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THE WAY WE DRESS, the way we speak, THE WAY WE DO

"Urban tribes are groups of people in urban areas who have some kind of close association based upon similar lifestyles or activities"

"Las tribus urbanas son grupos de personas en las zonas urbanas que tienen algún tipo de relación estrecha basada en estilos de vida similares o actividades"

"Urban tribes are young city people that gather in relatively small, fluid groups. These groups share common interests that are, in general, different from the interests of mainstream culture". (Michel Maffesoli) 

"tribus urbanas son los jóvenes de la ciudad que se reúnen en grupos relativamente pequeños y de fluidos. Estos grupos comparten intereses comunes que son, en general, a diferencia de los intereses de la cultura dominante”.

They are made up by groups of people – usually young, with a distinct common identity: the same aesthetic codes, the same identity symbols, the same rules, the same language, the same music…........ A whole ideology! They are a reflection of what they love or what they hate and of their own instincts. We can find them in any Spanish city, but they are usually concentrated in the big cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville. Están compuestos por grupos de personas - por lo general jóvenes, con una identidad común: los mismos códigos estéticos, los símbolos de identidad mismos, las mismas reglas, el mismo lenguaje, la misma música ......... .. Una ideología entera! Son un reflejo de lo que les gusta o lo odian, y de sus propios instintos. Los podemos encontrar en cualquier ciudad española, pero por lo general se concentran en las grandes ciudades como Madrid, Barcelona o Sevilla. 

SOME URBAN TRIBES algunas tribus urbanas

Ñetas y Latin Kins Pijos Ocupas Pelolais o Barbies Mods Emos Heavies Rastas Hardcores Góticos Grunges Skaters Rockers Raperos Wannabes Lolailos Frikis Canis Bakalaeros

Some of them are nearly extinct, and others in full expansion. They usually meet in central, commercial or nightlife areas.Sometimes people associate urban tribes with violence. In fact, there are

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some of them which are linked to incidents, brutal attacks and social problems; but many of them are inoffensive. A veces la gente asocia las tribus urbanas con la violencia. De hecho, hay algunos de ellos que están vinculados a los incidentes, ataques brutales y problemas sociales, pero muchos de ellos son inofensivos. Do you know What ?................Urban tribes are not new, but a very fashionable tendency. In fact, they date back hundreds years: concretely to the 18th century in Madrid: There are some references identifying them in paintings by Goya or Atienza !

¿Sabes qué? ................ tribus urbanas no son nuevos, sino una tendencia muy de moda. De hecho, se remontan cientos de años: concretamente al siglo 18 en Madrid: Hay algunas referencias que los identifiquen en las pinturas de Goya o Atienza!

Hip hop is an art movement that emerged in the United States in the late 1960's in Latin American and African American communities of New York neighborhoods like the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, where from the beginning stood out the typical characteristics of the origins of hip hop, For example, the music (funk, rap, blues, DJing), dance (hustle, uprocking, lindy hop, popping, locking) and paint (aerosol, bombing, murals, Political graffiti).


The hip-hop music emerged in the late 1960's, when the street parties or "block parties" became common in New York City, especially in the Bronx, due to poor access for people who were clubs and clubs that were in affluent areas of the Big Apple, as The Loft and Studio 54. The street parties were accompanied by funk and soul, until the first DJ's began to isolate the percussion and extended, as the song became more danceable. This technique was common in Jamaica (on dubs), which led to the Jamaican immigrant community participate in these celebrations. This adaptation of beats later, he was accompanied with another fresh new technique called rapping (singing technique based on rhythm and improvisation).

A prominent figure, considered by many as the father of hip hop, DJ Kool Herc's, which led, along with other DJs such as Grandmaster Flash, two of the elements of hip hop was born and developed. On the one hand, it created the position of "Master of Ceremonies" (abbreviated MC), which was presented to DJ. Slowly, the figure of the MC was becoming more important, as recited on the beats (hip-hop beats) with increasingly clever text. At the same time, began to dance, reserving the best dance move for when the song stopped momentarily (ie, when it

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was a break). This phenomenon originated the term B-boy (break-boy), it would be "the guy who used the break", and thus was born the breakdance move.


The ravers are all the people who listen to electronic music.

are based on a philosophy PLUR (Pease Love Union respects)

their philosophy is that all people are equal and that in future there will be no men or women, but just people regardless of skin color, cultures, beliefs, etc.

for a raver ravers (massive rave party support) is the minimum time of 12 hours where you can enjoy life to the fullest.


ravers used as faded tight clothing, shirts sizes generally shorter and branded goods.


The punk movement is the counterculture surrounding the punk music and her fans. Outsiders usually linked to popular culture, punks countercultural practices include a series of codes of behavior, speech, dress and themes that have become recurrent and that distinguish them. His main means of expression are the dates of the genre

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("scene") and amateur publications ("fanzine").This was the view of NO FUTURE already by the mid-70's had many young people they saw as societywas facing a deep crisis. They seemed to have been called by the men of the Frankfurt School (Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, etc ...) to keep a personal way of Critical Theory. Cultural music industry had generated a wealth of great scenes, where mega pop star full of lights, costumes, and million dollar contracts with major labels, symbolizing the reality of a lifestyle that did not identify young people who are felt every day;increasingly marginalized by the system. London was the epicenter, the oil crisis combined with other factors had resulted in significant unemployment, growth of slums, lack of response and the prospect of a black horizon to the dreams of accomplishment that had been the goal of generations above.

The distance between cultural production and the reality faced by many young generation of that time was becoming so obvious that the crack began to cause a pop. Some spent the money given to them in the long lines of unemployment, an electric guitar. In the garage began to hear noises, children had neither time nor money to learn what society said was known to wield a tool. The guitars are turned into guns, had much to say and it was not necessary to have a beautiful voice but on the contrary, a voice shouted realities.

The underground was taken, no longer inhabited by projects of stars but for the most significant example of cultural response to the dominant culture, many young people were showing that his world had nothing to do with previous generations dreamed of. All symbols, the aesthetic and all that society was represented on the other side of the fence than reality imposed on them.The question was distinguished from that system that was completely marginalized. Peaks that towered over the slicked back hair and neat Lords. Boots and clothingmilitary fatigues, which besides being the only accessible remittances come from the military stores, denoting a position away from the utopian dream of peace and love hippie generation and an attitude of struggle against social parameters.

As a whole alternative culture created its own circuit, stores like Malcolm McLaren where clothing was recycled option where groups gathered to a precarious stage and small labels as Chiswick that gather the punk music scene.

The punk grows and society can no longer ignore that something is happening. In 1976 Sex Pistols signed with EMI. A paradox, a major label worthy example of the establishment, do business with the then most virulent group of the punk scene. The company said: "Sex Pistols is a pop group of the musical form known as punk rock. He was hired by EMI recording purposes only in October 1976. In the opinion of our officers, was a promising unknown group. Like many other groups of different trends we have hired, initially controversial, but were eventually accepted and contributed greatly to the development of modern music. " No doubt the text of EMI was anticipated in some respects the future of no future. Punk signed his death certificate almost instantly recognizing the birth. But John Lydon, then Johnny Rotten, the voice of the Pistols and a man of rare intelligence, his role was well known. Anarchy comes

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to the position 12 in its week of release and EMI trying to avoid the disk out of circulation. The Sex Pistols action illegal qualify and take advantage of the press conference to brand Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart sacred excrement. Divorce EMI costing 25,000 pounds and the result is read clear establishment punk 1 0.

