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Title Dr. First Name Shailendra Last Name Kumar Photograph

Designation Associate Professor

Department Library and Information Science

Address (Campus) Tutorial Building, 2nd

Floor, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007

(Residence) 24 Ashoka Enclave I, Sector 34, Faridabad-121003

Phone No (Campus) 27666656


Mobile 9811119395



[email protected]



Subject Institution Year Details Ph.D. (Library and Information Science)

University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 1992 Thesis topic: Information Sources in History of Science in India : A Scientometric Study of Periodical Literature

MLISc University of Delhi 1981 Subjects: BLISc

University of Delhi

1980 Subjects:

B.Sc. University of Delhi 1978 Chemistry, Zoology, Botany History of Science, English

Career Profile

Organisation / Institution Designation Duration Role University of Delhi Associate

Professor(Reader) 2001 12 Years +

Head of the Department (2001-2004) Teaching (BLIS,MLIS,M.Phil.) and Research (Ph.D., M.Phil.)

University of Delhi Lecturer 1998 -2001 Teaching and Research (BLIS,MLIS and M.Phil.)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Lecturer 1993-1998 Course Development and Revision, Implementation and Counselling of BLIS and MLIS courses

Indian National Scienctific Documentation Centre (INSDOC) now NISCAIR (CSIR)

Senior Documentation Assistant

1982-1993 Preparation of Current List of Scientific Serials in India National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India (NUCSSI) Design and Development of Data Base of Participating Institutions in NUCSSI. Design and Development of Data Base of International Serials Data

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System(ISDS) Bibliometric Analysis of Bhatnagar Awardees & UGC funded Universities Departments, CSIR Search of Knowledge Development of Computer Lab for Students Teaching in Short Term Courses and Associateship in Information Science Course

Indian National Science Academy Technical Assistant 1981-1982 Documentation of microfilms and manuscripts in History of Science, Processing of Research Projects under National Commission for the Compilation of History of Science in India

Research Interests / Specialization Scientometrics Library Automation Software E-Books Design and Creation E-Learning System

Teaching Experience ( Subjects/Courses Taught)

20 Years Teaching Experience at University (BLIS, MLISc and M.Phil. Courses) 5 Years Teaching Experience at Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (CSIR), Delhi and Invited Faculty at University (MLISc, AIS, Short Term Courses)

Honors & Awards

IATLIS Best Teacher Award in LIS 2011

Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS) has given Best Teacher

Award in the field of Library and Information Science for the contributions in Education in Library and

Information Science.

Society for Information Science Fellowship Award 2008

Society for Information Science has given SIS Fellowship Award, 2008 in the field of Library and

Information Science for working in eBooks and eLearning system in LIS.

Bharat Jyoti Award 2006

In recognition for meritorious services, outstanding performance and remarkable role in the Library and

Information Science field for this year by the India International Friendship Society at Seminar on

“Economic Growth and National Integration”, New Delhi.06-05-2006. The award is given to selected

extraordinary men and women from science, technology, education, industry, fine arts, politics and

social work, who have done something special for their country and attained excellence in their

respective fields of work.

Member of a Delegation of Select Library and Information Science Professionals from Asia to Visit

Germany in October 2002.

During visit interacted with various German Professionals. Study the around different types of Libraries

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and Department of Library & Information Science in four States : Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne and

Hamburg. All together eleven libraries and information centres studied.

Young Information Scientist Award in 1993

In the recognition of contributions in dissemination of S & T Information and for training personnel in

Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities.

CSIR S & T Exchange Programme between Government of India and Government of Hungary in 1989.

Deputed at Hungarian Academy of Sciences and National Library of Hungary, Budapest. During the

programme studied Scientometric Analysis and Documentation activities.

Publications (LAST FIVE YEARS)

Books / Monographs Year of Publication

Title Publisher Co-Author

2009 2011 2012

Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education Conference Proceedings.

Study of Research Output of Jamia Millia

Islamia in Natural Sciences.

A Study of Data Retrieval Techniques of Online


NICME National

Business School.

Vayu Education of

India. New Delhi.

Lambert Academic



Lambert Academic



- Chief Editor Shehbaz Naqi Projes Roy

In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals Year of Publication

Title Journal Co-Author

2010 2011

Research Output in the Field of Natural Sciences: A Bibliometric case study of Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi Comparative Features of Integrated Library Management Software Systems Available in Delhi.

IFLA Journal. 36(40) 317-324 The Electronic Library.29(1), 121-146.2011

Shehbaz Husian Naqvir Namrata Rai

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2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013

Access and Use of Electronic Information Resources by Scientists of National Physical Laboratory in India: A Case Study Literature Review of Research on Web Interface in Library Management Software System. Problems in Searching Online Databases: A Case Study of Select Central University Libraries in India. A Comparative Study of Multimedia Resources in Libraries of Delhi. Orientation/Training Programmes in NCR Libraries for People with Disabilities: Study of Users’ Perspective.

Preference and Use of Electronic Information and Resources by Blind/Visualy Impaired in NCR Libraries in India

Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management. 40,33-49. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology.31(4),262-274. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 32(1), 59-63. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology.32(5), 809-832. Library Philosophy and Practice.2013 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice. 1(2),69-83.2013

Shailendra Kumar Manisha Singh Shailendra Kumar Namrata Rai Projes Roy, Shailendra Kumar MP Satija Shailendra Kumar Gareema Sanaman Shailendra Kumar Gareema Sanaman

Shailendra Kumar

Gareema Sanaman

Articles Journals:

1. Shailendra Kumar (Chairman, Editorial Section). Journal of Library and Information Science Index Volume (JLIS Vol. 1-27; 1976-2002). Journal of Library and Information Science, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. 2004, 104p.

2. Shailendra Kumar. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. ICCSR Newsletter, October-December, (2004), 3-4.

3. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Past, Present and Future of Media Librarianship. Herald of Library Science. 44(1-2), 17-33, January-April, 2005.

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4. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. History of Television and Telecast Media Libraries in India. Herald of Library Science. 44(3-4), 184-191, July-October, 2005.

5. Shailendra Kumar. Planning Library Automation – Programme 5. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

6. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation Software Packages – Programme 6. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

7. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation: Implementation and Monitoring – Programme 7. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

8. Shailendra Kumar. Library Database Creation and Information Services – Programme 8. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

9. Shailendra Kumar and Hari Prakash. A Study of Information Needs of Members of Legislative Assembly in the Capital City of India. Aslib Proceedings. 60 No.2, (2008), 158-179.

10. Shailendra Kumar and Projes Roy. Electronic Journals in Indian Academic Libraries: Issues and Challenges. ILA Bulletin. 43(4), 2007, 30-34.(printed in Nov 2009).

11. Shailendra Kumar and Gareema Sanaman. Q-Analysis: A Tool to Evaluate Multimedia Libraries. Journal of Library and Information Science. 35(2), 2010, 13-29.

12. Shailendra Kumar and S. Muansangluai Ngaihte. Use of Web-based Information Resources in Biochemistry by Research Scholars of University of Delhi. Journal of Library and Information Science. 36(1 &2), 2011, 35-52.

13. Shailendra Kumar and Namrata Rai. Literature Review of Research on Web Interface in Library Management Software Systems. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 31(4), 2011, 262-274.

14. Shailendra Kumar and Gareema Sanaman. A Comparative Study of Multimedia Resources in Libraries of Delhi. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. 35(2), 2012, 809-832.

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Conference Articles:

1. Shailendra Kumar and M.J.Hasheamzadeh. A Study of Linear Articles Scatter and Growth Rate of Informatics in Information Storage and Retrieval Literature. International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics. IIT, Roorkee. p185-200, 2-5 March, 2004.

2. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Dynamics of Telecast Media Libraries in India. In Session 6 of the Conference on the theme "Changing Dimensions of Library and Information Services in India". Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific. ( APLAP).22-01-2005.

3. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Effective Tool to Navigate for Digital Information on the World Wide Web. National Conference on Digital Libraries: From Technology to Culture. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, Coimbatore. 07-01-2006.

4. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Resources and Methods of Instuctions in E-Learning Programme. Conference on ICT for facilitating Digital Learning Environment. Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Bangalore. Paper E:1-10. 11-13 January, 2006.

5. Shailendra Kumar, Gareema Sanaman and Namrata Rai. Federated Search: New Option for Libraries in the Digital Era. 6th International CALIBER Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions: From Automation to Transformation. INFLIBNET Centre and University of Allahabad. University of Allahabad. p 267-285. February 28-29 and March 1, 2008.

6. Shalini Aggarwal, Leela Chauhan and Shailendra Kumar. Understanding and Creating RSS Feed in the System. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME National Business School. New Delhi. 26-27 February, 2009.

7. Shailendra Kumar and Shalini Aggarwal. OPAC to WEB-OPACs: A Journey from Present to Future. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME National Business School. New Delhi. 26-27 February, 2009.

8. Shailendra Kumar and Shenbaz Hussain Naqvi. Use of WINISIS/GENISIS Software in Creating

web-based Database of Faculty Publications in India. Library and Information Science in the Digital Era 55th All India Library Conference Proceedings, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater NOIDA, January 21-24, 2010. ILA, Delhi. 2010. 751-763p.

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9. Shailendra Kumar and Manisha Singh .Structure and Functions of Citation Index. 8th International CALIBER 2011. Goa University, March 2-4, 2011. 641-660p.

10. Shailendra Kumar, Namrata Rai and Gareema Sanaman. Technology Shift from Printed to Electronic Era: Types and Formats of E-Books. Proceedings of the National Conference on Librarianship in Digital Era. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab.90-106.2012.

Conference Presentations

1. Panelist and Organised the Ranganatha Research Circle (RRC) panel discussion on Changing Role Model of LIS Professionals in Digital Era. DLIS, University of Delhi. 31-01-2004.

2. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of V-Book. 22nd Annual Convention and Conference of Society for Information Science on Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society. IIT Madras, Chennai. 21-23 January, 2004.

3. Second International CALIBER 2004 on Road Map to New Generation of Libraries Using Emerging Technologies. Jamia Millia Islamia and INFLIBNET, New Delhi. 11-13 February, 2004.

4. National Seminar on Role of Public Libraries as Knowledge Centre in the Modern Society. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 14th February, 2004.

5. Panelist at LIS Professionals and Publishers/Booksellers Interaction. World Book Fair. Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 22 February, 2004.

6. Chairperson of a Session: Finding Information through the Internet and the WWW by Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen at International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2004). TERI, New Delhi. 24-27 February, 2004.

7. Shailendra Kumar and M.J.Hashemzadeh. A Study of Linear Articles Scatter and Growth Rate of Informatics in Information Storage and Retrieval Literature. International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics. IIT, Roorkee. p.185-200, 2-5 March, 2004.

8. ICSSR-NASSDOC Interactive Workshop on Information Services to Social Scientists: An User

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Oriented Approach. ICSSR Conference Hall, New Delhi. 2nd April, 2004.

9. Chairperson of a first Session: Indian Library Association. 50th All India Library Conference, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodra.December 1-4, 2004.

10. E-content Proposal Development 3-Day Orientation Workshop at Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), New Delhi. December, 13-15, 2004.

11. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Dynamics of Telecast Media Libraries in India. In Session 6 of the Conference on the theme "Changing Dimensions of Library and Information Services in India". Association Of Parliamentary Librarians Of Asia And The Pacific. ( APLAP).Parliament House Library, New Delhi.22-01-2005.

12. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Effective Tool to Navigate for Digital Information on the World Wide Web. National Conference on Digital Libraries: From Technology to Culture. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, Coimbatore. 07-01-2006.

