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[Update 2009]


Mike Bara

In the two calendar years since the publication of the first edition of Dark

Mission, a great deal of new information has come to light that not only

reinforces the case we made in that initial volume, it demonstrates that Dark

Mission has had a significant political impact despite being systematically

ignored by most of the mainstream American media.

Aside from personal attacks made against my co-author Richard C.

Hoagland by an aerospace industry website known as The Space Review.com1

and an assault against the integrity of Dr. Ken Johnston by James Oberg of NBC

News,2 the media has been mostly silent about Dark Mission. The Space Review.

com hit-piece was written by a shameless hack named Dwayne A. Day. He, like

Oberg, has so many NASA connections on his resume that he may as well be

an official press officer for the Agency. He claimed, among other absurdities,

that Richard had a “harem” of older women fans and that he lived in a

“compound” with them. As I can personally attest, my co-author lives with his

girlfriend of more than 10 years, Dr. Robin Falkov, in a comfortable house in

suburban Albuquerque.

Even Oberg’s direct intervention in getting Dr. Johnston dismissed from

his unpaid position as a JPL Solar System Ambassador failed to ignite any

interest among the media elite. A publicist we hired to help arrange media

interviews gave up after four months, stating that she had never encountered

such monolithic opposition to what she considered a well-crafted and ideally

positioned work. Despite having direct talks with Larry King himself, who

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10 Dark Mission

fondly remembered Richard as a “great guest” from his appearance on King’s

CNN show in the early 1990’s, arrangements for a show dedicated to the issues

raised by Dark Mission evaporated when King’s producer stonewalled it, with

no reason given. This was despite the fact that King did numerous shows on

subjects like the latest UFO sightings and Bigfoot throughout 2008. Similarly,

a feature piece written by an impressed senior staff writer at People magazine

was also spiked at the last minute.

And so on.

This is not to say there weren’t a few brave souls who stepped up to the

plate and took the heat for having us on. George Noory, host of the highly

popular Coast to Coast AM radio program could not have been more supportive,

and the many shows George allowed Richard and me to participate in were

a huge boon to the relatively modest sales figures of Dark Mission. Dennis

Miller gave Richard almost an hour to make his case and was fair-minded

and generous in his evaluation. Likewise, Margaret Wendt and Joel Martin

of The Spiritual Truth radio program were very supportive along with a few

other internet radio programs in spreading the word. But beyond that, there

wasn’t much.

Of course, the “usual suspects,” as Richard likes to call them, couldn’t

resist trying to defame us and Dark Mission in anyway they could. There were

numerous one-star reviews on from people who obviously

hadn’t even read the book, including NASA/JPL scientist Geoffrey A. Landis,

who failed to notice that he was mentioned in the book several times. An

anonymous reviewer calling himself “Professor Fulcaneli” tried to attack

Dark Mission by misquoting us and attacking us for various claims we had

never made. He finished the whole thing off by comparing us to Nazi


So, it was something of a surprise when the Russian media displayed a

tremendous enthusiasm for Dark Mission, especially right after Richard and

Ken Johnston’s press conference at Washington DC’s National Press Club in

October, 2007. Various Russian media outlets interviewed Richard and Ken on

several occasions, flying out from Moscow to conduct extensive interviews.

Likewise, I was personally very gratified when Sergeant Major Robert O.

Dean (Ret.), told me at the 2008 Bay Area UFO Expo that he had personally

given copies to upper level staff at the Pentagon, and that it had been very well

received. This independently echoes one of Richard’s long-time intel sources

who admitted he’d bought over 70 copies of Dark Mission to give to colleagues

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in the American intelligence, military and space communities along with his

contacts in the Russian government.

During the course of our first years in circulation, as you would expect,

the story didn’t stand still. Something of a mini-media sensation was caused

in 2008 when self-anointed “Bad Astronomer” Dr. Phil Plait made a very public

stink about a tiny object that appeared in a Mars rover image and looked for

all the world like a small statue or figurine. Despite Dr. Phil protesting a bit

too much, the figurine and the Spirit rover image it was spotted on got more

and more intriguing by the day.

