Page 1: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

17 November 2014

Environmental Resources Management 7272 E. Indian School Rd. Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (480) 998-2401 (480) 998-2106 (fax)

Ken Wangerud Remedial Project Manager Superfund Remedial Program USEPA Region 8 - EPR-SR 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129

mm ERM

Subject: Monthly Progress Report for October 2014 US Magnesium Superfund Site

Dear Mr. Wangerud:

On behalf of US Magnesium, ERM-West, Inc. (ERM) is pleased to provide the United States Environmental Protection Agency with an update on the activities associated with implementing the Statement of Work included in the Administrative Order on Consent for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study at the US Magnesium Superfund Site.

This progress report summarizes tasks and deliverables completed in October 2014. Please feel free to contact me at (480) 998-2401 if you have any questions or comments regarding the attached progress report.


David J. Abranovic, P.E. Project Manager

DJA/jcb/0132320 enclosures

cc: David Gibby, US Magnesium Mark Ransom, ERM

Page 2: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

US Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report

US Magnesium RI/FS Monthly Progress Report - October 2014

17 November 2014

Project Background:

This monthly progress report describes activities associated with implementing the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Statement of Work (SOW) at the US Magnesium Superfund Site. This SOW is being implemented under an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent (AOC) with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Region 8 Docket No. CERCLA 08-2011-0013. The SOW includes:

• RI scoping meetings; • Demonstration of Method Applicability (DMA); • RIs (multiple phases); • A baseline risk assessment (human health and ecological); • FS development and screening of alternatives; • Treatability studies; and • FS detailed analysis of alternatives.

Summary of Work/Activities/Reports Required by the AOC this Reporting Period:

• Submitted a progress report for September 2014, as required by Section VIII Paragraph 37 of the AOC, on 15 October 2014.

• Submitted daily field reports for Phase 1A sampling and monitoring activities, per the requirement in Worksheet 33 of the Final SAP for PRIs 2 and 8 through 17, and Phase 1A OU-2 (Air) Sampling and Analysis Plan, Revision 1. The daily reports were sent via e-mail to Ken Wangerud of the USEPA.

• Weekly AERMOD validation modeling (including input/output files and summary tables) completed for the OU-2 Phase 1A samples was uploaded to EQuIS, per the requirements in the final DMP.

• The Draft Inner PRISLRA Report was submitted to the USEPA on 13 October 2014.


Page 3: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

US Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report

Sampling Completed/Test Results Received/Other Activities Completed:

• Held project-planning calls between the Project Coordinators (David Abranovic and Ken Wangerud) on 8,13,20, and 27 October 2014.

• Held risk assessment planning calls between the lead USEPA Risk Assessors (Dan Wall and Wendy O'Brien) and ERM Risk Assessment team (Jennifer Holder, Mark Jones, and Mark Shibata) on 10,16, and 30 October 2014.

• Submitted the revised COPC Refinement for Inner PRIs Memorandum, originally submitted to USEPA on 22 September 2014, along with a proposed COPC refinement schedule, via e-mail on 3 October 2014 to USEPA Risk Assessors.

• Submitted wildlife exposure factor summary, habitat summary, and proposed species list for COPC refinement, via e-mail on 16 October 2014 to USEPA Risk Assessors.

• Completed the OU-2 Phase 1A monitoring program on 8 October 2014. Approximately 35 samples were collected during this reporting period (i.e., 7 three-day runs for five methods). No samples collected during October 2014 were disqualified due to low magnesium production.

• Conducted a conference call between ERM (Bob Farmer, Kevin Lundmark, David Abranovic, Danny Kringel), the USEPA OU-2 technical team (Wendy O'Brien and USEPA contractors TetraTech, SRC), and the UDEQ (Scott Everett and Michael Storck) on 16 October 2014 to discuss the completion of the Phase 1A OU-2 RI sampling program and the information required by USEPA to approve de­mobilization of air sampling equipment.

• Completed site-wide surface water and groundwater level measurements of wells and staff gauges on 24 October 2014.

• Submitted copies of all field data sheets for Phase 1A sampling work done in October 2014, via upload to the EQuIS database.

• Received approval from USEPA to de-mobilize Phase 1A air sampling equipment, via e-mail from Ken Wangerud on 24 October 2014.

• Implemented the Human Exposure Survey at Hill Bothers and for state and federal resource managers on 20,21, and 22 October 2014.

• Submitted a letter to USEPA on 14 October 2014 responding to USEPA's 28 August 2014 letter regarding the initiation of Phase IB for


Page 4: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

US Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report

remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air (OU-2).

• Provided USEPA an agenda on 24 October 2014 for the salt cap treatability study scoping meeting to be held 18 and 19 November 2014.

Upcoming Scheduled and Anticipated Activities (next 8 weeks)

A detailed Gantt chart is attached to this progress report that illustrates the schedule for development and approval and planning, as well as the scoping of the Phase IB investigation. This Gantt chart will be updated as necessary to inform the USEPA on the details regarding specific tasks and timelines required to complete the OU1 RIFS. The following are scheduled and anticipated project activities over the 8 weeks:

• Continue performing monthly site-wide water level measurements.

