloth

• It may be necessary to repeat the cleaning steps again if the contaminant has only been partially removed.

6.4 Cleaning prior to SIP If you perform an SIP (sterilise in place) step as part of your process, it is important that you clean the probe using the steps outline above before performing SIP. This is especially important if you perform a dry SIP process.

CAUTION Failure to clean the probe before SIP may result in permanent damage to the ATR element and will invalidate the warranty.

6.5 ATR and O-ring The O-ring must be correctly seated and in good condition with no cracks, bulges or visible deterioration. An example of this is shown in the photo below.

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6.6 Cleaning the fibre optic data cable connectors Once installed and in normal operation there should be no need to clean the fibre optic connectors. If the instrument needs to be moved so the connectors have to be disconnected, it is recommended that the connectors are cleaned before use.

Cleaning kits are available from Keit. The kit includes:

A. A fibre cleaner for male connecters B. A fibre cleaning pen for female connecters C. Swabs (Q-tips) 1.25 mm and 6 mm head width.

NOTE: Keep the dust caps on connectors and fibres when not in use. Never leave an exposed fibre connector.

NOTE: Protect the fibre from stress and tight bends (< 30mm bend radius not allowed!). Tight bends cause a stress at the glass surface and increase the probability of fracture

a. To disconnect the connector from the back of the control unit, turn the locknut as shown below. Don’t force it. Forcibly turning any other part of the assembly may break the connector.

b. Using the cleaning pen, clean the female ports on the back of the instrument end of the fibre data communication cable by pressing the pen into the fibre receptacles until it clicks.

c. Disconnect the fibre cable from the spectrometer by undoing the grub screw and unscrewing the connector.

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d. Place the tip of the pen into one of the ports on the connecter and then press the pen outer shell towards the connecter. You will hear a “click” when the process is complete. Repeat this for the other port on the connecter.

e. Next, clean the male connector on the back of the spectrometer. Take a Q-tip or cotton bud and apply a small amount of isopropanol or methanol to the tip. Shake to remove excess solvent and allow to dry for ~ 10 s. Use the tip of the swab to clean one of the ports, then discard the Q-tip.. Repeat the process with a new Q-tip on the other port.

f. Finally, clean the connector at the controller. Take a Q-tip or cotton bud and apply a small amount of isopropanol or methanol to the tip. Shake to remove excess solvent and allow to dry for ~ 10 s. Use the tip of the swab to clean one of the ports, then discard the Q-tip. Repeat the process with a new Q-tip on the other port.

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g. Reconnect the connectors. Align the keyways and turn the locknut as shown until a distinct click is heard.

6.7 Troubleshooting If you encounter any issues either during installation or during use of the IRmadillo please contact Keit ([email protected]).

Issue Cause Potential Solution

Software cannot connect to spectrometer

No power to spectrometer Check mains power connection

Fibre optic link issue

Check integrity of the fibre optic link, remake the fibre optic connections or clean the fibre optic connectors

USB not connected to controller

Check USB connection between adapter and

controller. (Not a problem with the industrial controller)

Insensitive to analyte changes

Dust cap still in place Remove dust cap from ATR element

ATR element not in sample Ensure ATR element is properly immersed in

sample to be analysed

Noise in spectra that doesn’t disappear with longer sampling times

Background scan taken with insufficient averaging

Experiment with increased background scan acquisition


Negative peaks in spectrum

Background scan taken with a dirty probe

Clean ATR element and take a new background


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Issue Cause Potential Solution

Signal too noisy Insufficient averaging Experiment with increased averaging

Low / No signal Instrument warming up

Allow the instrument to warm up for several minutes

before checking raw spectrum. Recommended to allow 12 hr to fully warm up

before use.

Low / No signal Switch on from a very low or a high temperature

Allow to warm up for 12 hr before checking raw

spectrum. It will take time to stabilise the internal

temperature and you must wait for this to occur.

Low / No signal Thermal shutdown activated

operation outside of specification.

Contact Keit for advice on resetting the instrument

Appearance of unexplained features

(characteristically seen at 1600 – 1700 cm-1)

Water vapour present in instrument

Check that your purge gas specification is suitable and that your gas supply is free flowing with no blockages

Unrepeatable measurements

Damage to ATR element Contact Keit

Contamination of ATR element

See “Protecting and cleaning the dip probe ATR

element” above

Dip probe misaligned by inappropriate use Contact Keit

Analyte temperature changes

Some cross sensitivity is expected

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7. Accessories

7.1 Sample cell

Ensure the sample cell is clean and dry before use. Visually inspect the O-ring, and replace if worn, swollen or damaged.

