
Detection and isolation of faults and attacks

Claudio De Persis

University of GroningenSapienza University of Rome

Current problems in Control Theory

In honor of Prof. Alberto Isidori

Department of Computer Control and Management EngineeringSapienza University of Rome

September 24 2012

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Fault detection and isolation


A fault in a device (airplane, ship, robot, etc.) is a deviation of thestructure of the system or of its parameters from a nominal situation

Fault detection and isolation

Fault detection and isolation is an engineering field dealing with methodsfor

Revealing the presence of such deviations (fault detection)

Differentiating between possible faults and disturbances (faultisolation)

It is a discipline at the crossroad of multiple engineering branches

Automatic controlComputer engineeringSignal processing. . .

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Model-based fault detection

Model-based fault detection

In model-based fault detection the device under monitoring is described bya mathematical model

Systems of linear ordinary differential equations

x = Ax + Bu + Lm + Pwy = Cx

Systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations

x = f (x)︸︷︷︸dynamics

+ g(x)u︸ ︷︷ ︸control

+ `(x)m︸ ︷︷ ︸faults

+ p(x)w︸ ︷︷ ︸disturbance


= h(x)

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Example: VTOL aircraft

Simplified equations of motion of a VTOL aircraft in a vertical lateral plan

x1, x2 horizontal position and velocityy1, y2 vertical position and velocityθ1, θ2 roll angle and velocity

y = h(x)


= h(x)


︸ ︷︷ ︸




︸ ︷︷ ︸

f (x)


0 0− sin(θ1) cos(θ1)

0 0cos(θ1) sin(θ1)

0 0





︸ ︷︷ ︸




2 sin(α)


︸ ︷︷ ︸


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Example: VTOL aircraft

A power loss of the actuators can be modeled as

mi = −(1 + ϕi )ui , ϕi ∈ [−1, 0]

to obtain the system

x = f (x) + g(x)u + g(x)︸︷︷︸`(x)


DP-DE SANTIS-ISIDORI. Nonlinear actuator fault detection and isolationfor a VTOL aircraft. American Control Conference (2001) 4449–4454.

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Fault detection

The monitored system

x = f (x)︸︷︷︸dynamics

+ g(x)u︸ ︷︷ ︸control

+ `(x)m︸ ︷︷ ︸faults

+ p(x)w︸ ︷︷ ︸disturbances


= h(x)

can be depicted as

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Fault detection

The fault detection is carried out by a diagnostic filter

It is a dynamical system with the measured signals u, y as inputsIt generates diagnostic signals (residuals) r

ξ = ϕ(ξ, y) + χ(ξ, y)u, r = ψ(ξ, y)

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Fault detection

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Fault detection

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Fault detection

Fundamental problem of residual generation (FPRG)

Given a device affected by a fault m and a disturbance w , find a filterwhich generates a diagnostic signal r called “residual” such that

r depends “non trivially” by m, i.e. it is affected by m

r depends “trivially” by w , i.e. it is unaffected by w

r converges to zero whenever m = 0

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Extended problem of residual generation (EPRG)

Fault detection and isolation

Given a device affected by faults m1 . . .ms and a disturbance w , find afilter which generates diagnostic signals r1 . . . rs such that

ri depends “non trivially” by mi , i = 1, . . . , s

ri depends “trivially” by w ,mj for all j 6= s

ri converges to zero whenever mi = 0

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Fundamental problem of residual generation

F(E)PRG formulated for linear systems by Massoumnia-Willsky-Verghese at the end of the ’80s

The analysis was based on the linear geometric control theoryintroduced by Basile-Marro and Morse-Wonham at the end of the ’60s

Solving FPRG ⇒ solving the EPRG


Most of the engineering devices are nonlinear

Tools for the solution of the problem were not available

Filter syntesis for nonlinear systems is much more difficult than forlinear systems

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Fundamental problem of residual generation

Device + filter




(f (x)ϕ(ξ, y)


(g(x)χ(ξ, y)

)u +

`e︷ ︸︸ ︷(`(x)