This was followed by new independent research papers supporting the

hyper-dimensional physics theory we outlined in Chapter Two of Dark Mission,

and amazing new images of the asteroid 2867 Steins and Mars’ moon Phobos.

Both of these data sets provided fresh fortification for our case, as both objects

show unmistakable signatures of artificial origin. All of these developments

will get full play in our follow-up volume, Dark Mission II – The Secret Space

Program, due next year.

We also continued to do additional research on key points we first raised

in Dark Mission. One subject I decided to go back and re-research was the now

infamous “communion ceremony” that Buzz Aldrin performed in the lunar

module Eagle before the astronauts made their first historic steps on the

Moon. As we told you in the first edition, this precise moment corresponded

with a significant stellar alignment of Sirius, literally the Egyptian goddess

Isis incarnate, rising over the Tranquility Base landing site at 19.5°. This

finding eventually led us to create the Ritual Alignment Model, which asserts

that NASA has planned major mission objectives around the positions of the

stars and planets over various landing sites and events. As I did my follow-

up research, I found some interesting new information that reinforced and

deepened the mystery.

According to Aldrin’s original account in his autobiography Men from

Earth, the communion ceremony took place “during the first idle moment

in the LM before eating our snack.” In Dark Mission, we had presumed that

this ceremony took place exactly 33 minutes after the landing of Eagle on the

lunar surface, during an odd one-minute long com break at that point in the

mission. (The significance of the 33 minute timing should be obvious if you’ve

read Chapter Five). First Man, Neil Armstrong’s 2005 authorized biography,

also discusses the communion ceremony but places it at different time.

In Armstrong’s version, the ceremony actually took place several hours

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after the com break at the 33 minute mark.3 By that time, Armstrong and

Aldrin were getting ready to suit up and head out of the LM for the historic

first moonwalk. First Man actually quotes from the com transcript from the

precise moment that Armstrong says the ceremony occurred. Taking this

information, I went to the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal4 and tried to find the

exact corresponding dialog. Unfortunately, the LSJ gave the Mission Elapsed

Time (MET) of the dialog in total mission hours, and Armstrong’s book gives

it in days and hours, but after some cross checking I was able to correlate the

two times precisely.

At MET 105:25:38, or 3 hours and 41 minutes after landing (approx. 23:59

UTC on July 20th, 1969), the following dialog took place:

Aldrin: “Roger. This is the LM pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to

ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for

a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks

in his or her own way. Over.”

A roughly nine-minute long comm break follows this statement by Aldrin.

Presumably, during that time he performed his communion ceremony and

then the astronauts ate their pre-EVA meal during this period.

The next question was obvious; were there any symbolically significant

stellar alignments occurring at that precise moment, as there was during the

earlier com break at the 33-minute-after-landing mark? (See Chapter Five).

The answer is yes.

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Sky over Apollo 11 landing site, Tranquility Base, July 20th 1969 during Aldrin’s communion


By 23:59 UTC, Sirius had drifted beyond the significant 19.5° altitude over

the landing site that it occupied during the initial ceremonial window. But

at the same moment -- and for a period of only a few seconds -- Regulus, the

“heart of the lion” in the constellation Leo (and one of only a handful of stellar

objects we regard as significant for our Ritual Alignment Model) was rising at

precisely 19.5° below the landing site.

The importance of this really can’t be overstated. Had there been no

such alignment, the entire Ritual Alignment Model could have been falsified.

Instead, we once again find one of the very few significant objects in our

model exactly where the model would predict it to be.

Leo, as we cover in Chapter Five, represented Horus, the son of Isis and

Osiris in the ancient Egyptian stellar religion. As his father’s avenging son,

Horus was equal in stature to his parents and was along with them one of the

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gods of ancient Egypt who appears time and time again in the mythology of

NASA. Furthermore, Regulus is the only star in the constellation of Leo which

we recognize as significant in the Alignment Model. The notion that such an

alignment could be simply coincidental stretches credulity to the breaking

point, especially in the context of all the other similar alignments we cited

in Chapter Five (and beyond). Only five stellar objects in the entire sky have

any significance in our version of the ancient Egyptian cosmology; the three

belt stars of Orion, representing Osiris; Sirius, representing Isis; and Regulus

in Leo, representing Horus. And only five narrow bands of stellar altitude

(19.5° above and below the horizon, 33° above and below the horizon, and

the horizon itself) have any significance. The chances of a second hit around

the same ceremonial event are miniscule, if not astronomical.