13. Shailendra Kumar. Right To Information (RTI) in India. A Seminar on Right To Information. Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi. 08-01-2006.

14. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Resources and Methods of Instuctions in E-Learning Programme. Conference on ICT for facilitating Digital Learning Environment. Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Bangalore. Paper E:1-10. 11-13 January, 2006

15. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. National Workshop organized by IEC-NASSDOC on Growth and Development of Literature in Social Sciences. Institute of Economic Growth. University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi. 24-01-2006.

16. Panelist on “Empowering of Libraries and Librarians” at International Book Fair, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi organized by Indian Library Association. 03-02-2006.

17. Workshop on Digital Library. Max Muller Bhavan, New Delhi.24-05-2006.

18. Chairperson Technical Session II. Annual Library Seminar. Haryana Library Association, Aggarwal College Ballabgarh, Faridabad. 28-10-2006.

19. Chairperson Technical Session. National Seminar on Digital Library Inititiatives: Issues and Challenges. University of Kahmir. Srinagar. November, 6-7, 2006.

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20. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of Multimedia Electronic Resources for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. National Seminar on Digital Library Inititiatives: Issues and Challenges. University of Kahmir. Srinagar. November, 6-7, 2006.

21. Rapporteur General. XXIII IATLIS National Conference Punjabi University. Building Curriculum with a Difference: A Vision for LIS Education in the 21st Century. Patiala. November, 23-25, 2006.

22. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of Multimedia Electronic Resources for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. XXIII IATLIS National Conference Punjabi University. Building Curriculum with a Difference: A Vision for LIS Education in the 21st Century. Patiala. November, 23-25, 2006.

23. Panelist on Reviewing and Assessing LIS Education and In-service Training Needs. EMPI Digital Library National Convention, India International Centre, New Delhi. 19-03-2007.

24. Knowledge Management India. Confederation of Indian Industry. Le Meridien Hotel, New Delhi. 14-16 November, 14-16, 2007.

25. Chairman Technical Session 2 Theme: Impact of ICT in LIS: Major Shifts and Practices.6th International CALIBER 2008. From Automation to Transformation. University of Allahabad and INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad. Allahabad. February 28-29 and March 1, 2008.

26. Chairman Technical Session Theme: Open Courseware and Free Open Source Softwares. National Seminar on Open Access Movement: Initiatives, Promotion and Impact. Department of Library and Information Science, The University of Kashmir. Srinagar. 23-25 October, 2008.

27. Shailendra Kumar and Manisha Singh. Design and File Formats of eBooks in Electronic Learning. National Convention and Conference of SIS on Role of the Librarian in 21st Century. Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 5-6 December, 2008.

28. Chairman Technical Session IV: ICT, IR and Library 2.0. National Convention and Conference of SIS on Role of the Librarian in 21st Century. Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 5-6 December, 2008.

29. Panelist on Role of Librarian in 21st Century. National Convention and Conference of SIS. Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 06-12.2008.

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30. Conference Director. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME, National School of Business. New Delhi. 26-27 February 2009.

31. Panelist at Panel Discussion .Library and Information Science in the Digital Era 55th All India Library Conference Proceedings, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater NOIDA, January 21-24, 2010.

32. E-Learning in Library and Information Science in India. Invited Talk., 2nd International Symposium on “Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS)” at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknghat, Solan, HP, 3-5 June.2010.

33. 13th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2010) at BITS-Pilani, Gao Campus, Gao. 15 -18 June, 2010.

Total Publication Profile optional


1. Shailendra Kumar. History of Science in India : An Analytical Database of Information Sources. Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi, 1994, 431p.

2. Shailendra Kumar. V-book 2003 European Libraries in New Millennium. Softlink Asia, New Delhi.. 2003, 112p. ISBN 8188797006,.(Print Edition)

3. Shailendra Kumar. V-book 2003 European Libraries in New Millennium. Softlink Asia, New Delhi. 2003, 2CDs ISBN818879014, ISBN818879024.(V-Book Edition).

4. Shailendra Kumar. Library and Information Science Education in India. Softlink Asia, New Delhi. 2008. 2 DVDs Set. ISBN 818879705-7. (Video Edition).

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5. Shailendra Kumar. Indian Library and Information Science Professionals. Softlink Asia, New

Delhi. 2008. 8 DVDs Set. ISBN 818879703-0. (Video Edition).

6. Shailendra Kumar. Libraries and Information Centres in India. Softlink Asia, New Delhi. 2008. 7

DVDs Set. ISBN 818879704-9. (Video Edition).

7. Shehbaz Naqvi and Shailendra Kumar. Study of Research Output of Jamia Millia Islamia in Natural Sciences. Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany. 2011. 185p. ISBN 9783846537480.

8. Projes Roy and Shailendra Kumar. A Study of Data Retrieval Techniques of Online Databases. Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany. 2012. 409p. ISBN 9783844387735.


1. Shailendra Kumar (Ed.). Union List of Current Serials in India. INSDOC, New Delhi, 1982.

2. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). CSIR Research Output 1986 Part I and II Analysis. CSIR, New Delhi, 1987.

3. Shailendra Kumar (Ed.). National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India (NUCSSI). 4 Volumes, INSDOC, New Delhi, 1988.

4. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). In Search of Knowledge : CSIR Contribution. 4 Volumes, CSIR, New Delhi, 1988.

5. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). CSIR Research Output 1987 : A Bibiometrics Analysis. CSIR, New Delhi, 1988.

6. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). CSIR Research Output 1988 : A Bibiometrics Analysis. CSIR, New Delhi, 1989.

7. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). CSIR Research Output 1989 : A Bibiometrics Analysis. CSIR, New Delhi, 1990.

8. Shailendra Kumar (Compl.). CSIR Research Output 1990 : A Bibliometrics Analysis. CSIR, New Delhi. 1991.

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9. Shailendra Kumar (Chief Editor). Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education Conference Proceedings. NICME National Business School. Vayu Education of India. New Delhi. 2009.

10. Zuchamo Yanthan, Shailendra Kumar and MP Satija. Information Needs of Small Industries (SSI) Sector in the North-East Region (NER): Proposal for an Information Village. In Information Access Initiatives and Rural India. Edited by HS Chopra. Shree Publishers, New Delhi. 2010. 241-248p.

11. Shailendra Kumar and Manisha Singh. Design and File Formats of eBooks in Electronic Learning. In Knowledge Management in Digital Era. Edited by AS Chandel. Westville Publishing Houes, New Delhi.2011. 239-256p.


Research Topic: Information Sources in History of Science in India : A Scientometric Study of

Periodical Literature, Under the supervision of Dr.B.S. Garg from the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur,


COURSE MATERIAL PUBLICATIONS - PREPARATION for Indira Gandhi National Open University


1. Shailendra Kumar. Information, Technology and Management. Management in Tourism. Block 4 Management Functions, Unit 17, p37-43,August,1996.

2. Shailendra Kumar – Course Coordinator , Course 3, MLIS, 1996.

3. Shailendra Kumar – Dealing Faculty, MLIS Courses 1-6, 1996.

4. Shailendra Kumar – Course Coordinator, Course 6, BLIS, 1997.

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1. Shailendra Kumar. Planning Library Automation – Programme 5. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

2. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation Software Packages – Programme 6. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

3. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation: Implementation and Monitoring – Programme 7. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

4. Shailendra Kumar. Library Database Creation and Information Services – Programme 8. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

5. Interactive Session. Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission 13-03-2007

6. Interactive Session. Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission 06-03-2007.

7. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation Planning and Monitoring. PartI. IGNOU, New Delhi. 19-03-2007.

8. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation Planning and Monitoring. PartII. IGNOU, New Delhi. 19-03-2007.

9. Shailendra Kumar. Creation of E-Resources and Online Searches on Aggregated Databases. Part I. IGNOU, New Delhi. 15-01-2008.

10. Shailendra Kumar. Creation of E-Resources and Online Searches on Aggregated Databases. Part II. IGNOU, New Delhi. 15-01-2008.

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In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Shailendra Kumar and RN Neogi. Perspective and Role of Information Development in the Seventh Five Year Plan of CSIR. IASLIC Bulletin, 30, No.3, (1985), 117-23.

2. RK Verma and S. Kumar. Publication Output in Fiber Optics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 36B, (1986), 188-89.

3. Shailendra Kumar and RK Sharma. Research Work at Post-graduate Level in Library and Information Science Dissertation Study of DU and PU. Annals of Library and Documentation, 34, No.3, (1987), 119-24.

4. Shailendra Kumar, VV Lakshmi and SR Kundu. Creation of the Directory of Participating Institutions for NUCSSI Using Mini-micro CDS/ISIS. Annals of Library Science and Documentation, 35, No.4, (1988), 178-88.

5. Shailendra Kumar. Networking of Data Bases Created by CDS/ISIS Using Common Communication Format Tags. Library Herald, 27, No.1-2, (1988), 9-19.

6. Shailendra Kumar, RN Neogi and KL Gogia. Use of CDS/ISIS for Creating India’s Database of serials. Program, 23, No.3, (1989).

7. Krishan Kumar and Shailendra Kumar. An Overview of Computer Activities in Library and Information Science in India in the year 1988. Library Herald, 28, No.3-4, (1989-90), 118-23.

8. Shailendra K. National Information Networks and Systems in India: A Review. Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 37, No.5, (1990), 191-90.

9. BK Sen and Shailendra K. Evaluation of Recent Scientific Research Output by a Bibliometric Method. Scientometrics, 23, No.1, (1992), 31-46.

10. Shailendra Kumar. Information Sources in History of Science in India: A Scientometric Study of Periodical Literature a Prologue. Library Herald, 31,No.1-2, 72-75, (1992).

11. Shailendra Kumar and Aman Kumar Jha. Classification Formats in Dewey System of Classification

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with special emphasis to Dewey for Windows. Journal of Library and Information Science, 27(1), 1-10, June 2002.

12. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Past, Present and Future of Media Librarianship. Herald of Library Science. 44(1-2), 17-33, January-April, 2005.

13. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. History of Television and Telecast Media Libraries in India. Herald of Library Science. 44(3-4), 184-191, July-October, 2005.

14. Shailendra Kumar and Hari Prakash. A Study of Information Needs of Members of Legislative Assembly in the Captial City of India. Aslib Proceedings. 60 No.2, (2008), 158-179.

15. Shailendra Kumar and Shehbaz Husain Naqvi. Research Output in the Field of Natural Sciences: A Bibliometric Case Study of Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. IFLA Journal. 36(4), 317-324, 2010.

16. Namrata Rai and Shailendra Kumar. Comparative Features of Integrated Library Management Software Systems Available in Delhi. The Electronic Library. 29(1), 121-146,2011



17. RK Verma and Shailendra Kumar. Enhancing the Coverage of Indian Soci-economic Development Literature in Devindex: Some Observations. ILA Bulletin, 20, No.1-2, (1984), 43-53.

18. Shailendra Kumar and RN Neogi. Perspective and Role of Information Development in the Seventh Five Year Plan of CSIR. IASLIC Bulletin, 30, No.3, (1985), 117-23.

19. RK Verma and S. Kumar. Publication Output in Fiber Optics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 36B, (1986), 188-89.

20. Shailendra Kumar and RK Sharma. Research Work at Post-graduate Level in Library and Information Science Dissertation Study of DU and PU. Annals of Library and Documentation, 34, No.3, (1987), 119-24.

21. Shailendra Kumar, VV Lakshmi and SR Kundu. Creation of the Directory of Participating

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Institutions for NUCSSI Using Mini-micro CDS/ISIS. Annals of Library Science and Documentation, 35, No.4, (1988), 178-88.