Sex Pistols are prohibited in most parts of the tour had been arranged by the country of 23 places only able to perform their concert at three. Punk music continues to grow avoiding all kinds of control. Cross to New York and thence to the rest of North America, with examples like the Ramones, The Stooges, MC-5, etc ... To all this the Pistols signed to major label A & M a multimillion dollar contract, but with God Save The Queen album ready for distribution, the company decided without them. The explanation was that the group had destroyed the baths of the company, had attempted to rape a couple of secretaries and attacked a disc jockey. The truth was that other artists on the label of classic rock exponents like Rick Wakeman of Yes, Peter Frampton, and others, made a threatening managers to request, "or us or them." The Pistols are banned from radio and television, his performances are informed only by word of mouth and play in places like the cinema in London or at the club under the pseudonym Lafayette SPOTS (Sex Pistols on Tour secretely). Ironically it up to play on a barge called Queen Elizabeth, during a big party at Buckingham Palace. T.V. cameras show the carriage of Queen Elizabeth II, followed by his court. On the Thames, alongside the parade, browse the group is prohibited from playing on land, singing "God Save the Queen / she is not a human being ...». Half a dozen police boats and force them to tie them sorted silence. Do not listen, touch No Fun, I cut the power supply, complete prisoners after a battle of blows and kicks. The single God Save the Queen is the most sold during the royal celebrations, now distributed by Virgin, the system tries to control the energies of young people and capitalizes on its products generating paradoxes damn amazing. Lydon is beaten every now and wander the streets challenging it becomes dangerous to himself, but rejected the proposal to put bodyguards because that would place him in the same position as the pop star.

The Clash can not play on English soil, the other half of the lawless creature brighter than the punk has engendered is blindingly coherent lyrics and lifestyle. In Paris for a program recorded t.v. and at the repeated requests from technicians to decide to turn down the toilet for a while then return to set with the clothes painted with inscriptions that read onscreen easily: Vous êtes tous des putains. In Belgium played on a Jazz festival where beer cans were raining. Mick Jones stopped the band and says, "if they want to continue, withdraw to the security people." No one dares, "cast him," only then the Belgians get the message that bleeding rates, in some cases, on stage, do notarles that their aggression was misplaced.The Clash says "well, let ', but instead of taking their instruments off the floor, take the cans and start throwing them over the audience. The Clash is what the Pistols were the Stones to the Beatles, a step further. Attract fewer kids in search of pogo and spitting and more intellectual. Propose more, talk politics, future solutions, revolution and especially action.They are the guerrillas wielding guitars and guns. The world political, economic and social development are expressed by them in a dual task: words and deeds. Nihilism channeled into radical politics contesting the Clash were far from elpunk another way of living, as epitomized by Lydon was no doubt: "I've never had political views, nor will have. I always worried about myself and continue to do so. "

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In the U.S., differences were evident. Dee Dee Ramone, say for example: "The British are bitter punk. They sing songs about the problem of not having a job and that can not be very happy, we too were unemployed when they started and that did not stop us doing funny songs. They have a very negative mindset. And they hate America. How dare they? ". The truth was that punk grew and each took what he convinced making the range of attitudes and proposals to open an unbounded way. The drive that had generated the punk began to get distorted, corrupted, new meaning and differ in many respects. The establishment, as always with the emergent, found the old recipe, finding a place in the punk and showing their great ability to adapt everything that can be marketed. So the windows of the major networks showed in some of its windows and Punk T-shirts with inscriptions or drawings Rules chains, safety pins and other typical symbols of the movement. United States handled the issue differently, much more American. While Britain sees punk as a threat, Americans waste no time, the successful groups moving from underground to the system quickly, canceling out a certain sense, with that liberal attitude, the essence of the movement. After the social revolutions proposed by beatniks, hippies, etc ... United States simply could not resist. The punk like a business rather than a threat. There also flourished in the overnight countless underground groups in places like the legendary CBGB fans gathered to new things. So the explosion created a new stage in the artistic sphere. All in the same bag, who was again in the late 70's was synonymous with punk, was Talking Heads, Devo, or other artists that although they were far from radical proposal should share the circuit punk alternative had emerged from the gap between need exchange and the proposal so far provided the entertainment.

El punk apareció en los Estados Unidos, principalmente Nueva York (Estados Unidos), como movimiento musical a mediados de la década de los 1970, tomando como base agrupaciones de rock duras y violentas como The Stooges de donde saldría Iggy Pop y MC5de la ciudad de Detroit

El origen del punk se sitúa en una sociedad anglosajona entonces saturada de clichés y convenciones estereotipadas. Jóvenes de los dos países, inspirados por las actitudes transgresoras del rock -y en especial por el sonido del garage rock-, comenzaron a mostrar sus propias formas de rebeldía contra los roles socioculturales, que consideraban hipócritas y tensos, expresándolo a través de transgresiones y provocaciones estéticas, musicales y culturales. El punk fue primeramente un fenómeno estético-musical, que generó una modageneracional en los 1970, que más tarde fue tomando la forma de un movimiento estético-filosófico que se convertiría en una cultura.

La forma originaria del punk era un tipo de rock sencillo y ruidoso para expresarse con sus propios medios y conceptos. Entre los primeros grupos musicales representantes del punk están los Ramones, The New York Dolls, The Velvet Underground, la banda de Lou Reed,Blondie, Black Flag y la cantante Patti Smith, también oriunda de Detroit.Pero,antes de llegar a estados unidos ya existían grupos en el Reino Unido donde proliferarían agrupaciones como Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Pretenders, The Jam, The Cars, The Stranglers y Adam & The Ants, además de David Bowiey Marc Bolan de T. Rex, quienes también lo exploraron. Los Ramones se presentaban a sí mismos como banda de

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rock, sin pretensiones declaradas de mensaje directamente innovador o rompedor salvo en lo musical.

Por otro lado había una forma de transgresión, buscando liberarse de los estigmas sociales. Esta rama no daba explicaciones y buscaba incomodar a lo establecido chocando, ofendiendo y molestando al buen gusto, la moral y la tradición. Se buscaba básicamente la provocación a través de demostraciones de transgresión estética o giros de lenguaje contradictorios, absurdos o insolentes. Es el estilo que popularizaron los Sex Pistols, relacionado ligeramente al nihilismo y otras formas de escepticismo.

Más adelante, especialmente con la aparición del hardcore punk y marcado por la herencia de la actitud del colectivo Crass, se hizo presente todo un abanico de enfoques de crítica social, posicionamientos políticos, y afinidad a campañas de protesta. El ejemplo musical más clásico son Crass y The Clash.

La filosofía punk puede resumirse en:

"Hazlo tú mismo" o "hazlo a tu manera".

Rechaza los dogmas y cuestiona lo establecido.

Desprecia las modas y la sociedad de masas (aunque su estética también puede considerarse una moda preestablecida por el punk).

En sus canciones, estas bandas expresan un serio descontento con los sistemas e instituciones que organizan y controlan el mundo. En ocasiones también la música sirve de plataforma para propuestas filosóficas e ideológicas. Durante la década de los 80, el punk enEstados Unidos estuvo permeado de contenidos políticos, principalmente progresistas, en oposición al gobierno conservador de la época. Ejemplos de esta época son las bandasDead Kennedys y Bad Religion. En Europa, el punk es una música especialmente utilizada como medio de difusión por gente afín a movimientos políticos y sociales "outsiders", mayoritariamente de izquierda, aunque existe una corriente de derecha que lo utiliza.

