
User Generated Advertising

Shishir Kumar Upadhyaya


What is User Generated Advertising?

Technology has democratized what was once the world of the few- now we all have voice!

User generated v/s Traditional AdvertisingListening to and engaging with your customers first, selling second!

Benefits of User Generated AdvertisingReal Time Evaluation High ROI compared to Traditional MediaReaches out to a large audience in less timeEngages audience in a dialogue

Successful User Generated Advertising Campaigns

Doritos and Pepsi MAX Crack the Super-bowl Commercials

Heinz Top This TV Challenge


User Generated Advertising Campaigns gone wrong

Cheetos Orange Underground

Microsoft Vista's 'Wow'

Some Important Considerations for CompaniesTo crowd source on its own or use a PR firmClear and Well Defined objectives of the campaignBalanced scorecard to measure the effectiveness of the campaignModeration and ControlUnderstand what motivates participationPick the best format for a particular demographic segmentEnsure transparency and maintain realistic expectationsCreate and maintain novelty factorOffer unique and attractive prizes



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