Page 1: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

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T ra ffic i)e a th Scoreboard

Ha^te V^nnr ■Bd.fer Iht

B«'Coart«oDfl Idaho , lofil .D« C»uU8B»S . Maglc-Vnltey,

___ZJra-Lonxtr:_-.M agiC -V aUei'..ltSL-^16. -TheM nffic-V allej

VOL. 43, NO. 24

r-Dcdicatry-to-Scn'init-aiyl»,PromotlnRMhe'(Jrowth-of-Nine-IrrlB:nlcd-ldnho-CounlieR - —

“ T W n r F A T X S r T i m i O r r U E 3 b A ; M I A - ¥ - 9 , - l i W l -


T.F. School Board Votes To Slice $5.000 FederalAid From 1961-62 Budget

A school boaril vote 1« remove ?5,000 'federal aid from the budset for 19G1-C2 fen- turcd an otherw ise routine m onth ly-m eeting ,of the-board-MQiiday, night. T he^S -- vote came near] the end of the aeasion; D uring the b rief discussion of the $5,000 alh-

^ cn ted under the, national defense .cduction ac t, board members cxprcascd their |itr- ^ o n a l feelings about accepting the aid. Originally, a motion to accept the aid-had

been made and aecondcd, but:was w ithdraw n ‘in the fnceof dlscUMlon requested by T n u - ice O lto Florence.

___AtU r.U io b riei.d lacuulon . Plor-«nee moved to drop the $S.OOO from th e budget. T h e motion -Ain.i sec­onded by E lm er Sommer, and J: T . Anderson, board elwilmtan, Toted w ith them to carry the mo> tlon over th e voles o ( David Barry and H enry Coiner. T he vole nec- eaalUtea.revomplnB and bftlanclnR - • • ■ U r e budget, s e t a t $1,403,480, be<

Federal a id funds R nd 'bcjn M* located to Junior high school scl< ence. *300.08: h lsh school blolosy, ♦810.87: h « h school chcntUtry, •702JS; h i g h school phy.iic-v «3S0.80: h igh school senior science, $70.44: ' h l ^ s ^ o o l torelRn Innr SUBRC. WS0.40, and high school jnathm atlcs, J333.60. T he remalh-

----- j ie r ’ oflhTantrcipated-K^OM-wei/rd-^ v e been a llo tte d to the guidance f fo j ra m .

Lost year, th e T w in Falls sch’ool d istric t budget Included tlO.OOO ([ranted under th e •aaUonal de- |t a s e education act.

. W rh e board h ired t h r e e new teachers, M ax P . Peleraon, BS de­cree from U tah S late . unlversUy, to t«oeh seven th g r a d o social studies and language a rts : Itoberl

• Lowell Llnnbergcr, m aaler’s degree from Colorado S tate coilcsc, n ln lh- srade Spanish and EnRlt'Ui, and John E ndrud, BS degree from S tate T eachers college. Mayvllle, N. D , as Junior h igh school dean o t boys and to U ach two da ises o( speech.

Asst. Supt. A rthur M. Klelnkopt reported the Twin Palls system still needs n ine more leachcrs lor

.. B u t year,. Including lour a t the h i g h K hool, VMatlonal home- maklni;.apeecli and drama, algebra I I and plane geometry. Needed a t Junior high school are a seventh and eighth grade gcrieral sclen<ie teacher and a counselor. Also

. 's eeded a re t b r e a f l r s t 'g ra d e Uteben.

.............. i-» n yr ju f i lo r

high school auditodum .^

'rench Tiirnon

Austerity BidPARIS, M ay 9 on^-T rench roll-PARJS, M a y ____ - .............

___rM 4 _ » D l_ d tz _ U a n s^ r t_ w tr tO Tspread Batlon-wldc « a o s w ith, a 24-hour strike today In support o t the ir dem ands for higher wages

' and other benefits.In doing so, they turned a .4 ea f

e a r ' t f l President Chorlea Gaulle's plea th a t the na tion i. Untie ft p rogram of austerity so th a t I t can bullet up to a “gigan­tic renejjftl" of Ita economic herl-

The strike was organized before S e Oaulle told a nation-wide radio and television audience lost night;

“The conttliJon which dominate*

t lhV fu tu re 6rm tt>c8-l*-XIUkt children rally themselves for a *.vAt naUonat task—the develop­

m en t of France." t. In launching th e atrikes, th e

wed the tr eam paifftnor^ i n ia>

“ ■ p o H sri g rea te r 1

— renew)----------------- ------------,..*ater Immediote benefits. Their drive had been interrupted by the A lgerian uprislDs because they rallied behind E>e O aulls a t th a t

;tlm avert clvU

]\Jan Captured In Gun Battle

th e .most w an ted lis t battle here today.

T he fugitive, lU chard Charles Ituip, 34, Akron, o . . w as wounded In the sm a ll 'f in g e r of h is left hand In the gun b a t U ^ n Ohjo S between C anton and Dover. He was

-g tM ...............w ho disarm ed an FBI

> 4 :^ . IC c o t - ^ Voufigstown-' a few m onths ago during h is crim e spree,

" was first seen by two FBI agtnla . who were p a r t of a detaU-cheeklng

fo r him In th is a rea . .Rulp opened fire on the officers

. Snm h is fleeing car. An FB I agent returned th e fire w ith a shotgun, lilttln g .R u lp In th e hand.

Rulp lost .eon tro l; of t h e 'e a r - r -tem porarily , b rough t I t to * atop

and surrendered.

Gourt Exempts City From Pirating Law

BOISE, May 9 — The Idaho.supreme court has up­held a Burley d istr ic t judge's ruling that unti-pirating provisions of the Idaho public utilities law does not apply to cities. In a second ruling issued ypstcrday, tho high court-upheld-the-induBtrlnl-aceident-boardTord6^Ai?y«ng- WorKmen’s" compensation deatKT>eneni.s to~Oie widow of a McCall lumber worker. The anti-pirating case con- cerjied-two actions; one by Unity Light and Power com- ------------------ ------------- ---------pany and the o ther by Rural

8 Charges of Treasdn-Face

LTOPOLDVILLB. -the Congo, May g (UrD—K atanga P residen t Molse TBhombe w as.tnd lcted today on e ight counts of treason against

signed by In terio r M in ister Oyrllle Adoula a few hours a fte r Security Chief Victor N endeka a n d Public Prosecutor R em l B om retu rned from \ CoqulalhatvlUe w here they discussed the case w ith m inisters attcndlnif a conference, the^e.

T h e-charges, ag a in s t Tshom be w eri th a t ho:

—Abused power and- luu rped powers of a ch ief o f sM te.

—W ithout being regu larly In­vested, proceeded to declare K a ­tanga Independent.— ....... ....... • -

—A rbitrarily forced h is tubor- dlnates to com m it Crimes gravely th reatening th e peace of the country.

—By press a n d rad io In tlm aied would- continue th is Illegal ae>

the secession' . . .............forces from those o f th e nfttlonal Congotese arm y.

appeals by

—Created h is own currency.The tJn lted N ations m eanw hile

fm «pto-the . South JC asal .province roll center of P o r t F rancqul where O hananlan U JI. troops Were re ­ported m assacred la days ago.

Broadcasters Are Praised ii^d Warned

WASHINOTON^ JJRr-JThSbnadeosting I n d u s t^ today heard some high w ords of p raise and some s te m w ords o f w arn ing from

chairm an of th e federal tions commission. New-

ton-N ^M lnow ^In h is f irs t ta lk before an

ustry gathering, Mlnow told ... . National Association of B roadcast­ers he a ^ e e d w ith L eroy CoIUns, NAB president, tha t-"ft- much- bet­te r Job can be done a n d should be done."

*T w ont to see broadcasting Im­proved a n d J w an t you to do the Job.” Mlnow said..'.Mlnow called a tten tio n to

cent .presidential w am ipg oi record contac ts w ith federa l regu­latory agencies, and sa id h e “mDy

■ th ta seveh-m em -- ______ ______ nam e to T h e

Seven Untouchables.’ ” - T he chairm an elected In w hat

he called h is “m aiden station b re a k " ,to concentra te on televi­sion. because, he sa id , “m ost of the., controversies, a n d . cross- —- ren ts - In broadcast

in recen t y e an .i - l s good, no th -

better," he said."B ut w hen television is bad,

no th ing Is worse." ." In ternational T V *1 11 .be w ith

us soon." he said. “No one knows how long I t will be u n til a broad­cast from a studio in New York will be viewed In Jn d la .a s well as In Ind iana . W e --------------------

LANOLEY ASK FO RCE BASE. Va.. .M iJ 9 . . . ______________spacem an. Cm dr. Alan i ! Shepard. Jr., a n d hU backup pilot, m arine u e u t: Col. Jo h n H . O lenn, jr., have' been g ian ted a week's leave, na*

, UonU aeronauU cs a n d space adm inistra tion offloU Is.reported today.

RICHMOND. V a , May 9 (n_T be;'JusU e« depM tm ent today tfrew -h ea v ll3 j- tip o n - lt r-w rtlo n » -ta^ -t4 l lto 'B o ek rA ite r* n d -N B W O rtea ia .

^ K hool aefre taU on eases to baek up Ita bU to eB te^-lha ease ef • th e Prtnee E dw ard w m ntr. Va.. aehocU as a ceplalatlW . ,

Jlectric company, both non­profit cooperative associti- tions, against the city ofBurloy,— :--------------------- 1-

T he uilhMcs had sought an In ­junction to proh ib it the city of Burley from constructing I t ^ e s and sei-ving customers in areas w hieh the city had recently a n ­nexed. •

D U trlet Judge Edward H . Heop held the Idaho s ta tu te prohibiting the so<called.“plraUng'.' of electric customers by power companies and cooperatives wns n o t applicable bQtween cooperatives.and m unlcl- poU tio and refused to g ran t the injunction.' In a unonlmou-t opinion w ritten

by Justice Joseph J . McFadden, the high court upheld th a ruling of Judge Heap.

t h e case s t l r r ^ u p considerable controversy in th e recent Idaho legislature; A blU specifically ap^ plying the an tl-p lra tlng law to city electric distrilsutlon systems failed to -p aa a .------ — -------r------

U.S. Cheated Ouf of Taxes,

“'4)iIlon ClaimsW ABmNOTON, M ay .

Secretary of th e T reasury Douglas D lllon.sald today Uncle Sam each y te r Is cheated o u t-o f-ta x e s on nearly 39 blUlon dollars of Income —more th a n enough to balance the

^ ^ e ^ ^ b u d g e t , .

tlons subcom m ittee-------------------ury le lieves 24.4 bUUon dollars of taxable Income w as no t reported In 1959—th e la tes t year fo r which

M ortimer ’ M. Caplin,' <eommis. sloner of in te rnal revenue, told re­porters th a t a t least 30 per cen t of th is am ount—o r nearly 4.9 b il­lion dollarft—would have been col­lected in addlU onal taxes had the Income been declared on tax re ­turns.

Dillon urged th e subcommittee to restore 16.9 m lllioa dollars cut by the house for the appropria­tion which P residen t Kennedy ask­ed for the Internal revenue service. M ost.o f the money would go for W ring 00 m o r r ta srag ratK --------

Preliminary 'Zoiring Plan'

Is SubmittedPre liin lnary 'reion lng plana,'foc^

m ulated by BonAld Thompson, Butte, Mont:, ton ing consultant h ired by th e city, were turned 'over to c ity commissioners fo r study Monday evening.

Thompson anU clpates the survey will' be completed by June 1, with the .excepUon of th e traffic study, K. L. Derrick, c ity m anager, re­ported. D errick noted th a t Thomp­son had advised h im by le tter th a t be expecu to be In Tw in Falls In approxim ately two weeks to confer with city officials.

The tak i

B lds'on th e roller will be opened a t 4 P A . M ay a t city haU. E s­tim ated cost ls'|S,000. Bids will be submitted on tho J to 8-ton machine. T h e presen t rubber tire r o l l^ Will be traded In. If a feas­ible trade-in bid Is m ade. T he new m a r in e < ahould > elim inate waves In th e a sp h a lt s tre e t. Derrick asserted.

Money fo r the m achine, If pur- 'w in oome from funds

fo r th e purchase o f dump of a steel roUer,

Commissioners passed a resolu-— ,--------------

Is worked o u t D errick was request­ed to subm it ft new seheduie ftt nex t M o n ^ 's , a ^ n g .

A t the p rw e n t tlm e;*the m lnl-

-------- jtlota was tftkan a fte r D er­rick. Informed the. oommlsslon a

h a d .beensub>

Walls Come Tumbling Do>vn

W alls o f th e 'P a r k hoU l s ta r t to eoma down fo -a a k « .w a rS fo r iw ln : F a lls 'jse w tUO.OOO peateifle*. W orker* h a te t u n n t th e walls on (be bpper f to o r a a d .p u t H oot's exterio r walls wlU be pulled down. flrs t..a :^ .se«> b tilld ta isw lU 'faca Third s tree i'w cst. .iritl^’In tU n r do«kS*loei1«a'In '^he'araa'W here tM

T ha »ey_pestoIflce Is schedu led 'to U c 1 In x n ld ^ O f j^ (S W M A oto -e i

TwbDieon G allom f or

.NAfiSAU. B a h a in u . M ay 9 Two Americftns died on th e i " Qt./N as»ti"^rison.,V ),dfty. t m iiriler' o f a Florida charter boai cap ta in . T hey were .Alvin Table Jr^ a n d Billy W ayne sees ond were the f irs t Americans ever executed In th e B aham as.

T able. 35. m ounted th e scaffold a t 7 a jn . a n d a n hour laU r, his p a rtn e r In crim e. Sees, 23, was p u t to death .

T able a n d Sees were convicted o t slaying C apt. Angus Boat­w right, SB, Islomorftda, Fla., A p r i l '34, IMIO. a t Elbow keyihe rB ah a m as .-------------------------

Testim ony a t the .tsial aho^ th a t T able a n d Sees stole a 43-f cabin cruiser In Key W est and headed to sea w ith Table's bridenf « T»nfhii''ii^ IB fian An .tonlo, Tex.

T hey ra n o u t of gas and- the boat -drifted on to , rocks and broke up. T h e tr io took refuge in an abandoned-llgh thouse-w hers - they

nokanson , 30, -also . Islamortida. happened a lo n s In their. SB-foot c h a rte r boa t, M uriel lU , w ith ' “ passengers aboard.

Sees signaled th e boat, th en Uter swam o u t a n d boarded. It. Testi­mony show ed h e pulled a revolver and ordeced B oatrigh t and the o thers In to th e stem . -

W hen B oa trigh t grabbed a rifle. Sees s h o t . arid faU lly wounded

Calif.,- M ay B ' W -R esearch pilot Joe W alker p lans to fly the 3£15 rocket plane w ith throtUe wide open In th e n e x t few days In an a ttem p t to rea ch 3.400 m ‘-our—alm ost a m lla 'k aeeond.

T he na tional aeronautics and space adm lnlstraUon -says the purpose of th e flight will be to ob ta in d a tft on aerodynamle s t» biUty a n d control and heating.

AutomaticPrrreP X E L D , Mass.. M ay 9

flJTS -^JiA autom atic clgarelte iULter.oiite r-h m htfa Inventjd .

m n k 0 . Q ulda, » m echani-

simple device w ere on ____cigarette, countless lives now lost in .fires s ta r te d by careless s^ H fig m lg K tT je saved...............

QuidA,'s device consists o f a small tube m ade of foil on the Ipslde a n d . paper on th e ou t­side. T he tube slides down the c igarette to th e po in t where a smoker w ants i t to- go out. W hen I t b u m s down t h a t .far, oxygen is choked off a n d the c igarette goes-out.

O uido soys th e tube in no way. affects th e enjoym ent of th e smoke.

Jailf-Term J s C^en to Man'

t^l-Gver-jPeekiagA series of window-peekingirrgnt^M In tha ^ e l^^bortip y

W a ln u t 's tm t 'a n d Fourth avenue

FlooB Water Still Boils in

“ M d l ^ W ^By United P ress intem aU onal

_ B o lll[ ig_ flood_w atjua_nn .'-be r- serk today th rough scores o f .towns and hundreds • of'"farm lng .. muAlties -Jn th e rain -d rer M lddlo-W ut.

Rivers and s tream s broke the ir bonds, ram paged over rich low­lands and pushed tow ard • record o r near record crests throughout th e lower Ohio and middle Mis­sissippi valleys.

'T o rren tia l ra in s—up to 10 Inches .n Indiana—slacked off In the M is s i s s ip p i 'v a l le y . B u t many stream s kept rlsltig.

Thundershow ers' continued feed swollen rivers in th e eastern

streams, ............ ............. ...........jtage, swirled’ tow ard th e ir high­est levels In m ore t ^ 34 years.-

T he jia tlo n 's new population center o f C entralla. HI., was vir­tually isolated, sh o rt of drinking water and facing & fir? hasard .

Flood conditions eased in some communities b u t worsened In o th­ers In the f ive-sta te flood tone. H undreds o f schools wera dosed, thousands of-h ighw ays a irash In Illinois. Ind iana . K entuoky. OUo «n> Missouri.

eas t elided Monday n igh t w ith the a rrest o t a 4fl-year-old T w in Falls

lan by city police.H arry Bffggs was sentenced to

30 days in the Twin F a lls county Jail and assessed court costs T ues­day morning by Tw in F a lls Police Judge Robert E. Pence.for disturb­ing the peace by window-peeking.

"T he practice of prowling and w indow -peeking in any given

if th e window-peeker Is p e r ^ te n t . the citizen cannot be bhimed for defending h is home. I w an t I t to be~lcnown we‘'re go Iiig 't5T >e~ as rough as we can on anyone guilty o f th is practice."

M onday -n l^ t.IS !ah? .> lc ln lty .]!o f Barm on pa rk ai^d was charged gpeclflfolly w ith a window-peeking

Nixon tJrges Summit Meet

D ETROIT, May 9 (UTi-Fonner T ice President R ichard M . Nixon called tonight for a su m n it m eet­ing of President Kennedy a n d So­viet- Prem ier N ikita K hrushchev as ft means of destroying any com- --------- n a U f lh f" -*

________ our bite."N ixon‘ also to o k 'a n a pparen t

swipe a t th e Kennedy adm ihlstra- tion 's hand ling .A f the Ziftotlan a n d Cuban crises. B e said th a t i K h rusheher "sssumes, because o

imo of th e things th s t have .oe - nrred in th e past few weeks, th a t

o u r bark U worse -than ou r bite, h e m ay be tem pted to push us loo f a r I n .a n area w here » a would have to resist. T h u s h e would p red p its te tho w lthe r h e nor

Uo s. Polaris Subs Offeredm r O .E pree J

OSLO. May 9 (U PI)—The Uni'ted-Statea.told Its.alllea ^ ;oduy"lt will commit Poiaris missife~carrying~nucl£fir-" ’ ™ submiiriiiL'.H to the defense of NATO. Secrctarj* of State L>ca» Rusk m iide,the offer to the foreign ministers of :he N A 'ip ulliiince a t the uccond day nessionB of t-|ieir. current Uiree-day m eeting here, hlgfi'conffrencb'sources <iaid. Uiiak did not spell out the offer in'dethll. bnt it was understood th a t it will include five nuclear submarinesequipped with mpdium r . Polaris missilea. The United S tates has eatnbllahed a bn!<cIII Holy i-ocii, Scotland, \viiK ’.he USS Protcuii se t u p there as

..................................... ip.q£.gjj.i

Idaho Young

submnrlnes,The fo rc irt m inisters o t the 16-

NATO powers Includlng-the Unit­ed S tales aRreed earlier need for sirengthenlng en . plans to dcnl w ith any sudden irlsls with RuMirt over Berlin.

A wnminit th a t Soviet Russia m ay be building up to new di m ands oii D erlln-and.m ay.sign separate peace treaty w ith East Oermnny wns Riven th e confer­ence a t Its opening yesttrday by Secretary o t s ta te D ean Rusk.

Acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. Norwegian For­eign M inister Hnlvnrd Lange pro- po.<«d today th a t the "big. four" of Jie conference—the U . S„ B rlu ln . W est Oermony end France—re-

The conference spokesmen told newsmen . th a t Lange had urged the-blg-four to “consider whether their contingency plans for the Berlin problem are adequate to “ le present, and foreseeoble sltua-h OO." '

I t w a5~ agrced-thot-the-U nlted SUte*. W est Oermony. FroncB ond B rita in would toKe a look a t pres­e n t plans and take w hot action

as deemed necessary. ’ .T he conference fuUy backed

Rusk's sta tem ent yesterday th a t any a tU m pt by the Soviets to act unilaterally In Berlin would be - slsted by the western aUles. -

There would^hfl. no western re­tre a t from B erlin under Soviet pressure, R m mmla clear. . 4 & . a 8 r e « b s . . i i } t h . , M ^ s , , ^ , poMl to^ay for ft,aew look ftt w hat K e am eT cou ld do .U .R ussia atr. temped an y -k in d of communist tcke-o rer in Berlin, Busk a t the same tim e endorsed th e sugges- Uon thfttaU members of th e NATO aHlahce~wouM ~be~kepf Informed

f fu ture developments. - ' - • Tho w e s t e r n powers earlier

greedTto tu m -d (------— ----------p ^ i i r direc t

T. F. ConfabSome M Idaho young Repub­

licans will be In -twin I 'alls F ri­day and Saturday for the Idaho Young Republican conveutlon, ac­cording* to Jo h n Coleman. Tw in Falls attorney in charge of looU arrongemenls.— -------- '---------

Orvol - H ansen, Jdalio Palls, sta te representative from Bonne- * vllle county, will ba ■ keynote speaker a t a S a turday noon lunch­eon. and Oov. Robert E. Smylle and Ray Robbins, Idaho 'Falls, chairman of th e s u te Republican central committee, have -Indicated th a t they will a ttend . -

Purpose of- th e convention V.-1U be-to-«Iect'new-.otfleeT8-and con­sider platform Ideas lo r th e 1983 campaign. E ach c oun ty Young Republlcon group Is allowed' to send as m any delegates as thii number o f representallvts and senators from th e county.—R e g ls tra tio n -w U lJ> eJr)m J .te ,7 _p.m. Friday In th e Rogcrson hotel Desert room. -All meAtlngs will be , held In th e hotel, y

Americans in-^

> th e -Q e tm a a and B erlin prob-

Schools Help Plan Is OK’d ^In Committee

ed, ftnother o f 'P re s id e n t K enne-

By a 4-3 vote, w ith Dem ocrats for and Republicans ftgainst, th e house educaUon subeommlttee sen t th e bill to the full house edu< ' and labor committee. . _ Z b a _ m u m fi_ K c u lit .p is z !A « J ia 3J> billion dollars In th ree years to sU tes fo r publio e lem entary and secondary school dassroom con­struction and teacher pay. I t ftlso

pwwMw Kin m llllni^ rirtliim

program dU trlets crowded

0f federa l .workers

Ifhyear-ol fo r. “Imi by theand se i_______

O ther congressional <Jevdoi>- mentsV-Cuba—Rep. Chester E . Merrowi

R.. N. a - mu;oduced a resolution asking congress to go on record a s favoring a n . Immediate a ir and naval blockade of Cuba.

Publio pow era-Joseph C. Swid- ler. - -------------- — *

tL_Teatlh is aosdlnaUoa before th e senate commerce committee..SwlcUer said h e favored a continued coexistence be lifetn private and publio power. H e predicted th e re w ould-be no m ajor changes In th e p resen t bal- ftnee between th a two.

I h e senate' a rm ed services'com* m ittee overrode P residen t K enne­dy and F onner P residen t 'E isen ­how er today, a n d unanim ously vot­ed more 'm anhed , long-mnge bombers fo r-the 's tra teg ie s ir eom-

GOP to Hold


h a ir of the e stlm a& l 800 U. & a&- . Uonals ■ln-Cnbft-who:.'waBtt:to i o home fiavs applied, fo r repatrifti-

(In Washington the state de- - . partment said an "undetermined , nBmber“*of-AJBedeans*aro-beln»— detained' In Cub* and some-»00 .

a r m & l — ----------------------------Invaslon a ttem p t m ay stUl b a ua» d e ra rre s U

Th«.appU ekttons were subm itted ' the Swiss embassy's bu«-

foreign affairs w hieh b a t .... handling U nited S ta te s In^

te rv U in Cuba slnee th e break l a diplomatlo rtlaU o ns la s t y e ar..

A new Uw requires a ll peiaoaa who have been in Cuba .for 39 daya o r 'm ore to ob ta in -an ex it p e rm it-, from th e departm eh t of technlesil

a3T I) o f th e a a i

M any c a n n o t '^ p ly : f w a n esdt ■ perm it because’ pesqibrts, Cubaa residence a n d other - docum ents . were confiscated by Cuban (In te l- , Ugence) . agen ts in m ass a rrests

• raid s du ring and a fte s th aan d raid s dUring and a fte s t

Johnspn OffFor 2-Week Trip Asiai

WASHINOTOHki'May .» tit T ice P residen t ]Uyndcn B . Jo h n ­son took off f c ^ ^ u th e a s t Asia to ­day voidnff t y i r concern over “ th a th rea t of- a r m « aggwssion there.’*

Johnson carrlet) personal Intcera from P re s lje n t Kennedy pledging u jB. support to r e d s ^ f t l » n i« 'T th e critica l are* . ^ ' '

On h is two-week tr ip Jo tm soa wlU visit s o u th ,y ie t: N am . -the

lodla and'Pftkutaa;~Be may also m ake'ft stop to . Greece.

1 beUeve th a t by Umlnc ta d tar iUnerary this trip speaks tor lU . self,** Johnson said la » d epartun statement a t Andrews air 'lore* ‘•ise

• ^ e 'U nited 8 ta ta '‘ U TltaOr concem M w ith th e peace, security, a n d Independeaeo o t th e 'tr e e peo­p les In -Asia. -Wa ar« disturbed br- th e th re a t o f arm y s« g res» to - there." - ' — — . . . ■

Foster Parent of Huiiteds Is 1961 Mothern’S ^ a ^d^eds-o

penden t o r delinquent children was nam ed A m erican M other of IfiSl today, •

W inner o f th e annual selection from s ta te m others ocrosi the n a ­tion—Is-iL eB ise-B evler—Oiddlnge C urT ey;'-68 ,A l*okout "T cnn. - i: L

She w u ' d t r t 'fbr rew lng her

e ffo ru In Improving V>e bousQig a n d -tre a tm e n t o f Juvenile d ^ - quents. neglected and dependent chlldieni and m entally o r em otion­ally disturbed, children, regardless

• race o r creed.

al train ing schi ,H ie A m e r i c a n M other and

ference _______Committed, m e,

T he'com m lttee i s . an organisa­tio n devoted prim arily to provid­ing c o u w lo r -services for. young m others w ith pre-school d red and sim ilar-service c p n t^ p l* U n * _ ip a r r l a g e ^ _

M rs. CMrrey gasped In BStaSish- _v.._ announced u

................ -il w inner a t a ga ther­in g . of ^tate w inners. ^

'*T>ont be afraid to be affection­ate.’* she said. "As ft gener^ rule.! when you have ft alee.'' spoiled husband, you know where- ho Is.' because h e . s w home a t ^ght."

E er husbaiid.'Bradley In the Investment business.'

She said the iommlttee tha t se-

correctly wtUu ' aboUshlnc - S e

s s s ' r s s f s f a s

; I h t i d e . - r o i l . c i y . N :pabUe

P a g e '4 ^ ^ t o r l ^ : ‘ JnsUea*; -D em erit S y a t ^ r . :-

•. a t Burley.cem'etery*, -;£i^,u..; F a c e - 8 ^ P 0 rtl0B '< iC '0 r« rotra il to be , r ------ ■■ --------

Page 2: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so



B r tM « ^ ln c h :m e t« r

n i t o { 'th e customers on a stven •e rrlc a U n ^ ha noted.

I n MferenM to *rtvU lnj tiut*l- U U on fee t, I t m s pointed ou t lh * t p rcM st fees j»7. only a porUon or th e H tu s l eo«t InwlTed.

B«Donlnf of the Lyle Npvak property. 831 Blue Lakes boulevard

_ north , from resldcnUttt to com- ' m ere la l ta u w u approved. T he

p roperty formerly h a d been re- aoned, b u t due to an e rror In the le sa l deserlpU&n, approval was Tolded.

’ y Jock Radtlce to . rtlla

j^^rejuesl by '.

Weather, Temperatures^ -

r «l«a41n«M to a lf h l «B d-l

■T«.^tnr.«iolfr. iam B rm t-W tttU L JU ite i w i l r L o w U r t a lg h t W. M a t S a A and 78 a t noon.

" N p R T O ‘T D A H O ^ o u d y w l tlJ “ oe««lonal*T aln 'tn ro tig ii"t^m orrow

to eo.

V. s . weather bureau yeitcrday w as 6S defrcea, rc f^ te red a t Prcaldlc and Laredo. Tc;c, T herm al. CalJf.. and y u m a . Aria. T he lew M t'ton* peralure reported today was 2S derreea a t D lf Flaey, Wyo.

u » . » ln . Pep.

a re n u e o n tbs north. Robbins s u e on th e south, W endell s tree t on th e .w cst .and Jerom e 's tree t on tb a east was refeired to tiie. f ln e e r ln s departm ent fo r ap

D errlek reported work h u been s ta rU d on the Willow Lone well. T h is well Is being drUled deeper

- I n - a n - e l l o r t to find addlUonal w ater fo r the eomlns season of *eftvy useS<e. h# etplnlned.

E xtension of curb cu ts ad jacen t to 30a Second avenue n o r th and a t 309 Addison avenue e as t were ap< proved.

ro day for American W ar Moth* s o f Tw in Palls by V ernon Rfd-“ — DBTeamnnnn:---------

- -R o u tin e . bulIdlnB perm its ' and license appllcatlons-were app - ed. Paym ent of the AprU bills

-a u th o r l te d ..............................

Truce Team -Ignored by

Laos Rebels-VJENTZANE. U o s . M ay 0 (DPD-

I t i e govemment of Laos s ta rted worictnc w ith a th ree-nation peace team today bu t leaders o t the

te d cs and flew off to Geneva.

(rol commission (ICO) rig h t a t th e s ta r t o f lU mission to cool o ff th e U o U an er|Us.

• T h e commlsilor • Jnftla , Canada and P o la c d ~ a r-

rlved yesterday to help fix , super* —cease-fire

I Max. MIti. r<piiiT T Z Z Z Z Z Z ! »* « .0

r>Bi _ H M

OkUbocBft CUr -


Magic Valley FuneralsALMO — Funeral services for

Searlo Melvin W ard will be he ld a t lrJ> T O = W .rtn w !* jr itt= th e£ f tte a LOS ward chspeH v lth B lshop 'Z I- be rt Durfee ofriclatlnR. F inal rites will l)ft hsM a t 't h e Sunny Cedar Rest ccmelery, A tao .___^

T W D i FALLS-^-Puneral services for Mrs. Anna C aroline M ohr will be held a t 3' p jn . W ednesday a t the W hite m ortuary chapel, with th e ilev . Sugene T Ja rk s of C ur Savior L utheran chu rch offlclat* ihg. P inal rites wUl be a t Sunset U em orlal park In T w in Falls.

TWIN FALLS—arsvesldB es f o r Mrs, .O ra o « - j ;a n v r la n

H am llton-w l»-br^O H dtfctea ~ a t~ n a.m.-Wednes<la7 a t Sunset M emo­r ia l parlc-by-tha Rev. E rn est H as- se lbladrT he funeral proeesslon will leave Reynolds funeral chapel a t lO-.ii irn sT -

R U P EIT —P^meral aerrtces for Mrs. Velma A nderson will be a t

n. Wednesday a t th e R upert Chrlsllan 'church w ith Paul Moore, minister, officiating. -Concluding rites wUl be a t th o -Ru^^rt ceme* te ry .:-----------------------

O O O D IN O -Funeral se rrlces for John Anderson 81ms will be held a t the'fihosbone M ethodist church a t 3 pjn.-W ednesday.w lth-the Rev. P au l lA Rue officiating. Conclul* Ing rites will be held a t th e Sho­shone cemetery. Friends m sy call a t 'th e Thompson chapel, Gooding. untU i l : M a jn . W ednesday.

w hich h as been In effect since la s t W ednesday.

T h is momnlg. less th a n 34 - hours a fte r thelr 'arrlval. Com mis­

sion C hairm an Sam ar S en and h is aides m e t w ith Prince Boun Otun p ru n le r o f the pro-w estern gov­ernm ent, and D eputy P r im le r B rig . G en Phouml Mosavan.

A t th e end of th e 70>mlnule . . . alon. Foreign-M inuter Chao 6op- sa lsan a sa id the ICC h a d pledged to Ja je J p -u s-m a k s-th e cease-fire

. tffeeUve” and m a in ta in contacts - w i th - th o rebels.

Officials of U7S. Pack Bags for Geneva Meeting

G en e ra to d i^ ia t a Laos confer­ence w hloh m ight n o t be there w hen they arrive.

. '-m a in ly s ta f f aides—planned to leave la te r today or tomorrow for th e K -n a U o n Laos conference, to beg in In Geneva on Friday.

