

your hip


Are hip flexors the most underdeveloped muscle group in strength


Yes, despite their importance to a wide range of athletic and sporting

activities, the hip flexors are the most neglected muscle group in

strength training. Now it is very rare to find training programs that

include hip flexors exercise. By contrast there is usually a great deal of

emphasis on exercises for leg extensors.

There are some obvious reasons for this comparative neglect. The

principal muscles involved in hip flexion are the psoas and iliac us,

collectively known as illiaposoas. Since they are relatively deep- seated

rather than surface muscles they may have been overlooked by body

builders who have traditionally been the major innovators in strength


Finally these muscles do not have the obvious functional importance of

their extensor counterparts. Yet, as antagonists, both hip and knee

flexors perform a vital role in controlling the rate of descent and ascent

in leg extension exercises such as the squat.

Now putting aside all the weight lifting and ply metrics needed for

vertical jump training there exist several tricks for jumping higher that

can be used to immediately gain inches. There is one trick that I would

like to share with all my readers is a simple but very useful static stretch.

Yes, I know what you are thinking but I am sure you have heard that you

are not supposed to static stretch before jumping. Yes, you are right you

are not supposed to. However there is a big exception to this rule and

there is always is.

The group of muscles that should be stretched before testing your

vertical before performing any athletic activities is your hip flexors. I

always stretch these muscles before my basket ball games, my soccer

games, and before I test my verticals.

Now the difference is immediately noticeable, so stretch the heck out of

them seriously. The main muscle from the hip flexor that we want to

stretch is the psoas major. In simple terms, this is the muscle that

connects the spine and your legs. This muscle works to lift the upper leg

towards the body and vice versa. Now if you want to unlock your hip

flexor then please visits unlock your hip

How to unlock your hip flexor yourself?

I am sure you want to unlock your hip flexor, so what’s the problem.

The problem is that these hip flexors work against the actions of the

vertical jump. While the main players of the vertical jump work to

propel us into the air like the calves, hamstrings and gluts, the hip

flexors work against them and actually resist our jump.

So for this reason, we need to stretch them and weaken them to

minimize their antagonistic actions. When we weaken the hip flexors,

we allow the other muscles to perform fully without pulling them back.

The result is immediate gains in your vertical.

I am sure it’s pretty cools right? While there are several variations of this

exercise, the one that I like to use is as follows. For the starter, get into a

deep lunge position with your torso upright, your front foot flat on the

floor and the front knee bent at 90 degrees.

Your back knee should be resting on the floor then lean back, push your

chest back and push your hips forward since it is important to keep your

core upright. Then lean back, push your chest and push your hips

forward since it is important to keep your core upright. Make sure that

you don’t sag forward.

Lift the arm opposite to the front leg and reach up and over your head.

Reach like you are trying to touch the roof. Try to hold this position for

15-20 seconds and switch to the other leg. Your should feel the stretch

down your torso and to the front of your pelvis.

As discussed in my extensive blog covering weight training methods for

a strong vertical jump, our hips are vulnerable to some serious tightening

which will limit our ability to use our newly developed strength and

jump higher.

For this reason, we must loosen them as much as possible. You need to

do this stretch before every game or physical activity and you will surely

notice a difference. Now if you really want to try it out right here and

right now then please visit unlock your hip

All you need to know about hip flexors.

Despite their importance to a wide range of athletic and sporting

activities, the hip flexors are the most neglected major neglected major

muscle group in strength training. It is very rare to find training

programs that include hip flexors exercise. By contrast there is usually a

great deal of emphasis on exercise for the leg extensors.

There are some obvious reasons for this comparative neglect. The

principal muscles involved in hip flexions are the psoas and iliac us,

collectively known as iliopsoas. Since they are deep seated rather than

surface muscles they may have been overlooked by body builders who

have traditionally been the major innovators in strength training.

Secondly there are no obvious ways to adequately exercise than with

free weights. Finally these muscles do not have the obvious functional

importance of the extensor counterparts. Yet, as antagonists both hip and

knee flexors perform a vital role in controlling the rate of descent and

ascent in leg extension exercises such as squat.

There is no corresponding problem of underdevelopment with the

muscles responsible for knee joint flexions the hamstring group. Since

they cross two joints they are active in both leg extension and leg

flexions. They act to flex the knee joint and also to extend the hip joint.

Therefore they tend to be strengthened by complex leg extension

exercises. Also hamstrings can be developed and strengthened through

the use of the leg curl apparatus. Strong hip flexors provide an advantage

in a wide range of sports athletic activities.

In sprinting high knee lift is associated with increased stride length and

therefore considerable attention is given to exercising the hip flexors.

However they are usually not exercised against resistance and

consequently there is unlikely to be any appreciable strength increase.

Hip flexor strength is directly relevant to range of activities in football.

Kicking a ball is a complex coordinated action involving simultaneous

knee extension and hip flexions, so developing a more powerful kick

requires exercises applicable to these muscle groups.

Strong hip flexors can also be very advantageous in the tackle situation

in American football and both rugby union and rugby league where a

player is attempting to take further steps forward with an opposing

player clinging to his legs. Now if you want some information about hip

flexors then please visit unlock your hip

The Russian system of hip flexor.

Let me inform you that the hip flexors are muscles that join upper thighs

and your lower backs. Now as the name implies, they flex the hip. The

hip flexors are actually group of muscles that work together to move

your legs. They are really hard to injure but they can definitely be tight

from sitting at a desk all day.

In reality hip flexor exercise can help improve flexibility and give you

better posture. Since the hip flexors affect the way that you hold your

pelvis, tight or weak hip flexors can really produce bad postures. Now

the following exercises will really help you to improve the strength and

flexibility in this area of your body.

Overhead lunges- these lunges can help stretch the hip flexor. So start

in a standing position with your armed stretched above your head. Hold

a medicine ball or a light weight plate above your head. Step forward

with your right leg and bend the knee.

Then lower your torso straight down without bending over until you can

feel the stretch in our hips. Stand back and bring your right leg back in

line with your left leg. Again repeat this on the left side.

Overhead squats- stand with your feet together. Pick up a bar or alight

dumbbell set and hold it above your head. This will really help keep

your body straight while you do the exercise. Now once you have picked

up the bar and are standing straight, lower your body weight down until

you are in a seated position, like you would with a regular squat. Hold

the squat at the bottom of the movement for a count of five and then

come back up to a standing position.

Lying stretch- for the starter lie face down, then place your hands at

your shoulders with your palms flat. Push your body weight up, like you

would if you were doing a push up, however keep your hips on the floor.

Raise your upper body towards the sky until you really feel a stretch at

the front of your things. Make sure that you hold the stretch for 20 to 30

seconds and repeat. Now if you really want to learn about an innovative

Russian system of hip flexors then please visit unlock your hip

Vital information about a hip flexor injury.

Do you know that players in American football and rugby who have

massively developed quadriceps and gluteus muscles are often unable to

generate rapid knee lift and hence tend to shuffle around the fields?

Having strong flexors would significantly improve their mobility.

Now it is commonly asserted that marked strength disparity between hip

extensors and hip flexors may be a contributing factor in hamstring

injuries in footballers. It is interesting to speculate on whether hip

extensors or flexors imbalance might also be associated with the

relatively high incidence of groin injuries.

Other sports where increased iliopsoas strength would appear to offer

benefits include cycling, rowing and mountain climbing in particular

when scaling rock faces. Now the problem in developing hip flexors

strength has been the lack of appropriate exercises.

Two methods that have traditionally been used for this muscle group are

incline sit ups and hanging leg raises, but in both cases the resistance is

basically provided by the exercisers own body weight. As a consequence

these exercises can make only a very limited contribution to actually

strengthening the flexors.

Yes, until now only weighted resistance equipment employed for this

purpose has been the multiple hip type machine. When using this

multifunction apparatus for hip flexion the exercise pushes with the

lower thigh against a padded roller with swings in an arc.

