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Urban Effects on Summer Monsoon Convection in Phoenix, Arizona (USA):

A Model Case Study of Aug. 2-3, 2005

Susanne Grossman-Clarke1,2, Joseph A. Zehnder3, Christopher L. Castro4, Yubao Liu5 and

William Cassell4

(1) Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

(2) Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

(3) Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, NE

(4) Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

(5) Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR, Boulder, CO

19 April 2011

Corresponding Author

Dr. Susanne Grossman-Clarke

Arizona State University

Global Institute of Sustainability

PO Box 875402

Tempe, AZ 85287-5402

Email: [email protected]

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The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) was used to simulate a typical

North American Monsoon thunderstorm event on 2-3 August 2005 in Phoenix, Arizona

(USA). Using a factor sensitivity analysis, the impact of urban physical characteristics that

may affect thunderstorm development were investigated, including increased surface

roughness, agricultural and landscape irrigation, increased heat storage and anthropogenic

heating. WRF is able to reproduce the timing and propagation of the convective event

reasonably well. In agreement with the observed precipitation pattern, urban physical effects

led to a reduction of simulated rainfall over Phoenix and enhanced precipitation on the

northern fringe of the city. A reduction of afternoon urban sensible heat fluxes, H, clearly has

the most pronounced effect on precipitation by causing a complex response in the storm

propagation from elevated terrain into Phoenix and changing locations of convergence zones.

The non-linear interactions of urban characteristics affect precipitation strongly also but their

superposition cancels much of the impact. This case study suggests that the impact of

urbanization on thunderstorms in the semi-arid and mountainous southwest U.S. may be

markedly different than in more humid climates due to a reduction of urban afternoon H in

comparison to the rural surroundings.

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1. Introduction

Observations, experimental and modeling studies showed that rainfall and convective

activity are enhanced in urban regions located in mid-latitude humid climates of the U.S.

Examples include New York City (Bornstein and LeRoy 1990); Atlanta, Georgia (Bornstein

and Lin 2000, Shem and Shepherd 2009); St. Louis, Missouri (Changnon 1981, Rozoff et al.

2003); Chicago, Illinois (Changnon 2001); Houston, Texas (Orville et al. 2000; Burian and

Shepherd 2005, Shepherd et al. 2010) and Oklahoma City (Hand and Shepherd 2008). The

physical processes responsible for the increase in precipitation have not been fully identified

(Cotton and Pielke 2007) but mesoscale meteorological model simulations show that higher

sensible heat fluxes over the urban compared to surrounding rural areas lead to deeper and

drier planetary boundary layers (PBL), causing low-level convergence that is favorable for

generating cumulonimbus clouds and initiating convection downwind of the city (Bornstein

and Lin 2000, Rozoff et al. 2003, Cotton and Pielke 2007). Another possible mechanism

affecting precipitation is an increase in surface momentum flux due to the presence of

buildings that causes air to diverge around the urban core and converge downwind. Urban

aerosols can also have significant impacts on microphysical processes in clouds and enhance

or suppress precipitation depending on cloud type, seasonality, climate regime or orography

of the urban region (Shepherd 2005).

The focus of the present study is on the Phoenix metropolitan area (Fig. 1a), located

in the Salt River Valley, at an elevation of 335m and with elevated terrain to the north and

northeast of the city (Fig. 1b). Summer weather in Phoenix is influenced by the North

American Monsoon (NAM), which results in a maximum of convective activity and rainfall

in July and August (Adams and Comrie 1997). On most days conditions for thunderstorm

development are marginal due to a lack of both low-level moisture and upper-level instability

(Maddox et al. 1995) and precipitation in Phoenix occurs in just a few isolated “burst”

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periods of organized convection. When monsoon thunderstorms do occur, there are several

key factors typically present. The upper-level subtropical high pressure moves to the north

and east of central Arizona and the region is under the influence of moist easterly flow at

upper-levels (e.g. Bryson and Lowry, 1955). The presence of upper-level instability and wind

shear caused by a synoptic-scale disturbance, such as an inverted trough (e.g. Bieda et al.

2009), and/or a surge of low-level moisture (e.g. Hales, 1972) is additionally required for the

development of thunderstorms. Given these preconditions, convection typically develops

over the mountains to the north and east of Phoenix. Thunderstorms organize and move

westward into the city and the low-deserts of southwest Arizona via discontinuous

propagation. New convection is initiated along the outflow boundaries from existing cells

(Smith and Gall, 1989). The convective maxima occurs in the late evening hours likely due

to the destabilization of the mid-level troposphere by westward advection of cooled air from

cumulus areas in the adjacent higher terrain (Hales 1977, Balling and Brazel 1987a, Svoma


It is of great interest to study to what extent the Phoenix metropolitan area is

influencing the propagation of thunderstorms through the region. Previous statistical analyses

of historical observations suggest that the city is indeed influencing monsoon rainfall.

Balling and Brazel (1987b) analyzed rain gauge data at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and

concluded that rainfall events between midnight and noon declined during the years 1970-

1985 in comparison to the period 1954-1969. The later period was characterized by rapid

population growth and an increase in nighttime air temperatures. Based on the analysis of

1950-2000 precipitation data from surface weather stations Diem and Brown (2003) found

that precipitation amounts are higher in the Lower Verde River Basin, ~30-50 km northeast

of Phoenix, compared to the neighboring valleys. They argue that moisture from agricultural

and landscape irrigation is advected to that region. For the same area Shepherd (2006) also

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showed a statistically significant increase in mean precipitation of ~ 12 % from the pre-urban

(1895-1949) to the post-urban (1950-2003) period. Shepherd (2006) assumes that the urban

heat island and irrigation lead to advection of moisture into this preferred convergence zone.