Officials said th e U nited S ta te s would have some kind of delega* tio n th a t day. w hether the re 's a confertnce or sot.

Secre tary of BU te D ean Rusk,& In

‘ Oslo. Norway, planned lo fljr to G en e ra from there, depending on w hat happens_ ln th e nex t few

■ * * ^ S . ro rlng Ambassador A rerell H arrlm an, ju s t back from a tour o f Asia, la also expected to a ttend th e Laos conference: B u t V . 8 . o f­ficials were still firm in saying th a t -unless there la a verified

—« e a e e .f l r e - I : ......................................1 th e

"Police Cliiefior“ Arco Is Rehired

ARCO. M ay 9 o n —Police Chief WUUkm r . Riley was back on th e Job in Arco to d a y -a t le as t tem -

•• porarily. ' . •Riley, whose -contract w as n o t

r e n e w e d '^ the new c ity council here lasti'Baturday. was. re in s ta t­ed a fte r a stormy special council meeting la s t n lg h t - a t least unUl the nex( regular meeting. May 16.

T en petitions, signed by some 40 t»er3oas. were presented to th e council • -■ - ' t a in e d a

persons turned up a t th e m eeting and. over objections of th e councU, fo rted i t to be held publlely.


_ s ls la a Prtslden t .Bablb Boursulba . Is “up" and about" a lte r an a ttack o f bronchitis and will be able to leave for Kew York on schedule tom orrow. Bourgullw. who artlved here M ay 3, had to n n c e l trips to TexaA-'and Tennessee because o t tUs mness.

TWIN FALLS — F uneral serv­ices for Mrs. M aranda .Grlnsted Wlgle will be held a t 3 pjn.- Friday in tho White, m ortuary chapel by th e Rev. Robert Jackson, pasto r of the Twin Falls C hurch o f the W ttren e rC o n c lu d ln g ^ te rw in -b e he ld a t Twin Palls cemetery.

BUR12Y — F u n e ra l serviees for Mrs. E thel Jodd TUley wUl bo held a t 3 p jn . Friday a t the Burley LD6 th ird ward ch ap e l w ith B ish­op Robert Ram sey offldating . F inal rites wiU bo he ld a t the P leasant View cem etery. Friends m ay call a t the M oCulloch fUr neral home ITiursday afternoon and evening and F r id t^ xmtU time of-servlceB.— - -------- ,----------------

BAZKLTON — Funeral serviees f o r Joseph F , Perkins will be con­ducted a t 1 p jn . T hursday in th e H aselton v-tw church by B ishop Jam es ChrU tophers<^ O oneludlng rite s will be h e ld ld t h e ~ H ^ t m tem etery ................................................

T w m FA L L S-R osary f6 r Sal- rad o r O arm endia will be rec ited a t 8 p . m . T hursday tn th e W hite m ortuary chapel and requiem m ass w U n » ~ c e le b ra le d 'a tn o 'a n n rP r i? day in S t. Edw ard 's CathoUo ohureh by th e R e r. Jo h n K oelsch. Concluding rites will be h e ld a t T w in F a lls cemetery.

TW IN FA L L S-FU nerai serrtces fo r Mrs. G race Frances Reynolds wUl be held a t 3:30 p. m . F riday a t th e Reynolds funera l chapel w ith th e Rev. D onald U H offm an, Tw in F a lls F irs t C h^istiaa church, officiating. Concluding r ite s will be held a t su n se t M em orial ^ k .

Magic-VaHeyJHospitalsMagic Valley Memorial

fe jn .;-in -a a ro th e rs , r r o m j l a jn .

ADMITTEDM n . Jo h n Jones, Mrs. W ilbur

Bell, JuUe Roberts, M rs. Robert -Earle-Hudebonr-M rST'Eunls

SUgall, William H einrich, Mrs. M artha W lldman a n d R lehard A. Pruden, a ll Twin FalU ; Jeffrey Beams. B uhl; Ricky R ay T Ippen and Alice Wygal, b o th Pller;-M rs. Clarence D anner, Kimberly; Mrs. Carl Leslie, j r , R upert; M llferd J . Schmeckpeper, W endell: W il­liam Thomsberry, Oastletord.- and Mrs. R osa Childers, Jerom e.

DISMISSED . M ark Jetmore, R obert w . E rans, A nita Jacobsen, G lenn G ergens, Mrs.'XawfeDce BT K e n C P S l K » . Mrs. H enry Persoiv a n d daughter,Mrs. Fred Bohning. E l d o n -------and Reese Davis, a ll Tw inL ura Gray, B uhl; M rs. I v a n ___ler and son. F iler; M rs. Irv in M c­Bride. H otellon: M r s . ' F o rrest U riennd-daughtc r a u d Mrs. W llllg July, all Kimberly, a n d Mrs. Lloyd Kllng, Pasadena, Calif.

BIRTU S A 'daughter w as b o m M onday

to M r. and Mrs. G eorge PArsons, BuhL

Benedict'fl, JeromeV lsltlns hours a t S t. B enedict's

hospital a re from 3 to 4 a n d fromT -to-rpan .-ln 'thB -m at^ m ltjC w al'd a h d 'tn m noon to 4 a n d from < to 0 p jn . in the m edical a n d su rg i­c a l ward.

ADMITTED , —B ebb la -M endykr-O oodlngr^and

Sidney Edward, Jerom e. DISMISSED

Mrs. Jam es Brow n a n d son, Richfield.

Cassia MemorialV isiting hours a t Cassia Memo­

rial hospital a re from 3t30 to 4 and from -7 to 8 p.m. In the m a ­tern ity ward and from 10:30 a jn . to 8 p jn . In the m edical and su r­gical wards.

ADMITTED Mrs. HAzel Parsons, Uowey.Rob-

..-ts and Mrs. Elsie Jacobjen , aU Burley; George Bailey, H ase lto n ..

JtkVksoiT H ey b u ra l^D d aM '^ iii... son.- Oakley; Mrs. c lare tta_ Jones. Mrs. Patricia Ince a n d Mrs. H elen EiUott, jOl Burley.

DIRTUS . A daughter was b o m to M r. and Mrs. John Parsons a n d a son was b c m ~ to Mr. and M rsr Douglas Shill, a ll Burley. '

Purdy OustedKAIl^ETr. M a y -» -Jo h n McGonl-

gal defeated incum bent L . N . Pur* cty, 43 to 34. in M onday's school trustee elecUon in th e P icabv : G annett area.

In trustee district th ree a t Belle* rue, Ray Williams, Incum bent, was reelccted w ith &7 ro tes . H is oppon­ent. K eimeth BeecAer, po lled-50 and Joseph.Bergln, a w rttein c an - dldaU, received. 39 nJlw ;'

Gooding Memorialv isiting hours a t Gooding M e-

morU i hospital a re from 8:30 a jn . to 8:30 p jn . -

ADMITTED N arvel Allen, Gooding; Liea Ba-

cos. BoUe; Mrs. R obert W aU lns, B ussrand-R lcky P e a k rS

■V. . DISMISSED Perry Snodgrass, W endell, and

Narvel Allen, O oo^ng .

■ Minidoka Countyvisiting hours a t M ln ldoka'M e-

morlal- • • -a n d from 7 to 8 p. m.

ADMITTED Mrs. M ary Reyes. NeU M oller

a n d LeRoy Denton, a ll Rupert,~and Ellglo Lopes, Paul.

K aren Looney and B ria n R a - mlrex, both' Rupert. .

BIRTHS A daughter was. b o m ' fo M rs.

M ary Reyes, Rupert.

6-State Compact Is Being Talked

BOISE, May 0 Iwi>-Tliere is U lk of, form ing a six -sta te Columbia river compact if Oregon continues to balk a t the proposed agree- m ent, a n Idaho member of the

George N . C a r te l Idaho rec la- inaU, sa id tho idea of a six r a th e t than seveo^slate'coni- pa c t first was discussed abou t tWo years ago "when Oregon w as ob­jecting to everything.

“We though t Oregon w as 'go lng to walk ou t," C arter sald. " in stead , they ju s t <Jutwaited us."

Ju s t th is past week a t a m eet­in g of the commission in P o rtland , Ore., O regon announced ' I t was w ithdraw ing financial suppo rt Trom th o group and would a tten d n o fu rther negotiations th e n e x t two years. • . '

Driver-Finied- By J u ^ e in Traffic Case

Acta a s Insm cterK enneth 0 . J o h n s to n ;-a g e n t

w ith tbe Tw in F a lls d is tric t office of th e~Prudential~ Iife ~ ln m ra a e e

year_ in stru cto rjr t th e T ^ i to J ^ l ls life u riderw a ln '" " course.

Burley police.‘ M anuel Flores. 37, Burley, was fined 'tlO O by Ju d g e A nnest for d runk driving. I n lieu of th e ilue, Flores Is serving SO days In the city jftU. H is d river 's license was revoked for one year. He was a r ­rested May 4 a f te r » tw o-car acci­d e n t-In B u rle y ^ --______ _________

Flores also w as fined t39 for failure to yield th e r ig h t o f way on a com plaint signed by Ed Burgess. He is se rrln g ou t th is fine also, in addition to a 10-d a y sentence.- G ary c . M artin . 17, Jerom e,-was fined $10 a n d given 39 dem erits, Tuesday by Je rom e Police Judge PTed E berha rd t f o r Im proper pass­ing.. .N ephLJ.-M lddlebrook,.3«wTiFln Falls, was flped 810 and given 30 demerits by J u d g e E berha rd t Tuesday fo r going 4B m iles per hour In a 35-mile zone.

Falls, was fined 810 and assigned 30 dem erits T uesday by Judge E berhard t fo r a a top sig n vlola- Uon-. . <•••

was fined 110 and given 30 demer­its by Ju d g e -E b e rh a rd t Tuesday f0r^a,^«tap-algn-vU>latl0 P ^ —

D enny W .-Cooley,- 93 Jerome, w u f ined >10 jm d costs and as- slgned-35-demerlts M ondayrby J e ­rome Ju stice o f th e Peace Leo T er- r ill-fo r golng-70 m iles p e r h o u r In a eo-mlle' zone;'

M arvin S . Spacek, H aselton, was fined IIS a n d costa and given 39 dem erits M onday by Judge Terrill fo r a to p s ^ vio la tion . ‘ _

Floyd D niw n, Ifl, T w in Palls'.'was fined 110 a n d costs and assessed 39 dem erits by Police Judge Robert Pence M onday f o r sp e e d in g '39 miles per h o u r In a 39-mlle sone. He w as cited F rid ay .by c ity police In th e 400 block o n Second avenue south.

G ary Luclch, IT, H ansen, was fined «10 a n d coaU and assessed 39 dem erits by J u d g e Pence Mon- day -fo r-faU u re-to * y le ld 'th e-rig h t of way. H e was c ited F riday by c ity police a fte r b e was Inrolved in an accident a t Second avenue and Second s tre e t east.

K rlsUn C all, 17. 331 FlUmore stree t. Tw in F a lls , w u cited fo r

involved In a o n e -c a r aocidenl E astland drive n o r th n e a r Addison avenue east a t 3:97 p m . Monday.

T h e l#9fl P lym ou th sedan she w u driving w en t o u t of control, slid Isa J e e t on th e pavem ent, w ent th rough a borrow p it, crash­e d 'th r o u ^ a w oven wire fence and came to re s t 70 fe e t ou t in a field. T here w u n o dam age to th e car. Estim ated speed o f th e e a r w u 7S miles p e r hour., mile p e r h o u r . - -

W hen c ity police Investigated. M c h a c l T e n n o c k .-U .~ i:« L -Jh lrd avenue west. T w in Falls, s ta ted he w u th e driver. H e w u taken into c ustody .and released to hl,s p a r­ents. Miss C all to ld h e r parents she actually w u ' th e driver and they took h e r <iowii to th e police s ta tion w here she w u c ited for reckless driving.. B oth Miss Call and-PennoclC'wer®,„to;'<ppear-ber f6ra‘T ollc6 Judge Robert Pence Tuesday afternoon .

T.'F. WomanM rs. M aranda' Q rinsted "Wlgle

87, died Tuesday m orning a t Magic Valley Memorial hospital. She bad been a resident of Tw in FalU since U 18.-m oving .here .lrom Sherm an, Tex.

S he w u a m em ber o f the Tw in F a lls Nazarene church . H er f irs t husband, John H arrison G rlnsted died Nev. 33, 1933, a n d 'h e r 's e c ­ond husband, Soloman J . Wlgle died In 1B38. ............................

Surviving are tw o sons. Jo h n Grlnsted, Kimberly, and W allace Grlnsted, Tw in Palls ; six daugh- U rs. Mrs. E dith 'B ush , M rs. Sidney O ra lg -an d -M rs.-W .-a-M aIb e rg .^ T w in Falls; Mrs. G race M itchell Baytown, Tex.; M rs. H arry Taylor M anteca, Calif., and M rs. Lloyd K lelnknecht. Newport, W ash.; -

^ o B le r - M .- ^ a r r o w , - 2 8 ; Tw in fifb thW 'John -M .-C alhoun .-W W '-m an. Tex.; three sisters, M rs. Lula Brinkley, Denison. Tex., a n d M n t L ennle GUI and M rs. R u th Dyer, both Sherman^ - O ‘ ‘

Mrs._KeUh._6i,,Dies at Hospital

M rs. NetUe K ^lth , 88. a Twin FU ls resident fo r one year, died ..................... a t Magic ValleyMemorial hosp ital a fte r a brief ill-

She w u bam Feb . 34, 1BS3, a't HartvUle, Mo., a n d was m arried to Gaylord K eith . H e died Dee. fi. 1BS5. She w u a m em ber o t the B aptist church in Missouri. -.S u rv iv ing—a re -- a - son. iJ K elthftJefferson C ity , Mo.; i ter, Mrs. E rn est W hite, Twin Falls; and a gnm dchlld. - .

W hite m ortuary is sending the body to M ou n ta in Grove, Mo., w here funeral services and eluding-rltea will b e held. '

e S l ^ y i S e _______________ ___p u to r ot the Twlti_gallB . C hurch of th e Masarene, Concluding-rites will be held in T w in F a lls cem- etery..... ._______ __________ _______

Death Oaims Mrs.TiUey,52BDRLEV, May 0 — Mrs. ih h e l

Judd TUley, #J„dled a t h e r home here a t 3:30 a. nu. T uesday a fte r a lingering illness. .

S h e w u bom Ja n . 8, isoe, a t p le asan t Grove, U tah , and came to th is community 48 years ago. O n Aug. 9. 1933. she w u m arried to A rihur M. U lley - a t S tarrhs Ferry . T heir m arriage w u solem- f l ia e d - a t - th e - Id a h o -P a l ls - L D 6 tem ple Dec. 13 .19S3.' S h e w u itcltve in th e R e lie f . .

c lety.and Sunday school. Survivors Include h e r husband, three sons, Leland A. Tilley, R upert; Wayne Tilley, Burley, and G erald Tilley, ~ ‘ -three 'Lois Jean Kraus. KeUonc: M rs. Phyllis New M i l l e r , Vacaville, C a lif , and Mrs. Lom o Tncy, B u r­ley; three brothers. Alonzo JUdd, Modesto. Calif.; M arshal Judd, V ale,. O re , and ..E d w ard . Judd, T a n ^ , Fla,; fou r sisters, M rs. Florence Downs, Orem, U tah ; Mrs. VlrgU Tadlock, Tw in FalU : Mrs. H elen CuUer, H agerm an, and Mrs. Nellie Pollard, Burley, and 19 grandchildren.- Funeral services will b e held a t 3 -p^m . Friday a t th e Burley liD S .th ird -w ard chapel w ith BUhop Robert Ramsey offlclntlng. F inal rites will be held a t the P leasant View cemetery. Friends may call a t th e McCulloch funeral home Tltursday afternoon a n d evening and Friday until tim e o ( services.

C a n a tle a Sal* S e t .T he American W ar M others of

Twin’ FalU WlQetnu tlon '*sale Saturday to raise

Bnsy Do-ets Meet T he Busy D o-ers 4-H club met

Friday a t the hom e of Mrs. G lenn

ed out by Mrs. Lee EIdredge;.club leader. Each member w u asked to bring 29 cents for IFY E a t the next meeting, which will be held June 1 a t the home of Jan e An> denon.

routine claims a n d approved pay­m ent of bllU for the .m on th of April'M onday.

Marriage ;LleeBse...T he Twin county clerk's office Issued a m arriage license Monday to Richard M. More and Busan V. Burieson, both San Ber­nardino, Calif. V

Mrs. Donald. Youtz w u elected rice president of the Idaho Fed­eration of Music ciabs a t the sta te conveotloi^ held ;recently in C ^ d ;

A rihur Childers 4»ome. A salon from Ariiona, “F lora a n d F auna ." wHl-be-shownrDavId-MIIch-ell-win

Admitted to a in le Jack Wayne, 336 Elm street,

adm itted- T u e a d a y - to - th e -T w ln Falls C l^ lc h o sp ita l.;

W ork Party Bet Members of Tw in Falls G range

No. 219- will hold a work p a r'8:30 p jn ; Wednesday to co m ,___painting of th e G range hall. Mr. and Mrs. - Jam es C atterson will

Higli JumpC o r l e y , M ay B — DennU

H b « , 14, son of Mr. an d 'M rs . Floyd H are, Burley, w u n o t

'in ju red 'seriously ,“ -according to his a ttending physician, when h e was thrown from h is bicycle

.on to the hood of a - 1998 M er­cury driven by M rs. - Em m a Sm ith, 33, thU m orning.

PoUce said M rs. Sm ith w u -^ riv ing -on -E u t'lcm -stree t ,T e i“ turning home a fte r tak ing h e r children to school, w hen th e youth came from a private foad o n 'h e r r igh t. i ;h e bicycle collided w ith th e r ig h t fender of the Mercury and th e im pact threw the boy on to the hood and through th e windshield.

Mrs. Sm ith took him hom e and hU m other rushed him to ft- local physician, who sta ted , a ccordlng-to Initial exam ina­tion, the boy -w u n o t h u r t se ri­ously.

T . - F . - ¥ p u t h s —AreSpeakers At OubMeet

“ 3 o H S T ^ « ‘,'" jrr ia iT y -N ye-and G ordoxtTobln. jr^ jeprescn tlng .tha T w t i r F a U ir in = T -c ln b n ^ * ¥ 0 « t a p ^ e r s a t th e Tuestfay noon luncheon of th e Exchange club tn th e Rogerson hotel Roundup room.

Roper noted th a t th e I m l Hi-Y club, sponsored by the YMCA, now h u 13 members. -

Nye, who w u elected secretary of the senate a t the M arch pre- legUUture meeting of YMCA'i youth legW ature, told of h li ex­periences a t tho leglslaUve slons April 14-15 a t BoUe. As a t e '^ e t a r y . he kep t riv'ords of all bilU passing through the senate u d w hat happened to each bllL H e noted th a t the you th leglsU- Uve sessions gave members a chance to see how government functions and they ;m et with-sev­e ra l sU te offlelaU. ‘

Tobin, who w u a lobbyUt a t the legUlaUve sessions, explained th a t th e mock' legislature gkve him an - ■ • -— in to —h ow _govB rnm ent

H e JwInUd out th a t the annual American Legion sponsored Boys' s ta te and GIrU* state ses­sions are sim ilar to th e YMCAyouth legUlature.-:---------------------

He aUo told of local YMCA ac- tIvIUes a n d noted th e importance

faclllUes for

D onald Dod-—sarcsec ity . • .

Norval W lldman announced th a t M ay 33 will be gueet day. I t w u announced-that -Bruce - L.-Roberts will be sponsored by the Exchange club to Boys' sta te In Boise.

The Exchange club will be re­sponsible fo r operation ’ o t the Chamber o f .. Commerce tourUt booth a t Perrine Memorial bridge Aug. 3-S, and Aug. 14.

S. Garniendia Is Claimed by DeathSalvador Oarmendia, 87. died

M onday evening a t Magic Valley Memorial 'hospital.

s w u born ln sp a ln -an d came to tb e U nited S U tes In 1903. He worked u a sheepman In the Twin FalU area for many years and v u a m em ber o f S t. Edward's Catho­lic church. T here a re no known survivors.

Rosary-.w iU -be-todted-at 8 p jn ; T hursday in th e W hite mortuary chapel and requiem mass will be celebrated a t 10 a jn . Friday in St. Edward's Catholic church by the Rev, John KoeUch. Concluding, rite s will be held In Tw in Falls^ cemetery.

Seen-Todavtruck down Second avenue w u t L. Jam ea K outnlk chatting with D avld 'M ead in ChamSer of Com. m efce-o ffle tfT rrM rsrH rB T B G rnr- m e r j ^ ^ b u n ^ w l t ^ m u s l a ^ c l u b — w'ort . . . L io y i '^ a lk e r discu.«in» bualneu w ith friend . . . Jo h n Oaiv conversing w ith Jo h n 0 > lem an .Connie Forrester typ ing . letiU w ith eleclrlo ly p W y w rT . . Jack ' Jones handing ou t cigars for ne* baby daugh ter , . . D uane Chrii. tenson looking forward to fUhini season , . ..-Man trying to catch brea th a f te r bicycle ride to work , . . J o h n O. Frederickson telling of daughter's approaching m ar- riage . , . E ari Fau lkner watching g ro w th -o f-p o tte d '- tre a - . overheard: "Do you h a re an ' r ig h t o r dow nright freezer?"

Annual Ruyal Mail Program Is May 15-20 1T h e an n u al ru ra l m ail box Im­

provem ent program to assist the posta l service in providing more effic ient deliveries and sUmulate efforts to Improve the appearance of th e countryside will be held May 19-30. according to T * ln FalU Poftm uter~W , W . F ran tz .

T h e program U sponsored to en­courage patrons to provide sultr able m all boxes.-erectM a i)(tina ln -— talned fo r easv and safe aceessibil-— I ty, presenUng a nS t appearance and . p rotecting th e mall.

Im p ro v w e n ta should b e made for boxes th a t a re no t properly erected—o r _ m a ln ta in e d ,_ b o x e a — w hich are- no longer serviceable and boxes which expose m alt to th e w eather. Name of th e box owner should be Inscribed on the side vUlble to th e m ail carrier o r on -the-door of the box, if sev­eral boxes a r i grouped togetluc, F ran tz said.

Boses a n d supporU . sh o u ld 'b e painted. W hite U preferred, bu t o ther colors may be used. Mall boxes on rura l, s ta r and mounted routes m u st be located o n 'tb e r l |g t side o f th e road tn the t'd lrecO b ': of trave l of the carrier, ^n oil cases w here traffic conditions a r e ' such th a t I t would sc dangerous •for-carriers-to'drlVe to th e le ft In order to serve the boxvs. '

A pproaches to boxes should be filled, properly graded a n d unob­structed a t a ll times, h e . added.


Gir« M other the Bert CHOCOUTESDeantifnlly Boxed

----- Special Orders. Filled

Frederickson'sC om er of 2nd S t A 3rd Ave. E.

Salvation^ Army Board Has Meet

day noon a t the shellei: fo dff^ cuss plans for th e annual appeal for-funds.

W arren Barry, chairm an of the board, presided. T h e goal for th e drive Is $11,000 and the campaign will la st two weeks.

stresied a t 't l i e meeting th a t th e Salvation Army is tho commonsense charitab le organiza­tion In Twit) Falls a n d jvrves as a clearing house for a ll destUuie and needy .cases. . • _ ,. ,


—Leaders from 30 ' '

'ireU ii ouiK or iMf eotbix kuu

Parking ;Is No ProblemW hen visiting the W hite

:;M ortuory, you do not have tp ' m oke three or four trips l nrnilh^- the ■ hinck- lookingfo r a ploce to park—A m ple- space is ' provided, in our b lack - topped, illuminated park ing potio.

Parking FinesPosting I I overtime parking

bonds with Twin FalU police M on­day .were Mervyn Jones, L a r ^ M. “ ■ ■ - D .-PhllllperG eorgeChellne; Mrs. Bob MoUtlne, P a t Tverdy. Jo A nn Russell, T he Vogue, Penny O ldaker, N orm an Drlggs, Vandella- Ballard, pecU ' ... ........... ..E m nry ,Jy .J.«n t£ing, R. R . Alleman, A1 Sonecny, Pearl Eager. Charles F. WaUs, L a r­ry Anderson. Lloyd Thompson. J . L. Higgins, G ertrude Moseley »nd Donna DeWaaL


A n American MedlciU association plftn to' guide doctors In se tting fees U being mailed to doctors now, a.spokesm an for the AMA says—The- plan , still-su )> Jeo t-to change, does no t s e t fees bu t sug­gests a relative value fo r each se rv ice .,

. Career Opportunity!

Be A High P a i^ ^ e m t i t i d r T

Enroll Now fo r Spring an'fl Summ er Claasesl You will tra in w ith the Best Instructors in Idaho.B«at o tj il l , you can earn while you learn. Bcauly

-A rts has been supplying aalona vaih" h’fghly-train- ed beauticians since 1937 and hiany have success­ful shdpa of their own! Scholarships 'Available! Take the firs t step by reqiiesting information today. W rite fo r booklet: ‘T he Story of W hal a Beauty Career O ffers You." •

. Beauty Arts-Academy135 MAIN WEST TW IN FALLS


AND PIXY PINUPSThat Were Made by Itinerant Photographers Recently .and Will Make you.a Negative and 20 Billfold Pictures for Only- :

The N ag ativ e .an d Prints will be ybCir property to use as"_ybu.wish.-

This Offer Gopd for Any Deo! th a t Is MCide by Any Itinerant that-Comes to Magic Valley__ (Remember—the' Out of Town "Kidnapper"— - Photographer Pays No Taxes h e r^ n o r does

•He Support Our Cbrhmunity.), - ■ . ■

BRING Y our PICTURES f o H b To BOB W ltU A M SS tH E A lB l/M S l^^

-231-Shoshone“Sl No inTTwin lFoiisrldah0~"—(We will riot(copy our lpcal photographer's photographs) .

Page 3: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


They’ll Take Part in Ptiblic Debate—{ Bui-Iey :Given= Talk on Heip For Retarded

f r - '- n u r e RrciU ntcd ioi: iiudy , iinnlyjii* And. most I m p o r t m u , th e rollow- tlirtfUKli to r llic menlfllly retnr<tfd child," declnred Dr. Jnmc.i Barclay.

clllne depiirtmcnt. IdoTto Stn(c cut- lege, Poentctlo. when he nddrr.ucd a jo lm mccUnK of the M iller. Jun­ior hiRh Mhool, D w onhnk and O pponunlty schoolsTTA '* held cit the Junior high K hool ln«i

T lie special program ua.-( *[Hm- w red by the O pportunity ichool.

A team of 4>i'ii(eaalonal.Voi‘ker& has been orcanlzed In Pocatella to study cases. I t Includes a Acclnl worker. psychlatrLit. doctor. nur«c and ca*e worker. P lana a rc being made to set up a team In LewMton soon.. He added th a t nrgnnlzlng (uch a te a m .h a d complication.',

. Erma B«b«rU on. leU; and Bin E llli wlU pracHco In » publio debate tournam ent a l 8 W ednei- flay la tho T w in Fall* Junior hl*h aehool aodltorium. T hey will debate w ith anptlifr achaol from" -------------------------- - —------------- ------------- ---------"-•■ *.b«.»Irim eanH y.«lrentn ientd .'L ^Tl>e.proT .

The public (» Invited.

Report Made On Meethigs Set for T.F,

^ ^ m e $3S0.000.wlll be spen t dur* ^ ^ u n e by persons a tten d ln s eon.'

Tentlons In Tw in Ftvlls, aecordlnR to Wllllftm a ro n g e . Chamber of

. Commereo fiocrctftry-manascr.}fe noted Monday, m orning th a t

convention delegates spend a n av­erage of |2 0 p er day eo£h day they ftttend & convention. A n eaUcn&ted 3.015 eonvcntloh delegates o re ex-

• pected in.Tft-ln Fa lls during June and they will spend on average of

—th res 'd ay a 'ln 'T w ln Falls.' T he s ta te B e ta Sigm a sorority convenUon will be held Juno B-II w ith 125 persons expected; th e Ap- paloosa clubs of Idaho , OreRon and Nevada wlU hold & m eeting In Tw in P a lla -Ju n e-1 0 -ll! ‘the-ldftho grand chap te r O rder of Eastern S ta r convention Is scheduled for Ju n e 13.10 w ith abou t 1,000 dele* gates to a tten d ; th e Id ah o sta te lolrboard will m eet Ju n e 17; a

.sta to-w om en’s go lf-tou rnam en t-ls scheduled for Ju n e 18.34. w ith 135 women e^^gected. and abou t BOO persons ore expcc led 'fo r 'l b e Id a ­ho Veteroos of Fo re l^a W art con­vention Ju n e 31-34.

Attorney TalksBUHL. May S —'W lIllam T Iun=

gestcr. Buhl attorney, gave th e history of the system of law of oiir country during th e regu la r lunch­eon meetlog of the B uh l Rotary club a t the R a n d R cafe. He was Introduced by T ed Ahlm, program chairman.

Stanley Webber reported on the recent Rotary d istric t conference held o t provo. G rady SpradllAg - an^a Jack 'B ln rie rrbo lh B uh l, and -Douglas Carey, Sa lt L ake City, were guests and the R«v. John Tulk, Shoshone, was % visiting RoU rlan . •

fax, 63. died yesterday apparently a fte r a heart attaclt while or cation In Tahiti for fllmlnu ' tin y on the Bounty."


eran character actor Ja m es Fair-

a Marshal Approved. I WASHINOTON, M oy P (D?0-TOe

.4 senate.-has approved-the nom lna- - a tlons of six U ,>S.-moraluls. They

'in c lu d e A ston T . Skoro, a iarsha l fo r the d istric t o f Idaho.

Loolfor thiStori. WithThij Sigi

oi thi Door /BA T X nOLMES odvlM* «sln<

..... ........ iid sy ’a 'S o ^ 'S h 'e l l ---------

BULLETIN:Twin, Falls

------ Shell man“ tells you-where:

to ge t today’s Super Shell for

top performanceHere Is yonr chance to try th e re inariub le gasoline reported In th e SheU BalleUa on the rig h t. I t U now available a t a ll of th e SheU D««ler SUUons

.'n p p lle d by Ray Holmes, Shell dealer.

n e k the ataUoR nearest yoo. T hen try today's Super Shell gasoUne. Y ou'll iood hear and fe«I th e dlffercD ce.that U .top . perfonnaneej

'vpO D A Y ’S Super Shell, w ith J . nlQe Ingredients, Is the f in -

•• e»t gasoline I 've ever handled," say Shell distributor itolm es.

tim e.

'B esides h is thriving 'S hell business. Ray Isjactlve In tho T w in Palls Cham ber of Com -' merce, Klwanls, C h r i s t i a n church, M asons and Hies. Rajr Is also chairm an of tl)e Pish and G am e Commission.

Get today'* Super Sheli • from theiB Shell Daolert.

Service li th<

.Investments Secured- by,First • o r Second Deeds of Trust on , Idaho

Real Estofe Qf Other Seci/rities.

SECURED investment CO.. 824-Ban'nock . Phone-5-3621- B o ise-


LtMITED TO IDAHO RESIDENTS: ONLY ’ — THIS IS N o t a n o f f e r t o se l l .

SECURED in v e s t m e n t CO.;Please K nd n e FR EE broehnre th a t explalna how .m y raoney.aST »M «ei


RAY J . HOLMESTwin F a l ^ l d o k r —

for.slate emptoyM could no t oo.D thec.]obi-and-therr were alMUt a-dO M n pfcyclilatrlsts-ln •Idaho;. ............ , , ------------------

People demand lliltiE.' to be done b>- the Irciilalure. but the ir hands a r t . tied bcc« of lack of funds, he said,__Nauirr.dtdr<l£mocrni]r_iiii>niif:r_nnd_all_thlU. dren cnnnnt be rduc.-iird In the j-anie'm iiniifr. hr. notpd. Educa. .Cihnat »y»tnii5 ln■u t covrr the Rift. cil child a.s-»pll ilic handlcapptd

The MiadowA c a n ii|>oii n niei Inlly rrtardfil child rr.siik (roin iciniTled commuiiilv, 'H ie coiu miinliy mil /iluayji have .the prob- Irm of ilir>c ppr;ion.» a* two to ihrcp p tr c riit of tlip po|)ulatlon (alls m a low n\ciii»l c i\ira«ry. Dr. Biirt>Ei>-Xfr(r Soflriy nuist face Ihts iirntilemand th ru tir ra t Mrldea can br R.' lieJp mid cilucate the rpiardfd child, he a.s.MTlcd. •

A child can be'd .socially In the tam e cla.M tia'tiiil(li;cn hix own age even though h ta 'iQ may be nn more llian 50 ir lilx family love-1 nml'acfppts him, h r <lpclared,

e d film, "flo-ond the Shadows,-. wM 'si«wm *nnrR 'T?5w -lhe-Kop*-8cliool-J«t“ Trfntnny tarded children- in Cnlorartosta rted by parpni.<i. -fUr flUu .....pre^enied ' by ih)* Colorado state departm ent of piibltc health , It l^ld of lhe^necp^Mlt^^ nrocedurc.s---- rffJlVft-—— T lie -gurM -lT duced by Mr5.'' Hairy W ltirr, lie.jrt teacher a t the O piwnuimy bclionl.