22. Shailendra Kumar. Networking of Data Bases Created by CDS/ISIS Using Common Communication Format Tags. Library Herald, 27, No.1-2, (1988), 9-19.

23. Shailendra K and Others. Bibliometrics: Tool for Scientific Evaluation. ILA Bulletin, 24, No.4, (1989), 194-207.

24. Shailendra Kumar, RN Neogi and KL Gogia. Use of CDS/ISIS for Creating India’s Database of serials. Program, 23, No.3, (1989).

25. Krishan Kumar and Shailendra Kumar. An Overview of Computer Activities in Library and Information Science in India in the year 1988. Library Herald, 28, No.3-4, (1989-90), 118-23.

26. Shailendra K. National Information Networks and Systems in India: A Review. Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 37, No.5, (1990), 191-90.

27. BK Sen and Shailendra K. Evaluation of Recent Scientific Research Output by a Bibliometric Method. Scientometrics, 23, No.1, (1992), 31-46.

28. Shailendra Kumar and BS Garg. Bibliometric Studies Theoretical aspects: A Review. ILA Bulletin, July-September, (1992).

29. Shailendra Kumar. Information Sources in History of Science in India: A Scientometric Study of Periodical Literature a Prologue. Library Herald, 31,No.1-2, 72-75, (1992).

30. Shailendra Kumar. Compatibility of Library Automation Software Package for Multimedia. In: Library Science and its Facets. Edited by: HR Chopra and Others.Ess Ess Publications, Delhi. Vol II, p15-19. 1998.

31. Shailendra Kumar. Selection of Software for Information Handling in Library and Information Centre. In: Modern Technologies for Biomedical Information Handling, Institue of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, 2000.

32. Shailendra Kumar and Aman Kumar Jha. Classification Formats in Dewey System of Classification with special emphasis to Dewey for Windows. Journal of Library and Information Science, 27(1), 1-10, June 2002.

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33. Shailendra Kumar (Chairman, Editorial Section). Journal of Library and Information Science Index Volume (JLIS Vol. 1-27; 1976-2002). Journal of Library and Information Science, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. 2004, 104p.

34. Shailendra Kumar. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. ICCSR Newsletter, October-December, (2004), 3-4.

35. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Past, Present and Future of Media Librarianship. Herald of Library Science. 44(1-2), 17-33, January-April, 2005.

36. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. History of Television and Telecast Media Libraries in India. Herald of Library Science. 44(3-4), 184-191, July-October, 2005.

37. Shailendra Kumar. Planning Library Automation – Programme 5. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

38. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation Software Packages – Programme 6. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

39. Shailendra Kumar. Library Automation: Implementation and Monitoring – Programme 7. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

40. Shailendra Kumar. Library Database Creation and Information Services – Programme 8. E-Course on Digital Library and Information Services. Consortium for Educational Communication – An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission. 2007.

41. Shailendra Kumar and Hari Prakash. A Study of Information Needs of Members of Legislative Assembly in the Captial City of India. Aslib Proceedings. 60 No.2, (2008), 158-179.

42. Shailendra Kumar and Projes Roy. Electronic Journals in Indian Academic Libraries: Issues and Challenges. ILA Bulletin. 43(4), 2007, 30-34.(printed in Nov 2009).

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1. RK Verma and Shailendra Kumar. Information Flow in Industrial Context as seen through some Information Products and Services. 14th IASLIC Conference, Delhi, 26-29 December, 1983.

2. Shailendra Kumar. Bibliographic Control of Scientific Serials with Special Reference to India: Some Observations. 30th ILA Conference, Jaipur, 28-31 January, 1985.

3. RK Verma and Shailendra Kumar. An Analysis and Review of Bibliometrics Literature. 1st International Conference on Bibliometrics and Theoritical Aspects of Information Retrieval, Belgium, 24-28 August, 1987.

4. Shailendra Kumar. Trends in Utilisation of Information Services through Internet: A Literature Review. At 20th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal Medical Association. Kathmandu, Nepal. 28 February – 3 March, 2001.

5. Shailendra Kumar. Information Seeking Behaviours of Health Professionals with Reference to HelathNet Nepal. At 20th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal Medical Association. Kathmandu, Nepal. 28 February – 3 March, 2001.

6. Shailendra Kumar and M.J.Hasheamzadeh. A Study of Linear Articles Scatter and Growth Rate of Informatics in Information Storage and Retrieval Literature. International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics. IIT, Roorkee. p185-200, 2-5 March, 2004.

7. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Dynamics of Telecast Media Libraries in India. In Session 6 of the Conference on the theme "Changing Dimensions of Library and Information Services in India". Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific. ( APLAP).22-01-2005.

8. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Effective Tool to Navigate for Digital Information on the World Wide Web. National Conference on Digital Libraries: From Technology to Culture. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, Coimbatore. 07-01-2006.

9. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Resources and Methods of Instuctions in E-Learning Programme. Conference on ICT for facilitating Digital Learning Environment. Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Bangalore. Paper E:1-10. 11-13 January, 2006.

10. Shailendra Kumar, Gareema Sanaman and Namrata Rai. Federated Search: New Option for

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Libraries in the Digital Era. 6th International CALIBER Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions: From Automation to Transformation. INFLIBNET Centre and University of Allahabad. University of Allahabad. p 267-285. February 28-29 and March 1, 2008.

11. Shalini Aggarwal, Leela Chauhan and Shailendra Kumar. Understanding and Creating RSS Feed in the System. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME National Business School. New Delhi. 26-27 February, 2009.

12. Shailendra Kumar and Shalini Aggarwal. OPAC to WEB-OPACs: A Journey from Present to Future. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME National Business School. New Delhi. 26-27 February, 2009.

13. Shailendra Kumar and Shenbaz Hussain Naqvi. Use of WINISIS/GENISIS Software in Creating web-based Database of Faculty Publications in India. Library and Information Science in the Digital Era 55th All India Library Conference Proceedings, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater NOIDA, January 21-24, 2010. ILA, Delhi. 2010. 751-763p.

14. Shailendra Kumar and Manisha Singh. Structure and Functions of Citation Index. 8th International CALIBER 2011. Goa University, Goa. 2011. 641-660p.


1. RK Verma and Shailendra Kumar. Information Flow in Industrial Context as seen through some Information Products and Services. 14

th IASLIC Conference, Delhi, 26-29

December, 1983.

2. Shailendra Kumar. Bibliographic control of Scientific Serials with Special Reference to India: Some Observations. 30

th ILA Conference, Jaipur, 28-31

January, 1985.

3. Shailendra Kumar (Member Paper Distribution Committee). IFLA Conference, New Delhi, August, 1992.

4. Shailendra Kumar. National Curriculum Area: Library Automation and Information Technology for LIS Graduates. National Seminar on Need-Based Innovation Programmes for Education and Training of LIS Personnel, DLIS, University of Delhi,

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Delhi, 27-28 March, 1998. 5. Information Management in the Context of Fast Emerging Information Society. XXII All

India Conference of the Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University of Agra, 28-31 December, 1999.

6. 46th

All India Library Conference on Quality Assurance in Library and Information Services : The Need of the Hour for Survival. Nirma Institute of Management, Ahemdabad, 3-6 January, 2001.

7. Shailendra Kumar. Trends in Utilisation of Information Services through Internet: A Literature Review. At 20

th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal Medical

Association. Kathmandu, Nepal. 28 February – 3 March, 2001.

8. Shailendra Kumar. Information Seeking Behaviours of Health Professionals with Reference to HelathNet Nepal. At 20

th All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal

Medical Association. Kathmandu, Nepal. 28 February – 3 March, 2001.

9. Creation and Management of Digital Resources CALIBER 2001. INFLIBNET and University of Pune, 15-16 March, 2001.

10. Workshop on Archives in the Digital Age: Challenges and Prospects. V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. NOIDA,UP.14 September, 2001.

11. Seminar on Outreach Library Services to Distance Learners. IGNOU at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. 20

th February, 2002.

12. Shailendra Kumar. Features of Library Automation Software Packages for School Libraries. In Seminar on Changing Role of School Libraries: Automation and Application of Information Technology. ILA and Modern School, Barakhamba, New Delhi. 23 March, 2002.

13. Shailendra Kumar. Library Networking. In Workshop on Information Resource Management in Electronic Environment. TERI, New Delhi. 4

th September, 2002.

14. Ghosh SB and Shailendra Kumar .LIS Education at IGNOU and at DU: An Overview and a Comparative Analysis. In Seminar on Recent Trends and Developments in LIS Education. German Culture Centre Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi. 12-13 September, 2002.

15. Panelist on “Library Education in Computer Era” organized by Ranganathan Research Circle at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 23-08-2003.

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16. Seminar on Digitization of Government Information Resources. Central Secretariat Library, National Museum, Janapath, New Delhi. 22-23 September, 2003.

17. Panelist and Organised the Ranganatha Research Circle (RRC) panel discussion on Changing Role Model of LIS Professionals in Digital Era. DLIS, University of Delhi. 31-01-2004.

18. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of V-Book. 22nd

Annual Convention and Conference of Society for Information Science on Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society. IIT Madras, Chennai. 21-23 January, 2004.

19. Second International CALIBER 2004 on Road Map to New Generation of Libraries Using Emerging Technologies. Jamia Millia Islamia and INFLIBNET, New Delhi. 11-13 February, 2004.

20. National Seminar on Role of Public Libraries as Knowledge Centre in the Modern Society. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 14


February, 2004.

21. Panelist at LIS Professionals and Publishers/Booksellers Interaction. World Book Fair. Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. 22 February, 2004.

22. Chairperson of a Session: Finding Information through the Internet and the WWW by Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen at International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2004). TERI, New Delhi. 24-27 February, 2004.

23. Shailendra Kumar and M.J.Hashemzadeh. A Study of Linear Articles Scatter and Growth Rate of Informatics in Information Storage and Retrieval Literature. International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics. IIT, Roorkee. p.185-200, 2-5 March, 2004.

24. ICSSR-NASSDOC Interactive Workshop on Information Services to Social Scientists: An User Oriented Approach. ICSSR Conference Hall, New Delhi. 2

nd April, 2004.

25. Chairperson of a first Session: Indian Library Association. 50th

All India Library Conference, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodra.December 1-4, 2004.

26. E-content Proposal Development 3-Day Orientation Workshop at Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), New Delhi. December, 13-15, 2004.

27. Shailendra Kumar and Ranjeet Singh Thakur. Dynamics of Telecast Media Libraries in India. In Session 6 of the Conference on the theme "Changing Dimensions of Library

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and Information Services in India". Association Of Parliamentary Librarians Of Asia And The Pacific. ( APLAP).Parliament House Library, New Delhi.22-01-2005.

28. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Effective Tool to Navigate for Digital Information on the World Wide Web. National Conference on Digital Libraries: From Technology to Culture. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management, Coimbatore. 07-01-2006.

29. Shailendra Kumar. Right To Information (RTI) in India. A Seminar on Right To Information. Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi. 08-01-2006.

30. Shailendra Kumar and Anas K. Resources and Methods of Instuctions in E-Learning Programme. Conference on ICT for facilitating Digital Learning Environment. Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Bangalore. Paper E:1-10. 11-13 January, 2006

31. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. National Workshop organized by IEC-NASSDOC on Growth and Development of Literature in Social Sciences. Institute of Economic Growth. University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi. 24-01-2006.

32. Panelist on “Empowering of Libraries and Librarians” at International Book Fair, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi organized by Indian Library Association. 03-02-2006.

33. Workshop on Digital Library. Max Muller Bhavan, New Delhi.24-05-2006.

34. Chairperson Technical Session II. Annual Library Seminar. Haryana Library Association, Aggarwal College Ballabgarh, Faridabad. 28-10-2006.