These studies are statistical analyses of rainfall, hence the mechanisms leading to the

observed precipitation patterns remain unclear. There have been no mesoscale modeling

studies carried out to investigate the mechanisms by which Phoenix or other cities in the

southwest U.S. might potentially influence thunderstorm development. Therefore in this

study the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (Skamarock et al. 2005) along

with the Noah urban canopy model (Noah UCM; Kusaka and Kimura 2004) is applied for a

NAM thunderstorm event on 2-3 August 2005 in Phoenix, with the goal to analyze

mechanisms underlying urban modifications of the convective event. Studying urban effects

on monsoon convective activity in central Arizona using mesoscale models is inherently

challenging, since it is necessary to capture convective initiation over the higher terrain

(Bright and Mullen 2002), the evolution of the urban PBL and the thermal mesoscale

circulations that interact with the thunderstorm outflow propagating from the elevated terrain.

Another challenge involves assessing contributions of the various forcing factors.

Rozoff et al. (2003) applied the Stein and Alpert (1993) factor separation method to

investigate effects of topography, urban heat and momentum fluxes on convection in St.

Louis. In a similar manner, we apply the factor separation approach to study the contribution

of urban modifications including roughness, agricultural and landscaping irrigation, heat

storage, anthropogenic heating, albedo and emissivity to the thunderstorms on 2-3 August

2005 in Phoenix. In the following sections we firstly give an overview of the thunderstorm

event (section 2a), then WRF model configuration (section 2b) and the scenario simulations

required by the Stein-Alpert method (section 2c). WRF’s ability to simulate the thunderstorm

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event with sufficient accuracy is analyzed in section 3, along with the analysis of the Stein-

Alpert scenario simulations. The fourth and final section summarizes the important results.

2. Data, model and analysis methods

a. Convective event

On August 2-3, 2005 typical severe thunderstorms occurred in the Phoenix region.

The requisite conditions for organized convection in the low deserts of Arizona described

above were present. The conditions generally fit the Type I classification of severe

thunderstorms in Arizona proposed by Maddox et al. (1995). Figure 2a shows the 500 hPa

height at 00 UTC 3 August 2005, obtained from the National Center for Environmental

Prediction (NCEP) Final Operational Global Analysis (FNL) gridded data (a 1° resolution

every 6 h). The upper-level subtropical high was located over the central U.S., northeast of its

climatological position at this time of year over the Four Corners region, providing favorable

easterly winds to push storms off the terrain (Fig. 1b). Water vapor imagery (not shown)

indicated the presence of an upper-level inverted trough over northern Mexico, which

provided the diffluence and forced lifting to the north and west over central Arizona.

Heinselman and Schultz (2006) describe a classification of precipitation regimes in

Arizona based on 500 hPa heights along with the water vapor and precipitation distribution.

The scheme is based on the assumption that the NAM is regulated by the 500 hPa flow with

variations depending on the location of the North Pacific trough and the subtropical high that

regulate the location of the meridional moisture axis. The storm event analyzed in this study

corresponds closely with their Central-Eastern Mountain and Sonoran Regime. A meridional

axis of moist air is centered over the border of Arizona and New Mexico (Fig. 2b) with the

ridge being shifted slightly northward and its axis tilted toward the northwest, providing

middle level tropospheric moisture in the region.

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The Phoenix sounding with vertical profiles of air temperature, dew point

temperature, wind speed and direction at 00 and 12 UTC on 3 August 2005 is shown in Fig.

3a and 3b. Winds are easterly between 300 and 600 hPa, consistent with the 500 hPa heights

in Fig. 2a. Below 850-mb the low-level winds are westerly, with a relatively high dewpoint of

15 °C and 14 °C, indicative of a surge of moisture from the Gulf of California. Smith and

Gall (1988) described the propagation of tropical squall lines associated with the NAM. The

low level westerlies associated with the gulf surge force moist, unstable boundary layer air up

along the gust front associated with the downdraft of an existing cell. This causes a

discontinuous propagation of the cells at a speed that is larger than the flow at any level.

Smith and Gall also showed that a dry layer at middle levels aids in the tropical squall line

propagation through downdraft development associated with mid-level entrainment and

evaporative cooling. There is evidence of a dry layer between 400-600 hPa in the 00 UTC

sounding (Fig. 3a), while the 12 UTC sounding (Fig. 3b) shows the classic convectively

modified “onion” sounding (Zipser 1977) due to PBL cooling and moistening by downdrafts.

There is evidence of middle level moistening as a saturated layer appears near 500 hPa.

Figure 4a shows hourly accumulated precipitation amounts, Pacc, from the NCEP

Stage IV precipitation analyses (based on NEXRAD and rain gage measurements) over

Arizona for 02 August 2005 1100 LST (1800 UTC) to 03 August 2005 0500 LST.

Convection began over the elevated terrain about 100 km to the northeast and east of the city

at about 11 LST; the storm activities over the mountainous regions continued in early

afternoon and moved to lower elevations by mid-afternoon; widespread storms over the

Sonoran Desert and propagation towards the Phoenix region is visible between 1600 and

2000 LST with the heaviest rains occurring in the urban area between 2000 and 2300 LST.

Around the National Weather Service station at Sky Harbor Airport (Fig.1a) Pacc was

observed to be 25-50 mm. At 2200 LST widespread thunderstorms occurred in central

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Arizona with the leading edge of the convection having passed Phoenix towards the

northwest by 0300 LST. Damage reports from the National Weather Service, of this event

include a major dust storm, golf-ball size hail, damaging winds, and urban flooding.

b. Numerical simulations

A one-way nested 24-hour WRF ( model run with three domains and

resolutions of 30, 10 and 2.5 km, respectively, was performed (Fig. 5) starting on 2 August

2005 12 UTC. The area included in the outer domain corresponds with recommendations by

the “North American Monsoon Experiment” study (

The smallest domain covers Arizona, northwest Mexico, and the entire Gulf of California in

order to enable WRF to capture the Gulf surge.