The Invocation was glveji by F rrn Treiiiaven and uromi s1iiglnT was led by Mrs. J a y Brown, ac- eompanied-by-Mr^.-Otn-W lllhm?:: T he iiicellns oiw cimducteii• by Hatch. '

Parcnui and ir a c lin t nf th e Op- porlunlly »eliool K>rvrrt refrrAh- nient*.


J \ with AJ EM'S

FORMULA 12Tho ZJrim'Jewn

-SGIENTIFIG-WEIGHT-CONTROI:----------FORMULA 1Z Is i weight eontrollsnl.

T h is Is *11 you need to do. Tho lim ed rORM U U U cjp iu la 'Is wir.reaul«iino and will lid <n controllino yM r appetite throughout the^nlire day.

L O S E U P T O i s P O U N D S I n 1 8 D A T S

18-doy supply._ _ 3.00 36-day supply__ 4.95

BOOT B E E l tO R S l lM . . LEMOK-LIME. c in q e r ,

It Hasta Be Shdst'a

UJCRM going youx

BOISE-SEATTLE• F-27- P rp p - je ts ;-------• Twice daily service

U/EST COnST RIRUnESJ, Cell REtlwood 3-6711 o ^ o u r travel ogent. \

b u l l e t i n :

Chemical “poUceman” in today’s Super Shell guards agamst gum-fouled carburetors

--1» give your cEir top performance

One special ihgredimt among tliia nine „ in today’s Super Shellifasoline Is a gain

preventive.U^e a policeman dealing yritH a moli,

—It'Worlffl'tokeepTmstabledemBnts- ^clotting iogefher. Hence no gum pibb*

lem. Besnlt: top nerformance. -VMACiNBshingredienttodrec- Jobs done by t}«e 9 ingredientsX tivetbatonlyonelhotuonilfh in Super Shell to cive your carof an oun<e is enough to treat a lop performance, jou owe it togallonofsaioline. your car to Icam what each o£

This tiny drop Is all today’s the othen can do for you. too. Super Shell n e w to tuve.olF . „ , ,

-g u m n o u b lo th atcn bm 'pa ' # 2 U TCP lor power,your car's performance. - . mileage and looger plag-Iife

Gum fofins'wlien. even tho- .......... ~ " -vToday’s Super Shell now ton-■putotg«olmts«re I ,c U in .» r - ^ l „ '„ bclar vmi™ of .gc. UnmUc t W n a in t i .

oxre=n .nd with o ? ™ r 'httCTiiwbat*aentmj call «l>i. ^ ^ 15 per cent more vow-malallon Cl gjxx! Ihijs i{ you ^» .n t n n .le p lu to , but n« I! ^ J , ^ ,

y o u t^ Im O . , M i, TCP dot, iSi, by ntu-S h a i o c l t a Ihc > . n i . t o v rf* J

■loecialinhlWorthatisdejigned tu,tion deposits. It is tdentifi-toVtcpgUmfcorafomlog. ,b i„

Gum tiiuJIy aid i up on rasl- dlvttUni! yout ip « ik -« mijot live a A a itm pain, Mhm ft ■ o.ui« of ■ miomB,

s ^ t o f r n “ “ d « , » * - > » « • .mixture. • » fo^powe^wlthapmr

Too rich a mKtute can waite TJ is Is petroleum that h u icti»*■ .»t . • -»|y'fjflc|iKd.under 900-degtee

this hlglt-octane Ingredient for Shell aviation fuel.

Alkylate-which took the dream of 100-octane gasoline out of the lab andnut it into die jkies-is DOW in Super Shell. It.

uorat Speakioj of controlling Imocks at Wgh ipetd*. lejnern- bcr that car engines frequendy turn'even fiaterlfcan the enf^nes of a D07. Think of this a m

-time you p w anodjet cat^-.-----

Thinlc what dils extra voIadUty &ieans;ncold^dier.

Your engine seconds. There-is'less ittain on your bat­tery. And none on your patience. NOTB f Super Shell. |s primed with Butane all year. In winter, Shell scientists just increase the dojc.

Is Pentane mix for fast ' on cold day*

Penlane* are made by tearing caiollne apart, miich as you split

.kinaiing to start a los’fire.Infhijcase;the’'log^aTef«’

Imixture can bum valves. Either heat and catalytic___

V, gum troubles cost money. heavier molecules have been in extreme cases, gum can tbattc^lntoUghterones.

eventtick your intake-valves.— T lje result is a supcroctane This means a-rough and noisy Ingr^ent that makes yout.ett* engine—loit power—and perhaps gine pun wilh ptwer the mo­an expensive repair job, roenryouputyourfootdown.

To My that Super Shell's c h c n ^ "policeman" protecn your pocketbook is u Under* statemeBt.

How flie

CDt la an oxidation inhiblcOT.'lt - helps k^tinstable elements in the gasoline- fn»n - sticking tp-. geiher-just l e way a skilled policman. prevents trouble: by. k ee ^g • crowd from fbiming.

As a residt p u r e n g ^ is cleaner—for'

worth of platintuB catalyst for Shell toprDdu«Plslfbtnuie.But fortunately this precious stuff can be used over and over again.

The platinum re-forming , which giverPlatfcrmate ■

such as benzene, 3[y)ena a toluene.

Thesa three olona relsosa 11 «er cent mor« energy pergaOoR than lOOoetBM gvMon aao- line. This is eneTgy ’.w|n« exthi mJicoge.

Test Snper9ieII tn yoniBeU

I 8 b a I^ P o o n i% p feB M r

JiiUkylate,iioted for.4ockcdnliioI.lilIi6lengtocs just one of the ipeda!' Jimmy Poolittle helped plQoecr

Fof-kn^-tree perfomiince. But' Shell’s sdentists have ears like musicians.

T l ^ iwljt oil aiding a »p*- tM imti-knock mix; A mix, so' effective, one teaspoon jief gal- .Jon eon hoest mli-htoek

five points.This mix has die tricky Job of

ragulaling'combustion so that Super.Sh^ gives eachpistona firm, even push-radia tban a' sharp blow which mmld cause a k r i ^ • ,#6 b Bntene for qakk ifaiti

oa cold iBondi^

l S a r ”-g5!fX iS -

" h g ^ . Into th e quieker-fJring •‘kinJJing.-.NET rbsult: I ^ warm-up and top performance hi a hurty.

^ S I s M ^ a n tM c e t ^ to c h e c k coId*wcaQier ttaDli^

Super SheU’afonnulaUadjmted ' up to eieht thnes a y w to beat the weather. For example, when-

' ever the temperature is likelf to b« less than tbrtyfivedrore^ i carbutetor anti-icer is a d d ^

^ V h y m U a n ti^ ce ra t/b r lH iw . degrees? Becauter even then,' frost can form in yoiu wburetot

Ju st as it docs In your refeiges- a tn .I t c a n s ta Q y o u r e n ^ e . •

"T ry ^ u ^ SheU next timcyoa - -fill uprVou'H soon'/eel and hear ■ a dilFcreneo in die way your cni gine runs. That difference is top ■per/’oTJ^ce.

A B D u x i i N n o x ; ;

«B*r0T. n o M mOteMA « n w a r id B j« t0 a k k i-----

Page 4: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so



H l R L l G r GW AfiBIN O 'tO K — PTMtdent .Keoo«dr‘s rvoffrun

rSr~li(U atruf^m portknt •b u i'ftiun t'te iu ie 'Indiu- i. lry ^ m a y . pw vent c o o jre u • tnim ! - juaU D^— U s s - m lp r o c A l- t r A d • ' «Breem entj act. wneo U expires

n«x t year^ 'n i« p ro t« cllo n la l-ip lrlt


Girl He Asked to-the-Dance

?n -T --

—Tho-jjubJlo t J f f • betwecn-two-Ju8tlco8-or 9 U. B. supreme-court .flcrvcU to point up

th» -difference of oj^nlon which results In M dedstons and majority and minority rc' porta.

In thla.pnrilcular-'lncJdent, Justice Felix F ran k fu rter called, a majority decision "In­defensible" In open court. Chief Justice Earl W arron answered th a fl^ a n k fu rte r 's state­m en t was.A lecture, "It Is properly made In th e court's confcrcnce room but not In the open couit?’ addfng th a t a dl»e~nt should n o t be delivered “for the purpose of degrad­ing th e couct.”

The 6-4 m ajority decision” ordered a fourth trial fo r Wllllo Lee Stewart, who had appealgd-te)m_a^eath sentence for th e 1053 holdup slaying of a Wtiahlngton grocer. I tie 17. 8. court of appeals had se t aside two earlier convictions. The latest appeal, which

-led. to t^e supreme .Court tUf. -was made on grounds of. a prejudicial error In questlotl^ lilk by the proSKutor In the-case. Justice Black wrote the m ajority opinion contend­in g Stew oit's constitutional rights w er^de- Bled by improper questioning.

'Justice F rankfurter dissented, saying the m ajority decision's assumption th a t the Jury was influenced_by. two Questlons-asked-by th e prosecutor "is to show less respect for th e Juiv system th an dO the-opponents of th e system."

Justice F rankfurter b likely to find many people who would support his stand;

Applications, of concepts of Justice have undergone .changes to the point th a t some­times Justice appears to -be governed by, technicalities and loophoI^sUn laws ra th e r th a n basic consideration's 6f guilt or Inno­cence. Apparently the nation has gravitated from one extreme e^giressed by th e thought, •‘We'll give him a fa ir tria l and hang him," to the o ther extreme, where a more or less minor'-teohnlcallty'^is--aufflclent-8ometlmesi to free a prisoner. Neither extreme is llkeJy

- • to be popular.Technicalities, split decisions and the like

• point up the basic philosophy of Justice in___ th is country-T hat phUosophy is expressed by

’ th e thought th a t i t is better to free nine[\ guilty-pet^le rather-than-to-convlct-one' In-pl '..I nocent-person.

.1 Eence, there Is n o t likely to be an end to » 5-4 decisions, new trials and technicalities

--------^*nd ei?en differences of opinion flaring into; . public tiffs a t sessions of th e s i ip r ^ e court'.I V Communists a n d others will continue to j: - tw ist laws and misuse 'them for their o ^ n

; u lterior purposes, making it appear a t timesr ■■ th» t^tftew 4s-n0:such-thing as.Justice. And

. y e t th e te n th case arises, th a t of th e Inno- cen t m an who finds himself wrongly ac-

j , pused an d Is freed eventuaUy-through-the • sam e processes.

I s 'l t r ig h t and proper o r should th e laws a n d ttoelr application be changed to deal ef- ■ tlvely -w lth -those-w ho-w ou l-d -in la

: i

them ? T he te n th m an would have an an< swer.

DEMERIT SYSTEM The Increase In demerits asdgned for

I various traffic violation* la. a atep In the ■I right direction, but is not likely to bring an

.. . overnight change in the habits, of careless ■ drivers. The new demerit system -was de­

vised because the state has found certain traffic violations are more hazardous.• -B-^Ss=a>pperj^coinm|ssionflr-or-law- en- fo ic m e h t. listed the more habuxt'ous vio­lations as following another car too closely, passing la violation of a double whit« line, failure to yield th e righ t of way a t an In-

,I... -teWecMon o r Whll«> w a lH n g fl_li»f;. fairhrfflH- ’ u re to drive teosoiiably an d prudently and

failure to reduce speed oti a curve. Five . more demerits als6 are being assessed now \ fo r stop sign violations. ,

■ W hat It.aU.bolls down to Is tlia t any vio­lation is e ^ d a l l y hazardous if i t leads to

.. an accident and 'particularly if th e accident ' claims a life.

StatlaUcs show some-sort of traffic viola­tion is involved in ' nearly all accidents. In fact, one.9f the old safety slogans Is “Acci­dents Just d o n 't happen." Even th e accident caused by doling behind th e steering wheel j u s t doesn’t happen. A lth o u g h there is iqore reason to understand .it th an the type of accident th a t Is caused by-a deliberatejvlq:: latlon such as speeding o r ignoring a: stop sign.-

The demerit system Is designed to pln- „i_4. traffic violator, the

—driver who willfully and knowingly speeds, riin s stop signs and Is deUberately guilty of the violations listed as especially haz­ardous. In fact. If a driver accumulates as m a n ; a s WO demerits during a . 12-month period, the^ cbmmlssloner. of law enforce­m en t is authorized to suspend the driver’s

. license fo r one yew.There m ay have been such license sus­

pensions--under the demerit system, but if so, they are indeed rare. The system Is not Ukely to reform drivers.

Even though the demerit increoss 'ls a step to th e righ t, direction, i t stUl' <«»ih 8hortH>f being, realistic There is no substl-

. ; t a te fo r a syrtem th a t would bring awlft. «ure an d heavy penalties lo r violators’. Some, s t a t n have discovered- the formula. For In-stonoe,-w hen C onnecticut'started Imposlns severe penalties, th e number of '-^latlons deereased.atanoeC immediately, Accompanied

“T T > y r f tT a r l » « r d B c l l n e n n - t r a i r i r f a C a U U e S . ------Tlolator.problem isn 't likely to

tM ioM A iff h a lfwgyjneasures. Like similar . get worse before the

1 ' t o Q ^

Only » few weeks ago, w «m lng to tha Whlt« Houm , . •en iM lubcom-mlttee on lextllei recommend m andatory ,Quoua o n these imports. U poinl* ed out th a t In IMO, mors than a billion y a rd s of cotton' textiles had

entered thU country, an Increase of alm ost 250 per-p e r cent I r o n the.lDM volume_______ ............

T he subcom m ittee was headed by Sen. Jo h n O. Pastore, Rhode Island . A s Persldent Kennedy said

' u w hsa b a .lra a ajienator.-N eiv h a rd h i t by foreign competition

In this and other Industrial.lines.Sen. Strom -Thurmond. 8ouUi Carolina, and Sea.

N orris’ Cotton. New H am pshire..' were the o the r members o f the subcom m ittee. M ore than 20 ators, mostly from New E ngland and the South participated In Uie subsequent |debat«. and praUed the Pastore proposals. '

-SU D SID IZ IN Q -CO M PETITORS— se n a to r Thur« mond emphasized th a t th e S outh hjvi'becn a prinr clpal victim of IncieaslnK im porti, since so m<oy textile firm s have moved- there to be nearer to the ir .sou rce .of .supply a n d to -u tc e '^ d v a n u g o of lower w ase scales.

A principal complaint fay the Industry Is directed against th e sale abroad by th e Borem m ent of sub> Bidi»*d-eotlan_laJtn eHMt to gnhuge 8urplu#..,Pocplen. f i r m c i— ---------------cenU a pound less Uian domesUo ffianufaelurer^ a n d the ftffure increases to e ight cents in August,

Lost year, tm der tills aystem , we dumped 879 million dollars w orth a t co tton Into the h a n d s 'o f rivals Uk^ low-wage Japan.'

V N IO 'N S -JO D rra A T ^ T b u s,rin '-ad d ltlo n 7 to -th e advantages which foreign competitors enjoy frofh cheap labo r a n d t a x incenUvea. our Bovemmenl virtually (loanees overseas interests . President K en­nedy has listed th is subsidy a s a subject for study a n d possible revision..

In addition to the-m anufac tu rers-and -their-con - - representatives, unions hitherto free-

trade minded, have begun to complain against th i nood of Im ports In - thU a n d other lines—steel, oil turbines, sm all au tos, baseballs, radios, television sets and parts , Japanese transistors, b rass anc r in es virtually given away by the armed forces a t th e close of W orid w ar I I .

Jacob Potofsky, he ad of th e Amalgamated Oar* m ent -Workers, had ordered members of h is imion - o t t e r s a n d fabricators—to boycott^ work on J a p a ­nese textllB.lmports. H s 'w as persuaded by the gov­ernm ent to call I t o f f 'le a t U Jeopardise relations w ith Tokyo. B u t Jap an - now applies voluntary quotas on textiles. , • . , .

t tlg -t o s s O P INDUSTRY—T h e u n e c i . , .............. ..ures. the th r e e - y e a r 11-b illio n -d o lla r balance of poym cnH .dcflcltLBnd_the.mlBratlon_of_indu8lry_:to lowwBge, low -tax a n d low -ton ff areas also tributes to th e growing congressional concern the consequences of almost 30 years of ta riff con­cessions to countries m ore, prosperous th a n the U nited S tates—Q erm any, fo r instance.

T h e P resident’s a ttem p t to provide relief for Ux* tiles wlU undoubtedly to u c h -o t t- a ehatci taBcUon O ther industria l-in terests w ill demand th a t similar

,-to -them -througJi-execuU ve -

^ A n d u ' l t ts n o t lortheo tn lng , there will b o a ba ttle royal over renewing the Roosevelt-Hull system of International trade *(treemcnls.

_ ; (K»l«**ri br,y«cl»T«.w«ww«p^


Technically, m any countries today have th e ability to-make nuolsac weApoas. b u t some .wlll r n ra in for economic reasoQs; A lthough n uc lea r weapons are bUU expensive, P ia a e t , X U lj. O trm ony , Japan , Bweden Bwitserland and perhapa In d U a n d A rgentoe aU exjM ott-to-produce aomo w eapons-in the future. Ghlnm th e effort w ill Involve m ore hum an suffering th a n one c ares to Im agine: b u t a ruthless goxemment c an hope to h&ve a weopon w ithin a fev

I o r earlier, even If no h e lp is received from thi

M v ^ na tions pM llng Uielr reaources, f irs t tup tng each o the r. aifd la ter perh^»a putting 'weapons ini^o-commerce. . .

I f noUons caA m ake nuclear’weapons, does i t lol. low U iat they.w iU m ake them ? NaUoos w an t t h eweapons fo r a varie ty o f ..................- * *prestige, since, they h a v e ------ ---- -------as is th e case w ith P iaa ee ; fo r tn c reu ed security, aa they I m a ^ e : fo r a n re ss lv e purposes, as may be the case vrlth Ohlna. A ny m ixture of these motives may spur a na tion to g rea t e ffo rt a n d sacrifice: -The spread of th e fission weapon# Is Itself a kind of “fis­sion p ro ce ss r each naUon th a t acquires weaponsinduces m ere naUons to g e t them too. ------------ .H i sonie-Q U K ierU t.lijatat»kealyjK llrod_H iat_jha se ed fo r tests Is a .m ajo r b a rrie r against the sp reaa u nuclear weapons. O f course, a aew ojmer to the nu o lw r d u b w ants to test- fo r various T «u o n s; In th e case, of Prance, to iumounce th a t i t has "arrived" a n d to be able to begin exercising pollUcal pressures. ITie w n e m ay be tru e la ter regarding China,.

B u t tc ju n g IS n o t necesaary lo r- a newcomer A tw r all, tho first bom b ever used, the one dropped

Hiroshima, had n o t been tested. I ts design was ............................from th e device tested a t A la­

mogordo. T h e risk o f failure taken then by the

newcomer doea no t need a refined .. b . All th e newcomer h u to do Is-to

produce a sufficient quantity of conventional

SENSIBLE TAX PO U CIES. .A number of companies have « lted M innesota's

corporate-incom e a n d personal property taxes " reasons for n o t expanding' existing plants in s ta te or fo r n o t loeailDg new p lants here. Tax study groups have ouggested re i^ io n s to provide more jobs.—Particularly o n e ro u Is th e peraoital property tax on Inventories and ^ ^u lp m en fc-T h n t-U -w h y -th d M innesota Form B ureau a n d other-bodies have been pressing for a ttifee p e r cen t sales tax. Much u o n c m f laaat

u -jers and fanners, T h e s ta te senate ind ii_____ _proval of fu ch a levy a t th e regular session ^ f the legislature a n d apparen tly th e proposal wUl'be made again to th e special fcsslon.

T he house seems p repared to again ro te for the tax program voted during th e .regular session. This provides none o f th e personal property tax relief of the senate plan a n d it provides addiUonai burdeiu for M innesota Industry by Increasing the corporate Income tax burden. -. .- . -

The p rrre n t M ihnesota r a te on corTMrmte In- .K ne is SS pe r cent. T he bouse bill cui4 the ra te to 1.8 per cen t, b u t in rea llty_ jh is :is a steep Increase, for under th e bouse p lan a company K-ould no t be able to .deduct_the t a x paid to f the federal govern- m e n t.T h a federal r a te ls 90 p « cen t on taxable J n - ^ e up to >33,000 a n d S3 p e r cen t on taxable :ln -

*ne over th a t am ount.Many stateso consider m a t th e Jobs and o the r eco­

nomic benefits c rea ted by expandlne industry are -mor«-lm portant-thJm ~in'e d l m t revenue from cor. p o rau income taxes. EventuaUy much of the cori porate Income Is taxed a fte r i t is paid to stock­holders as dividends. ,

o n have a n o tlig a tio n 'to con*s ld e r-th » ,-u lU m a l« -e ffe e t 'O f- ia x es-a a - ire ll^u - t tam edlate revenu i Invtdved/—M lnne^pells StarT'.'

- s o im c E > o p TAX R e v e n u e• W aised a re our vioe*. fo r they shall.serve a s a i

u a e a ^ couice of ta x revenue.—oonerete, Wash.

>VE-BE UNFAIR I t seem s we have to e x '^ l n the

m easage In thU com er to "Im a N ewcomer” In which' P o l Shots advised th a t I f s best to w ait .. U1 a f te r Ju n e l to 'set ou t plants th a t iH;e U k ^ to iree te . W e were

gMId ic fffl) uncertain term s th a t wfcVe- giving a bad—and not

en tirely true—impression of Mag.Ic V alley. _________

:t seem s the way d thlngs ■ device

cap." Furtherm ore , form ed ^ th e anonymous caller th S t lo ts o f gardeners already have 5 t t a va rie ty o t p ta a ta ovitaWe; in ­c luding the perishable tomato, bu t w e had, n o -w a y .o f-k n o w in g - th n t

W tia t we w ere advised to pass a long to “Im a Newcomer" was the Inform ation th a t fro st CAN occur a ny tim e during May, but i t “usu- ally-tila qu ite safe to s« t o u t plants If J> o t.cap s a re used along with heavy covers on n igh ts when frost tb rea tensl

O n o u r own, we will add th a t snow h a s been_reconleiUiere.duc= t o r every m on tft-o f-the year. I h tr e l

- .'—P U PS FO E K ID S D EP-T.— D anny D iy has six p a rt border

collie pups, mostly black, to give away. You can get them six and one-half' mllea east of W ashington

Five pups, about 6 weeks old. are fo r free. T heir m other Is a Ger* m an shepherd a n d the father is a boxer.'V ou c a n 'y e t them one*half mile n o r th and one mile west of th e B e ^ e r slore.^


W ith th e approach of several n o tiona l holidays, Memorial day on M ay 30, Independence day July- 4 . 'L abor day on Sept. 4, well a s Arm ed Forces day on Mav a o 'a n d P Ia g " a a y ‘oh“ JUffB“ H r x th ough t I w ould .jem lm l j-our m any re a d e rs th a t the marine corps .recru iters a t Pocatello have a very appropria te booklet, called "How to Inspectj>nd_D U Play^^ V ia g ,-* 7 ^ lch w e _ w o u ld ^ mweth a n hoppy to furnish free of charge to anyone for the asking.

T h e bo<riclet con tains many lit­tle know n b lta . o f information about t h e ' proper respect and proper display due th e flag of our country , a s well as a brief history. I t a lso , co n b ln s a ll three verses Of the *-Star Spangled Banner.'-' I t . Is th e 'm ost complete of Its type.- •

one w ishing a copy of "How . . .;e sp e c t. and Display Cur F lag" ahould address th e ir re> q uest to th e m arine co^ps recruit- ing office, t«dm 303. Fostoftice buildihg, Pocatello. I d a . '

S / 8 f t Bill Alien

OUR' B U tX E T lN BOARD 8aw l( .. 'lw Jn F a lU -W a s th a t

w here you. picked -u p your sta- tioneryl? T hanks, b u t-a n y com-

topics for the Public I they would appear d -

P R IC E O F ANONYMITY nem olritog anonymous some­

tim es can be costly, as demon- s tro ted In th e case of » reader who Signed' m erely •JKlmborlyite" to holler about- being too U te get a h u n tin g dog.

Som eone phoned to iisk th e iden- Uty o f ‘-Klmberlylter w ith the Idea of aatlsfylng th e r a h u n tin g dog. O f coQne.^therc's a lso tb e . possibility someone had a i4 o« -fd r sale, b u t w e couldn't say fo ^ sure- because someone else hand led th e call. . '

Anyway, a s .y o u r to o d cortstltu- e n ts a re well’ a w a re ,-P o t ShoU does n o t Insist on use of true nam es.^There's no use spoiling the fun.. O f ciourse. poisoned pens are som eth ing ebe.

FAMOUS i-AST tiN E. . . _ J o r ^ l a bebaTlor depends

l ^ e t h e r tb e y re w a n t^ - c w antlog." ,■

GE.VTLeMAN IN TilE • ^ U R T a .B O W ____


WASHINGTON (NEA)—Repub­lican criticism of the Kennedy ad­ministration in its f irs t 100 days hasn’t been too effective.

I t m ay Improve now th a t for­m er Vice President R ichard M. Nixon's road tour, has started , which may Indicate th a t he-s running for something or o th . cr. or both.

B ut the princi­pal characteristic of the G O P effu­sions up to, now hasbeen-nltT)lcfc--fr Ing. Maybe the Republicans—and * - the D e m o c r a ts _too, for th a t m ptter—are sim ply overwhelmed by the 30 messages P resident. Kennedy., h a a .s c n t . , to congress. -This av en g e of one every_ th rw _ d ay a ,m u s t_ b # - i kind of k record.

I t has been suggested th a t w hat the OOP should do is hire some professors and -build up a brain tru st of its own to cotnpete w ith the Kennedy stab le of Inteileotu- a ls in ahaplng up a rival old fron- tier days program.

e Dem ocrats did something

cll in the 'e igh t'years t h e y _______of the 'W hite H o u se .'It wooa't too successful because of non.coopera. tion from the • - 'ership team of Lyndon Johnson' and Sam Rayburn.

There Isn 't a Republican alive who wouldn't ad m it the GOP coma do better, w ith o r witb~out the cooperation of the ir congres­sional leaders. Sen. Everett M Dirksen and Rev. Charles M. Hal- iccfc.

On foreign policy m atters — which haven 't been going too well on the sew fron tier President Kennedy has p u l le d ~ th e m g out from under the loyal Republican opposition by giving waii-to-wali red carpet trea tm en t to Eisenhow­er. Nixon and Rockefeller,. Even Ev and Charlie have .beeV invited U the W hite House and filled in.

TEIs f ia s 'so lia n 'le ir iH e T o ^ l'o ^ position to support the “ ' • -in defeat as well a.< In victory, which .the last adm inistration was never able to do.

The only real oppoaltion lo K en .

nedy ha^com e from the so>called “lunatle 'h-mge" of Ulto-reactlon- any extremUts on th e far. far right

' the pollUcal rug. This is a ra th - th in m inority ornam ent which

does no t have m uch appeal to the vast m ajority -ef voUrs.

Republican Sen. Barry Ooldwa- ter, AtlMna, lo r Inatoace. makes a lot o f speeches and is, the real darling of the tru e conservaUves. B ut New Y ork-S en . Jacob 'Jav lU wants Goldwoter replaced as sen­a te OOP cam paign committee chairman.

T h a t about says it. Until the Re- ■ "c»ns-can-, ____________________ _____ pro*

gram of opposiUon, their prospects will rem ain dim.

The T h u n d ay m orning handouts r OOP congressional leaders

Dirksen and Halleck have been mostly small.potAtoes...They. have o f f e r e d no th ing construcUve. .WhUB_Hou»a_ReaublIcans.appar- ently support th e "Ev and Charlie*' show, some of .the more progres­sive O O P'senators like a i f f Case, New Jersey, and Ken Keating, New York, have expressed grave doubts.

Even as conservative a.Republl- . j n a s Styles Bridges, New Bam p- shlre, was so bothered by the Dirk­sen and Halleck press conferences

8tcpolicy"com m utee.~

Dirksen spoke for the party. W hat may come of th is is prior agree­ment on w hat p arly policy U be- fore-anyone-starte-spouting-eboutit. . .

GOP national committee head­quarters. in th e meantime, has no t been much help. Sen. Thruston B. Morton. Kentucky, wants to resign as nauonal chairm an. But .when the executive committee-met here, they were imable to decide on a successor.-So they decided to do nothing till they convossedthe sit­uation.-Tha-pub'lio-reiailons-Hlepertmerit has p u t out some, allegedly cuto releases about Caroline Kennedy's Efttcn. B ^ t h e K a i l m e ^ f y au-

" have m u y votes foranother 16 year% so it's a little d ifficult-to see how this will help in 'S3 and '04. But maybe the GOP

Poor Man’s PlatoB Y -ilA L BOYLE

NEW YORK, May 0 «v-Pew actors since the late. Jo h n Barry­more have-been able to live up to the grand-m anner offstage.

Cyril R ltchard la one. - “n i l s Idea of Just being a Tom,

Dick or Harry is all wrong," .sold t h e Australion- b4rp star, now ap- peorlng on Broad­way. ,

“The people In k the theater should { t>e‘a -rac e apart, S c When they

should be'seldom, they should look, as glamorous a s they do on stsge.r th e / do on sUge.

m ie h ard made h is m ost memo­rable h it In this country several years baUc in -the role e f CapL Hook in "Peter Pan." in which he coeta rred 'w ith Mory M artin. B ut over a 44<year career on three continents he h as won renown las a play and opera director as well a s-.^ r hU genius-Jn musical — '

Just a sm all hideaway— 8M a c re s -w lth a sm all lake and a small waterfall.

'"Evei^thlng Is lit up a t night— ven th e trees—because, a fte r all, am thealricftl.*-1 have beavers and bird baths.

deer comes in now and again lo r afternoon -Ua.

“All ,th ls helps keep R ltchard keeps in shape by

swimming and playing badminton but says h is rea l hobby “U Jiving —enjoying a sound life ap art from the th ^ te r , a lthough Tm not sure Just wh%t is aound. '


A t 93 .'t£o . U l l .a c tw looks 48. T h a t can. a t least partly be a t- tr lb u ltd i.lQ .h ls th e o ry -tf ia t life should b e iU y ^ in -the grand m an-

- - Je In * sm all world bf ow n" he said, putUng down second luncheon m a rt in i, and reaching for h is sea food.

His "small w orld- includes his H e rr-E d d y -P a rrr-a n —cx ^rltlsh ';

army cook; and two o ther serv- antu In him rltv apwrtm^wf , includes' twcf more servants a t country place.

Describing h is .country • place, sold :--------------. hltcboi


^ A S H IN GTOK c a l l i

MARQUIS O ilEDS- o e L O —T h a.l5 :so rereIsa powers of th e N orth AtlanUc alliance a te rep rB seo trt.bere . by. the lr,fo« ign . BUnlster* for NATO-a annual re­view of where the ai)'«nce stands.

T h e-an sw er th is — — time is relatively

. . . . . .d^ep. • , ’ • .

NA-TO was a defense alliance pu t together under the th rea t of sov ie t m ilitary aggression a t i ttma when Europe had scarcely begun to recover from -W orid.war II. In term s of recovery—and even recovery in m ilitary strength—"the ■llianee was a conspicuous success. In. its very success the original reason for Its being has been re­moved and th is help* to explain why .lt seems to flounder *o un­certainly.

For w ith recovery each Individ­ual nation has come up with tne old nationalistic am bitions.the old fam iliar Insbtence on national alm s and national aspirations. P artly th is has been submerged In th e European Common A arket of six of th e NATO powers. But the outor seven. Including four of the~o ther_N A T O nations, have Iheir own ta riff organlzaUon-and the outlook U for a Uade w ar if

T he need—th e desperate need— Is for a new kind of unity to resist forma of Soviet ..aggression far

aubUe than , th e m ilitary th rea t, n i e ' Soviet invasion of m arkeU and the a tU ck on ^orl.d prices has, fo r example, ju s t begun.

T ake a aingle Instance and how . , ean a ffec t the AtlanUc powers, Russia h a s developed great new oil fields which only three or* four Europeana have Men permitted to see. W hile th e Soviets today con. U m piate exporUng 30 million tons of oil th e new incoming produc­tion-wlU make I t possible to send 40 million to n s 'o n to - th e world m arket w ithin a year or a year

nd a half.Italy , th o u ^ th e fabulous En-

rlco_M attei w ith h is seml-pubiii a iid M ml-prlvaU cotporallon. hsi a g n ed to take p v t o f the 8ov‘(i b ll 'a t a'pH ce below’th e world pctc* while a t 'th e i- a a m e . tim e •elUr,. Russia pipe to he lp complete i pipeline to W estern

only th e beginning. Soviet oil c , . be used-as In instruifient of poiK. to disrupt, if not- sh a tte r, the lationship between tho newly intif.

[pendent oil-producing counirim r| ‘the Middle E as t and N orth and the western powers.