35. Chairperson Technical Session. National Seminar on Digital Library Inititiatives: Issues and Challenges. University of Kahmir. Srinagar. November, 6-7, 2006.

36. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of Multimedia Electronic Resources for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. National Seminar on Digital Library Inititiatives: Issues and Challenges. University of Kahmir. Srinagar. November, 6-7, 2006.

37. Rapporteur General. XXIII IATLIS National Conference Punjabi University. Building Curriculum with a Difference: A Vision for LIS Education in the 21

st Century. Patiala.

November, 23-25, 2006.

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38. Shailendra Kumar. Designing of Multimedia Electronic Resources for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. XXIII IATLIS National Conference Punjabi University. Building Curriculum with a Difference: A Vision for LIS Education in the 21

st Century.

Patiala. November, 23-25, 2006.

39. Panelist on Reviewing and Assessing LIS Education and In-service Training Needs. EMPI Digital Library National Convention, India International Centre, New Delhi. 19-03-2007.

40. Knowledge Management India. Confederation of Indian Industry. Le Meridien Hotel, New Delhi. 14-16 November, 14-16, 2007.

41. Chairman Technical Session 2 Theme: Impact of ICT in LIS: Major Shifts and Practices.6

th International CALIBER 2008. From Automation to Transformation.

University of Allahabad and INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad. Allahabad. February 28-29 and March 1, 2008.

42. Chairman Technical Session Theme: Open Courseware and Free Open Source Softwares. National Seminar on Open Access Movement: Initiatives, Promotion and Impact. Department of Library and Information Science, The University of Kashmir. Srinagar. 23-25 October, 2008.

43. Shailendra Kumar and Manisha Singh. Design and File Formats of eBooks in Electronic Learning. National Convention and Conference of SIS on Role of the Librarian in 21


Century. Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 5-6 December, 2008.

44. Chairman Technical Session IV: ICT, IR and Library 2.0. National Convention and Conference of SIS on Role of the Librarian in 21

st Century. Indian Institute of

Management, Indore. 5-6 December, 2008.

45. Panelist on Role of Librarian in 21st

Century. National Convention and Conference of SIS. Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 06-12.2008.

46. Conference Director. National Conference on Library and Information Technology: Driving Management Education. NICME, National School of Business. New Delhi. 26-27 February 2009.

47. Shailendra Kumar and Shenbaz Hussain Naqvi. Use of WINISIS/GENISIS Software in Creating web-based Database of Faculty Publications in India. ILA Conference, NOIDA. January, 2010.

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48. NACLIN 2010, 13th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking. BITS-Pilani, Goa. 15-18 June, 2010.

Public Service / University Service / Consulting Activity



1. Series of Lectures on Computer Training in BLIS Course 7. IGNOU Centre, K.M. College, University of Delhi, 15 September to 11 November, 1990.

2. CDS/ISIS ver 2.3: Sorting and Printing; and Practical. 14th ILA-NISSAT-IGNOU Training Course on Application of Computer and CDS/ISIS in Library and Information Activities, IGNOU, New Delhi, 4 September, 1991.

3. Operating System. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 9 May, 1992.

4. CDS/ISIS Software Package. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 10 May, 1992.

5. Computer Science Application. Sanatam Dharm College, Panipat, 27 Febuary, 1993.

6. Series of Lectures on Application of Computer in LIS MLIS Course. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 17-25 May, 1993.

7. Library Software Packages with reference to CDS/ISIS and dbase : A package for School Library Automation. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Delhi, 28 May, 1993.

8. Library Automation with special emphasis on the demonstration of practical implementation of Computer in the School Library. Mira Model Senior Secondary School, New Delhi, 27 August, 1993.

9. Series of Lectures on Application of Computer in LIS - MLIS Course. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 18-22 March, 1994.

10. Series of Lectures on CDS/ISIS Software Package. In : Workshop on CDS/ISIS. Makhanlal Chaturvedi

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National University of Journalism, Bhopal. 10-15 May,1994.

11. Application of Computer in Libraries. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Delhi, 7 July, 1994.

12. Networking System of Libraries. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Delhi, 9 July, 1994.

13. Series of Lectures in Training Course on the Application of CDS/ISIS in Library and Information Activities. Agricultural Economics Research Centre – ILA, University of Delhi, Delhi, 12 and 15 July, 1994.

14. Application of Computer in Libraries with special reference to CDS/ISIS. State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Delhi, 31 December, 1994.

15. Series of Lectures on Data Processing and Management. Government Polytechnic for Women, Ambala City, 6 and 7 March, 1995.

16. Series of Lectures on Application of Computer in LIS MLIS Course. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 20-27 March, 1995.

17. Library Automation Software Package. In: Symposium for Librarians and Library Science Teachers – Application of Computer for Storage of Information and Services. Department of Library Science and Manuscriptology, Agra University, Agra, 6 July, 1995.

18. Multi-Media and Libraries. In: Seminar on Multi-Media and Libraries. ILA-RRRLF and AGLIS, New Delhi, 16 August, 1995.

19. Introduction to Computer and Its Application to Library. XV Training Course in Health Science Librarianship. National Medical Library, New Delhi, 12 September, 1995.

20. Library Automation for Effective Management. In: Course on Planning and Management of Libraries. Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, 16 October, 1995.

21. Series of Lectures on CDS/ISIS Software Packages. In: Workshop on Library Automation and Computer Applications. Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Jouralism, Bhopal. 10-18 February, 1996.

22. Series of Lectures on Application of Computer in LIS MLIS Course. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 2-8 May, 1996.

23. Library Automation in School Libraries : Software Selection and its Implementation. In: National

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Convention of School Libraries – The Role of School Library in Present Day Education. Bluebells School, New Delhi, 17 August, 1996.

24. Computerisation of Media Library. In: Workshop for the Management of Non-Print Media Resources. The Commonwealth of Learning – Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, 14 November, 1996.

25. Comparison of Different Software for Library Management. In: Workshop for the Management of Non-Print Media Resources. The Commonwealth of Learning – Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, 15 November, 1996.

26. Series of Lectures on Application of Computer in LIS MLIS Course. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, 24-30 April, 1997.

27. Library Automation Software Packages. Management of Ramjas Foundation. Ramjas School , R.K. Puram, Sector IV, New Delhi. 21 July, 1997.

28. Information Technology : An Overview. In: Course on Managing Technological Changes in the Libraries . Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, 2 December, 1997.

29. Library Software : Options and Opportunities. In: Course on Managing Technological Changes in the Libraries . Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, 2 December, 1997.

30. Strategy for Selecting Library related Hardware and Software In: Course on Managing Technological Changes in the Libraries . Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, 2 December, 1997.

31. Lectures in Workshop on CDS/ISIS. Department of Reference & Book Science, Makhanlal Chatervedi National University Institute of Journalism, Bhopal, 10-15 May, 1994.

32. Lectures in Workshop on CDS/ISIS. Department of Reference & Book Science, Makhanlal Chatervedi National University Institute of Journalism, Bhopal, 10-18 Febuary, 1996.

33. Series of Lectures for MLIS. Department of Library and Information Science, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 28 Febuary and 1 March, 1996.

34. Software Packages for Libraries. In UGC Refresher Course in Library and Information Science. Department of Library and Information Science, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 24 January, 1997.

35. Library Automation. . In UGC Refresher Course in Library and Information Science. Department of Library and Information Science, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 25 January, 1997.

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36. Library Automation Software Package: OASIS. Ranganthan Research Circle, National Medical Library, New Delhi, 1995, Novemeber. Also published in SISCOM, Vol. 16, No.11-12, 1995.

37. Library Automation. IASLIC Study Circle, Calcutta, 14 January, 1999.

38. Library Softwares. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 29 Novemeber, 1999.

39. Library Softwares-Hands-On Training. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 30 Novemeber, 1999.

40. Bar Coding. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 3 December, 1999.

41. Library and Information Science Education in India in the 21st

Century. 66th

Monthly Meeting of Ranganathan Research Circle, Max Mueller Bhawan Library, 9 October, 1999.

42. Selection of Software for Information Handling in Library and Information Centre. CEP Course on Modern Technologies for Biomedical Information Handling. Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, 2000, 16 October. Also published in: Modern Technologies for Biomedical Information Handling, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, 2000

43. Library Softwares. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 27 Novemeber, 2000.

44. Library Softwares-Hands-On Training. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 28 Novemeber, 2000.

45. Bar Coding. Training Programme on: Application of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 30 November, 2000.

46. Preparation of Project Proposal for Library Automation. UGC Refresher Course – Resource Person. Department of Library and Information Science, Kurkshetra University. May, 2001.

47. Barcoding in Library and Information Centres. UGC Refresher Course – Resource Person. Department of Library and Information Science, Kurkshetra University. May, 2001.

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48. Preparation of Project Proposal for Library Automation. UGC Refresher Course- Resource Person. Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, 23 October, 2001.

49. Salient Features of Library Automation Software Package. UGC Refresher Course – Resource Person. Department of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, 23 October, 2001.

50. Library Softwares.Training programme on Appplication of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. IIPA, 4

th Feb, 2002.

51. Bar Coding.Training programme on Appplication of Information Technology for Library Operations and Services. IIPA, 4

th Feb, 2002.

52. Library Netwroks in India. In Workshop on Information Resources Management in Electronic Environment. TERI, 4-6 September, 2002.

53. Library E-Resources for the Study of African Issues. In Workshop on Research Methodology, Department of African Studies, University of Delhi and Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies, Delhi, 9-19 September, 2002.

54. Use of Information Resources in Teaching. In Orientation Course on Higher Education: Changing Perspectives. Bharati College, University of Delhi.1-31 March 2003.

55. Library Application Softwares: Salient Features. Extension Lecture at Dr.Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia. 12-03-2003.

56. Library Software Packages and Network Based LIS. In In-service Teacher Education Programme. State Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi.11-06-2003.

57. Design and Application of Library Portal. In Training Course on Internet Technology Applications in Libraries. National Informatics Centre (NIC), New Delhi, 13-17 October 2003.

58. Library Resources for the Study of Africa. In Research Methodology Course-cum-Workshop for African Studies 14-24 Oct 2003. Department of African Studies, University of Delhi and Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies. 18-10-2003.

59. Keynote Speaker for project Information Technology Application in Library and Information Centres. CECOP, University of Delhi. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi. 23-12-2003.

60. Designing of E- Resources. In UGC Refresher Course – Resource Person, Punjab University, Chandigarh, 4-24 February 2004. 16

th February 2004.

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61. Features of Library Portals. In UGC Refresher Course – Resource Person, Punjab University, Chandigarh, 4-24 February 2004. 16

th February 2004.

62. Information Technology Basics for LIS. In CECOP University of Delhi project Information Technology Application in Library and Information Center. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women. 01-03-2004.

63. Application of IT in Library and Information Science. Resource Person at Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi. UGC-ASC. In 4-week Orientation/Refresher Course in Information Technology for the Teachers of Higher Education from March 3

rd to 31

st 2004. 24-


64. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. First Lecture in series organized by National Social Science Documentation Centre, ICSSR, New Delhi. 05-11-2004. Also reported in ICSSR Newsletter, October-December, 2004.

65. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Departemnt of Library and Information Science, Rohtak University, Rohtak. 07-12-2004.

66. IT Applications in LIS. In CECOP University of Delhi project Information Technology Application in Library and Information Center. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women. 24-12-2004.

67. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Department of Library and Information Science, Vikaram University, Ujjain, January,18-19, 2005.

68. Creating and Maintaining the E-Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at P.G. Department of Library and Information Science. Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat. February, 14-15, 2005.