• Implement the Human Exposure Survey at ATI Titanium.

• Hold a salt cap treatability study scoping meeting on 18 and 19 November 2014.

• Submit a Technical Memorandum to summarize the OU-1 Phase 1A Outer PRI bulk versus fines data evaluation (to be included as Appendix J of the Phase 1A RI Data Report for PRI Areas 2 and 8 through 17).

• Submit a Technical Memorandum describing the methods and results for the Data Adequacy Evaluation for the OU-1 Phase 1A RI data (to be included as Appendix K of the Phase 1A RI Data Report for PRI Areas 2 and 8 through 17).

• Submit a Technical Memorandum to summarize the USEPA split data evaluation for the OU-1 Outer PRI Phase 1A (as described in the 12 September 2014 e-mail from David Abranovic to Catherine LeCours).

• Prepare a Draft COPC Refinement Technical Memorandum.

• Prepare a Draft Human Health Exposure Survey Report.

• Submit a proposed investigation approach for OU-2 Phase IB RI for consideration by USEPA.

• Submit a draft agenda for an OU-2 Phase IB RI Scoping Meeting.


Page 5: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

US Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report

• Submit initial DQO development material for the OU-1 Phase IB RI.

Problems Encountered:

A database containing analytical results for USEPA split samples analyzed during the OU-1 Phase 1A RI was received on 11 September 2014. These data were uploaded to the Project Database (EQuIS) for subsequent evaluation with the OU-1 Phase 1A RI Data Set. ERM was then notified that there were errors in the database, and a revised database was provided by USEPA contractor PWT on 31 October 2014.

No other problems or delays were encountered during this reporting period.


Page 6: US Magnesium RI/FSUS Magnesium RI/FS October 2014 Monthly Progress Report remedial investigation of the nature and extent of chlorine and hydrochloric acid releases in ambient air

US Magnesium OU-1 RI Schedule 10 Task Name



Human Exposure Survey Work Plan Field Work (Pilot & Focus Group Surveys)

Pilot TM EPA/State Comments Refine Questionnaire Conduct Survey Draft HE Survey TM EPA/State Comments and Resolution

Final HE Survey TM Pre-CERCLA Data Report (Inner PRIs) Phase 1A RI Activities (Outer PRIs)

Draft Phase 1A SAP USM Comments to EPA Final Phase 1ASAP SOP Submittals SAP Modifications Reconnaissance Tasks Phase 1a Field Work (Outer PRIs) Outer PRI Data Validation Draft Phase 1A Outer PRI Data Report EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final Phase 1A Outer PRI Data Report

Draft Bunk Fines TM EPA Review Final Bullk Fines TM Draft Data Adequacy TM EPA Review Final Data Adequacy TM


Draft Inner PRI SLRA Inner PRI SLRA EPA/State Comments and Resolution

COPC Refinement TM Input Parameter Selection PRG Calculations & Draft TM EPA Review Final TM

Final Inner PRI SLRA Draft Outer PRI SLRA

Outer PRI SLRA EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final Outer PRI SLRA

US Mag Decision to Expidite or Proceed with BRA

Problem Formulation Document Draft Problem Formulation Problem Formulation EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final Problem Formulation

Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment TM Draft BERA TM BERA TM EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final BERA TM

Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment TM Draft BHHRA TM BHHRA TM EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final BHHRA TM

Phase 1B RI Activities Phase 1B DQOs & Scoping (N&E)

Draft Phase 1B SAP EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final Phase 1B SAP Phase 1B Field Work Data Validation Draft Phase 1B Summary Report

Phase 1B EPA/State Comments and Resolution

Final Phase 1B Summary Report Phase 2 RI Activities

Draft Phase 2 SAP (BRA DQOs) EPA/State Comments Final Phase 2 SAP Phase 2 RI Field Work Validated Data Draft Phase 2 Summary Report EPA/State Comments Final Phase 2 Summary Report

Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Report Draft BERA Report BERA EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final BERA Report

Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report Draft BHHRA Report BHHRA EPA/State Comments and Resolution Final BHHRA Report

Duration jStart Finish

535 days Mon 3/4/13 Fri 3/20/15 272 days Mon 3/4/13 Tue 3/18/14

5 days Mon 3/31/14 Fri 4/4/14

23 days Mon 4/7/14 Wed 5/7/14

1 dayThu 6/19/14 Thu 6/19/14

15 days Fri 6/20/14 Thu 7/10/14

90 days Mon 7/28/14 Fri 11/28/14

30 days Mon 12/1/14 Fri 1/9/15

30 days Mon 1/12/15 Fri 2/20/15

20 days Mon 2/23/15 Fri 3/20/15

147 days Mon 12/9/13 Tue 7/1/14

475 days Mon 3/25/13 Fri 1/16/15

T , T . , , . , .2016 r'15 Apr '15 May'15 LJun'15 Jul .'15... Aug'15 Sep'15 Oct'15 Nov'15 Dec'15 Jan'16 Feb'16 Mar'16 Apr'16 May'16 Jun '16 Jul '16 iel Sep '16 T Oct '16 " T Nov '16 T Dec '16 i JanT7TFeb'17

