Page 1: University of Nebraska–Lincoln · 4 L ccrtica'Jj-- cf tie p&tSesl j ' f ri--1 f 3 V'e kiTu tie f,f 2Lr. Iilfaore: drei frr Giles o length J2--1 turner, usixre negro:, l.. vk-aVr-

4 L ccrtica'Jj- - cf tie p&tSesl j

' f ri--1 f 3

V'e kiTu tie f,f 2Lr. I ilfaore: drei frr Giles o length J2--1 turner, us ixre negro:, l..vk-aVr- s of tie Ecszl-lka- Ptrrr. t frre tie seirsre cf tie ber part, tbf aad wtiie mrc, Id tie rssaber cf fsrnr.

in tl - orti. t tls:U-l.-3 alrsr i;:t cf tie Rrsa fciirion oa tLefirita tie Liberia at tbeir bead, wsoLadlAa articraa vith Sosdera Sort's resin IstSted f7?rc&:de-jtee- n ordered to leave tsecoaabare'.viMc; tad vaMrl orer ia-f-re- es serea xaiaatei. Its itarilSoaJied todasa, ard Lrre rtiaed

tlirtratka papers cf tie Srcth, as tie ssa cf 'OciotsV isto rHta iiIadifoa. TLey are reported to bavej

trc c'a;r.i- r- tiat be U atd altars Las : empties, is frozen up fire raoatos ia the a Laadred gaas, UrAe yj-tei-s aadj' A Tczas jcrraal ! vear, sajfrcaiKoTeaiber to Aj.riL Ttei tofrie baives, and to bid deface to

v ,.X't J ,:7 'in n r f tl!. an eUVir- - IrlerAl'ik crshftian. seat cat It tie i tieir crTcaeat- - ALaost ererx man. . , i i -- - -- - . . . - iatejartic!?vlJch is cadorsed ij tie iEjror itbolas, asceaM tie ; is aaa an are ia cizizrl.u..-- , rwA. Tt bares that Anw. jlMtc the razat vLere it eater--! treieasioa froai eaeaae?. xi.e tizu



:i. frt -i-:r:r-! b! TvvnslarirT ! Fprta. and discovered tlat its I crass ia urairie Hdia places

iaXew YoV, ij bis tra AbcIIoallaais vcre covered iri& laaaiSccatfeverprlicre, ao laaa can leave Us

eat:a:catr viHe ia Coacrcss,Le J forests, lalaerals, reetaHes SLcme vith safety-- X F. ITZi.

rrifi. tf : fcr t:r rm-T,- n H forad asad tbewreci aadrmas erea!elof BvdrozrapHcal ffeosrapav. M ih late railroad calamity. FatLeir

fe1 reK"Tes Ycre,. aJl

Aezttal or 3Iohots est Bcox E0 026 ta07rs

tiis pert yesSerday frcaiL:verit05l, f7tT, sappose to U Freaca.arorcd on irrnTi'l laaoceat- - Tas picted ap sand

tieillci ;!:es tie tilrdj-j- t tiat have A3"15 uw-- ri.mcarebaded at tiis port froai Europe te stewardess cf tie George Law.seasoa. Tier are slaiilarla character ll becomes, . we seppone,totiose ivio have preceded atdftD0',ra oojcctcf ciarity here. F.

Tra'aiivs fanl'TOt:a;r aad tfitGILa-- s aad JciaQriacyAd

tl.t ia 1644, ia bis paiiic addresses,1c Oi!i!;ed --tie iost acrlnoaloas !

,.1--, u w.Va H ft lar-- A I

rib'-i't- la- ia Bociester, trpoa tire.--Arc?. cf ticShTePoTer.''H.- - artlcIe eacteV, ia sappcrt cf iisj

TlHoscpicr aad fnead Goveracrjatt , c r'- i" n irT;:f-- i b brlti"

1 1 v. " c a

--! 3Ir, Fula:ore. i

aad coriidcTscea'liie Liax aad Eolrt !

C. Wiatircp, pore daeroastoiafrerts cf Soati, tiaa Garrlsoa j

The TiiVn haviagVcca tia tirs closed cp, waras

tsea aaxast perauttmg tie 5

wvol to be TulIed'over tieir eves, aad s

roachdw with tic follow! aactaoasTir2-r- ar .T?rt this,, bad as it is., .

JS far froai bela bis whole record;.icreare aiav other coaats ia the m--(Kftau-a- t vet to'coate."

taed;fTerr?ace-o- f r,pialo2, that triTprevaUoa all sach (oPS; and it is particalar- -1 v racv for tli crass of Untcxn- -

tVr te:exbillt s?tarch solicitade fortie astecedeats cf their enewhiletbey are;sioatiag themselves hoarsefr.; r,r1MfP rears.

m ' iidentiCed with their oldest aad

fin." CcluvJAanJ "

- ' A B2ATZ. On. Thnr'iav Last, the steamboat:

enlnaT a.aaea.


ca the 1--, uan li. yior aaa

an article in press, in Lich lr. Thornton most citizen?,of London' Thie,

Under date cf f Phonalday) 3Lay 12th, 1850, fiays: .. of thelantentedpaniel .ehstcr

"Testerclay OVhite tells Bosto n, altrfor ilme CT act as woald those.distingnished

Ortaloi to nTS nTliiai,d.? (which in theSchool cfm

Ceateaary 3Iethodistscctama and to inBroohlyn, pic nic ex-- divine wor-- 1

.hip; they sncceedel,thelanditwoaldbedifficultto any- -

cursion to Fort Lee. .While proceed--

Inr up the river, and when nearlatter .pUcet liUle boy sevenyears, of age, son of Mr. Ledley, re-idin- .in

Sand3 street; accidently- AJ .ml vao vv.iTTvr . "I I

A cry of terror burst .from lips ofevery .beholder. Io rescue the child

impossible, for it was alreadyfar down the river. While panic-ftrich- en

crowd began to despair,follow aboat 12 yetirs old, named Geo.

at 149 High street,JCrooUyn; leaped boldly into the water, inand after the drowning-child- ,

whom he in overtaking afterhard aad held him above it

water till boat was; lowered froai (hesteamer, when they were both safely intaken on board. Mr. Ledley, thefather of roscued' childy presentedthe hero with new suit of clothes;ThebcJtpartof the story is, young

who is said to he wild, harem i3

f. carta. nut pusscssiu mtueiiusto nurcha'ie ticket for the excursion.and'being dctermmed to have good

""time, feucceeded in smuggling himselfon hoard of coat, unknown to theManagers. It must be acknowledgedilat be. nobly earned his passage.-- X.