69. Managing the research Output of an Organisation. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at P.G. department of Library and Information Science. Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat. February, 14-15, 2005.

70. Barcoding – System of Digital Control of Information Sources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at P.G. department of Library and Information Science. Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat. February, 14-15, 2005.

71. Creation of E-Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. February, 22, 2005.

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72. Measurement of Literature. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. February, 22, 2005.

73. An Overview of Networks in India. Resource Person at National Workshop on Adult Learning Documentation and Information Network (ALADIN). International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education. India International Centre, New Delhi. March, 29, 2005.

74. Information Resources for Higher Education. Resource Person at Orientation Course for Teachers of Higher Education. CPDHE, University of Delhi. S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi.Delhi. April, 27, 2005.

75. Creation of E-Learning Resources in Higher Education. MD University, Rohtak. 04-05-2005.

76. Preparation of Project Proposal for Library Automation. INFLIBNET Training Programme for North East Libraries. INFLIBNET Centre, Ahemdabad. 26-09-2005.

77. Library Systems: Resources. Resource Person at Orientation Course for Teachers of Higher Education. CPDHE, University of Delhi. S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi.Delhi. December, 16, 2005.

78. Measurement of Literature in Sciences. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. December, 17, 2005.

79. Design and Development of Multimedia Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. December,17, 2005.

80. Online Databases. Resource Person at Centre for Enterpreneurship and Career Oriented Progammes, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women.University of Delhi. January, 3, 2006.

81. Measurement of Literature in Social Sciences. National Workshop organized by IEC-NASSDOC on Growth and Development of Literature in Social Sciences. Institute of Economic Growth. University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi. 24-01-2006.

82. Techniques for the Evaluation of Research Output. UGC Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. 04-02-2006.

83. Multimedia Design and Creation. UGC Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. 04-02-2006.

84. Measurement of Literature. Resource Person at Orientation Course for Teachers of Higher Education. CPDHE, University of Delhi. 24-02-2006.

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85. IT Basics and E-Resource Design. In CECOP University of Delhi project Information Technology Application in Library and Information Center. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women. 01-03-2006.

86. Computerisation of Library System: E-Resource Creation and Measurement of Literature. Resource Person at Orientation Course for Teachers of Higher Education. CPDHE, University of Delhi. 01-06-2006.

87. Library Automation Software AfW. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. 21-06-2006.

88. Measurement of Library Services. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course, Goa University, Goa. 22-06-2006.

89. Evaluation of Research Output. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course, Goa University, Goa. 23-06-2006.

90. Designing of E-Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course, Goa University, Goa. 23-06-2006.

91. Planning Library Automation. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course, Goa University, Goa. 23-06-2006.

92. Automation and Digital Library Software. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course, Goa University, Goa. 24-06-2006.

93. Emerging Trends in Librarianship and the importance of Standardized Database and its Creation. Vikaram Sarabhai Library, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahemdabad. 06-07-2006.

94. Information Analysis for Hydro Power Resources Resources. Trends in Library Management. National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC). Faridabad. 14-09-2006.

95. Designing and Creation of E-Resources. Trends in Library Management. National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC). Faridabad. 15-09-2006.

96. Creation of Knowledge Base for Hydro Power Resource. Trends in Library Management. National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC). Faridabad. 15-09-2006.

97. Institutional Repositories- Concepts, Tools and Techniques. National Workshops on Empowering Librarianship in IT Applications on “Digital Libraries. Smt. HM Library, University of Baroda. 20-02-2006.

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98. Storage, Retrieval and Management of Non traditional contents (Pictures, Audio/Video). National Workshops on Empowering Librarianship in IT Applications on “Digital Libraries. Smt. HM Library, University of Baroda. 20-02-2006.

99. Shri S.N. Agarwal Memorial Lecture “ Dynamics of Information from Village to the Research Laboratory” at Golden Jubilee Celebration of Uttar Pradesh Library Association. ITRC, Lucknow.17-11-2006.

100. MS Office for Hindi Work. Delhi Public Library, New Delhi.21-11-2006.

101. Dynamics of Information from Village to the Research Laboratory.. EMPI Business School. Mehrauli Chatrapur, New Delhi. 29-11-2006.

102. Metrics of Social Science Information on Internet. Workshop-cum-Symposium on Role of Information Technology for the Advancement of Social Science Research, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh and NASSDOC, ICSSR, New Delhi. Chandigarh. 22-12-2006.

103. Resource Sharing and Networking of Social Science Information Resources. Workshop-cum-Symposium on Role of Information Technology for the Advancement of Social Science Research, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh and NASSDOC, ICSSR, New Delhi. Chandigarh. 22-12-2006.

104. Design and Creation of E-Resources. Workshop on E-Resources Management. Indian Institute of Management, Ahemdabad. 19-01-2007..

105. Metrics of E-Resources Available on Internet. Workshop on E-Resources Management. Indian Institute of Management, Ahemdabad. 20-01-2007.

106. Multimedia Equipment, S/W Tools and Applications. CEP Course on Multimeda Technology, Defense Scientific Information Documentation Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi. 17-09-2007.

107. Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software (In Hindi for Senior Library Professionals). Delhi Public Library, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi. 11-10-2007.

108. Applications of MS-Office in Library. (In Hindi for Senior Library Professionals). Delhi Public Library, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi. 11-10-2007.

109. E-Learning Resources Creation. Workshop on E-Learning Resources. Inderprastha Engineering College, Gaziabad. 19-11-2007.

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110. Integration of Information Systems in School Teaching. The Reading Room: A Seminar for Librarians. 7-9 February, 2008. DPS-HRD Centre, DPS Dwarka, Delhi. 07-02-2008.

111. Open Source Software: Paradigm, Pros and Cons. National Workshop on FLOSS based Library Automation. May 17-19, 2008. Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater NOIDA. 17-05-2008.

112. Multimedia Design. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Jamia Millia Islamia. 21-08-2008.

113. Measurement of Research Output. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 29-08-2008.

114. Federated search: A New Option for Digital Library. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 29-08-2008.

115. Multimedia Resources: Design and Creation. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 30-08-2008.

116. Open Access to Information Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 30-08-2008.

117. Quality Assourance in Library and Information Profession. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 09-09-2008.

118. Ethics in Librarianship. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 09-09-2008.

119. V-Book Designing of E-sources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 10-09-2008.

120. Measurement of Research Output. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 10-09-2008.

121. Interoperability Protocols and Standards in LIS. Resource Person at National Workshop on “Library 2.0: A Global Information Hub”. Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. 06-02-2009.

122. Measurement of Scientific Output in Environment and Forestry Sciences. (Lecture and Practical). National Forest Library and Information Centre, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 19-02-2009.

123. Designing and Creation of E-Resources. (Lecture and Practical). National Forestry Library and Information Centre, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 20-02-2009.

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124. Designing of Electronic Resources. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at University of Delhi. 13-06-2009.

125. Measurement of Research Output. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at University of Delhi. 13-06-2009.

126. Creating Social Networking of Library Users: Library Blog. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. 22-02-2010.

127. Electronic Resources and their Design. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. 23-02-2010.

128. E-Learning in Library and Information Science in India. Invited Talk., 2nd International Symposium on “Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS)” at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknghat, Solan, HP, 3-5 June.2010.

129. E-Learning in Library and Information Science. Resource Person at UGC Refresher Course in Library Science. Libraries and Librarianship :Vision 2020. CPDHE, Academic Research Centre, University of Delhi.New Delhi. 20-07-2010.

130. Electronic Resource Creation in Teaching. Resources person at UGC Refresher Course on Challenges before the Librarianship in Digital Era at University of Allahabad, Allahabad. 18-11-2010.

131. Management of Electronic Resources. Resources person at UGC Refresher Course on Challenges before the Librarianship in Digital Era at University of Allahabad, Allahabad. 19-11-2010.

HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT in Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi,

Delhi. 05-12-2001 to 05-12-2004 (Completed Three Years Term).

Member Selection Committee: Dayal Singh College (Evening), University of Delhi for the promotion in senior grade (in scale Rs 12000-16000). December, 2001.

Member Selection Committee: Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi for the post of

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Librarian (in scale Rs 8000-13000). December, 2001.

Member Selection Committee: Shyam Lal College (Morning) University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in scale Rs 8000-13000).12th Januray, 2002.

Member Selection Committee: Shyam Lal College (Evening) University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in scale Rs 8000-13000) . 12th Januray, 2002.

Member Selection Committee: Department of Library and Information Science, Jamia Milia Islamia University for the post of Lecturer (in scale Rs 8000-13000). 11th February, 2002.

Member Selection Committee: Shyama Prasad Mukherji College (for Women) , University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000). 17th June. 2002

Member Selection Committee: Aditi College for Womens, Bawana, University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000). 17th July. 2002.

Member Selection Committee: Motilal Nehru College , University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000). 22th July. 2002.

Member Selection Committee: DAV Secondary School, Delhi Cantt. For the post of Librarian. 19-09-2002.

Member Selection Committee: Lady Sri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs.8000-13000) 20-06-2003.

Member Selection Committee: Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000) 31-01-2003

Member Selection Committee: Maitreya College, University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000).

Member Selection Committee: Ram Lal Anand College (Evening), University of Delhi for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs.8000-13000). 2003.

Member Selection Committee: University of Delhi for the post of Lecturer in Library and Information Science (in Scale Rs 8000-13000). 23-04-2003.

Member Selection Committee: NCERT, New Delhi for the post of Deputy Librarians (in Scale Rs 12000-18000). 26-09-2003.

Member Selection Committee: Shyama Prasad Mukherji College for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs 8000-13000). 11-12-2003.

Member Selection Committee: Lady Sri Ram College for Women for the post of Librarian (in Scale Rs.8000-13000). 04-08-2004.

Member Board of Research Studies in Humanities, University of Delhi since 2001 --.

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Member Academic Council, University of Delhi since 2002 -2004.

Member University Court, University of Delhi since 2002 -2004.

Member Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi. 2002- 2005; 07-02-2005 for a term of 3 years.

Chairman : Editorial Board. Journal of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. 2002 --- 2004.

Doing Administrative and Management work of the Department.

Organised Educational Tour programme(Outside Delhi) for BLIS and MLIS students, 2000(Roorkee, Dehra Dun, Mussoree); 2001(Madras and Pondicheery); 2002(Udaipur, Ajmer and Jaipur); and ; 2004(Chandigarh, Shimla, Amratsar, Patiala and Kukulshetra).

Panelist in Video Conference on “Digital Library in India” by British Council of Library on 22nd Feb, 2002.

Reorganised the Department Library: Re-shelving, Weeding out. June-July 2002.

Member of Curriculum Revision Committee – Department of Library and Information Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. 04-05-2002.

Member Board of Studies in Library and Information Science Course. Ch..Charan Singh University, Meerut. 31-05-2003.

Conducted Examinations in the Department for B.Lib.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil - Semester I &II 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2003-2004.

Completed Admission for the Academic session 2002-2003; 2003-2004 and 2004-2005.

Developing Information Technology and nice ambience facilities in the Department.

Member Panel for Paper Setters for UGC NET Examination in Library and Information Science at UGC NET, New Delhi. 07-04-2003 to 10-04-2003.

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Member Selection Committee for Promotion/Appointment to Teaching Posts ( Reader-MPS, Lecturer-Open, Lecturer-cum-Librarian-Open) in the Vice-Chancellor’s Committee Room, University of Delhi, Delhi. 25-04-2003.

Helping students in placements for jobs and Organised Campus Interview for Jobs: Chairman, SelaQui Education Society, Dehradun took interview of thirteen students and short listed three for two job positions in LIS. September 2003.