Now one difficulty with this apparatus is that the position of the hip joint

is not fixed and thus it is difficult to maintain correct form when using

heavy weights or lifting the thigh above the horizontal. There is a

release of a system specifically designed to develop and strengthen the

leg flexors.

This system exercises both hip and hip and knee flexors simultaneously

from full extension to full flexion. Because the biomechanical efficiency

of these joints decreases in moving from extension to flexion, the

mechanism is configured to provide decreasing resistance throughout the

exercise movement and thus appropriate loading to both sets of flexors.

In reality the absence of effective techniques until now for developing

the hip flexors means that we do not really know what benefits would

flow from their full development. However, given that in elite sport

comparatively minor performance improvement can translate into

contest supremacy, it is an area that offers great potential and if you

want to experience that then please visit unlock your hip

How to cure hip flexor injury?

Now if you are experiencing hip pain, but you are not really sure of what

type of injury you are suffering or how bad it is then this eBook should

answer those vital questions for you. So let me inform you that there are

basically three main types of hip flexor pain.

Hip flexors pain is often associated with pain while lifting the leg, but

more specifically, pain only during this movement is usually a pulled hip

flexor. Again if you have a pulled flexor then you may know it already,

if you remember when it first started hurting, if it was during some sort

of explosive movement, you probably have one.

Now in order to test if you really do, then try standing on the opposite

foot, then lifting your leg as high as possible knee or chest, and if you

feel any pain at any stage stop immediately. So once you have

established that here is pain performing the knee to chest movement, it is

almost certain that you have a pulled hip flexor.

Again if you have nagging pain throughout the day, and it hurts when

you move your leg or stretch your hip flexor, you might have a case of

tendonitis. In reality hip flexor tendonitis occurs usually with athletes as

an overuse injury. Whenever a repetitive movement is performed such as

running or cycling, there is a lot of force being placed on the hip flexors.

So often this will lead to inflammation of the tendon attaching the hip

flexor muscles to the bone and will cause a lot of pain. A bruised hip

flexor is an umbrella term describing an injury to one or more of the

several muscles that the hip flexor contains.

If you pain started after a blunt trauma to this area, you probably have a

bruised hip flexor. Now it can really be hard to tell the difference

between a bruised and a pulled hip flexor, because you will often

experience pain when lifting the leg either way.

The difference is that in a stationary position, a bruised muscle will be

very sensitive if you touch it. So to diagnose it, stand up and slowly

apply pressure to the different part of the hip flexor, so if the pain felt

while applying pressure is similar in intensity to the pain felt lifting your

leg, your probably have only a bruised muscle, and yes, this is great


Let me remind you that bruised muscles only require a few days of rest

and you will be ready to go although maybe a bit sore. So to speed up

healing apply a moderate amount of heat to the area 2-3 times a day with

a heat pack or warm towel, and this will stimulate blood flow and kick

start your healing system. So if you want to cure your hip flexor injury

right here and right now then please visit unlock your hip

What is a hip flexor strain?

Now that you have identified you have a pulled hip flexor, you need to

classify it into one of three types of pulls after you have determined what

class of pull you have and then you begin to treat it. So if you can move

your leg to your chest without much discomfort then you are most likely

to have a first degree strain, this is the best kind you could have.

A first degree strains means that you have a minor or partial tear to one

or more of the muscles in the area. If you had a lot of trouble moving

your legs to your chest and had to stop part way through you probably

have a second degree pull.

A second degree pull is a much more severe partial tear to one of the

muscles; it can cause significant pain and need to be taken care of

extremely cautiously in order not to fully tear the injured areas. If you

can barely move your leg at all why are you reading this blog?

So see your doctor right away and try not to move your leg if you really

can avoid it. A third degree strain is a full tear of your muscles and

requires a much longer time to heal. So please get your doctors opinion

on this before you do anything else.

Now hopefully you have identified your injury based on the type of pain

you are having, if you are not confident in your ability to assess the

degree of injury following the above information and instructions, then

please see a qualified doctor who can give you a second opinion, it can

really never hurt, but may help a lot.

I am sure you are very well aware of the fact that information is power

and you owe it to yourself and your body’s health to understand your

injuries. If you are able to understand your injuries then you can

diagnose them faster, and treat them better and recovery to the highest

possible levels. Now if you need some more information about a hip

flexor injury or any other hip flexor topics then please visit unlock your


Free core workout tips revealed.

One of the biggest complaints I hear these days is a lack of flexibility.

With the high number of computer jockeys in today’s modern world

then common complaint are limited range of motion in the hips and

shoulders, pain in the neck, back and feet.

Sitting all day, especially at an ergonomically challenging computer set

up, creates a shortening in your hip flexors which is basically the

muscles along the front of your hips and thighs that pull you down into a


These muscles in turn pull your lumbar spine forward, causing tension

and stiffness in the low back and bracing in your hips. Additionally

99.9% of people I see in the office sit incorrectly. I attribute this to

lifetime spent on soft cushy couches and overstuffed easy chairs.

Unfortunately while plush seating may feel nice for a while, it has the

effect of rolling your sacrum under so that your weight isn’t centered

over your Ischia tuberosities which is the sitting bone rather than on the

last vertebra of your spine that is your sacrum.

Now once your sacrum is jammed your entire spine compensates. This is

why a headache or sore neck is actually located in your pelvis, and why

works around the hips and low back will generally result in greater

shoulder mobility.

Now I am offering you some easy tips to increase your flexibility and

range of motion while reducing pain and stiffness. For the starter when

sitting for prolonged periods make sure your hips are higher than your

knees. If your knees are higher than your hips all of your weights falls

into your pelvis while the job of holding your upright falls to your hip

flexors and the postural stabilizers of your low back.

So instead of bracing your torso to stay upright, place your feet flat on

the floor, one foot a few inches in front of the other, by pressing into

ground, you should feel support travel up through your legs and into

your low back. Taking the strain off your back is the first step in

allowing greater mobility. Now if you want some free core workout tips

then please visit unlock your hip

Core exercises and abs exercises exposed.

Make sure that you do squats full on, all the way to your heels squats.

Squats force you to mobilize your ankles, knees, hips and the facet joints

in your pine. Most people who haven’t ever trained for this kind of

movement find even a basic squat with no weight to be challenging.

Again when performing the maneuver, make sure your torso doesn’t

pitch forward. Holding a small weight, a weighted bar, or a wooden

dowel in front of your chest, as in a traditional front squat position can

really help you to stay upright.

If you are not flexible enough to keep your feet relatively parallel start

with your legs wider apart, feet turned out at 45 degrees. The more you

practice squatting the more willing your body will be to go all the way to

the ground.

Practice sitting down on the ground and getting up without using your

hands. This is especially helpful for lubricating the hip joints and it

raises the fear that people develop as they age that they will fall and not

be able to get back up. It has the added bonus of loosening the lateral

rotators of the hip, the muscles that are implicated in sciatica.

So start by finding a way to bring you to a seated position on the floor,

hands free. Then get up also without using your hands. Repeat this

exercises several times, finding as many different ways to sit down and

stand up as you can.

When the exercise becomes too easy, add a weight and hold 10-25 lbs or

more if you are really comfortable at hest height while sitting and

standing. This not only mobilizes but also strengthens the joints. When

choosing a chair for your computer desk set up, select a firm flat surface

over any padded and contoured seats.

Most chairs are designed for an average or standard body and anyone

who has ever shopped for the perfect jeans knows that one size does not

fit all. In reality flat surfaces make it easier for you to sit forward on

your sitting bones, your Ischia tuberosities. If not, try to center yourself

as best you can without contorting your body. Just relax down on the

chair. Now if you want some more information about core exercises and

abs exercises then please visit unlock your hip

Critical aspects of hip flexors.

I am sure you are aware of the fact that sitting on your Ischia tuberosities

is much more stable than sitting on your sacrum. Your postural

stabilizing muscles can easily relax and reduce the bracing along your

spine, creating instant mobility for your back and this is absolute key in

resolving back and neck pain.

