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1) Explain ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning is the latest high end solution, information technology has lent to business application. The ERP solutions seek to streamline and integrate operation processes and information flows in the company to synergise the resources of an organisation namely men, material, money and machine through information. Initially implementation of an ERP package was possible only for very large Multi National Companies and Infrastructure Companies due to high cost involved. Today many companies in India have gone in for implementation of ERP and it is expected in the near future that 60% of the companies will be implementing one or the other ERP packages since this will become a must for gaining competitive advantage.

In the present business environment, role of a Chartered Accountant is considered to be very important and inevitable. Chartered Accountants as managers, consultants, advisors or auditors play an important role in controlling, managing, and supporting the business.

As the business needs are very complex in nature, the implementation of an ERP package needs Chartered Accountants with functional skills for evaluation, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Mapping of Business requirements, Report designing, ensuring Business controls, customization of the package for the specific requirements, Documentation etc.,

Sooner or later a Chartered Accountant without the knowledge of ERP may feel as if he is a fish out of the bowl. By this article it is attempted to highlight various aspects of ERP and specific areas of ERP that are relevant for Chartered Accountants.

Evolution of ERP

In the ever growing business environment the following demands are placed on the industry :

o Aggressive Cost control initiativeso Need to analyze costs / revenues on a product or customer basis

o Flexibility to respond to changing business requirements

o More informed management decision making

o Changes in ways of doing business

Difficulty in getting accurate data, timely information and improper interface of the complex natured business functions have been identified as the hurdles in the growth of any business. Time and again depending upon the velocity of the growing business needs, one or the other applications and planning systems have been introduced into the business world for crossing these hurdles and for achieving the required growth. They are:

o Management Information Systems (MIS)o Integrated Information Systems (IIS)

o Executive Information Systems (EIS)

o Corporate Information Systems (CIS)

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o Enterprise Wide Systems (EWS)

o Material Resource Planning (MRP)

o Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)

o Money Resource Planning (MRP III)

The latest planning tool added to the above list is Enterprise Resource Planning.

Need for ERP

Most organizations across the world have realized that in a rapidly changing environment, it is impossible to create and maintain a custom designed software package which will cater to all their requirements and also be completely up-to-date. Realizing the requirement of user organizations some of the leading software companies have designed Enterprise Resource Planning software which will offer an integrated software solution to all the functions of an organisation.  

Features of ERP

Some of the major features of ERP and what ERP can do for the business system are as below:

o ERP facilitates company-wide Integrated Information System covering all functional areas like Manufacturing, Selling and distribution, Payables, Receivables, Inventory, Accounts, Human resources, Purchases etc.,

o ERP performs core Corporate activities and increases customer service and thereby augmenting the Corporate Image.

o ERP bridges the information gap across the organisation.

o ERP provides for complete integration of Systems not only across the departments in a company but also across the companies under the same management.

o ERP is the only solution for better Project Management.

o ERP allows automatic introduction of latest technologies like Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet, Intranet, Video conferencing, E-Commerce etc.

o ERP eliminates the most of the business problems like Material shortages, Productivity enhancements, Customer service, Cash Management, Inventory problems, Quality problems, Prompt delivery etc.,

o ERP not only addresses the current requirements of the company but also provides the opportunity of continually improving and refining business processes.

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o ERP provides business intelligence tools like Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS), Reporting, Data Mining and Early Warning Systems (Robots) for enabling people to make better decisions and thus improve their business processes

  Components of ERP

To enable the easy handling of the system the ERP has been divided into the following Core subsystems:

o Sales and Marketingo Master Scheduling

o Material Requirement Planning

o Capacity Requirement Planning

o Bill of Materials

o Purchasing

o Shop floor control

o Accounts Payable/Receivable

o Logistics

o Asset Management

o Financial Accounting

  Suppliers of ERP

There are many numbers of ERP suppliers who are very active in the market. Some of the companies offering renowned international ERP products include:

o Baano CODA

o D&B


o JD Edwards

o Marcarn

o Oracle

o Peoplesoft

o Platinum

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o Ramco



o Software 2000

   Selection of ERP

Once the BPR is completed the next task is to evaluate and select a suitable package for implementation. Evaluation of the right ERP package is considered as more crucial step. Evaluation and selection involves:

o checking whether all functional aspects of the Business are duly coveredo checking whether all the business functions and processes are fully integrated

o checking whether all the latest IT trends are covered

o checking whether the vendor has customizing and implementing capabilities

o checking whether the business can absorb the cost

o checking whether the ROI is optimum

2) How an ERP implementation can help in integrating an organisation operation?

