

Ch. 21 pp 640 - 649

• Rise of Progressivism

• Realism

• Jane Addams

• Progressive Reformers

• Socialism

• Municipal Reform

Ch. 21 pp 649 - 661

• Changes in Voting• Women’s Suffrage• State Level

Progressivism• African American

Advancements• National Level


Ch. 21 pp 661 - 668

• Taft as President

• Election of 1912

• Income Tax Reform

• Federal Reserve

• New Freedom

• New Nationalism

Ch 22 pp 672 - 686

• Looking Abroad

• Yellow Journalism

• Cuban Independence

• Treaty of Paris

• Issues in the Philippines

• Open Door Policy

Ch 22 pp 686 - 696

• Roosevelt Corollary

• Panama Canal

• Roosevelt in Asia

• Dollar Diplomacy

• Moral Diplomacy

Ch 23 pp 700 - 707

• Submarine Warfare

• Peace at Home

• Wilson’s Idea of Peace

• Reason USA goes to War

Ch 23 pp 708 - 718

• Organizing Industry to Support the War

• Conscription

• Patriotism


Ch 23 pp 718 - 728

• Treaty of Versailles

• Article X Controversy

• Defeat of the Treaty of Versailles

• Red Scare

• Black Nationalism

Chapter 24 732 - 740

• Consumer Society

• People’s Capitalism

• Advertising

• Celebrities

• Industrial Workers

• Women

Chapter 24 pp 741 - 753

• Harding’s Presidency• Coolidge’s Presidency• International Business• Farmers• Prohibition• KKK• Anti – Immigration• Scopes Trial

Chapter 24 pp 753 - 757

• Immigrants

• African Americans

• “The Jazz Singer”

Chapter 24 pp 757 - 762

• Harlem Renaissance

• “Lost Generation”

• Josephine Baker

• Questioning Democracy

Chapter 25 pp 766 -772

• Failing Economy Reasons

• Hoover Efforts to Save the Economy

• March of the Bonus Army

• Early 1930s Movies

Chapter 25 pp 772 - 780

• FDR’s Philosophy• Bank Holiday• AAA• Reforming Industry• TVA• Federal Water Projects in


Chapter 25 pp 781 - 787

• Opponents of the New Deal

• Labor• Underconsumptionism• Social Security Act• National Labor Relations


Chapter 25 pp 787 - 798

• 1936 Election• FDR’s anticorporate ideals• Women and Reform• CIO• Minorities and the

Depression• Court Packing

Chapter 26 pp 801 - 809

• Rise of Fascist Dictators

• Isolationism

• FDR’s Response to War

• Arsenal of Democracy

• Pearl Harbor

Chapter 26 pp 809 - 819

• Operation OVERLORD

• Island Hopping• Navajo Code Talkers• FDR’s Death• Atomic Bomb

Chapter 26 pp 821 - 828

• War Production Board

• Rosie the Riveter

• War Labor Board

• Propaganda

• Double V Campaign

Chapter 26 828 - 834

• Zoot Suit Riots

• Korematsu v. United States


• United Nations

• Yalta Conference

• Soviets and Japan

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