. 21et. .


Tlie of politics is in the'ascendant, and until after the ovembcr ejection it will be thepower. will be rabid under it, I

and will be as ready to snap at theirfriends as .at their enemies'. Thev willfjrget that man possesses any good'qualities, unless, with them, he supportsVxemont, Buchanan, or Fillmore. All"who diner from in'choice of menor measures, will be traitors and apos- -tatcs until the "returns'' are published,

, and withio week afterward thoy willbe metamomhoscd into the same cenml.i

friends they were beforexho. nominfttion?..

What foil v! Arc the millions livingt M 1 Munacr me proieciion 01 our m- -

to hate andvillify each otherbecause they diflcr in regard to govcrn- -'

mental policy, while, one and all, desirethe wellare and oi theirmon country.

It would be well for people toreflect that all of his bitterness of feci- -ing is aroused for advancement ofanr men, and that to the masses itis matter of whether this

.. man or bo President. The warof politics is one in which thewin the laurels, and the services of therank and file arc The menwho enlist in such war are fools fortheir pains," and deserve the neglect

.'which awaits when

EEOTTNro AT LA PLATTE.Mr. Daniel A. Ervin was drowned

on the 2Cth at the mouth of Pap- -

pillon creek. Mr. E. was in company..with others bathing. He was

with the cramp. Every effortwas made that could be to save him.W all it vain. The river at this point

very c.eepThe deceased sas in his 24th year,

,and highly respected by all who knewlum He was the son of the late Rev.

Ervin, of Belmontcounty, Ohio. He served in CaptainMoore's atthe Indian dificultics last fall, and was

universal favorite of all theA younger brother joined him only

weeks since, not bavin? seen himfor seven years. He is in great dis- -tress, lhe. has not vetfound.

ti. i., rj





Aiixvjiii. vw,Xct& - si:ct2 Asia, &elkux:zxj

J F .

Since tie close cf tie last preativar it bas beea aaders:yd tiat tieErssIaasi;ps, no ia fcarV.r at Cjca-

are to be cat Sato tic Sen cf

i ry

tbe zSor&saad

tiat aad aai--

.. ?oihiT 232(1


ard aaaarttie La:$ ca board anotier cf"e iaia aaa ia aaeoscicas

thisanna- -

then, A;







ifcrxoas, atnalicriag ia all'-ala- t fe),

are ooaaa lor the laai &f proai,tic fertile regions cf Ufcdu The liipis coaticd to Enoch Traia &Co aad ,besides the of , enf pra. r"or 7

alo briags a errzo cf aicrcliaadise.- -

Bcticn Journal, June ZOth.

Tuz Wczld lovia'Trotestant - Sa

i Votptorut,T

, iavhiaz the faithfdl toProtestant orship. .

"The - chapel at I

Ortahoi wasopeaed. It was eatirelvUrf ri5r,4rttgot.ap by pnvaiC. and

.r.l w,9'.A&A

tie headingcf the " a , cstiastle

the for the Democratic candidate.(Tues- - - ieOiate


! m o doin;:iUfira fifl


rlTite Isquhtiox. AnEn- -i..:

decided tomb wasthe rllreaces, unite

for a tuihling a suitable place ofhave


- a abouta

. f


f ccmedthe

a little"

' .Smith,, residing

' succeededa struggle,




Smith, ayuuiu,

a. a


Erprcak; .


' --PoStar"'

-- Men





o J. good-hearte- d'


' il . . .tiappuyftitutions,

prosperity cum-- :



little moment


. forgotten.a


them discharged.





. and swift..

John Fairview,

company Fontenelle during

. a company.a


body beenKcbratka.


'. -



rar-ecaai- her-- . o

. .I



. friends




Italian: 1. 0

thin-mo- rc simple, tasteful and suitabletoiLc-ra- : namelr. to" n

1 l .7 7

temporiiry church. It is sitaateil oncne of the highest points above Or-tak- oi,

" commanding a beautiful .viewover, the lower part of the Bosphorusand the Golden Horn.

Nebsafka Potatoe. We are in-

debted to Mr. Meredith of Adams' Ex-

press Company, for kindly transport-ing and handing us a big potatoe, grown

the soil of Nebraska, Washigtoncountv. Br. IL Heading, of Lawrence- -burg, Indiana, into whose " possession

first, Hcys that it was pickedfrom a wagon load that was taken cat

the field to be useda3 seed. Manyof these .

."seedy' ' would

pounds. The one before us is truly ,a

gorgccu3 looking .potatoe. Its com-plexion is rich a3 clover butter, and it

nearly htavy' as a brick. The soilin which it grew is certainly full of thefatnesij which makes the face .of theland shine. Cin. Com. '

BrLLs Introduced. Mr. Chapman,of Nebraska,-i- n pursuance of .notice,introduced the following bills; .whichwere read and referred to the. Com-mittee 'on Territories:

A bill to authorise the Secretary ofWar to settle and adjust the expensesincurred in defending the frontiersettlements of Nebraska against theIndians during the war of 1855.