In the simulations 37 vertical levels were used. NCEP FNL data were interpolated to

provide initial and 3 hourly lateral boundary conditions for the WRF simulations. PBL

processes were included via the Mellor-Yamada-Janjic scheme (Janjic 2002); microphysics

through the Lin scheme (Lin et al. 1983, Chen and Sun 2002) that considers ice, snow and

graupel processes and is suitable for real-data high-resolution simulations; radiation processes

through the Community Atmosphere Model’s radiation scheme (Collins et al. 2004); and

natural land surface processes by the Noah land surface model (Noah LSM; Chen et al.

1997). Convection for the outer domains was parameterized by the Kain-Fritsch scheme

(Kain 2004).

In WRF, the Noah UCM and LSM are applied to the fraction of a model grid cell with

built and natural surfaces, respectively. The Noah UCM considers urban geometry in the

surface energy balance and momentum flux calculations (Chen et al. 2011). A multi-layer

heat conductivity equation is solved for roof, wall, and road temperature profiles. Sensible

heat fluxes from the respective surfaces are aggregated into the total flux Hurban. An

anthropogenic heat flux, QA, can be activated which is added to the Hurban. Appropriate QA for

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Phoenix were derived by the Sailor and Lu (2004) method. Maximum QA occur during the

evening rush hour (LST 1700) and amount to ~30W m-2 with slight variation between urban

land use / land cover (LULC) classes (Grossman-Clarke et al. 2005). Three urban LULC

classes are included in WRF for Phoenix: commercial/industrial, mesic residential and xeric

residential, which are distinguished by the fractional cover of built, vegetation and soil

surfaces, building heights, roof and road widths (Grossman-Clarke et al. 2010). Landsat

based LULC data for 2005 (Fig.1a) were derived using the procedure of Stefanov et al.


In order to sustain landscape vegetation and agricultural productivity in the Phoenix

region, irrigation is necessary all year around. The Noah LSM does not account for irrigation

but assumes soil moisture contents as obtained from WRF’s initial conditions. The preferred

irrigation practice for urban vegetation is drip irrigation over an extended period of time

(Martin et al. 2003). This technique ensures sufficient water in the root zone for plant

transpiration, but soil surfaces in between plants are usually not irrigated resulting in low soil

evaporation. In order to account for the irrigation in WRF, the initial soil moisture content in

the urban area was increased for the sub-surface layers but not for the top soil layer. For the

usually flood-irrigated agricultural LULC the soil moisture content was increased for all soil


c. Stein-Alpert sensitivity analysis

There are a number of possible mechanisms which may affect thunderstorm

development in this case. The increased surface roughness, z0,urban, might slow down

thunderstorm outflows and suppress the discrete propagation of thunderstorms into the region

(Smith and Gall 1988). It might also inhibit the balanced basin scale flow, resulting in a

convergence zone that flanks the urban area, creating convection outside the urban area.

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Evapotranspiration from extended areas of irrigated vegetation may increase the convective

available potential energy (CAPE) by moistening the PBL, while reduced daytime Hurban may

have the opposite effect on CAPE.

The Stein and Alpert (1993) method allows to isolate the model response for a

physical field, f, to individual processes and their non-linear interactions (factors). Therefore f

is approximated by means of a Taylor series around a control simulation f0 in which all

factors are excluded. In the case of three factors, as considered in this study, f is given by:

f f0 f i i1




f ijk

with addends f i , f ij and f ijk being the contributions of individual factors and their

combinations. Eight scenario simulations are necessary which result from each factor being

modified to its urban or non-urban (rural) value combined with the urban/rural values of the

other factors (Table 1). The urban factors and their contributions to Pacc considered here are:

(1) roughness as influencing momentum fluxes, urban; (2) heat storage, anthropogenic

heating, surface albedo and emissivity as they affect Hurban; and (3) irrigation and vegetation

characteristics influencing latent heat fluxes, λEurban.

It is impossible to simultaneously simulate λErural and Hurban for Phoenix since for the

correct simulation of the latter it is necessary to apply WRF’s USGS LULC category 5

“cropland/grassland mosaic”, while USGS LULC category 8 “shrubland” represents the

native desert vegetation. This reflects the fact that non-native plant species with different

physiological characteristics are used predominantly in landscaping in Phoenix. Therefore,

the fully urbanized WRF was applied in order to obtain Hurban, while λEurban (including the

irrigated agricultural areas) was replaced with typical values of λErural that were obtained

from S1 described below. The eight scenarios are as follows:

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(1) Srural resulting in simulated meteorological fields f0: all urban effects are excluded

from the simulations. Urban and irrigated agricultural LULC is replaced with characteristics

of the native desert vegetation leading to fluxes τrural, Hrural and λErural.

(2) S1 resulting in f1: z0,urban is used to calculate the surface exchange coefficients for

momentum resulting in τurban, while z0,rural is applied to give the rural values Hrural and λErural;

(3) S2 resulting in f2: Hurban was simulated, while τrural and λErural were maintained.

The rural surface exchange coefficient for momentum was used in the calculations of τrural.

(4) S3 resulting in f3: τ and H are maintained at their rural values by running WRF as

for S1, however with λErural replaced with typical λEurban values for the urban and irrigated

agricultural LULC.

(5) S12 resulting in f12: τurban and Hurban are obtained by applying WRF as in S2, while

λEurban (including the irrigated agricultural areas) was replaced with typical values of the

desert category, λErural, that were obtained from S1.

(6) S13 resulting in f13: τurban, Hrural and λEurban are obtained by applying WRF as in S1,

however the urban surface momentum exchange coefficient is used in the calculations of

τurban. λErural is replaced with typical λEurban values for the urban and irrigated agriculture


(7) S23 resulting in f23: the fully urbanized WRF is applied to give Hurban and λEurban,

however the rural surface momentum exchange coefficient is used in the calculations of τrural.

(8) Surban resulting in f123: the fully urbanized WRF is applied to give Hurban, λEurban

and τurban, Hurban and λEurban.