Urban tribes

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An urban tribe is a group of people who behave according to the ideologies of a subculture that originates and develops in the atmosphere of a city.

According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology, the concept of tribe is defined as follows: ethnic unit is characterized by linguistic and cultural homogeneity, collective consciousness and sense of belonging and place of residence by common or emigration. Essential for the tribe are common symbols, traditions and collective sale stable hegemonic.

Some critics and analysts say that the phenomenon of urban tribes is nothing more than the pursuit of young people so dear that identity. When a youth is coupled to a society that has the same trends, fashions and thoughts that he, this will feel so identified with the group as their symbols, and fashions, and some tribes are more intolerant than a group of opposing tendencies, which could lead to violence.

The identity of each of these tribes vary according to their ideology and the individual, for example, while the skinheads are violent tendencies, the hippies do not compete against any group, they are pacifists and there is one group that will be fully opposite.

Urban Tribes (Morning Glory)

"i'm a failure to societythat's exactly what i want to bemy friends are my only familyi'm the branch that fell from the family tree"

Urban Tribes: Yesterday

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The Hippies

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the early 1960s and spread around the world. These people created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, preached free love, and used drugs such as cannabis and LSD to explore alternative states of consciousness. Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music, television, film, literature, and the arts. Since the 1960s, many aspects of hippie culture have been assimilated by mainstream society. The religious and cultural diversity espoused by the hippies has gained widespread acceptance, and Eastern philosophy and spiritual concepts have reached a wide audience. Both men and women in the hippie movement wore jeans and maintained long hair, and both

genders wore sandals or went barefoot. Men often wore beards, while women wore little or no makeup, with many going braless. Hippies often chose brightly coloured clothing and wore unusual styles, such as bell-bottom trousers, waistcoats, tie-dyed garments, peasant blouses, and long, full skirts. Hippies often purchased their clothes from flea markets and second-hand shops. Hippie homes, vehicles and other possessions were often decorated with psychedelic art.

The Punks

The punk subculture is based around punk rock. Punk culture encompasses distinct styles of music, ideologies, fashion, visual art, dance, literature, and film. The punk subculture emerged in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa in the mid-to-late-1970s, and has since undergone several developments. While most punk rock uses the distorted guitars and noisy drumming that is derived from 1960s garage rock and 1970s pub rock, some punk bands incorporate elements from other subgenres, such as metal or folk rock. Most punk rock songs are short, have

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simple and somewhat basic arrangements using relatively few chords, and they use lyrics that express punk values and ideologies ranging from the nihilism of the Sex Pistols' "No Future" to the positive, anti-drug message of Minor Threat's "Straight Edge". Punk rock is usually played in small bands rather than by solo artists. Punk bands usually consist of a singer, one or two electric guitars, an electric bass player, and a drummer (the singer may be one of the musicians). The backup vocals typically consist of shouted slogans, choruses, or football(soccer)-style chants, rather than the sweet, arranged harmony vocals of pop bands. Punk-related ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom. As regards politics, most punks could be categorized as having left-wing or progressive views. Some punks participate in protests for local, national or global change. Some trends in punk politics include anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-nationalism, anti-homophobia, environmentalism, vegetarianism, veganism, and animal rights. Punks seek their identity with the highly theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, tattoos, jewelry and body modification. Ordinary clothing is adorned with paint; a black bin liner becomes a dress, shirt or skirt; safety pins and razor blades are used as jewellery. Leather, rubber, and vinyl clothing are also popular. Punks also sometimes wear tight "drainpipe" jeans, Plaid or Tartan trousers, T-shirts with risqué images, rocker jackets (which are often decorated with studs or spikes), and footwear such as Converse sneakers, skate shoes or Dr. Martens boots. Some punks style their hair to stand in spikes, cut it into Mohawks or other dramatic shapes, often colouring it with vibrant, unnatural hues. Punks tend to adorn their favorite jacket or waistcoats with pin-back buttons and patches of bands they love and ideas they believe in, telling the world around them a little bit about who they are. They sometimes flaunt taboo symbols such as the Iron Cross. Some early punks occasionally wore clothes displaying a Nazi swastika for shock-value, but most modern punks are staunchly anti-racist and are more likely to wear a crossed-out swastika symbol. In contrast to punks who believe that fashion is a central part of the punk subculture, there are some punks who are decidedly "anti-fashion," arguing that music and/or ideology should define punk, not fashion. This is most common in the post-1980s US hardcore punk scene, where members of the subculture often dressed in T-shirts and jeans, rather than the more elaborate outfits and spiked, dyed hair of their late 1970s UK punk predecessors.

The Event

The Night of the Pencils (in Spanish, La Noche de los Lápices) was a series of kidnappings and forced disappearances followed by torture of a number of young students by the Argentine police, during the last dictatorship (known as the National Reorganization Process). The kidnappings were performed by the Buenos Aires Provincial Police (under Coronel Ramón Camps and Commissioner General Miguel Etchecolatz), mostly in the night between 16 September and 17 September 1976. The victims were 10 students, mainly current or former activists and members of the Secondary Student Union in the city of

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La Plata, who had been demanding the creation of a free bus pass. Such demands were considered subversive by the dictatorship. The students were held for months in several illegal detention centers, and tortured. Six of them were killed; the other four were released at different times between 1978 and 1980.The story of the students from their kidnapping until their death or release was depicted by the 1986 filmNight of the Pencils, directed by Héctor Olivera.The testimony of Pablo Díaz, the last survivor to be released, served as the basis for a song with the same title by Canarian singer Rogelio Botanz.

Urban Tribes: Today

Many different urban tribes roam the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina. They meet on Saturday afternoons in a park just opposite the Palacio Pizzurno. Goth girls wear tight corsets, fishnet sleeves, purple hair and razor blade necklaces. Gothic boys paint their fingernails black and wear make-up and clothes of the same colour.They listen to the band Lacrimosa. Goth lolitas, instead, wear garter belts, black satin gloves and

minimal checked skirts: they imitate the Japanese animé characters.

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Emos wear black and they reflect on the sadness of life. They mostly listen to the bands My Chemical Romance, Tokio Hotel and Good Charlotte.Floggers wear tight trousers (known as chupines in Spanish) of different colours, T-shirts with letters (sometimes in pink) and have delicate gestures when they move. They are called like that because they have a fotolog on the internet. The leader of the floggers is Agustina "Cumbio" Vivero. They dance electro music. "Alternas" are the girls who wear green T-shirts, orange shoes, pins on their schoolbags and listen to the group Miranda!. They are fans of Kitty and they love fruit motifs (such as cherries and strawberries).in patterns.Another urban tribe is that of the visuals. Boys wear tube skirts and dark make-up whereas the girls wear tulle skirts and strass bracelets and have platinum blonde hair.

The Emo Girl and The Band

In May 2008 Hannah Bond, a 13-year-old girl from Kent, hung herself, and Emo music was blamed for her suicide. The coroner suggested that because Bond was so obsessive with that music that it was linked to her death. Bond had apparently talked with her friends about the "glamour" of suicide and even had a picture of an emo girl with a bleeding wrist on her Bebo page. She was also obsessed with the band "My Chemical Romance." Her parents seemed to think her obsession and moodiness were normal and that emo was just a fashion. Hannah was also attracted to Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. Due to his own history of alcoholism, Gerard Way went through periods of intense depression, during which he experienced suicidal feelings. Hannah could have tried to imitate Way by committing suicde, as many teens want to emulate their idols. What Hannah did not know is that music -with its cathartic effect- has turned out to be an effective means for Way to deal with his long-time battles against depression, alcoholism and prescription and illegal drug use. Why is music always blamed? If everyone who listened to "Emo" music killed themselves there would be a lot of dead people in this world. It happens with rap music too. Not everyone who listens to rap is going to become a gangster. It could be that the girl had some psychological

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issues on her own, regardless of the music she listened too. You don't get 'sucidial' just solely by listening to 'emo' music: there are always deeper reasons and connections.