So whether there were two different ceremonies, one secret (and probably

Masonic) ceremony at 33 minutes after landing, and one public ceremony

three hours and 41 minutes after that, or whether there was only the one

ceremony, as Armstrong and Aldrin both now publically admit, it makes no

difference. At the 33 minute window, Sirius (Isis) was 19.5° above the landing

site, and at the latter occurrence Regulus (Horus) was at 19.5° below the

horizon. Either way, they both fit our model perfectly.

And don’t forget, Aldrin did take the Scottish Rite 33° apron with him

to the Moon. Such a garment serves only one purpose -- to be worn during a

solemn Masonic ceremony. It seems unlikely that such a dedicated servant of

the Craft would take the apron on the 239,000 mile voyage to the Moon unless

he was going to use it for some ceremonial purpose. The least likely scenario

is that he took it all the way to the Moon and then never took it out of his

Personal Preference Kit.

Prior to making this new discovery, there was already reason to be

suspicious that something symbolically significant took place in the LM

33 minutes after landing. But one question still lingered; could Aldrin and

Armstrong have actually seen Sirius from inside the Lunar Module that day?

Without knowing exactly which direction the LM was facing on the lunar

surface, it wasn’t possible to know with certainty that Aldrin could have taken

the measurements necessary to determine the exact time for the communion

ceremony. For that, he would need to take a set of readings from the lunar

surface to nail down their absolute location. Theoretically, they could have

taken alignment measurements of other stars besides Sirius, but that would

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have made the process much more complicated and uncertain given the

primitive state of navigation computers at that time.

In the course of going over the transcripts, I was pleased to find this

exchange, which took place exactly when we suspected Aldrin was performing

his Masonic ceremony, 33 minutes after Eagle first touched the lunar surface:

103:22:30 Armstrong: From the surface, we could not see any stars out

the window; but out my overhead hatch (the overhead rendezvous window),

I’m looking at the Earth. It’s big and bright and beautiful. Buzz is going to

give a try at seeing some stars through the optics [emphasis added].

103:22:54 Duke: Roger, Tranquility. We understand. Must be a beautiful

sight. Over.

The “optics” that Armstrong refers to in this exchange is the Alignment

Optical Telescope (AOT), a device that was used to determine the Lunar

Module’s orientation relative to two specific stars. By plugging the relative

positions of several stars (no less than 2) into the Apollo Guidance Computer,

the precise axial orientation of the LM could be determined. But, farther up

the transcript, Aldrin drops a hint as to the real use of the AOT:

103:15:01 Aldrin: Houston, Tranquility standing by for Go on AGS to

PGNS align and a lunar align. Over.

103:15:09 Duke: Stand by. (Pause) Tranquility, Houston. You are Go for

the AGS to PGNS align, and then the lunar align. Over.

103:15:26 Aldrin: Roger.

The PGNS, or “pings” as it was commonly called, stands for Primary

Guidance Navigation and Control System. “AGS” is a reference to the Abort

Guidance System, a backup system that could be used to rendezvous with the

Command Module in the event that the main navigational computer failed.

The checklist for Apollo 11 called for frequent alignment of the AGS over the

course of the mission, allowing Mission Control guidance engineers to get

better and better fixes on the spacecraft’s exact location and orientation as

the mission wore on.

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The official NASA position is that this device wasn’t used to determine

the actual position of the spacecraft, only its orientation. But Aldrin himself

disputes this in his 1969 NASA technical debrief.

Aldrin: “The idea was to get a gravity direction and then to do a two-star

alignment and look at the torquing angles after the two-star check which would

then give an indication as to what the drift had been since the last alignment.

The initial gravity alignment, combined with the two-star alignment, would

produce a new location of the landing site [emphasis added].”