Place the sample cell over the end of the probe and gently but firmly push it onto the probe (you may find it easier if you slightly twist the sample cell as you do so). The sample cell is properly installed when it cannot move any further onto the probe (you may hear a “click” as the end of the probe touches the cell – this is perfectly normal).

Fill the sample cell using a pipette (or similar), ensuring the ATR element is completely covered by the sample. The chamber has a volume of ~5ml (If you are using a volatile solvent it is recommended to fit the cap onto the fill port).

After collecting your spectra, empty the sample cell using a plastic Pasteur pipette. Remove as much of the sample as possible before removing the cell from the probe end. Once the sample cell is empty, pull it off of the probe, and thoroughly clean and dry both the ATR element and the sample cell before repeating any measurements.

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7.2 Flow cell

7.2.1 Introduction

The flow cell assembly contains a pressure vessel and has been designed to withstand the analyte conditions that are specified on your product label. For detailed drawings, see Appendix 4: Technical Drawings IRmadillo.

It is important to follow these instructions completely to ensure safe use of the flow cell.

7.2.2 Safety

WARNING The flow cell assembly contains a pressure vessel

WARNING Do not exceed the pressure / temperature ratings stated on the IRmadillo label

WARNING Visually inspect the assembly for signs of wear and tear before use

WARNING Ensure that the flow cell is depressurised before disassembly

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WARNING The flow cell parts will reach the same temperature as the analyte

WARNING Tighten all fasteners to the required torque using a calibrated torque wrench; do not overtighten

WARNING Fit protective devices to your analyte flow circuit to prevent pressure spikes that exceed the permissible values

CAUTION The flow cell has restricted passages so liquids with suspended particles may become blocked

CAUTION Ensure that the ¼” NPT fittings are attached prior to final assembly; this avoids any side loads on the IRmadillo spectrometer which may cause damage

Prevent load being applied to the instrument by the installation. Connections must not apply forces to the flow cell or the IRmadillo dip probe. Such loads increase the likelihood of leakage and could cause the spectral performance of the instrument to become inconsistent.

7.2.3 Specifications and safety limits (flow cell) Pressure: ..................................... refer to IRmadillo product label

Analyte Temperature: ................... refer to IRmadillo product label

Fasteners tightening torque: .......... 8.7Nm (Unless Noted Otherwise)

Body Material: .............................. Hastelloy C-276

Other Materials: ............................ Stainless Steel, PTFE, Phosphor Bronze.

O-ring seal: .................................. FFKM

Port Size: ..................................... 1/4" NPT

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7.2.4 Installation

Assemble the clamp collars, with tie rods fitted, around the dip probe cable gland nut and fit 4-off M6 x 20 A2-70 cap head screws finger tight only. Ensure that the collars are not exerting any radial load on the gland nut, that their faces are in contact with each other and that the enclosure breather beneath the dip probe gland is not fouled by the clamps. Tighten all four screws to 8.7Nm.

Fit the PTFE alignment plate to the flow cell with the tapered bore facing outwards and secure with 4-off M6 x 20 A2-70 cap head screws and tighten to 8.7Nm.

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Fit the flow cell over the tie rods and dip probe, positioning the connection ports to suit while ensuring that one port is uppermost to allow for bleeding of gas from the system (if needed). Take care to avoid damaging the ATR element on the tip of the dip probe.

Fit clamp plate to tie rods with 4-off M6 x 20 A2-70 cap head screws and tighten the screws to 8.7Nm.

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Ensure that the connection ports are still in the required orientation. Fit clamp screw and lock collar, with collar backed off fully, to central tapping in the clamp plate.

Tighten the clamp screw hand tight to seat the dip probe fully into the flow cell. Back off the clamp screw by half a turn and tighten the lock collar finger tight.

Fit a suitable plug or bleed valve to the uppermost port in the flow cell to provide for bleeding gas from the system.

Fill the flow cell and pipework with fluid from the process and ensure that the flow cell is completely bled of all gas by either opening the bleed valve, loosening the plug or by running the flow (depending on how the system has been configured).

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7.2.5 Maintenance

O-ring replacement The sealing O-ring in the flow cell is manufactured from FFKM, which is an elastomer with very high chemical resistance.

Inspect the O-ring regularly and replace if there is any suspicion that it may have been degraded; use plastic forceps to remove the O-ring. This is particularly important if the chemistry that you are flowing through the probe is known to cause swelling of the O-ring elastomer, or if the flow cell is often removed to facilitate cleaning.

Regularly Check Fastener Tightness using a calibrated torque wrench

7.2.6 Cleaning

The flow cell may be cleaned using standard laboratory cleaning practices as appropriate for your reaction. The entire flow cell assembly, including the O-ring and fasteners are also compatible with standard autoclave procedures.