Based on these scenario simulations, fields fi that express the contribution of each of

the factors (1) to (3) and their interactions to the simulated difference fields obtained from

Surban minus Srural can be determined (Table 2).

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3. Results and Discussion

a. Model validation

A control simulation for the event was produced to examine simulated precipitation

location and timing. Fig. 4 shows the hourly NCEP precipitation analysis and the simulated

accumulated rainfall on the finest grid (d03) from 1100 to 1800 LST 2 August 2005 (Fig. 4a)

and 1900 LST 2 August 2005 to 0100 LST 3 August 2005 (Fig. 4b). WRF captures the

initiation of convection over the Mogollon Rim and northern Mexico at about 1100 LST as

well as the storm development over the mountainous regions that continued in the early

afternoon. Storm movement to lower elevations began by mid-afternoon in both the

observations and simulations. However, in WRF the propagation of widespread storms from

southeastern Arizona and from the northeastern mountains towards Phoenix was faster than

observed. The model storms developed in the Phoenix region between 1700 and 2100 LST,

about three hours before they were observed by the NEXRAD radar (between 2000 and 23

LST). After the precipitation moved through the urban area, no significant night time rains

were simulated, while light rains (< 5 mm·h-1) were observed in the Phoenix region until

0500 LST 3 August 2005. This is likely due to WRF not being able to properly represent

upper level stratiform rain. The maximum observed and simulated hourly precipitation

amounts are comparable, on an order of 25 – 50 mm·h-1.

The observed and simulated temperature profiles in Phoenix at 1100 and 1700 LST on

2 August 2005 (Fig. 6) show a good agreement. Warming of the atmosphere occurred

between 1100 and 1700 LST with near-surface temperatures peaking at ~ 40 °C. The profiles

of dew point temperatures, Tdew, indicate comparable levels of moisture for observations and

simulations up to 800 hPa, although the simulated Tdew were higher than observed between

700 hPa and 400 hPa. This might be caused by the early onset of thunderstorm activity in the

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simulations. A sharp decrease in moisture at 650 hPa was visible in the observations while a

more gradual change was simulated. Both the observed and simulated soundings show

easterly winds between 400 and 800 hPa. At 1100 LST the observed winds are westerly

below 850 hPa, indicating that the reversal in flow direction from the nighttime

easterly/northeasterly down-valley winds that originate on the large-scale terrain to the north

and northeast, to the predominantly westerly/southwesterly daytime anabatic flow had

occurred in the region. In the simulations the winds were still southeasterly below 850 hPa

and turned westerly/northwesterly by 1300 LST. Simulated and observed winds were

westerly below 800 hPa at 1700 LST.

Despite the challenges, the results demonstrate that WRF is able to produce the basic

features of the event, in terms of the approximate timing in the evening hours, westward

propagation of the thunderstorm into the Phoenix valley, precipitation amounts, and low-level

moisture transport necessary for storm development.

b. Differences between urban and rural LULC scenarios

Surface divergence, divsurf, and 10m wind fields are shown prior to the thunderstorm

development in the city at 1300, 1500 and 1600 LST, 02 August 2005 in Fig. 7a and b for

Surban and Srural, respectively. Convergence in the divsurf fields illustrates the propagation of

thunderstorms from the Mogollon Rim to lower elevations. Wind fields for 1300 LST

indicate that the reversal in flow direction from the nighttime northeasterly to the

southwesterly/westerly daytime upslope flow had established by that time. The upslope flow

converged with outflow from thunderstorms that occurred in the northern mountains (divsurf ~

- 0.0002 s-1). At 1500 LST, within the urban area, winds were light, but more pronounced

northwesterly and slightly higher in Srural than in Surban (~ 3-4 m s-1 vs. 2-3 m s-1). At 1600

LST cooling of the mountains by convective activity modified the pressure gradient such that

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the surface winds in the urban area became northwesterly instead of westerly for Srural (Fig.

7b), while winds were westerly for Surban (Fig. 7a).

Figures 8a and 8b show enlarged views of divsurf for Phoenix that clearly illustrate

different locations of convergence zones relative to the city boundaries for Surban and Srural.

The outflow of convection in the mountains converges with the westerly upslope flow closer

to the city in Srural with divsurf ~- 0.0001 s-1 for both scenarios (Fig. 8, 1500 LST). Areas of

elevated CAPE correspond with the convergence zones and are therefore located further

north, i.e. outside and at/within the city boundaries for Surban and Srural, respectively. CAPE

values are 1600 – 1800 J kg-1 with values being slightly higher in the Srural scenario (not

shown). Convergence of outflow of an initial urban storm in the McDowell Mountains (cp.

Fig. 1b) appeared at the northern urban fringe for Surban and at the boundaries of the

northeastern part of the city for Srural (Figs. 8, 1600 LST). In Surban, at ~1700 LST (Fig. 8a) an

area of convergence and elevated CAPE (not shown) occurred near the northern fringe, west

of the McDowell Mountains. In contrast, in Srural convergence zones are clearly located

within the urban area at that time (Fig. 8a).

The half-hourly accumulated precipitation, Pacc, between 1600 LST and 1830 LST, 02

August 2005 for the scenarios Surban and Srural are given in Fig. 9. For both scenarios

convection in the urban area starts with a thunderstorm in the McDowell Mountains (cp. Fig.

1b) near the northern fringe at 1600 LST. Subsequently, storms develop in the convergence

areas along the northeastern fringe of the city and outside the eastern fringe for Surban and

along the northeastern fringe for Srural (Fig. 9, 1630 and 1700 LST). In Surban, at ~1730 LST

(Fig. 9a), the storm expanded from the northeastern to the northern fringe, west of the

McDowell Mountains and propagated west within the next 90 minutes. Smaller cells also

developed in the central and eastern parts of the urban area at 1730 LST. Meanwhile, in Srural

two major cells developed over the central and eastern parts of the city at 1730 LST and

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moved southwestward between 1730 LST and 1830 LST (Fig. 9b). The organized storms

propagating toward northwest from southeastern Arizona reach the urban area at ~ 1700 LST

and pass closer to the southern fringe in Srural (Fig. 9b). The storm system has passed the

urban area by ~ 2000 LST (Fig. 4b).