In other words, what Aldrin was attempting to do was to align the

guidance system to get the orientation and position of the Eagle on the surface

of the Moon, something that would be absolutely critical if his “real” task was

to determine the precise time for his Masonic ceremony. This would apply

whether we are discussing the hypothetical 33 minute after landing event or

the acknowledged public communion ceremony almost four hours later.

Aldrin then goes on in the technical debrief to explain exactly how he did

the alignment:

Aldrin: “Had we landed straight ahead (instead of being yawed left 13

degrees), my intent was to use Rigel in the left detent number 6 and Capella

in the right detent. The 13-degree yaw moved Capella out of the right-rear

detent, but Rigel was in good shape there. That’s the one I used first. I then

selected Navi in number 4 detent, the right rear, and that wasn’t particularly

satisfactory. It was quite dim and it took a good bit longer than I had hoped

to get the marks on that.”

Here are the actual star charts that Aldrin used to take his measurements

and align the Inertial Measurement Unit:

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Image of Apollo 11 star chart taken to the Moon in the Lunar Module Eagle and actually

used by Buzz Aldrin to triangulate the position of the Eagle on the lunar surface. Aldrin’s

signature appears above left.

So if, as Aldrin states, Rigel was “in good shape” in one of the detents,

then it would have been easy for him to have surreptitiously used Sirius for

that alignment instead. Rigel is the brightest star in the constellation of

Orion (Osiris) and is only a degree or so in right ascension from Sirius. But

Sirius is also a much brighter star (the brightest in the night sky) at a visual

magnitude of -1.60 vs. 0.30 for Rigel. This means that if Aldrin could see Rigel,

he could absolutely have seen Sirius. In fact, it would have been much easier

to see Sirius, since it is on the order of six times brighter than Rigel, and

relative brightness was an issue trying to sight stars from the lunar surface,

as Aldrin states.

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Portion of actual Apollo 11 star chart used in the Lunar Module Eagle showing the relative

locations of Navi (upper right) and Rigel (lower left), the two stars he says he used to determine

the position of the Eagle. Note the proximity of Sirius to Rigel.

There is no question that not only could Aldrin have used the AOT and the

navigational computer to determine the Eagle’s exact position on the lunar

surface (and therefore the perfect times to conduct his two ceremonies), it now

seems a slam dunk that he did. If you read the transcripts, it is clear Aldrin

was using the Alignment Optical Telescope to look in the vicinity of Sirius

right when it passed through 19.5° over the landing site. One wonders just

how beautiful Isis must have looked to him from the surface of the Moon…

In addition to the new lines of evidence uncovered in the last few years,

there was also reaction and feedback from some of the historical players

mentioned in Dark Mission. In October, 2008, I was invited to the visit the L.

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Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition in Hollywood and meet with several members

of the Church of Scientology. They sought to set the record straight on what

they viewed as mischaracterizations in the section dealing with Hubbard and

Jack Parsons of JPL.

The Church had only a few objections to the material presented in Dark

Mission. They were most concerned with conveying the message that none of

their teachings are based in any way on the Thelemic beliefs of Aleister Crowley.

From my limited knowledge of the practices of the Church of Scientology, it is

my opinion is that the Church deserves the benefit of the doubt on this point.

That aside, the remaining issues are more significant to the thesis presented

in Dark Mission.

The Church has argued Hubbard was not so much a willing participant in

Parsons’ pursuits as he was an instrument of disruption inside the Ordo Templi

Orientis. According to the Church— and as we outlined in Chapter Five of the

original edition—Hubbard was sent to infiltrate and disrupt the worrisome

activities of Jack Parsons at 1003 Orange Grove Avenue. Documents provided

to me by the Church now incline me to lean more toward this interpretation,

although I think it is fair to say we will never know for certain. What is clear

to me are these facts:

• Hubbard was a US Naval Intelligence Officer, as the Church has

claimed, at least at some point during his service career.

• Hubbard was residing in the area at the time he supposedly was

befriending Parsons and infiltrating the OTO, and was still an active

naval officer.

• Hubbard would have been an ideal agent for such an operation.

• Pasadena’s OTO headquarters was indeed damaged for years by

Hubbard’s actions.

• The OTO was disrupted by his presence, and it never truly recovered

from the damage done by Hubbard to Parsons.