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Implementation of ERP

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Implementing an ERP package has to be done on a phased manner. Step by step method of implementing will yield a better result than big-bang introduction. The total time required for successfully implementing an ERP package will be anything between 18 and 24 months. The normal steps involved in implementation of an ERP are as below:

o Project Planningo Business & Operational analysis including Gap analysis

o Business Process Reengineering

o Installation and configuration

o Project team training

o Business Requirement mapping

o Module configuration

o System interfaces

o Data conversion

o Custom Documentation

o End user training

o Acceptance testing

o Post implementation/Audit support


Benefits of ERP

The benefits accruing to any business enterprise on account of implementing are unlimited. According to the companies like NIKE, DHL, Tektronix, Fujitsu, Millipore, Sun Microsystems, following are some of the benefits they achieved by implementing ERP packages:

o Gives Accounts Payable personnel increased control of invoicing and payment processing and thereby boosting their productivity and eliminating their reliance on computer personnel for these operations.

o Reduce paper documents by providing on-line formats for quickly entering and retrieving information.

o Improves timeliness of information by permitting, posting daily instead of monthly.

o Greater accuracy of information with detailed content, better presentation, fully satisfactory for the Auditors.

o Improved Cost Control

o Faster response and follow up on customers

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o More efficient cash collection, say, material reduction in delay in payments by customers.

o Better monitoring and quicker resolution of queries.

o Enables quick response to change in business operations and market conditions.

o Helps to achieve competitive advantage by improving its business process.

o Improves supply-demand linkage with remote locations and branches in different countries.

o Provides a unified customer database usable by all applications.

o Improves International operations by supporting a variety of tax structures, invoicing schemes, multiple currencies, multiple period accounting and languages.

o Improves information access and management throughout the enterprise.

o Provides solution for problems like Y2K and Single Monitory Unit (SMU) or Euro Currency.

3) Discuss about approach in decision making in acquisiting of information system?

Information system Acquisition Process

The acquisition process should involve the identification and analysis of alternative

solutions that are each compared with the established business requirements. The decision

making to acquire a typical IT application primarily consists of the following stages: (see




One of the most essential assessments in decision making process is identifying the

business objective after first knowing the problems being solved. The management should

primarily identify the business processes involved in the organization. Information systems

are usually developed as enablers of the business processes. The first phase of the acquisition

process should align the business process with the company objectives and the business plan. 

Note that specific process may need to be prioritized to fully obtain the benefits of IT

implementation.  Moreover, each process should be carefully analyzed to ensure that it will

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have the certain functionality to meet the requirements of the business process and the users,

as well as the benefits which can be justified with its cost.5

            Another big challenge in the procuring information systems is to define the system

requirements. System requirements describe the objectives of the system. They define the

problem to be solved, business, and system goals, system process to be accomplished, user

expectations, and the deliverables for the system. Furthermore, the requirements should

incorporate information about system inputs, information being processed in the system, and

the information expected out the system. Each of this information should be clearly defined

so that later gaps in requirements and expectations are avoided. Information system

requirements can be gathered through interviews, questionnaires, existing system derivation,

benchmarking with related system, prototyping, and Rapid Application Development (RAD).


The output of this step is a decision to go with specific application, timetable, budget,

and system expectations. As Small Business Television (SBTV) Network Chief Operating

Officer, Michael Kelley, explains, "Before we went and purchased anything, we developed a

business plan with a three-year outlook on what we thought we needed for the business.

During the planning process, we knew that we were going to have to make a change within a

three-year period. So that was an 'x' on the side of 'reasons not to buy, lease, or build in-

house' because we new we might have to change our technology — probably in less than two

years. As it turned out, it was about 14 months, and we had to make a lot of changes and



With the regards of system analysis approach, an organization which is still in the

progress of acquiring IT should remodel its information system (IS) architecture. IS

architecture is the conceptualization of how the organization’s information objectives are met

by the capabilities of the specific applications.[7]This structural design however describes the

flow of the information, data hierarchy, application functionality, technical feasibility, and

organization architecture in the organization. The output from this phase should be a strategic

planning level on how to develop specific application that meets the constrained defined by

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the IS architecture. Therefore, the application portfolio may be changed corresponding to this



There are several options in procuring software solutions. Some available alternatives

are: (1) Developing the system in-house, (2) Off-the self solutions (Purchasing commercially

available solution),

(3)Buying a custom made system for a vendor, (4) Leasing software from an application

service provider (ASP) or lease through utility computing (contracted development), (5)

Outsourcing a system from other companies (6) Participating in auction, e-marketplace, or a

public exchange (consortium) ,(7)Use a combination of these listed options.

