

    ON SATURDAY, 20TH MAY, 2017


    Ups & Down

    Lecture delivered at the 2nd Quarter, 2017 Retreat of RS2.1 Lagos

  • Introduction

    The 6-Es Strategy

    Engaging the Public through Public Education

    FRSC Image


    The DOWNs

    Dealing with the Media/Public and Way forward

    Directives and Circulars




    Making the highway safe for motorists and other road users. Recommending works and

    devices designed to eliminate or minimize accidents on the highways and advising the Federal and State Governments including the Federal Capital Territory Administration and relevant governmental agencies on the localities where such works and devices are required

    And Educating motorists and members of the public on the importance of discipline on the highway

    And these mandates are carried out through the 6 Es of safety which are, Education, Engineering, Environment, Enforcement, Emergency Management Services and Evaluation

    The Federal Road Safety Corps as a frontier organization in Road Safety matters, has its image affected through the process of meeting its Statutory Mandates. These Mandates include;

  • The 6-Es Strategy is adopted for Nigeria Road Safety Management;





    Emergency Management Services;


  • Section 3 of the FRSC Establishment Act, 2007 outlines the various statutory functions of the Corps, one of which is “to engage drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highway”. Hence, in carrying out that statutory function, the need of a robust public engagement cannot be over emphasized


    • According to Victoria Road Safety Education Action plan, Australia, 2012-2013, public education on road safety plays a vital role in the attitude and disposition of road users to traffic rules and regulations:

    a. Shaping the attitude of road users

  • b. Influencing the minds of motorists positively

    c. Ensuring the development and sustenance of a responsible driving populace

    d. Imparting appropriate road safety norms in drivers, pedestrians, children, youths, cyclists, etc

    e. Preservation of lives and property

    f. Building a new generation of safety compliant drivers and pedestrians

  • So, with all these in place, the Corps has a policy for a planned and continuous communication programme which is designed to build and sustain mutual understanding and cordial relationship between the Corps and its public. This will also serve as an avenue for enlightening and educating the general public.

    And to achieve the above, the following media are adopted; Television, Radio, Bill boards, publications(Highway code, flying vehicles), and new media like; facebook, twitter, Youtube, and many more have been co-opted into this.


  • Other ways adopted by the Corps which may also affect the FRSC/Public relationship

    a. Motor park rallies

    b. Drama/music

    c. Motorized Public Enlightenment campaign /(carnival)

    d. Routine operations (engage offenders during operational activities)

    e. Road safety clubs

    f. Special marshals


  • FRSC IMAGE The Corps’ image is largely depended on the perception of the

    public, including the media on meeting its mandate. The perception of the public on the performance of the Corps on service delivery is critical for the rating of the Corps. Our individual and collective activities rub off our image. Positive acts give endearing image while negative acts could lead to repulsion or rejection of the Corps.

    The Corps has strived over the years to endear itself to the public. The media provides the mirror/platform for which the public assess the organizational performance of the Corps. The media would report both the positive and negative activities of the Corps and its men which in return create public perception of FRSC. The media can always influence the image of any organization usually the ones that are praised by the media are also perceived to be performing while the media will also report the negative perception of the organization.

    So, both the media and the public work hand in hand in creating the image rating of any organization. The FRSC relies heavily on the media to convey its public enlightenment messages and also the feedback on its activities. There are Ups and Downs in our Public/Media image.

  • GAINS (Ups)

    Improved Professionalism

    Awards and ISO Certification

    Robust Data Base

    Public Enlightenment Improved Cordial

    relationship with sister Agencies

    Improved relationship with stakeholders

    Increased Feedbacks and Interactions

    Reduction in RTC

  • THE DOWNs While the management and most staff of the Corps are

    engaging in rigorous and constant public enlightenment, some conducts of a few FRSC staff on and off duties have put the Corps in the wrong limelight;

    Unprofessional attitudes of staff on & off duties

    Crashes involving patrol vehicles

    Wrongful postings Wrongful usage of Corps


    P u b l i c

    b a c k l a s h

    Wrong Media representation

    Misinterpretations of the Corps Policies

    Bribery and Corruption

    General Indiscipline

    Rumour morging

  • THE FLAWS......


  • THE FLAWS.......


    THE FLAWS......

  • THE FLAWS......



    The conducts of our men affect positively or otherwise the public and media perception of the Corps. Every staff should also remember that the public sympathy will always be on the side of the member of the public who are seen as victims of aggression and persecution by the law enforcement agencies.






  • In other for the Corps to tackle the issues on negative

    public and media image, the followings steps should be


    Continuous adherence to the laid down regulations;

    maintenance of discipline, FRSC Social media standards

    and guidelines, Standard operational guidelines and many

    other documents guiding our mode of operation. For

    further enquiry kindly click on this link

  • Institute practices and procedures that anticipate & respond to public expectations, concerns and issues.

    Public Engagements, Advocacy visits and media parley.

    Build sustainable and on-going relationships with key stakeholders

    All staff should be environmentally friendly and socially responsible in dispensing all statutory mandates of the Corps

    The need to know concept: classified, secret and restricted information should not be made known to those who are not authorized to have such.