Make sure that you take extra breath since with the entire stimulus

coming at us from all directions like television, internet, books, MP3

players, digital advertizing, children, pets it is really easy to forget to

breathe easy.

When you cease breathing deeply your diaphragm becomes tight.

Anatomically the fascia of your diaphragm connects directly to your hip

flexors, so if your diaphragm is constricted, you’re hip flexors will be

too. So take time each and every day to lie quietly on your back.

Breathe deeply relaxing your rib cage, spine and abdominal muscles.

Allow your internal organs to rest heavily into your back. As you

become more relaxed, direct your breathing down deeper and deeper

into your pelvis relaxing all of the tension in your low back, sacrum,

gluteus muscles and thighs.

Now as you become more skilled at conscious breathing, you can very

well begin to direct your breath all the way out at the bottom of your

feet. You can very well practice dynamic joint mobility by taking each

hip joint through a series of repetitive movements designed to increase

the range of motion.

This kind of movement increases the flow of synovial fluid, which

lubricates the joints. It also provides excellent neurological feedback.

Range of motion is a use it or lose it proposition, and the more you

remind your body that you need to be able to allow you to do just that.

You need to stretch your hip flexors especially after long car or airplane

trips. Now as mentioned previously, sitting shortens the anterior muscles

of your hips and thighs. So to keep them long and limber, stretch daily,

or at least several times a week.

Let me remind you that any maneuver that causes a lengthening along

the front of your hip and thigh will lengthen the hip flexors. Some of my

favorite includes lunges where you need to keep your torso upright, do

not allow yourself to fall forward over your front knee and bridges

which is a full back bend with hands and feet on the floor.

You can very well modify this to a shoulder bridge if you aren’t quite

ready for this pose. Now if you want some more information on critical

aspects of hip flexors then please visit unlock your hip

How to unlock your hip flexors?

Now first let me say that if you have significant hip pain you should

seek consultation from a licensed health professional. Yes, okay now

that’s out of the way let’s talk a little about why you might feel pain in

the front of your hip during abs exercise.

The muscles that are in the front of the hip are the hip flexors. The hip

flexors bend the hip and attach to the pelvis and lower back. In addition

to playing a role in lower back pain during abs exercises they also play a

role in hip problems.

Anytime you perform an abs exercise in which your legs are moving,

your hip flexors will work and more pressure will be placed on the hip.

In my experience I have met quite a few people who feel a popping or

clicking in front of their hips when doing abs exercises like leg raises,

scissors, flutter kicks, sit ups or even bicycle crunches.

In my opinion there are two main things that can really contribute to

pain or clicking in front of the hip during abs exercise. For the starter,

tight and overactive hip flexor muscles can potentially cause pain or

clicking in the hips.

Generally speaking people are sedentary and sitting around all day or at

a desk tends to decrease the flexibility in the hip flexors. Now just think

for a moment, you probably sit in the car or at public transport on your

way to work. Then, you sit at work for eight or more hours. Again you

in the car on your way back home and I know that then many of us sit in

front of the television.

Let me remind you that all this sitting really affects the flexibility in the

hips. When the hip flexors are tight and inflexible they may click when

you extend your legs. Runners also tend to have tight hip flexors, and I

have personally met many runners that have clicking and hip pain when

they do certain abs exercises. Now if you want to unlock your hip

flexors you then please unlock your hip

The ultimate hip flexor machine exposed.

If you sit at work and run for exercise, chances are your hip flexors are

too tight and inflexible. Now a simple solution to this problem is to

stretch the hip flexor muscles. Stretching the hip flexors is great for

everyone, especially people with hip pain or lower back pain during abs


The second reason people might experience pain in the hips during abs

workout is weak abdominal muscles. This may be difficult to

understand, but I will do my best to make it straight forward. When your

abs is weak, your pelvis is less stable. When your pelvis is less stable,

your hip is less stable.

Sometimes clicking is a sign or instability. When your pelvis is unstable,

your hip may pop or click when you move it during exercises like leg

raises. A simple solution to this problem is to continually work on

improving your overall core stability with exercises like the drawing in

maneuver, bridges, the plank and reverse crunches.

So if you have felt hip pain or clicking in front of your hips during your

abs workouts, try stretching your hip flexors before your workout. Also

focus on overall core stability and overall flexibility.

In addition to focusing in overall flexibility, try avoiding the exercises

that cause the most discomfort until you build up your body to be able to

perform than correctly with no problems. Lastly if simple stretching and

strengthening does not improve your discomfort seek assistance from a

licensed health professional.

Again there are biomechanical factors in the pelvis and lower back joints

that can really affect hip flexors. What are these factors and how might

they affect hip flexors? The ligaments that attach the pelvis to the body

are anchored in the pubic bone. There an abnormal upper front tilting of

the pelvis will move the pubic bone back and restrict the ligaments that

hold the hip flexor in place.

This is why certain hip flexors exercise and surgery target these

ligaments. In hip flexor exercises the problem that causes pelvic tilt is a

lack of posture. It is more common that one would think. Now if you

want to know about the ultimate hip flexor machine then please visit

unlock your hip

Tips and inspiration about hip flexors.

Tell me something honestly, has your forward progress come to a

screeching halt or worse are you beginning to back slide? If so, you are

not alone, now the question is what to do now? To get out of fear

paralysis fast you need to get moving strong.

Here is the deal, the energy of stuck, being unwilling to move forward,

will show up in your hips every time. Today’s issue is going to focus on

just one aspect of the hip joint, the hip flexors on the front side of your


Let me narrate you my own personal experience, recently my right hip

flexor began to bother me. I stretched and stretched and it still caught

with every stride as I ran. Your hip flexors are located deep in the front

hip where the leg ties into the body and they are responsible for flexing

and bending of your thigh.

Amazingly, moving forward is a moment by moment progression of

literally falling forward and catching yourself. Your hip flexors get you

out of your own way so that you can move ahead and fall forward, but in

such a way that your other leg becomes available to catch you.

Observe a baby learning to walk and you will surely see the process in

action. If you do not flex the hip you will either struggle to move

forward, not move at all or trip over yourself and land face first on the

ground. You may not think about it in this way, but walking forward is

an exercise in trust.

Now with constant practice, you can learn to trust the process of your

forward progression as effortlessly as walking. Now you might ask me

what my lesson was in my hip flexor. Knowing it was not simply a

physical matter you might have asked the question.

The answer is that once you become conscious of your fear,

acknowledge it, release it to truth and say yes to the all your opportunity.

Throughout my process of awareness I supported my body with

intentional stretching and chiropractic care.

Working physically, at the level of mind and the level of energy

accelerated the rise to consciousness my subconscious false

programming allowed me to shift much more rapidly. Another example

of the power of moving through life as an integrated whole.

You need to be present to your hip flexors and open them with a runners

stretch and strengthen them with chiropractic care or nurture them with

deep tissue massage. Now if you really need to take action on right now

to step forward in your life so that you can get out of your own way then

please visit unlock your hip

How to exercise the hip and knee flexors simultaneously?

This eBook will guide you through the process of treating a hip flexor

injury. Now when you sustain a hip flexor pull, your body’s natural

defenses kick in and you will usually see some sort of swelling. So

transition from this phase to the next phase in recovery you should

follow the PRICE procedure as soon as possible following the injury.

For the starter stop all physical activity and try to immobilize the injured

leg, this will surely prevent any further damage. You need to note that

this step is primarily for grade 3 and grade 2 strains. Yes, there is no

significant difference if you follow this step for grade 1 strains, however

if you have the necessary equipments, then you should use it to be on the

safe side.

Again rest may the most frustrating step of the hip flexor treatment

process, but also the most important one. An injury cannot heal unless it

has the time to rebuild, if you continue to train on an injured muscle you

will surely develop a buildup of scar tissue which will most likely lead

to chronic injuries.

In this context, rest is about reducing the movement of the injured leg as

much as possible and try to take as much stress of the injured hip flexor

as you can. So immediately after the injury, alternate icing and not icing

the injured hip flexor every 20 minutes in order to reduce inflammation

and pain.