Founder Member. Initiated and got registered Delhi University Library & Information Science Alumni Association.12-09-2003.

Academic Interaction with Other Department in the University (Department of African Studies) in the years 2002 and 2003 for Research Methodology Course-cum-Workshop.

Initiated student exchange programme for professional development and undertaken training programme for Mr David Cappel, a student of Library and Information Sc. At Institute of Information Science, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany, at University of Delhi from 3rd Novemeber to 4th December, 2003.

Panelist and Organised the Ranganatha Research Circle (RRC) panel discussion on Changing Role Model of LIS Professionals in Digital Era.DLIS University of Delhi. 31-01-2004.

Got Approved and Implemented New Revised Syllabi for B.L.I.Sc. and M.L.I.Sc courses from the Academic Session 2004-2005.

Printed the New Revised Syllabi for LIS and Admission Information Bulletin.2004

Conducted first Entrance Examination for M.L.I.Sc. for New Revised Syllabi.2004.

Pattern for Question Papers for B.L.I.Sc and M.L.I.Sc. for New Revised Syllabi prepared.2004

Member Board of Studies in LIS, University of Rajasthan, 2004-2007. 27-10-2004.

Resource Advisor at The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi for Library and Information Centre. 10-08-2004.

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Organsied Ranganathan Research Circle 112th Monthly Meeting at DLIS, University of Delhi. On the topic “Bibiographical Control in Library of Congress” by Sunita Muthry, Coordinator(Cataloguing) Library of Congress, New Delhi.27-11-2004.

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Reader 2001-2006) in Department of Library and Information Science,

University of Delhi, Delhi since 09-02-2001

Post Graduate Teaching and Research (11 Years + )

Bachelor of Library and Information Science(B.L.I..Sc.)

Master of Library and Information Science(M.L.I.Sc.)

Master of Philosophy(M.Phil.) courses.

Project Supervisor for M.L.I.Sc students.

Research Guide for M.Phil and Ph.D. students.

Short Term Course on “Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities” for Delhi University’s College Librarians.14-18 May 2001.

Development of Research Laboratory in the Department for Research Scholars.

Development of Computer Laboratory for B.Lib.Sc and M.L.I.Sc. students.

Department Renovation.

Organisation for Creation of Department Library Data Base and Barcoding.

Short Term Course on “Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities” for Delhi University’s Professionals and College Librarians.13-17 May 2002.

Expert in the: Expert Committee meeting to Design the Content structure for :Web Enhanced training Programme on ISIS(Windows Interface). IGNOU. 28th August, 2002.

Member In Expert Committee for Evaluating the Content structure for: Web Enhanced training Programme on ISIS(Windows Interface). IGNOU. August, 2003.

Invited faculty : for B.L.I.Sc course Paper VIII: Information, Communication and Society, at Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi. 2003-2004, 2004 -2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007.

Panelist on RRC panel discussion on Role of LIS professionals in Digital Era on 31-01-2004.

External Examiner for Paper-XV Computer Application Paper of M.L.I.Sc. Examination 2004 , 23-07-2004 at DLIS, Sambalpur University, Sambulpur, Orissa.

External Examiner for MLISc Computer Application course, Examination June 2005. Aligarh Muslim University.

External Examiner for MLISc Computer Application course, Examination 2005. North-East Hill University, Shillong.

Consultant to prepare comprehensive report on LIS teaching and University Library system for advanced interface to Internet and network environment in the university. T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur. 18-04-2005 to 20-04-2005.

Member Board of Moderation Committee Question Papers MLISc Examination 2005. Aligarh Muslim University.

Chief Guest to Inaugurate Training Programme of INFLIBNET for North East Libraries.

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INFLIBET Centre, Ahemdabad. 26-09-2005.

Convenor and Member of Committee for selection of ILA_Dr K Padma Umapathy & KS Umapathy Followship 2004-05. 20-11-2005

Counselor for MLISc course 2004, 2005 for IGNOU at Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women.

Member UGC Refresher Course Experts Committee. Academic Staff College. Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi. 03-01-2006.

Conducted a “ Seminar on Right To Information” on 8-01-2006 at Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi.

Special Guest at Information Technology(IT) Application in Library and Information Centres. CECOP. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, University of Delhi. Valedictory Function. 09-01-2006.

Head (Officiating). Department of Library and Information Science. University of Delhi. 10-06-2006 to 17-06-2006.

Member of Committee for Promotion to the post of Librarian in Senior Scale at Miranda College, University of Delhi. 08-02-2006.

Special Guest at Information Technology(IT) Application in Library and Information Centres. CECOP. Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, University of Delhi. Valedictory Function. 01-03-2006.

Subject Expert In Preview Expert Group for Library Science Programmes. Consortium for Educational Communication (An Inter University Grants Commission on Electronic Media), New Delhi. 18-04-2006.

Member Expert Committee on “Course on Digital Library” at Max Muller Bhavan, New Delhi. 22 and 23rd May, 2006.(Attended on 23rd May 2006).

External Examiner for B.L.I.Sc., MLISc Computer Application courses, Examination 27-29th May,2006. Lucknow University, Lucknow.

Member of Inspection Team consitututed by Ch.Charan Singh University ,Meerut to inspect start of B.Lib.Sc. course facilities at Institute of Informatics and Management Sciences, Anuyogipuram, Meerut. 01-07-2006.

External Examiner for B.L.I.Sc. Computer Practical Examination 04-07-2006. Jiwaji University, Gwalior.

Member Standing Expert Committee, Directorate of Distance Education, M.D. University, Rohtak. 14-07-2006.

Member Selection Committee for the post of Semi Professional Assistant at Jamia Hamdard, Delhi. 31-07-2006.

Chief Guest at Institute of Technology and Management, Gwalior to Inaugurate Automated Library using UGC - SOUL software on 01-08-2006.

Member Selection Committee for the post of Lecturer(Scale Rs.8000 – 13500) at Institute of Informatics and Management Science, CCS University, Garh Road, Meerut. 07-08-2006.

Member Expert Committee for the Online Certification Course on Library & Information Science on EDUSAT (Satellite) at Consortium for Educational Communication: An Inter University Centre of UGC, Ne Delhi.17-08-2006.

Subject Expert In Preview Expert Group for Online Course on “Digital Library and Information Services”. Consortium for Educational Communication (An Inter University

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Grants Commission on Electronic Media), New Delhi. November – December 2006.

Member Selection Committee for the post Senior Lecturer (Rs.10000-15200/-) at Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi. Delhi.10-10-2006.

Member Committee of Courses for BLIS and MLIS Syllabus. Department of Library and Information Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 27-11-2006.

Launched the Convention WebSite of EMPI. 29-11-2006.

Member of “ National Advisory Board Members” of EMPI Digital Library National Convention -2007 Conference Board. New Delhi. 2006.

Member Educational Tour of the Students (34 Nos.) of the Department, University of Delhi to Goa. 28-01-07 to 05-02-2007.

Member Board of Paper Setters for UGC NET Examination in Library and Information Science. 2007.

Member Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian to Librarian in Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Bhagini Nivedita College, University of Delhi. 06-07-2007.

External Examiner for Computer Practical MLIS at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. July 2007.

Examiner and Paper Setter for Entrance Examination for Associateship in Information Science. National Institute for Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). July 2007.

Member Selection Committee for Selection of Faculty Librarian (Rs.8000 to 13500/-) at Dayal Bagh Education Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra. 06-08-2007.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Reader Grade (Scale Rs.12000 to 18000) at Shyam Lal College (Eve), University of Delhi. 17-10-2007.

External Examiner for Computer Practical at M.M. Degree College, Modi Nagar, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. 03-11-2007.

Member of Local Project Advisory Committee(LPAC) of the DST sponsored project “ Global Database of Research Papers on Malaria during last 50 years and its Analysis”. ICMR, New Delhi. 07-01-2008.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, Univesity of Delhi. 18-02-2008.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Selection Grade(Reader) (Scale Rs.120000 to 180000) at Shaheed Bhagat Singh (Eve.) College, University of Delhi. 21-02-2008.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Reader Grade (Scale Rs.12000 to 18000) at Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi. 10-03-2008.

Chairman UG Syllabus Review Committee of Skkim University for Designing New Syllabus for BLIS. Sikkim University, Gangtok. 20-03-2008.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi. 2008.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Reader Grade (Scale Rs.12000 to 18000) at Institute of Home Science, University of Delhi. 2008.

Guest of Honour in “One Day Awareness Programme on E-Resources” in Collaboration with INFLIBNET and Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. Jhansi. 21-07-2008.

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Member of the Board of Post Graduate Studies in Library and Information Sciences, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 2008-2011. 28-08-2008.

Member Evaluation Panel for Paper III in the subject of Library and Information Science. UGC NET. University of Pune, Pune. 16-09-2008 to 20-09-2008.

Member Committee of Courses in Library Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 09-06-2008 to 08-06-2011. 17-10-2008.

External Examiner for Project Reports of MLISC. Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 02-01-2009.

Competition Judge, Poetry Session. Delhi Public Library. 07.01.2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in the Reader Scale (Rs. 12000 to 18000/-) at Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi. 2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Khalsa College Dev Nagar, University of Delhi. 22-01-2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Shyamlal Anand College ,Shahadara, University of Delhi. 2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promtion of Librarian in the Reader Scale (Rs.12000 to 18000/-) at Acharya Narendra Dev College, Govind Puri, University fo Delhi. 27-04-2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in Senior Scale (Rs.10000 to 15200/-) at Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi. June 2009.

Member Local Project Advisory Committee(LPAC), DST sponsored project on the Preparation of Directory of Indian Science & Technology (including Medical) Journals, ICMR Hqrs, New Delhi. 10-06-2009.

External Examiner for Computer Practical MLIS at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 02-07-2009.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian to Selection Grade (Rs 12000-18300).Motilal Nehru College (Even.), New Delhi. 25-06-2010.

Member, Fourth meeting of the Panel on Content Analysis, MSD 5/P-10. Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, New Delhi. 29-06-2010.

External Examiner for Computer Practical MLIS at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. 02-07-2009.

External Examiner. MLIS Practical. Kumaon University, Nainital. 14-03-2010.

External Examiner. BLIS Practical, IGN College, Ladwa, Kurkushetra University, Kurukshetra. 09-05-2010.

External Examiner. MLIS Practical, DLIS, Kurkushetra University, Kurukshetra. 10-05-2010.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in Senior Scale (Rs 10,000- 15,200) at Ram Lal Anand College (Evening). Benito Jurez Road, New Delhi. University of Delhi. 11-05-2010.

Member, Consultative meeting on Improvement of the Quality and Contents of the Indian Forester. At Ministry of Environment and Forsest. Paryavaran Bhavan, New Delhi. 12-05-2010.

Member, Research Board of LIS. DLIS, NEHU, Shillong. 2008-2010. May,2010.

Extrenal Examiner MLIS Practical, DLIS, NEHU, Shillong. 06-07-2010.

External Examiner, MLIS Practical and BLIS Practical. DLIS, Kumaon University, Nainital. 18-07-2010.

Member of Selection Committee for Promotion of Librarian in Selection Grade (Rs37,000- >), ARSD College, New Delhi. University of Delhi. 2011.

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External Examiner, MLIS Pratical and BLIS Practical. DLIS, Kumaon University, Nainital. 2011.

Member Selection Committee for promotion Cases from Assistant Professor to Senior Scale Assistant Professor CAS. IGNOU. 09-04-2011.

