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Upload or submit correct documentation for your

When applying for an evaluation of your secondary education, you need to submit certificates that show that you ended your Upper-secondary education and which subjects/courses are included. These documents differ from each country. To help you we have the following list of countries (or IB and EB) and the name of the most common Upper-secondary education documentations. The names of the educational documentations are written in the language they are issued in and some in both English and the issuing language. Please note that these are the names of the mot common educations and that from some countries one paper is enough but sometime we need 6 documents or more to be able to make an evaluation, depending on the educational system and information of the documents. Country or International Degree Name of the most common secondary education



ویناثد کیل ریب وتامیلعت ویناثد تسایر وتاسیدرت

“12 Grade Graduation Certificate”. The authenticity will be verified with the Afghani authorities. Please read the FAQ at for more information

Albania Dëftesë pjekurie + Vleresimet Viti 1-4

Algeria Baccalauréat / Diplome de Bachilier de l`Enseignement secondaire + Releve de Notes du Baccalaureat

Angola Certificado de Estudios de Ensino Médio Certificado de Estudios Pré-Universitários

Argentina Diploma Bachiller / Técnico Medio / Perito Mercantil + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio de la Educación Secundaria

Armenia Atestat midzinakarg krtoitjan

Australia, Capital Territory ACT Year 12 Certificate

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Australia, New South Wales Higher School Certificate Examination with Result Notice, minimum 11 units

Australia, Queensland Queensland Certificate of Education

Australia, South Australia South Australian Certificate of Education

Australia, Northern Territory Northern Territory Certificate of Education

Australia, Tasmania Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Australia, Western Western Australian Certificate of Education

Australia, Victoria Victorian Certificate of Education

Austria Reifeprüfung / Reifeprüfungszeugnis / Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis + Jahrezeugnis

Azerbaijan Orta Tahsil Haqquinda Attestat

Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate Examination / Intermediate Certificate + Marks Sheet / Academic Transcript

Belarus Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі + сертификат централизованного тестирования

Belgium Certificate de l’Enseignement Secondaire § + Transcript with subjects and grades / Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs + Transcript with subjects and grades

Benin Diplôme de Bachelier / Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré + Relevé de Notes

Bolivia Diploma Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio de la Educación Secundaria

Bosnia-Herzegovina Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli / Srednjoj Strucnoj Skoli + Svedodzba o zavrsenom razredu (1-4)

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Botswana Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCE) – Ordinary Level Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC)

Brazil Diploma de Ensino Médio / Certificado de Conclusão 2 º Grau / Diploma de Técnico de Nivel Médio / 2 º Grau + Histórico Escolar Serie 1,2,3

Bulgaria Диплома за средно образование

Burkina Faso Diplôme de Bachelier / Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré + Relevé de Notes

Burma / Myanmar Basic Education High School Examination / Standard X Examination (Matriculation)

Burundi Diplôme d’Etat + Bulletin scolaire Certificat des Humanités Complètes + Bulletin scolaire Diplôme A2

Cambodia Certificate of Upper Secondary Education / Senior High School Certificate Attestation de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires de l'Enseignement General

Cameroon – British Cameroon General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level and Advanced Level

The Cameroon GCE Board need to verify the qualification and send the verification directly to us. For more information, please read the FAQ at

Cameroon – French Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire + Relevé de Notes

Baccalauréat Technique (from 1995) Brevet de Technicien (from 1997)

Canada, Alberta Alberta High School Diploma passed with at least 100 credits + High School Transcript of Achievement

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Canada, British Columbia British Columbia Certificate of Graduation + Transcript of grades

Canada, Manitoba Higher School Graduation Diploma passed with at least 20 credits / Final Secondary School-leaving Certificate

Canada, New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma (at least 21 credits with pass in 18 credits) / Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires (at least 24 credits with pass in 20 credits)

Canada, Newfoundland High School Graduation Diploma (at least 36 credits with pass in 21 credits)

Canada, North West Territories NWT High School Diploma with at least 100 credits

Canada, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia High School Completion Certificate

Canada, Nunavut High School Graduation Diploma / School Leaving Certificate

Canada, Ontario Ontario Secondary School Diploma/ Ontario Student Transcript with a minimum of 30 credits

Canada, Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Diploma with at least 18 credits with 4 credits in English/French and 2 credits in mathematics and 2 credits in social science and science