You need to continue this for 2-3 hours, after this continue icing at a

less frequent rate, an edge how often by how much swelling is still

present, the more swelling, the more frequent you would ice. As a

precaution never apply an extremely cold object directly to your skin,

wrap it in some sort of towel to prevent skin damage.

Compression goes hand in hand with icing, which has a purpose of

reducing swelling from inflammation. The compression will temporarily

restrict blood flow which prevents swelling from occurring. This area is

hard to wrap, and takes a lot of material, so for the part tape is not the

best option. You should try to find a compress bandage that you can

wrap around your torso several times and re -use for a long time.

Always try to elevate the injury as much as possible. The hip flexor is

really hard to elevate above everything else, but try to stay away from a

sitting position where your hips are the lowest point on your body. This

protocol should be followed until all swelling is eliminated and the

majority of hip flexor pain subsides, typically 48-72 hours with most

grade 1 or grade2 pull.

Now I am sure you are aware of the fact that information is power, you

owe it to yourself and your body’s health to understand your injuries. If

you are able to understand injuries, then you can very well diagnose

them faster and treat them better and ensure recovery to the highest

possible levels. So if you need more information about a hip flexor strain

then please visit unlocks your hip

Is hip flexor strain really worth your time?

I am sure almost everyone in the world has done a sit up sometime

during their life. The exception is only those that have not started in

school or began to walk yet. Lord sis is an actually a very common

condition, and the severity depends upon the person and their imbalance.

Many people have lord sis without even realizing it and other are aware

of the pain, but unaware of the condition. Lord sis is basically an

exaggerated lumbar curve in the spine. It is caused by overactive or tight

hip flexors, weak hip extensors and weak abdominals.

Most people that sit down a lot during the day have lord sis and others

that do a lot of sits ups have it. You will notice a lot of people come out

of the military with a lower back pain. Most of the time it is caused by

loads of sits ups that are required to maintain physical fitness.

Sit ups can really cause lord sis by working the hip flexors more than the

rectus abdomens. The abs muscles which anatomically are known as the

rectus abdomens’ act to elevate the torso with help from three muscles

that flex the hip, iliopsas, which is actually three muscles- the psoas

major, psoas minor and iliac us.

Along with it are the rectus femora’s, which is the only quad muscle that

runs anterior of the femaroacetabular joint. So when the hip flexors, a

person with weak abs will get minimum work from their abs muscles

directly. This causes the hip flexors to do a lot of the work.

The hip flexors will continue working long before the abs muscles have

fatigued and the result is a forward pelvis which is an anterior pelvic tilt

which we call lord sis. Other exercises that target the abs muscles are

sometimes acknowledged to target the hip flexors. One of which is the

hanging weighted leg raise.

The raise flexes the hip but is better than sit ups because it involves

more of the spinal erectors that have to stabilize the lower back. The

anterior pelvic tilt is called lord sis and can be fixed in several ways. The

solution is first to stretch the overactive muscles and in this case the hip

flexors and strengthen the abs and hip extensors.

Now you might ask me how can your strengthen the abs without the hip

flexor too? Isometric abs work like planks. Now how can you strengthen

the hip extensors? Stiff leg dead lifts and low bar squats can really do

the job, and so can glut hamstring raises.

Again if you insist on concentrically working your abs with sit ups or

leg raises, then squeeze the gluts at the bottom to deactivate the hip

flexors. Now if you want some more information about hip flexors

injury then please visit unlock your hip

How to lose weight from problem areas like the buttock?

I personally believe in all over body intensity workout approach when

dealing with questions on losing weight from the problem areas like the

buttock. Now you might ask me how to lose arm fat, how to lose back

fat or how to tone your buttocks.

I believe that doing exercises specific to one muscle group or part of the

body at a time in a targeted way is often an improper and wasteful way

of trying to achieve weight loss and gain the body shape you want.

Again I believe that you can achieve your results quicker by using the

max workouts which are basically intensity workouts that targets the full


All you need this workouts are a pair of dumbbells, some barbells if you

can get hold of them, however otherwise dumbbells will suffice and a

place to do pull ups. Now if you are looking for examples of how to tone

your buttocks then you first need to understand the relationship between

the muscles that is the gluteus maxims and the hip flexors.

One of the main benefits of have well exercised buttock or glutei

muscles is that they protect your lower back. Most people do not use

their glutei muscles and this is butt amnesia. One reason for butt amnesia

is a simple case of too much sitting.

Sitting for long periods of time apparently has the effect of tightening

and shortening of hip flexor muscles. Let me inform you that your hip

flexors are a lot larger and stronger than your muscles in the lower back


When they play tug of war, your lower back muscles will lose out every

time. The buttock or glutei muscles are strong enough to counteract the

hip flexors but the glutei muscles get shut down when they are actually


If the hip flexors are too tight then it stops the glutei muscles from

working or activating. Then what to do? I will sincerely advice you that

you need to deactivate these hip flexors before waking up the butt. In my

opinion the best way to achieve this is to stretch them if you stretch

these hip flexors for about a minute just before you exercise the glutei

muscles will help to wake them up. Now if you want to know how to

lose weight from problem areas like the buttock then please visit unlock

your hip

All you need to know about arm exercises and intensity work outs.

A good exercise to perform if you are looking for how to tone your

buttocks is hip thrusts. Rest your shoulders and neck on a bench pushing

out your abs and chest horizontally with your feet planted firmly on the

ground. Now lower your buttocks and chest so that your glutei muscles

almost touch the ground and raise back up again.

As for exercise to lose arm fat and back fat I simply recommend doing

full body exercises, as opposed to the traditional or non effective

isolated exercises that target those areas. All of the full body exercises

along with workouts are detailed in this intensity workout.

The squat press ups are an example of a full body exercise that you can

use and try out if you are interested in losing stubborn fat deposits from

those awkward areas. I recently talked to someone who gets recurrent

low back pain.

I tried to engage him in a conversation about strength and stability

training why hip flexors for low back pain? Because the psoas which is

one of the hip flexors attaches at the low back. For those of us who work

at desks, this muscle tends to get short and stiff.

When the hip flexors is short it tends to tilt the pelvis forward, and a

forward anterior tilted pelvis can force the lumbar spine to extend when

walking. Now think about how many steps you that is a lot of extensions

for your poor lower back pain. So give your back a break and get some

length in your hip flexors.

If you ask me for a suggestion then it would be to strengthen the gluts.

That is because most sitters also end up with weak glutei muscles. Get a

better butt, and you will probably have less back pain. When the gluts

are strong, the back extensors have to work less.

It will probably also reduce hip and knee pain if you have those too. This

is because the TFL or tensor fascia latae tends to help out by doing the

work that the weak gluts cannot do. This leaves the TFL tight which

often causes IT ileotibial band tightness.

If you know what the IT band is, then you probably know what IT band

tightness feels like, it’s not fun. Strengthening the gluts sure can take

some of the pressure off the TFL and balance things out. Now if you

want to know more about you need to know about arm exercises and

intensity work outs then please visit unlock your hip

All you need about hip bursitis.

Hip bursitis causes pain in the groin area and the pain usually extends to

the outside of the thigh region, and is described as sharp and intense in

the early stages. The pain becomes more of an aching later on and

spreads out along the thigh and hips.

Many complain that the pain is worse at night, when getting up from a

sitting position or when lying on the affected hip. Although hip bursitis

is more common among women it can affect almost anyone. Again

middle aged persons and the elderly are more commonly affected.

Some risk factors associated with hip bursitis includes hip injury which

is an injury to a certain area of the hip and can occur when you fall on

the hip, lie on that side for an extended period of time, bump the hip on

the edge of a table or fall on the hip.

Repetitive stress is known as over use injury and it occurs when stair

climbing, bicycling, running or standing a long periods of time. People

with spine problems are at risk for hip bursitis. This includes arthritis,

scoliosis and other disorders.

When one leg is shorter than the other by an inch or more then this is

called leg length inequality and it could affect the way you walk and

lead to bursitis of the hip. The bursa can become inflamed from previous

surgery of the hip or prosthetic implants.

