
Universidade de Lisboa

Helder CoelhoHelder CoelhoLabMAg e ICC, FCUL

50th AI anniversary!


Fields of science

Cibernetics Computing Science Linguistics Cognitive Science Neurosciences Psychology Biology Philosophy Mathematics Physics Computer Science


Alan M. Turing

He worked with Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church, and John von Neumann about the decision problem, universal (Turing) machines, code breaking Enigma and the artificial brain.

1950: paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” and the Turing test. A first program for chess (1953).


1956 Summer Conference

August 1955, “A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence” by J. McCarthy, M. L. Minsky, N. Rochester and C. E. Shannon.


AI 10 Pioneers, 1956

John McCarthy Marvin Minsky Ray Solomonoff Oliver Selfridge Trenchard More Nathaniel Rochester Claude Shannon Arthur Samuel Allen Newell Herbert Simon


Dartmouth, 50 years after


Remembrance Ave

ECAI-88 MünchenECAI-88 München (C:Y. Kodratoff)

- First DAI Panel in Europe: H. Coelho, L. Steels,J. G. Ganaschia, E. Werner.

IJCAI-91 SydneyIJCAI-91 Sydney- M. Minsky against R. Brooks on the defense of

knowledge representation.



Nobel: Lederberg (1958), Simon (1978). Medalha Benjamin Franklin 2003: John McCarthy ACM Turing: Minsky (1969), McCarthy (1971), Newell e

Simon (1975), Sutherland (1988), Feigenbaum (1994), Kay (2003).

IJCAI: Geoffrey E. Hinton (2005), Raj Reddy (2005) Loebner: Rollo Carpenter com “Jabberwacky” (2005) DARPA: Sebastian Thrun e Stanley (2005). Allen Newell: Jack Minker (2005). Software System: Robert S. Boyer, Matt Kauffman e S.

Strother Moore (2005). MacArthur Genius Grant 2004: Daphne Koller. Xadrez 1997: Deep Blue II (IBM) Honda Prize: Raj Reddy (2005)



Alan Turing (1950) test turn into the Loebner Prize (1995). Herbert Simon bet (1959) “in 10 years a AI

program would win against the world chess champion” took 38 years!


DARPA Robot Race 2005

Autonomous cars along 212 km of Mojave desert in Nevada: Stanley wins against CMU.

Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University, wins followed by 3 CMU teams. Before, CMU surpassed MIT´s Rodney Brooks in the NASA challenge towards Mars.


Look, Ma, no Hands!(John McCarthy)

From (RALPH, 1996)´s CMU to (STANLEY, 2005)´s Stanford University:

GPS MYCIN RALPH STANLEY ?general Goal-oriented Autonomy and Autonomy andresolution Planning Learning

Next targetsNext targets: Team work, Antecipation and Prevision, Individual power (direct action), Human level intelligenceHuman level intelligence


Robot races

2005 DARPA Grand Challenge (Robot Race)

First European Land-Robot Trial, Germany(May 15, 2006)

Urban ChallengeUrban Challenge(Novembro, 2007)


Big International Conferences

IJCAI2005: 30 Workshops and submitted 1330; acceptance rate 18%.

AAMAS05 with 29 Workshops. AAAI05: 14 Workshops. ECAI06 with 38 Workshops. EPIA05: 9 Workshops. IBERAMIA/SBIA06 with 7 Workshops.


IJCAI-2005, Edinburgh

Machine Learning 22% Reasoning 18% Knowledge Representation 15% Constraint Satisfaction 12% Searching 7% Planning and Scheduling 6% Agents 5% Robotics 3% Philosophical Foundations NL Processing Perception and Vision Cognitive Modelling Knowledge Engineering Applications

hard core


AI in the world

USA 30% United Kingdom 11% Germany 10% France 8% Japan 8% Canada 8% Italy 8%

Europe: > 37%


Go international

Adoption of English language, open community and publication of Proceedings in Springer-Verlag:

Portugal 1989 (12 EPIAs) Spain 2003 (2 CAEPIAs) Brazil 1995 (5 SBIAs) Iberamia 1998 (4 IBERAMIAs)


Books for education

(Feigenbaum e Feldman, 1963) Computers and Thought(Minsky, 1968) Semantic Information Processing(Michie, 1968) Machine Intelligence 3(Banerji, 1969) Theory of Problem Solving(Simon, 1969) The Sciences of the Artificial(Minsky e Papert, 1969) Perceptrons(Nilsson, 1971) Problem-Soving Methods in AI(Winograd, 1972) Understanding NL(Minsky, 1972) Computation, Finite and Infinite Machines(Newell e Simon, 1972) Human Problem Solving(Michie, 1974) On Machine Intelligence(Nilsson, 1980) Principles of AI(Winston, 1984) Artificial Intelligence


Books for education

(Minsky, 1986) The Society of Mind(Genesereth e Nilsson, 1987) Logical Foundations of AI(Newell, 1990) Unified Theories of Cognition(Rich e Knight, 1991) Artificial Intelligence(Ginsberg, 1993) Essentials of AI(Russell e Norvig, 1995) AI A Modern Approach(Dean, Allen e Aloimonos, 1995) AI Theory and Practice(McCarthy, 1996) Defending AI Research(Nilsson, 1998) AI: A New Synthesis(Mitchell, 1997) Machine Intelligence(McDermott, 2001) Mind and Mechanism(Baum, 2004) What is Thought?


Karl V. Karlstrom 2005 Prize

ACM selected Stuart J. Russell for Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award (2005) for his book “AI: A Modern Approach”.


AI future

1992: Marvin Minsky vision about AIs

Influences=Problems Causes=Solutions



2001 Space Odissey´s Stanley Kulbrick (1968).Artificial Intelligence´s Steve Spielberg (2001).I, Robot´s Alex Proyas (2004).


Space exploration


Current applications 2005


Intelligent surveillance in real time for urban traffic (cities and motorways):

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