Research Supervisor: o M.Phil from University of Delhi: 15 Awarded + 2 Submitted + 01 Working

Aman Kumar Jha : Study of Online Services in Library and Information Centres in Delhi. 2002(Awarded)

Anas K.: Evaluation of Select Internet Search Engines: Users Satisfaction at Central Science Library, University of Delhi. 2004(Awarded)

Pradeep K Choudhary : Library and Information Science Education in Delhi. 2005(Awarded)

Jagjeet Kaur: A Comparative Study of Library Services Provided by University Libraries in Delhi. 2008 (Awarded)

Vijita Mishra. Metric Study in Library and Information Science Research. 2008 (Awarded)

Ashwani Yadav : Distance Education in Library and Information Science in India. 2008 (Awarded)

Manlunching: Web Access to Medical Information by Users in Medical Libraries in Delhi: A Study. 2009 (Awarded)28-07-2009.

Gareema Sanaman: A Study of E-Multimedia Resources in Select Libraries of Delhi. 2009 (Awarded).06-08-2009.

Namrata Rai: A Study of Web Interface in Library Management Software System. 2009 (Awarded). 06-08-2009.

Manisha Singh: Electronic Resources in Physics in Select Libraries in Delhi: A Study.(Awarded)01-07-2010.

Gargi: Use of E-Resources in the Field of Geography by the Users in Selected Universities Libraries in Delhi.(Awarded)11-04-2011.

Ashraf: S. Muansangluai Ngaihte: Purnima: Rekha Rani: Surjeet : Harmeet Kaur:

o M.Phil: From Other University – 18 Awarded

Alagappa University, Karaikudi

Kiran Lata: Users Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior at Management Studies at Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak and University of Delhi, Delhi. 2003 (Awarded)

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Narender Kumar: Scientometric Study of Chemical Literature Cited in Doctoral Theses of Chemistry submitted to the Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. 2003 (Awarded)

Subhash C. Sharma: Information Seeking Patterns of Users of Engineering Institutions of Haryana. 2003 (Awarded)

Taruna Joshi: Provision for Automatic Classification using DDC and UDC in select Library Softwares. 2004(Awarded)

Rajeshwar Singh: A Bibliographic Study of People’s Representatives in Lok Sabha (1 to 13 Lok Sabha). 2004(Awarded)

R. Rajkumar Balasubramanian: A Study of the Evolution, Development and Growth of Parliament Library over the Years. 2004(Awarded)

Radha Rani Verma: A Comparative Study of the Organisation and Services of NDMC Central Library and MCD Town Hall Library. 2004(Awarded)

Rajesh Kumar: A Study on Libraries Consortia in Science and Technology: Problems and Prospects.2004(Awarded)

Jnanendra Narayan Singh: Approaches to Library Automation: A Case Study of Select Colleges of University of Delhi. 2004(Awarded)

Neelam Chhiber: Sports Facilites and Utilization at Delhi Schools: A Bibliographic Study. 2005(Awarded).

Nandi Devi. A Study of Electronic Information Resources in Management Studies in Delhi Libraries. 2007(Awarded).

Biman Chandra Mandal. A Comparative Study of Information Services Provided by Electronic Media Libraries in Delhi, National Capital Region. 2007. (Awarded).

Manoj Kumar. A Study of Information Access Control in Public Domain. 2008 (Awarded).

Puja Sherawat. Electronic Resources Publication and Designing: A Study. 2008 (Awarded).

Annamalai University, Annamalainagar.

* Hari Prakash: Information Needs of Members of Legislative

Assembly in National Capital Territory of Delhi. 2005 (Awarded).

* Neelam Sharma: Evaluation of E-Resources in Management

Studies in Jamia Millia Islamia and Faculty of Management

Studies, University of Delhi. 2007 (Awarded).

* Mona Agarwal. A Study of Indian Contributions in

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Shakespear’s Literature. Annamalai University. 2008.


* Swheta Dhingra. A Study of the Information Requirement of

the Councillors of the Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD).

M.Phil. Dissertation. Annamalai University, Annamalainager.


Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana).

Manju: A Study of Information Resources in the Area of Multimedia. 2007 (Awarded).

o Ph.D. from University of Delhi: 09 Awarded + 2 Submitted + Three Working Mohan Raj Pradhan : Integration of Information Needs and Technology

with Reference to HealthNet Nepal.2003 (Awarded) M.J.Hashemzadeh : Impact of Informatics on Information Storage and

Retrieval in Libraries and Information Centres: A Scientometric Study of Periodical Literature since 1981. 2005 (Awarded)

Ranjit Singh Thakur : A Study on Telecast Media Libraries in India. 2005(Awarded)

Doibila Christina : A Plan Proposal for the Establishment of Network of Libraries in North-East India. 2005(Awarded)

Arun Kumar: Provisions and Effectiveness of Staff Development Programmes for Professionals in University Libraries in India with Special Reference to Bihar, Orrisa and West Bengal. 2008(Awarded)

Zuchamu Yanthan: Information Village for Small Scale Industries in North-East India: A Model. 2008(Awarded)

Anas K. Designing E-Learning Resource Model in Library and Information Science in India: A Users Study. 2009 (Awarded)

Shenbaz Husain Naqvi: Study of Research Output of Jamia Milia Islamia in the Field of Natural Sciences (1971-2004). 2010(Awarded)

Projesh Roy: A Study of Online Databases in Central University Libraries in India. 2010 (Awarded)

Gareema Sanaman: A Study of Information Storage and Access in Digital Environment for the People with Disabilities in NCR Libraries. 2012 (Submitted)

Namrata Rai: Information Retrieval Interface of Electronic Databases in Social Sciences: A Study of Users Perspective in Select Libraries of Delhi. 2013 (Submitted)

Vijita Mishra: Scientometric Study of Research Output in Computer Science of Select Universities in Delhi(1995-2009). 2009 (Working)

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Vinod Kumar: Role of Libraries in Growth and Development of Tourism Sector in India: A Study. 2009 (Working).

Ph.D. from other University: 01 Awarded

Parikh Shreyasi Kanchanlal: Performance Measurement in Select Academic and R&D Libraries. Gujarat University. 13-4-2011 (Awarded).

Examiner: o Ph.D. Thesis (13):

Rural Library and Community Resource Centre (RLCRs) in India with special Reference to States having Library Legislation: Problems and Prospects”. By Sunil Kumar, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. August 2003.

Networking of National Institute of Fashion Technology(NIFT) Resource Centres in India: A Prototype Design Based on Information Seeking Pattern by the NIFT Faculty. By S.Gopalkrishnan, University of Madras. December 2003.

Reflection of Rural Information in Leading Newspapers of Assam: A Critical Study. By Hari Charan Das, Department of Library and Information Science, Gauhati University. 2004.

Evaluation of College Libraries in Meghalaya: A Case Study. By Medalda Challam. North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.2007.

Design and Development of a Rule Based expert System for Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. By Antony Jose.. University of Pune, Pune.2007

Public Library System in Bhutan: A Systematic Approach for Future Development. S. Kannan. Gauhati University, Gauhati. 2008.

A Study of Origin and Development of Libraries and Learning Centres in Ancient and Medieval India. Rakhi Gupta. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2009.

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Marketing and Pricing of Electronic/Digital Information Products in Developing a Distribution Mechanism in NCR Context. School Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2009.

Anil Kumar Dhiman. Growth of Ethnobotanical Journal Literature and Citation Pattern of Ethnobotanist in India: A Bibliometric Study., School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2010.

Mudassir Ashraf. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Professionals in Medical Field: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir State. Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K). 2010.

Tabasum. A Study of Emerging Models of Scholarly Communication. Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K). 2012.

M Ampareen Lyngdoh. Influence of Media on Public Opinion During the Periods of Social Unrest: A Study of Meghalaya. Deaprtment of Library and Information Science, North East Hill University, Shillong. 2012.

Achala Munigal. Internet and University Libraries in India: A Study of Problems and Prospects of Use of Internet. Department of Library and Information Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad. 2013.

o Ph.D. Viva Voce (04): Design and Development of a Rule Based expert System for Anglo-

American Cataloguing Rules. By Antony Jose. University of Pune, Pune. 2007.

A Study of Origin and Development of Libraries and Learning Centres in

Ancient and Medieval India. Rakhi Gupta. School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2009.

Marketing and Pricing of Electronic/Digital Information Products in Developing a Distribution Mechanism in NCR Context. School Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2009.

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Anil Kumar Dhiman. Growth of Ethnobotanical Journal Literature and Citation Pattern of Ethnobotanist in India: A Bibliometric Study., School of Studies in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. 2010.

M Ampareen Lyngdoh. Influence of Media on Public Opinion During the Periods of Social Unrest: A Study of Meghalaya. Deaprtment of Library and Information Science, North East Hill University, Shillong. 2012.

o Ph.D. Synopsis:

Services Quality in Libraries and Information Centre Vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights Output: A Study of CSIR Laboratories in India. Submitted for Ph.D. Registration at Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University: Kota. 2004.

EXAMINER AND PAPER SETTER for Bachelor and Master Degree Courses at Jiwaji University, University

of Rajasthan(2007,2008,2009, 2010), Sambalpur University, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of

Journalism, North-Eastern Hill University Shillong (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,2010), Kurkushetra

University, Hemwati Nandan Bhawguna Garwal University Srinagar, TM Bhagalpur University (2005,

2006), Panjab University Chandigarh, Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, IGNOU(2005, 2006, 2007,

2008), Aligarh Muslim University, Lucknow University – MLIS Computer Practical (2006) , Kumaon

University Nainital (2007, 2009, 2010), Sarojini Naidu Govt. Girls Post Graduate College Bhopal (2007),

Institute of Management Education, Ghaziabad (2007), Vikram University- MLIS Project Report - Viva

(2008) and Jamia Milia Islamia,

Examiner and Paper Setter for Associateship in Information Science (AIS) for National Institute for

Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) (2006, 2007)

Examiner for PGDLAN (Post Graduate Diploma in Library Networking) course at Indira Gandhi National

Open University. 2004, 2007.

Supervisor for PGDLAN Project: Designing and Creation of Digital Library for the Age Group of 3-10

Years. Preeti Chauhan. 2010.

Examiner for Dissertation titled” Library Automation Software Packages Used in Academic Libraries of

Nepal: A Comparartive Study” submitted by Sabitri Devi Sharma in Associateship in Information Science

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(2005-2007) at NISCAIR, CSIR,New Delhi. 2007.

Supervisor for M.L.I.Sc, Project Report: 40 Numbers.


1. Pritti Aggarwal. Information Seeking Behavior of Political Science

Teachers in Delhi University Colleges.

2. Trupti Parida. M Use of Reference Materials in central institute of

Education University of Delhi

3. Vibha. Growth and development of Drama in Hindi Literature.


1. Sunita Shukla. Evaluation of Provided by selected Public

Libraries of Delhi.2000

2. Tarnua Joshi. Acquisition of Electronic Resources in Selected

Libraries of Delhi.

3. Veet Singh. Use of Multimedia in library and Information


4. Vijita Mishra. Comparative study of Buddhist Literature in

Indira Gandhi National Center of the Arts and

Central Reference library University of Delhi

5. Yashu Kirpal. Social Status of library and Information Science

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professionals in Delhi.


1. P.K. Chudhary. Communication Media in Information Technology

at NIC Library and DESIDOC Library a comparative


2. Reena. Study of Electronic Resources in the FIELD of

Political Science available in Delhi University library.

3. Reena Sath. Information Sources in Political Science in India: A

Bibliometric study of periodical Literature.


1. Alka. CD- ROM & Online Service in INSDOC & IIT Library

: A Comparative study.

2. A.K Pandey. Evaluation of Selected Science Periodicals in Indian

National Scientific Documentation center and Science

Library of University of Delhi.

3. Ashu Wadhwa. Secondary Sources in Central Reference Library and

Ratan Tata Library and Their Use a study.