The condition of rheumatoid arthritis leads to more inflamed bursa.

Bone spurs or calcium deposits may develop inside of the tendons that

attach to the upper portion of the femur. The orthopedic specialist will

first try to treat your hip condition with conservative measures.

Most people with bursitis of the hip can achieve pain relief with simple

lifestyle modifications. This involves avoidance of activities that

symptoms, the use of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS

and the use of crutches or a cane on occasion.

Again the doctor may recommend that you see a physical therapist for a

short period of time to help the condition. In extremely rare cases of hip

bursitis either an incision or with arthroscopy. Again this bursa removal

is very rarely recommended. Now if you want to know more about hip

bursitis then please visit unlock your hip

All you need to know about snapping hip syndrome?

Basically snapping hip syndrome is a disorder that is depicted by a

snapping sensation and by an audible popping sound when the hip is

extended or flexed. This condition can be sometimes diagnosed with an

x ray of the hip, but occasionally, the orthopedic specialist must obtain

an MRI to look for the problem.

Now there many causes of this condition, but it is most commonly due

to tendons catching on bony prominence and making a snapping sound

when the hip is moved. There are three basic causes for snapping hip


They are iliotibial band snap which is a wide thick tendon that is on the

outside of the hip joint. When the iliotibial band snaps over the bony

prominence over the outside of the hip joint which is known as the

greater trochanster, this creates the snapping of hip syndrome.

Iliopsoas tendon is the main hip flexor muscles and the structure that

passes just in front of the hip joint. When this tendon catches on a bony

prominence of the pelvis, a snap occurs with hip flexion. Again hip

liberal tear is the least common cause of snapping hip syndrome.

It occurs with a tear of the cartilage within the hip point. When the hip is

moved, the loose flap of cartilage catches within the joint creating an

audible pop. Most cases of snapping hip syndrome can be treated with a

short course of anti inflammatory medications.

Sometimes the orthopedic specialist finds it necessary to inject the hip

with a cortisone medication. In certain cases, the doctor will recommend

physical therapy to stretch out the muscles and tendons and help correct

the problem.

Now while surgery is not always necessary, those patients with severe

symptoms that persist over extended periods of time may be deserving

candidates. The surgery is done to relax the tendons and remove

cartilage that is damaged or torn. Snapping hip syndrome surgery is safe

and beneficial for those many who suffer with this condition.

If somehow I managed to get the opportunity for a third suggestion, it

would be to get someone to screen for muscle imbalances and movement

impairments. Now there are several ways to assess this functional

movement screen.

The FMS is a system for evaluating and scoring fundamental

movements and then providing corrective exercise strategy that targets

the biggest dysfunction. This system is currently in use by many NFL,

NBA and NHL teams because they realize it is great for assessing injury

risk. Now if you want to know more about the system then please visit

unlock your hip

How to get rid of your lower back pain right here and right now?

In reality the hip is a ball and socket joint and together with intricate sets

of ligaments offer a ballet dancer tremendous range of motion, and at the

same time also withstand great weight. The hip is one of the most

elegant parts of the body, if you take it from an engineer’s perspective.

There of course is the occasional price to be paid for all that beautiful

motion that your hips afford you. There might be occasional strain on

hip ligaments or more frequently the muscles in the hip areas. Some

ballet dancing movements can create imbalances in the hip and the most

common conditions amongst dancers are hip flexor tendonitis,

impingement and of course snapping hip syndrome.

Snapping hip syndrome is causes from tight tendons in front of the hips.

These tight tendons can cause the tendon over the hip joint to snap and

this often makes a clicking sound. If this happens to you, you may also

notice tenderness or pain across the front of the hip.

There will also be a pinching pain in your knees if you bring them up to

your chest. To prevent this from happening the hip flexors and all the

abductors will need to be gradually stretched and strengthened. Now if

you have pain over the side of your hip, then you could be suffering

from trochanteric bursitis.

This is an inflammation of the trochanteric bursa and is a common cause

of hip pain. The trochanteric bursa lies underneath the attachment of the

broad flat bone of the femur, and serves to cushion and reduce friction

between the bones, tendons and muscles.

Causes of tronchanteric could be from overuse or structural imbalances

in the pelvic area. Treatment will normally involve lessening the

workload and stretching and strengthening the affected areas. Now if

you have pain in the front of your hip near your groin, you could be

diagnosed with iliac us tendonitis or ilioposis syndrome.

This is common amongst younger people and affects the iliac us muscle

at the lower portion of the iliopsoas muscle at the front of the hip. The

condition is also caused from overuse and increased emphasis on hip

flexion and internal rotation, so it affects young people more often.

Treatment will include reduce work load until the symptoms subside.

Anti-inflammatory medication can assist with reducing the swelling

along the tendon. You may also need to strengthen and correct muscle

imbalances, so advice from a physical therapist or athletic trainer may be

well worth while. Now if you want to get rid of you lower back pain

right here and right now then please click visit unlock your hip

The Common Mistakes of Soft Tissue Work and Self-Rehab"

Lower back pain with irritation of the L3, L4 nerve roots can cause pain

and spasm in the rectus femora’s and pain and spasm in this muscle will

aggravate lower back pain. The muscle is one of the four muscles termed

as quadriceps muscles. The quadricepses are the muscles in front of the

thigh and are responsible for straightening the knee.

The rectus femora’s arises from an area on the pelvic bone known as

anterior superior iliac spine and the part of the bone just have the hip

joint. It inserts at the upper border of the knee cap or patella and also to

the tubercle on the front of the shin bone or tibia.

Its action is to bend the thigh upwards or hip flexion and to strengthen

the knee or knee extension. It receives the L2-L4 nerve root supply

through the femoral nerve. Since rectus femora’s is the only muscle of

the quadriceps that crosses over the hip joint as well as the knee joint,

this muscle is more valuable to trauma than the other three quadriceps

muscles which are vast us laterals, vast us medially and vast us


When the hip and knee are bent as in sitting, crouching or squatting

rectus femora’s and tensor fascia lata muscles are very tight at the hip

and excessively stretched at the knee. This predisposes the muscles to

get easily traumatized.

Additionally aging of the L3, L4 nerve root injury or irritation from

presence of degenerative arthritis of the spine, slipped disc, bulging disc

are also responsible for underlying neurogenic weakness in this muscle.

Since the quadriceps is essential for keeping the knee steady when going

down steps, inclines and in the walking phase after the heel strikes the

ground, weakness of the rectus femora’s and the tensor fascia lata which

also has the L4 root fibers can predispose the person to fall.

To strengthen the rectus femora’s and tensor fascia lata muscles, the

principle involves education starting first with shortening contractions of

the spinal extensors from the neck to the lower back and the hip extensor


The hip flexor tightness is secondary to imbalanced contraction of the

hip flexor muscles such as rectus femora’s, tensor fascia lata, abductor

muscles and the iliopsoas muscles in the presence of weak back and hip

extensors such as the gluteus maxims, the lower part of the abductor

Magnus muscle and the hamstring muscles.

When the knee is flexed, the hamstring muscles do not participate in

straightening the hip extension. Therefore most of the strength of the

hamstrings is directed to bending the knee flexion. The health education

for shortening contractions of the spinal extensors and hip extensors

muscles such as gluteus maxims and abductor Magnus must be

performed first to return strength to these muscles.

These extensor muscles are the main muscles constantly exposed to

lengthening contractions at the hip making them weak. At the knee, the

weakness in extension force results in unopposed pull of the knee flexor


The shortening and spasm in the knee flexor muscles such as the

hamstrings and gastronomies muscles are difficult to release primarily.

Therefore shortening contractions of the knee extensor muscles such as

the rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and the other three quadriceps

muscles need to be performed first.

Now it is difficult to isolate these muscles to be individually trained for

shortening contractions. Selective activation of these muscles is best

performed with motor point stimulation using etuis twitch relief method.