According to Navy documents, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was assigned

to intelligence duties in July, 1941. While it appears from his service record

that he was no longer actively serving in intelligence assignments during the

period he was hanging around with Parsons, he was still technically on active

duty and remained in the reserves until October of 1950, well after his time

in Pasadena. There is a saying in intelligence circles that goes “once an asset,

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20 Dark Mission

always an asset,” and it seems reasonable that Hubbard would have still been

a candidate for just such an assignment during the period in question.

According to a hand written memo obtained under the Freedom of

Information Act, Parsons’ occult activities had come under scrutiny of the

FBI and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) as early as 1940. Their interest

was sparked not just because Parsons was a prominent rocket scientist, but

because there were a number of America’s leading atomic scientists running

through the OTO as well. In addition, the OTO was being run out of New York

by Karl Germer, a former German military officer in the First World War and

a suspected Nazi agent. It was also known that Germer reported to Crowley

directly, and Crowley was also considered a possible Nazi spy.

Although he was officially listed as a patient at Oak Knoll Naval hospital

in San Francisco until December of 1945, a telegram from Hubbard to the

Navy dated October 13, 1945 indicates he was staying in Hollywood, near

Parsons and the OTO lodge in Pasadena. What he might have been doing

there is speculative but the fact that the official record shows him in the

hospital at that time may be an indication he was on some sort of secret

assignment in Hollywood. He certainly wasn’t hiding out or AWOL, as his

open correspondence with the Navy indicates.

The Church argues that in this post war period the ONI was particularly

worried about a group called the Federation of American Scientists, a left wing

group of disaffected Manhattan Project veterans who were dismayed at the

military uses of atomic weapons. Minutes from a November 15th, 1945 meeting

of the FAS (again, while Hubbard was officially still in the hospital) indicate

that both Hubbard and Parsons attended and participated in the meeting.

As we all know, Hubbard eventually ended up in Florida with Sara “Betty”

Northrup, sister of Parsons’ wife Helen (and Parsons’ lover prior to Hubbard

appearing on the scene), and a sailing boat named the Harpoon. A Bill of Sale

produced by the Church shows that Parsons sold the Harpoon to Hubbard. The

whole affair soured Crowley on Parsons, and subsequently several members

of the OTO and the FAS lost their security clearances, including Parsons and

Robert Cornog, one of the developers of the nuclear triggers used in the first

atomic bombs. An FBI memo from the period also indicates that the Office of

Naval Intelligence had “an informant” inside the group.

So, was this informant L. Ron Hubbard? Did he really go to Pasadena in

order to infiltrate and destabilize both the OTO and FAS? Was his running

off with Betty and the boat just a means of creating chaos in the OTO and

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breaking the worrisome links between Crowley and America’s top rocket

scientists and nuclear physicists? After seeing the documentation supplied to

me by the Church of Scientology, I find the premise a plausible one. Hubbard

had an intelligence background, he apparently knew something of esoteric

teachings and the occult from his world travels, and he did attend one of the

first university courses on nuclear physics ever taught in the United States.

All of these attributes would have made him an ideal candidate for just such

an assignment, as would his background as a relatively well- known science

fiction writer, since Parsons was a huge fan of the literary form.

Ultimately, it cannot be proven that Hubbard was “on assignment” for the

Office of Naval Intelligence during his time at the O.T.O. temple in Pasadena,

but neither can it be refuted and I will admit that I now hold that the weight

of the evidence supports the Scientologist’s version of events over the less

flattering one. In any event, it is not so much Hubbard’s role in the Babalon

Working we are concerned with in Dark Mission—it is Parsons’ role.

Another interesting follow-up story from the past two years concerns the

Boeing Mars poster we discussed in Chapter 12 of the original edition of Dark

Mission. Sometime in 2008 I received an email from a reader who identified the

artist as Professor Paul Hudson of the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Armed with this information, I decided to write Professor Hudson and see

what the story was behind the poster.

Professor Hudson,

I have been informed that you are the artist that painted this painting

and I was hoping to ask you a few questions about it, if you don’t mind.