T h a t is the k in d 'o f threa t uhlch •ls_very real and v e ry_ im rn tdu i,.. : and'w hle'h can Be m et only alUane# w ith fo r closer Mt» ’ cending the na tional amblilonit of individual powers. B u t there u Kn. i o ther and more profound rfa.^nn, . for th e political d isarray thai iht foreign ministers here in Na t o 'h northernm ost cap ita l m ust a t Ir^c confront,....................................................

T h a t is the la teralisatlon In nu­clear streng th opposing the two g la n t* - th e USA and th e U SSn-. against each o ther w ith -a vacuum of power in between. T h a t vacuum ' Is for the European powers in NATO a deep a ffro n t and It atli not long continue. I f some way ii

-not found of sharing autlicm ? over nuclear strik ing power so liiat the United SU tes does no t seem to have th e sole a n d th e ' only rleht to say when .it sh a ll be used, th e n . other NATO nations, PYancs t in t and cerUlnly G erm any sooner or later, will get th is power.

Y et the problem of sharing both kho'w-hbw-and o ro troL com ^dO T iC .

I readinesf In th a Amerlc'«n c o n fe ss to a Jler th e McM ahon se t ' th a t fOTWds It. And Just h « a th*i» is th e greatest^ political disarray and m istrust.

A rum or In ParU during th e r * i_ volt of the Algerian rebeU w a s .u ihs effect th a t the F rench s e t |R their fou rth nuc lear exploslon^n the Sahara proving ground h u r ." riediy in advance of schedule be- cause of doubts about th e security force guarding th e operation » d the fear th a t the test bomb m M t fall into hands friendly to generals.

This was probably tvo m ote than another inaunce of the freneilo and wildly uncertain atmosphere In Paris. B u t itsuggests w hat could happen and why th e resistance to any choBke'''lQ~the A m erican-law — has'grown.

(Coprritbl. IMl. w ValM rm ta n

Heiuy McLemoreROME. I la ly -P a re t its . Ju it

m uch as children, need a . . . routine.-Rob~them -ot~A -sehedule a n d t h e y , like, kids, become un-;, settled, peevish,^ nervous and. In . m a n y Instosdes,cranky— .... ............

T ^ke th e sleep rou tine — my own —a s a p erfec t ex-

tb e s a m e —s o to b e d whenever I ^ could m anage it. a n d awaken actly a t S :ai a jn . when Megan bounded onto our bed with a c r of,- "H ey. m onunyi hey, daddyl'

T h e m orning p a tte rn was as

w ith; “K ey,-m om m yl h ty . dad- I" Nor is she alone. I n h e r arms

_ a a r lb a ld i.-a -b c lg e 'a n d 'c h o c o -— late bundle o f Siamese kitten, blessed w ith th e claws of an eagle and th e cry o f a vexed banshee.

Megan, going. «n S, and G ari­baldi, going on 8 weeks, h i t thebed together.-- — ■ .................

* ^ a tc h us play , m e a n d kitty," Megan calls.

OaAbaldl, springing a s only a iomese in the early , hou rs Of, the

morning can.sprlng,-goes fro ra-t' - loo t o{ ttve I t t i to th e bead a^ back again, caring n o t w here 1:

grew accustomed to It. I aL-so grew accustomed to having m y eyes p ried open by little girl fingers If I d o sed them , to having a lltUe gUl bang me. on the head with a d rum , a toy telephone or a piaaV Uo bowling pin. Also to hav'Uttle girl tise my head as .a stool, m y chest as a spring . and to having my bathrobe tiirown over m y face and my bedroom s l i p p y laid on m y 'forehead ."AU a t exactly 8:3I..N ot a second

earlier, n o t a second lat^r. WhenXJicard .1/........................-down t h e ...... ......... .............. ..seconds sh o r t o f 5:31, and th a t my day h a d s tarted .

Now. th e schedule has been changed, and so has th e ritua l th ii -------- w ith M e g i n ' s ' —...........................................Tival. I ... .upset, bccomtog cranky, and have to keep a firm hold on mj-self to keep from Jumping out ..bed a n d scream ing or running Into th e d ining .room and hiding be­h ind th e sideboard.

T he m orn ing now sta r ts a t 6:03

Behind him ,'pow erfully u n s te a l , in the Jouncing bed.. U Megan:

flying. p igU ils flap-1

:n on m y face, th e n M egan.- 1 ruffle a cover w ith a foot and

O arlbaldl is a top It, scratching and chewing and pulling. X dive beneath th e covers e n d G arabaJdl Is under them In a flash, and ^ h t behind is M egan, for she adores to play t e n t " 'under the covers.

How I long for the quiet m orn­ings 0 fa few days'SBO. when 6:31, not 6:03, was the s ta rting tim e, and 1 had only a little girl end calm toys like d rum s and tele­phones, and -do lls—to—p u t. a n —end .- to my sleep.

T he k itten was th e g ift of P I t a l i a n friend, a n d -a l l 1 can think of to say in the way of Utanks is. r *------ *---------- * - * —

i wrUeTlollan bearing gU G T

I wish Dr*. Spock would M ^ a n a le tte r te lling h e r tiia t her parents need to go back to , tho old, peaceful rou tine o f 6 :31 a jn . And tiia t' if they don 't, there Is danger o f th e ir going to b lU .o n e - morning.

a m . and Megan, does no t greet (DiMribu<«i br W cNurbi StthKm u )

t . l T T I . 1 : l - t x I

T he government ought to be glad th a t th is eonatry 's taxpay- e f f h a v e w h a t-lt - ta k e a ..... - .


W ritten forE nterprise Assn.

A num ber of our senior citizens have inquired about osteoarthritis w ith particu la r reference to its r e la t io n s h ip t o ' -------------

like parties a fte r I a jn . They are boring. .

"W het else bores -me? Weil, self-appointed criUcs. smugness, successful businessmen — unless they're humble—people who are satisfied, and people who are hy­pertense M d lack control of them ­selves.

" p u t the young never bore me.They can .be helped, and I like to help.” - - ■ ■ '

eases a re entirely, d ifferen t. Rheu m atold arthriU s, i fo r exam ple ,. be- r. . glrva a t- a v e r y i / early age, Is prob- *■ f - .ably o f allergic v . origin. Is o ften -Vt . accompanied - h ^ i- 3 . 1 fever a n d .consid- . . erftble w eight loss. Dr. a ja iB and produces crippling deformi­ties o f .th e Joints, including: those of th e spine.-

'B y co n tra st, m ost o f us do not regard osteoarth ritis a s a diseoie- I n p o in t o f fac t. I re fe r to I t as osteoarthrosis . .s in c e tha --lUs'' ending m eans th e dXausa la type o f inflam m ation.

O steoarthrosU is o ften referred to as " th e grey h a ir" in Joints.’ W o the r words, i t ’s a m anifesU tlono f . l8 ‘n f _ ra th e r .Jh a n ^ d lse a sc ._ _

I t rarely begins before th e mid­dle years. W hen H occuni a t thet im e - 6 r - ih e - “c n 6 n g e r n t- im in =tim es is called menopausal v t h - r itis, a lthough m ost of us' are con­v in c ed -th a t n e ith e r eondltioU has a n y th U ir to do w ith th a o ther.

Osteoarthrosis usually affects persons .who are overweight. Ttiers seems to be a he red iU ry factory especially w ith h a n d InvolvemenU. ‘n ie nubbins th a t appea r on the finger (Heberden 'a. nodes) a rt often a fam ily trade mark.'

T here 's n o t a thing- to do. and nothing th a t need be done, In the

of a n osteoarthrosis. W e i ^ .

seting add- to com fort. Doses of o sp ltla relieve polui-

-nse application o f h e a t m ay be very helpful. .

B u t the re 's lltUe, If anything, to be 'gained by fadd is t diets, v ita - . m in supplem ents, .g land trea t­ments; vaccine Injections, pres­criptions for cortieo-sterolds and o th e r expensive drugs, exposure to violet or X -rays, v isits to spas, b o th s .ln m ud o r "radlo-acUve waters, dia therm y o r appllcaUons . o r electrical curren t.

I tru s t no one wlU I n te r w t w hat I tiave w rt tte a aa Indi­cation th a t I th in k osteoorthrosU Is "hoptiess.” Q lilte th e contrary-

Not be ng j i disease. I t will shorten life by -so m tich as hotn-. No_ being "curab le,'^ It n be e n d u ^ . N bt'lieln 'g ripmedK there 's no sense spending a io f m oney '"chasing a . cure."__ _____

Indeed, U you'll ta k e exam pU - from th e apple tree . youTl r e ^ th a t 'y o u 'c o a get delicious fru » from m any a p » r l e d branch . •

• ■ ' ■ r ■;

Page 5: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


-loayffli^tSss" —-fifita (irant^^|Sclieflii1<» ClubHamiiiig GuestMeeting

. ' i if in b e ri ofM oBlc TbftiitnlitrcM club wilt b rin s guesU for the May 18 meeUng. « t which Mra. John D. H tyes will be gucat speaker,

— Mra-HftjUT-Ef--------------------------Rian, reports. .

T h u n d ay n igh t, Mrs. Demard M ortyn. who presented an orlR- Inal reading tn verse, won the

. blue pencil. Traveling award for tftble topics w en l to Mr.%. Powers, Conducted by M rs. Alme? Brynn,

■ they were llcU tlouj occnslons a t which members m ight be intro-

' Aueed U )d u k c d for. brlcl - « A n t s .

O thers speakers Included Mrs. Lavem e fiirong. ■‘Curtnln Call." and Mr».Ho»* P ra ther.,-T he A rt or Success." T h e group voted (o have -Mrs. Jo h n WlUon or the Buhl club represen t them a t the regional meeUng. since no local

• member* wUl be able to atlend. A nomlnsUng committee of Mrs, Bertha Maxwell, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. P ra th er were elected.

Ofricers will be elected June l tQ d 'inaU lled Ju n e IS. The club voted to choose a n honorary mem­ber to r the coming year. Mem­bers d e c ld ^ to rec eu during July smd August. - '

Mrs. M artyo gave th e lexicol­ogist report. M rs. Rudy Ashen- brener was toastmlstreas and Mrs, Maxwell gave th e Invocatlon.nnd led the n a g salute.

Powers, chief evaluator, wa: M iUted by Mrs. Bryan. Mrs, Max­well and Mrs. G race Patrick. Pro­g r a m were m ade by Mra. Strong.

Party Givenfor New T.F. Pupils

N ext.year’s f irs t graders a t the Blckcl school w ere honored a t M ay day p a rty lo the-sohool-ai

€ torJum.Mrs. L. on iesp le . r o u n d u p

, vtialrman, was In charge of a r - . . rangem ents, a&slsted by Mrs. C ar­

roll OllberUon. M rs. Harold Mul­der. Mrs. d l l s G reener and Mrs.

, d f lh a Pool.S M rs . B ernard Russlng, netr

. president- o f th e PTA. welcomed th e children and the ir mothers 'Whne the children were touring the school under the .aupervuion of the f irs t grade teachers. F ra n ­ces Anderson, principal, 'spoke to the m others on w hat they could

- do tA -prepare th e ir children lor l lr s t grade.

Mrs.- E sthe r Choules, school — h ta l th - n u rs « -a ls o - ip o k » - t» - th i

group.Each child received a May bas-

. ke t made by the T inker Bells Blue B ird group, w hich Is sponsored by th e school.

Mock Battle I s__Record in West

YAKIMA, W ash., May 0 W -T h e largest mock ba ttle ever held In

. th e Pacific KortKwest exploited a t- the -arm y 's .367,000. acre.-dese rt

train ing area, n e a r .here yesterday.Approximately 19,000 troops and

airm en will participa te In the joint arm y-alr force exercise Lava -Pa-| llnejduring th e n e x t two — '

To Enroll for -Swihi Glasses-He«lstrftllon-fM-Twln*PBlls recV

rea tlon departm ent s w lm m ln n classes, will beem Monday and continue through Saturday, In the

KATHEBINE BA X TEE.■ . - . .d a u g h te r or M r. and Mr». W ll ia n Daxter, Buhl, haa re­ceived a Si;!00 M boU rthlp to the College or Idaho, CaldweU. MUs

-B ax ler,J« -» -m « iibet-o f lh e Na­tional Honor »oclety. Drill team ,' GlrlA' league and was a delegate to G irls' sU t«. Stie r e in e d as senior queen and w a i f irs t m n> ne n ip ' foV 'caniptu-qaecn-durliig . Campus day a t Pocatello, I n ad ­d ition she serres aa p ian ist for the local no ta ry and -K liranls clubs and th e First Presbyterian church choir. IStarf enpaT lng)


lQIl..gUdUate-OU2SSlQjll8ll-M]lfiSl: in d a jun ior a t the University of Jdfih'b'T^ioacow, nas Deen~erectcd corre-iponding secretary of Sigm a Gam me Epsilon, national .h o n ­orary fra te rn ity for studen ts in geography, geology, mining, ..and melflllurgy. Peterson Is m ajoring In ihe tallu fgR ar engineering. He is the son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Dave Peterson, Albion.

T w in Palls pnrk.< and recreation, reports.

Monday Ihrousli Friday regis­tra tio n will be (rom 0 a m . to noon and I to 5 p.m., with Saturday reg lstm tion Irom 9 a.m, to noon. Persons muai rcRlster In person, no t by telephone.

LesMns for children*-will b« ta u g h t a t both the H armon p.wk pool .and the H arry Barry pool. C ost.U $l for 10 ICMons a t H ar­m on park and SIO. tor 10 le.uons a t H arry Barry park. Reason for differen t rate.i Is tha t' the H arry S a rry parlc j>ooI U, sm a lle r-and there will be one Instrae tor' for each 10 pupils, with only one cla.« ta u g h t a t the pM l a t one time. A t H arm on pnrk, several classes can b« taught a t one time.

T he classes, beginning June 13, w U l-bo-U ught by-cerUMed w ater safe ty teachers.

Children's divisions Include be­ginner, intenucdlate beginner, ad­vance beginner, swimmer. Junior liresaving._sfnior liresavlng and diving. T here also will 'b e - ad­vanced adult claxses.

C raner notes th a t those Inter­ested In parllclpotlng on a «wlm- m lng team are asked to register a t th e same time

M an o f th e M onth

-TV.-JIM W IN K tBA fter only three foTt m onihs

w ith Syrlnga U fe , Jim lead th e Company In April u le s ,

o v e r .*4,000.00 In i *. n o i s e d premium.



M O B I t H V l A I Di x o j L ^ u _ T h e s o _ P l j i s _ E e a t u T e s „

» Needs no installation— rolls on wheels. .Holds NEMA service for 13

t New push-button cover release___

» New automaUc re*set detergent cup

) New non*splash Unicouple

• New B id e cup racks (holds 8 extra cups)




N e w p o w e r s h o w e rBuilt into the lid, hoses fire water down­ward—as the Power Impeller helow •throws water up. This exclusive “top-and-bottom" washing action power-scrubs dishes , on all

. sides . . . while the famous General Electric. Flushaway Drain whisks all soft food par- tigles harmle^^ly down the drain. Result: Sparkling.^lr-- j -*-'- —


A T . ......


Page 6: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

PAGE SDC : ’ TIMBS-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO •' - ^ • 'T t u e s d a y , m a y 9 '




■ . 1'H I,


,<c)uuse» neact budset- deficitwlU ba bigger UiAn th s bliltoo <IoU«n now Xoreeait. '

Fo r th U ^

cbn g re u should resist tec;pCaUoQ ; to approve U x chn^ges which

would c u t rercD ucs and add to the ' deflelt.

Bell and BocreU rr o f lA bor Ar* tu r 3. O oldbers tesUtlod In support o f P resident K ennedjr't p rop^a li to change .aeveral m ajor sectloni

.. o f. the ta x law , Kennedjr .iu s said th e re w ould’be no revenue lo u 1 h !a en tlra paekase la approved

Z vere tt H utchlnsan, chairm an 0 ' th e In te rs ta te commerce eommls-

■lon/ojiposed one p a rt o f the nd- minl<tratloQ'< prosram . Spenklns lo r th e commUslon. H utctilnion

. ta ile d fo r repeal of the 10 per cent ezcUe to x .on tra]na..bus a n d -a lr . ^ ine p u a en g e r tSckeU. >Ie said th u ta x . which K ennedr would ~ tinue , aggravates the tM Ucnger deficit of "

B e llJ o ld .th e ^ o A —onnB traU on to fa r

reason to revise Its — . . . — . m a tes , prepared In March, for the 1M3 fiscal year which begins July 1. l l i e forecast U for sp e n d ln r of M 3 billion do lln n and revenljea of ai.4 billion dollars.

However, Bell cited th ree poul- blllUta w hich could add more thnn one billion dollars to Uie Indicated defic it of 3£ billion doUora.-p o r one thing. Bell said, Ken-

ned7 Is reviewing eertaln aspects o f the defense an dtpflce-brogpuna. and . If ho dOM anylhlnR .'li likelyto call fo r fu rth e r .spending. In

- th e s e area*. •.. Atu). the budget d irector said

th a t J f congress rejects Kennedy’s II p ro p o u ls to raise postal ra te srth e <• deficit would be increased by sboui

_;;_800 tnllUoa d o U m --------------- --------II f ina lly . Bell sold a highway tax u . law approved by the committee

*Vould add 143 million dollars to II th e deficit by using some o t the IJ treasurer's general funds to help ti. finance-road building.

m er P w l d ^ f i i wfgHfU.- m se ^ hower indicated h e m ight have so u g h t.a th lid te rm — If the. constltuUoQ hod perm itted a n d I t he had ..foresees th e Bepub- Ucan de feat------- inhow er~m uM d~an~th~'e'

In a tiaturoay £ven1n j r Poat article—the first he has w ritten ilnce leaving the*Whlte House In '

lo r auery on the th ird te in th a t has been so often posed.**' " I think 1 know—blit bow can

I be absolutely sure?'* he asked. "X do not se e 'w h a t more one coa say th a n qua-act*, ser^*'— W bat will be, will be.

“QugSeralSer l Astronaut Shepjard Is Gool Customer,__^ ,Parked Car Hit L iqO O B . FUNDS D IS T niB itr^ BOISB; M ay 9 W -T h e 14

Cuba Readied For Scorched EarthDefense- Dy The A swelatcd Preaa —Prim e M inister ? 1del Castro ap'

pears to jn preparing the Cuban a scorclied earth de<

te“ Ul4n d 'w h lc h m ight plan to b u m Havana.

Castro haa told h is anned forces th a t Havana probably would be a major target In case of Invasion by the United s ta te s . '"Under no circumstances,” he told the trootu, -shall we perm it th e capital to. be occupied by Invasion forces.**

Castro has repeaU dly claimed the United S tates p lans to a ttack Cuba.

in the wake of th e prime m in­ister's statem ents publicised by :he governm ent radio, Cuban brofldculs.-hRTtrglvcorBromlncnce. to accounts of th e bum lng o t Ouaymnro, the symbolle rebel cap* U l in IBCO, to keep th e span : ‘ rom taking It.

i! Final Rites Held i: For Amos West;i JSPSS, M ay ft—Funeral services 'I lo r Amos O. W 0SI were held Mon. . ; day •afternoon a t W hite m ortuar • < chapel by th e R e f. Leon J .' Ilowell. ; ; M rs. David M ead was soloist and TT-^Mrs.-Helen-Alleo‘ a a '0 »Ban to tr~ r ;; Pallbearers wefS O. M. Lottl- V m er. Howard fllelaner, K ctiw th 'I - *nn8ley, .Carrol K nap, Vernon

X.aiu:e and C harlei Stone. Honor- 1, a ry pallbearers wore Jay LaJeuo* •; esse, rv e re t t Hughes, P . j . Elscn- ;; h au er, B arold B est. Riley HIte, M - .Atkinson - and - Olon-Crandolli

concluding r ite s were held a t th e Tw in Falls cemetery by' Eden JO O P lodge No. 144.

Petition Is Filed In Clough Estate

- ' — a o n o ld -Ii-C lo u g h .-T w ln Polls, fUed for le tte rs o f odmlnistraUon in- p robata cou rt M o n d ^ fo r the •s ta te of George M errill Clough■who died AprU 4. .........-

P robate Judge Zoo Ann W arberg ..............^Jiearlng for 10:1B oJn.

M ay l l ' t n ^ e s t o t « conslsU 'of’sep:' - a ra t« personal property valued a t

• » 0 . , ,B e ln listed ih th e petlUon are

lA ls Broer, Q rond Canyon, Aria., B em adetto H ufflne. Los Angeles;.

— Beraloo-L.-'WiOoten.—Weet-RlTcr*-_ a lde..C alif.. a n d C lo u g h .------- ■

> ta x Woodall, Tw in FalU U w . yer, Is representing q o u g h .

Mrs. HamUton Is Claimed by Death

M rs. G race Janv rlan . H amilton, «0. died M onday a t a P o u u n o bospltal After a brief Ulneas.

8ho was bom In D ecatur. H I, Aug. 11, 1680. Sh« came to Han* sen in IB14 a n d moved to Tw in Falla In 103^ She w as m arried to

-Joseph-H am llton-O ctr-lB .-l»O O rln •l>eeatur, HI. ■

She was a m em ber of the F irs t B i^ t l s t ■ church and a charter Auditor Victor K . C u t__________

m m b « - o f th e L o t^ w i t iu b tola s t week h a s grown to nearly $7.-,Surviving ora * ^ G erald

«an^ttton. S lm bct^y; » dauiM rs. XJorothy sk in n e r. T w in ____ _a n d /o u r g randchildren and nine g rea t groodchUdren.

G raveside servle'es will be con­ducted a t 11 BJn. W ednesday » t Sunset Memorial po rk by th e Rev. £ m e s t Hasselblad officiating. The <uneral procession will leave Rey­nolds < u n ^ chapel a t 10:45 a jn .

Dr. Howard Hill Funeral.Is Held

Funeral services fo r D r. Howard W. HIU were held Monday a fte r­noon In ' the *rwin F a lls m ortuary c h i ^ by the R s r . ^ e s t Hassel*

Clarence D udley w as soloist and M rs. stahJey Phillips was organist.

Pallbearera w ere D r; Fred K al- lusky, W illiam Slagle, Blythe Clem­ons, Irv ing Creed. E lm er Johnson and s te r lin g A lexander. ~ ' -

Pope’s Accent Called ItalianCLEVELAKD, O.. May 0 (itV^Is

Pope J o h n X X lI l learning EngUsh with a n Irish brogue? No. says Msgr. Thom as Ryan, an Irish- born priest w ho /ts h is teacher.

"Really, ho has a n Ita lian ac­cent,** Msgr. R yan h a s disclosed. **U n o t true th a t X am giving ■ Ira a n Irish one.”. .

Msgr. Ryan, who ts m U lng his f irs t Tlsit to th e U nited States, s t o p p ^ In Cleveland over th e w eek-rad. H e Is en rou te back to

, dlo-

ITie Pope*s E nglish lessons ac­tually sU rted In .Turkey, Msgr. Ryan explained.—" I-w a s - se n t- there ' t o . join- the aposlollc delegation to Istanbul,” he said. "T he apoatolle delegate, A rchbishop Roncalll, a s h e was then, decided th a t he should study English. W e h a d lessons for a year a n d a ha lf.^and h e .d ld qnlte well. . . .

'W hen h e became Pope, he leoraed th a t i was a t th e V atican and decided to continue hU les­sons w ith h is o ld teacher.'* .

Cruelty C harg^ —In-Divorce-Case

Mrs.- S lU H o h lv - 'lU e d -su l t fo r divorce In d is tric t cou rt M onday from B . S . H artley . S he charges extrema m e n ta l crucdty. ' '

T hey were m arried Ju n e 30,'16S7, « t-W lan e m ae o « i-N er;T -a ad -h a T r

children. Bhe asks to be aw ard-

Twta*Eunder th e nam « o t th e H uU Jtw In Tw in Falls, b ank account In the nam e o t X. V. H artley. a . l U 7 OldsmobUe, household fum .

Clgafetto m achines and a 19M statlonwagon.

RaytMtn. R o y to m , B aybom and Webb, T w in F a lls U w firm . Is reseating ,her. ■ >

— s n o % T iC d ^ t i r r s 'n A M ~

Defendan ivfen N b m d r l^ n ^

Oldonobitf d f tv o by C hariew pe rin ten den t-F red Chariior...®'' • B a« rm aB . 8J. rou te three, W n u ie totol; *350,000 goes lo i -S sT ln the 100 block eo N l o t h ................................................... BY ARTBUE ED SO N "

W ASHINGTON, May 9 tf>-Vp In o u te r space o r do«-R on soUd earth*Cm dr.-A l*n'B .-Bbepard.-Jrif

T h e firs t American to look down n h is country from o iittf ^ lace

had l^ls c h a n c e ^ ra d a y to 109k In

— ........ .. .................crowd;-andm am m oth news eonferenee.H e tu rned o u t 'to be th e calmest

m an In town.N ot only th a t, h e managed also

to str ike Just th e righ t noU. Shepard was modest, constantly illlng atten tion to those who had ado the n igh t possible. He was

fo rth rlg h t.-A n d '-h e -h a d an e u y


usually Is d row ned' out" by " th e m srch lug bands.

police guessed 250.000 w ere pres^ «Bt<-aod-you-iirould-have-thmiglit

crowds a ll h is life. A friendly wave w ith h is r ig h t hand to those on hU r ig h t, a nice wave w ith h u \e tt to thOM, .m Uw. t ltli

'M rs.~fihepard and h e r husband kt up on th e back of th e White

_lncola Contiuental convertible. Seated tfown to the middle, almost hidden, was Vice P residen t Lyn- don ' B .. Johnson .

At th « capttol Shepard w as pre-' seated to .cong rgs tnen , and-m ore showed up. tb a n ons-usually sees oc the floor of the house o r senate.

T he form al reception was tn

I f th e quesUon h a d .a book In It., he gently b iit ftrmlT removed It-

I f h e d id n 't w an t to answer it, h e 'd ld n X 'a n d -B o ttt lB iC w H 'iS ie :h lm .t e t o : ^ n g - s o r = ------- ^ = = =

U th e (luestlon was adeotlfie e ' lapsed easily Into sdentfle

argon th a t’ m ade It sound as If

And If hum or was needed, he tossed th a t off loo. w ith a dlS' arm ing smile.

MAN FINED May >-Roscoc Har­

ley, 90, Jerom e, was fined $8 Friday by Jerom e Police Judge Pred Eber- h a rd f 'fo r pa rk ing in a --------- ------

____X ucero , defendant - toeivU action brought by F.H .D onie, was awarded »I03 plus «6JS to- tcrest a n d *00^ easts i s a Judg­m ent fUed M onday by 'D lstrict Judge-TbsiTO-W r-W ard,

Henry F . R e td . sued. Kueera f ^ tM4.30 lor 41 squares of brick hangers allegedly purchased by Viir>r« «n«t n w r olUS>4«0"for-eoaimlsslon*-(m~jDhs-eO- " lalned by Donze for Kueera.

In a couoter-suit, Kueera, rep- , resented by A ttorney Lawrence B. , Q uins, claim ed the bill and com- f missions had been paid and-assert- . ed Donze owed tlse defendant |10S. f

> perintendent -Fred Chariions^;‘ of the totol; *350,000 goes lo' ties and Junior coUeges,• pIUm and Villases. &nd tlt-iVllMeoue east .at-4:80 M o w ^ c lU « and villages, f i d tiiajto !?

! L n ia J d » .r t f i j« W c le _ w * s b a ^ t b s - g s n s r a l J - ' ' •■ drivew ay ,.•ero ttthestiee t

tso damage to the Basserm aa auto inf< none to the Edw ards car.


old suprem e dourt cham ber. Just - few step s down from the

e. A lthough. m ost of the seostors were m eeting a se p a rd and h is fel-

W ASHINOTON MoT » im -’ " t r o n a u ts , the senate droned Alan B S i ^ d J r i o L i ^ “ “ N either tim e n o r Ude f r ^ u X ^ & h » S ; ^ « : « aJ*ttiri» our belovedmedical editor says Is a secret

‘than th a c a p n ^ .h e w as'ln .’. B u t I t d idn ’t la s t long. Off

again. T h U tim e to 'th e s ta te de- portm ent, a n d in such a ru sh an unbeUerable th ing happened.

Press association reporters were In the oecond convertible behind Bhepordr-As-theTarB'vnjrwarnJovT tag ou t. two tanned young men raced u p . NatufoOy we repo rten tried to b eat them off. W l^ does everybody try to g<t to to th e a c tt U ntil t h ^ Identlfied'theniselves ss astronau te V ho had losy^_eir,ow n

And th a t 's how m irln tt W eu t C o l.-Jo h n -o ienD -»nd;T illf“ /o>w Oapt. D onald Slayton got to their news conference, by hitchh ik ing to a press car.

Well, th e conference began w ith a long commercial by Jam es E. Webb, h e a d of the n a tional aero­nautics a n d spacePretty soon sh e p _ ._ ------ . . . .Rarely h a s anyone ever handler himself more competently befor* th e press.

boll team , w h ic h ____ _( to w n ,-a n d -th e n -a re n 't available fo r a m a n who h a s proved he can go f a r up7.

B u t In ano ther i t was nice th a t everything w as le ft so slm - pie. . . •

From th e m om ent th e modest

UBtU -lt-reach6d:thBTcaplto»,-thw« was continuous opplause, well OTcr > m ile of It. gpptousg iS iJ

T U E S .-W E D . f t THURS.

VThe Private Lives o f A dam and Eve"

Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van Doren, F a y Spain, Tuesday Weld

' and P au l Anka"> .


T - u e T r w e a i r t f i t i r t r i r T f l :

'C A N C AN''

Shepard 's m onum ental calm­ness Is one of th e most striking aspects of his personality. So are keen Intelligence and a love to laugh.

I t 1» Dr. Morris Flshbeln who lists lm perturbabillty>-the re­fusal to be J u s t« t !d . or-to -loss- tem per e s s l l y - ^ . a m ato In- m d lc tv t la hl» p rtscrlp tlon lorlong lif e .------- .. I t Li an anchor of Shepard'S personality. O thpr hearts beat foster th o a his th e tense m om -

;ta g j l .o jp o lc o x n n to : ip a e e : i :z ^

and th e re were .quite .'* - few of them — were a ll m ade by someone else. . .

Tako the opening scene of this hero’s welcome. In the rose gar-den_of_the_Whlt«.HQUse_________

F irs t Kennedy dropped the 'spe- clal m edal he was about, to pre­se n t to the astronaut. T hen be Ju st, handed i t to Shepard «nd Mrs. K ennedy had to remind her h u sband th a t on eueh occasions th a t th e P resident actually pins th a th in g on the hero himself.

*'Let m e p in i t on,'* Kennedy eald. “i n do m y duty."

A nd .he did. B u t you kind of get th e Idea , p leasant as I t a ll w m , th a t I t w as M t a s well the sclen> t l s ts .a n d not-the.poUU cians were to c harge la st Friday, o r we — jt l l l .b ft- ti

anaveral.W ell, th en came th e parade tha t

w a s n t officially a parode b u t was a ro u se r Just toe same.

I n th is capital entouslasm for pa radM often U whipped up me­thodically. Bands a re ordered out. M areh lng squadrons are called oB. F lags a re run up.

T h e re was none o t th is Mon- day, by order of Shepard 's bosses.

A nd In one-way It was too bad. W hy Is I t those splendid military bands c an show up to open the ---------. f e r - t h e - W ^ l n g m base-

iVnnk p tnn tr a , Hhirlwy

600 a fte r a m ore detallM audit; l _M aw lce cheTfdier, Louis Jourdan




s»TJiia week, something new and wonderful # tan ^ out in your Ford Dealer’s sliowrooin. It’s the Falcon FiUura, new luxury version of America’s favorite compact—«« exaltrtg^ tfeiv personal ear!. T ry the eomfort of custom-contoured twin front seals—lake in the-glcaming trim, tlie glomng colors, tlic tlcep Vvall-to-wall carpeting. And notice the custom console for personal cfTccla—beltveeit tlic front seats. Only the men who designed Thunderbird could have created this'masterpicce!’"

B eom om w K h e r e i t eo im tM t For all iu elegance and luxury, Futura never forgets it* Falcon breeding. Its engine is the famous Falcon Six, that proved its economy when a Falcon with standard - transmission obtained a phenomenal 32.68 miles per gallon in tliis year’s Mobllgas Economy Hun . . . the best gasmiUage ever obtained b j a € - o r 8-tylindercar in the 25-year history ofOte Run! For those who'arc more performancc-mindcd, Futura also offers a xcsty, new 170 Spccial engine..

t r k ^ g»m tr tm t l i t The new Falcon Futura gives you all these luxurious featurcs.i.yet it’s priced u jy Mow* other luxury- compacts—even below some standard compacts! Who could ask • for anything more? The new Falcon Futura is at your Ford Dealer’s now. Look it over—and lo6k o u t Cor your heart! -

Haw Cuilem'Consela. . . between Fulurt*s IndMduatly'centoUrw} front seats, provides handy storag* for personal.aflectt.

Page 7: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


Former Resident —Easses-ih^eattlc i— EAUL;-MAy-P-E<lw»rl Mcyira, '40..'former Poul rMlileiu. died' May 3 In Scaltle o( n hr.iri nlincK.