Now if you want to know more about lower back pain relief then please

visit unlock your hip

All you need to know about hip flexor stretch and groin stretch.

If you are about to engage in a competitive game of bowling then it’s a

good idea to take a few moments to warm up. There are several and easy

exercises you can use to get your muscles limbered up and ready to


Rolling a 16 pound ball down the bowling lane requires more effort than

you might think, and the more prepared your body is, the less likely you

are to injure yourself, by straining your muscles and joints. Bowling also

can cause repetitive strain on your arms, wrists and knees.

When you don’t prepare properly for this kind of exertion, then you

make it more likely that small traumas, leading to serious injuries

eventually, occur when you play. To prevent these issues, you can use

the following exercises to stretch and warm up the specific areas of your

body that are used in bowling.

Always try to perform these exercises before each bowling session,

whether it’s a competitive game or a practice session. In case of hip

flexor stretch this large muscle is an important one to warm up. A

typical way to this is to step forward with your left leg, while keeping

your right leg straight.

Slowly bend your left knee until you can feel the stretch in your right

hip. Make sure your left knee doesn’t go over your left foot. Hold the

stretch for 10-15 seconds, and then stretch your other leg. Repeat this

stretch three times.

In case of groin stretch, with the long leg extension used in bowling the

groin area is particularly susceptible to strain. To make sure this area is

properly stretched, sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together.

Hold your toes, and slowly lean forward with your upper body bending

from your hips. Depending on how flexible you are, you may need to

bring your heels closer in to your seat, or move your knees closer to the

floor, in order to get a good stretch. Hold this position for about 30


If you want to further the stretch by isolating each side of your groin,

gently push down one knee as you lean forward. Of course, before

embarking on any new physical activity, check with your doctor to make

sure you are healthy enough for exercise.

Thus in the treatment of lower back pain and discomfort rectus femora’s

has to be treated together with all the other large and powerful muscles

that cross multiple joints and are exposed to lengthening contractions.

Therefore, treatments must involve the entire spinal muscles from the

neck to the base of the spine, gluteus maxims, adductor magmas and

tensor fascia lata muscles as a minimum.

Now I think its relevance is even greater for the general public because

we probably spend more time sitting, and we generally do not have 24/7

access to great doctors, therapists and strength coaches.

Whether it is the FMS or another approach to assessing movement,

learning about your muscular imbalances and then correcting them can

have an immense positive impact on your musculoskeletal health. Now

if you want to know more about hip flexor stretch and groin stretch then

please visit unlock your hip

Is eliminating back pain really possible?

In this eBook, we are going to talk about is increasing the speed within

your legs and hip itself. In short we will be talking about speed, strength

and power within the legs. What you want to first ask yourself is

whether you are really functional?

Now when it comes to building speed, your body needs to be in a

balanced state. What does that mean? Are the muscle tissues moving

properly? Does the fascia system have enough glide? Do your muscle

tissues contract and communicate with the whole body? All of these

three questions must be addressed to decide if your body is in a balanced


So one muscle must communicate with the next muscle and so on and so

forth. In the case of sped, everyone has front muscles, the hip flexors,

which are contracted. Everyone understands that these muscles are tight

but this is actually slowing the legs down.

You need to really focus on getting that hip to open. So lets actually start

showing you what’s happening. What you really need to know is that the

body is designed to have something in the back turned off if something

in the front is on.

Basically we are an anterior driven society so the front for your body is

working overtime, at all times. Consequently this will get tightened and

turned on, eventually getting harder and preventing the hip joint from

opening completely.

As a result, the posterior part of your body, your butt, is going to turn

off. I am going to show you how to make that backside functional, but

first let’s find out what it looks like. In order to push your leg

backwards, your glutei and hamstrings need to work.

So you need to focus on foam rolling, trigger point work and stretches

for your glutei and hamstrings. For the starter, you must get them to

learn how to move, and then get them to contract with trigger point work

or squats.

It is also important to get them to communicate, by using fluid motion in

your stretches. Once you do that, you must then understand the hip

flexor area. This area will be the next tricky part. This gives the glute

and hamstrings a reason to stay working.

There are several muscles in this group and so much happening in this

area. However, what you want to focus on is getting the hip to open in

the backward direction. Once we get the muscles to stop working so

hard, your body will take over and start doing it on its own.

This is where people make their mistake as they think that they need to

get faster and stronger yet what they don’t realize is that the body

naturally wants to become more efficient. You really don’t have to try so

hard if you focus on the basics of getting the muscle tissue to start

moving, contracting and communicating.

You need to watch how it moves then feed that movement. Afterwards,

it’s just a matter of practicing that speed and efficiency in a non focused

way. Usually, if you are doing this right, you won’t see the positive

effects coming. You will surely notice that you are running faster

without even trying.

So when we are talking about increasing speed, we are talking about

increasing the functionality of your body. Getting it to move, contract

and communicate through foam rolling, trigger point work and

stretching is the key point here.

You just need to do these things and focus on the balance between the

hip flexors and extensors. Then it s just a matter of practicing and you

will realize how much easier your can move and how you can move.

Now if you would like to learn more about eliminating back pain then

please visit unlock your hip

Proper treatment of soft tissue work.

Now if you hear a snap in your hip when your walk, stand up or swing

your leg you may have snapping hip syndrome. Though the sound often

causes concern, it is generally not a condition that requires treatment. It

is most commonly found in dancers and other athletes.

Snapping hip usually occurs when a tendon moves across a bony

structure. This can occur on the outside or inside of the hip. On the

outside, it occurs when the iliotibial or IT band snaps across the greater

trochanter, and the top of the thigh bone that sticks out.

When snapping occurs on the inside of the hip near the groin, it is likely

caused by the iliopsoas tendon snapping across bones of the pelvis. This

tendon stretches from the inner thigh to the pelvis. Now is the snapping

a cause for concern? The medical community says no unless it is

associated with pain.

Pain can occur when the tendons and surrounding muscles are tight. The

IT band is more prone to snap across the greater trochanter if the band is

tight. The IT band can become tight when the gluteus medias muscle, an

important hip stabilizer is weak and this can lead the tension fasciae

latae muscle to compensate for the gluteus medias and to become tight

from overuse.

The TFL connects to the IT band, when the muscle is tight; it pulls on

the IT band and causes it to tighten as well. Since the IT band runs from

the hip to the knee on the outside of the thigh, tightness of this structure

can cause pain at the hip and the knee as well as altered body mechanics.

The glutei muscles should be strengthened as well to correct the

imbalance. The iliopsoas tendon may snap over the bones of the pelvis if

the psoas muscle to which it attaches is tight. Psoas muscles are

commonly tight in the general population.

They are hip flexors, which mean they work to bring the lower and

upper body together. Since they are held in a shortened position when

sitting and sitting is a regular part of many people’s day, tight psoas

muscles are not uncommon.

They may be especially tight in runners and cyclists, who use the

muscles frequently. A tight psoas pulls up on the iliopsoas tendon,

possibly causing it to snap across bones when the hip moves. You may

also need to use a foam roller to lengthen tight psoas muscles.

Bursitis occurs when a bursa is inflamed and burse are fluid filled sacs

that lay between bones and muscles or tendons, the bursa helps these

structures glide over one another without experiencing friction. There

are burse between the greater trochanters and the IT bands and between

the front of the hip joint and the psoas muscle.

When structures are tight and inflamed, they can rub against the bursa

and cause them to become inflamed. An inflamed bursa fills with extra

fluid and causes pain whenever a structure moves across it. It is

generally tender to the touch as well.

If you experience pain with snapping hip syndrome, bursitis may be

involved. Diagnosing the cause of snapping hip syndrome may be

difficult. A doctor or physical therapist can move your leg in such as

way as to recreate the snapping in an attempt to isolate the relevant

structures involved.

Exercise therapy should be sufficient to treat muscular causes of

snapping hip syndrome. Rarely snapping hip can be caused by torn or

broken pieces of cartilage or bone inside the joint. This may require

steroid injections or surgery. Now if you want some more information

on stretching the TFL and IT band then please visit unlock your hip

Safe choices for back pain management solutions.

