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Required Report - Public distribution

Date: 8/24/2008

GAIN Report Number: CH8071


China, Peoples Republic of

Agricultural Situation

U.S. Food Safety Website

2008 Approved by: William Westman AgBeijing

Prepared by: Mark Petry and Bao Liting Report Highlights: The FAS Beijing Office of Agricultural Affairs and the Food and Agriculture Export Alliance (FAEA) launched a new U.S. Food Safety Website ( in May 2008. The site contains a variety of U.S. and international agricultural standards in both English and Chinese. The site is designed to help the Chinese speaking regulatory community understand the U.S. food safety system. This report is a web guide to using the U.S. Food Safety Website and accessing its resources.

Includes PSD Changes: No Includes Trade Matrix: No

Annual Report Beijing [CH1]


USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

GAIN ReportGlobal Agriculture Information Network

Template Version 2.09

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Table of Contents Disclaimer...........................................................................................................3 Introduction .......................................................................................................3

How to Access Web Site........................................................................................ 3 Site Map ............................................................................................................ 3

Main Homepage ..................................................................................................3 1) News............................................................................................................. 4 2) International Organizations................................................................................ 4 3) Regulatory Agencies......................................................................................... 4 4) Database Search ............................................................................................. 4 5) Quick Links ..................................................................................................... 5 6) U.S. Standards................................................................................................ 5 7) International Standards .................................................................................... 5 8) Links ............................................................................................................. 5

Main Navigation Bar ............................................................................................6 1) News/ Alerts................................................................................................... 6 2) Regulation Database ........................................................................................ 6 3) U.S. Standards and Laws .................................................................................. 8

U.S. Laws........................................................................................................ 8 Navigating U.S.G Agencies ................................................................................. 9 U.S. Standards Catalog...................................................................................... 9 Other ........................................................................................................... 10

4) International Standards .................................................................................. 10 5) International Organizations.............................................................................. 11 6) About US .................................................................................................... 11

Appendix .......................................................................................................... 12

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Disclaimer The documents on the U.S. Food Safety Website are provided in the official language of the United States or relevant international body or, in rare cases, translations approved by the relevant authorities. The U.S. Food Safety Web site provides UNOFFICIAL translation resources for information purposes only. Additional information on Chinese food safety laws and standards can be found on the Foreign Agriculture Service’s official website ( under the “Attaché Reports” link. Introduction The U.S. Food Safety Web site contains useful resources and reference material for Chinese associations, companies and government. It serves as a communication channel to share Chinese language translations of U.S. laws, standards, regulations and international standards in the agriculture and food safety field. The website also acts as a Chinese language gateway to English language resources about food safety on the internet. It is designed to help Chinese food safety regulators and policymakers quickly identify U.S. and international standards and regulations of interest. How to Access Web Site

Open the Web browser for the English version. Click on the button at the top right of home page to access US Food Safety Web site Chinese version. All English and Chinese resources are free and totally open to public. The only difference is that the Chinese version user is required to register and login before downloading or viewing documents. English version users can access resources without a login. Site Map

Main Homepage This page contains eight parts in three columns. These parts are described below.

Home Page

About Us

News/ Alerts

US Standards + Laws

Regulation Database

International Standards

International Organizations

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1) News

News/Alerts quick window shows the latest five pieces posted to the News/ Alerts page.

Click on speed button to go directly to News/ Alerts subpage for more news information.

2) International Organizations Five international food safety related organizations official web site quick links are listed on left side of the home page. 3) Regulatory Agencies Five U.S. food safety agencies also have quick links located on the home page.

4) Database Search This section allows the user to quickly use the database search function to access specific files of interest. The search function is described in more detail on page 6.

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5) Quick Links USDA food safety regulatory and standards agencies (Agriculture Marketing Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration, and Food Safety Inspection Service) and the official site for U.S. Government publications are listed so that visitors can find original standards in English.

Click on to turn to the International Organizations page for more links.

6) U.S. Standards A partial list of U.S. marketing standards are located this column.

7) International Standards The five main international standards setting bodies’ information portal links are located here for quick reference.

8) Links Key Chinese government official web sites are listed in this section.

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Main Navigation Bar The main navigation bar is located at the top of the home page and links to six subpages. These are described below. 1) News/ Alerts How to access:

• Click on in the home page navigation bar, or

• Click on in News/ Alerts quick links section on the main home page. This subpage contains four categories: EPA, FDA, USDA, and other USG categories. All items are initially shown by date of posting. If a category is selected, files from that agency are also listed by date of posting by source.

2) Regulation Database

The Regulation Database allows the user to search the site for specific information contained in the title or text of a law, standard, or regulation.

• Search by Subject Text: Visitors can search by keywords found in the subject of files contained on the website. This part is divided into Normal Search and Advanced Search. The Advanced Search permits more extensive search options.

• Search by Commodities: Visitors are

Click and choose a category

Click to see more pages

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provided with a list of commonly used keywords. This part also divides into Normal Search and Advanced Search. The Advanced Search is used to maximize the search range.

The Search Function covers all resources within the U.S. Food Safety Website, including News/ Alerts, U.S. Standards and Laws, U.S. Standards Catalog, and International Standards sections. Both English and Chinese resources shown as a result of a search are free. Users are required to complete a simple registration before all Chinese resources are available. In order to meet visitors’ needs for comparing translated files with the original versions, the Chinese version of the search function is also designed to show search results and the relevant English documents on same web sheet.

1 2

1. Search result by selected topic in Chinese

2. Corresponding original English version

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3) U.S. Standards and Laws All documents are shown here divided into four categories: U.S. Law, Navigating U.S. Government Agencies (links), U.S. Standards Catalogue, and Other. Each category is described below.

U.S. Laws

Click on to be shown U.S. food safety laws divided into “Titles” as defined in U.S. Code of Federal Regulations: Title 7 Agriculture, Title 9 Animals and Animal Products, Title 21 Food and Drugs, and Title 40 Protection of Environment.

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Navigating U.S.G Agencies This section provides direct links to the agencies and departments dealing with food safety within various departments of the U.S. Government.

U.S. Standards Catalog

Click on get to this listing of all standards by agency. Documents are grouped by FSIS, FDA, GIPSA and other U.S. Food Quality Standards.

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Click on to see other special food topics of interest, such as the multi-department coordinated issue of agriculture biotechnology.

4) International Standards All international standards are grouped by category: CODEX, IPPC, OIE and WTO. Users can choose documents by topic.

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5) International Organizations Relevant international organizations are included in this list of website links. Visitors can go directly to the official web sites via this quick gateway.

6) About US This section provides facts and contact information for the Food and Agriculture Export Alliance and USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service.

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Appendix Login and Register Users of the Chinese language version are required to complete a simple registration.

• How to Register: Go to Chinese version home page; click on in navigation bar to get into the registration page.

Fill Username, Password, E-mail address and affiliation information, and then click on

to finish registration.

• How to access Login: Go to Chinese version home page; click

on of navigation bar, or

click on of Register page to get into Login web site.

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