My Point of View

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me the new urban tribes don't have an ideology behind them. Hippies were all for love and peace. They believed in flower power, they loved pop art, they worked the land, they were artisans and even made their own clothes.The countermovement which emerged after them -the punks- had diverse ideas. Some of them were radically violent whereas others were extreme pacifists. Goths and emos seem to draw inspiration from dark gothic topics but there is no underlying philosophy supporting them. It is more a visual preoccupation than any other thing. Floggers seem to pursue a rather empty goal: to collect as many signatures in their fotologs as they can to become a gold member. Some of them -the famous ones- are paid outrageous sums of money just for making their appearance at private parties or discos... They seem to have no ambitions: they live just for today and for their fotologs...

Urban Tribes

MANGA:Since there are hundreds of different manga to choose from this means there are hundreds of characters you can dress as. Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Pokemon are all characters you can dress as for Halloween or any other time of the year. If you are on a budget there are accessories you can use to create your own costume. You can also find the full costume in children’s and adult sizes.

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GOTHICS:They were born in England between the 70s and the 80s. They share the same style, musical and cultural dark tastes. Their aesthetic focuses on the colour black: Both their clothes and their makeup are black. Their favourite music styles are the Gothic rock and death rock among others. They love death and everything associated with obscurantism, but they are not a violent group. On the contrary, this tribe pleads for the tolerance and the diversity.

EMOS:This tribe has recently emerged with a great force, especially among the teenagers. Usually dressed in black, with painted lips and eyes, they look very androgynous. They are usually

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depressed and hate life in general, which to them is worthless and meaningless. The “emo” term comes from ‘emotional’. It originated in the 80s hardcore and punk music. Their present songs have added sentimental, sad and suicidal messages. They are not dangerous to other people, but maybe they are to themsel because of their suicide tendency.

HEAVIS:Their devotion to heavy music, this tribe has its own way of dressing, its own jargon, and even its own symbols. But a real heavy bases its attitude in a strong camaraderie sense to its social group and in a devotion to heavy metal music. They wear black t-shirts with their favourite music bands emblazoned on them. A distinctive symbol is their long hair. The former images of heavy metal followers, anti-social and dangerous drug taking addicts are now buried in the past.

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GRUNGERS:Your god is Kurt Cobain. Your bleached blonde hair is the same length as your girlfriend's and your jumpers have thumb holes in.

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PUNKS:They are known as anti globalization groups. The Punk was born in the late 70s in the UK. The punks are an anarchistic group: they are against capitalism, neoliberalism and consumerism. As with other tribes, they share some specific music and fashion styles. They wear used clothes, mostly black (combined with other explosive colours). It is usually broken, patched and adorned with logos of punk bands and anti-repression slogans. Normally they have shaved hair with a mohawk or coloured crest which denotes social status. Their favourite musical bands are The Ramones, The Clash o the Sex Pistols. Experts consider them genuine urban guerrillas because of their continued fights against the police.

NEW MODS:This is a large group of young people which can be found in the nightclubs of the major Spanish cities. They are middle class people without a common ideology. Each one professes its own ideals, but they share the same dress sense – they love the 60s and retro clothes especially tweed suits, etc. They also have a love for the same music.

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SKATERS:Your motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". You're happy if there's concret to grind, trainers to ruin and rock to rock to. You regularly video your own stunts - but would run a mile if you saw the police. You don't want no trouble

Type of Urban TribesEMO: This urban tribe was born in the 80s from punk and the name comes from "Emotional Hardcore Music". They are very extended by America and Japan and the majority are teenagers between 14 and 20 years old. They have a pessimistic point of view of life. They are very concerned with their appearance and they don't believe in religions. They hear music from "My Chemical Romance" and "Panic at The Disco"They wear slicked hair covering a little part of the face, piercings, Converse trainers and black T-shirts..

GRUNGES: This urban tribe was born in Seattle in the 90s and they are very interested in music and refuse the consumist society and people without personality. They hear music from Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth...

They have a dirty look and they wear stripped and coloured T-shirts or "scottish" shirts, ripped jeans and coloured shoes.

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GOTHICS: This urban tribe was born in the 80s from punk. They are sometimes in specifics bars. They are apolitics and they admire everything about death and the occultism. They look like a violent tribe but they're peaceful. They hear music from "Bella Morte" or "Black Ice".

They wear black clothes of leather, spiked accessories and religious elements for example crosses or five-spiked stars.

HEAVIES: This urban tribe was born in England in the 70s from rockers with hippies ideology. It is one of the most diffused urban tribe, especially in popular classes. Heavies like to do weekend outings, hear music from Heavy metal bands, go to gigs and sometimes smoke cannabis. They're antimilitarist and antiauthoritarian. Hardly ever, they're violent but they can be violent by musical excitement or alcohol and cannabis.

They have a long hair and they wear jeans, spiked leather jacket and black T-shirt from their favorite music bands.

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HIPPIES: This urban tribe was born in the 60's with Vietnam war. They like to take drugs. They proclaim the peace and love. They don't like the policy and they have anarquists ideas.

They have long hair and use colorful clothes.

POSH: This urban tribe there is always but with different names. They like to play paddle, go shopping and parties. They like to hear music from Julio Iglesias and his sons. They're capitalists and consumists.

They look close attention to their appearance, and men and women wear different clothes themselves, the men wear tight trousers, tight stripped shirt with sweater. The women wear shirt, skirt and a lot of accessories.

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PUNK: This urban tribe was born in the 70s in opossition of the culture decadence. Now, there aren't many punks but they're very radical. In bars, sometimes they be mixed with heavies and skinheads. They have an ideology anarchist, okupa, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist. They're very violent and their enemies are: Neo-Nazis, Posh and fascists. They hear punk music.

They have big and colorful crests and a lot of piercings and tatoos. They wear spiked leather jacket, black T-shirts with a social slogan or simbols(anarchy, comunist...). ver

Urban Tribes

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Urban tribes are made up by groups of people – usually young, with a distinct common

identity: the same appearance, the same identity symbols, the same rules, the same

language, the same music… A whole ideology!

We are going to analyse the following urban tribes.







New Mods


These tribes have many different ideologies: right-wing, left-wing, non-political or against

globalization. Some of them are nearly extinct, and others in full expansion. But all of them

are ruled by it own ideology.

You can get information about them in the following links, prepare a dossier about each

tribe with information about common interests, ideology, appearance... and add




In sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, a subculture is a group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong. 

In 2007, Ken Gelder proposed to distinguish subcultures from countercultures based on the level of immersion in society. Gelder further proposed six key ways in which subcultures can be identified: 

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1. Through their often negative relations to work (as 'idle', 'parasitic', at play or at leisure, etc.); 

2. through their negative or ambivalent relation to class (since subcultures are not 'class-conscious' and don't conform to traditional class definitions); 

3. through their association with territory (the 'street', the 'hood', the club, etc.), rather than property;

4. through their movement out of the home and into non-domestic forms of belonging (i.e. social groups other than the family); 

5. through their stylistic ties to excess and exaggeration (with some exceptions); 

6. through their refusal of the banalities of ordinary life and massification. 