In my opinion walking is a great way to stay fit and active. Even if you

are sedentary, you may take 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. However if you

are active, look out. You may take more than 10, 000 steps a day. So

what happens when the sacroiliac joint is not moving freely and the hip

joint moves excessively?

Can you imagine the damages to the buttock soft tissues, the sacroiliac

and hip joints with each step taken? The pelvis is formed by the sacrum,

tailbone and two ileum which are basically wing like hip bones. When

you walk and run, as a unit, the sacrum and tailbone rock slightly back

and forth.

Each wing like hip bone rotates in opposite direction. So when your

walk, one hip bone which is ileum along with the sacroiliac joint rotates

forward while the opposite one on the other side rotates back. If one of

the hip bones is struck in a forward, rotated position, then the same

sacroiliac join cannot rotate back freely and fully during the second half

of the walking stride.

The buttock muscles on the same restricted side are forced to

compensate by pulling harder at the hip joint to swing your leg back.

Normally, the sacroiliac and hip joints rotate simultaneously. However

with a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint, the hip joint is forced to rotate more

than it needs to.

Now I am sure do you see the potential for damage, especially if you

take 10,000 steps a day? If the hip joint is forced to excessively,

eventually you will wear it out. The affected hip may being to click and

pop as it needs to create a new axis of rotation.

This can lead to premature hip degeneration and arthritis. The hip feels

stiff in the morning. It will also feel stiff and clunky as you get up and

move around after sitting down for a while. What about the buttock


Now let’s say you have a hand crank radio? Its old and hasn’t been cared

for; some of the internal gears are rusty. When you crank it, you notice

that it doesn’t turn as smoothly as before. The internal gears are not

moving freely and efficiently.

It requires more effort to crank the handle. Within minutes, your arm

muscles get tired from cranking the rusty gears inside the radio. Now the

same principle applies to your buttock muscles. Eventually the

compensated buttock muscles will eventually wear out.

They will become tight and taut and the tight and taut buttock muscle

will then resist forward rotation of the sacroiliac and hip joints which

create a new problem. Normally, when you step forward as in walking

and running, the buttock muscles should let go and relax.

But these tight and taut muscles prevent normal facilitator relaxation.

The groin and hip flexor muscles must then work harder to overcome the

increased tension from the buttock muscles. So basically you have a tug

of war between the anterior groin or hip flexor muscles and posterior

buttock muscles.

Before you know it, this muscle tug of war causes hip and groin pain and

clicking. You will often notice clicking in the groin and hip when you

bring your thigh up, walk up the stairs and hill or simply getting up from

sitting down. Now if you want to know more about safe choices for back

pain management solutions then please click visit unlock your hip

Educate yourself in alternative solutions for back pain management

Let me inform you that other signs and symptoms of chronic sacroiliac

dysfunction include myofascial pain and stiffness to the low back,

buttock and hip area. The same thigh and leg may be weak upon

standing for a while; and one leg may appear to be longer than the other


When walking, you will feel that one hip and leg don’t seem to be

swinging and moving as smoothly and easily as the other side. The most

appropriate treatment for a sacroiliac joint dysfunction is with

chiropractic treatment.

You will notice that immediate improvement after just one treatment.

The fundamental problem here is biomechanical. If the sacroiliac and

hip joint are not moving freely and properly they are not happy. So there

is no point in stretching or doing any rehab exercises.

Now you might ask me why? Because when you stretch or exercise, you

are forcing the unhappy joints to move against their will. Please don’t

forget about the muscle tug of war. They are not happy either, when all

soft tissues are treated and biomechanical problems are corrected,

selective rehab exercises and stretching are welcomed and should be part

of the treatment plan.

So, if you continue to get pain and clicking in your hip and groin despite

all previous treatment attempts, please consult with a chiropractor. It

will save you a lot of stress and frustration. A thorough and competent

chiropractor will properly evaluate and treat you.

While the medical community generally dismisses cases of snapping hip

syndrome that aren’t accompanied by pain, it is good for you to know

that the sound you hear could indicate muscle tension that, eventually

could result in pain.

Incorporating some stretches or foam rolling into your exercise routine

may be sufficient to relieve the annoying snap you hear when you move

your hip. In your ballet dancing, your torso must be correctly aligned not

overreaching the back or tucking under.

Don’t sink into the hip while standing one leg, or hike up the hip of the

working leg. Twisting the pelvis and forcing positions is also asking for

trouble. Do you know about the toms twitch relief method that utilizes

surface electrical stimulation to locate motor points or trigger points.

The motor points are then stimulated to induce strong local muscle

contraction, termed as twitches. These results in reduced muscle pain

and discomfort in the areas that were stimulated. The involved pain or

discomfort in the areas that were stimulated.

The involved pain or discomfort relieving mechanism is thought to

include local muscle exercises and stretch effects. So thanks for taking

an interest in your health. I hope you have learnt something new. There

is one systems that specializes in diagnosis and treatment which ends

muscle discomfort and pain and if you want to know about it then please

visit unlock your hip

How to stop lower back pain?

Now if you ask me how to stop lower back pain then my answer will be

that the anatomical parameters for the core vary from opinion to opinion,

however its purpose is clear; the core minimizes defunct energy between

the ground and the desired performance conclusion, and reduces the

incidence of lower back injury.

Let me inform you that muscles regions that effect core stability are

abdomen, lower back, and gluteus group, abductor group that is groin,

hip flexors and hamstrings. The abdomen primarily consists of four

muscles; rectus abdominals that is 6 packs, inner oblique’s, outer

obliques and transverse abdominals.

Rectus abdominals produces truck flexion as well as controlling the

positioning of pelvis forward to ease the stress on the lower back

muscles. A sign of weak rectus abdominals is excessive hypertension of

lower back. Strengthening exercises for rectus abdominals are crunches

and sit-ups.

The inner and outer obliques are a double layer abdomen muscle literally

adjacent on both sides of rectus abdominals. The cliques perform

rotation and lateral flexion that is golf swing and boxer’s right cross, and

also assist the rectus abdominals in trunk flexion and transverse

abdominals is intra abdominal pressure.

Exercises to strengthen the obliques are medico ball twists, dumbbell

side bends and side crunches. Transverse abdominals is the most internal

as well as influential abdomen muscle. It acts as an internal belt like

what you would see weight lifters wearing and performs intra abdominal

pressure and is therefore used in every moment within an exercise,

sporting activity and general lifestyle environment.

Seated contraction and static or prone hold are recommended to exercise

transverse abdominals. The erector spine is what is commonly referred

to as the lower back and performs back extension, lateral flexion and


If an erector spine weakness is present there will be an increased risk of

lower back injury during lumbar spine or low back extension and

stabilization, subsequently exercises not recommended are straight leg

dead lifts, squat and dead lift.

Corrective exercises for erector spine weakness are back extension,

truck flexion and modified cable row, motionless arms, moving force

through back extension. When detailing your work outs equal time and

volume should be divided between lower back and abdomen exercises.

Inflexibility in the abductor group or groin specifically adductor

Magnus, gluteus maxims buttocks and iliopsoas or hip flexors can put

the lower back at risk of injury, therefore causing core weakness.

Corrective exercises for inflexibility in these areas are adductor groin

stretch, gluteus stretch, hip flexor stretch and quadriceps stretch.

The supplementary gluteus group muscles in gluteus medias and gluteus

minimums also play a role in core stability in that they steady the pelvis

so that it does not say when opposite side in not supported with leg. This

condition is known as trendelenburg gait as is often found in models

while on the catwalk.

An area often overlooked in relation to lower back soreness and injury

and therefore core stability weakness is inflexibility in the hamstring

muscles that is biceps femora’s, semitendinosus, and semimembranisus.

There will be an increased level of injury risk during hip extension

activities such as straight leg dead lift and good mornings. Now if you

want to know how to stop lower back pain then please visit unlock your


All you need to know about back pain management.