Also, a bill for the construction of aroad m the. lemtones oi Kansa3 andNebraska.

Dishonest Clerk. The Newtrh (A".

J.) Daily Eagle, 30th ult., .says .that aclerk in the office of the Morris Canaland Banking Company, at Jersey City,N. J., absconded on Saturday, with2,000 dollars, the property of the Com--

pauy, in his possession. . The ponce of.New lork are on his track.

Sad Accident. --Mr. S. M. Brcck- -

enride, v. ho was engaged in breakingprairie, about four miles from town, onThursday last, had tour yoke .ct oxenhilled, and ono-nearl- y so, by a strokeof lightning; and Mr. B. himself waspitched somc.feet fiat on the ground.Jfclrankian. '

1 ERRTTORI AL 1 REASURT. C arcinformed by W. W. Wyman, Esq., Territorial Treasurer, that he ha? succeed-ed in effecting the loan of 4,000 dollars, provided for by the legi slative actof last winter; and that he is now pre-pared to pay such, demands as Comeunder that act, on presentation of theproper papers. The loan was taken byCapt. 1 . Ii. est, of i ort des Moines.


Clay's Executors. Br. Marshall'sopponent for Congress was. Mr. JohnO. Harrison. The Lexinaion Statesman thinks that those who refused tovote for Mr. Harrison were falser thememory of Henry Clay, Mr. H. beinghis executor.

In 1844 f ome humorous Whig oratorsaid that he would keep voting for Mr.Clay whilst that great man lived, andOien vole for his executors. The remarkcreated a good deal of merriment amongthe Democracy. But the Sag-Xicht- s,

it seems, now think that Mr. Clay's oldfriends should by all means act uponthe '.fumy suggestionthat, havingsupported" him faithfully through life,they should vote for his' executors, nomatter what party they may belong to.LouhvUle Journal.

WnriTTmsTrrT ,xi TESijd T




- 1 Z. ie tare tcorcats Ircm lexas on

A Ratliload Fgusdlctg. lae ia.-. "w m m r- iw ifr troagat none ca rnj,

A-pia- aH, a yery extracroiaarjrP'Sicciivr, siijuk iu.ttj uiu, f




i i - - 1

iraace of tie afal disaster. Cob

j.uh..' J. T"WepaUishedycsterfay a letter frori

c vas-

deteraaaatioa to vote for Jaaies Baciaaaa. In this coaatv tbe 11via 2rcpreseatatives cfanother.Vhig patriot

521411 Gea. EarrLoa, vk: his


cs if theyre noxapor the stajref .paWfc lif?. CVn. a?wr,i5.

E?$Mh Pftestaf Cemetery) she

XI TCfS?f,"0in S

rbf f sia 1 ece God, msenb- -eV iaax E..zne &mcer con

?nected with the censorship, enteredtheworkshop of . the . statuary who wasworking at the tomb, and forbad hicainscribing more than the first half ofthe verse, as he said it was neitherright nor just that heretics should seethe LonL

Yalualle Bullets. Capt. Byder,vrho had an encounter with Arab3 onthe coast of Africa, had a ball extractedfrom Ins leg at the Massachusetts

.General Hospital, which proved to bea' garnet stone carefully polished. Forwant of lead the natives use thesepebbles. . Capt. Byder has another oneof them in the. thigh, which may be adiamond. ... -


Information has been received thata man of bad reputation, by the nameof Bae, had been hung the day previous,about ciht mile3 east of Florence.The circumstances. a3 reported to ns;,

are as follows: '.

'. ' "

Bae had been engaged, in a suit,wherein certain witnesses had givenevidence, that they would not credithim on oath, and he had threatenedrevenge. The spring at the schoolhouse had been poisoned, and thechildren of those testifying againsthim. having drank cf the water, weredangerously ill. Kae was suspicioned;arrested on suspicion, and believed tobe guilty, given five days to preparefor leaving the State. . He left sudden-ly nest, day, but was-overtake- n inHickory county and brought back. Hewas tried by what is denominated moblaw, and bis previous bad characterdetermined his neighbors to hang him,although he protested he was innocentto the last. or. Louis Jljj itl'ican. .

Gen. Milton IL Alexander died athis residence in Paris, 111., on the 7thinst., m the COth year of his age. Heserved under Col. Coilee, in 1844, inthe campaign against the British andCreek Indians, and in lfilS, againstthe Seminole Indians in Florida. In1831, he was one of the staff of Gov.Reynolds at the Rock Island treatywith Jilack Hawk. In lboz he commanded a brigade in the Black HawkWar. He was the first county clerkof Edgar county, 111., and was commis-sioner of the Board of Public "Worksfor that State from 1837 to 1840. Inall the relations of life he was highlyrespected.

The Springfield (Mo.) Lancet says :

"nephew of Mr. F. T. Frazier of thiscounty, (by the name of Bond, we be-

lieve,) was drowned a few days sincein the mill pond at Burney's old mill;his horse also was drowned at the sametime: and place. . It is supposed he at-tempted to cross in pursuit of a deer,as he was known to be chasing one a

v- - v.. v r

There is an inconsistency in angervery common in life, which is, thatthose who are vexed to impatience, arcangry to see others less disturbed thanthemselves; but when others begin torave, they immediately see in themwhat they could not find in themselves,the deformity and folly of useless rae.

m i

Santa Anna, the ex-Dicta- tor ofMexico, is living in great style at Ta-bac-o,

four miles from Carthagena, inNew Granada, South America. He issaid, to be worth 4,000,000 dollars.





ercsjiHcs ia a&iir ia pari, J tX

Illfiir;i ail a:--- gm-- i..