The study of subcultures often consists of the study of symbolism attached to clothing, music and other visible affectations by members of subcultures, and also the ways in which these same symbols are interpreted by members of the dominant culture. According to Dick Hebdige, members of a subculture often signal their membership through a distinctive and symbolic use of style, which includes fashions, mannerisms, and argot. 

Subcultures can exist at all levels of organizations, highlighting the fact that there are multiple cultures or value combinations usually evident in any one organization that can complement but also compete with the overall organisational culture. In some cases, subcultures have been legislated against, and their activities regulated or curtailed. 


In 1985, French sociologist Michel Maffesoli coined the term urban tribe, and it gained widespread use after the publication of his Le temps des tribus: le déclin de l'individualisme dans les sociétés postmodernes (1988). Eight years later, this book was published in the United Kingdom as The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society. 

According to Maffesoli, urban tribes are microgroups of people who share common interests in metropolitan areas. The members of these relatively small groups tend to have similar worldviews, dress styles and behavioral patterns. Their social interactions are largely informal and emotionally laden, different from late capitalism's corporate-bourgeoisie cultures, based on dispassionate logic. Maffesoli claims that punks are a typical example of an "urban tribe". 

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Five years after the first English translation of Le temps des tribus, writer Ethan Watters claims to have coined the same neologism in a New York Times Magazine article. This was later expanded upon the idea in his book Urban Tribes: A Generation Redefines Friendship, Family, and Commitment. According to Watters, urban tribes are groups of never-marrieds between the ages of 25 and 45 who gather in common-interest groups and enjoy an urban lifestyle, which offers an alternative to traditional family structures.


The Rastafari movement is a "messianic religio-political movement" 1 that began in the Jamaican slums in the 1920s and 30s. The most famous Rastafari is Bob Marley, whose reggae music gained the Jamaican movement international recognition.There is significant variation within the Rastafari movement and no formal organization. Some Rastafarians see Rasta more as a way of life than a religion. But uniting the diverse movement is belief in the divinity and/or messiahship of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, the influence of Jamaican culture, resistance of oppression, and pride in African heritage.The Rastafarian lifestyle usually includes ritual use of marijuana, avoidance of alcohol, the wearing of one's hair in dreadlocks, and vegetarianism.

The Arts and MusicThe Arts in Jamaica is influenced by "Rastafari ". Some of Jamaica's top artists, poets and writers are influenced by Rastafarian culture. These artists have produced brilliant painting and magnificent wood sculptures in Jamaica vibrant Visual Arts community. Rastafarians pushed Reggae music to the forefront when Bob Marley became an internationally known artist.

LanguageMiss Lou was one of the early pioneers trying to preserve Jamaican culture especially 'patois'. Jamaican patios is now sprinkled with 'rasta' terminology. The Rastafarian culture has helped to galvanize the use of Jamaican patois as a means to rebel against a society where the dialect is sometimes looked upon as being "un-cultured". The use of the word "I" and 'I-an-I" is sprinkled across Rastafarian terminolgy and has its roots in the self emphasis which many black people were denied during oppression and slavery. The use of the word Jah (Psalm 68 vs 4) for God which is used by Rastafarians is now

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used by many Jamaicans. Other examples are the use of the word "babylon" for any type of establishment and "Idren" for children




It is generally believed that the original goths were a tribe from East Germany, who were instrumental in the fall of the Roman Empire. However, the word ‘goth’ became synonymous with ‘uncultured’ and ‘barbarian’ due to the Christianization of Europe and goths were branded as pagans. However, the goth scene got a revival in the late eighteenth century when Horace Walpole published ‘The Castle of Otranto’ as a gothic novel in 1764.

After that, goth was associated with horror, darkness, supernatural, and morbidity. The gothic trend started relating itself to ghosts, vampires, graveyards, abandoned castles and churches, cursed families, nightmares, and other such melodramatic plots.

The goth subculture started during the early 1980s in the United Kingdom as a gothic rock scene. The music taste of goths includes several music styles. The dress styles consist of punk, Victorian, death rock, and androgynous, along with mixtures from Medieval and Renaissance attire also. Normally, the dress would be a combination of one or more of these styles but black attire is the most common, with matching special goth fashion hair and makeup.

The influence of goth novels along with the poetry and music of the goth subculture on the goth scene is quite significant. However, the goth fashion was expressed more vividly in the movies and television shows through horror stories.

The horror movies of the German Expressionist Cinema that appeared after the first World War was adopted by the films of the Universal Studios in the 1920s and 1930s. During the 1960s, the portrayal of Dracula by Bela Lugosi,

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and the male gothic image presented by the Byronic Hero, along with the TV series like the Munsters and the Addams Family were powerfully appealing.


Posted by Natalia Andrea Garcia

the skateboarding is a kind of Urban Tribe which is related with the street arose from its father the surf in the 50th's .the story of the skateboarding started when the first skaters  Jay Admas,Tony Alva,Stacey Peralta which in thebeginning were surfers who wanted to live 24 hours a day just surfing looked for ways to do it when theywere not in the water.Therefore, they started to surfing on pavement of the streets with wooden boards and skate wheels underneath them. What these surfers with their boards with wheels did was to surf and perform the same tests they conductedat sea but on land.One day, a young man namedAlan Gelfand got to raise his skate 5 inches above the ground thus it was born the famous "ollie" that gave birth to skateboarding as it is knowntoday.From there, the "tricks" were alreadybeginning to be differentiated  from the surfer style.Also,now that was possible to take off the table from land, a whole new world began to unfold forthese young people who found in the skate and surfall the meaning in their lives.However, everything was not rosy in the beginning of the history of skateboarding. Around 1965, the American Medical Association declared that "skateboarders are ahealth threat. ";For this reason,there was forbiddenby law to practice the sport in public places and theskaters were easy targets for angry cops.Today,skateboarding has gained a lot of terrain and advertising.Something important to say is that the skaters see the skateboarding as  a culture and lifestyle thateveryone without distinction of sex, race orreligion can practice. Perhaps only those whopractice the skate can understand what the tableare generated to them. Anyway,  the skaters saythat skateboarding has helped

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them mentally andspiritually and that has made them better persons.

Otaku (おたく / オタク ) (oh-tah-kooh) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime,manga, or video games.

Otaku is derived from a Japanese term for another's house or family ( お宅 , otaku) which is also used as anhonorific second-person pronoun. The modern slangform, which is distinguished from the older usage by being written only in hiragana (おたく) or katakana (オタク or, less frequently, ヲタク ), or rarely in rōmaji, appeared in the 1980s. In the anime Macross, first aired in 1982, the term was used by Lynn Minmay as an honorific term. It appears to have been coined by the humorist and essayist Akio Nakamori in his 1983 series An Investigation of "Otaku" ( 『 お た く 』 の 研 究 "Otaku" no Kenkyū), printed in the lolicon magazineManga Burikko. Animators like Haruhiko Mikimoto andShōji Kawamori used the term among themselves as an honorific second-person pronoun since the late 1970s.

Another source for the term comes from the works of science fiction author Motoko Arai. In his book Wrong about Japan, Peter Carey interviews the novelist, artist and Gundam chronicler Yuka Minakawa. She reveals that Arai used the word in her novels as a second-person pronoun, and the readers adopted the term for themselves.

In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku refers to a fan of any particular theme, topic, or hobby. Common uses are anime otaku (a fan of anime), cosplay otakuand manga otaku (a fan of Japanese graphic novels),pasokon otaku (personal computer geeks), gēmu otaku(playing video games), and wota (pronounced 'ota', previously referred to as "idol otaku") that are extreme fans of idols, heavily promoted singing girls. There are also tetsudō otaku or denshamania (railfans) or gunji

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otaku (military geeks).