Figures 10a-c show 24-hour Pacc based on the NCEP precipitation analysis, the

simulations for Surban and Srural and a difference plot (Surban minus Srural) for 0500 LST, 3

August 2005. Pacc for the two scenarios exhibits differences in and surrounding the urban

area, with the storm being located further north for Surban, resulting in less precipitation in the

urban center. This agrees better with the observed Pacc distribution, i.e. precipitation is larger

in the urban fringe areas than within the city. For both scenarios, Pacc is overestimated to the

northwest of the city. For Srural, Pacc is higher southwest and lower to the northwest of the

urban area with differences of ~ 40-50 mm. Figure 10 also indicates an increase in Pacc for

Surban to the northeast of the city near the Lower Verde River Basin region (~33°50′N;

112°30′W), which is consistent with Diem and Brown (2003) and Shepherd (2006) who

found elevated precipitation amounts compared with neighboring valleys and a statistically

significant precipitation increase from the pre-urban to the post-urban period (cp. Section 1),


The difference fields (Surban minus Srural) in H and λE, PBL heights, and CAPE at 1300

LST, 2 August 2005 are given in Fig. 11a-d. The simulated H are ~30 W m-2 higher for the

commercial/industrial LULC class and ~30 W m-2 and ~100 W m-2 lower for the xeric and

mesic residential LULC classes, respectively (Fig. 11a). Maximum H for the desert LULC

are ~400 W m-2, while they amount to ~430, 370 and 300 W m-2 for the three urban LULC

classes. Even though z0 is higher and albedo is lower for urban than for desert LULC, H from

urban LULC are reduced due to urban landscape irrigation and relatively higher surface heat

storage fluxes, G. Maximum G are reached at ~ 1100 LST with absolute values of ~ 400 W

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m-2, 290 W m-2, 240 W m-2 for the three urban LULC classes. For the desert LULC, the

maximum G is ~150 W m-2. Maximum λE of the desert and three urban

(commercial/industrial, xeric, mesic) LULC classes are ~90 W m-2, ~20 W m-2, 140 W m-2

and ~280 W m-2, which amounts to λE differences of ~70 W m-2, 120 W m-2 and 190 W m-2

(Fig. 11b).

The largest differences in H between Surban and Srural (~ -280 W m-2) occur in the

irrigated agricultural areas to the west and southeast of the city. Those are accompanied by λE

differences of ~360 W m-2 (Fig. 11b). The maximum λE values for the irrigated agricultural

areas in Surban are ~440 W m-2 and ~80 W m-2 for the desert LULC in Srural. Consequently, the

PBL heights are several hundred meters higher in Srural than in Surban (Fig. 11c) with the

effects extended outside the city boundaries. Maximum PBL heights occur at about 1600 LST

with magnitudes of 2700 m and 3600 m for Surban and Srural , respectively. Surface CAPE is

also influenced by both H and λE. Irrigation and accompanying evapotranspiration rates

cause CAPE to be higher by up to 500 J kg-1 in the irrigated agricultural areas (Fig. 11d) in

Surban (CAPE ~1900 J kg-1) as compared to Srural (CAPE ~1400 J kg-1 for desert LULC in the

same location). Within the city boundaries, landscaping irrigation did not compensate for the

decrease in H and therefore CAPE is higher overall for desert LULC in Srural (~1400 - 1500 J

kg-1) than for urban LULC (~1100 - 1400 J kg-1).

These results highlight the fact that urban modifications of the surface energy balance

of Phoenix, a city in a semi-arid environment, differ from those of cities in humid climates

which are usually characterized by reduced λE and increased H in comparison to their rural

environments. For the Phoenix metropolitan region, λE are higher and H is lower than in the

rural area during daytime. In summary, the simulations for this particular event suggest that

the Phoenix urban surface energy balance and PBL processes led to complex modifications in

thunderstorm development in the region, affecting the upslope thermal flow, location and

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wind speed of outflow from thunderstorms over the mountains, the convergence that supports

new convection and location, and the amounts of precipitation.

c. Stein-Alpert Sensitivity study


In order to quantify the effect of specific physical characteristics on the simulated

Pacc, the Stein-Alpert technique (cp. paragraph 2c) was applied at 0500 LST 3 August 2005,

after the storm has moved over the Phoenix region. Figure 12a shows the Pacc difference

fields between Surban and Srural, (f123 - f0). The contribution of the individual urban factors (1)-

(3) and their interactions to (f123 - f0), i.e. the fields f1, f2, f3, f12, f13, f23 and f123

(Table 2) are given in Figs. 12(b-h). Fig. 12c shows the differences in Pacc between S2 and

Srural (f2), which can be attributed to Hurban. In S2 only urban H modifications were

considered while the rural values of τ and λE were maintained.

Fig. 12c most closely resembles Fig. 12a, particularly near the urban fringe (except in

the west) as well as within the southeastern part of the city. This suggests that Hurban

contributed significantly to the differences between Surban and Srural. Urban H alone in S2

would lead to a stronger reduction in Pacc in the center and higher Pacc to the northwest of the

urban area in comparison with the combined effects of all urban factors and their interactions

in Surban. The Stein-Alpert technique was applied also to divsurf, 10 m wind speed, u10m and

direction, Ψ10m. Fig. 13 (left panels) shows the divsurf difference fields (f123-f0) of Surban and

Srural at 1500, 1600 and 1700 LST. For a clear visualization the difference fields (f123-f0-f2)

are given in Fig. 13 (right panels). Consequently, if the urban modifications in H contribute

strongly to the simulated divsurf differences between Surban and Srural in a particular location the

fields (f123-f0-f2) should be small there. The 1500 LST plots were included in the analysis in

order to detect if Hurban influenced the propagation of thunderstorms towards the city. The

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analysis is carried out under the assumption that thunderstorms develop preferentially in areas

of relatively high surface convergence, CAPE and PBL.