Canada, Quebec Diplom d’Etudes Secondaire (DES) + Releve de notes Examen du Secondaire + Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales (DEC) + Bulletin d’études collégiales

Canada, Saskatchewan Grade 12 Standing or Division IV Standing (min 24 credits, before 1988 21 credits)

Cape Verde Ensino Secundário – 2 ◦ ciclo

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Caribbean (Anguila/Antigua & Barbuda/Barbados/Belize/ British Virgin Islands/Cayman Islands/Dominica/ Granada/ Guyana/ Jamaica/ Montserrat/St Kitts & St Nevis/St Lucia/ St Vincent & The Grenadines/Trinidad &Tobago/Turks & Caicos Islands)

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) + Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Certificate (CAPE)

Chad Baccalauréat + Relevé de Notes

Chile Licencia de Enseñanza Media Humanístico- Científica / Técnico-Profesional + Certificado de concentración de notas, cursos 1, 2, 3 y 4

China Senior Secondary School (高中) Certificate of graduation / Diploma + Student Record (Gaozhon Biye Zhengshu) and/or Senior Secondary Graduation Examination (会考 or 考试)

Colombia Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones cursos 9, 10 y 11

Congo, Democratic Rep. (Kinshasa) (Zaire 1971-1997)

Diplôme d’Etat d´Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long+ Relevé de Notes

Congo, Rep. (Brazzaville) Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré + Relevé de Notes

Costa Rica Diploma Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada / Bachiller Educación Media + Certificado de calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Croatia Svjedozba o Zavrsnom ispitu + Svedodzba (razred 1-4)

Cuba Diploma de Bachiller / Técnico Medio + Certificado de estudios terminados, cursos 10,11 y 12

Cyprus Aπολυτηριο / Lise Diplomasi

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Czech Republic Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce

+ Vysvědčení (for the last four years)

Denmark Studentereksamen

Djibouti Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire /Technologique/Professionnel + Relevé de Notes

Dominican Republic Diploma de Bachiller / Técnico + Certificado de calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Ecuador Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado de calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Egypt General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

El Salvador Diploma de Bachiller / Bachiller General + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Estonia Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (from 2003 onwards including Hinneteleht) + Riigieksamitunnistus/ Eritrea Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate (ESEC) Please note that admission card is not sufficient for assessment

Ethiopia Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLC) Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certifcate Examination (EHEECE) from 2003 Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Qualification Certificate (EHEEQC) University Entrance Examination Certificate (UEEC)

European Baccalaureate European Baccalaureat

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Fiji Fiji School Leaving Certificate Examination

Finland Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Avgångsbetyg + Studentexamensbetyg Examensbetyg, yrkesinriktad grundexamen 180 kp/ Tutkintotodisus, ammatillinen perustutkinto, 180 osp, samt studieregisterutdrag över alla betyg och ämnen som ingår i examensdelarna

Examensbetyg, yrkesinriktad grundexamen 120 sv/ Tutkintotodisus, ammatillinen perustutkinto,120 ov

France Diplôme de Baccalauréat Général / Technologique / Professionnel + Releve de Notes du Baccalauréat

Gabon Baccalauréat + Relevé de Notes

Gambia One of the following certificates must be submitted with your application:

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level and Advanced Level. Your GCE results must include five (5) subjects or more of which at least two (2) must be at the advanced level.

Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSCE). Your SSSCE results must include six (6) subjects or more: three (3) core subjects (English, Maths and Science), and three (3) elective subjects.

West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE). Your WASSCE results must include five (5) subjects or more: three (3) core subjects (English, Science or Maths and a Humanities subject or a Social Science subject) and two (2) elective subjects.

In addition to a copy of your certificate, you are required to submit a scratch card or your serial number and PIN code of it to us. Before submitting any such data, check that your results are available on the WAEC website

Georgia Sashualo Skolis Atestati + transcript with all subjects and grades

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Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) / Zeugnis der Reife / Reifezeugnis / Zeugnis der Fachgebundenen Hochschulreife / Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife

Ghana One of the following certificates must be submitted with your application:

General Certificate of Education (GCE). Your GCE results must include five (5) subjects or more of which at least two (2) must be at the advanced level.

Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSCE). Your SSSCE results must include six (6) subjects or more: three (3) core subjects (English, Maths and Science), and three (3) elective subjects.

West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE). Your WASSCE results must include six (6) subjects or more: three (3) core subjects (English, Maths and Science), and three (3) elective subjects. In addition to a copy of your certificate, you are required to submit a scratch card or your serial number and PIN code of it to us. Before submitting any such data, check that your results are available on the WAEC website

Greece Aπολυτηριο ενιαιου λυεκιου/ πτυχιο

Guatemala Diploma de Bachiller / Perito + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Guinea (Conakry) Baccalauréat 2ème Partie + Relevé de Notes

Guinea-Bissau Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Secundário

Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination + Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination / Hong Kong Advanced Supplementary Level Examination

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Honduras Diploma de Bachiller / Perito / Técnico + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Hungary Érettségi bizonyitvány + transcripts (bizonyitvány) for the last 4 years Gimnazium érettségi bizonyítvány + transcripts for the last 4 years Szakközépiskolai erettsegi-kepesitó bizonyítvány + transcripts for the last 4 years

Iceland Stúdentpróf India Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Indian School Certificate (ISC) Intermediate Certificate All India Senior School Certificate Examination Pre-University Course + Statement of Marks

Indonesia Ijazah/Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar-Sekolah Menengah (SMU/SMA) + Daftar Nilai

International Baccalaureate (IB) International Baccalaureate Diploma (including subjects taken)

International High Schools Documents depend on the school’s curriculum. The most common are IB, United Kingdom and USA; see the information under each section.

Iran متوسطھ دورۀ تحصیالت پایان گواھینامۀ + چھارم تا اول کالس تحصیلی ھای کارنامھ

Certificate of completion of 4-year High school اstudies + High school transcripts year 1-4

یھا کارنامھ + سالھ سھ متوسطھ دورۀ تحصیالت پایان گواھینامۀ پیش دورۀ پایان گواھینامۀ+دبیرستان سوم تا اول کالس تحصیلی

یدانشگاه پیش دورۀ کارنامۀ + دانشگاھی

Certificate of completion of 3-year high school studies + High school transcripts year 1-3 + Certificate of completion of pre- university studies + pre-university transcripts year

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Iraq (بكلوریا) وثیقة مدرسیة / المرحلة األعدادیة

Secondary School Certificate, correctly issued by Ministry of Education.

Ireland Leaving Certificate (ArdteistiMeireacht), a total minimum of 6 subjects of which at least two must be Higher Level

Israel Bagrut (>21 units) / תורגב

Italy Diploma di superamento dell´esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di instruzione secundaria superiore / Diploma di Maturità + Pagella Scolastica anni 3, 4 e 5.

Ivory Coast Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré + Relevé de Notes Diplôme de Bachelier de Technicien + Relevé de Notes

Japan Upper Secondary School (Koto-gakko) Certificate of Graduation and Transcript of Grades

Jordan General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

Kenya Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) + Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)

Submit the original certificate (not a copy) by registered mail to: Swedish Council for Higher Education Box 45093 SE-104 50 Stockholm Sweden

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Kazakhstan Жалпы орта бiлiм туралы aттестат + Aттестатқа қосымша +свидетельство о ЕНТ

Kyrgyzstan Жалпы ортo билим жәнундә aттестат + Табели

Kosovo Diploma për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme te pergjithsme - gjimnazit + deftese (1-4)

Kuwait General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

Laos Baccalauréat de l’Énseignement General + Releve des Notes

Latvia Atestäts par visparejo videjo izglitibu + Sekmju Izraksts + Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts Diploms par profesionalo videjo izglitibu + Sekmju Izraksts

Lebanon Baccalauréat Libanais البكالوریا

Liberia One of the following certificates must be submitted with your application:

Senior High School Certificate

Senior School Certificate (SSCE). Your SSC results must include six (6) subjects or more. In addition to a copy of your certificate, you are also required to submit a scratch card or your serial number and PIN code of it to us. Before submitting any such data, check that your results are available on the WAEC website. Libya General/Technical Secondary Education Certificate

العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادةLiechtenstein Maturazeugnis des Liechtensteinischen

Gymnasiums Lithuania Brandos Atestatas + Brando atestato priedas

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Luxembourg Diplome de Fin d’Études Secondaires

Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of)

Диплома за положен завершен испит (за средно образование) + свидетелство за заврешена година (1-4)

Madagascar Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire + Relevé de Notes

Malawi Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)

Malaysia Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) / Malaysia Certificate of Education and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)

Mali Baccalauréat Malien – 2ème Partie or Baccalauréat Technique + Relevé de Notes

Malta IGCSE/CGE O level+ GCE Advanced level / Secondary Education Certificate Examination + Matriculation Certificate Examination

Mauritius General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary and Advanced level or Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Mexico Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado de terminación de estudios con calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio


Diploma de bacalaureat + tabelul

Montenegro Диплома о положеном завршном испиту + сведочанство (разред 1-4)

Mongolia Certificate of Complete Secondary Education / Бурэн дунд боловсролын унэмлэх

Morocco Diplom du Baccalauréat + Releve des notes du Baccalaureat (Canditats Officiels)

Mozambique Certificado de Habilitações Literárias

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Namibia International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) or Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC)

Nepal Higher Secondary Certificate or Proficiency Certificate

Netherlands Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs, Eindexamen (VWO) + Cijferlijst Diploma HogerAlgemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) + Cijferlijst MBO-examen Niveau 4 + Cijferlijst

New Zeeland The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Exam Level 2 or Level 3 or Sixth Form Certificate or Univ Entrance Exam in 4-6 subjects Higher School Certificate or Univ Bursaries Exam in 4-5 subjects

Nicaragua Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Niger Baccalaureat + releve de notes Baccalaureat Technicien + releve de notes

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Nigeria General Certificate of Education (GCE). Your GCE results must include five (5) subjects or more of which at least two (2) must be at the advanced level.

Senior School Certificate (SSCE). Your SSCE results must include five (5) subjects where English must be included.

West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE). Your WASSCE results must include five (5) subjects where English and Math must be included. National Technical Certificate (NTC) 1992 National Business Certificate (NBC) 1992

In addition to a copy of your certificate, you are required to submit a scratch card or your serial number and PIN code of it to us. Before submitting any such data, check that your results are available at any of the websites: (NECO) or (WAEC).

Norway Vitnemål from 3 years of videregående opplæring including grunnkurs (GK), VKI and VKII

Pakistan Intermediate / Higher Secondary School Certificate ISSC/HSSC + statement of marks.

Palestine Certificate of General Secondary Education Examination issued according to the Egyptian or the Jordanian curriculum

Panama Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Papua New Guinea Higher School Certificate

Paraguay Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado de calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

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Peru Certificado Oficial de Estudios de la Educación Secundaria (años 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5)

Philippines High School/Secondary Student’s Record (Form 137-A) + Associate degree/ Bachelor’s degree (Official Transcript of Records)

Poland Świadectwo Dojrzałości (t.o.m.2004); Świadectwo Dojrzałości + Świadectwo Ukończenia (fr.o.m. 2005)

Portugal Certidão de Habilitações / Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secondários com as notas cursos anos 10,11 e 12

Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat + Foaie Matricola (pentru clasele 9-12/13)

Russian Federation Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании + табель итоговых оценок успеваемости и свидетельство о ЕГЭ

С 2014 года бумажные свидетельства о результатах ЕГЭ не выдаются. Вы можете отправить нам распечатку с официального портала, если у вас есть возможность посмотреть там свои результаты. Если портал уже закрыт, вы можете написать результаты в письме. Пожалуйста, укажите также регион, в котором вы сдали экзамен. Мы можем затем проверить результаты в компетентных органах.

Rwanda Diplôme d´Humanités Générales Certificat du Cycle Supérieur de l’Enseignement Secondaire / Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education Professional Certificate of Secondary Education level A2

Saudi Arabia General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

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Scotland SCE, Scottish Certificate of Education (Summary of attainment). Minimum requirements: 3 Higher grade subjects and 2 Ordinary grades

Senegal Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré + Relevé de Notes

Serbia Диплома о положеном матурском испиту + сведочанство (разред 1-4)

Sierra Leone Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) Your SSCE results must include five (5) subjects or more including English

General Certificate of Education (GCE). GCE results must include five (5) subjects or more of which at least two (2) at the advanced level. West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) WASSCE results must include five (5) subjects or more: three (3) core subjects (English, Maths or Science and and a humanities subject or a social science subject, and two (2) elective subjects. In addition to a copy of your certificate, you are required to submit a scratch card or your serial number and PIN code of it to us. Before submitting any such data, check that your results are available on the WAEC website.