While these are the most common uses, the word can be applied to anything (music otaku, martial arts otaku, cooking otaku, etc.).

The loan-words maniakku or mania (from the English "maniac" and "mania") are sometimes used in relation to specialist hobbies and interests. They can indicate someone with otaku leanings. (For example, Gundam Mania would describe a person who is very interested in the anime series Gundam). They can also describe the focus of such interests (a maniakku gēmu would be a particularly underground or eccentric game appealing primarily to otaku). The nuance of maniakku in Japanese is softer and less likely to cause offense thanotaku.

Some of Japan's otaku use the term to describe themselves and their friends semi-humorously, accepting their position as fans, and some even use the term proudly, attempting to reclaim it from its negative connotations. In general colloquial usage however, most Japanese would consider it undesirable to be described in a serious fashion as "otaku"; many even consider it to be an offensive term.

An interesting modern look into the otaku culture has surfaced with an allegedly true story surfacing on the largest internet bulletin board 2channel: "Densha Otoko" or "Train Man", a love story about a geek and a beautiful woman who meet on a train. The story has enjoyed a compilation in novel form, several comic bookadaptations, a movie released in June 2005, a theme song Love Parade for this movie by a popular Japanese band named Orange Range and a television series that aired on Fuji TV from June to September 2005. The drama has become another hot topic in Japan, and the novel, film and television series give a closer look into the otaku culture. In Japan its popularity and positive portrayal of the main character has helped to reduce negative stereotypes about otaku, and increase the acceptability of some otaku hobbies.

The former Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso also claimed himself to be an otaku, using this subculture to promote Japan in foreign affairs.

A subset of otaku are the Akiba-kei, men who spend a lot of time in Akihabara in Tokyo and who are mainly obsessive about anime, idols and games. Sometimes the term is used to describe something pertaining to the subculture that surrounds anime, idols and games in Japan. This subculture places an emphasis on certain services (see fanservice) and has its own system for judgment of anime, dating simulationsand/or role-playing games and some manga (oftendōjinshi) based upon the level of fanservice in the work. Another popular criterion — how ideal the femaleprotagonist of the show is — is often characterized by a level of stylized cuteness and child-like behavior (seemoe). In addition, this subculture places great emphasis on knowledge of individual key animators and directors and of minute details within works. The international subculture is influenced by

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the Japanese one, but differs in many areas often based upon region. (See also: Superflat, Hiroki Azuma.)

On the matter, in recent years "idol otaku" are naming themselves simply as Wota (ヲタ) as a way to differentiate from traditional otaku. The word was derived by dropping the last mora, leaving ota ( オ タ ) and then replacing o (オ) with the identically sounding characterwo (ヲ), leaving the pronunciation unchanged.

When otaku are studied, female otaku are largely ignored. Reki-jo are female otaku interested inJapanese history.

"Otakon" (short for "otaku convention") is a convention organized by Otakorp, Inc, a non-profit organization. Otakon is focused on anime, manga, East Asian culture, and its fandom. The second largest convention of this type in the US and the largest on the east coast, it began in State College, Pennsylvania, in 1994 and has been held in Baltimore, Maryland since 1999. In 2008, Otakon was the largest convention of its kind in the U.S..

Otakorp Inc. gave permission to Konami to use the name "Otacon" in any of their Metal Gear video game series. "Otacon" is the codename of character Hal Emmerich, a scientist and self-professed otaku.

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Posted by Natalia Andrea Garcia

The Pokemones is a Urban tribe very similar to Emos but with the differences that pokemones like dressing colorful clothe and see the aspects of live in  much possitive way than Emos do.It is from Chile and It emerged in 2006.In the beginning the first name of this Urban tribe was "Hxcitos",Then It changed its name for Pokemones because the person who belong to this Urban Tribe are people between 13 and 18 years old who their chilhood was marked by the television serie with the same name  "Pokemon".Those persons said that they do not want to grow up and to have resposabilities;they just want to be free living in their world full of fantasy which revolves arond fashion, expensive communicationdevices, internet,the carreteo,pokemoneo and the ponceo.Carreteo means to be in Parties to forget  all the problems the have.Pokemoneo means to dans,specially reggueton which are the music they listening ;Finally,Ponceo means to kiss a lot of persons in those parties to which they usuallyasist.The follow video can help you to understand better what kind of Urban Tribe Pomenones is

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Skinhead culture emerged as a result of two shifts in British culture and society in the early/mid 1960s. Firstly,  The mods-1968. scene which had been so popular amongst British youth had begun to split into different factions. While the middle class Mods were able to carry on pursuing the latest Carnaby Street clothes and fashionable haircuts, this was out of reach to most working class Mods. In a scene so heavily based on consumerism, this undermined the working class Mods' status and ability to take part in the scene. This led to the emergence of "hard Mods", who marked themselves off from their peers with shaved hair, tight jeans, braces (suspenders), and work boots. This style, based on the typical style of British workingmen at the time, served to separate them from the old Mods and the middle class hippies of their generation. It served as "a conscious attempt by working class youth to dramatise and resolve their marginal status in a class-based society. 

At the same time, there was an influx of Jamaican immigration to London. They brought with them Jamaican rude boy culture, reggae and ska. Many of them went to work in London’s docks and lived in the working class communities of London’s East End. As a result of living so close to one another, the ‘native’ hard Mods mingled with the Jamaican rude boys, swapping mannerisms, slang words and dancing together in West Indian dancehalls to all the latest ska, reggae and soul records.

the Skinheads were born, a multi-racial, working class youth subculture with a clearly defined hostility to the police, government and bosses as well as being an expression of the discontent that many young people felt at the time.

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This culture would only flourish for a short while, peaking in 1969 and fizzling out in the early 1970s amidst internal violence and media hysteria.

However, to say that Skinhead died in the early 70s is wrong and by the late 1970s, Skinheads were back and had spread internationally, across Europe and to North America. Sadly, the resurgence of Skinhead culture in Britain had seen a fundamental political shift within the scene. Skins no longer danced side-by-side with Jamaican rude boys, were more connected to the emerging Punk movement and had become fertile ground for recruiting for far-right groups like the National Front and the more radical neo-Nazi group, the British Movement. Fascist groups began consciously recruiting racist Skinheads (who anti-racist Skins called ‘Boneheads’) to be foot soldiers in their street fights with immigrants, ethnic minorities and the far-left. This process was helped by the media’s portrayal of this new subculture as an explicitly racist one. Also, by the mid-1980s a far-right music movement, Blood & Honour, had become the main distributor of nazi Skinhead and Punk bands across the world holding big international gigs and publishing magazines.

Far-right activism also became a common theme throughout the Skinhead scene in North America and even more so in Europe (a common idea was that some Skins in the US might not be racist, but all the Skins in Europe were Nazis!). Racist Skins in the US were the first to organise themselves into gangs and attacked Punks, non-whites and anti-racist Skinheads. However, with the increasing violence of racist Skinheads, it’s hardly surprising that anti-racist Skins started organising themselves.

In 1986, the Baldies, America’s first explicitly anti-racist Skinhead crew were formed in Minneapolis to combat the presence of neo-Nazi gang, the White Knights. In 1987, the first Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) branch opened up in New York City to combat media portrayals of Skinheads as violent racists and spread

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information about Skinhead culture’s multi-racial history. They also vowed to rid New York of the racist Skinhead scene that was around in New York at the time. The SHARP model spread to other cities across the US and by 1988, there were SHARP branches in Europe as well. There have also been other anti-racist Skinhead groups, most notably RASH – Red and Anarchist Skinheads.