From Fig. 13 (right panels) at 1500 LST it can be concluded that the differences in the

convergence area of the outflow of convection over the mountains and the westerly upslope

flow between Surban and Srural (expressed in (f123-f0) in Fig. 13, left panels) can be explained

largely by Hurban, since the differences for (f123-f0-f2) in the convergence area disappear

almost completely. Also Hurban contribute strongly to the differences in the location of

convergence (divsurf ~ - 0.0001 s-1) immediately south of the city, while differences related to

the northwestwards propagation of storms from southeastern Arizona are influenced by Hurban

to a much lesser extent (Fig. 13, right panels). The outflow from the storms over the

mountains approaches the city with higher wind speeds (u10m ~ 5 ms-1) in Srural (not shown).

According to the Stein-Alpert analysis for u10m and Ψ10m this is largely due to Hurban induced

changes in divsurf and associated locations of convergence areas (results not shown). This is

also the case for the flow to the south and the southeastern part of the urban area.

The sensible heat fluxes also have a significant effect in producing the divsurf

differences at 1600 LST resulting from the initial urban convection in the McDowell

Mountains (Fig. 13, right panels) and subsequent differences in Pacc (Fig. 12a and d.).

However Hurban cannot explain results of (f123-f0) for divsurf, that are located north of the city at

~ 34°N and 111°40′W as well as some of the divsurf differences south of the city. As discussed

in sec. 3b, significant differences in Ψ10m between Surban and Srural occur at 1600 LST within

and near the city boundaries with winds being westerly for Surban (Fig. 8a) and northwesterly

for Srural (Fig. 8b). The Stein-Alpert analysis indicates that those modifications in Ψ10m are

clearly the result of urban H modifications (not shown). At 1700 LST significant differences

in Pacc near the northern fringe were detected between Surban and Srural (f123-f0), which can be

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explained by Hurban (Fig. 13, left panels, 1700 LST) as can the differences in Pacc south of and

within the city.

In summary, the Stein-Alpert analysis of the impact of the Phoenix specific urban

LULC on Pacc, divsurf, u10m and Ψ10m suggests that the Hurban significantly affect the simulated

urban vs. rural precipitation differences in the city and surrounding regions. However, Hurban

did not contribute as much to a decrease in Pacc in the urban simulation in an extended area to

the northwest of the city at ~ 33°20′N to 34°20′N; 112°W to 113°W and a Pacc increase that

occurred to the west of the city at ~ 33°25′N; 112°40′W (Fig. 12c).


In S1, the roughness length for momentum was changed from the rural value of 0.1 to

0.8 m, 0.5 m and 0.5 m for the urban LULC (commercial/industrial, mesic and xeric

respectively). All other characteristics of the natural land surface were unchanged. The Pacc

differences between S1 and Srural (f1) can be attributed to τurban and are shown in Fig. 12b.

Here, τurban do not significantly influence Pacc south of the city, but contribute significantly to

a decrease in Pacc in an extended area to the northwest of the city (at ~ 33°20′N to 34°20′N;

112°W to 113°W) and a Pacc increase west of the city (at ~ 33°25′N; 112°40′W). Within the

city boundaries τurban did not affect Pacc significantly in the eastern part, but reduced Pacc in

the central urban area in comparison with the fully urbanized model version (Fig. 12b). Urban

momentum fluxes contributed to the Pacc reductions at the northeastern and southern fringe

that were detected in Fig. 12a, however to a lesser degree than Hurban.

The results (f123-f0) for divsurf (Fig. 14, left panels), u10m and Ψ10m and the Stein-Alpert

difference fields (f123-f0-f1) were analyzed for 1500, 1600 and 1700 LST. According to

Fig.14b, τurban do not significantly affect the flow surrounding the city at 1500 LST and

cannot explain the differences in divsurf, u10m and Ψ10m north and south of the city. However,

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differences in u10m within the city boundaries can be attributed to urban roughness effects (not

shown). High τurban are accompanied by a reduction in mean horizontal wind speed due to an

increased vertical momentum transfer in Surban vs. Srural. Also at 1600 LST τurban have no

major effect on divsurf (Fig. 14, right panels), u10m and Ψ10m differences. However, τurban can

explain some results of (f123-f0) for divsurf, that are located north of the city at ~ 34°N and

111°40′W and also within the city at 1700 LST (Fig. 14, right panels). In summary, the Stein-

Alpert analysis shows that τurban did not significantly affect the onset of the convection on the

northern fringe of the urban area, to the east and west of the McDowell Mountains and the

convection within the city, but it impacted the storm movement towards the northwest and

also modified the precipitation on the southern fringe.


The difference in Pacc between S3 and Srural (f3) is shown in Fig. 12d. Urban effects

on λE are considered in the S3 simulations by incorporating irrigation for the urban and

agricultural LULC classes (cp. paragraph 2c). All other characteristics were unchanged.

Overall λEurban contribute less to changes in precipitation than Hurban and τurban, but it adds to

the differences in Pacc between Surban and Srural (Fig. 12a) in the eastern part of the urban area

as well as the fringe regions, with the sign of the differences depending on the location.

Higher Pacc west of the city at ~33°20′N, 112°40′W and lower Pacc values at ~33°45′N,

112°40′W for Surban, can be attributed partly to urban modifications in λE (Fig. 12d). Those

areas are near extensive irrigated agricultural fields that are characterized by relatively higher

CAPE values in Surban in comparison to Srural (Fig. 11d). This result is in agreement with the

Stein-Alpert analysis of λEurban effects on divsurf, u10m and Ψ10m, which demonstrate that λE

does not significantly affect the air flow in and surrounding the city prior to and during the

occurrence of thunderstorms in the urban area (not shown). The analysis suggests that an

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increase in atmospheric water vapor content through agricultural and landscaping irrigation is

not a major factor influencing this particular convective event. However, irrigation and

subsequent evapotranspiration rates affected precipitation significantly by modifying Hurban.