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Appendix 1: Technical Specification Sheet (Model ASM0627, Ex-Certified IRmadillo)

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Appendix 2: Technical Specification Sheet (Model ASM0676, Non-Ex Certified IRmadilloSIP)

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Appendix 3: Controller Specifications

Operating System Configuration Embedded Computer. The controller is not a general-purpose PC and care should be taken if additional software is to be installed on it. Changes to the configuration this may affect the performance of the spectrometer.

User Accounts. There are two user accounts, one with system administrator privileges and a second ‘standard’ user. The standard user account starts automatically and is the default account for the Keit Spectrometer Application. The system administrator account is provided so that the end user can change the operating system configuration or install additional software if that is required.

Windows Updates. This is disabled by default. It is for the local administrator to choose when to update the operating system. A strategy will be required to manage updates particularly if the controller is networked.

Anti-virus. There is no anti-virus installed. The controller should only be connected to internal, protected networks. The end-user may install their own anti-virus as required.

BIOS configuration The BIOS is password protected and booting from USB is disabled by default.

Physical details

Parameter / Feature Description


The controller measures 280 x 85 x 192mm and is provided with optional mounting adaptors to fit a 2u 19” rack.

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Parameter / Feature Description

Operating Environment

The controller must be operated in a safe, non-explosive environment.

• Operating Temperature: 0° to 50°C

• Humidity: 5% to 90% at 25°C

Monitor Resolution The recommended monitor resolution is 1280 x 1045 pixels or higher.

Mains Power Requirement 90 to 264 Volts AC, 47 to 63Hz. Internal controller requirement is 20W and the internal power supply is rated to 60W.

Fibre Optic Link The data communications between the controller and the spectrometer are provided by a Duplex LC multimode fibre optic cable which is supplied by Keit.

Front panel

Indicator Label Function

HDD Hard Disk Active

PWR Power is Supplied

ICRON - PWR Blue LED turns on when power is supplied. Off when no power is supplied.

ICRON – Link Green LED Indicates a valid fibre optic link is established between the controller and the spectrometer.

ICRON – Host Green LED Indicates that the Fibre Optic link to the spectrometer is properly connected within the controller. The LED blinks when in suspend state.


Amber LED Indicates activity when data transmission is active between the controller and the spectrometer.

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Rear panel

Connections are provided for:

• Human-Machine Interface: 1x VGA, 1x HDMI, PS2 keyboard, PS2 Mouse, Mic-in & Line-out.

• USB:4 (2x USB3.0, 2x USB2.0),

• Networking: 2x Gigabit LAN/ Ethernet,

• Serial Data:3 x RS232/422/485 COM ports.

• Mains Power Input.

If required a blanking plate (shown fitted) is provided to prevent local user interaction. It covers 1x Ethernet, 4xUSB, 2xPS2 and HDMI.

Wiring Pin Out for COM Ports The COM ports are terminated in industry standard 9 Way Male D-sub Connector Plugs. The COM ports are configured in the BIOS by default to RS485, however RS232 and RS422 may also be made available if required.

Fibre Optic to Spectrometer

All dimensions in mm

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Appendix 4: Technical Drawings IRmadillo IRmadillo spectrometer (without sampling accessories)

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IRmadillo spectrometer with flow cell (non-Ex certified)

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Appendix 5 Declarations of Conformity

EU Declaration of Conformity - IRmadillo (Ex-Certified Spectrometer)

IRmadillo Ex-Certified

Object of the declaration: IRmadillo™ Spectrometer, model: ASM0627 Equipment Type: Mid Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer Manufacturer: Keit Ltd Address: Unit 4, Zephyr Building, 8th Street, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RL, United Kingdom.

This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer

This declaration relates to the IRmadillo FTIR spectrometer and related variations as described in the certificate, coded:

Group II Category 2G Ex db IIB+H2 T4 Ga/Gb

The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:

2014/34/EU ATEX Directive 2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/30/EU EMC Directive 2012/19/EU WEEE Directive 2011/65/EU ROHS Directive (except detector - exempt under Annex IV

The following standards and technical specifications were used to support this declaration:

Harmonised Standards:

EN 60079-0:2012 / A11:2013 EN 60079-1:2014 EN 60079-26:2015 EN 60079-28:2015 EN 60079-31:2014

Other Standards and Specifications used: EN 60529:1992 / A2:2013 EN 61010-1:2010 EN 61326-1:2013

Notified body SGS Baseefa (number 1180) performed EU-type examination in accordance with Annex III of the directive and issued the certificate: Baseefa17ATEX0037X

Notified body SGS Baseefa (number 1180) performed Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process in accordance with Annex IV of the directive and issued the QA Notification document: Baseefa ATEX 7369

Signed for and on behalf of Keit Ltd:

Place: Harwell

Function: CTO

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EU Declaration of Conformity - IRmadilloSIP (Sterilise in Place Spectrometer)

IRmadilloSIP (Sterilise in place)

Object of the declaration: IRmadilloSIP™ Spectrometer, model: ASM0676 Equipment Type: Mid Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer Manufacturer: Keit Ltd Address: Unit 4, Zephyr Building, 8th Street, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RL, United Kingdom.