The consideration criteria and some critical factors upon various options will be

discussed thoroughly later in the next section. While an organization is in the phase of

deciding which alternative being selected, the management should carefully examine not only

the advantages and disadvantages of each procuring option, but more importantly, the option

must be best-fit with the organization business plan that has been documented in the previous

steps. Any system development project, whether the system is built in-house or purchased

elsewhere, should support the company’s business and IT strategy. The solution being sought

associated with business requirements should align the business goals with IT strategy.


 As a part of the assessment in acquiring the solutions, a feasibility analysis is important

to identify the constraints for each alternative from both technical and business perspective.

Feasibility analysis incorporates the following categories:

·       Economic feasibility analysis provides cost-benefit justification with being regard to

the expenses of a system, which include procurement, project-specific, start-up, and

operational costs. Some cost examples are one-time and recurring cost, consultants,

support staff, infrastructure, maintenance, training, and application software cost. This

examination ensures that the solution won’t exceed the budget limit as well as it increase

the efficiency and better resource utilization.

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·       Technical feasibility assessment analyzes the technical reasonableness of the proposed

solution. Technical feasibility evaluates whether the company has the infrastructure and

resources including hardware, software, and network capability to support the application.

Meanwhile, it also assesses the consistency of the proposed system in terms of the

technical requirements with the company technical resource. Therefore, this assessment

guarantees the reliability and capacity for the future growth.

·       Operational feasibility evaluation reviews the extent of organizational changes

required to accommodate the proposed system. The proposed system should solve the

business problems and provide better opportunity for the business since the business

process might be changed. Some alignments that may occur include business process,

human resource management, and products or service offered.

·       Legal and contractual feasibility. The proposed solution must pass any related legal or

contractual obligations associated with. Corporate legal counsel should ensure that there

are no illegal practices corresponding to the new system related with any preexisting

regulations. Organization also may work with some experts from Computer Law

Association to make sure this analysis strictly enforced. Thus, the underlying theme will

protect the company and the establishment of the remedy process should the vendor or

contractor fail to perform as promised.

·        Political feasibility. The nature of the organization most likely will be affected by the

presence of the new system. Therefore, this feasibility analysis evaluates how the internal

organization will accept the new system. It also incorporates the user expectancy

regarding the new system and the corporate culture response toward the proposed


Upon completion of the series of feasibility analyses, the risk analysis review most likely

will be conducted. Risk analysis evaluate the security of proposed system, potential threats,

vulnerabilities, impacts, as well as the feasibility of other controls can be used to minimize

the identified threats.[6]

Finally, the company may perform some ergonomic requirements review to provide a

work environment that is safe and efficient for the employee.  Ergonomic check will make

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sure the design of the human interface components (i.e: monitor, keyboard, etc) is user

friendly enough to accommodate all the requirements that make the users feel comfortable to

work with.


Selection procedure is the process of identifying the best match between the available

options and the identified requirements. In this process, the company requests for a proposal

from prospective providers, evaluates the proposal, and selects the best available alternative.

There are various ways to solicit responses from providers. Some of the common methods

comprise request for information (RFI), request for bid (RFB), and request for proposal

(RFP). An RFI is used to seek information from vendors for a specific intention. RFI should

act as a tool for determining the alternatives or associated alternatives for meeting the

organization’s needs. An RFB is designed to procure specific items or services and used

where either multiple vendors are equally competent of meeting all of the technical and

functional specifications or only one provider can meet them. Furthermore, an RFP specifies

the minimal acceptable requirements, including functional, technical, and contractual aspects.

This document offers flexibility to respondents to further define the requested requirements.

RFPs can be a lead to a purchase or continued negotiation.