Also evapotranspiration from irrigated landscapes may have increased the atmospheric

moisture content in the region for a longer time period before the storm development.


Figures 12 (e-h) show that the synergistic, non-linear interactions of τurban, Hurban and

λEurban influence Pacc strongly. Scenario S12 captures the interaction of τurban and Hurban and

the contribution to Surban, f12 (cp. Tab. 2), is shown in Fig. 12e. The most pronounced effects

are an increase in Pacc in the central urban area and a reduction in Pacc west and northwest of

the city. The interaction of τurban and Hurban captures the positive feedback between the two

factors. An increase in τurban in WRF leads to an increase in the surface diffusion coefficients

for heat and momentum and therefore an enhanced transport of thermal energy into the PBL.

Hence, the interaction of τurban and Hurban acts to warm the PBL and increase CAPE over the


The influence of synergistic effects of τurban and λEurban (simulated in S13) on Pacc in

Surban is expressed in f 13 (Fig. 12f). The effect is also relatively strong and leads to a

significant increase in Pacc northwest of the city and in the urban area. An increase in τ in

WRF leads to an increase in the surface diffusion coefficients for moisture and momentum

and therefore an enhanced transport of moisture into the PBL. Figure 12g shows the effects of

the interaction of λEurban and Hurban (simulated in S23) on Pacc as captured by f23. As for the

other two-factor interactions an increase in Pacc in the center of the urban area was detected.

The λEurban lead to an increase in CAPE because of higher levels of atmospheric moisture.

The interaction of all three urban factors, τurban, Hurban and λEurban (simulated in Surban) as

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represented by f123 in Fig. 12h has the strongest effect on Pacc and appears to enhance

features that are also captured by the response of Pacc to the individual factors, especially

f1and f2 (Fig. 12b-c).

It can be concluded that the synergistic terms have a strong effect on Pacc, especially

in the central part and west/northwest of the city. However, the superposition of the

interaction terms in Surban cancels the strong impact on Pacc in the eastern part of the city and

the northern and eastern fringe regions such that Hurban are the dominant effect there. The

superposition of all single-factor and synergistic terms leads to the simulated differences in

Pacc between Surban and Srural in the central urban area.

4. Conclusions

In this study WRF was used to investigate urban effects on a convective event on 02-

03 August 2005 in the Phoenix Metropolitan region. The results show that urban physical

characteristics significantly affected the amount and location of precipitation in and

surrounding the urban area. In agreement with observations, accumulated precipitation was

lower within the urban area and higher at the northern fringe of the city in a simulation with

urban LULC and physical characteristics included, in comparison to a simulation with the

native desert LULC. A Stein-Alpert sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to investigate

the contribution of λEurban, τurban, and Hurban and their interactions on the differences in

precipitation between the two LULC scenarios.

In agreement with studies for urban areas in more humid environments, it is suggested

that urban H modifications have the most pronounced effect on Pacc within and near the urban

boundary while the effects of increased τurban and λEurban were relatively weaker. Particularly,

the increase in precipitation on the northern fringe of the urban area are due to Hurban, as is the

precipitation reduction in the eastern part of the city. The multi-factor non-linear interaction

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terms have a strong effect on the Pacc in the central urban area and west of the city. However,

superposition of the interaction terms in Surban in part cancels the strong impact on Pacc. But,

in comparison with cities in more humid environments, urbanization has the opposite effect

on sensible heat fluxes in this arid region, i.e. due to landscaping irrigation and high heat

storage fluxes, Hurban is lower than in the rural surroundings. Maximum urban PBL heights in

Phoenix are several hundred meters lower than for rural LULC with the effects extended

outside the city boundaries. Reduced Hurban caused overall divergence in the urban area. The

divergence flow collides with the westerly flow at the northern fringe of the city and thus

enhances precipitation there. Consequently, the main mechanisms by which Hurban modify

convection in the semi-arid and mountainous Phoenix region are fundamentally different

from those in more humid environments. For the latter an urban increase in sensible heat

fluxes causes drier and higher PBL’s and low-level convergence that is favorable for

generating cumulonimbus clouds and initiating convection downwind of the city (Cotton and

Pielke 2007). Also in the Phoenix metropolitan area agricultural and landscaping irrigation

lead to enhanced CAPE values in some parts of the urban region. In contrast, Rozoff et al.

(2003) reported a decrease in CAPE for St. Louis despite the increase in H for urban LULC

in comparison with the natural surroundings due to reduced evapotranspiration rates. The

model results indicate also a more complex response to urban H modifications for Phoenix.

According to WRF, the reduction in Hurban modifies the storm propagation from the

mountains into the Phoenix metropolitan region by affecting the interaction of thunderstorm

outflow with the thermal upslope flow, thereby changing locations of convergence zones.

Our study supports findings by Diem and Brown (2003) and Shepherd et al. (2006)

who showed a large historic increase in precipitation for weather stations located in the Verde

Valley River Basin northwest of Phoenix. For that particular area, our simulation showed an

enhanced precipitation in Surban as well. However, our results do not support their hypothesis

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that the enhanced precipitation is due to irrigation and a subsequent increase in atmospheric

moisture in the Verde Valley region. According to this study the increased precipitation is

clearly due to urban modifications in sensible heat fluxes. However, evapotranspiration from

irrigated landscapes may have increased the atmospheric moisture content in the region for a

longer time period prior to the storm development. Also, irrigation has an indirect effect on

precipitation by significantly modifying surface sensible heat fluxes.

