
I started making my station but I have yet to make sure the inside of the space station fits since I was focusing on the outs ide of the space station and how

all the things outside would go what I want the space station to look like in my design pack but I have to change quite a few things within the overall 3D

shape itself

I made a quite a bit of progress in the bottom of the space station and made a possible docking solution for ships in my stat ion and it made it look more

realistic in the way that it would dock the ships inside and started working on how I would host my communication discs on my station

I did work on my communication mast so that I can house my communication disk and look like it could support the weight of my communication disks

realistically on to the structure

had to redesign my space ship because I hadn't designed well enough for the interior of my ship so instead of trying to work inside out and cause mass

work for myself I just did the space station again the inside out instead of outside in I also did my work modularly

I started working on separate parts of my space station as I went along with it being subject to change or removal at a later date I just started thinking

about what rooms a space station would have and started to block them out in my design again in a modular fashion

I created this to be a shop that is merged into the wall so that when they are on station they can buy essentials and that I create d in to be merged into

hangar so that the airlock will still look functional

This is my blocked out living quarters that I planned to make how a submarine does it living quarters and I planned to replicate that housing since

submarines and space share there limiter on space and oxygen

Since space doesn't have an atmosphere and the sun’s rays are the strongest solar power has been the greatest source of power in sci -fi films real life and

fiction in general so I have decided to keep this theme going with my space station

I planned to have a sort of control room/communication but since it would require almost millions of polygons to map out all the monitors and table in the

room itself so the idea was dropped since the rest of the station need the polygons as well plus it would put serious strain on the computer’s hardware and

the rendering time taken


I finished all of the modular Environment rooms and currently piecing all my station together in the way that I wanted and continuing to complete it and

then making the finishing touches and then I will start to apply textures to my space station

I started moving some of the other pieces of my station including the hangar area and I plan to piece all the others later and actually make the shell of the

station since it just rooms at the moment

I have done the shell of my station and started to make the hangar areas and the template of the station I also added a wall to the station hangar area and

continue to map out my station still quite a bit to do

I started making the shops in a more realistic way and also started my corridor and pathways and overall space station and my overall space station is taking

shape and is becoming what I want to it to be in the finished product

I started to finish my pathways and now I doing more or less quality assurance in the face that the rooms are the correct size which they weren’t and are

going to correct it so it fits my human test model in the near centre of my space station

Here as we were getting to the end of the project schedule I decide to go with the thick wall leading into my station as if i t was open planned like a service

station and I fixed the portion of my station and added extra rooms and removed ones that didn’t work and I believe this is my final station before the


Here is my final station design with the textures applied to it and this is what got rendered as my final outcome even through it went through a lot of

changes and even changed the space station as a whole and am pleased with the it but I realised why making it to make everything a space station needs

you need to be able to process a lot polygons since space stations have so many small or just complex machinery since it made to withstand space and keep

humans alive inside so I don’t wish to choose a space station as my project next time

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