S.maSjTt sail 1iis,Klfisitasiw.TiS VTtrl

? f5


H at

Peas ju3Crii i Gift k1s,

" T-cy-i sal Izisrj Prisaw?,

2i AnVsE,

tii lis.clfcctEre, WbtSesde Ettall, a eitap aj aa l--e

Ls--i la S i. IxiiLf, ar i tramslai of tie lrtpst tp ht jiit ami talf-jci-t tcttle; al, iarer aai t H3iee biCtl'a.

Ca i FB-f- sl Ltre tt 2D per cent a!re y.V--

jtert tj!C4Kie. war arrar.repr.1 eis'-Tjir- t

SteiStaiw..vm:,. Mai KW. ti Hc-i-; isecmrciasxu,itist of ar aiimj,

Oarpr tes, t are rcre S iaiiEfaHcr .C2AIG k SA3FOaD.

Cots a KsIX leva, Jtae 14, '--- rl b2.

Bicfcardsca's LiisscariExpress Company,

Principal Office No. 12, N. Main StST. LOUIS, 2IISSOUEL.

teare to infora lie rltx, tiat ti7 lirreBEG tieir Erprtaa Lice W tiii fae. ILit-i- reomlied wila tie TwjnLsItkra f their Ciirler,

aiui being tsZj orjudieJ, ar is-- to tikss-at- -t

aGeneral Agency Business. .

Tie f acre's wika Im aitf&iei tie original Prsjri-eij- r,

is a. eraara&i of tie satldartica rr?r4, i tlwill alwjj b tie ;ia a&i rtalj tf the Eiaiire

of tb:j GcajaET, to fire ererj yxiS. ltlltj fortie tnetij aai safe trai-niusiv- Ct

3IoaVt TalaableTa-ckaze- . Parcel f, scadCaudles of Gcod, 3Ierchandize,

r. & every ! escrit-tie- c f Fre'fz t, m mv.zzV.e terras.pi 'I jnfji'a ca tie ICitiri Eirer, an! at Stwila ctier respomiKe Lxpns tx..iDjaB.e, ur ewYork, i'eir Or.n. Evrtiori, I'LiladeZj tia, Gh:,?izfCuK-irait- i, Lariint&o. Lriifriile, Koc--k Ltlaii-3-, 5'bj-phi- s,

Ktbcrgb a&i Ea&io, sal to almost errytc-- aad Tdiaje in tie United Staief,Eur,oj A as-tra- lia

and CalLfurala. 'A Mesij?r rSl te jTit ca tie ecw fteancr Qria-ba- ,

ciaklEg weeklr trips here aad St. J-ei- .h,

there f.'arictiE witL i&ordaiiy lice to St Lc oijriit2 a abvre. la besa.--f el tJse i.2terpTi,

tte Eiironag of tte psLIle U rerpwtfsLy ccLfited.A3 entrusted to r,w!u intiriii the sameenergetic and prorajt ar.te-nti- wtkh Las alwujjcharactirized tau Eipre-s-, atd cade itia Western Exprt Wuin.


Ec-rijn- ) Xrtv. J?cClrrxrT.V. D. 'V. EzxxAE, Joss V. Toourr.

Jozzru F. LirHiprsoT.-BFi- i

Bixxr. Alton. AV. J. Iiwt. Vriaja.JCiEm F. EICHAirD0", Pres t.

3. IT. Csat, See'j.tIb?. . IIssbt Kixr, Gcceral Aest.

.LATE AKRIVAjLl!.at eeowxyillt; n. t. .


m mm inWcicli, wben ccnjp"et, "Will corntio?e tie Lartstand het pck in hi eoaa'rT.

stock of groceries are boughtOr?, the lojrert price for caib, aiid coiift cfCoffee, Saar, Teas Fih, Rice, Cnrrants,

Raisins Candies.olases Sjrvp,Frnit. SaU, &c, fcc.

DRY GOODS-Lad- ies aad Gech?, call asd seethem, and price fvr roanc-'fes-. Late ftjles ani afall asortmat of Ire Good, from a tea centLawa to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few ne

SILK SHAV7LS, BOXXETS & PARASOLSCLOTTIING. A fir a ttxk old and y&n ss,

fs?e and fEt' mcc, Call goon if you want a niceccat, Test CT itzii ca resk'-iV.- e tenru.

IJATS. New gfyles cheap and dsxaLle.IIARDWAJtC. A very large assortment, con-

sisting in part cf Smiths' Tool, Spade?. Sbcrt.-ls- ,

Cakes, Hoes, Bell5, Mill, Cro?-vn- t and Ibspi?aw,File?, Augers, Axes, Broaiiiies, Adz., Chisels Ac, dxto the ed of the chapter.

BUILDING MATERIALS. A lar?e lot.consiftin of Pine Doors, Saebi Shatter Llind, Oil,Paint, Jail. Latete, Potty, Glass Ac.

FURNITURE. Bureaus, BVdrfeads, Tablef,Chairs, Tin Safes, Cnpboards, Stands Ac.

tJ We will sell cheaper f;r cah than asy hoosoin Nebraska Territcry.

Juse 7, 1355.

LITTELLS' LIVING AGE. Extract i ofLetter frwn Jd.g Story. Chancellor

Kent, and Prttident Adim. '

Catebidge, April 27, 134f .I hare read the prcspectus with the greatest pleas-

ure; and entirely approve the plan. If Lt can onlyobtain the public patronage long enough, and Ia n:enough, and securely enough, to at tan its true ezds,it will contribute in an eminent degree to giro ahealthy tone, not only to our literature but to publicopinion. It will enable ua to possess, in a moderatecompass, a select library of the bc?t produttionfl ofthe age. lt will do more will redeem our tktvA-ieal literature from the reproach of being devoted tolight aaa superficial reading, to transitorr speculation, to sickly and ephemeral sentimentalities, imdfalse anl extravagant sketches of l:fe and character,

.JOSEPH STORY.Nrw Tobx, 7th, 13H.