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4. Ching Chin. H Evaluation of Reference Sources in Sociology in JNU

University Library and RTL Library. D.U.


1. Aarti Jain. A Comparative Study on Different Software package

in North Campus Libraries D.U.

2. Arti Sharma. Application of Information Technology in Library

Services in J.N.U.

3. Abisek Sharma. Comparative Study of Library Services provided by

Institute of Genomic and Integrated Biology J.N.U.

4. Ashwani Yadav Application of Information Technology in Library

Services in K.M College & Ramjas College Library


5. Shashi Khatri. Use of Internet in Ramjas College and Kirori Mal

College Libraries.


1. Bindu Sharma. Project Report National Institute of Fashion

Technology Library study.

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2. Sunita Tyagi A Study of Growth and Development of Political Science

And Research Output from Department of Political

Science, University of Delhi. 1999-2003.

3. Sonia Chopra Comparative Study of Library Collection and Services

of Indian Institute of Mass Communication and A.J.

Kidwai Mass Communication Research Centre.


1. Ajay K. Sharma. Use of Multimedia in Selected Library &

Information Centers in Delhi 2005.

2. Amit Kumar. Citation Analysis of JNAN PEETH Awardees

3. Anamika Blera Information Requirement of Members of

Parliament and Legislative Assembly of Delhi.

4. Anju Midha. Evaluation of WEF Resources on Physics.

5. Anuradha Sabhikhi. Evaluation of Reference Sources in Home

Science : A study of Print & Non Print sources.


1. Deepati Khatri A Study of Information Requirements of the Corporate

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Company – Coca Cola in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

2. Ashok Kumar A Study of Media Information Resources of Staff Training

Institute(Technology) of All India Radio & Doordarshan,


3. Bebi A Study of Growth and development of Sociology and

Research Output from Department of Sociololgy,

University of Delhi, 2000-2005.

4. Bharati Evaluation of Geographical Reference Sources available

in Ratan Tata Library, Delhi School of Economics,

University of Delhi.


1. Gunjan Gupta Newspaper as a Source of Information on Information

Technology: A Study of Selected English National Dailies.

2. Dhirendra K Singh A Study of General Search Engines for Evaluation of

Select Reference Sources in Chemistry.

3. Hamlata Sharma Evaluation of Reference Sources in History in Delhi

University Library and Jamia Millia Islamia Library.

4. Gareema Sanaman A Study of Research Output of Department of Botany

and Department of Zoology, University of Delhi.


1. Rajni Bagri Comparative Study of Collection and Services provided by Centre for Women’s Development Studies and Women’s Studies and

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Development Centre.

2. Mohd Yusuf Use of Internet by PG Students in Maulana Azad Library of Aligarh Muslim University: A Study.

3. Jata Shankar Gupta Application of Electronic Security Systems in Selected Libraries of Delhi: A


4. Farhat Chaudhary Comparative Study of Computer Applications in Maulana

Azad Medical College Library and University College of Medical Sciences

(GTB) Library.


1. Manoj Kumar Indian Contributions to Shakespeare : A study of Periodical Literature.

2. Md Shahbaz Kamal A Citation Study of Nobel Laureates in Economics During


3. Mahvish Kamal A Study of Periodical Literature on Mental Retardation in Woman

During 1994-2008.

4. Naseer Ahmed Reference Resources of Public Administration in IIPA Library

and IGNOU LIbrary: A Bibliographic Study.

5. Nazish Kamal A Study of Periodicals Literature on Mental Mental Retardation

in Children During 1999-2008.


1. Indu Bhati A Study of Information Sources in Political Science: Personalities, Institutions and Reference Sources.

2. Kavita Agarwal Use of Online Library and Information Services in Miranda House, St. Stephen’s College and Daulat Ram College for Women,

University of Delhi.

3. Jyoti Arora A Study of Information Sources in Philosophy: Personalities, Institutions and Reference Sources.

4. Manju Tomer A Study of Information Sources in Geography: Personalities, Institutions and Reference Sources.

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Supervisor for Project Report Diploma in Computer Engineering

Supervisor. Project Report on Academic Information Management System (AIMS). Sumitted by Puneet

Gupta. Ambedkar Polytechnic, Shakarpur, Delhi.11-05-2006.

Supervisor. Project Report on Academic Information Management System (AIMS). Sumitted by Chetan

Arora. Ambedkar Polytechnic, Shakarpur, Delhi.11-05-2006.

Professional Societies Memberships

1. Indian Library Association – Life Member since 1984 2. Society for Information Science – Life Member since 1987 3. Indian Association for Special Libraries and Information Centres – Life Member since 1987 4. Bombay Science Librarians’ Association – Life Member since 2000 5. Karnataka State Library Association – Life Member since 2000 6. Delhi Library Association – Life Member since 2001 7. Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science-Life Member 8. Ranganathan Society for Book Culture, Library and Informatics Studies – Life Member since 2003 9. Assam Libraries Association – Life Member since 2004 10. SALIS, Chennai – Life Member since 2004 11. Gujurat Granthalya Seva Sangh(Gujarat Library Association) – Life Member since 2005 12. Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies(ISAAS) – Member since 2005. 13. Uttar Pradesh Library Association(UPLA) – Life Member since 2006. 14. Haryana Library Association(HLA) – Life Member since 2006.

Projects (Major Grants / Collaborations)

Other Details

Book Evaluation:

1. Satija, M.P. A Dictionary of Knowledge Organsiation. Guru Nank Dev University, Amritsar, 2004, 248p.

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Scientists Award. The Hindustan Times. 25-01-1994. p4.

Dr.Shailendra Ko Yuva Vagiyanik Prusarkar. Navbharat Times (Hindi). 25-01-1994.p4.

Pustakalya Mai Computer Kai Proyog par Karyashala. Nai Dunniya (Hindi) Bhopal. 10-05-1994.

Pustakalya Mai Computer Karyashala Aaz say. Swadesh (Hindi) Bhopal. 10-05-1994.

Pustakalya Mai Computer Ka Proyog Labhkari Kadam. Aaz (Hindi). 23-08-1995.

Pustakalyao ka Computerikaran Zaroori – Kulpati. Denik Jagaran (Hindi). 23-08-1995.

Voices:Shailendra Kumar(HOD, Library & Information Science, Delhi University). The Pioneer. 03-03-2002.p3

Ganthalya avam Suchna Vigyan mey Viswa ki Pehali V-Book Prakashit. Rashtriya Sahara. 12-05-2003.

Video Book Ki Rachna. Navbharat Times (Hindi). 13-05-2003

First V-Book in Library & Information Science Released. University Today.502. Vol 23, No.11. 1st June 2003.

Library science ki Chatro ki Liya Rojgar ki Kami Nahi Hai. Navbharat Times (Hindi). 25-06-2003.

European Libraries in New Millennium. Sahara Time. 17-01-2004.

Particiapted in BBC World programme ”Question Time India”. 04-02-2005.

Jagaran DUSU Helpline: 27th July Tak Jama Haungian BLISc Ki Form. Denik Jagaran (Hindi). 20-07-2005.

DU mai Token Money Lekar Purani Pustakey Ko Bachney Ki Yojana Par Nahi Hai Ak Rai. Denik Jagaran (Hindi).25-07-2005.

Pustakalya Ki Sampurn Sahitya Ka Digitization Jaruri. Rashtriya Sahara.13-08-2005.

Libraries More Reliable than Internet. The Times of India. 13-08-2005.

UGC to Offer Books in Digital Format. The Pioneer. 13-08-2005.

Suchna Kay Adhikar Se Lagega Bhrastachar Per Ankush. Denik Jagaran(Hindi).09-01-2006.

Suchna Kay Adhikar Ka Sadupyog Karey. Amar Ujjala.09-01-2006.

Suchna Kay Adhikar Par Seminar. Rashtriya Sahara. 09-01-2006.

Bharat Jyoti Award Se Samanit. Rashtriya Sahara. 07-05-2007.

Bharat Jyoti Award Given to Dr.Shailendra Kumar. National Herald. 07-05-2006.

Information Consultancy Ka Hai Jamana. Danik Jagaran. 12-07-2006.

ITM Ki Library Huai Hightech. Nai Duniya, Gwalior. 02-08-2006.

Digital Library Pustakalya Ki Amtama. Hindustan., Gwalior. 02-08-2006.

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Samay Ki Mang Digital Library. Danik Bhaskar (Hindi). 02-08-2006.

Seminar mai Pustakalyo Ki Durdasha Ko Kiya Ujjagar. Danik Bhaskar. 31-10-2006.

Suchana par Niyantarn Karta Hai Pustakalya. Danik Jagaran. Lucknow.18-11-2006.

Golden Jubliee Celebration UPLA. Hindustan. Lucknow.18-11-2006.

Suchna Ki Uttpati thatha Uskey Sucharau Veetran Vishya Vyakhanayan Organised. Jansatta. 18-11-2006

EMPI Digital Library. The Hindu. 03-12-2006

First V-Book Demonstrated, Impact of Social Science Journals Discussed. Hindustan Times, Chandigarh Live. 22-12-2006.

Online Digital Library Pathayakaram Shuru. Rashtriya Sahara. 26-02-2007.p2

E-Course on Net. National Herald. 26-02-2007.p3

Library and Information Science Paraia Consultancy Ki Duniya Mai Agai Baria. Danik Jagran. 27-06-2007.

Dr. Ranganathan Ki Jayanti Manai Gai. Navbharat Times. 01-09-2007.

Dr.Shailendra Kumar sir ki Class: Library Science Ko Kaisai Banai Asaan. Danik Jagran. Josh. 23-01-2008.p2.

Josh, Danik Jagran. 17-12-2008.

Das Din Das Expert 16 June to 25 June. Bachelor of Library and Information Science.20-06-2009. 2.00 to 3.00 pm Live on Phone. Danik Jagran.

…..Danik Jagran. 21-06-2009.


Live In Relationship. Danik Jagaran. 2005.

Mudha yai Bhi hai: Campus Sei. Danik Jagran.20-01-2006.


1. Hungary - Budapest: to study Scientometric Analysis at Budapest, 1989.

2. UK - London, Oxford : to visit Libraries and Information Centres, 1989.

3. Nepal – Kathmandu : to discuss at SAARC Documentation Centre1991.

4. Nepal – Kathmandu. 20th All Nepal Medical Conference and visited Department

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of LIS, Tirbhuvan University.28Feb- 5th March 2001.

5. United Kingdom – London, Oxford: visited The British Library, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Eton College, Pimlico School etc. 4-14 October 2002.

6. Germany – Munich, Humberg, Cologne, Stuttgart: visited State Libraries, University Libraries, Media Library and Library and Information Science Departments. 15-29 October 2002.

Certificate Courses:

1. Certificate from DCM data products MSDOS & UNIX, 1989, Delhi

2. Computer Training Course from Birla Institute of Technology Science (BITS), Pilani,


Advanced User Group Meetings on CDS/ISIS

1. Advanced Users/Experts Meeting cum Workshop in CDS/ISIS, 1990, CMTI,


2. Users Group Meet in CDS/ISIS, 1993, NCL,Pune.


Listening Songs

Watching Movies

Reading Newspaper

Visiting Places

Attended Yoga Camp and Trekking at Badrinath, Uttra Anchal. Organised by Gandhi Bhavan, University of Delhi.2004

Attended Yoga Camp and Trekking at Ukhimath-Kalimath-Tungnath- Kedarnath.. Organised by Gandhi Bhavan, University of Delhi. 30-05-2005 to 10-06-2005.

Photography and Videography.

(Signature of Faculty Member) (Signature & Stamp

of Head of the Department)

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