He >vns the ton o( Mr. nnd M n. D.ivld Mcyera. PAUt, Otlte.- »ur* vlvov* includc th i;« -jo n j;-E d d le iO cunie.aiid Ray Mrvrr>.'t\ll-WAAli- Ington. one dnURlucr, Shirley, and five Brondchildren.

■ III* wife precedcc 111’ 1037. Scrvlc'ct wcro held

PTAtoMeetnU PE IlT , Miiy 9 - D r . Carl H.

burR. will spenfc on civil ,u'!rcn« n l the L incoln - Memorial • PTA mectlnB n l 8 p .m .'lodny a t tlic M rmonnl school ^udltormmr

Appointed by Qpy. nobtrt E.l .5jpyll<>_asojixrn,ilo:y »i.iIKn:i^or_for, the IdiiUo civil d.rlriue, lie helped forniulnte the Alftle'i derpiji'e plniw

_ P A G B -S E V B M n I

s o v ie t : o f f i c i a l BEMOVEOBERLIN, May 9 l<IV-ThQ Soviet

commandivrit In— dlvlfled—Berlin. Mftjrr Ocn. -NlkolM - P.-Zftfcharorr!ha» tHtn rcmovprt, ,nl1l><1 -«nu rfport.* • •

W t Aro EqMipped to M ak«-------- ^ N Y -P H O T O -— OF-ANYTHINQI

The Album Studios

louJknows-Jie ll- get well faster if he takes his medicine

-JChose^WIio-GaveLives-Given- Honor at Burley-Dedication

BORLEV. May 8 - “Pre(cam e f irs t with these whom we he re honor, m It must always come Ilrat," declnrcd Mrs. Chnrlea Hohnhorat,— IiMeiton, UUrd na-

, A tlonnl Vico president ot Amcrlcnn : V W ar M others, when she spoke a t ' th e dedication of a monument a t

th e P leasan t View cemetery.T h e Cftssln chapter of American

. W ar M others sponsored the mon- ■ um ent.

' ” •■Unleis w e keep freedom in f ln t place, th e n it will be loat alto- Rether. I f we pu t m aterial enln firs t, If we pu t personal security I lrs t..w e a re on the rond to lose' our freedom .” the asserted.- “O ur nee<l now. more ih a n a t any time In our history, Is-to real­ly understand th is freedom. We m u st never foritet th a t the com* m u n ls ts ' hope to tAke over our country, a n d n o t'in ashes. T here­fore. th e ir plan Is to take I t from w ithin.” sh e anid.

8 h o praised the cliapter fo r Its h a rd work In having the memo-

__ L ilal.erecte<L .She gave * n to M rs. OUn Baker, chapter p r u ld e n t w hen the project was undertaken .

M rs. Boker. who was In charge o t th e service, thanked all those w ho had helped. She s ta ted th a t

- F a t Cosgrove, Boise Cascade com­pany . h a d /um lshed-m aterla l tor th s concrete p la ttona and Abo

a designed and made the

___ ______ In w hich had beenplaced th e b r o n u plaque. T he n a ­tive stone used w as trom )Vlnne- mucca, Nev.. » n d Hawaiian in color: W o rlro n the .pro jec t cbmpleted IH th e la te sum m er ot 1000. she added.

T he plaque s ta te s , t i n memory o t .A m erican w ar veterans and American W ar M others erected by Oaasla c hap te r o f American W ar M others, B urley. Idaho, June lOOO.'-

M ayor J . L eonard Salm on prols- ed the women to r th e ir h a r d work In p lacing such 'f t " tine tem em - bronce to those w ho h a d given the suprem e sacrifice for the ir coun­try . T hose w ho see th is m arker

old.' M n . A ugust Q uoostrom . Rupert,

sta te chapla in , o tte red th e open- ' g and closlDK praye rs and p a tri-

Ic solos were su n g by Mrs. Mar­vin Pearson.

Special guests w ere Mrs. Susan Ewing. A m erlcan-F alls . sto te.p res- Iden t o t th e A m erican W ar M oth­ers: M rs. C lark Brooks, s u te treasurer, « n d M rs. Nelle Cochran Dickey, bo th H azeJton, Immediate p ast s u t« president. .

T he ded ica tion ceremony receded by th e an n u al Oold and liver S t a r luncheon held jolnUy

by th e C ss s la - ‘ d < R a f t River chap te rs a t th o Nation*] h o te l M n . O d e n lY m ner a n d M n .'H a r-

E o j a g e j C m p , : ,

Testing LaB^ Project Set

BURLEY; May 9 - T h re e com ­m it tee s^ were nam ed d u r ln g _ a m eeting here of farm leaders from O oodlng, Cassia and M inidoka counties to study th e feasibility of

............. testing r foraRe crops In sou thern Id a ­ho, accordlns to O lenn Bodily, county ..extension' agent.

H oward Royiance. extension agronom ist. Boise, showed com­para tive fiRures on dairy anim als fed w ith ROod forage a n d rfome th a t was no t quite a s good. T he figures showed th e dairym an saved '11 cents a day per h e a d of litock by feeding th e b e tter grade o t forage to h is anim als.

T h e meeting was called by Joe H all, OoodlnR county agen t, and Bodily. Men of th e dairy a n d beef c a ttle commltUes sen t tr ia l sam ­ples to the tcsUng labs a t th e XInl- v e n lty o t Idaho la st year a n d in ­form ation they received trom the 40 to 60 samples serit m_have p rov ; e'd 'valuable. I t was noted. . .

A committee was appoin ted o t J o e -H a ll, BUI Hawkes, L am en t Sm ith , Ron Hawkes. Bodily and B lake to study la b setups In other sU tc s and th e possibility o t ob ta in ­ing one to r sou thern Idaho . A second commltUe w ith 0 . P . Tol-

Attention All Space Pilots!



-Nothin?. To Buy! .No OJiliEationl. . . . _Just register your name and put your- - self in “ORBIT” with a Free Draw for

m an. Duane Hansen. Bud Wells. M ark Ntoorman, Arlo Montgomery W in re iio n -K in ir ttto -o b tn iA - in - - to rm n tto n -a s -to -a n organlaotlonal p lan to a id in #ecu rlng ,r 'te s tlng lab.

Bob H illard, Vance Sm ith . Ed H osier and Iv an Hopkins will form th e iducaU on committee and give inform ation to ,th e ranchers and tn rm eriro t th e 'n re a 'o t 'th e 'a d v a n - taRes o t a testing lab.

"More Inform ation .is needed on ferUllzlnR a n d trea tm ent o t for­age crops a s-w e ll a s production, harvesting a n d Its storage," Bodily notes.

A nother meeting h a s been se t to r June 6 I n . th e Jerom e area. Interested parties from all coun­ties are Invited to o ttend.

Birth Noted’RINQDALE. May » - M r. and

..wo. H. M ilton Reeves. Aberdeen, S .D ., a i& th e parents o f a daugh­te r b o m ^ a y < 3. She Is the for­m er Merllyn Bronson, daughter .ot Mr. and Mrs.. Jam es Bronson. Springdale.

Mrs. Thom as E. Bowen and Mr. and M n . Leland Bowen and fam - ily.-Po

T h e current t r e n d of under' s ta ted home decoratlnR Is on thi

■ .W e-an_hajpy_to_note_thls fac t because w e feel th a t_ tre n u

rsu ch ~ are llm ltlnc , and a ll too o ften .Jead to rigid .pa ttern s o t contorm lty.

T he understated trend, for In­stance, a ies color, sparingly and

I frequently th a n h o i featurns .. . lonochrom atlo o r one - color scheme.—T here V a re — rooms, ot course, where th is Is the Ideal color p lan ; b u t there are many rooms th a t require color and co ' 'ost to play up and helRhten tl

Tuctiiral beauty.T he room sketched above Is

f itting example. A n ordlnar>* re tangu lar a rea h a s been Riven con­tem porary charm and "dlstlnetion w jth the dlserim lnatlng

ng and walls o t r«Ie yellow-green m part light; airy look.

N ote c - a re a . around .the enUance door~hirbeen~paint««» * deeper green (d em ptiaslu Ine coml door. Deep Rreen appears again In the 'sofa, and th rc o ra l Is repeated In tho lounge c h ain . Yel- ow h a s been Introduced In the

patterned draperies a n d .the sofa lushlons.

Would you like iomt4itofeaalonal advice on how to avoid the p it­falls o t tollowlnc popular trends too closely? O ur trained decorators will be happy to counsel w ith you — help you w ith color pUnnlng. room, arrangem ent- a n d Jurniture selection. See tu todayl


W d c om p ou n d nncl clis-

pcMsc m ctlic in a l nRcnt.<i

__ns in-c»eti|jc_cl_ b y . y o u r

.p h y .sic in n ,'n n d su p p ly

n il y o u r n e e d s .

Your regis^ r ed phgrm'ocist is an -

experienced,-skil led specialist,

- w o r t h y ^ ^ ? 4 - y e u F - u t r n G s t - t r u s H t i - f H + - —

ing your prescriptions. Service.___

e n d d o n 6TW IN FALLS

•50 Dloe Lakes North “ ■ s -V to BsSe P.M . 'Monday th ra Saturday

" rp u h d t h e c lo c k !

FREE DELIVERY” On Prescriptidnsr

“Our PrecUian /« Your Protedlon” ■


“ Dlal RE 3-«574 ---------- — -------- ------------TwIiTFalli

cash from our “SPACE BUCKET”

e v e r y o n e X s u r e „

C A S H ^ IN N E R !

8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Wed:

Tuesday Night


R o ast Prime Rib o f Beef . .

.2 5


Chicken Dinner . . ; .

S f .0 0



— TO'REGISTER!---------

A tree Jsiairnifi:

everyone e[seVecomeacrossinanyayoungfellow nice this in our job of cx^loriBg aod driliiflg for oil. '

a vUitor In'lhe fdrest7Standard ” . bat t responjibiuty'V^’ro t^ 'w iia - '"

life and keep the vdldemess fresh and green. And we accomplish this in several w i^byw offing doselywtH” fish and game and wfldlife offidals.

itecr around the feeding grounds, wiiig toft>tired-vdiicks,to-preserve~ the natural ground cover. When wells, arc in, we assure new growth by ro- . seeding grassland and p lan^g young trees on the work area.

Water-wells, essential to our drilling eperatioas. also nourish thirsty planu and ammals...and nesting and breed­ing p o n ^ are built, for wild fowl ■

Exploring teams in helicopten keep sharp watch for fires, and on the ground our men with bulldozers and water trucks-stand ready to help when' fire strikes.

W herever Standard tai>s new o il reserves to serve the-nation— the f o r e s t ^ the animals who. live there - ,« ie protected

'p lan n in g to « e /v s y o u

S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y '

r A U F O R N r A '~

Page 8: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

. P A O B E IG O T ‘ T IM E S -N ^ S ; TWIN FALLS, IDAHO;-TUESDAY, m a t -9,-1561-

~ Z F a ^ G ro u p ^ 'Take Part in Church Fete

BUHU Idsy t-rBeiio^Qn In the a m pvtlclp*t«d In — *T U ii^ -L ir i-* B u n d * r ic ^ c o p d o ^ »t t ^ P l r i t B y -

n o m ln f w onhJp J iou r on fiimd»7> o r iB tfa i rtp^tocn tcd • Included

B uh l O rance . S t e p C n c k OnB«q.; Cedar D raw O ran»e. PJUrrlew O ra n te , N nortbrlew O ra n jc . W en. dell O rango and W o t Po in t O range..

O raogera h a d charge of the war* ah lp aenrlea w ith E lm er'PhlU lpa giving th e caU to w oislilp; W. B. atonem eta . • lO T ocatlon.-and-M ra. U . K..CUTT{ngton. the -rta p o o tlre reading. M rs. S tonem eU ga te the welcome a n d H . W .. Lehm an, the m otn lng p ra /e r .

U n . B e r th a TlUey; M n . L eh- Dan, M n . c u rr ln g to a - and U ia. jAuren Sbrlve r explained mean* nga of ru ra l iriaboU ...A quartet

W E MEND C o v era lls!

TROY NATIONAL -U undry-«i-D ry-C lM B *r»-

M H ag-I O t ^Robert Bonar----------------

____ A -« a n i-^ )e e la l-» e le c t lo n * .Dtl« Ball aUo fa re d a i the aoto*................... —. I. „

Dr. E. U Ooee. paator, tp e k t on the w n ao n top le ,'**nu Su n . the SoU, and Ood.” T he B e r. Mr. O o u a l « o ~ ^ t ^ ~ o u l th a t R u i t i Lite Sunday U ^wnsored by the mtlonal-OoQOcU-or-Ohurehea and ob tew rt tolU ted. U to

a-OooocU-or-Gburehea and ,

U to em rtiailae C h ttatlan i ■ ■ ■ • ■Chrictlan

__ __ ru ra l life and to I n i ^ eOod'a bleaatog th e UUer, the •eed and th e aclL

I>tr. and M n . O«o>ge H udson ..era the receptlonUte. E lm er Phil* Ups. m U te r o f th e B uhl O range, w u chairm an for Ih s-eT ent. as* tUted by M n . TUley and Mrs. etonemeta. .....' _______ __

Radiators.N E ff AND USED

Service & Repairs

PKone RE-3-6080

—Tour Planned-- B W U g rrX a y -a Beedln y -WCT

a t Pp to t B jrlng ea*t of wlU be tou rtd W d ay , 1*.

agem ent. Idaho secUon. idahd

m a n a g e m e n t .-a o U coneerritlon ■ s«rTle« and county a te o s lo n »ecT-

l lo e . .............. ........ - • • ..


ni-W ay JO -O n B adlaton Are Onr

-------- N ot-a-ridelln«

F r ^ k < X C l ^ left, Oleno* Ferry p leneer wboee bobby U m ak- F»IU Connty n iito rlea l aoclety, U a l th e r i g h t T b taa t b « a ^ la g mape of old ploDeCTvfrall*. looU on a t J a n e t Ke\1y, n«U», o th e n Inipeeied Ibe eld ira l li aa a p a r t of th e combined effort

......................- -> D » t Mil conaerrallonU t, polole oot b li- of (he b lito rleil lo d e tr and th e bureau .oftorlo epota. D . W. IWayne) W alker, Dahl, a director of th e Twla them . (Kelker photo—a ta ff engraving)


Portion of Old Oregon Trail Will Be1,-SocietyiEresident Claims

An on t h e 's ^ t In^Mctlon made by m em ben of th e ' Twin. P bUi County jaatorleal.w clety , a repre* acntatlvo of th e bureau o t land m a n ag eae n t an d ' a. Olenni Terry pioneer who does 'making a i a hobby, will resu lt In the preser* ra tio n of a portion of tne Old Ore* gon tra i l for posterity, announces

Group Will Study Law on Bustling

BOISE, May 0 Wt A commlttce

elation.Leon Weeks, association secre­

ta ry . sa id the committee will study possible ways ‘ o f TputUng more te eth in to the' present laws rela t. ing to cattle rustling and b n n d s.”

T he board approved payment $1,100 Jn rew ardB jor-recent CO T ie U o ^ tovolvlng m tU n g . ‘~ IM sea8ol:oai«)l’'a a a ‘ s U l a - b ^ ta les sponsored by th e assoclatloa a lso were dlscuased a t the semU a n n u a n io S d m eeting wltfTspeclal emphasis -on Improving Idabo's beef herds; Weeks said.

A special committee .to work w ith th e University of Idaho's col­lege o f Kgrleulture and extension servlcsT.TU se t up to consider problem s affecting the Oem state cattle industry. Weeks said the problem s-Include morketliig, dis­ease a n d grading of catUe.

Break-in NotedBUHL. M ay '» -A breok-ln to th?

Nelson's Servlce-swtlon. located on _W cstJ4ftln-avenuo-and-lB th-etrect

S \i . b reak -la .w h ea .h e jtfg tjo .o p en .u p ' , for business Sundsy morning. En­

trance was gained by breaking a i glass w indow 'ln th e rea r o t the

i t ' building. Nelson discovered only K . th ree rccapped tires had apparent- .1 - ly been taken. H e noted new tires -f - -were ln 1 h e shop b u tU e y w erelett

untouched. .

O. A. (Ous) Kclkcr, hbto rlcal so­ciety president. '

W ith P ra n k O. Clark, 16, a Qlenns l»erry pioneer a s guide, and Jam es Kelly. Boise, burenu of land m anagem ent range conservation­ist, the p a rty of 10 persons In two v e h lc la a n d a pickup truck, spent nearly n lno hours on th e old trail between th e T hree Island crossing a t a iifnhs Pe 'n y a n d 'a p o ln fn ea r Salmon falls.

D uring th e trip, according to Kelker. C lark* guided tho party over practically aU the .Old Oregon tra il between th e two points and polnUd o u t th e stage route In the a rea and th e o ld fre ight traU.

The m ap w hich the m sd6'et~tho~traU s=after and down them since U . . . hobby a n d before th a t time In his w o rk -« 'a « tak en by Conservation­is t Kelly to. Boise where copies will be m ade w lth 'sym bols which wilt correspond to regulation gov­ernm ent m aps. They a re expected to .becom e a ..p a r t of the .afficia l g c ^ e n ff lc n t^ ^ il —

said h e w as "very much Invres'- sed** w ith C lark 's knowledge of th e -le tra ln -an d T w as-g ra te fu l-fo r th o record o{ th e historic trails which h a d been made available.

•Kelker aaid . " I t was one of the roughest TfctBs anyone ever made.

Farm Biuldihgs Saved at Burley

BURLEV. M ay 0 — Quick action of a m an doing th e chores a t the Jo h n Koyle ranch while th e family was In a a l t - L a k e City Sunday saved-th rtarm -buU dln g r fro m 'b e - ing destroyed from fire, i t was re­ported by O tis Williams, Burley tire chief.

T he llro w as reported to have ;m.cause<Lby.a.ahort.iiL .aa.eleo-

..’lo fence w hich burned a corral fence and b ad spread to a stM k o t 60 ra ilroad ties before being dis­covered. T h e ’ ties were w ithin 10 fee t o t th e fa rm bulldtags.

I t i e fire departm ent reported to the-flre a f e :« 'a :m r 8 u n d a y and returned to th e staUon a t 1:45 aon.

had ever been there un til we got in them . W e all aureed I t w as well worm th e effort, though, a n d were thrilled w ith the BLM's plan to not deface tho trail du ring range reieeding operalloiu.

th a t i t will be euler for Interested lo to visit the actual Three

jdT roaT In-fsctrw e-airaR recxl th a t continued efforts to preserve the trail should, a t the present time, center la the T hree Island area.". in addiUon to Clark, Kelly and Kelker, those making the inqw c- tion trip were Homer Roberts,

Buhl Club Seats Leaders at Fete

Mrs. Mildred Ayres.. .Mrs. Vivian Dalss was In^Ulled v lcB -prtaldentT -M abel-eandgrtn ; secretary, a n d M n. U lU an Bagley. treasurer. S rm a Callles, Immediate past president, was th e Installing -ftlcer.

Mrs. Mao ButVbart an d M rs. Florence parsons were selectM a s delegates to .represent th e local o1ut» a t th e BPW sta te convention to be held Junfl M a t Id ah o Falls .

ft« r th e breakfast n:m em ben sttended .. ______

convention a t Burley. T hey were M n . Ayres, Miss Sandgren. Miss Callles. Mrs. VanHouten. M rs. Cora S m ith ..'M rs.-Jan et L ath am ...a n d M n ; B rthe r W oodmffr - -

l u c k y a u t o. LICENSE N O ’S

Posted W ednesday ond Thursday

W IN $ 2 5 Nothlnsr to Buy



t Except Mo


■ We have 'AIl the Leading Brands




Medicaj Arts“ - ^ P h a r m a c y ; — - ;

t w i n f a l u

Hollister, society f irs t vice presi. dent; W ayne W alker. Buhl, so> e ie ty d l re c to r ; H elen Porterfield, secretary, a n d 'M r. and Mrs. Law­rence. Culver, M r. and M n . A rthur K lelnkopf. mctnbera, a ll Twin Falls.

A nother t r ip Is p la n n e d 'la te r th is year to photograph the trails, i t was announced. . *


- 2 U ' Moln Avanu* South ' ----------M ember Federa l D eposit Insurance Coxporatlon

-Production Gredit-Association' _ ' «1»»IIT»6ES

I ikoi Tht&io !' Every modern farnn’er needs q permonent and de- ^~peng5We^lourc^ CcD^d^t.TR^*S■■Ore-tf^e-torm— I credit cooperotivcs — organized throughout tho

United S ta te ond here In M agic Valley to serve you with porionalizod-farm loans.

!- PCA loons are_QvailabIe for ony form operotlng ' need— ond spjcioi loons for cqpltol purposes may J I be orronged with maturities up to 5 yeors. To effi- I

ciently operate your form, you need to use money | even though you may not hove It readily ovoiloble.

' Here's where Production Credit I you the money you need— when you need it—poy- I I able according to o plan you con meet—^ n d a t th* |

lowest possible cost!

Southern Idoho


M ain OH:cc t w i n FALLS RE 3^6411 —

BURLEY, OR 8-7422 — GOODING, WE 4-4312

‘z e s t

Ram bler American Convertible. . . absolutel y: new^ a n d lowest priced, too !

- Step into a new world o f motoriag futi vcnience of the automatic power top. in the freshest coovcrtibie under the «ua- . The oplidn-of individually adjustable —tteonecompletelynirtcmconLvertiblc:_.liont scits . . . Airliner RccUning Seals that costs less than most 2-door s^ an s . . /.W eather Eye heating. . i gas-saving • Think what you gel with the Rambler Overdrive or Flash-OtMatic transmis- ^onvertibTel The top economy, high sion.:.power steering'..]power brakes performance of this 125 H.P. overhead T-at'surprising low cost. ■ ^valve Six that d^aifi tapped all cArs in - TSw your Rambler dealer: Fun-drive a-


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A


f l f l e a s tW le s s I . . than any Ford o r !

: L O W E S T j

Compact Car ExcellenceWILLS MOTOR CO.; ^36 Shoshone S t West

Page 9: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

W ESDA3ErHAT-Sr-: ± "'TiMfis-NEWs; TWirnpsEEgTrosto" PAGE NIKE •

/ TmckUnion— Signs Farm

Labpt Pact___ BALINA8, 9 J ^ T h e ,

T «*m st«n union h u «JimKl pne of CkliTomlA'i lu n e s t lettuce

— BrgU-or»-*Bd hM '-m nounced-plftns^ . to tign 110 more m nchcra to farmj

Etchen Sinkj tooUte kitchen lin k .' Mrs. RMft 'A kw l repo rted to pollta th a t l iU i . tb rtu re. pro- verblally . ^ f t und istu rbed b ; burgl»r*.-wM rem oved 'fro tn 'her a p artin tn t together w ith . tho bflthtub, w ater h e aU r a n d most o f-the-p lum trtn i; ' ■------ --------------

Camporee Plans • K"" " '"""'"L All 45 Safe . - For May-26 Are Near-at Burley

WorJrerf O rpujW nff eommJlt^e.— ------w h le h jo r th e post-year hns roughl

h a r t—laF felr 'th rw m fiT ta H k w -to mdrS, In to .California-* rich agri­culture.

TeamaUra local 890 and Diid A ntle; inc.. Sallna*. alRncd a con. trac t aetUDg minimum hourly wage jMtes a t 11.13 to 41.35, lender pleee-

^ I c and Incentlre clatises rietd Bonds could earn aa much ns $1.50

’ an hour.T hU U tho firs t Ume' local 800.

w hich has contracta coverlns pro* duce truck drivers throuRhout California and Arizona, has taken

■ In field hands.-------------------------T he stoning waa w en by nb-

eervera as a blow to AfX-CIO organisers.

T he m ain difference between the■ A h lle 'c b n lrac t'a n d 'th e 'o n e aoURhl

by AFL-OIO negotiators Involves the Mexican hracero prognm .

l ^ e AWOO has demanded sn ~ « n d 'to th e Importation of Mexican

nationals to work In the fields.'T he Teamatera con tract stlpu*

latea th a t If the union cannot produce enough domestic help, It will assist In obtaining Mexican workers. *“

New Officers ,-8uy=Y A i.iJjy ,'M sy~>~ii)rB—T ag ~ |— |

Idaho lUbrary assMlatlon'a annual I . '

Methodist MeetOO OD m O i M a y 9 — OoodlnR

Methodist Men'a club held the monUjly b reakfast meeUng Sunday m om inc with th e buslpeaa aewlon conducied by • P residen t Jwtiea Mulfliy.“ M uniey Introduced new 'o f f i­cers. Ira KUtler, p resldan t: Myron McPherson, vice presiden t, and Bob parrln , se cre tary ; T h e Rev. Pauj LaRua talked on •'C harity In a cold c llm V e .V '

Breakfast waa served by jriem - bera of the W om an's. Society ot Christian Service. I n charge w ere,| Mrs. H. M. Thompson, M rs. Ralph Sm ith, Mrs, A. D. Porter. Mrs.

B tm iiE Y , May B ^P lans a re pro- g r ^ l n g for the annual CossU distric t Scout camporee to be held Friday, May :<], the day school is ouiv-reporia-D alj-BnfflnfftenrCu«- ala iKlli tr lc t - t tcllvltlea—ehalrm anr a n d M erlin 8 iock ,'b o ih Burley, cam ping clmlrnian.—’lT00F«-<Bn i w r l ....... — — --th e sKe, Sastii patch w o t oLOak- ley. a t noon ntid s ta r t setting up cnmps. A council fire will be held KYldsy nlRhi and each troop Is aaked to prep.ire a skit. Comoetl- tlve events In Scoutcraft w ill take place Saturday. Troops and patrols will be JudgKl on camping ability ns-w ell os competitive events to de term ine their uverall scorc for ribbons and ccrtlllcatcs, nccorriln; to Fred W. Lliiton, Rupert, d istrict Scout executive, who is serving as

O thers a M ls tin f ra re - Q w e r i Wcedop. Jay w tk e ; D an Msbey. Floyd Went, Ray' t td d aod several other'nelghlw rhood eommiaslohfrs and -d ls trletnnem bers-a t-targe.—


la x e r ” “ * ' - ------- --------------- ------

^BALTIMORE. Md,, May 9 (tTB— An E astern airlines .E lectra ' w ith 41 persoiu aboard, circled lor an h o u i-a n d "a halt w ith 'n o seg ear trouble today before .'landing on a T oam ed-ninw ar-jK tw ^en'-row T'ofambulances. The nosegear held up but a Ure blew out — m ain' landing gear.

JjfL-eved 'o n r n e a r

FABUioN A U T n d n r rv d i e s WEW YOWC-Mky « ( * -c a rm e l

'snow. 13. editor-in-chief- of H ar­per's B a iaar magaalne for more th a n a quarter century and a lend­ing fashion authority, died In h f r s^eep Sunday nlgh t a t her M anhat­ta n home. • ■

Aiito Radio Experts


year, figure* showed to d a ^ thus fa r upholding predictions o t ii 7.4 -m llllon-dor ' ' 'f o f 'th e '

announces tKe rcrridval' o f 'h is law office


■ 131 2nd Street W est H n - ^ T W i n - F a l l s -

across from th e Times-News

Enjoy a clean c


01ms’ija d ran d -M ra .la ’l a ^ V j l a v e - . j ^ ^ f l M l A l > L ^ & ^ O T

Idaho'XUbrary assMlatlon'a onnual m eetlsg elected Mra. Dorothy C.

■. Jtleker ot l ^ h o 'T t i is pM^e library as association president.

O ther officers installed were A lice-M cC la in , -Pocatello, vice president: Hlilts Orlffln. Idaho Palls, secretary , and E dith L an ;

^ ^ a s tc r , Nam pa, treasurer.

STRANGE-W EATHER?-| h A ’ 1 1 could ruin your eropi n A l l a - and cu t your ineoma.

W E OFFER M a g i c v a l l e y .

l<>.»4NSURAN€E=r<>w -I------ -L E T -U S -Q U O T E A T NO-O BLlG A TIO N !-


“Let me^how you how to get roses,more continuous bloom

W i t h T0 6 e s , t h e s u r p r i s i n g ' s e c r e t o f m o r e b l o o m s i s < ^ 7 n o r e le a v e s !

N o w — w i t h t h e n e w S c o t t s E o m P r o g r a m — i t ’s s o ' e a s y t o k e e p

f o l i a g e s t r o n g a n d h e a l t h y , e v e n " a - b e g i n n e r ^ j o y s s u c c e s s . -

T h i3 a i d i n g a p p l ic a to r ia t h e k e y . I t ’s c a l l e d t h e S c o t t s Z e p h y r ,

a n d i t ^ s d e s i g n e d t o a p p l y n e w H A Z B ^ c o t t s o / ^ ' « - o n e p r o t e c t i o n

a g f l i W i n q p f t f l f l n d d lV f t f lP _ - — — ----------------------------------------- i----------

“ T h 'e ~ H A Z E c o n t a i n e r f i t s a n u g l y i n t h e Z e p h y r . N o t h i n g t o m i c , .

m e a s u r e , f i l l o r s p i l L T o a p p l y , j u s t t > o i n t t h e d e j f l e c to r a t t h e

b a s e o f t h e i ^ e b u s h e s , t u r n t h e c r a n k g e n t l y , a n d w a l k a l o n g t h e

b e d . A n a t o m i z e d d r y m i s t e n V e l o p s ' t h e p h n t r - d e p o s i t i n g ai n e a r l y

i n v i s i b l e h a z e f i l m o n b o t i i t o p e a n d lu id e r s id e a o f t h d l e a v e s . ..

C o m e s e e a n d M v e . y o u ’l l f i n d t h e s e n e w S c o t t s R o s e P r o g r a m

p r o d u c t s a t o i v b i g . B U ( X ^ W IT H B O S E S d i s p l a y .




READ t m i a - r r w s 'w X N T a d s 'r S i t T M e n n t v e n N r a K

GIFTS for MOM. . . for Graduates!. FASHIONS '. F i S h . YOUNG AND'PRETTY! '

Come in and see our dclirjliftil new selections. SIZES 5 to 15, and 10 to 46. HALF SIZES 12';. to 24V-*.

HANDBAGS. Sh^ll {hank you every: “ da'y she Mrrfes your

gift. See our 'sprln?' and «ummer collection

RAMBLERS S .95 to 12.50

---------H EW -«H AF£S_---------- 2 ; 9 8 t o - 4 ; 9 r “


B n n t 'a 'i j i a r l c T e to he r ereat Choose from faah> ion’s Jewelry here . Zndl> TldUBllr boxed.

1 . 0 0 . 2 . 0 0

J-------- Lcins-itflm-plni—. .

HANKIESThe more the n^errfer — hankies for' Momi' Pure Linens and Swiss dainty handkerchiefs.

J lc jJ S c^S s-

So nice for 'Bfother, ' they are in a choice'of lengths and colors. •


Beautiful^ift-W ropping-EREEJ_

"Muu Muu" GOWNS

with sMop liedc, tiny ffsth* ered,sleeves, waltz length, .

' c h a m i in r = f lo r a ! = T ) r ln t f = ^ o i i ^ .Dacron/Nylon/Cotton;,

. sizes S - M - L.

Lovely Stockings—The gift that always thrillsl Exquisite nylons in the pretti­est gift boxes. Fashion-wise colors, sheer beauty,and .avail-.

Page 10: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

■ G E T B N JlM E^N EW S. W I N f a l l s ; IDAHO “THpDAY,-MAY s .'lss i

ciaLFeature- Riebekah Unit

. HbnorsMotfiefsBAOE3U£ANri>I*y B -A ipeel*)

> hono rln r moUier* w m [ » t the Unlcm Rebelub

f i - U

____ s l u t week under' the dlree-~ ^ :o t :M n > J tc lf~ B n n l« H y r rT — :

W lz u e n In the c o o cu t for the m em ber w ith the moet srandch ll' d r e a were' Mr». JM k w oodhe»l


— WooJlhewi-sUo hK l the m o srcn ir dren . Mi». Jo h n 8 t« lc w u th e old- e i t m other and M ri. filU Peutz. th e jroungeat.

E ach w as pre»enled a eonufie from-Mrs. Sardsley by Mrs. George Lenker, eonduelresi. Mrs. Lenkcr a n d 'M n . p c u u . warden, prb»ent> ed each m em ber a card and hand*

— kerchlef rroni Mrs, B ardster. with t M other’s day poem In n c h card.

Poem* were read by Mrs. 0 . P. ' Russell. Mr*. O e n r Overlie, Mr*.

Lea 8eTey and Mrs: Cleitlce . . M w ah, under the direction or Mrs.

Blwood Orlmes, p tosram chilr> m an.. Mrs J lo y d Rom san s "My MoUier-s Bible.- aocompunl ' ' M rs. Ben Taylor, with Mri. and Mrs. PeuU acting ou t the words.

. ...M ra . N oK .nU len . w as,reported 111. by -the olck and visiting eom- m lttee and 33 visitations wer« re­po rted havlnis been made.

M n . Rex McAnulty, chairman ■ of th e eye bank committee, re­

ported on conUcUnB no resident . . aen ibe rs . M rs. Orlmes, -Mrs.