1 approve very much of the plan of the "LivingAge ; ' and jf it be conducted with the mtelazencespirit and taste, that the prospectus indicates, (ofwhich 1 hare no reason to doubt) it will be one ofthe moat instructive and popular periodical of theday. . JA5ILS KENT.

Waehtjcgtox, 27tA Dec 1SU.Of all the Periodical Journals devoted to litera

ture ami science whkh abound in Enrcpe.'and iat.hUcountry, this appeared to me the most usef ul. It con-tains indeed the exposition only of the current liter-ature of the English language; this, by it3 immenseextent and comprehension, includes a port nit a re ofthe human mind in the utmost expansion of the present age. J. . VJ. ADAiLh.

This wort is made cp of the elaborate and statelressays of the 'Ldinburg, Ouarterly,' and other Reviews; and 'Blackwood's' noble criticisms on Poetry,his 'keen political Commentaries, highly wroughtiaie?, ana Tivia aescnpuon-- oi rural and mountainScenery; and the contributions to Literature, Histo-ry, and Common Life, by the sagacious 'Spectator,'the sparkling 'Examiner? the judicious 'Athcncm.'the busy and industrious 'Literary Gazette,' the sen-sible and comprehensive 'Eritannia,' the sober andrespectable 'Christian Observer these are intermix-ed with the Military and Naval reminiscences of the'United Service,' and with the best articles of theDublin Lniversity,"Aew Monthly,' 'Fraser?,' TailsAinworth's,' 'lloodV and 'Sporting Mngnzine's. and

yuiuuct BumirHoie rfoumii. uedonotconrider it beneath our diznity to borrow wit end midom from 'Pucch and when we thick it good enotijrh.make use of the thunder of 'The Times.' We shallincrease our Tariety by importations from tho Conti-nent of Europe, and frJni the new growth of theBritish Colonies.

Published every Saturday. Price 12U Cents anumoer, or bix Dollars per year in advance. of jtostage.

The SECOND SERIES began with April, 1853It makes four large volumes a year.

Complete Sets of the FIRST SERIES, ia thirrr.six xolumes, handsomely bound, packed in neat boxesana aeiiTerca in all the principal Cities, free of ex-pense of freight, are for sale at serenty-tw- o dollars,

Any volume may be had seperately, at two dollars,bound, or a dollar and a half ia numbers.

Any Number may be had for twelve and a halfcents, and it may be worta while for subscribers orpurchasers to complete any broken volume, they may

kuu greauT enuanco laeirvaiue.LITTLE, SON A CO., Boston.


BLACKSMITH. AIID WAGON LIAKEE.First St, bet Llain and Water.


piny; cm Is.jO ,

At J '. -.-:- -r tra a3 rcctt rocs rrcx- j r t

2, SITIOirET;. I


ro. 123 22, sa icis,

Ea&lev. E:rUriri?; Cinl5lji5 Ijtic.xanc ;

wnus a a,"wt.w-- 'i "vv.f.i. t,arjft SCK2lis4 a!9CrtTt tfl tbj&1 ia lie trAj. Wnux? i;ir, aol Y '.rt.Sa

az.1 Icnws mliatMT, cf tie taert cwtr,TCcrtry aai iirsl w t a

59. 1- -5 lltia ft--


Clotliiiisr Saler. C. HJL2TT5,St. ls.'tii.


3T . Ill AID j. 1 XATff SraXZT,srr. fxirrs. no.

tazrwl Ij carhdrei ia 5ev Tt-- r eijrtelj f;r tiificartet.

fitfj axj ail a3 rccje-ti- oa ! TT Lire itsrtMdo-T- i car jri?e ttj aj we irterl to r'-'-C


T rata e wIl aft a iior;r-- a cxamixatLca cfott Sxk before jmtliasir.lCt JUETT5 k DUO.


55 Pearl Street, Cinetarali. .

t. C. G. S3 AT, L. C. ITIir, G. H. tXZtOZZ.


Pcik, Bacon, Lard, S. Cared Hams,DRIED BEEF AND BEEF imGUES.X 9, Srcaaiore Street, Cincinnati, O. .


EOOTS, SH0E5& SOLE LEATHERj." Xos. 9, Pearl and 71, 3Iain Street .


11. C1CI1Y. IS.JOHN W.' T00LE1V

( Saccessor to TOOLET & Co,)53 Zliin k, Oi iini, L Levis, Ho.

E tall Dealer, in Ciira.IlIFOSTEB.WboIsisIeaEd acd IlctiriaaiWan-- - Ctaidcljeri. LajEps, Laziterns,' Locki:r-a?- -

UriJni;la Ware, Ae. if, witi a great Tirieij cfjFanfj llaatle asd Parior Ornaiaeat, direct frtia tie .Ffjtlr:e arul iiaaslaetarerf. .

5fXow arrivinj ai in store, a faI rtxt cf tieloro line cf good, which is o?ered to tte Trade t

reicnble rate. An exanuEalion u olieite-i- .

' tifOn lind, AsrUd Crte, for Couttrj Trad,y. B. Packing reeeiTc fecial attectivn.



Engine and Machins Manufactory.Corner Second asd Morsnn Sarct5.

ST. LOUIS, MO." rANUFACTURERS cf Steam Enrfnea d BvR- -

AJ. ers. Saw and Grist Hill Machinery, Totae-- o

Screws and Presses; Lard Kettles, Lard Screws andCylinders, W4 Car2iE Machines, Yoang's PatentSmat JIaehines, Ba!ldic Castings Ac.

r?r"Asents for the sa!e of James Snutb A Co. sSnpericr JUCHINE CARDS.

YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT. MACHINE. WtHtried, always snceesfcfal, ftilly Gaaranticd. 3Iana- -factared and for sale by .

LKJWALL CARK. AFoundry, Si. Looi, JI j.