All of these processes should be structurally proceeded to ensure the process would be

completed neatly in a timely fashion. If done properly, this process turns out to be a

purchasing decision for the selected application. Note that the entire process must be

documented in a written letter before moving to the next step. This is an important issue to

avoid a bid protest that may be filled from any other potential vendors. Management, IT

auditor and also legal counsel must review every point in detail before the proposal

evaluation process begins.


           Proposal evaluation is a crucial process in the software acquisition since one of more

key stakeholders reviews submitted proposals using a list of objective selection criteria and

decide the best match between the product features and functionality with the identified


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Martin, et al (2000) identified six steps in selecting a software vendor with its

application package:[8]

1. Examining potential vendors’ background. Potential software application providers can

be identified from software catalogs, lists provided by hardware vendors, technical and trade

journals, or consultants experienced in the other companies, and Web searches. These

preliminary evaluation criteria can be used to pre-eliminate the unqualified potential vendors

based on the vendor track record, reputation, and some previous feedback.

2. Determining the evaluation criteria. One of the most difficult tasks in evaluating the

vendor and a software package is to determine a set of detailed criteria for choosing the best

vendor and package. These criteria can be identified from the RFP feedback sent by the

vendors. Some areas that should be considered: characteristics, of the vendor, functional

requirements of the system, technical requirements, total project costs, scalability of the

solution, project time frame, quality of documentation provided, and vendor support package.

3. Evaluating providers and their applications. The objective of this evaluation is to

determine the gaps between the company’s needs and the capabilities of the vendors and their

application packages. Ranking the vendors on each weighted criteria and then multiply the

ranks by the associated weight can be one method to evaluate the vendors and their solution


4. Selecting the provider and its solution. Choosing the vendor and its software depends on

the nature of the application. Negotiation can begin with vendors to determine how their

packages might be modified to remove any discrepancies with the company’s IT needs.

Furthermore, feedbacks from the users who will work with the system and the IT staff who

will support the system have to be considered. In general, defined list of criteria for selecting

a software application package are following:

TABLE 1. Criteria for Selecting a Software Application Package to use 

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·   Usability and functionality·   Cost-benefit analysis·   Upgrade policy and cost·   Vendor reputation·   System flexibility and scalability·   Manageability·   Quality of documentation·   Hardware and networking resources·   Upgradeability


·   Required training·   System security·   Maintenance and operational requirements·   User easiness to learn·   Performance measurement·   Interoperability and data handling·   Ease of integration·   Reliability measurement·   Compatibility with other applications


5. Negotiate a contract. Once the vendor and its package selected, then the company can

move to the contract negotiation, in which the company can specify the price of the software

and the type of the support to be provided by the vendor. The contract must describe the

detailed specifications, all the included services provided by the vendor, and other detail

terms of the system. Contract is a legal document so the company should involve the

experienced software purchasing specialists and legal assistance. Since the contract can be

very tricky so these legal counsel should be involved from the beginning of selection process.

6. Establishing a service level agreement (SLA). SLA is formal agreement regarding the

distribution of work between the organization and its vendor. Such agreement is created

according to a set of agreed-upon objective, quality tests, and some what-if situations.

Overall, SLA defines: (1) company and vendor responsibilities, (2) framework for designing

support services, (3)   company privilege to have most of the control over their system.


Upon completion of the contract negotiation, an acceptance plan should be agreed by

both the company and the vendor so the new application can be ready to be installed or

developed. No matter what options the company chooses, even when they decide to build

their software in house, the company will most likely have to deal with some vendor (s)

and/or certain software that has to be purchased from some supplier(s).  During this process,

the application is also tested and user reactions are evaluated. After the application or

prototype of the application has passed user requirements, they can be deployed. Under this

circumstance, the company management may deal with organizational issues such as

conversion strategies, training, and resistant to change [9]

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Software acquisition process is a continuing process that must be reviewed in ongoing

basis. A purchased software solution should effectively and efficiently satisfy user

requirements. Software maintenance and operation can be an issue due to rapid changes in IT

technology. However, this process can involve external evaluation to make sure the

procedures and processes in place and whether the acquisition was in compliance with

institutional processes and operating procedures.

Standard project management techniques and tools are useful for this task. Operation,

maintenance, and evaluation can be done in-house or outsourced. For medium-large

applications, a company may create a project team to manage the process. Company also may

collaborate with other business partners to monitor the development process; however, it may

have some critical issue with IT failure, such as: application incompatibility between two

entities, communication breakdown, etc. IT can be a place where these acquisition procedures

are lacking; therefore, the development process must be managed properly. Ultimately,

investing an IT project may require streamlining of one or more business processes and

excellent coordination between all the related entities.