Engagements of-Val ley Misses Are .Announced-v

place her a s fUuutelal secretAry.A trao s fe ’ of m em benhlp of

Mr*. Maurice Berlna to th e soow — DKifi'TUbeuh lodre ia Ketcbum

waa Mkncrwledsed.U n . O m lle aod Mr«. Peuts

aerred refreshm ents, l l i e next m eetlo f wlU be May IS.

AAeet's Program Led by Member

Of th e t-____ ________ ______ .“d by Mra.How ard Todd for th e m eeting last week o f th e H annah circle of the U nited Presbyterian W omens a t th e hom e of K ra. M. K . MeU. Mrs. N eale AmbroM, president, was la cbarge of th e Bible study.

Ha nn ah d re le .wlU be hostess ^ lo r th e May fe llom hlp <t<nn«r to

be senred a t the church Thursday. Mr*. BUly Srow n wUl be the chairm an.

‘VUIUUOQ prosramfl were dls- cussed aad planned by th e group. Refrertxnenta ware aerred by Mrs, Brow n and M rs. NeU DePue.

•, ¥ ' * ¥

-Uni to f Hoi 1 ister—. Slates Purchase

ed to purchase two fiber r u ts for th e basem ent of tbe church a t the

"monthly-aeeUat.r------- ------A work day was obeanred with

th e women cleanlnz th e yard e u ttlo c tb e crass. Flowers will be p lan ted . '

M rs. S tere Paitoor. M rs. Homer - I toberts and M ra._w . J . Lahtln*

m ake 'i rraagem enU fo r a :s - a e o i

WANDA SHAFFER . . . whoM pikrta ti, Mr

Mr«. L. C. lihaffer, asneuoca her e n ticem en t to B ren t II. Cl»«- ■on. Mn of Mrs. lU rry Dodion, lla ie lton . and Jam ee ClawHit, H all.-M ont. M lu Shaffer Is a senlor-at-Twln FalN-hlch'Ktioot.-' CUwMn. a toss cra'doate of Mor- U o |h h lsh iKhoal. is employed by Pkcttlc P ru tt and Prfiduce company. A weddlnjr .date h a t no t been cheaen. (S U ff enfi'av- Inx)

Lincoln Chapter-EJans-4© ssistHI

At OES MeetingSHOSHONE. M ay 0 — Lincoln

chpater No. 42. O rder of Eastern StAT. pJans to a i l s t wJih en ter­ta inm ent a t th e grand chapter meeting to .be held In Twin Fiklls In June.

Mrs. E rnest Boeslger. Mrs. A rth­ur MorUn and M rs. M. R. Brown, worthy m atron, will be the com­m ittee In charge of serving re ­freshm ents a t th e grand chapter meeting.

C harles Pendleton gave the audit r e p o r t Mrs. M artin reported on a v isit to Magic chapter ot Twin Palls. U indm arka of the order were read and explftlned by th e worthy p a tro n , M. R, Brown.

Visitors from o the r chapters In­cluded Mrs. E m m a W ltham . Twin Palls, chap te r No. 39; M rs. a a r a Christensen, W e s t Yellowstone chapter. , and M rs. lA ila Dlnsmore, Carol ehftpter, B anbom ,'la .

Associate m a tro n ftnd patron, Mr.- and M rs. R obert Vaden, pre­sented th e w hite gavel to the worthy m atron.

A birthday anniversary oong was sung for M rs. Bm ery U fer and her dona tion . w as placed f E8TARL fund. -M rs,4 iteyd -K lsllng -reee lved -the -w re t g ift o f th e evening.

A M other’s day poem w u read y th e w orthy m a t r o n and loughU for th e evening were giv­

en by the worthy pa tron and osso- clatA patron.-

Servlng refreshm ents.w ere .M rs. S . Iv 8ha .« , M n . A rthur U arU a and Mrs. Clyde Rapp.

picnic -

Miss Gofford to —Marry-Ted Mraz

BUHL, Mny ft—T h e engagenient of Ju d ith O afford. daughter of J ^ W . O afford and M n . Ralph Skinner; to T ed Mroa, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Wllll&m M raz. h as been

T he bride-elect will be gradu­ated from B uh l h igh school this spring. H er flonce was graduated

and Is em ployed a t th e Jae li M ou bakery.

No deflnlted wedding da l«-hM been selected.

. * * ' ' Date Change fs '

Noted by GroupI m ade -a t lost week's

T he picnic, usually ....... ............fourth Monday of August, will be held the fou rth M onday of July.

A donation w as m ade to the MIh I daho candidate fund . T he pro­gram for the UtAh and Idaho gen­eral meeUng to be he ld In Mlltord, U tah, In Ju n e w as read and dU- cussed.

Mr*. Miles M iller, Mrs. H a« l P a tten and Mrs.. F e rn Wylie were hostesses for cards a n d lunch after th e m eeting. P r t i t s were rtceSved b r Mrs. Carl A lexander, M rs. Jack W esllng and M rs. W illiam Shlllato.

Shower Honors Shoshone Miss

SHOSHONE, Ma t ft—A pre-nup- tla l-show er'W ftaT ic ld 'in 'honoT 'of Earlene Elam a t tb e home of Mrs. R obert Vaden recenUy.

O am es were played w ith prizes going to M » . A rth u r K enier, Mrs. E dward echw agor, M rs. M arls Bur­ton^ Mrs. Dale S d e n and Mrs. Rob^ e rt.Jones.- '- - ..........-

A Ju n e w edding la planned by M lu E lam a n d R onald .Terry.

Cd're o f Y our C hildren...... By ANGELO 'f>XtRf“ "

1—— Mariaiiivteffiiv; Pattern

to consider a teacher’s qualifica­tions fo r h is poet and the ir basis fo r Judgm ent o ften makes me woqder Ju st how close or how fa r aw ay they come to being correct.

r « A iM .in a ^ ■W EEK'S BEWINQ BUT

. ' See how scoUops curve p reU j )---------- Beckltne In terest on th is

^ “ -OL.wJd its c o r o p « > l o a b B A valuable summ er coetume—Ideal fo r cool o r i j o m w eather. Easy-

I sew, too. _ P rin ted

flcaUon fo r • teacher u th a t he be » . f ln a h um uv being. Now' th a t sounds sim ple b u t I t U fa r from being so. A fine hum an being Is th e m ost complex creature on e arth ' b u t anyone who cares to take th e trouble can discover him. H e rad ia tes w hat, fo r a be tter term . I would call hum anity.

P lrs t he Is In sound physical and mentskl health . H e Is. very curious about a ll th a t happens, tmmedl' ately.about.hlm-or-*RywherB*eUJ In - lh e -w o r ld rH e n u k s “ wcstldnL and looks for answers and hopes h e gets th e co rrec t ones. Being a lert h e knows changes are to be expected a n d Is ready for them, |«aiou>_g\»ut^ t m .thev w iii.» nrk-

'T h ls person la generous, kind, bu t has firm opinions about be* havlor tow ard people In general. He likes learn ing ; h e llkea chil­d ren; he likes to work with chil­dren and younff people and to give ttaem .hls best w h e th e r 'a t ploy or a t work.■ W hat about h is education? I n u l d hope h e hod taken h is BA. legree a fte r a ,so u n d study In the hum anities, th a t h e had a t least 60 hours o f study In elementary psychology, had m astered one for> elgn language, knew the subjeet m a tte r thoroughly th o t he hoped to teach a n d was up to da te on it. A fter passing these testa, i would appoint h im feeling th a t h e could take care of th e rest o f hU educa­tion w ithout any* p u sh from any' body.

You see I do no t teacher* need th e a ig h er degrees. A doctor o f philosophy usually Is a studen t, a scholar a n d Is happy being so. ’Th'at d o ^ n o t m ean 'Qiat he U a good teacher. He m ay be, bu t again h e may n o t. I t U n o t the degree, t l ^ m akes th e teacher. I t is Ws perioaaU ty, sum of h is characteristics, W s 'p e c i ^ gifts, h is being a 'f ln eJa u m a n belng.

th a t a teacher take a higher de­gree before ge tting h is customary Increases In sa lary I t is. I im agine, th e only way they con feel safe a ^ t th e l e x e r ’s r ig h t to It.

.......................... 'TPBypnorrJU'm y opinion. Is I t th'e best way. I t ’s th e quality o t th e teacher th a t m erits his pay. A nd don’t te ll me th a t quality does n o t show.

it br "rt* 0*11 5mdle«u)

JU O V R A S n .. whoM eofB gem eot to AS/cl

D ennis M. Sldweli. son o t Mr. and Mr*. Jam es Max Sldweli, Je ­rome, ti arniounced by he r pa r­ents. Mr. and M rs. G. H. R u b ,

.aU o-JereBe. Mlsa-Rash Is a ja n ~ lor * t Jerom e high sehoel and h e r fiance w m graduated from Jerom e bigh school In 19S0 aod 1* sUUoned a t Sheppard air force bane. T rx. No datn for the wedding has been selected. (SU ff engraving)

Jerome Chosen Site for Annual Area Iris Event

JEROME. M ay S - ’TTie Parade of I r is ’* an annual, event sponsored by th e Mnglc V alley I ris society, will tw held Ju n e 3 and 4 a t the Je ffen im school bulW lng on North PHlmoro stree t, Jerom e.

M rs. 8 . M. H arels. Jerom e, and Mrs. T . W. Hicks. T w in Palls, are co-chairm en. O th e r members of th e . general com m ittee Include Mrs. O . D. Call. H un t. Iris Society president, u»d M rs. G uy Kennedy, society secretary. M rs. K ennedy also will a c t a s secretary.

Com mittee c h a i r m e n Include Mrs. Sidney Sm ith , Twin PalU. Judges com m ittee; Mrs. T . W. Hlcksi Tw in Falls, aw ards; Mrs. H arry Morris, hostess, and M n. Bea T tiom ason, Iris sale.

l i i o general com m ittee will handle the schedule. Jerom e mem­bers wUl be in charge al staging and Eden a n d H azelton members headed by M rs. O. D . Call will U ke

ire of reglstratloQ.CljisslficaUon wUl be handled by

W endell members, directed by Mrs. W ilma V ollette, Declo.

A specisl a re* Is being planned for experienced arrangers w ith M ts.-O uy K ennedy-as chairm an.

Jerom e m em bers vU l a c t a s m e cleanup committee. However, hlbltors are asked to be responsible fo r th e ir own .a rrangem en t con- talners.

Seventy-threo classes are sched­uled to be show n including i s ar> ttoUc arrv tgem ento . ,

Linda Haynes to Trade-Prorpises With T. F. Mari

Mr. »nd M ft. U oyd E . H ajnes announce th e engagem ent of theU doughter, L inds' Carol, to Conrai Lee Ebresmaii, son of M r. ani Mrs. Howard E hresm an, Twin Polls. No definite d a te fo r thi wedding'h&s'been chosen .—

Th‘n bride-elect attended Tw» Tmployief

Qreeir Moods. <10 bring ou t accents); Id ah o D aw n; . L — Sunset; D esert Springtim e, (sage or.rocka.accessorles) ;-ldaho-Sym >

contrasts; back to na tu re (natura l containers); InvlUUon class (ex­perienced arrange rs by Invitation only), a n d free lo r a ll ' w lth^ ttle -by -exh f “

pO Is . . . . . . -------- -----------—h e n . Her flsnce was graduated from the local high school In IMO and 1* serving In th e novy a t 'S sa Diego;- The. engagement.wmi announced S t « pkrty gfren by Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard Ehresm an a t th e ir home for m tm b e r r-o f -th e - Im m ed ia te family.

Those a ttending were Mr. and Mrs..Xloyd H ayses; Jk lr..and-M rs. Lester W ard snd Mrs. M argaret Calderwood. all B urley; Mr. end Mrs. Dennis Haynes and Mrs. f ta n k 'E h re s r ■ ' — ‘ “ " and Dennis,Ehresman, brothers of th e pro- specUvt btldesroom,

M # ,Smorgdsb.ord Is

Planned in BuhlBUHL. Moy ^ -U n ite d Presby­

te rian W omen will sponsor a mother-daughter smorgasbord a t e:SO pm . T hursday a t th e F irst Presbyterisn church here.

All women o f the church a re in ­vited with a special Invitation Issued to mothers a n d daugh ters to attend. M embers a re asked to furnish a h o t dUh, salad or dessert and their ow n u b ie serv ice .. .

A , merle wiJhbe shown a n d ’“The Nobles." B uh l's Ijtrbershop qiiartei; will sing. Bkckground din n er music will be furnished on th e organ by.W alter (Cap) Senften.

M rs. Robert Juker Is chairm an

Social Calendar__________ _f_clrclc_.w lU -m «etvrlih Mrs. Albert c;ederb<“ Pillmore street, a t 2 p. m. day. _

W b in a n L e a ^ D e m d n s tra tT o n

n u i n .S ha rp dem onsuaw d tn a ^n g l a ­m ents from .Un cans for the Mx t - Time club.

Mrs. Paul H ash wss hostess for t h s ^ s e t

Win PrizesV e ld a ja y lo r ,^ u l» -F a r r« rn rn iv

Bellevllfe-and B srbora PulJtr celved-Sunshine gifts durlnit t m eeU rig"6fthe Salm on Sojiai e '' T hursday a t ' t h e home o{ m '


Ntrs“Robert Rayl.Pclies fo r games, were won bv

H sie l Rayl a n d Estiier o 'd^]M<tfJorU4towaiu w m .b e -h o a te .i rf ,^


M emberj o f th e El-Lu-MiR-cm. S * iC a m p -« r* -g ro u p -iT O rt— — jnemory books la s t week

" flome of the ir leader. Mrs,‘ Fairchild. T he glris d lseuata I .I hike they took lost week Irom Mr.

Fairchild’s hom e-to Harmon p a r.'

T he Momlngslde club will me'et St 2 p. m. -Wednesday at. the home of Mrs. Eugene Stscy, 6S3 Alturas • ■

T he Goodwill club will meet a t the Twin Palls city park Wednes­day noon and will leave from there (or the M anhattan eafc, Shoshone, w here-4ew-.offlc«r» -■-win-be- In­stalled. All member^ are urged to a ttend the event, which b also the May luncheon.

* *T he T * ln Pulls sixth ward Re­

lief society will m eet a t 0:30 a. m. Wednesdsy a t th e stakehouse on Maurice s tree t north . T h d home nursing lesson will be given by Mrs. L. A. W heeler. O ther features will be making of costume Jeweliy and work on bssaar Items. Anyone wIihln«Tiirorm*UonrTon-i ' ‘ '

Another Suggestion -i Jor Mother’s Day!

a p. m . Friday a t th e home of Mrs. Evelyn Atwood. All members

re-urged to attend.

HAOERMAN - G eneral WSCS wlll m eet a t-the M ethodist church a t 2 j>. m. Wednesday. w lth Mrs. Jr tjn W. Jones and Mrs. Eleanors MoConkey a s hostesses. Mrs. Asa- hel Oridley will have the worship servles snd Mrs. Alfred Sandy, the lesson.

HAOERMAN — A n InltlsUon ceremony will be held s t the American Legion auxiliary meet­ing a t 8 p. m. Thursday a t the Legion hall.

>T he p ast Nobie G rands club will

m eet w ith Mrs. J ; O . Roth, 1510 N in th avenue east, a t 8 p.m. Thursday. All visiting P ast Noble G rands are Invited.

¥ * ♦

Girls HonoredCASTLEFORD, M ay 0-Castle*

ford high school senior girls were honored byjnejnbtrs.oL ihtatbooV s -Future Homemakprs o f America

new! ty b eltpop-on by Ship'n Shore*setting the fashion, with mandarin . collar and pointed tails. No-iron in 65% Dacron*^lyester, 35% cotton.

~-Whit8rnew-icy-past'els.28to-36;----- -In g l St week.

of A m u.« « «

County Agent Is Lesson's Leader

FILER M ay »—T h e lesson •D ress dollars go shopping" glven-by-P larence-S chult* ,-hbm e d e m ou tra tlon agent, a t th e m eet­ing of the Country Pals a t the

sented the program which 1____ed two accordion duets -by Chris­tine G arrison a n d Bethene Patrick, a reading by charlene Kennedy a n d a poem by Epen Chandler, the Mayfair shop

rlnted p e t t m »479: Misses’ - J 13. m; W. IB. s u e

IB ouU lt 3H yards 4S-lnch.Send 50 cents (coins) fo r th is

p a t t « r n . ^ d 10 cents, for

W est 18th stree t. ?ienr_York. i i .• K |Y, ttJ n t 'p Ia ln ly nam e, M d ita s ■ num ber.

' 100 Ptsdilon P ln d s^ th e best. I naw est. m ost beau tifu l prin ted : Pm ttam s fof ^>rlng-Sum m er, U81.I £ e s them all I n o u r brand-new

. d o lo r Q a tU o r .« e a d IS e e o ts n o v l '

L O W E S TX A R P E TP r i c e s :

“Drive Out and SoDc”

W alk eK 's

Page 11: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY, MAY 9,.1961- 4 - ------------------- —


i^lfeprDrives in^As Cowboys Tbp Billings;

and lanky righ thander Ted Dillnrd spaccd 10 h its as the Mairic Vrilloy Cowboys over- •powered the BilllngB Muatnngs 11-2 Slonday night. The victory moved the Cowboys into position fo r a series.with the Idulio Falls Russets, who move into Jaycc park to-

, n igh t fo r a fhree-gam e stand. Game time is 8 p.m. The Russets currently lead the Pioneer league and hold a

Htmt Powers Angels to Win Over Red Sox

Dodgers Nip ¥E jllie¥¥3 In 10 Innings

PH H iA D BLPHlA,0«£y 9 I fT — V e t m a OU H odses doubled home Wnlly Moon M onday n igh t In the lO lh Inning to give tb e Loi Ar.-

___ g e lu Dodser* * -4*3 come>(rom-behind victory over PbUadelphla.

Dick PWTtll. trad e d by the Phil­lies to th e D odsera l u t week, picked up tha .v lc to ry la relict , of S tu n w lU laos, h is tl r a t u a Dods* «r. ParrelT (S-I) c*me on In the #cvejjlh in n to f . a l te r V/UUa DbvIs befted % tw o-ruri h o m e r' In the D o dsen seven th to tie th e same, and allowed the PhlU lei four hits th e reat o f the w ay.

T h e wlnnln* ru n wa» M t up In th e 10th w ith two o u t w hen relief p itcher Otu-U B hort walked Wally M oon. H odses th e n ■ batted , for N orm -l-aH eer-and-pbked a double near the icoreboard . ” -r;

— P a rre ll-w as- ln -ao m e 'tro u b le - ln th e KRli when vUh two ou t Pbl]> Ilea' p lnch-hlttera C U y Dalrymple and Tony Curry slagled. B u t the b is rlBhthander r e ti re d Tony Tay-

£ s 000 soo i i . aPhiladelph ia 000 030 000 0 - 3 7 1

« W illiams,' Parre ll (7) and Roae- ^ b o rd ; O reen, S h o rt (1) and Cole-

W -P% rreU (3-1). L -S h o r t

—Los Angeles, W. D a-Q-1).

T.F.Netters Favored in

-District MeetT h e undefeated T w in ra ils

B rtiln tenn is team Is favored to w in the fourth d is tric t title .here S a turday In playoffs a t Harm on p « k .

T h e B n iln i tun e d up by beltlilg Pocatello ia-4-1 ove r the week-

4 1 1 0 a iim U 1 I tJranlnia 4 8 * t 8«ndrT»If I 0 JKnslHrf 4 0 0 0 Sbecklr lb 4 0 0Tvntndir4 0 1 O FulUrtne 4 0 1L«r.bSb < 0 I OlPMIIIptrf I 0 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i i

Boys singles resu lts (Twin r a i l s a th letes naxned f ln t ) Include B rad H um phreys over Nielsen 6-0, 0-1;D ave M ontgomery over Call 6-4,8-7; Mike Wiley over Bonnell 7-6, H,pb» ib i o o o 7-&, and BUI O uffey lost to TUI- CondiWp i o o om a n fl-2. 0 -9 .2 - e . -----------------------l u « i . » n s m i . 0|• O lrU single, Lois U pe over K n igh t e-S. fl-4; Z^ngdon lost to Petersen 3-«. 0-6: Olsen lost to L ots M , 3-B, a n d Tbrelkeld lost to Jones 1-S, 3-6.

3 o y s doubles. -E u m p tire r a n d ...Uehener over B ohn an d CaU 6-1, re-0; M oatgom ery. an d Jim l in g - LB*w‘onr-G m ltb-and-Pordyoa>.7.6. B i r ^ m ’O uffey-B im -JfeU ^Satter- V b lte over Boblnson and Steele,B-a, 6-3.

Q lrls doubles U p e and I over Anderson a n d Howi— . . fl-1; OUen a n d T h rrik e ld Ued w ith

Mixed doubles. H um phreys and Ltpe over Nielsen a n itK n lg h t 6-1, 6 - i : M ichener a n d Olsen over Robinson « n d L o ts 8-3. 0-6, 6-3; W iley and Langdon over CaU and Peterson 6-4. 0-7, a n d Llagnaw a n d T liretkeld over B oh l a n d And- son 6-3, ,6-4.

WSU Nips Vandals ^In;Ri>aUnning^ HOSO O W ,:M a7 '« » - A n ln th ■ b n ln g hom enm liy -catcher . P a t T croS k b rought th e W ashington

S to te C o u g m - ------ --—

Monday..T lie hom enm b la s t by Crook

-■palked * uprt«lny ■W 8U th a t sen t th e Cougars o u t _ fro n t, a lthough th e V e back strongly In th e ir ha lf o f the n in th w ith a ru n a n d th e tying ru n on th ird .

Id ah o took a 9-0 lead In th e f irs t and made I t hold u n til the n in th . W S 0 had picked up a lone ru n in th e seventh w hen Crook came hom e on a single by Nick August.

StandingsriONkKB LSACUt^

n o u # _______1 M»roeaulla ............ 7 S .4«TM«k.V»Uw S.. .T - .‘IT

Wr. i - v l ;------------ - 19. joo

three-game edge over the Cowboys. Allen, who w ent Into ihc Bamc.hlltlng_ODly_,154.>howr. e<l the power m anager Jack P hil­lips alwaj’s m aintained the 18* year-old second baseman had.

He drew walks h is . f irst two Unles up, one coming w itli the bases loaded to pick up an easy rbl. But the nex t three came even easier as he picked ou t a * * p itch and drove It o n a.Une righ t ccnlerfleld.. I n the #cvcnlh” Ufe’ bMpeet*cled

second baseman h it a towering drive over the fence In dead cen- tcrfield with Jo h n W eghorn aboard.

Dillard, who showed superlaUve control In walking only one m an— th a rm i-» -J -J eoun t-b recM d m er- •rily along“lhrough the first five Innings, giving up only three hits along th e '^ ay .

Billings got to him In th e sixth for two n ins w h e n Bob Dews doubled and B e e U ndsey . and Charlie Jennings followed w ith omglea.- A wild 'p ltch- le t U ndseyc a rrr - th e -s fo o n d -iu a -h w n e i_____

-Jo h-n-W eghorn—t h e - O .......

three hits, b u t no runs, of th e n in th inn ing before D iU ard..could. safely.. c o u n - game In the bag. '

Meanwhile,' t h e , Cowboys' were strUUng hard a n d early. Barry Pu l- le rton belted a tw o-rb t'sing le In the first to score W eghorn and Allen, who had walked.

In the second, Billings sU rter and loser, BUI Cundlff. gave up a double to AI D urllng and a single to Gary Curkendall and then wtklked four m en to force two n m s In.

Allen unloaded h is th ree-run b last In the th ird and t o j ^ It oft with h is .towering sh o t In the seventh. '

B ary Curkendall, w ho entered the game with a JIB average, got fou r-h lU -h ls f irs t- fo u r’ times- up bu t then bad to se ttle for two force outs. He came o u t w ith sha rp four-for>«lx n ight.

•brbrUOlM.ViiIIrr > brh t«nrlb-S

Hilie vuirr —...—I. wu cvx—iK—Ot«l, XaoirlM. FO>A—Dtlinn t4*

1», M«l«-V4Un « • « . LOD-OIUII.H I. ^XWD<wi!^JnDlst« I. Dsillac. lift—

Caadlff Lt i —

GibblsIVIain Speaker at Bulll Banquet

BUHL. May ^ " C t i ^ a u Just dod’t happen. I t takes h a rd work and dedleatibn," sa id R obert Olbb, fo n n tr U niversity’, o f Idaho a th - letio director a t the B uh l a thletic banquet.M onday n igh t. ' .

He.:.ouUlnfd;.a_flye..polat_prfr- *.............. h is sU tcm ent.

o t«ham .work; be able . t o ___ ..p repare tbem selves .bo th menUUy and physically, and have fa ith In

a n d d lstrlc tr iln n e r-u p plaque. J a r r e s Dowd,- stu d e n t body presi­

d e n t and member of bo th w inning teams, j) ru en U d th e trophies to Elwood <Rip) Q ledhlU rhlgh school prindpel.

O arry Matlock, th e Indians nd s ta r , received

the outstandlrw hich is based _________academic achievem ent a s weU as a thletla prowess.

Jensen Repents Hasty Benartureweek h e was quitting basebaU for good, rejoined th e Boston R A Sox M onday n igh t and sa id he had

• and regretU ble de-

. Jensen, who quit- once before and returned. Issued a b rief m im -

' 's U U m e n t H e would

K-PITCHKE’DIEB - ■ a a r a o y o A N P A ix a , w is . M a r f tf>-John‘W. Wyokoff. 6#, a for-

- “ -her. with tbe Philadelphia , . and toe Boston Red —

1 Monday a \ his hoae.

Cleveland, and. a s I've already told M ike B iggins. ; Z regret n o t only th a t decislon-but also th e m anner in which t le ft the (eafi. I h a n ­dled i t badly and I've apologised to Mike aad te thfl-ehib.“ - > .v.'

icss?T6iP:A uto Insurance?O ndsr Age< Ov«r Age, Peer : D r l v ^ B eee i^ ' 'Bte.T

" W e l n 8 U M ~ Y o u f


. lU Sba. 8L No. - BE S-U7«

d a y -n ig h t - o s (he L o s-A n g e la AngelsAnfieU defeated Bolton 6-5 a fte r 'a lm ost blowing a’ flve-i lead.

Jsckle Jensen , who announced la s t week he was quitting baseball, rejoined the Red S ox-M onday n igh t and h i t a liom erun ' aod ' a single in h b only l*-o offlclal-Um ei a t ba t. He also-walke<J'twlee and h e scored tw o of Boston's

Tlie V i c t o r y wns the third s tra ig h t for the Angels and It inoved them tb-wjuuri u half game o f the tcventh-plabe R ed Sox.

Tlie AngelA got l i h its off four Boston pitchers, S t a r t e r Gene Conley was tnitsed for the f irst eigh t and suffered Ms yciond lots

B osion .......... 000 030 300— 9 S 0Los Angeles I3i oio O O x -6 11

Conley, NlchoU (4), Hillm an (5), Stalln rd (7) and Nixon; McBride. Bon-sfleld <0), Morgan (7) tfnd Averlll. W — McBride <2-3). L —Conley ( 1 - 3 ) 7 ......................‘ Homemns — Boston, Jensen (1), Los Angeles; I ju n t (3);

Great Falls Is 7-4 Winner Over Braves

GREAT FALLS, M ay 9 ifl — G re at Palls bea^ Boise 7-4 M on- day n ight a s the Braves muffed th e bol la t several c rucial points a n d despite hcm enins by Mario d a s and K en Itoesler.

.T here were- costly Boise errors b u t a couple o f good double plays w hich stopped rallies, too.

I n the f irs t inning fo r the

e r's choice. B u t two singles fol­lowed and a walk to W endy W ear forced In one run. Jay A m ette h i t Into » double play.

In the th ird Dom Carrasquel singled In a ru n bu t W ear walked again and fUled the bases. John V an O m um . h it to righ t field w here Itoesler caught I t and threw ou t Dick McLaughlin a t home.

In the f if th Lou sn lpp ' aafe and w en t to aecond -on athrowing e rro r. A wUc.....................h im ' to th i r d where a insled h im home.IMm >b r h rbllOmt Fmlb ab r h

C«mnSb 4 0 0 O U<UIn» 4 1 iX 0P«ilb4 0 1 S Cnqutlu 4 I 4CUIftDM 4 0 e 0 WMrlb t 0. 0CuUwnef 4 0 1 0 Arn«tUcf 4 0 0E s ; ; , - . t i ! ! » ■ • ! ! !

7^l»l. “ l l ” *!! ToUlJ u ~ n ' ■—Slrvck otit (er 6i>«rre« In Mh.

Cm* 101 oi?E—G«nn t . CltrWB. Sbfm ir Z. FC

LOO—D»Im 4. Ortat Falli D. Sb -rra tll, Culluni. -McClur*. Sblnn,

noMltr. 811 — C>mi4UiLa r —Kcctur*.ab .f«w L _ ^ •- ••

. BOWL4DBOUS W aata's C k s ^ Lw n«

h n M m ta <taU m tt« t-1.n a TirUUr* tpUl Kl» and Tbckm .M Is r = £ i £ - . , s ' “r s i s “c ^ i- , ;2-]; flUihn Jilt «bS Mlu S-1.T S K r r . - t e . ' i a i r . K !i

•tua soil biKb W d k ip tmm wriM.blfli Mrtuli Im b

„*** ■ V trcluB k/'^ 'cM Cloa Book S ian M m M Okar Fo«a

C n u n Utilud OU C«. dtt««U4 lion* «ad Ooat S -t| UbIob ««■

. HIrt IfrflWdwt w i« . Mibi - •illfh M lrldm l n n x . Mika Frltara. i^ rrr T.rlor MSs hl(b IbJI.Wu.I parlM. nudr PluU tM t bixh Kraleh tMm tam>. ClM llenk B»r« ! » • ------ --------

tM a .M

;RTM«n INvwiKlad'^afMlad T*ln


■ •» !« , Unl«a Moten

‘ iadlrUual tinif, Dmb* BeUlaK

Failt Daaurowvn ««m . hMan bUh fcLidk:!!In tbllcbui Bowlit if’ uiV WMk, ZMlf


J U I X T IV E N T AT ' M y j: e e B A a .P A R K


FburtK District Frosh-Soph Meet

0 New York for Four Players.LOS ANGELES, May 9 (/P)— The Los AnRoles Anffcla Monday announced a four-

for-two player swap w ith the New York Yankee.<« — outfielder Bob Ccrv and pitcher Tex Clevenger of the Anfiel.<i fo r pitcher. Rypc Difron, p itcher Johnny James, outfield- er-Leroy-Thom na-and an uniinmed-onlfieldor of the Yanks. The Anncls, new entrj* in the Am erican leapue lonjr dominutod by the New Yorkers, culled it "our

and most im portant deal." A .Hpoke.smnn liaid the Angel b ro u feejs Duren wllV help the chib more than ClevenKcr, fo r­merly wllh Uie WnshlnRtoii S e n ­a to rs and Boston Red Sox.„T l) ngels'-si«U ». iseffective ImmedlttUly._______ • ._!■'— C cnerarm nnager ^ re d H aney of

McGraw Paces I.F. to Win ©v^tChiefs —

POCATELLO. M ay 0 Power- h lttlng Tom m y M cCmw belted two 'hom eruns a n d a trip le Monday n igh t to lead th e league-leading Idaho Palls R u sset Sox to a - -

th e AngeLi and h is Yankee coun­te rpart. Roy Hamey, concluded U»o- ncgoliations here . ,

Tlie Ansel . spokesm an. «vdded th a t while they w anted D uren . "Clevenger was probably th e key

= M cC raw rthe-league’a -to p -h o in e -lo f: therun h itte r w ith five, drove . In a total of (our ru n s. H is tr ip le in tlie first sen t one ru n home, H e had a solo hom er In 'th e th ird and tu t a tw o-run hom er In th e sixth.

n ig h th a n le r T ^ d c lsc o Carlos gave up 11 h i ts to Pocatello, but proved steady i n the rc lu tchea and went all th e w ^ . Five Pocatello

Idaho Palls scored In every In. ning bu t the fo u rth and e ighth.

• rbl I'ouUtlo a b rb ib

ts ;! i I i !t.. I lkktb (

Crtlphr l( 4 WoJclk* t Ii4«nlaa >

0 I aula rf » t 1 0 Rynoldt If I

1 1 Wansp I I 0 0 OM itp e

f e - !

ToUlf JS S . . . OpMt la Ilb : b—

K-Fratui, AU t . Tal«ntln i. TO-A- Maho Kalb tVS. Pocatalto K-IS. O F- HeCall and H cCnw: ValUdaru,

t a , - .

DUrcn. 317 ts-one-o( the fastest pitchers In the m ajors but has been troubled th rough his career by w ildnus. D uren had an 0-1

■ record with the Y anks th is season, i Clevenger.'38, p itched In 13 of th e . AngeLV firs t 10. games a n d h a d an. earned ru n Average of less Utan 3.00. lie won -two and los(

In relief th is year, b u t D uren has ft more impreulve relief record over the years.

T he Yankees undoubieilly w an t­ed Cerv to add strength to' th e ir bench. T ltcy. lo s t .h im an d -D a le Long. a lsQ _D lnch-hlttef-lftst-sca. son . In the special American league p layer d ra ft held last wlnler. to s tock ' (he league's two new clubs — the Angels and the Senators.