First, what inspired you to put ruins in the image? I found this very

striking, and I’ve even seen a version of this poster used by the Planetary Society

but with the artifacts removed, because they felt it wasn’t “appropriate.”

Also, was it meant to inspire a particular location on Mars, or was it just

a random Martian landscape?

I have a copy of the poster on the wall of my living room and have enjoyed

it for years. Are there any more copies available for purchase from you?


Mike Bara

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He responded right away:

Hello Mike,

Wow, well that’s really rather amazing on two counts; one, that you

actually have the poster, and two, that you knew how to get a hold of me.

I’d be happy to answer at length any of your questions, but first I’d like

to ask first how you came by the poster, how you came by this email address,

and could you tell me a bit about your background?

Sorry for all the preliminaries,


I found this response a little perplexing. To be treated with such suspicion

seemed a little odd. But I responded as he requested, and he in turn offered up

some of the details:

Thanks Mike,

The commission for the painting came through the President’s [George

Herbert Walker Bush] office via Boeing Aerospace, with whom I was working

for at the time (1985 or so?} The President was pushing hard for the Initiative

with little luck (a poor choice of acronyms, as SEI, “Space Exploration Initiative,

sounded very much like SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative, which left congress

saying things like, “Didn’t we already give you money for that?”), and thought

that what was needed was an image to help sell the program to the American

people as well as Congress.

I submitted the rough concept drawings through Boeing, was accepted,

and continued on to finish the painting as you see in the poster. The image was

originally intended to be accompanied with a poem; I’m afraid that I don’t

remember the poem directly, but the two (both the poem and the painting)

seemed to happen simultaneously. The poem spoke of “finding yourself, or

knowing yourself truly for the first time, or the further you travel, when you

arrive home you will discover yourself”…the idea seemed to be a natural for

the desired intention; the questing spirit, the discovery of self, etc., but when

it was given to the President, his science advisers suggested it would not be

prudent to attempt a selling of the program with an image that suggested

there was once intelligent life on Mars. This, of course, missed the point

entirely, as it was meant to be a visual metaphor (finding ourselves on Mars,

or through exploration).

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The painting did not fare any better when reintroduced with one of the

President’s quotes, and, as far as I was told, no one knew what ever became

of the original painting or all of the posters (again, if I remember correctly,

Boeing was told not to give the posters out at any of the numerable trade

shows). I’m very glad, however, that one of the posters found its way into your

hands, as it sounds like it is appreciated in the way that it was intended.

Lately, it has come to my attention that the image is used to bolster

claims of the President’s Nazi heritage, and that, being both a Mason and

a Nazi, the only reason he wanted to send men to Mars was to return the

Brotherhood back to the old stomping grounds of the Aryan race (Aryan,

Aries…quite a stretch; fascinating, but still quite a stretch). Apparently there

are quite a few Masonic symbols embedded in the painting as well; I love

a good mystery as much as anybody, probably even more so and hence the

original idea for the painting, but if there is any credence to these theories,

they were quite by accident, or entirely without my knowing. Perhaps good

composition demands a bit of the mysterious.

Well, I hope this answers your questions, or at least was worth the effort

you went through to track me down.

All the best, and on to the stars,


We had one further communication regarding the apparent image of a

black man in the stack of pillars in the painting, and he confirmed that the

ethnic take was intentional. He also went on to say that he was well aware of

the Face on Mars and other potential ruins, and that he hoped they turned

out to be real.

I found it fascinating that he volunteered information about Masonic

symbols on his own work, which he denied knowing were there. It seems

improbable that he didn’t notice them; after all, he painted them. He seemed

anxious to dispel any notion that the Bush administration supported his

work, even though he submitted a detailed proposal before starting the actual


Given his odd caution in even engaging me on the subject, I decided not

to press him any further. It is at least good to know who deserves the proper

credit for the work.

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* * *

After a decade of stalking the NASA cover-up with my co-author, I have

to say that I now feel we are as close as we have ever been to bringing out the

truths that NASA has so carefully hidden for decades. As you will see in the

next section, Richard has discovered that the best way to challenge the official

cover-up is to go right around it, and directly to our most valuable resource –

the people of planet Earth.

Read on.



3 First Man First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong- pp. 487


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