    Standard and effective management of all social media platform

    Staff training should be encouraged at all levels

    Staff should be politically correct in all utterances and policies

  • Security of document: there should be proper handling of

    documents and anytime there are visitors, documents should be

    faced down or removed totally from the table.

    Circulars and Memos meant only for staff should not be displayed

    on board or any other place where members of the public will have


    Positive attitudes of staff off and on duties should be encouraged

    Careless statements of the Corps’ policies and that of the

    government should be avoided.

    Creativity and innovation: All Commands should be creative and

    innovating in public education that will enhance the image of the


    Alternative Dispute Resolution should be employed where it is

    considered a better option

  • Stakeholders Engagement: the Corps should continually engage its

    stakeholders and carry them along in their policies. By so doing, when

    there are issues and misrepresentations to be addressed, same platforms

    will be handy in resolving the issues.

    The Corps should stand by his men when some members of the public are

    wrong and be ready to prosecute where necessary those smearing the

    Corps’ Image.

    Mentoring: all staff should have mentors that will enhance their career

    and progress in life. Officers should also have mentees to guide the

    younger ones.

    Exemplary Leadership: the ways of life and leadership qualities of those

    in authority in the Corps should be positive and inspiring.

    Cleanliness of the office environment

    patrol vehicles should be kept in good shapes as they speak volume in

    terms of our image as Road Safety Organization.

  • We should be mindful of where we go and who we relate with as the

    actions and inactions of our “friends” could rub off the image of the


    Whistle blower: staff should report all negative activities/ habits

    of their colleagues to the appropriate authorities.

    Punishment and Reward system: that the Corps should continue to

    commend excellent and good conducts and also should not hesitate

    to punish infractions

    Counselling: the Commanding and Senior officers should always

    counsel their staff

    Staff turnout is very important, they should be neatly dressed at

    all times

    Joint programmes with the media: FRSC should always partner with

    the media in some safety related programmes. FRSC and media

    should always work together in promoting safety awareness


    The Corps should sustain the act

    of rebranding his strategies and

    image. Services such as children

    program, public-private

    partnership and others, that

    endear us to the public should be

    promoted. And the Corps should

    always project the high flying

    officers. We should always

    identify and celebrate our

    poster boys as symbols of


  • CULTIVATING RELATIONSHIP Commanding officers should

    discourage a Farmer-Hoe Relationship.

    This is a kind of relationship where a

    farmer only remembers the hoe when

    tilling and harvesting and forgets the

    hoe, the moment he starts enjoying the

    proceeds of his/her farm. The Hoe is

    kept away until another planting season


    We should build Trust and cultivate

    positive media relationship, by so doing

    there will be no vacuum left for the

    media men/women to explore for

    negative and appalling reports about

    the Corps

  • DEALING WITH NEGATIVE PERCEPTION There are bound to be misrepresentation and negative stories in

    the press. And when dealing with such, the Corps should adopt

    the following;

    No panic

    Analyse the issue objectively

    Consultation: the Command involve should provide briefs and

    the relevant office should also respond with appropriate damage


    Respond professionally by bringing out the facts to correct

    misrepresentation and where the Corps is wrong we should be

    bold to accept and offer apology

  • • The Media

    could be a

    good or bad

    friend ,






    There has been series of directives and circulars sent to all Commands and

    Commanding officers, basically introducing us to FRSC Social Media

    standards and guidelines while others addressed the improper conducts of

    staff in the media and FRSC social media platforms e.g; the recent ones

    titled “Unguarded Post and Negative Comments By FRSC Staff on Social

    Media Platforms”. These are listed for our benefits and reference;

    Reference: A. FRSC/HQ/PRS/624/VOL.V/02 dated 28 April, 2017 B. FRSC/HQ/PRS/624/VOL.IV/47 dated 04 Aug, 2016 C. FRSC/HQ/PRS/624/VOL.III/39 dated 22 June, 2015 These Directives and Circulars are made available through the staff login

    in FRSC Website. All staff should be conversant with all circulars and comply appropriately

  • Everybody is now a

    reporter in this new age of smart phones and modern media. Nigeria alone has 167,371,945 mobile phones in circulation and this made us 7th in ranking of countries with the highest number of phones in the world (wikipedia). A negative conduct could go viral within seconds. Be CAREFUL


    As staff of the FRSC, we are expected to key into

    management policies and also align with emerging trends on

    Information technology by acquainting ourselves with the

    needed working tools. Whichever way the public and the

    media portray the Corps is largely depended on our conducts

    and activities. Let us all join hands to sustain the good image

    of the Corps and rebrand on the negative perception the

    Corps may have had. It is our Corps and we should collectively

    and proudly present it as the best.


    • Achic (2008:28) Achic, I (2008) “Current Trend in Road Safety

    Management”, A paper delivered at the National workshop on Road Safety and Accident Reduction, Jos; Holma.

    • Boboye Oyeyemi (2016) Post Crash care, The Nigerian Strategies

    • FRSC (2007) Federal Road Safety Commission Establishment Act

    • Kayode OLAGUNJU(2015) The use of Social Media: Enhancing FRSC

    Activities • Kayode OLAGUNJU(2014) Buiding a relaiable framework through

    effective Public Education Management.

    • Victoria’s Road Safety Education Action Plan 2012-2013 (Australia) • Wikipedia (2014) List of Countries by number of Mobile phones in use

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