I n Knjjsas City, where tlie Y anks piny tije A’s Tuesday night, Yaft- kee manikger Ralph llouk sa id he in tend f to use Cerv ••primarily a piiich h itle r and occasionally a stiirtliiK ' buttieider lit th e sec­o n d game of double-headers and tim es like that. He tills our im ­p o r tan t need — a right bonded p inch h itte r .

.TV. 34, hn»_ spen t Ills lO-year career ' / « H:e T najors' stiutcllng buck and forth between New York and K ansas City. Ho had h is best season In 19SB when he h it .305 for K ansas City, d riving In 104 runs and hitting 38 hom ers. Ho ap ­peared In 18 games for Los A n­geles, but was h ittin g only about .200. • •

James, 38-year-old rlgiit-hander. had a 4.40 earned run average w ith New York la s t year. Hefive and lo.<it one. He also ___three and lost two la st year w ith th e Yankee fa rm d u b a t R ich ­mond.

Thomas, 35, w ho baU le ft h a n d ­e d and throws r igh t; h it .340 for Richmond la st season. He h as b a t­te d bu t twice for th e Y anks th is y ear and hod one h it.

Observers felt th a t Angel m o­tives fo r thB deal m ight Include th e need to acquire an additional sU rtln g pitcher — Jam es. T hey badly need an additional capable s ta rter .

Clevenger has pltch6il_#uperbly

S la ted l^ ^ n esd a ^meet will bo conducted at. 3 p.m. Wcdneaday a t the Twin Falla track.-Tho m eet, which will iiidude freshmen and sophomores not golnff to the var.sity regional^ here Sat- urday, Rives area coaches a chance to compare their nros.pccts airainst Magic V alley------ ------------------------- ^schools fo r fu ture years.

Second Hoopsti

Tw in Falls is rated a favorite .... dep th .alone. a lth o u g h ls .ls .th e m eet one school usually provides

individual t l » t dominates the t i r e field. Last year Rnv

Schnabel, Mlnlco. se t th ree recont* In the best Individual showing of the season.

T he oldest record on th e book* Is a 5-foot, B-lnch high Jump by Ray H endrix ,'Tw in Palis, se t In li)62.-Nlne-Tecords"wero” s e n a s l ' year.

Mlnlco's H elner, a freshm an, threatens the pole' v au lt record se t a t 10 feet, s Inches by Schnabel la s t year. Oregg Flint, Tw in PalLi freshm an, and 'M iller. Mlnlco, an ­other fro.ih. have equalled the 10,7 record In tlie IOO-y»rd dasli. Art Vandenbark. Tw in Palls, has an o u is ld e-« h o t-a t-th e mile m ark— 6:03,7. - •

Once again Twin P a lls Is pected to score heavily In the hur­dles w ltlj . Bob MeClusky. Tbm RobertMn end D an Sm ith. The Junior Bhilns also should garner

Heavy Action Lined up for

Has Tuberculosis•OLEAN. N. Y . May B OIPO — A

doctor confirmed Monday tt^at a secood member of the S t Bonaven- tu re basketball U nm , sophomore Preddy. Crawford, has tuberculo­sis.

Crawford's physician 'said tiukt th e 20-year-old toru-ard has the dbease In both lungs.

Crawford, from New York c ity , as a roommate of all-America

Tom Sm itli, who was stricken with th e disease In one lung. S tlth was transfe rred to Mt. Morris Sanato­riu m n e a r Rochester last Prlday a f te r f in a l tests la s t week firm ed th a t he had IB .

Crawford has been in St. P ra n - els hospital since Saturday. He tm d a ll m em ben of the school's a th le tic team s and coaching s ta ff w ere X -rayed a fte r SUlh'a case w as conflnned.

Thynk Again, a 3-year-old bay gelding, is ' aptly named. H e's by T hym us-R econsider ou t o f Re' voked.

Mat ProgramA women's m atch and a "winner

take all" battle feature Tuesday's pro.wrestling program -at the R a -—

IqTtoirdevbo'. Matches b ^ a t" '- ';30 p.m.T he a-omen’s m atch pits ilestle

Rogers against D ot D otson ..Tlie second bout pits Pete Coll-

Ingi. Burley, a 300-pounder, agalns Ihgs, B u r l e y , a 300 .-pounder, pound mass or muscle. The boutw as.set up la st week when C oll.__Ings. sitting In the audience, dls- and.lM ued-thechallengc.'TourTllle— and Issued the chalenge. Tounlilo accepted. .

The “Winner take a li’’-batUe plU Tourvllle, u k ln g -o n double duty, against Don (O ^ Anderson. Ap t _

Bevenu of the area’s outstanding Rtata__wlll no pete. Doug Schow. Tw in Palls, se t the 230- yard records as a freshm an but won't defend th is year. Joe McCol­lum, Tw in Falls. Is a cinch to be tter both the low hurdles and lOO-yard dash'-m arks bu t a lso-Is being held ou t for varsity region* a b . Freshm an Curtis. B aton set the varsity district sho tpu t mark la st week-end and also will pass up W ednesday's event.


Monday n igh t won the Suropesin basketball championship fo r the th ird s tra ig h t year and th e .f if th tim e since. W orld w ar H , beating Yugoslavia' 00-53.___________.

- i r Y o u - p t A H T ' n OR f e e d i t

GLOBE SEED'W ill Hare U.


----- — ______ ,,_tf“be-lleves he's the m an to take the wind o u to f AndersonVM tls.-

A special bout wiU p it th e B at against Al Pago Pago.

Promoter Cliff, Thiede la id this special program h as ..been a r ­ranged to thank area fans f o t t h e l r _


iM tRumforYAaW P roet« «chlef»tiin40>,l«e^YBrti



D o n 't s e t ra l lie d . G e t« Dodge. R u g g e d . R u s t-p ro o fe d . W elded

" f a t h i r i h a n ' t S liru£S off b u m p s , crac k s, and y e a rs o f lo u g h serv ice. B uilt lo do (h e J o b and k e e p q u ie t a b o u t i t

It’s fa r th e r be iw een g a s s tops on today’s su p e rh lg h w a y l ' T h a t's w lia l o u r susp e n sio n w a s U*s f a r th e r betw e e n g a s stop^ in a D odge, to o . ReasonT m a defor.lfscalledT orsion»A lre.

I D odge en g in ^^ Two. sn a p p y n ew S ix es fo r D odge L an cer. Your choice o f a sp irited S ix o r o n e o f n va V 8s fo r D odge D a r t D odge o w ners can re la x , in easy ^ liv in ; s e a ts , a n d w atch th e g a s p um ps flash b y .

I t uses o ff-cen ter s p r in g in t h t rea r , to rsion b a rs In f r o n t T ak es I firm s ta n d ag a in s t roll, sw ay, d ip, a n d s q u a t T v I t a n d see .

W hy d o e s D odge Dfpvlde a . th fe a . sp e e d a u to m a tic transm ission fo r bo ih th e ir s t a n d a rd -a n d th e ir co m p a c t cars? t o g ive you th a t a d d e d -p u n c h fo r sa fe r p ass ing r ig h t w hen j^qu n eed i t m o s t

D o n 't ru n d o w n y o u r b a tte ry e v ery B m e y o u r en g in e I d l e i - .Your b a t te ry w on’t la s t very lo n g jlh a t w y . G et a D odge. Y ou’ll g e t a n a l te m a to r ln s t^ d o f a n n v e n t lo n a l g e n e ra to r. - A nd a n a l te rn a to r c h a rg e s y our b a tte ry w h ile y o u r e ng ine

, l d l e s . ^ o o d n ew s. A lle rh a to rs .n e e d le s s se rv ic e l h a i c o n v e n tio n a l g e n e ra to rs , too . A nd Itia l s a v e s y o u m oney.

- f - - f i l v e l o w u p k e e p t h e h lg h s lg i ia l ' - . . y our D odge d e a le i 's . H e’s pricing

th e full-si2e DodgB O a rt a s low ■. a s an y s ta n d a rd s ize ' n r ; a n d . th e co m p ac t U n M r t i g h t a tong w ith Ih es trip p ^ d d o w ii c o m p a c t i '




T uesday, M ay 9

T W I N . F A U t S — B O B . R p E M O T O R C O M R A N Y , S O O . S o c o n d A v e n u a S o u t h - G 0 0 b l N G f - 4 H A R B A g ^ ; * A ^ ( ^ C O . , . I N C ; 5 0 0 / M a i i } , _ S t

B U R U Y — B U R L E Y M O T O R CO.] I N C . , 1 1 3 7 O v e d o n d A y e . - ■ R U P E I J T - ^ U P E ^ . A S r a ' ^ R V I c i ^ ^ ^

1 . . ; ........- • . . . '.

Page 12: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


Times-News ComicsReading Fun for the Entire FamiSy

DanM Halt

Page 13: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY, K A X jd j_ im ’TIMES-NEWS. t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO I B N '-


! = < : . , T i S ' f l S t T S s f r e V r t ' C S y S... .. .............. ....... ... ............ ... ........ „,b»tai .J io - lB n n r

Mirlih sC m IIIiik br

twion—Mli»i«| V»>li bujtlniIlqaiaiUon.

CMofSIWhMV—lllilwr: •CWX"'! •<'cn<n4.Com—Kaiirr: trxW.0«l>~-KMl*r vllh tarn.

!«• I'llHm »— 10 »i— ......c,iii»—aii««ht»f ------

!( ccnli bl(b«ri tup t:i .! I..P tIT.TI.

i NEW YORK, May 9 lUPD—Stocks ' hoved e r r a t i c a l l y In ano ther

»um lnK tfldav. eloalng ntheir beal level* with th e llclccr

tApe running late In Iho final hall*

W lih th e popular morlcet Indl- a ilor* »ueiiRU»enlrtg n e a r th e rin- l9 li -b u t no t enough to show a deflnlte-trend-volum B crM ked the tlve.mUIIon ahare marlc lo r the •econd consecutive lession..

Defense lssue.i asn ln today toolc the ipo tllsh t nwny /roh» the .other, m ajor sroups. A vnet stArred In the (tlamor BweepxUlces. loslnK more Chan Mven a lte r slop orders on the Issue were banned. LlnR>

—Temoo rose nearly two a l te r a big rU« yesterday and Phllco suddenly

—cam e to m e-in.m ld»attem oon-w lth a Bain' o t more than ihree i . -

Cessna added rounhly two In the •IrcrafU were BoelnR, tm d ln s ex-

. d U ^end . tacked on close t o n point

be contlnuedr Texas Inatiiinienta and .IB M slid o tt a round .....

. . . . . b»rfowt' Us )•: lb«. i«.o«i IJ s;-WM IN. J80.n.U,M. :u«] na Milr m Im.

II«» ISO; n.linl.1.: «

t iMd Oi 111, •

■■nil hish rta^ ' h> avcrac' chale* miilt hflti'iml to » tr* i* eholet

{ » .u i lb. r>t MUm told t i :t u - i .n s ibi. ::.otf>:2.M: utiiit/ co<n I4.W.I7.SJ.S h M j > J , a o o . j ^ « M « I 0P i l n u f B l wh lfhir: tn i tlxarlnc UmlM• IMiHi-.' •prim Umb* n«l yn nUblUhM:rhoir* •»<! prim* oooM old -nrp larebi

•oUto-fMd 4 1- 11.01).


fractionally mixed n'hlle chemleald perked up after an easier s ta rt.

. D uPont rose over a po in t and Celanese Rained over two while

■ ’Amerace a t lU best.w na up five

C o p t^ 's to ck a also flrihed lole the session, featurlnir ph->—

TOodge and M ajna up well ov . point, on hope for a n o th e r red

m etal price Increase spu rred by a fu rther boost In scrap prices.

Kerr-McGee lost nearly two in

«ie oils. Brtstol-Myers. trftdlni; ex- ivldend. was up.lW In the drous. Helene Curtus. which boosted lU

dividend yesterday, rose ano ther point In the cosmetics a n d m m lly

------Finance Jumped about th rce ln .th efinance section.

____U _ tr f ld ln s _ « a J n r_ th l« ^ k has"proved anythlnc It Is th a P a i r th e

bullish brokernRe forecasts in the world do no t necessarily, send the m arket ahead.

Nearly all the m a rk e t le tte rs published since M cnday’a c-penlnR

- have been forecostlnR a quick Jump In the Dow Jones average throuRh llA recent record high , bu t a t the present time th e m arke t Is fu rther below this level th a n it

- was lost Prldny, However. Wall ' ' a tm te ra itlll Insist th e m arket

in u it climb again—a n d Boon................ aolcs on th e New Yorlc stock

exchanRe totaled S.380.000 today against 5.170.000 yesterday.

lf»a._optntd_i»Uier-ilo>»._lii»r jnoitt~ ttt lr pilcM itMtlr t" M Io<««rjU.'l K1 IM.»0 lb(. l«.DI>-l«.ei): top 1I1.7S. , CMlk IMOOi » l> « '23: fltushttr • l« r . >nd h tlfm »low. compkl<4 - wMli t« mottlir 1( l»wrr, but mii,...., m il In <{ri( hindt: toorf (o bl((> thoht H M t : i .u - u . t0; tn<Mt (ood and chalea :i.2}.23.:i;*(00d to hIsh cholca bflfrra 20.S0.:] .:} ; mot cholc*M.2S: CK.I •laaJy to Zi lowvr, ____orr SO: Iitllitr and <umiu>relal malniy U.0O.IT.01),

tihr^p t,«00; modaraUir aeti.a. ti-iD hlihar: (lh>k*anU prima lb. apcinzlamba cboir* «llh faw prIma PS lb. aborn ftldirrop lamba No. 1 pall

arwnd 101 Iba. full fall aWi. rrlti IS.Oi; cholca 104 Iba. No, I palU H.2S: moillr abotca ItT lb. (all ahorn

mba, wllh aoma jtrarllnst t.iO.OIICACO

.CHICAGO, liar * (USDA)—llosaround 7o“ hnd mMtfj ?a IKMIfl 'f uuhara ll.H : mliad ].J I ia .» ( II;

K . S f c l T . s J l ' m i . i d * J - V ^ n d ^ t . s i t s i . . ba.-ll.00>l«.M|,mUaJ.U.aB4.aa.lCO4IM......................................... lOatlr


CattU 4.0MI ciUraa lOOt alaurhtara ataadr I

> /aw loada ‘ ' a prima


.. blihti........................_.SJ-24.M.or bllb cholca and cholca ...... _

d l,IM.|,4»« Iba. 24.TMS.00: (oo<...S0-:2.(0; «bolc« balfaia U.e»-2J.S0 cood 20.t0.22.Ul; ulllilr and eommarclal uara lt.1S.l1,SO; ulllllr and cemmrrcUl

'urn and I.OOS8,00-2».0«i load o(- >ra 24,to; load tr

'' '8hMp'"»V:'*al»*u»hiar k ........... .. hlgbar! et thnlc# and prima

Stock Averages

124.t i:«.0 2U.1 lao.o i:x.o !<i.i

— 1U.S--- tlft.4NCTf rn rn t htock rxciiA N fie ......YonK. Mar »

. - r t ^ r r . Cl>r

s : : i!ij


Am Mo^on

Am ToSJcO ‘i i S <!*•JSrJU !ia K?.*rArmour 4* PmnfrAT a s r 2«1i Pcnr. nil Allanlle Rat (T 1'<P>I.|:

Crpaum-ctn ifu— i»«r * - * - 15??

— again In the Bseendener on the « to c ? m M k -e tn r r ia -X K tth » r iA j | Invested position U a tlll advised^

However, the S and P publlea' Uon •■Outlook" w arm , a tten tion should be paid to sw itching opera­tions. parUeularly -w lth regard to

11(11 a Howtll i;: Ilandli t:

—llalh.Staal. . <i Iloalni 4'

■ Ilordcn 11llrunioltk >'

....... MorflaES'aSPullman ____

uiina. parucuiariy -w iu i recerta in la il movers t h a f t . ........ta ll a alteable elem ent of risk. F unds a re best placed In Issues thac are no t over-d lscountln^thelr foreseeable potenUols, I t aays.

T h is week s ta n d ard h as also published a lis t of seven speclol situations, suggested for package

“ ■■ w hich U says pro-

Cal Tratlor CtlanaaaOalotai .

. Oirralar

■ Jii; Ilry Tobacco ll»U Z4’k lUabdald O il. «SU m 2 n»a l Dutcb 4tl4JSi! safawar

. 3t(i Scbenla/.

9 0 o1«.ratm C<inl Can ('.ont Oil

4 = 4 i i i41% AInc

sI ••acll.d 2.:<,

(i.-;ii - 2i» : s u r n r .n a . - - ; l |zCudah/ lOH Sian Oil Cil U'ACurtlia.Wrlllit :0 Sian Oil Ind Uni D « , AlrtrV JJV. Hun Oil N JDow Chan 1j4> H'ati Pach 21BuPant • JOtll Bludabalcar Tj;

;n m “ !Ia MW T«aa C o ^ lOJiJKord llolnr m 1 T.* «;»ilf Sul UVr»r;»rt8ul >1 i T.» Itialni J»« ,Crn Drnamka ssii Tailron 2S>,Can Klac «4H Thiokol 4lli;Can rooda HU Tlmkfn

.Ran Motors 4«^ Tr«n> A.....

irS > S '. .T . i K B S t i i . u !Crrrbound. Alrllnaa 4Ogir 041 -42' Hn A lrer.ft ' 4{ftmaaiaka ' 4 t 'i tin Cerpdaho Powar «2j. U# Frull I

■^-^JaBfaU u.hl# «X»tin««'t'*** II Kar>»l<i;a. ' JW|S 7 .V , . , ■■Loakhaad- LorillanI

AUBniCAN BSCRANCi: ■NEW YOU. M«|r * ( «— lalai

iSkKla.'^n'A <1 } |< Tachalfolor U<2 JI41 UUh Ida BW.. SK


P u b lic Show"‘Of FUm warBe Thursday

B p ,ip . Thursday a t the-A m erican

- f - l l l l l . M t . ' a n d ’ > r n n H i n i h i a x n l I i r a . l l n i i < ; i < l > i

K outnlkott 12 tol Koutnlk said the 4J.m lnuie film

will be aho«'n free of c lu rg e . The „ . , , l l lm has been shown by sen lee nh. elubs and other organizations In

c'lMa ahorfir baCora'the poAt ftw wecks. buc th is will , , . I .tb e the llrs t public showing.

V ri7ihi‘Tb.m' liJ "Operouon Abolition" U a docu» •Upiim bacau.a nfim entary film on tlie rio ts which

.•.lii..-_jauU_mulsiuit|occurred a t 8an Francisco clly hall• I l a h t l ; a

•No StarsW ASHWQTON. May.a.HV-A.

bet-UAd riding wlU) niitronaut Alan B. Shepard. Jr., on his flight Into space Prlday, now*, men learned a t the navy

.tcrday.,^e - y w

DeatlFClaim¥ Mi’sillcynolds At A^e of 85

U kt *. l*lt (i'ran ,»»arla kf llaraai a( naalaiaallan,

Caalratnl-tfarrar’and-csopar. .....•Ilaf parllaa)

.■•lalloii- • -Dlach. Of C on ti-raar.d

miiri w n llt^ la I^ ^~tlt ^7 space capsule 115 mllp.i above the E arth In full daylight.

Shcpnrd couldn 't see the con* stellatlonA. so .U eu t . Col. John Oleiin of the marine corp.i will pay off a aleak dinner to Capt, VIrgll (QU.M QrUsoii) of the air force. ,

Mrs. Ornee Kranccs R o ’nold.'. &>. 33irBKTOtlrRftnUfc=woab-rfU«l_al 8:15 a, m. Tue-tday a t a local rest home a flc r a prolonged lllneM.

Man Collapsesbalm takan

li«)'baan«-al' r actUllr.

1 < H i U l < l a m a i k a l a t

. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . -i n o m i n a l .n ■.< I" I h l E h a r ; N o . 2 J t a l l o w , ; . K o . a r a l l u o t , 124. IS; N o . '» l.« l 1.111 N... « rallow l.M'.;S yallcm' aampla fra<II UBctansrd' ia

hM »V'"VuJ''rr^’

IMrltr mtlilnc 1.IO-1.20 nominalu n r h a n i ' d ; N o . 1

during-hearings o t the hoiue m ittee on un*Amerlcan actlvltlr*.,

Oroups who defend th e film say - - cItlMns have an obligation ta be _

a lert to the subversive menace of A f f m * A«n a'arir In ternational communltm .---------- .-i. n k l l V / J .n htf'i.a irm.ial Somc in'oups have charged Uie; n r i c c »«.„ o _ t ^ t

....1 Pmnci«cA_B0llc0 were brutal!®®*** Justice of the Peace^thM? h S ^ ^ Of th ? rio ^^ ^^ ^ ' ‘rsoi",. Monday, for fall-

students |Ure to drive In a prudent and reas*Tlie charges have been 'fepeitted onable m anner,

and amw ered In congress and by m ajor Circulation mBgailne*. Many newspnpfrs have voiced editorial comment. . - —. •—"People sh o u ld -d o -m o re than Just read the proa and con* of th is f llm rth e y -e h u ld see It and m nV enhdrow n Judgments," K out­n lk said. The showing Is sponsored bjLJlie. - -

1878. a t Toulon. III. She'.wns mu rled to the Hev. H: J . neynolds Toulon Oct. 12. 18D8. She was member of the T u ln .PalU ChrL'Mlan church and th e Loyal Bible cliuM,

Tlie Rev. Mr. Reynold.^ preced­ed her III denih on Oct. 27,'IS48,

Twin PalLi. They had lived In Tu lil Pnlls alnci-1 0 3 0 .-------!-----

BfUjirada.a:i plump, i.oa

■CHICAC!0."H.riW h ..t-’' ' “ "

War ....,l,M'i J.HiJuly — I.Bt I.HiSapi i.aiDa« ..... I.KS t.tlMar .... 2.01% 2.0C

CornI'uir r,r.V,'r«^i i:”

OaUi i S ; : : ; :

r i.Mt*

!;> 'k

Mm. Reynolds U survived, by flaughler, Mr*. U. N. Terry, and one son. Jam es c . Reynold.\ both T«'ln Kalb; five Krimcinidrcn and five' greftl-grniidchlldvcit. She xvn.i p recedW ln death by th ree chil­dren, , «-

Funernl fervlcfs will be h d d a t 2:30 p. in. Friday nt the Reynolds funeral chapel, with tlie Rev. Donald L. Hoffmnn. Tw in Falla F irs t Christian church, olflelat' Ing.

He was lalien to Gooding Me- mqflnl ho-'piial for X-roys, His condition was listed as good to-

|lo n ' po.1t No. '

T he accident-occurred a t 4:45 p.m. Monday a t th e InterxecUon of U.S. hlghtfny 30 and auiKf high- ways 30 attd 30 one-quarter mile east of Bll&s.

n-Ch»OT-nlr^ pnnrl truck


wbolaaala,—prompt—d»ll»rry;—bulit—ton; fob track Portland! OaU, No. 2. !lll-lb. Wli*

IHMlar'a cloaa. Portland Grain £<. cbantai

" irlar bid to arriaa markat. X».dar

aprlni Inmbt ll.tO; »

Wall Street Chatter

a train

Wfaaal bJd 10 arrlaa Mrkat. Na. 1 bulk. 2bd>r ahlpmant. dallrarad aoaf.i Whlla WJjaai 2J>:j Sefl Wblt* J.»t; Whita Club I.M.’ Car racal»lii Wkaal 14: flour 4 | mill

Lumber Industry Slump Is Efiaing

BOISE^ May D W - A Senate — propriatlotis subcommittee was yesterday th a t the lumber m arket apparently has h i t bottom and Is on the way up.

Sen. Henry Dworshak, R ., Ida, said th a t testim ony was given by Edward P. Cliff. asslsU nc chief of the U. S. forest service.

•T he outlook, as wo view It. Is very much be tter th a n it was even a few m onths ago," Dwor8hak, ln a mea.iage from W ashington, quot­ed Cliff as telling the subcommit- u e . . ■

h e WM driving w ent out of control wTien h e falled"to“ « low -dow n 'a t Uie Intersection, knocked down a stop sign and slid Into -a guide light pole,-knocking it 'a c ro ss the highway.

te rn originating from an a ircraft 2?,0ob feet above W onipeller. Intir^ ' The schooU were m aking flnni odlustmenla to receive televlud courses of InsCrucllon In a 10 ntll*> lion dollar exp^lm en t financed

_8lAte_Pairolman_W altcc_K lrHex. . nH.'priu^ i« inrt.i.-and Deputy S h frlff Vem Rice, who witnessed the accident, .ea- tlm ated tSOO dam age to iHe truck.

1A3 ClTlf, Majf * 1*1 — Whaal

. oulbllltles fo r above-average cap ita l gains, “n ie se Issues, a re Hoover BaU and Bearing, Laroh- leld corporation, -M8L Industlres.

NorthwesU m S t e e l and W ire / ' L y ;-£ x p re u ,- ln o .,—U nited

Prin ters and PublUher# and W hlt- In M achine Works.

W illiam I. L aT ourette o f _____s o i^ H a m ill aivd company aays w ith the bfoad economic back- ,

—fa w a b lfr—<«■ 5iS

m aln.atroB g.Jssuea w h ic h ---------trac tive to him include Hercules Powder. Union Carbide. Bucyrus- S rie. F o r d , M ack Trucks, and Stokely-Viin Comp.. S pear and S taff aayi H am ilton Cosco Gr favorably situated to ben* e flt from the Indicated (rrowth of Its . m ajor lines, particularly be­cause of l u established name In th e field of Juvenile furn itu re . Selling a t around lA tim es ei ingi. th e stock seem s reiatlvely ....- dervalued In the c u rren t m arket. S and S says..'

M artin Gilbert o f ' Van Alstyne. N oel and company, says from both an Investment and

also a fu rther-upw ard penetraUon Into new high ground.

Because supplies o f copper and raas products are though t to be

comparaUvelylow. Horablow er and W eeks says a fu rther upw ard price revision in refined copper- would come as no surprise. I t lUts A na­conda a« chief beneficiary lo such action.

T h e firs t five cash crops In th e D oited States are . in order,'-wheat,' com . tobacco, co tton and »oy

i; BOffllnikll/ UBchaaiad — i Bithar. NO. 2 «hlU I.IM.M. No. 1 >JOJt.,No. i Tajlew.and tnUad l.OtK-

I carj nom^ailr'uBebantadi ^I wn>ia U-Tl. No. t U-70. ' :Mll«-nklia l.»».|,IO. kafli< l.tM.V..


oUiarwlaa alatad) i ___ _________ __u.— . aalaai, Maho bakara t.ti-t.ll

:k t4iaupp|iaa ]Riunit rada a,2t.S.(t: Wltcomln ruiiaU 4.2J. round vbltat 2 ,« .« t ., Onl<»a. A U : Ua ' llbaral: darnnd modaral* .. kat ataadr to alltbtlj> waakrr.

Tra«k aalaai T am jtalloi* iranaz Ursa l.(0. 1.1l, aadluma 1.00-t.2t.

Okay Is Granted; For'BusSecvice

BOISE. May 0 lA — T he Idaho public utlllUes commission has ap ­proved six m otor c arrier applica­tions Including one., granting the S un Valley Stages permission to transport passengers between Tw in Falls and Maglo M ountain ik t re­sort.■ iT ie commission gran ted tran s­fers of hauling authority from P au l Bragg. Hazelton. to Jay Crum rlne and B onald Sellers, op­era tors of .0 and S TriKXlng.

Officers for New 4-HGronp^^amed

cattle, has n o t been nam ed. Marlon Swensen is vice presl-

porter. , • 'Gerald Tews gave a talk c tlng :and raising beef cattle, ehe S harp Is leader and R alph lmsteiidTs” K ' ' ' ------------------

HagermanSchaoI Trustees ElectedHAOERMAN. - May B — Alfred

Sandy. Incumbent, was elected Monday to a .tt)rM>year te rm oa trustee for H agc/m an class B school d istric t No. 233. Sandy, with M votes, was oppoKd by GeorgeLemmon. 37 v o te s .______ _______

in distric t one. Vernon ^ v en ia - croft.-lncum bent,-unD pposed.. was ■elected'w lth-23 - • ••


Id t'ark Iln . l».SJO(a) 'iSiI.SMia)


] | k m I S i "'in* •"I?•li.JM'JMnil*

J. .•'»«'in

>r ouiatltlaa In <ubl«

•tna.lrr fft«rt: Kli1ln( I IVUJ. prinrllr.

• hlch dltanlona In tha

»;n»lnear In Cbarta. USrtS Vtiaka llliar WaUrmaitar Slal* o( Idibs

Ah-borne School TV Plan Tested

Tlje hVena g e u i u awkward humpbacked appcnrance from the fac t ( h a f lu hind legi a re ahorte Uinu Its front legs.


la par «r»r« paa dip <4 M >aH-M dap

SPECIAL NOTICES -ff ln i P l ' I N U - - a n d - r » i q o » « ! l a r a k * . ' - - - " l bIU.K-rtII'1'INU-

'.nii-i;;, :siuyrb" ,*b .'!?: . - j r *Klm-arl. CoU S u . . , . , ; /

.MTION t,. rugrcburcb .LbTr fni' dUUIlKitlnt It-boMlaa. » f

lhUI»1KIO.U Spanaar Jonatlar* SuUg ; rt?V.?g.7,‘y . V r e a t !


’i* X ,

try.A DC6B plane, bearing two tele*

vision' irnnsm lttera and a 34-foot antenna, began sending the test pa ttern yesterday. Following a week o( last-m inute tdJuttmenU', the plane will begin beaming sam ­ple courses of instruction next Monday.


five, Bob T upper was elected for: one-year te rm w ith 43 votes. He w as opposed by Scott P reston. 30 votes.

Mrs. Rex McAnulty, school board clerk. M rs. R aynard W right. Mrs; H ark HUseldlne, «nd M rs. Asahel Orldley were on th e election board. A to ta l of 203 T o tu was cast, in ­cluding six absentee ballots.

New Y ork sta te 's nicknam e o t ‘‘Em pire s ta te" 1s a n allusion to, Ita v ast w ealth a n d enterprise.

You've Had Your LAST FLAT TIRE

Goodyear Coptivo Air Tire W ith Saffl^ Shield


Safety Cleot


s u e s 1 : 9

Durable, lons.wcarlns lea ther uppers.^ Molded rub­ber cleats for extra trac tio n ,‘yctfrsafe.


Oct. lU.SO.C«tlfkat#d wool apot IIJ.ON.

aru**’io:^rrV u‘r . » T '‘o‘5 i ‘-<?i!.-'r«fj?Ik . UI.O: Hatch U7.U): Uar U?.tD: ulr u .

Butter and Eggs«mCAC0. Map • {UPD — Cb<

Bl.da diUla. 40K-4Si kniboma' <

acor* Ml *( a«or« HU.Z na irran la r: wh(i« Urt« and mixad

U.S. Will Resume lb JPurchases

W ASHINOTON, M ay fl 'O B -T he agriculture departm en t aaid yes­terday J t haa reopened I t s lam b c a r c ^ purchase p rog raai. which bad beea ended Ap^ll H .

T he jwogram w m reopened be­c au se .o f a continued surplus of • a m b i and - un farprab le prices

hlch growers and feedwk sceiving f o r . t h e lr - la m b * .- ■ pu rchases w llfb e lim ited to U. S.

iho lee tad U .b . good grades of lambs in th e weight ranges o f 6B

05 pounds and under

Tw in FalU D uplicate Bridge club m et M onday n ight a t the A meri­can Legion ha ll w ith 10 tables In play.-.N orth an d .ao u th w inners were Mrs. J . 0 . Carson and M rs. J a c k Keheley, f irst; Mrs. E . H . Adkins and M rs. John Peldhusen, w cond; Mrs. D onald Ransom and Mrs. C harles Beymer, th ird , and Mrs. R o b e r t ' T ucker and Mrs. Hacel P ltrpatrlck , fourth.

E ast and w est winner* were Mrs. Bugone W alker and R ichard Cook. flr»t;_Mrs. Herm an H all and D on»

th ird and fourth’, Mrs. H erbert Burgess and Mrs. Robert Tucker and Mr*. Joseph Shelby a a d Mrs. M. O. Oliason.

Beginning May IB M onday and T hursday n igh t duplicate- bridge w ill-m eet In the basem ent of th e office o t Dr. H erbert E. Burgess. IS l Fourth avenue north.

^Trustee NamedBU RU :V , May 9—K irby WlUon.

Incumbent, was reelected trustee fo r th e Cassia County school beard M onday. Wilson received 48 votes to aa for h is opponent. Mrs. Pau l 2iUlner. ••

I n th e Tote on a flve-mUl bond levy for school-nialntenance and operaUons, IM voted yea and 19 no. A m ajority Is required to cajry th is levy,-A to ta l of 314 votes was

It unwinds the twisliest roadsTake the wheel « f a Buick ahd'tiid-

. denly roads seem to run straight as a rule.-w!tb(^t twists or bends. The

-secret?-.New ,Control'Arm suspen­sion^ tha t corners flat on tightest ’ turns. . . Irons out rou^bdst roads. - .