Because this is the first detailed modeling analysis of a convective event in this urban

area, caution is advised before general conclusions can be drawn on the influence of

urbanization on convection in Phoenix. However, the study of this particular convective event

provides a template for subsequent model experiments to be performed using a similar

methodology. Currently, other case studies are analyzed in order to draw generalizable



This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants

ATM-0710631, ATM-813656 and DEB-0423704, Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term

Ecological Research (CAP LTER). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or

recommendation expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily

reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The research is also funded by Science

Foundation Arizona (grant CAA 0228-08) and NCAR’s Advanced Study Program. Mr.

Stephen Bieda III provided technical assistance with WRF model simulations and

meteorological analyses during the early stages of this project.


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Table 1: Scenarios carried out to separate the influence of urban momentum, sensible and

latent heat flux according to Stein and Alpert (1993).

Urban modifications→

Scenario↓ Momentum flux Sensible heat flux Latent heat flux Simulated fields

Srural τrural Hrural λErural f0

S1 τurban Hrural λErural f1

S2 τrural Hurban λErural f2

S3 τrural Hrural λEurban f3

S12 τurban Hurban λErural f12

S13 τurban Hrural λEurban f13

S23 τrural Hurban λEurban f23

Surban τurban Hurban λEurban f123

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Table 2: Difference fields fi that express the contribution of the factors (1) to (3) and their

interactions to the simulated difference fields obtained from Surban minus Srural (Table 1).

Symbol Difference

f0 f0

f1 f1-f0

f2 f2-f0

f 3 f3-f0

f 12 f12 - (f1 + f2) + f0

f 13 f13 - (f1 + f3) + f0

f 23 f23 - (f2 + f3) + f0

f 123 f123 - (f12 + f13 + f23) + (f1 + f2 + f3) - f0

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Figure 1: (a) USGS Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) data for the Phoenix metropolitan region.

Shown are: ○ irrigated agriculture; deciduous broadleaf vegetation (riparian vegetation)

and three urban LULC categories: ● urban-built-up; + mesic residential; and ► xeric

residential. The USGS “shrubland” LULC class is assigned to the areas surrounding the city

and represents the native desert vegetation (for simplification no symbols are included); (b)

Contours of terrain (elevation intervals of 300m); city boundaries (gray outline) and National

Weather Service station at Sky Harbor Airport (black dot).

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Figure 2: Contours of 500 hPa (a) geopotential heights (contours from 5760 m to 5940 m in

intervals of 30 m) and (b) mixing ratio (contours from 0 gkg-1 to 5 gkg-1 in intervals of 0.5

gkg-1) at 00 UTC 3 August 2005.

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Figure 3: Measured profiles of air temperature in °C (black), dew point temperature in °C

(gray), and wind speed and direction at Sky Harbor Airport at (a) 0000 UTC 3 August 2005

(1700 LST 2 August 2005) and (b) 1200 UTC 3 August 2005 (0500 LST 3 August 2005).

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Figure 4: Accumulated hourly precipitation (mm) for (a) 1100 LST to 1700 LST, 02

August 2005 and (b) 1800 LST, 02 August 2005 to 0000 LST, 03 August 2005 for NCEP

Stage IV analysis (left column) and WRF simulated (right column).

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Figure 5: Three WRF modeling domains with resolutions of 30, 10 and 2.5 km,


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Figure 6: Observed and simulated soundings at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport for (a) 18 UTC 2

August 2005 and (b) 00 UTC 3 August 2005 (gray dashed line – observed dew point

temperature; gray solid line – observed air temperature; black dashed line – simulated dew

point temperature; black solid line – simulated air temperature).

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Figure 7: Surface divergence (s-1) and surface wind fields at 1300, 1500 and 1600 LST, 02

August 2005 for (a) Surban and (b) Srural. City boundaries are outlined in red and black contour

lines for terrain (elevation interval 300m).

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Figure 8: Surface divergence (s-1) for the scenarios Surban (left panel) and Srural (right panel) at

(a) 1500 LST, (b) 1600 LST and (c) 1650 LST 02 August 2005. City boundaries are outlined

in black.

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Figure 9: Accumulated precipitation (mm) within 30 minutes prior to 1600, 1630, 1700,

1730, 1800 and 1830 LST, 2 August 2005 for the scenarios (a) Surban and (b) Srural. City

boundaries are outlined in red and black contour lines for terrain (elevation interval 300m).

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Figure 10: 24-hour accumulative precipitation (mm) at 0500 LST, 03 August 2005 of NCEP

Stage IV precipitation analysis and the simulations for the scenarios Surban and Srural, as well as

the differences between the two runs (Surban minus Srural). City boundaries are outlined in red

and black contour lines for terrain (elevation interval 300 m).

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Figure 11: Simulated differences (Surban minus Srural) in sensible and latent heat fluxes, H and

λE, respectively, boundary layer heights, PBL, and CAPE in the Phoenix region before the

thunderstorm event at 1300 LST, 2 August 2005. City boundaries are outlined in black.

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Figure 12: Results from the Stein-Alpert sensitivity analysis for accumulated precipitation

(mm) at 0500 LST 3 August 2005 with (a) f123-f0; (b) f1-f0; (c) f2-f0; (d) f3-f0; (e) f12 - (f1 + f2) +

f0; (f) f13 - (f1 + f3) + f0; (g) f23 - (f2 + f3) + f0 and (h) f123 - (f12 + f13 + f23) + (f1 + f2 + f3) - f0

(cp. Tables 1 and 2). The outline of the urban area is included in black.

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Figure 13: Results from the Stein-Alpert sensitivity analysis to investigate effects of urban H

on surface divergence, divsurf (s-1) at 1500, 1600 and 1700 LST 2 August 2005 with difference

fields (f123-f0) in the left panels and (f123-f0-f2) in the right panel. The outline of the urban

area is included in black.

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Figure 14: Results from the Stein-Alpert sensitivity analysis to investigate effects of z0,urban

on surface divergence, divsurf (s-1) at 1500, 1600 and 1700 LST 2 August 2005 with difference

fields (f123-f0) in the left panels and (f123-f0-f1) in the right panel. The outline of the urban

area is included in black.

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