_ 2017 r'17 T Jun'17 i Ju»'17 I Auq'17 i >'17 r6ct '17 Tnov'17 i Dec '17 F

49 days Mon 3/25/13 Thu 5/30/13 100%

20 days Tue 6/4/13 Mon 7/1/13 100%

0 days Mon 9/30/13 Mon 9/30/13 100%

1 day Fri 9/20/13 Fri 9/20/13 0%

25 days Tue 10/1/13 Mon 11/4/13 100%

30 days Tue 10/1/13 Mon 11/11/13 100%

125 days Mon 11/18/13 Fri 5/9/14 100%

66 days Mon 5/12/14 Mon 8/11/14 100%

20 days Thu 8/28/14 Wed 9/24/14 100%

40 days Thu 9/25/14 Wed 11/19/14 85%

41 days Fri 11/21/14 Fri 1/16/15 0%

1 day Fri 11/21/14 Fri 11/21/14 0% 20 days Mon 11/24/14 Fri 12/19/14 0% 20 days Mon 12/22/14 Fri 1/16/15 0%

1 day Fri 11/28/14 Fri 11/28/14 0% 20 days Mon 12/1/14 Fri 12/26/14 0% 15 days Mon 12/29/14 Fri 1/16/15 0%

161 days Mon 12/2/13 Mon 7/14/14 100%

199 days Tue 7/22/14 Fri 4/24/15 0%

60 days Tue 7/22/14 Mon 10/13/14 0%

0 days Mon 11/24/14 Mon 11/24/14 0%

50 days Mon 11/10/14 Fri 1/16/15 0%

30 days Mon 10/13/14 Fri 11/21/14 0% 20 days Mon 11/24/14 Fri 12/19/14 0% 10 days Mon 12/22/14 Fri 1/2/15 0% 10 days Mon 1/5/15 Fri 1/16/15 0% 20 days Mon 1/19/15 Fri 2/13/15 0%

40 days Mon 12/22/14 Fri 2/13/15 0%

20 days Mon 2/16/15 Fri 3/13/15 0%

30 days Mon 3/16/15 Fri 4/24/15 0%

1 day Mon 1/19/15 Mon 1/19/15 0%

130 days Mon 4/13/15 Fri 10/9/15 0%

60 days Mon 4/13/15 Fri 7/3/15 0%

30 days Mon 7/6/15 Fri 8/14/15 0%

40 days Mon 8/17/15 Fri 10/9/15 0%

80 days Mon 10/12/15 Fri 1/29/16 0%

30 days Mon 10/12/15 Fri 11/20/15 0%

30 days Mon 11/23/15 Fri 1/1/16 0% 20 days Mon 1/4/16 Fri 1/29/16 0%

130 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 7/20/15 0%

60 days Tue 1/20/15 Mon 4/13/15 0%

30 days Tue 4/14/15 Mon 5/25/15 0% 40 days Tue 5/26/15 Mon 7/20/15 0%

370 days Tue 12/9/14 Mon 5/9/16 0%

40 days Tue 12/9/14 Mon 2/2/15 0%

40 days Tue 2/3/15 Mon 3/30/15 0%

30 days Tue 3/31/15 Mon 5/11/15 0%

40 days Tue 5/12/15 Mon 7/6/15 0%

60 days Tue 7/7/15 Mon 9/28/15 0%

60 days Tue 9/29/15 Mon 12/21/15 0%

30 days Tue 12/22/15 Mon 2/1/16 0%

30 days Tue 2/2/16 Mon 3/14/16 0%

40 days Tue 3/15/16 Mon 5/9/16 0%

340 days Mon 2/1/16 Fri 5/19/17 0%

40 days Mon 2/1/16 Fri 3/25/16 0%

40 days Mon 3/28/16 Fri 5/20/16 0%

40 days Mon 5/23/16 Fri 7/15/16 0%

60 days Mon 7/18/16 Fri 10/7/16 0%

60 days Mon 10/10/16 Fri 12/30/16 0%

30 days Mon 1/2/17 Fri 2/10/17 0%

30 days Mon 2/13/17 Fri 3/24/17 0%

40 days Mon 3/27/17 Fri 5/19/17 0%

150 days Mon 5/22/17 Fri 12/15/17 0%

60 days Mon 5/22/17 Fri 8/11/17 0% 30 days Mon 8/14/17 Fri 9/22/17 0%

60 days Mon 9/25/17 Fri 12/15/17 0%

150 days Mon 5/22/17 Fri 12/15/17 0%

60 days Mon 5/22/17 Fri 8/11/17 0%

30 days Mon 8/14/17 Fri 9/22/17 0% 60 days Mon 9/25/17 Fri 12/15/17 0%

Project: USM RI/FS Date: Fri 11/14/14





Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone

Inactive Task

Inactive Task

Inactive Milestone

Inactive Summary

Manual Task


Manual Summary Rot

Manual Summary




All Document Preparation Times per Section 10 of AOC SOW. EPA/State review time assumed to be 30 calandar days PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL

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