)m +

pe︷ ︸︸ ︷(p(x)



r = ψ(ξ, h(x))

The germs of the solution were provided in Alberto’s workr depends “non trivially” by m ⇔ `e 6∈ (Ωe)⊥

r depends “trivially” by w ⇔ pe ∈ (Ωe)⊥

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Unobservability distributions

The missing geometric concept was named unobservability distribution

It plays a fundamental role in the solution of the problem

It can be computed from f , g , p, h via suitable algorithms

S0 = spanpSk+1 = Sk + [g ,Sk ∩ kerdh]

Sk → Sp∗

Q0 = (Sp∗ )⊥ ∩ spandh

Qk+1 = Qk ∩ (LgQk + spandh)

Qk → Qp∗

DP-ISIDORI. On the observability codistributions of a nonlinear system.Systems & Control Letters, 40 (2000) 297–304.

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Solution of the FPRG

Systemx = f (x) + g(x)u + `(x)m + p(x)wy = h(x)

Fundamental problem of residual generation (FPRG)

Given a device affected by a fault m and a disturbance w , find a filterwhich generates a diagnostic signal r called “residual” such that

r depends “non trivially” by m, i.e. it is affected by m

r depends “trivially” by w , i.e. it is unaffected by w

r converges to zero whenever m = 0


There exists a solution to the FPRG ⇔ ` 6∈ (Qp∗ )⊥

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Synthesis of the diagnostic filter

` 6∈ (Qp∗ )⊥ implies


= Φ(x),


)= Ψ(y)

so thatz1 = f1(z1, z2) + g1(z1, z2)u + `1(z)mz2 = f2(z) + g2(z)u + `2(z)m + p2(z)wz3 = f3(z) + g3(z)u + `3(z)m + p3(z)wy1 = h1(z1)y2 = z2


`1(z) 6= 0 for every z

f1, g1, h1 (locally weakly) observable

DP-ISIDORI. A geometric approach to nonlinear fault detection andisolation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46, 6 (2001), 853–865

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Solution of the FPRG

The process

z1 = f1(z1, y2) + g1(z1, y2)u + `1(z)m. . .

y1 = h1(z1), y2 = z2

The diagnostic filter

ξ = ϕ(ξ, u, y) = f1(ξ, y2) + g1(ξ, y2)u + G (y1 − h1(ξ))r = ψ(ξ, y) = y1 − h1(ξ)

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A hacker succeeded in breaking in the control system of a pumping stationturning one of the pumps on and off frequently until it burned out

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Networked Control Systems (NCS) are used to control large scaleinfrastructures (electric networks, gas and water distribution systems)

The use of the network exposes the control system to possibleexternal attacks

Examples of these attacks include the so-called “deception attacks” inwhich the sensors measurements and the control actions aremanipulated (for example with the addition of spurious signals) tocompromise the functioning of the whole infrastructure

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Hydraulic networks

Hydraulic networks consist of the interconnection of four kinds ofcomponents (pumps, valves, tanks and pipes)

Figure: L. Fabrizi.Water supply in smallcommunities.

There exist mathematical models to describe them

s = Dqq = ϕ(DTq) + Buy = h(q)


s level in the tank, q flow in the pipes

y measured pressure, u actuator pressure

ϕ constitutive relation of the components

D incidence matrix (network topology)

B pumps location matrix in the network

DP-KALLESØE. Pressure regulation in nonlinearhydraulic networks. IEEE-TCST, 19(6) (2011), 1371–1383

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Attacks on hydraulic networks

Many type of attacks on the network can be included in the model

s = Dq +


q = ϕ(DTq) + B(u +

actuator attack︷︸︸︷mu ) +


y = h(q) +

sensor attacks︷︸︸︷my

The geometric methods constitute a very powerful tool for the detection ofcybernetic attacks.


The geometric methods lead to centralized filters

The attacks are carried out by intelligent entities that may know thedevice they are attacking and the possible attack detectors

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Geometric approach to fault detection for nonlinear systems

Complete characterization of the solution

Large impact on many engineering fields

Cyber-security of Networked Control Systems

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