Singapore GCE Advanced level Examination + GCE O level Examination

Slovakia Vysvédcenie o maturitnej skúske + Vysvédcenie (rocnik 1-4)

Slovenia Maturitetno spričevalo + Letno spričevalo (letnik 1-4).

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Somalia The Upper Secondary certificate (Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare) correctly issued until 1990 can be assessed. The Upper Secondary School certificate (Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare) issued by the Formal Private Education Network in Somalia (FPENS) from 2000 and onwards can only be assessed for the purposes of complementary studies. All certificates issued by FPENS are sent to FPENS for official verification.

Certificates issued by other education providers such as the School Association for Formal Education (SAFE), Schools Organization for Formal Education (SOFE) etc. are currently not accepted since we have no official verification possibilities.

South Africa Senior Certificate National Senior Certificate

South Korea (Republic of) (Inmumgye) Kodung Hakkyo Chorup Chung (minimum 204-216 units ) Certificate of graduation and transcript

Spain Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones del Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente (BUP) años 1, 2 y 3 + Certificado calificaciones Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU)

Diploma Bachiller + Certificado de Calificaciones 1º y 2º año

Sri Lanka Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education, Ordinary and Advanced level. Issued by Department of Examination or National Evaluation and Testing Service (NETS).

Sudan Sudan Secondary School Certificate Higher Secondary School Certificate

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Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCE) Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC)

Switzerland Maturitätszeugnis Certificat de Maturité Baccalauréat Attestato di Maturità

Syria General/Technical/Vocational Secondary Education Certificate

العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادةTaiwan Senior High School Certificate

Tanzania Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) and Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE), a total minimum of six subjects of which at least two must be at Advanced Level

Tajikistan Шаходатнома дар бораи тахсилоти миенаи умумй + табели

Togo Baccalaureat + Releve de Notes Diplome de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Troisieme Degre

Turkmenistan Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama + Diploma and transcripts from a Higher Education Institution (minimum 4 years)

Thailand Mathayom 6/Maw 6 (M6)/ Por Wor Chor/ Paw Waw Chaw

Tunisia Baccalauréat / Diplome de Bachilier de l`Enseignement secondaire + Releve de Notes du Baccalaureat

Turkey Devlet Lise Diplomasi / Meslek Lise Diplomasi + transcript of grades

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Uganda Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), a total minimum of eight subjects of which at least two must be Advanced Level

Ukraine Атестат про повну загальну середню освiту + Додаток до атестата и свiдоцтво о ЗНО

United Arab Emirates General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) For Scotland, see Scotland

General Certificate of Secondary Education GSCE, Ordinary Level, IGCSE + General Certificate of Education GCE, Advanced Level/Advanced Supplementary Level. A total minimum of five subjects of which at least two must be Advanced Level

Uruguay Certificado de finalización de estudios de Bachillerato (Certificado emitido por ANEP) + Certificado calificaciones Ciclo Básico y Ciclo Bachillerato Diversificado

USA High School Graduation Diploma + Official transcript. The transcript should be sent in a sealed envelope directly from your high school to Swedish Council for Higher Education

Uzbekistan O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma /Akademik litsey diplomi / Kasb-hunar kolleji diplomi + Diplomiga ilova


Diploma de Bachiller + Certificado calificaciones tres últimos años de estudio

Vietnam Bang Tot Ngieph Pho Thong Hoc + Hoc Ba/ Bang Trung Hoc Pho Thong + Hoc Ba/ Bang Tu Tai + Hoc Ba

Yemen General Secondary Education Certificate العامة الثانویة الدراسة شھادة

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Zambia General Certificate of Education (GCE) Zambian School Certificate

Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary and Advanced level a total minimum of five subjects of which at least two must be Advanced Level

Åland Gymnasieexamensbetyg från Ålands lyceum

Gymnasieexamenbetyg/Grundexamensbetyg från Ålands yrkesgymnasium

Om du har Grundexamen/Gymnasieexamen 180 kp, behöver du också skicka in ett studieprestationsutdrag över alla betyg och ämnen som ingår i examensdelarna

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