Feel thattmooiS Turhbxe Drlp« «c^ —Bulck’s'smooth- rido is matched

(Ally by the yel>^ smoothness of its in t h e b u ^ . ^ } l B t i l ^ y ( ^ h e ^ new trigger-quick '7\irblne Drive , J e g and shoulder |room.'Bti!;d^s e l^ (no extra cost)! It never sh ifts- g a n t t ! l^ L o o k .G o '^ v e i t a r u ^

'.neverje^kSvTeaih'edwith^id'sbig ; see why Biilck kales are'soaHbgr..rV. ■Wildcat V-8, It gives you the lilldest ^ t o f any car'going!.

T h e n there 'e S u ic k 'e b ig fin n e d "T"] aluminum foJbes (-hiiiled as the best

Exciting new p m l . . .when better • M ' ' ' mdbllea sre b'u9V.Bu*ek'wld buld


K ennedyiiulm talstw U onTs conald- e rlng aa^ executive oTder designed

a n d •trikM ’ a t .sUuUe b a n s , sto cording to S e n . Jo h n L . M cCleljaa.


yO O R -Q U A L lT y. ■BUICK - •

DBALER l a T W m FALLS IB: M IIIS j;B R O V ifW jj|ag g

Page 14: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so
Page 15: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY/MAY 9, 1061^ rT T ] ire S ^ N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O PAGE FIFTEEN

SEEDS A N D P L A N T S— ftTltftWUBKItY pUBU H ~w r bUBJrJ • d rt.Bb.rrT b14bu. TIE

ULACKCAi' >u»(«n7 ------ ------------

r - 4 '

PETUNIAPJ.ANTScH.n."JK ■fcukMJ. »4tl» IUt&



Op«B Sun>lj>r*RE ! • « » BU»« a<>tjt]

Dick of TarliUa Uundry


■ ROSE BUSHES - ' -$8.79 EACH-

V E G E T A B L E P L A N T S V____________ mdlrlduitH y Boxed ‘* nCocary-UKTTTttrdr^

98C -D O Z E N -

7/16" HOSE

All Sizes

i_:=r:TEELI:ISES„._ $1.59 and up

fioT c a ps" '■ 3c EACH


h a y ; g r a i n A N D FEED*V a n td to duy> c ^ . BUfiitr h>r.

C h t^ H6LLil!d!'8u.. »r >H'«. Jm a* . Pboi» EA M ill.

MUAUld-VALUV yllilDC MW.IUT L*r»OB. FbBBt 04r>

buiikLAMo UlilJBts.tB(. aolnBM mlilBiril«r. ^BA BX C H IC K S

nr-U K K w hiu «ct ‘Ur«r«. AUS*



HATOHDtO VESXLT. -tfc* followlar brmail---------- J — ait-w tprW . »B«t.

---------- . MEW_________ ___ . . rj Pt»-

^ VAM^EaS - WniTB ROC* •« « .

n itr . Id«t» DA M i l

lUS M7M.__________________ _ U V E S T O C K -& -P O U L T R Y

llNOLE llOiUE U.ll*r ^

Oni*.N*lI. on* of Ibi Uat. IlMMB*bl« • r«u«. Far lnfttrm«tlot» e>ll BE MMT.

rhant EA i^WI. J«ramt. toKlf ot AaxTtean DUllka BtrvlM M“

4p»ftIaaM bMM. 4 mlU w<(l. H MrOt ot J.rMBb Oolf doarM.

MW horm. CesUct J>«aB r«lUnea,WR MWi. a«<xllBC.

W E m E T T T C r T S H r n r - E ^ c c ;,, • crout*. I Berth. I w it. K BBrtb *

' Uek«r«. PboB« RE M IU . ■______ 'WaUES. jTMrllac 0

a - " -

din- BUUkaa, **lIUblBB4 lUnttr.’* 1400.O^^^CIuk, IW CbntBUt,l(«tUur«d BBd srsdt J«n«T — •-■-■- —••nelBr J»m».

*•11 er “ ■

M a r k e t - p i o c eo f


i t : R E 3 4 9 3 1M a g i c V o D e y


> .^w nrj >nd ep*r*l(d b» D«lr» tu m » n WuJMr A. Utcb. I'hen. M -M K Iluhl. Jim F0*ur. rboB. RE


. ot Dead and Oseleu


G O O D .T H IN G S T O EA TlUVKJW for Ml.. I'bon« lUC i-«H

CASH FO R YODR JUNK h.tUrln, (cr.p. olumlnum. bOM. copp.r wlr». riidUlor., irtHi.

H. K O PPEL CO.U t Snd A»»nu» Soulh — KE t-74U


UUKTON WUKWAll. pup. »B<1. Biotb.f.

w -iKC UEUIBTKUEU Tor JKxlflB T .rri.l.tud ..r rk t . U I U*ark« (tm l. riion* nr. »>sii4.

------------------ W•tud Mrric*. Ftoat RE

menth. 'dd. E»l{«*»ri«.?’ju»t'*?2bl fer Uotb.Ki dar- rbsn* OL 4-lOU, Darirr,

SMALL. CblbUBhua pupplM, atoo n*U> Urnl Bilult m ilt *nd 2 (m .In . lU*- MAablt. HE J-4400. ISM ilh Ai-----


2 B E D R O O lis' ■on One Acrel L lvlns room nnd bedrooms carpeted. FlreplBM, patio , a ttach ed RarwR. T rade o r.x e r p lac8 -ln .tow n .-301 . Bobbin*—

R E 3-8199 .

M IS C E L L A N E O U S FO R SALE -------- 1 hon* t»i>.r----------------------

pouna. fir«»iMt

JH t "m odel Uoi>«j. Good (eBdlllon! Pbeii* VA HtMlmn.________

BAiiy,4Ji3>tBd,>MtUW.. COBTtrUlB

(nl (•iMtloB. Ara.iroB« VIbtI ... c«lea a t Uanntr TursUaN. It r*QUlrt«l«M WBllBg.

BT*r 10 t t t n . Pe.t mad* la srdtr, Oabl 7o>t aod Pelt Co.. » mil. WKilh or OuU an CuU.rerd iU i. Fben*»4Mrii._____________

I'klLLiHa ‘z v o la . » “ to <,r Ul. DrIIIIaK ric (or IWM. Sharp lU

LUMBER NEEDS ’ D»ll>ar»i Utiet Iran mlU

JIM CARWET • • HE t-tm

SWIMMING POOLS 'IntMOl Y o u ru lf w ith necewary •qu jpm ent and I H ' plywood aldewolls. A s Low a s -

•IfiBS •Ceiapl»U»r Inaulled .ir-da irtd___

■. U L L M A N •.CONSTRUCTION CO.; na'a-ino- • ' re j -tim

G-E MOBILEMAID ' ; i ) i S l f ^ A S H E R "

i-AINT THINn‘kU. talloa. rear ..... (■iB.r. Ctkll't I'alal Surt. 110 Main 8«uih.

VoUva. lrr>f.ll»r. .t.4 dDm.cle. ......... '_QuUk^lo.i.ll.llaa. Killlnfrr EUe,

. ____ . . . _ .i« to I- ..... . Odd .liAi tul frr«. All M.KlBS'i (tom. tad KInt'. la LrnwnShoppli

t. Runalnf'. UUSL--------' tad tlln._ uaii ui

phon. "hK V.:9m1 ttlLK.'^TUNl; 2|Mar .rU t.n

CMt. AhWit'. Auto Supplr. n i 1.. A rtnu. W..I. RK >•««. Clottd Sat- u rday ,...........................

♦v.ry W»dnf.,1.y i low prItM on m.n'i •h<K.. »8n..h-.

1 JatktlJ.

MAY SPE C IA L S 'L-nut. .iJ,4»

r.r.onal C.m»r» C<nl.r Gu»ranl«. IIEIIK AUK A TKW EXAKPLKs'

BELWtHOWELL-amm. .Iwlrle ♦».

tmm. Compl.l. eiOBAPLEX ...........

CAMERA CENTER'101 Sbeihon. South I\E


■ l-hon. RK4’ OUIIS-CIIA^T llarracudt. . . . ♦leetfk nan E.lnrud*. A .harp

lr>II«r and tkli..

InalraeilM- ^ 'k . ' ail for 4i>.~ CrMlIt urm., 8t*«lh«ad balu and lurrt. "• F ix Painu Sportlni (ioodi,

NSW ANU. W ----------____ ir.“\mbJIid ." r i in iStar boat dMi.r. Dt.a Motor Com* paay. Twin Fall.. Id.So._________

F U R N IT U R E & APPLI..TEDi -UMd. furallur»- and -applfc

Crt ear bid, llarta >uraUur«.

USEU ll>IB| room ««ta. I t and up. UUck.

E S-oltL*' "

1'FUUr Waallnshoui. r.lrlliratur In

S iMartin S t iM

r c 'a i r fi5i‘>i.iijo' ti;;Ur. h«w uait.s . i - a r T . s - n J . ' - ........

___'lt<.'<l«B( dad... SpmUIOaaaar FomUart. IM Hb». fattSeotti.------------------

------- . . . j Uob. il8«ulh. Call RE t.1140.

v ...^ __ _ . . . . . . . . I__ _____

r FlUOlOAIKE. Hpatka htatar, aparv m tnl tlactrla «to.«, weed' dlnMtii

tbalra. Dlnla*« . twla bada

....Iman ubU TV. m north on ri«ht . fd rFINAN CE COMPANY


OE U'* cenaol* TV llottman U~ cenaol. TV l«b> t^ m d Frisldaira watb.r tM»' Uetpolnt VMhn; i 11(1 St rabla (oet upttaht Irm tra

1 Mrp«U. 'i :o «ecb, .


SPO T CASH ^ ^.forB ltBr*,--A p»llane« - Thlpn

----- SPECIAL SERVICES.........

BKmC'TANE aad a

IKB :«■ NA.HIlUA .............. - ..............■ trnl fon.llHon. IWn KlmtWrir llaaA.

Alfl STKKAM. K.ntklll, Iralltrt, lllu* Lakr. TnilUr Paik. blthwar

lie i joitv- .SAilllUA Ml««. IVSI lOl! Nuhoa Pfintna ItTH. U ff« .t«k n>w and uitd B* wldr* and trai..

.tn il .r ., . Ana.lita-nnlaa.Atro. Iloln* Z.nith. Made.Vallm Mobil. Ilbmn. xw mllr. w ot>f Hn.plUl on U. 8. JO. auulh aid. o( tt>ad. N>r. own.r, Clo«»l fiundan.__________


Completfl L ine of Trailer PnrU and Supplies


-T R U C K S A N D T R A IL ER S3MN Cbf»TOl«.- Karl ..............

KU.r. |-h..n» PA IMtH.

i r V s . a - " ■

>t( tITUDKUAKEU'pickup, -Hh au rack. i:uO. CoXia«t C*ry Clark. I ChM,nMl..Kl.gtrly. Idaho.

i«<u I'lrmoulh pickup. IB loo-l randlllon.•-RW atlfr S or~ ........ ............


■ ■■ KH»n.W A ^ ta j 1« acll l»S«

rac.nily o>crbaalad. I Truck,».

HAlik: OK TltAUEl Cab forward Ilamond T. Cgmmlnia dia..!. Him '

IX.OOO mlln alnc. inaiort... WK 4.4870 or 114» Montana.



' }>4« rORO Pan.l



161 3 rd Avenue W est


-CMC^«-U»-lr^ltK-■f^a<^^BMMl. Z ipnd azW. Nnr Um Can’t ba leld /rem atw _IW»I

- l » l rORO X tea. VI. I apMd. 1 apMd azia. F.rfact la vtrr


» ‘* g g . ^ ^ u r t , ' i a r g g

SPAETH MOTOR CO.'~BlU~GII(io<i. Bain Uaaatar


1957 CACHXACSedan DeVille

Pow er Steering; - Power Brakes Pow er W indows • Pow er-Seat .a n d Pacto i7 A tr Condltlonlnff. New T ires - LocaUy Owned. VERY 'L O W MILEAQEI



m CORVAm 4 d«>r ai^B. H «l.

rt MERCURY O0B««t»r 4 deer■iSld”«iI!?*«‘ “1 «rwB (iBhb. Ma

pewar btakaa. wWU"i«n.«r.».' SumBMT tn ra l .pMtal — tU H

1»N FORO^tlrUM. 4 deer' aadaa.- - Sadto. baatar. Mtoa.alla tf»T.f

• • readjr te ' '

' IDOO CHEVnOI.CTWala•nilnr. I .M»d ’flw'r .hlfl- fnm» In and Krt our prlra on thii l.nutl(iil


lOSB OLDSMOBILR •harp f.r. 8m i'i. you'll Iki, \i,

1060 cH E v n o L E rrXlailnn waenn. Radio. h>al>r.

SliwI.I fi.r 1d»ya only —

217 Xnd-Axnua North » 1IE S.(OII

R IC E C H E V R O L E T ■ ’

: J IA G IC -V A L L E Y 'S


1958 OLDS.- S l»05» d...>-^l.n , -na.llo. J»r‘l 'f .- a a iZ -

r g S ' l ^ A S H - ^ " S ii5fiutnman. 4 iluir awlan. lU.lln. hral*- *r. aulemalle -ir«n.inU>Un, llntrd

• acritiionajiy tor rcnnoniicai

B sT m ERCURY. 51S5

tirn . Rr.l ct»a.


1957 C H E V R O L E T 51595ton. VH. 4 >p«rd Iranimlition,

<iuat whrvl., atock rack. 4 irly tlr^. 14,no Miual tnllr*. Can't irll from

'1 9 5 7 -S T U D E .-------- $1195-V, inn pickup. 4 tpcr.1 lran>mlnlon. VI motor, lone whMll>a>r. poaltrac. Uon r « r end. KNnsal hlifh. hravy ' duty tlrn. Motor eotnplrlrly ovrr- baulrl. Ready lo (0 tu work.

- r ic e 'CHEVROLET




— f r o m — U N IO ^M O TO R S. Inc.


1960 FORD , ?2495Ferdor; Oelaxl*.- Loadwt.1960 FORD $1995:

1960 WAGON $2295FALCON, rordor.' Fully Egulpprd.1960 WAGQN $2295RAMBLER. Fonlor. R«b*!. (Hilly Eqalpptd.1960 ilA M BLE R ,$18P5Aaarlcan. Ferdor M atuI960’FALCON $1995Terder. Radle. li.aUr. Fofdoaiatle.1960 DODGE $2695P e ^ . Ferder. KIsb Toraua. O>t0Q

1959*’WAGON. $1935.FORD Ferder Oountrr Sadan.1969 RAM BLER $1495Jerdg^ ( wllBdn. BUndard Trana-

1959 RAM BLER $1995AabM«aer. Ferdor. Dataie Medal.

^959-D O D G E ----------$W95-. fe tte r . Lew MItawra. Ob* Ownir.1058 FORD $1095Feodor. Bundard TraBamla.Ion. Naw Ttitoaa. ~1956 DESOTO------- $1395^Ferder, V*t. Autoaatla tntaimlMlon.1958 VAUXHALL $895Ferdor. CTaaa laatda aad Out. '1968 WAGON . $895m T . Ferdor. Lealbar laltrler.1968 T -B IR D $2695Fully Zoulpptd. Local Car.1967 WAGON $995FORD Tuder lUaali Waten. Stand. •Td- TraajBlaalea.1957 W AGON. $1295CIIBVSOLET.' Ferder. V.(. Powar» •llda.- ^ *1957 WAGON ' . $1295rORD. Ferdor.'V-S. FonSoaiatlc.

' i W l UKEVHOLET igiOUSIon. N.w'F e ^ ^ Sundard Tranai

1957.BUICK $1295' Farder. SpaelaL Tutona. Dynaflow.1967 RAM BLER $1295Ferder. VS. Autematle. ~__We Rave a Good S e le o U ^ 'o f

lOM AND O LDER M 0 D S 3 ~ To Choose From l

T rucks - P ickups.15 Trucks and Pldcups in Stock, 1949 th roush 1960 Models, J/i-Ton and %■ Ton and 2 -Tons. And 1

1959 4-Whccl DHvo •


1956-CHEV. -$399 1953 MERC. '3!299 1953, FORD. $199 1951LINC’LN$ 99 1950 Pontiac ? 89 1955 DESOTO $199MANY MORE TO CHOOSE

p n o M i

tARLESON’S l601 M iilifAvcmie Eosl

RE 3-1B23


.....................and Tiall.f,Hank Klnanelnr


“ in T T F T iu r r ■

_ n S E D i - C A R S -

Kull fo-ar. n.w paint, new1H7 cI'KVitoLiiT'vii''w«fln."l’o

«r alrtrlnic. air (on<y;lonlni(. 1H7 l‘O N ^A F“«u7'H iiT ''iiird'op

I tll KOIIO V» 3

■ PICKUPSti l l ClIKVnOLET M-ton. Lo&s hrdi

.7 INTKliNATidNAL "vi. Sharp.

„ T R U C K S .

tth whM. Air. Rood llraa.tSSDO in i lUlO INTSRNATIONAL,.i:000 19M CMC Mon. "JOi" nii>tor.w.lU»t ItS7 OODCK VS. I.aprrd. S .sp n d .^




n Z 3-4C0



1961 FORD $2495Falrlane soo, f-doo r ncd&n. a cylinder and overdrive Irans- mlsjlon, Only 3.500 miles. Ju st like new.

- 1 9 5 9 - C H E V r - $ r e 9 5 -Belalr 4 doer sedan . V>8 eii-

.1958 FORD $1260Custom 300, 4 door s e d a n . ' 0 cylinder economy engine. Clean liulde and out. ONE.OW NER.

1957 CHEV. $11.95Bel Air 4 door sedan. VB engine, powersllde. p o w .e r sleerlns. O ood-tlrci T ^-to n e p a ln L ., ._ .

1958PLYM. $14954 door suburban. V>8 eoKlne, torquefllte transmtssJon. Power

1957 DODGE $13954 door. S ierra wagon. GOOD.

‘195rCHEV.==^5a295=^4 door sta tion w agon. Sharp.

1955CHEV: $7954 door wagon. S ix and iUck]

1955 PLYM. $495-.One owner. Six and stick

1955 CHRYS. $895New-Yorker h a rd top coupe. One owner. Real clean. ' ' .


1559f)dfe&E‘$2fiS5-a ton truck. M otor orerhauled, new tires on rear.' 6 spe id and 3 speed. T his Is th e m ost ou t- staodlng used truck In town.

1955 CHEV. ■ $9953 ton truck. 3 sp ied ^ e ^ 'Oobd..

1955 INT-L . $995'a ton. Cab'.over truck.

IIU C i ty n ^ LCT V.S, pkk-

IttrCKEVROLET “IV ^ ^ tea plek-

ItM POOOE^Vl^^lyis ptcfc-

i m JQEP Forward'conltot. I tea pickup. F ix wbatlln* buba. Lus2Ka.%“* ^ K E f c . ’* - r

.SPE C IA L •1958 R A M B LER

AmbsMitdor custom 4 door.'na . dio. h e a t e r nnd automaiie tmnsmbsion. Very clean. One- owner.

D EANiM OTOR CO.T(t'ln Palls

b e t t e r b u y s ■ IN b u h l ,

1D67 C H EV R O LET ?1S95DtlAlr. CIf«o,_ona ownrr.195G FO RD $9‘J54 itcxir .rJan. I'altlan., air condition

More Trade-Ins Are Arriving a t the

; _ 0 K — CORRAL


“ W S ke 'Y our'N ^3C T ~ C A n an —OK— Uei;d C ar and Savel

;t STUDF-nAI^ER Lark, 4 d«>r •Mian. S cyllnd.r cnoter. tland- ard tranimlMlon. V«t7 tiaaa. ’


New Car Buyers Save Money

---------- in Buhl — --------Aulborliad Ch.trelrt Daal.r


rhsna I<M(I7 OUUL ItS-OSl

C - A ^ - E : e : S - 0 ^ ’:S-

'• W IL L 'PA Y ‘ CASHl ■

FOR .YOUR Clean, Late- Model Car and pay off the balance — or trade down for your equity—or give you Top Dollar fo r it on trade-in!


Steering. CLEANI

$1495 C-A-R-L-E-S-b-N’-S


flOl M ala EM t - HE 3-1833

„ OPEN 'E V EN IN aa




’51 BUICK....... $95S.wl.1 1 d.^r. Suab rd tnum U .

’52BtnCKSspn 4 deer.

’52 FORD



’55STUDE. $495

’66 STUDE. $(’55 Cadillac $1196actual

’57 FORD , $1145 i s L t s r

’57 FORD $1195TalrUM Vktorla.

^ .J ? n T T i> i1 p r $199.=;Aabtuador 4 eulom. Aale-.

B U ^atkT ^

(COMPACTS)•»68 VOLKSWAGEN $996' '*69 ■RENAULT'. $895

C O M fi^C IA L S ,'64‘C H E V a4ton .-.$_695_

■'69 CHEV. % ton $1495' »60 FORD % ton $1745, '55 STUDE. 2 ton . $ 795 '59 DODGE2 .toh $2295 ’55 INTNTL 2 ton $ '975

l » l OLDSMOniLE «!. 4 doer ban)- top irlan. Xydramatlc .trana.

. . nlp.lon, power al~rlnf. pewar biakn. Mwar aMtJ. anit win.


1117'rLyMOUTII 4 door ladaa. I tlllnd.r motor eicrbaulad aad full warranty. AutoBilla tnna-

i m 0tJ8M0Diy ^SS.^4^dw bard.•' brakM. radio, baatar andn.JOnli JH

ataarlBi. powar b ^ a i,A n«rDw StTJ.’mii

IISI CHEVROLET Ot a b Oe'ape. flUndard traaiailaalea. 0«d

_____ traB.porUU»n. Only ------»1M

OIIEVIUlLBr 4 deer. >eww»

—C O M M E R C IA I^l»i0 I'O RO ^ ton. ^ a s whoribawj

IH t CIIEVROLST U. whnlbaaa. aup alda bas. IX " rp ^ T 'o J .i’T v w a l

^ _V«ry alaaa „ ..... —






U U BUICX iW f ; a

tbarp -------- ^ I M

t u t RAKOLCR «, a»w B .

alia*. Sea aad drlre thU Itoa

IH I CDrVROLVr Behlr. 4 4ew

im .

IHS CSXVaOLBr T<S. U p iU tern.

JSaSao. Terr alaaa. pa ir in H

4 PLYUOmS Vo: 4 4e ’ Radle,. kaaUr mad <

IM OBXVBOLSr (. t 4K a - ' s r . s * -

■’“ S F f s s s t J s r s M ;

I t t l HUDSON, radia, b a a ts a s lh ^ '5 K a . s 3 n ^ i i L 5 5 . :

UU CO*VE<«*r Oak O a a j * ^ '

— p i c t o s ^

1»U CHEVROLET .% tm.daly » llb iteak-mk.' . '

IMS c 6 d o * ‘ M lea*— . i —

Page 16: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


_C. of C. Meet|_j_HearaJBju3by:

-Music-Grbi^p :j

Plans Made-to Honor Jerdme Man-

BURLBV. M tr »—T he ' Surley M utio club chorut, *n afflUaU * ' thfl nfcttonal federttJpn. p reaenl choral aelecUoM from the _ . w ay. m usical -aound of Music” <Jurln* Uio Burley Ch«mber. of Commerca Mond»y T un* jneeUng a t Cousin Rojfs.

T h e Broup was » special Buest in observance of National Music week w hich Is belne celebra led-from May 7 to 14. Members o t th e group ■re M rs. Willard H arpster. Mrs,

_____ M Dawson, M rs Con Annest. Mr*^K en t Lyons. M rsniort51d~W cni* baW. M rs. Bruce EllcnberBer. m u­sic week chairman: Mrs. Marvin Pearson. Mrs. Don M arlin and

■ 'M rs. O all Wolf. dlrector. •RepresenUtlves from th e D oto

Cham ber of Commerce will make a Boodwlll visit to Burley W ednes­day and will be host to 36 Burley m erchanU for a . luncheon n t the SIka hall. The merchants repre­se n t d ifferent i ln d s of business.

LeRoy Shetstad presided during the , meetln* In the absence of t t e p resident arid . Introduced M at

' ■ W arr. Burley high school ^Instwc- - to r fo r the class ln-d)strlbuUvo

education. •W arr explained th a t the pro-

' ‘ ^ k r iu n waa a slsU r to vocaUonal ag-• - rleu ltu re and vocaUonsl home

m aking courses. WUen th e pro ■ ------- ■ " ic Jn aJ lr” " '

1^500 AttendrBuFl^ ~Afe¥

Stake_.Harley-church," Bishop T horpe B. Isaac-

n .

D ean a c t . . . ------- ------- ' ^: b u t In 1 0 « funds were provided I under th e Borden act, he « ld .I He Introduced three studcnU---------- from Uia cJasj who attended the

na tional DEOA convention held In i Chicago recently. They are K cnae ' JonS T local chapter prelsdent and

,a U U , vice president; W a n d a- • Friedrich, sU te winner In th e j ta te

convention on 'a d laiyout and copy- , ■ writing, and Jean Steen, second

. place w inner In .the essay con test Miss Jones explained students

receive InstnicUon on dlstrlbu-

- Uon “ ‘* g j |^ J ^ “ "^yertislnB lay ou t, study of merchandlslDg m an-

- ua l, public speaking. Job In ter- Ylews,-study of types o f customer*, window a iid Interior displays and__ ttaaLflperal'

___ I 8t«en spoke o t the adultn ipervlsloa th a t J)BCA i;r%u;epelv- Ing to make I t successful She nam ed some of the big businesses

. backlog the tiasses, including ■ Safew ay stores. J . C. Penney,

Montgomery W ard and Pepsl-Colo. — A1 Pu tnam reviewed an a rtlclrfrom th e current Sports niusU ated m agatlna concerning boxing in FocaUUo. H e reported th a t bigger crowds were draw n by boxing events thera th a n by football basketbaU.

Pleads GuiltyNEW YORK. May fl on — Vlvl-

-en n e -K e aito g .-a tto m e y -w h o beat Charles T an D ortn on a TV quls •bow, pleaded guilty to ■ecood- deprw perju ry yestarday a n d got a suspended sentence.

Mrs. K earlng pleaded guilty to giving falsa testim ony to a grand ju ry w ben•abe:denlctl.getU nSiad•

' vaneo In fo raa tlo n on questions in h e r qulg' battle w ith Van Z>ortn

1 th a -T > e n ty -O n e- show.

work for tbeM and o ther members of th e ir eom m H tee; (SU ff pbotc-engravliic)

th e liD S, church told the l i ) S quarterly conference of the Burley sU ke Sunday in the Burley stake tabem acie. Approximately 1,500 pB sons a ttended the Sunday m orning meeting and about 1,300. th e aftcm oon session.

E lder LeRoy A. W in h lln ,____b e r 'o f the general church welfare committee, told of the growth and effccUveneas of th e church welfare program .

T h e conferertee w * under the d irection of Bishop Isaacson and conducted by members of the slake

Idency, Presiden ts-Isase Wil-____U c . P. M. C arter and E. R.Blalier. M iisic'w os furnished by th e Burley sevenlh ward choir U n d v the direction of A1 Putnam w ith Mrs: Herm an Bedke and R obert Ham blin a t the organ.

Reserved-: Mftts for teen-age you th s were filled to capacity. Re­po rts were made In Ujo afw m oon m eeting by returned missionaries, D allas McC • - • ••

. . . . Lee s tre ssed thB need for paren ts to live the laws of Ood a n d accept th e responsibility of

Jerome School C h ief^ ill Be Honored at Saturday Event

JEROME. May W alt Olds np' ireclatlon nla^it will be held m

. :30 p jn . Saturday a t the Jerom e armory, says John-T . Stelle, jr ., co- c halrm anw ltn 'A rH flllo f-ii-g roup of civic friends sponsoring theevent. . ____

Dr. H. W alter Steffens, executive

Graduates to Area Grange

BUHL, May ^ L u c e r n e O range-grade .-sen lD T S tu

and college g ^ u a t e s of th e com­m unity a t the May 18 meeting, ft was decided a t the regular m eet­ing T hursday night.

T he event will begin w ith • ban- nuet a t 7 p.m. to be followed with

special program. Ice cream will ) furnished by th e O range. Mrs.

Dale Hopwood, home economics chairm an, b In charge of rftngements.

... was reported a new Bible had been purchased for the O range. In Bbservonee of M other's dfty O range women were presented w ith a vase.

Jo a n A rford and M arla Arford, uhl h igh school jun ior'^Irls. sasg

lolos they will p resen t a t th e B ur­ley- muslo-lesUvaL A lthea .Wood-

oames « n d w hat th e nam e stood or. M r. a n d M rs. F rank Bedlvy presented a aklt and Mrs. BobD handler a-'readlng. - — -------

M rs. Clifford Brown, lecturer, gave the closing thought. M r. and M rs. C arl Rlngenberg were hosts.

dean of the U niversity of Idaho, will be guest speaker.

The publlo Is Invited to th e fare­well dinner. Special invitations have 'been-ex tended 'to* a i r friends of Olds. .

Superin tendent O lds h as accep t­ed a position a s superin tendent of th e Church county school system a t Pnllon, Nev., a fte r serving 30 years In the Jerom e school sy i-

A rth u r Chatburn, elem entary su­pervisor. for Jerom o schools, also wilt be honored a t th is d inner. Betw een them they have served 6

and l3 S to th s Bulck.i me was Injured. The accident InvesUgated b y 'a Burley po- (

llco .officer. ‘ IMiss Delaney was going w est on i

10th s tre e t and Zlilner was going ] sou th on H ansen avenue. 'i

PERRY'S TVGuaranUetf tervfee ori'

o il makes TV & Radios. PHONE RE-3-T037

-y T o u th 'ti iu ^ ra ip e o t- tb ^ r eats and n o t b e allowed to be dl*- re^ ec tfu l. b u t show love aad con- f ld e - ln > th e ir -parents,’* Bishop

Ig ln _ th e _ s u k e and^Prealflent • - rem inded .the

th a t “th e church Is. the guardian of th e people's conscience and must speak o u t against the sins

BoisfeMoiTbur In Magic Valley

..U rty-tw o Boise' businessmen aEe_touring_34M k_yaJley_Jodv . and W ednesday.—Th theComi____ _ ____Home, Olenns F e n r . Ooodlng.

Youth Slayer Is Sent to Agency

Twin Palls, Heybum, Burley, R u ­pert, Paul and Bliss.

They will be hosts i t a banquet Tuesday evening In .the Rogerson hotel and will s tsy overnight In Twin Falls. A sim ilar goodwill tour was taken two years ago by the Boise Chamber of Commerce. ’

WEAVERVILLE, Calif.. 'M ay 9 » ;-ln ._ayoourtroom _sfa irk .empty except fo r a le w . relatives and newsmen, l&-year-old Daryi Moss was assigned yesterday to the slate departm ent of correction for the m urder la s t Feb. '23 of his Mor­mon paren ts, formerly of Logan, UUh.

The tr ia l wlthout'jury before Su­perior Judge Harold Underwood, was conducted w ithout apparent In terest from townspeople.-T h e only words he u ttered were

In answ er to the Judge's quesUon whether b e agreed to tria l without Jury, i n a loud, firm voice h e said, 'Yes. I do.” T '


BUBLET-ICAN JAILED'- . - B u r l^ ; May #-OCTlIIe t t i e n .

40, Burley was fined t3S and sen­tenced to serve 30 days In the city laU by acUng Burley Police Judge ' Jam es-A nnest fo r Intoxication. He

The Russian balalaika resembles the m andolin, bu t It Is slightly softer In tone.. '

V e m ix t h a b e t t— . You do t h t r e s t— C A L L



FLYING IDAHO RANCHER-~t FEATURED IN THIS WEEK'S SATURDAY EVENING POSTIdahoari Floyd Silvo gives o new tw ist’to sheep ronch- Ing: H e files supplies to his g rea t g razing flocks. And in this'w eek^s-Soturdoy Evening Post, you 'll s r t 0 fuIl*coIor_FQet_of..Amerlca fe a tu re abou t th is en ter­prising 'IdohoM . And you 'll see a handsom e two-page photogroph of hundreds of. S ilva 's sheep — hovlng tK57r-dlnnBr-oround-hlg-plgnol-Dorxlt-mlss-l!EoI[qwjng the G rass" In th is w eek 's 'P o s t. P ick up your copy today!

Included In th a program will be n u m b e n by th e high school sex tetand various other-num bers.--------------

T ickets m ay be purchased from any mem ber of th e committee. O the r committeemen include M au­rice (Coke) Reid, C arl W orthing­ton, N a t Spofford a n d Clarence Fallon.

Cars CollideBURZtEY’, May 9 — Jam en e F ;

D elaney, 17, Burley,"w as Involved In a tw o-car acc ident a t A p .m . S unday a t the Intersection of 10th s tre e t a n d H ansen avenue.

I t w as reported th a t th e 1000 Bulck she was driving skidded In th e g rave l-as she w as m ak in g a r ig h t tu rn , ckuslng th e a u to to

at your UTOCO dealers!

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