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Origin: they begin in the 60s, for the injustices of the war of Vietnam.

Musical trends: they like rock, pop…and express through their songs their protests and discontent with the world.


They wearing: wear clothes, bold colors, colored hair ribbons, fabric bags…

They normally use drugs such as marijuana, and hallucinogens.

They usually use incense.


Urban tribes are formed by a group of people who behave according to the ideologies of a subculture that originated and developed in the environment of a city or town.

The tribes are characterized by maintaining a similar a esthetic from several individuals of the same trend. It is often accompanied sociopolitical convictions or religious beliefs or mystical character, depending on the momento or urban tribe belonging.

These tribes are born as a result of marked social stratification of Bogota and the advent of globalization.

Urban tribes

Are manifestations with the dissent that exist in society by various factors

What is a urban tribe?

An urban tribe is a group of people who behave according to the ideologies of a subculture, which originates and develops in the atmosphere of a city or town.

Urban tribes are characterized by maintaining a similar aesthetic from several individuals of the same trend. Usually accompanied by socio-political convictions or religious or mystical character, depending on the movement or urban tribe belonging

Tribes type:

Metalheads or jebis Hippies Punks Peel or skins Gothic and claims

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Rastafarians or rastas Emos


The hippies listened to psychedelic rock, folk groove and rebellious, embraced the sexual revolution and believed in free love. Some participated in radical activism and the use of drugs like marijuana and LSD and other hallucinogens with intent to achieve altered states of consciousness, actually a form of rebellion by the homogeneity of concepts offered by the system.

They also looked for unusual forms of experience, such as meditation. Because of their rejection of consumerism often chose voluntary simplicity, whether for spiritual-religious, artistic, political and/or environmentalists.


In his original nature, punk culture has been primarily that of individual freedom, which tends to create beliefs in concepts such as individualism and free thought. Punk ideology has very often a critical view of the world, featuring modern societies as limitations of humanity. This ideology is usually expressed through punk music. In the early 70’s, the “punks” had a very different philosophy now, based on the idea of “there is no future”. This concept was pessimistic, hopeless, destructive and aggressive towards society


Rastafari religion is not only a religion but a lifestyle. Rastafarians protest against, poverty, oppressions and inequality … not just religious ideas but global problems… Rastafarians use the Bible for guidance.

The most basic belief of the Rastafarians is that Haile Selassie is the living God of the black race. Selassie, better known as Rastafari, was the back Emperor of Ethiopia. The Rastafarians prophecies speak of him as “one’s hair was like wool (hair of a black man), who has feet like burning brass (black skin)”.


The gothic, also known as dark, darkie, darketo, goth and sinister, urban tribe is a refined aesthetic tastes, artistic and musical, all dark, If you see the movies classic horror movies, ghosts or gore bloody well will not see unrealistic and commercial rubbish with happy endings like Transformers or away from Disney.

He likes poetry if it is terribly depressing existentialist and highlight the sad and pitiful existence damn we live. Gothic literature will, that is, as things written Felipe Jacinto Love Spell or Anne Rice, filled with monsters,

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vampires, dead and tombstones. If you like sex, sadomasochism is, after all, sadomasochism is dark, weird, banned and painful as Goths. If you practice any religion is Wicca (Wicca dark, go dancing no sunlight in the forest) or Satanism.


The Emus Gafapastismus is a philosophical culture in which fashion is not fashionable. Paradoxically, these people hate the fashions, so contradictory as part of its forms, In short, they are in the pile of those who refuse to be average. His followers are considered another evolution of the human race, and also known simply as “emos” (Portuguese emo, masturbate eu outros). Restrict Goths south, northwest-neopunks with those who one day dressed in black skinny jeans (basic for this subculture) and the next attempt to skate (just try…)- and black to active homos.

Metalheads or jebis

The term encompasses metalhead followers of the different groups or sub-genre of metal, although they sometimes have their own names (heavy, thrash, Black, for example). By metalhead also called metalhead or headbanger (“metal head” and “head shaker” respectively), referring to the typical image of long haired metalhead you move your head to the rhythm of the metal.

The metal is not uniform cultural identity, but brings together different styles and trends do not always drawn to each other. The music and even ideological differences tend to be often very marked, which makes those who call themselves discriminate true metalheads who are not fit your criteria and quality as poseren or wannabies.


The skinheads are beings that are characterized by the same brain mass in the head hairs, similar (and are often confused) with normal humans, with the sole proviso that have skulls culiformes. However, they denigrate be classified within the species Homo sapiens, they are not men, are übermensch.

Übermanschen übermenschen

Skinheads reproducing the species.

Are very macho and hate gays, I like to practice anal Sepsa with each other, but just to test its resistance to severe pain and to demonstrate that, even giving (and receiving) the ass every day, without exception, can be kept very male and no vices.

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SKINHEADSurgen en Inglaterra en la década de los 60 como descendientes del movimiento mod, este grupo se une por gustos como: la música, la vestimenta, el fútbol y la violencia, en este movimiento también encontramos mujeres kingirls su estética es similar a la de los hombres pero con un toque femenino.


_Jóvenes con la cabezarapada_ Botas pesadas_Pantalones entubados 

Skinheads, término que significa cabezas rapadas, es utilizado para denominar a los miembros de un movimiento juvenil originado en Gran Bretaña en los años 1960. 


Los skinheads surgieron en Inglaterra en la década de 1960, como descendientes del movimiento mod que surgió en el Reino Unido en 1958. Los mods eran jóvenes de clase media, que gustaban de la ropa elegante, las scooters, las peleas callejeras. 

También por esa época, en Jamaica, se encontraban pandillas de jóvenes llamados rude-boys con gustos parecidos a los de los mods. Estos rude-boys escuchaban reggae, rocksteady. A partir de 1962 con la independencia de la isla, muchos jamaicanos emigraron a Inglaterra y llevaron su música y su estética rude-boy con ellos. Los mods se sintieron atraídos por la música jamaicana y empezaron a frecuentar las discotecas que la pasaban. Combinando sus músicas surgió la segunda ola del Ska. 

A mediados de los años 1960, surgió el movimiento hippie y el flower-power que empezó entre las clases sociales más ricas, al contrario que los movimientos obreros. 

Los RudeBoy siguieron escuchando música negra, sobre todo por el ska y el naciente rocksteady. Y radicalizaron su actitud, adoptando una estética y una actitud más agresiva por lo que se les llamó hard-mods. Comenzaron a vestir con ropa más práctica e identificada con la clase obrera: botas de trabajo, tirantes, etc. Además se pudo apreciar una tendencia a cortarse el pelo más corto que anteriormente (sin llegar a rapárselo), para diferenciarse de los hippies. Muchas de estas características estéticas fueron adoptadas de los rude boys jamaicanos, como el hecho de usar tirantes o de llevar los pantalones remangados (costumbre en Jamaica debido a lo costoso que entonces eran los pantalones). 

En esos grupos de hard-mods, se empiezan a ver algunos jóvenes con el pelo rapado y botas pesadas que reciben varios nombres (noheads, baldheads, cropheads) hasta que en 1969 son conocidos definitivamente como skinheads. 