77 Main street, St. Louis, Straw and Sill Bonnet.MANUFACTURERS dealers in Ribbons.

SilVt'lIillinery, Rowers, Trirotnings, Lace Goods, Em-broideries,:. .

t2nilercaicti aad MUhners are tarticnlirly jc- -rited to ezaaiue onr stock, before naliing their springpurchase?, ai we (relying fully oa the. iuperiority ofoar styles,) Lit end to offer inducements equal, if Eotnpenon, to tmj jobbing bouse-i- the United, states.

SA3IUEL SPENCEI1 CO.,No. Eighty-Tw- o North Fourth Street, Near Locust.


MANTFACTCREB3Painting?,Engravings,Litho- -of every description cf

grapili3, tc; Iooking-glas- s Ilatea of every site, andnmw to any pattern in the best manner.

Advertising Cards, Ac, btamed and antished crramed at short notice.Rosewood, Walnut and other faacy wood Picture

Frame MouhliiLT?.The, Trade Supplied. Old Frames, A c Re-gil- t.


Xos. 170 and 172 Jlain St., S'L Louis.YT7E arenow in receipt of the most complete and

v V magnificent stock, everoSered to the WesternTrade. Merchants Tisitins this city are invited tomake an examination of our stock and prices.


The number for January, 1S55, begins the Forty- -J5EVEXTH VOLCKE of the KxiCKEBOC&3 MAGAZINE.

Since the price of subscrition has been reducedfrom Fite to Three Dollars a year, the circulationof the Kxicxekeockek has been increased more thtinfive to one. Jn many places, tea are sold where wasbut one before, and through the year past it has beensteadily increasing, lt is now offered as cheap asany of the Magazines, all thinis considered, lnstejuiof miking new and prodigious promises, We submit afew extracts from notices of lat numbers, which wemight extend to a number of pages.

OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.Those who are familiar with the Editor 'i monthly

Gossip" with his readers, hare doubtless, with ourselves, admired the perennial source of its pleasantw ana joyiumess. An tais number The Gossipholdi on its way, like some fair rivulet elancin anddancing in the sunshine of a M3v morains. We usedto wonder how Mr. Clark held out, expect Liz he wouldcertainly "snow brown" in the coming numberj butthis number gives no sign of exhaustion. yationalInttlligcKcer, Wathinjton.

Kxick is himself, and nobody else, a living fact,posseseing within himself every variety of fresh.choice literature, from the ablest, the wittiest, andmost numorous pens ot the Umes.-.x,Kzer- n Union;

The Knickerbocker has been ana will b a fartof its own; a genuine liyinz thinr. all the more desirable now that the: new crop of magiiines, filledwith articles pirated from English authors, makesfresh home creations more conspicuous and welcome.2Teie Yori C'krivtian Enquirer.

Rey. F. W. Sheitox. Author of Letters from fnthe Hirer, etc., will be a regular contributor.

The best talent in the country will be enlisted,and no expense or effort spared, to make the Kxick-bbbcck- ek

more than ever deferring of the first posi-tion among our original American Magazines.

1KSH3. Three Dollars a year, strictly in advancethere will be no deviation from this condition.

Specimen numbers will be sent gratis, on application,post-pai- d.

Postage. Two cents per number, prepaid at theoffice where the work is delivered, quarterly in ad-vance.

All remittances and all business communicationsmust be addressed, post-pai- d, to

SAMUEL HTESTON.313, Broadway, New York.

011:37-- SEEotoIOREGON, MO.

ROUT. L. ILVTTEN, Proprietor.No pains or expense will be spared by the subscri-

ber, to make his guest3 comfortable ia every respeet,at this well known and hirhW remitjil.lA II ATI Ciaw

The very best attention given to animals by as11 u, iBUf uosuer.



, j. d. rr. thoiipso,'"r


E'-'-- fvr tiJ tPBUT GOOD3, CSCCZ2IIS,




Trnrixjw bhuitlus &co

iws ux-- ilrj-f- ti at low iryx,HAVT5G we are ai-.- to f?T rata n.U

ax Lit sm4 Lrettf'jre Vea fiwtTL .

Yre ati auu a ii sr Gc-o- as! piriM l- -fare Tie Ltiia wLl iil 41

iwre a lare as:rtr.5tt cf .J

DItH5 GOODS-CiaII- L Bcraze, DtlaiaiFopliai--. Cinsiiarn Victoria IairBJ,

lnbroiden-- d XioSfe?, FlailSilks Jct. Jtc.


Jure 7,

DANIEL ZOOK,wxcuaaiz a33 trraii'

EaiiaSicre:Pare Wiite Ltai, Witljir Glifi,

PatJx, .-

Spanisa VTUl; CjLf-.- -r 03,Eel Lead, Ex. IcttI,Iitierare, Elae Sicae, .

WLite Chtli, Alan,Vcriilaa lied,Sjasiii Eroim,Crtam cf Tarttr, Saixt Lcaii Giae,Tartaric Add, Farii Greea, .

Si;ierCajt.Sia, Ctrfaa . da, .

Visejsr, ii jtlicw,Tnrpeawse, Irva Pa-it- ,

Sal Scida White Zlii d,Tub Oil,

Siltfettr, Whale d&jrar, Writs' PZIlex. Uilt2-?rt-, Cbampixa'i io,V,L 03 do, Jaraa' d,Mcrliz-i'- f

d-j- , Lonioa'i i'ifverre r iins do, tit's IL IL,

FarrtlJ d, Darii Pain KiJer,Luaieai do, Fiipestock'j Vrr,JiJfEipt, StcDe'a Gcb Ca&ij,

la aliition ttle atr I Lave the larresi SVxkcf DrcggLstard Physicixis Shop furniture. Chezi-eal- s,

Sargital instrument?, ail Pi4ent ileilciersevr-J;re- for sale ia thin Ccutrr. - . -

JlerchatJ and Pbyrrcuaj of Ic-w- TTa'a.s isiNebraska, are reptfcliy invitei to rive em a ealL

June7,li5. DANIEL ZOOK.