Let me remind you that due to the inability to correctly perform hip

flexions, compensation is made by the lumbar spine and the risk of

injury will be enhanced if the lumbar spine is not used to this movement

or workload. Advised exercise for hamstring inflexibility is supine

hamstring stretch that is lying on back performing hip flexion by

bringing straight leg upward.

Core stability is a vital component in sports and recreational activities as

well as proficient function in everyday life. If you are diagnosed or feel

although you are suffering from core stability weakness then implement

the advised exercises to your exercises and lifestyle program.

Flexibility is portrayed both in media and in the fitness industry as a key

factor in joint and muscle health. The current trend of thought appears to

be the more flexible you are, the less likely you are to injure yourself.

The recent popularity of yoga in the United States bolsters this view


It is difficult to walk down the street without seeing someone toting a

yoga mat.

Yoga, if practiced correctly and within the constraints of one’s ability,

has the potential to be a useful tool in maintaining health. Many yoga

poses have functional relevance, for example the cobra position

facilitates extension of the lower back, a position that is often lost from

sitting on an office chair for eight hours daily.

The tree poses addresses strength and balance within ones center of

gravity. Most people derive positive mental and physical benefits from

yoga that would have otherwise been sedentary. The focus of this eBook

however to deal with how to correctly attain ideal flexibility and pain


The reality of yoga is somewhat different from its public persona. The

simple truth is many practitioners of yoga either already have or develop

through the practice of yoga, too much flexibility. Excessive flexibility

can result in stretched out joints and muscles that do not function


A common injury to see with practitioners of yoga is chronic lower back

pain. Upon examining these individuals, abnormal amounts of flexibility

both in hips and in the joints of the vertebral segments of the lower back

are seen.

These people often have pelvises that are unstable and translate too

much from side to side with gait. While lying on the examination table, a

hyper mobile person is able to bring his or her leg well above ninety

degrees while keeping the knee straight.

All of this can arise from performing an activity that is heralded as slow,

kind and gentle. The dangers of overstretching are twofold; this first

danger is that muscles that are too long, or over stretched, cannot

provide adequate support to the surrounding joints.

Overstretched muscles underperform when asked by the brain to

contract through a full range of motion. This phenomenon typically is

the result of maintaining a stretched position for long periods of time.

This phenomenon has been identified and labeled as over stretch

weakness in physical therapist Shirley A Saharans book diagnosis and

treatment of movement impairment syndromes. Now if you want to

know about need to know about back pain management then please visit

unlock your hip

How to end muscle discomfort and pain?

A common example of chronically stretched muscles involves the

abductors of the hip. Women, who have broader pelvises than men do,

are in danger of stretching out their hip abductor muscles from sleeping

on their sides.

Just picture a woman side lying on a bed; with the placement of her knee

from the top leg on the bed, a stretch is placed on the outer portion of the

top hip , the hip is not in contact with the bed. The long and slow

stretches that are often seen in yoga are analogous to sleeping with a

muscle in a stretched position.

Although yoga stretches are not typically imposed for as much time, the

intensity of the stretch is far greater. A chronically overstretched muscle

in many cases barely has an overlapping of the parallel fibers. The result

can be an inhibited ability of cellular bands to move over one another; a

diminished quality of contraction is observed.

One of the functions of healthy muscle is to absorb the stress that we

place on our bodies through walking, sitting and performing other

functional activities. An elongated and weakened muscle has a

diminished capacity to absorb stress; the result is increased stress on the

joints of the body.

This why a sachet style of walking that is often seen in hyper flexible

people with the pelvis moving excessively from side to side, can be

harmful to joint health. The joints of the lower back and the pelvis are

constantly in a state of overuse they are not receiving the cushioned

effect that normal muscle ought to be providing.

Individuals who have muscles that are chronically overstretched are

seldom aware of it. Many people actually develop neuroses about

stretching. They stretch every time they get a chance and feel that it is a

necessary part of their fitness routine, even if they are encountering pain.

Newcomers to yoga witness the flexibility of their classmates and

instructors and immediately feel inadequate. As with any group activity,

a sense of competition with fellow students may also develop. There is

also the basic psychological need to please your teacher.

All of these factors contribute to the larger picture of muscles that are in

a chronically lengthened state. It is also worth mentioning that many

people are born with an excessive amount of joint and muscle flexibility.

There are many people who can, while standing, touch the palms of both

hands to the floor without any prior stretching or practice.

These people in short do not need to pursue stretching as a form of

exercise; they would be much better off working on core strengthening

through activities such as Pilates. Women are more likely than men to

fall into this category.

A second danger arising from excessive stretching involves not the

muscles, but the ligament us structures that support the joints. Clinically

speaking, this is a more serious problem for the reason that joint

structures respond to over stretching differently than muscles do.

Muscles that are too long can be retrained to work at a more ideal length.

Exercises to shorten lengthen muscles will be demonstrated if you visit

unlock your hip

Lower back pain discomfort relieving mechanism exposed.

The ligaments and cartilage that protects joints are likened to the plastic

that surrounds a six pack of beer; once you have stretched out that

plastic by pulling a can out of the six packs, there is no turning back.

The plastic will forever remain in the stretched out position, just as the

joint and the ligament develop permanent length changes.

For example, let us use the hip joint in relation to stretching of the hip

flexor muscles. As many of us know, the hip flexors are muscles located

in the front portion of the upper thigh, some of which originate on the

lower spine and front of the pelvis.

These muscles allow us to lift our leg and help to stabilize various bodily

position. For most individuals with ideal muscle health, when the leg is

lowered to the table in a joint hip flexor stretch, a light stretching

sensation may be felt in the front portion of the hip and thigh.

In this position, the muscles in the front of the hip encounter a stretch.

This limit in the muscle length blocks the hip from further extension.

Now consider what would happen if you focused a great amount of time

and energy on stretching out your hip flexors to the point where you

could lower your knee considerably below the horizontal position of a

joint hip flexor.

If the leg is brought down far enough, the ligaments that support the

front portion of the hip joint are now placed under a stretch. Most people

often misinterpret this ligament and joint capsules stretching as muscle

stretching, and therefore consider it a good thing.

Nothing could be further from the truth, over time, we are left with

muscles that are too long to support the joints correctly and joints that

have been irreparably stretched out. My initial instruction to my readers

is that with this over stretched phenomenon is simple.

Stop stretching and in most cases, a cessation of stretching will greatly

reduce their lower back pain within a few weeks. Now most people

when confronted with this information inevitably begin to question the

merits of stretching as a means of improving their health.

We have been lied by the countless trainers, therapists, instructors and

media about the virtues of stretching. There is, after all widespread

clinical data that supports the positive effects of stretching. Now you

might ask me how we know what in fact the appropriate amount to

stretch is.

The key to answering this question lies in the knowledge of normal

muscle and joint ranges. If you have excessive range in a certain

position, there is no inherent benefit in continuing to stretch into that

position. An exception to this rule would involve that need excessive

range of motion for some or activity.

In general dancers, acrobats and other professionals athletes may require

considerably more than the normal range of flexibility to perform

selected activities. On the other end of the spectrum are individuals who

lack normal muscle flexibility.

I routinely see people who could not lean forward to touch their toes if

their lives depended on it, me included. This is the population that would

in fact benefit from a bit of muscle stretching. I have personally treated

most of these stiff patients who have in fact benefited from joining a

yoga class.

It may even be possible that a tight muscle group may be contributing to

an imbalance to your body that is causing pain. The overall message I

want to deliver should be quite clear. It is a good idea to stretch gently

muscle groups that lack normative range and it is a bad idea to stretch

muscles that already have more than normal range.

If you have muscles that meet the normal ranges, then stretching needs

only to be used as a warm up or for the purpose of maintenance. Your

goal should not be to surpass normal ranges of muscle flexibility.

Muscles that are too long actually need to be re- trained to work in a

more normal range.

This is why it is key to be able to readily identify exactly which muscle

groups in your body are in need of stretching, and which muscles are in

need of re- training and if you want to know about that then please visit

unlock your hip


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