Al igual que los antiguos mods, los skinheads siguieron escuchando la música de los rude-boys (tanto es así que al reggae que hacían los jamaicanos en Inglaterra se le empezó a llamar «skinhead reggae»). Su vestimenta era más «proletaria», consistiendo en chaquetas abombadas o «bombers», camisas o polos, tirantes, vaqueros y botas, dejando los trajes para el fin de semana. Además, motivados por el campeonato mundial de fútbol ganado por Inglaterra, muchos skins se convirtieron en hooligans. 

Lo que unía a los skins era su gusto por un mismo tipo de música y vestimenta así como por el fútbol y la violencia. Además por lo general compartían ciertos valores como el culto al coraje y al compañerismo y el orgullo de pertenecer a la clase trabajadora. Este orgullo se traducía en una ética (autodisciplina, trabajo duro).

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No eran una agrupación política como algunos creen, era una forma de vida y en la mayoría de los casos, si bien algunos votaban solian votar al partido de izquierdas. 

En cuanto al racismo hoy en día tan asociado al movimiento, no era una idea que los skins compartieran necesariamente en esa época. Los skinheads como forma de vida no se identificaban con ninguna fuerza política simplemente eran de barrios obreros habíendo skinheads negros, jamaicanos, ingleses etc. En las épocas de crisis lo obreros blancos en numerosas ocasiones mantenían posturas racistas frentes a los inmigrantes pero sin que se conformara en una postura ideológica. 

Todo esto cambió en la década de los ochenta, la música iba evolucionando y lo que escuchaban los jóvenes skinheads además del reggae y el ska se empezó a llamar Oi! la música Oi! recibe ese término por la expresión inglesa «Hey you», una música más rápida, potente y radical que las anteriores. Un grupo conocido como Skrewdriver fue el que provocó en el año 1988 una escisión en el movimiento skinhead, el cantante y líder del grupo Ian Stuart se afilió al NF(National Front partido de extrema derecha) y tornó al primer grupo de RAC (Rock Against Communist) por ello antiguos miembros de la banda la abandonaron, muchos skinheads repudiaron al grupo y su tendencia Neo-fascista y otros lo siguieron creando un movimiento paralelo siempre confundido con el movimiento skinheads, este era el movimiento Neo-nazi. 

Esto hizo que se separara esta cultura en dos partes: Política (nazi-skinheads (nacional-socialistas), redskins (comunistas autoritarios y libertarios), anarcoskins (anarquistas trostkystas, bakuninistas y otros) y SHARP (apartidistas) (Skinheads SHARP [acrónimo de Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice (Cabezas Rapadas Contra el Prejuicio Racial)]), en los que prevalece la cultura del espíritu del '69, antirracismo y solidaridad. Más tarde para mantener una unión entre los movimientos skinheads originales antirracistas y antifascistas se creó la RASH (Red & Anarchist Skin Head, Skinheads Rojos y Anarquistas). Al igual que el SHARP, es un colectivo que agrupa a todos los skinheads sea cual sea su ideología siempre que mantengan los principios de antirracismo y antifascismo. 

La música 

La música siempre ha acompañado a los skins desde el ska, el rocksteady y el reggae de sus primeros días con

grupos y artistas como Symarip,  'Desmond Dekker', 'Laurel Aitken' o John Holt hasta el Oi! violento y desgarrador de los Sham 69, Cock Sparrer, Cockney Rejects, Last Resort o The 4 Skins. 

La mujer en el movimiento 

Desde el inicio del movimiento ha habido mujeres dentro del movimiento skinhead, en un principio fueron las novias de los primeros skinheads que seguían a sus novios y se fueron radicalizando paulatinamente, éstas eran conocidas como chelseas. A estas mujeres skin se las conoce en la actualidad como "skingirls" o skinhead girls. Su estética es similar a la de los hombres pero con un toque femenino: minifaldas de cuadros, zapatos tipo brogue o loafer, botas, etc. Llevan la cabeza rapada como los hombres o el pelo muy corto aunque con variaciones que conforman el peinado más habitual consiste en dejar la parte de atrás, el flequillo y las patillas largas y la zona superior de la cabeza rapada o en su defecto con el pelo corto. A este tipo de corte de pelo se le llama chelsea, nombre inspirado en las primeras skinhead. Fuente 

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The most common urban tribes in Lithuania are these:


Genre of softcore punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who don’t smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar riffs with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarves (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favourite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle.

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Goth fashion is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, eroticized fashion and style of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes dyed black hair, dark eyeliner, black fingernails, black period-styled clothing; goth may or may not have piercing. The extent to which Goths hold to this style varies amongst individuals as well as geographical locality, though virtually all Goths wear some of these elements. They like to create their own unique style. Goths would rather stay who they are and be among the so called “freaks” than be like everyone else and be popular.


Skater is a human being who enjoys riding a skateboard because it is fun. A lot of skaters could be classified as ‘punks’ but this is just a stereotype. True, some skaters wear tight jeans and a pair of emericas, but a lot of them just dress ‘normally’.

Anyway, skater is someone who wears baggy clothes, i.e. hoods, jeans etc. These so-called ‘skaters’ can’t always skate, but people think they are skaters just because they wear skate clothes.

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The general “uniform” of the Skinheads are flight jackets, Fred Perry’s/polo shirts/dress shirts, Levi 501s/tight jeans, steelcap combat boots, and either shaved head or close-cut hair. Sideburns are common. Some skinheads, particularly highly political ones, attach significance to the colour of boot laces to indicate beliefs or affiliations. In a few cases, the colour of braces (also called suspenders), and (less commonly) flight jackets may also signify affiliations. The particular colours used have varied regionally, and have meant totally different things in different areas and time periods. In the early days of the skinhead subculture, some skinheads chose lace colours based on the football team they supported. Only skinheads from the same area and time period are likely to interpret the colour significations accurately. The “braces and laces game” has largely fallen into disuse, particularly among traditionalist skinheads, who are more likely to choose their colours for fashion purposes than for expressing views.

Urban Tribes

SkingersORIGIN:Skingers means skinheads, they are called so amovement originated in the 60's in Great Britain.Emerged as descendants of the mods, who weremiddle-class youths, dressed in smart suits,scooters and were fond of street fighting.                                                                                                      

THEIR CHARACTERISTICS: They have their heads shaved.

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They wear practice clothes and identified as working class: Suspenders pants, work boots, polo shirts, jackets bulging, etc.

Listen Reggae, Ska, Rocksteady and RAC (Rock Against Comunist)

But the movement is damned Skin by society today,as they themselves like to make a cult of uglinessand violence. So the skins is the result

of the crisis,confusion and chaos of our socio-culturalhistorical moments.


Since the origin of thismovement of women have been in the skinheadmovement, they were

recognized as Chels, but nowknown as ¨ Skingirls¨ or Skinhead girls , as theiraesthetic is similar to that

of men but womenuntoque as plaid skirts, brogue type shoes or boots, etc.. and also have a shaved head like men, butare allowed to have long

sideburns or a fringe. bitacora

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Mucho hemos escuchado de las tribus urbanas, pero gracias a la tecnología los estilos de vida se han diversificado y dejamos de hablar de los punks, emos o darketos y nos enfrentamos a las nuevas tribus urbanas como los hipster, los forever, las cougars y muchos más. ¿Con cuál te identificas?El hombre es por naturaleza un ser social. Busca relacionarse y con ello pertenecer a algún grupo social. Hoy los hábitos sociales y las subculturas han cambiado, por eso, en las próximas entradas te acercaremos a los estilos de vida modernos del hombre moderno.Esto no lo he inventado yo, me baso 

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