This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

The object conforms to the following requirements:

• The EMC Directive 2014/30/EU • The Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU • The WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU • The RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) with the exception of one subcomponent, the detector,

which has an exemption under annex IV. • The Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU

The product is compliant with IEC EN 61010-1 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – general requirements. It also complies with IEC EN 61326-1 electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements. The Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 classifies the spectrometer as a pressure accessory. It has been designed and manufactured according to sound engineering practice. The product has also been verified to meet FCC CFR47: Part 15, subpart B: 2002 Unintentional Radiators.

The following standards and technical specifications were used to support this declaration:

Standards and Specifications used:

EN 60529:1992 / A2:2013

EN 61010-1:2010

EN 61326-1:2013

Signed for and on behalf

of Keit Ltd:

Place: Harwell

Function: CTO

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EU Declaration of Conformity - Controller


Object of the declaration: IRmadillo Spectrometers Controller, model: Impact-E2000. Equipment Type: Industrial Control Personal Computer (PC). Manufacturer: Keit Ltd Address: Unit 4, Zephyr Building, 8th Street, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RL, United Kingdom.

This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

The object conforms to the following requirements:

• The EMC Directive 2014/30/EU • The Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU • The WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU • The RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU)

The product has also been verified to meet FCC CFR47: Part 15, subpart B: 2002 Unintentional Radiators.

The following standards and technical specifications were used to support this declaration:

Standards and Specifications used:

BS EN 60950-1:2006+A2:2013

BS EN 55032:2013, Class A

BS EN 55024:2010

Signed for and on behalf

of Keit Ltd:

Place: Harwell

Function: CTO

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EU Declaration of Conformity – Flow Cell

Accessory: Flow Cell

Object of the declaration: Flow Cell, model: ASM0992

Equipment Type: Flow cell accessory for use with IRmadillo spectrometers

Manufacturer: Keit Ltd

Address: Unit 4, Zephyr Building, 8th Street, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RL, United Kingdom.

This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

The object conforms to the following requirements:

• 2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment Directive

According to the UK's Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 the flow cell is a pressure accessory. It has been designed and manufactured according to sound engineering practice.

The following standards and technical specifications were used to support this declaration:

Standards and Specifications used: The Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016

Signed for and on behalf

of Keit Ltd:

Place: Harwell

Function: CTO

Page 79: User Manual · 2018-12-20 · DOC0535 20 December 2018, 14:28 . User Manual Rugged FTIR Spectrometer for Real-Time Process Analysis







8 (w


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.5 (w

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Blanking plug - remove to insert Ø4mm hose for dry air purge








4X M8 12

Blanking plug - remove to insert Ø4mm hose for dry air purge

Dip probe breather - do not obstruct

Single phase mains connector

Fibre-optic communications connector





t foo




ith fo


Breather - do not obstruct

Plug and cable sets are available for both mains power (blunt cut ends) and fibre optic communications.





1 2



321 5



4 6 7 8


















3 4 5 6 7 8




Estimated Mass: grammes



Mantis #01 ISSUED FOR RECERTIFICATION.2477 JO 21/08/2017

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LATEST VERSION: 17 May 2018 13:59:08


Page 80: User Manual · 2018-12-20 · DOC0535 20 December 2018, 14:28 . User Manual Rugged FTIR Spectrometer for Real-Time Process Analysis



8 (w


t foo



.5 (w

ith fo





¼" NPT 3 of


Blanking plug - remove to insert Ø4mm hose for dry air purge








4X M8 12

Blanking plug - remove to insert Ø4mm hose for dry air purge

Dip probe breather - do not obstruct

Single phase mains connector

Fibre-optic communications connector





t foo




ith fo


Breather - do not obstruct

Plug and cable sets are available for both mains power (blunt cut ends) and fibre optic communications.





1 2



321 5



4 6 7 8













IRmadillo with Flow Cell





3 4 5 6 7 8




Estimated Mass: grammes



Mantis #01 First Issue4325 MCK 19/12/2018

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LATEST VERSION: 20 December 2018 10:37:49


Page 81: User Manual · 2018-12-20 · DOC0535 20 December 2018, 14:28 . User Manual Rugged FTIR Spectrometer for Real-Time Process Analysis

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