' Fresh Arrival of


THE subscribers woali rerj-ectfall- y terier tieirto their castc-Eer- j aad the Public Gene-

rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, aad solicita e'.EtiruaDce of the san; ; U ihey are dettnuinedto sell GvAs a lw if set Iswsr thaa any ".herHouse west of St. Jt?ejh. Having just reeeired alarge and well selected stek of Sprirg zA SummerG1: also a superi: S'-oc-k cf Family Grocrieawith Hardware, Glass and Queemware, Furzittre,SaJilery, Iron, Ac.

. Come ene aad aZL , - -

Far well we know;-Agai- n

youll call..' . '

. Well sell so Itw."


Of Goods the test, '

And profits nnall,We'll beat the rest,

And sui." toa

the Eastern cities, we Hatter curslxes that we cansurpass our competitors ia the low prices and gwdqualities of our St-xk- , and earnestly Uheve all will j

make by calling and seeicg f.r them-?lTe- s beforeI'urchaimg elsewhere. CAREY, JOa ES, A CO.

N. B. Country Produce cf all kinds taken in ex- -ccanre at tie h:riest for Gools. Jar.e 7. .


Patent Portable Tilill.THE subscribe'rj have into a partnership

the Una cf Fed, Holabird A Co.. tomanufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable GritJUS and are now prepared to furnish all those inwatt of a good Cora or Wheat Mill that fr dura-bility, fimp'icty ani econmy ; excel any M'Jl ia the'world. Oa the late exhibition of the Mechanicsiastitute in Cincinnati, a Gold ITrdal was awarded.tberaforit.

It is adapted to all Grain grinding purpres ; it issuperior to all others f yr the ms t extensive MerchantMill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by H jrsepower.

Theatre Mills are mar.ufactnr?d by the under-signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O where theycon be furnished in any quantity at short notice.

The above Mills warranted to perfZZ in. di3m., p r hoir 50 B. Corn, 2i Wheat, $CC0-- 3 u u tl u 23 15 2321 " u 23 - 13 u 20020 u u " 15 " ' 8 . " . lia

As this Mill tells its own story, it is cnncces5ary toquote from c ur aum?ron s reeommendat; c ns, received.

REED, UOLABISD dr CO.Ciiicinnati, O.

A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO.Machinists, rcuncers azl

ENGINE BUILDERS" Frrct Slreet, TTesi cf Eaitl,

CINCINNATI, O,'YTTVald most rest ectfu'.Jy infenn their friends and

V the public generally, that they are new pre-pared to execute all orden in their line, with prompt-ness. Having lately enlijged their shop and withthe increased facilities they now possess, they hope tomerit a eontinuati&a cf the liberal patronage whichhas heretofore been extenled to them.Sa Mill Engines vf every Description.Constantly oa ban I: consisting of the Sash, Circu-lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every descripticB cfCastings, warranted to be well male ia eTery partku- -

They have also, a Boiler Yard attached to theirestablishment, which ent.bles' them to oversee allwork ia that line furnished by them, and are pre-pared to work on as reasonable terms as any othershop in the country.

Those in want cf anything ia our line, would doWfch to giro sa a call and exmra onr r. rmXU-ra-


JOHN S. HOYT,CountT Sarreyor and Land Agent,

OF Richardson county, N. T will attend promptlyall business in his profession, when called on:

such as Paying Taxes, Recording Claims. SubdividingLanJ, Laying vut Town LotsJDrafting City Hatd Ac.

Residence and a--i Jre?sARCHER, Richardson co.. N. T.


ao. 153 Vine St., "bet. Fourth al Pifti, --


C. F. O'DRISCOLL CO."jl ranufacturers and dealers ia News. Rook and Job111. Type, Pirating Presses Cases. Gallics, Ae Ac.

STFfiS-Pivr"- ? fEDPtioa.I -- nsie.

1 atentMedicmo Dirtctiotis, Jobs, Wood Engrevings,

Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles,"WM. H. THOMPSON. J. H. TAArTK

THOWSON & T.yAFFE,(Successors to Durrows & Thcmrson.1

Wholesale Grocers,And Coriiinission Merchant?,St. 12, Pearl Street, ClaeuisAtL .

K7" Particular attention will be given to orderfor Groceries, which will aT.way3 be executed at currentmarket prices.



3, Olive Street, St. Lou:?, Mo.

a-c- .r, Uki.,..roitD & Eovnrr; .

C0U5OL ririT? I3jx...OfUce at lie CTarsiTf i

F!rteS, ap oln.

Attcrcey aad Cccicr atJLxlA Solicitor ia Gkitacrry.

Siirxr, Fzrxasr Cocarz,' LrrCf5.t ia ui Cwcrt ILie. rj e..


"VTn jrartir ia tie A aoi Tia JsJiiijj I"ir-- L

'iJ" lrTa,aai5ttrajaTeTiiB7.E. F. SEAES,

AttOJTieV Slid CoULScIcr t T- -. . Jf.

SIDKET, IOWA: . 'TTH pr-d--re ia tLa Ditt Cru Tr

O --e si tie Gesrt llmir, x? nn. --p.

j. ii. upon-7- ;

Attomer and Compiler r f vt


' a"T"T7TLL aitex-- l prtEptTy ta :all prtfeavical Vii. irV t iat?x?ld t- - Lis cre, ia ary cf lit & scf tlii TeTriicsy. ..' tr

Letters cf iaalry, relitlsj tt asy part of 2ritcry, aaswersd jrcsrjtly aid wi L 'ijpaai.