4) Explain difficulties in implementation of ERP?

Implementation effort will be bigger then ever talked about or even imagined. We are yet to hear from an organisation who have implemented ahead of schedule and under budget.

Because of the richness of functionality, the "toy box effect" can take over. Users see all the functionality available and suddenly they want it now. The scope can grow out of control.

The existing environmental mix between what is done manually and what is done by the system will swing dramatically after implementation. Many more tasks will be automated. Automation will significantly reduce the flexibility of how you operate as a business.

Users need to become more computer literate. Many see this as personally challenging - even beyond their ability - and will not cope, or leave the company.

The word "Enterprise" in ERP means that whatever happens in one area has a ripple effect in other areas. Understanding the implications of actions of one area, on other areas of the company, is not something that happens overnight. Training tends to

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focus on how do I do my job. It should also focus on what are the impacts of my job, in other areas.

Near enough is no longer good enough. Data integrity becomes critical. The computer cannot make human judgments. If stock is moved, it is no good somebody remembering where they put it. The information needs to be put into the system or there will be a domino effect. E.g. Stock is moved from location A to location B and the information is not put into the system. The system will tell someone to get the material from A and when it is not there, they have to go looking. At the same time it is telling someone else to put new material in B, but B is full. The first person finds the original material in B and logs it into the system. We now have double the quantity in the system again and it doesn't reorder. And so it goes on and everyone is blaming the system.

ERP systems tend to replace old systems. As such it is a quantum leap for all areas of the company. It is replacing the trusty Ford with a high performance Ferrari. This happens at a Technical level as well as a Business Level. New ways need to be learnt in a very short space of time.

Things have to be done consistently. No longer are we able to do something one way in one branch and another way in another branch. The system is going to determine how we do things in all locations. Even within one location, special treatment may not be possible any more without changing the configuration of the system. If the system says you can either have 0, 15, 30 or 60 day credit terms, you can no longer offer 45 day terms without changing configuration. If consistency can be implemented, there is good potential for cost savings as well as getting rid of special arrangements that reduce profit.

A survey of organisations that have implemented ERP's was carried out recently. It identified "10 Common Causes of Disaster".

Change Management and Training.

This was mentioned as the major problem with implementations. Changing work practices to fit the system is a major difficulty. Also mentioned were training across modules and starting training sooner.

To BPR or not to BPR

It is difficult to draw the line between changing Business Processes to suit the system or retaining Business Processes and paying the cost, in dollars and time, to change the system. As time and cost squeeze the implementation, the usual path is to not modify the system, but to change the way people work. This feeds back into Change Management and Training.

Poor Planning

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Planning covers several areas such as having a strong Business Case, to the availability of Users to make decisions on configuration, to the investing in a plan that captures all the issues associated with implementing it.

Underestimating IT skills

As most people are upgrading from old technology, the skills of the staff need to be upgraded as well. The upgrade is also going to place significant demands on a team who are geared to maintain an old but stable environment. Usually this effort is underestimated.

Poor Project Management

Very few organisations have the experience in house to run such a complex project as implementing a large-scale integrated solution. It usually requires outside contractors to come in and manage such a major exercise. It can be a fine line between abdicating responsibility and sharing responsibility. Many consulting firms do a disservice to their clients by not sharing the responsibility.

Technology Trials

The effort to build interfaces, change reports, customize the software and convert the data is normally underestimated. To collect new data, and clean the data being converted, will also require an effort that is beyond what is normally expected.

Low Executive Buy-in

Implementation projects need Senior Executive involvement to ensure the right participation mix of Business and IT, and to resolve conflicts.

Underestimating Resources

Most common budget blow outs are change management and user training, integration testing, process rework, report customisation and consulting fees.

Insufficient Software Evaluation

This involves the surprises that come out after the software is purchased. Organisations usually do not do enough to understand what, and how the product works before they sign on the bottom line. The Bleeding Edge ERP is so massive and integrated that reporting and linking to other systems (either your own or your customers and suppliers) can be much more difficult than you expect. Companies looking at ERP need to examine how they accept online feeds from a customer, or a

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customers' customer, and examine the technological enablers as well as the implications of these technologies inside of the Business.

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