D. II. SOLOMON,Attorney and CosnisdZcr zi Jx


DistrieU cf liiwa.

a-- i. TO7TLXT0S. TX..JT. mti.POPPLETON Jt BYE 115,

ATTORNEYS AT LATf. tic'Aad Geaens I Land Agrau, . II'


Lnnd Warrants Bought and ScU talLAND ENTERED ON TDIE. ir.t

QPECIAL atterlicB girea to lie tl ra aai &O-r- v cf Lasdj fcr SeiIs, a--ai all ethers dtr.--j;

choice Ixaiicu. , . eo:Laa-- i Calms, Town L.ts aad a3 kials cf Eal L ccr.

Ute. boight act! add aa,i iaTesLxtiits cad t.-tx-nt

Deader;. pur(curGIBCS & 3IASON,

Attorneys ncd Coansellcrs at Lit. tiapas.;

Aad General Land Agcnt tow;NEBRASKA. CITY. X. T.'

r vt f. jU, ticES. lavestirg xuocey, lea ting ar d seZi Ils.x.1 warrants, ael all other t isics priiiricj ;their tressicz, ia Ntbraska Ttari-or- y aii Wers'l J

lawa. . firm

CUARLDJ b-- jurrm fayt



a Br


tlOUAHA CITT, 2T. .T.' .lX !

C- -C9 U Stata Zcu?:TTTiLL give particalar at Keltic a t erJeri and n C3 I

. frcra abruwi, anI io taesarrvisi.:athe sale cf lots izl Cltixs ia Nebraska- - terrivsj.- -

ITeferences." " 1 ..Bos. Jesst V. Eaicnr. IVatSlr-t- m. D. C.- joas ax irxs, Jew loxuty. i.tEdwec Croswelu m xi

. . i r m emit, . vi ' TfitA .T. B. CmixG.


Gzrzsz, Wiam A Brrrcrc, Cjuncii RlilT'-IoT- v 'gue

JACOB SAFrOUD, twoAUWILe: and f!msp,r "



plait'Cf ECAnd lTotsry. Public.

Nebraska City, Jiebrafia iTertltory. tv..

Wuaa atteai prcmpijy to ail e!ra:'hid care, ia Nv-!ae-- '(

era Iowa.


JOHNSON, CASSADY ; TEST, to 'orAttome-- s and Counselldrs at Lif 3 n

And General Land Agents, 3onc:COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOW.I.stub!T7lLL promptly attend to Land Armeies iplant

" vesting ik-se- Loeaiing. and se-li- cr La. ,Warrants, and all other basinest pertaining W th.30 wprofe&rion, in Western Ljwa and Ntbraska. ' ,Tn


'General tan J A?rat, 'OUAHA CITY, T. in d

' H. A. TERRY & CO. ' . . ,!

wholesale and kxtati; rr.ALrxj-r- scc


FROTS and Shrub?, Grape nnl Cranlerrr tClover seeds; Hirl p(li cf all kkiCi? Ccu!

cultural and Horticultural booL, Impia3AAgents for all-- the best Etual Puhlica'Joai in pop;

United Slates. , Ja3 in '

Store next doer to rtuSeef Cw.Eu'ijjVholesale. and Rtiil CoiRRiisi'"- -

House, Oirialia and IfontcncLV. ina crft knorTHOMAS GI15SON,

IS now receiving for sale, a larg? assirlse-- t - 6 arcstyles cf DEDSTEADr, - at ind

AL Leavitta Cora Jlills, tkiipteTormeal or horse feed with two hones .


Also, a large lot of HaJ-bu-h- oI Measures raa-V- tlii:Merchants supplied oa wholejale terms. , JJro.v

' GLENWOOD HOUSETHE undersigned having arila Ukea :s'jr'ni:

House, has Itted it up with eDtire''osi!:cn,and complete Furniture, and hop!1 by Strirt .tion to business, to m.rit a liberal share of ft- - napatronage. His Table wi'l at all t rces b fifllir cwith the best the market affjrds.. His large 33- --

modious subles will at all times b sup pi1 ,n9Ci

grain and, attended by careful ctCera. Ir S C:5 claims to be himself again," and will at fclube glad to see his oli frends. ' . u'9 l:

Glcnwood, May 11,1355. JESSE FAErnort 0Z3


of Water Street and Iowa Avs-i.JlvJ- ia JCCORXEIi Landing. . h- -f 1

jrrsCATINE.T1-- , ,JlGexxsal Stags Oftice. Lngpage uia,t Era

from Steamboats, free of ehargo. od-- s


THE Subscriber Litze5 recfr.7 iaseictthe abv weU kn.wn and p?0 8a'3 i:

w tae wants of bis guests, to merit aLer' .public favor, eondenc and pAtrtcage". Ej 8li towill be spread with the best the market a? Yfeno pains will be spared to make his guest at?at home, and comfortable. G. A. ROS'

Council Bluffs, May 1 1, 1&5. . . SPMSf,


. W3I. II. DAYIS, Proprietor. -

V ptt ,v.. v. s. "1 5at we r

date any quantity cf traveicn and boar! fc)alr.Z v.

ib found ready aU hours to adaiinisK " , ,

wants of visitors. He U now enrajred in 3 'tensive additions to his and SubW; tha cp;

home for all who mar fiivor him with a r'sFontenelle, N.T, May H,1S55. . 7 Io:


IVenty Laborers 7anteier:.-- j' 5tf


art wanted immediatelyDrownville, Nebraska Territor- - IIasth

Liberal wages will be given bv the bo'v ied ia t.

. J.D.TeLV I


xxirgf ?'

toVfo trpiow 'fev :



HAS now oa hand several valuAb:';Timber and Prairie Claims,

sell chean.Being agent for the City of Plattsffl

furnish loU to those who wi.h to settle ia

on cheap and reasonable terrfl-t- . " j

OSce with J. II. Brown, E.--u .

rrir;taki3 av:


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