
Unit 6 Bigger, Better, Faster: The Changing Nation

What is the Great Western Trail?

It was the main route for cattle heading to northern markets.

Write the Name of the Point Which Represents the Location of the Following Places.

____C____ Grand Canyon ____D____ Salton Sea ____B____ Great Salt Lake ____A____ Mojave Desert

Most Emigrants to the US Came from Which Continent at the Turn of the

Century? (Answer: Europe)

In What Way was the Chisholm Trail Different than other Cattle Trails?

It was the first cattle trail used to transport cattle to rail heads for shipment east.

Which of the Following Explains How Price Incentives Affected

Cattle Ranchers’ Choices?• Ranchers herded their cattle north to rail

heads because they could ship them to the east to get the highest price there.

Where did New Immigrants Tend to Settle after Arriving in the United States?

Near the place where they entered the US because they were too poor to move elsewhere.

Which of the Following is NOT a Reason Why People Emigrated to the US?

To escape epidemics in their own country.

Supply and Demand Affect Goods and Services in an Economy. If People

Decide to Buy More of a Product, Producers will MOST LIKELY Decide To:_______?

Make more of that product.

How Did Theodore Roosevelt Expand the United States’ Role in the World?

His support of the building of the Panama Canal increased America’s military and economic interests by linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Each of the Following are Ways the Panama Canal Encouraged Economic Activity EXCEPT:

Manufacturing decreased which lead to fewer trade opportunities.

Elijah McCoy

Explain How population, Transportation, and Resources Influenced the Location of

the Steel Industry in the U.S.?

• The steel industry was located in Pennsylvania because there were iron ore and coal deposits, many people in the city of Pittsburgh were available to work in the factories, and railroads were located nearby to transport the steel to other areas.

How Did the Black Cowboys of Texas Earn Income?

They earned income by selling their labor as cattle drivers on the western trails.

Describe How Specialization Improved the Standard of Living in the North

and South.

• North • The North specialized in factories and

manufacturing. There were a lot of people that could work in the factories, make money, and invest money in new businesses.

• South • The South specialized in agriculture which

supplied people with jobs in the cotton, lumber, and tobacco industries.

What was the Purpose of Cattle Trails in the Late 19th Century?

• The demand for beef grew in the East because most of the cattle there had been consumed by Union and Confederate armies. The trails provided a way for the cattle to move from the ranches where they were raised to the railroad to be shipped back East.

Explain how William McKinley Expanded America’s Role in World Affairs.

By involving the U.S. in the Spanish American war, William McKinley increased the number of territories the US had. He also set the US up as a world power by defeating the country of Spain during the Spanish American war.

Describe How the Battle of Little Bighorn and the Reservation System

Impacted the Lives Native Americans.

• Battle of Little Big Horn: • Was a victory for Native Americans, but it did not allow them

to retain their land because boundary lines for the reservations were redrawn.

• Reservation System: • Native Americans could no longer continue with their way of

life as hunters because they were confined to a particular area.

• They were also isolated from each other and American culture; most reservations were not on lands that were historically specific to the tribes so that Native Americans had to reinvent everything in their culture and way of life.

Describe How the Lifestyle of the Black Cowboys of Texas was Different

than the Typical Lifestyle of African Americans in Other Parts of the


• The Black Cowboys of Texas were treated much better on the range than anywhere else. Black and white cowboys worked, ate, and slept together. Black Cowboys proved their value on the ranches and were respected for their useful skills. African Americans in other parts of the country were not given the same respect or equality.

Write the Letter Which Represents the location of the Following Places. Then Explain Why That

Place Was Important. Chisholm Trail (B-First Cattle Trail), Pittsburgh, PA. (C-Birthplace of Steel industry), Kitty Hawk, NC. (A-first

air flight).

Describe Ways Each of the Following Individuals Impacted American Life.

• Graham Bell-Telephone.

• The Wright Brothers-Airplane.

George Washington Carver.

Carver created more than 300 products from peanuts and sweet potatoes. Those products include plastics, dyes, medicines, flour and fertilizer.

Thomas Edison-Lightbulb.

Describe a Major Location for Agricultural and Industrial Growth at the Turn of the 20th Century.

Then Explain How Population, Transportation, and Available Resources Impacted the Growth of

These Locations.

• Agriculture:• Location: South or Southwest.• Effects:• Population: Was not influenced.• Transportaion: Farm products or cattle could be

shipped by railroad.• Resources: Rich soil to grow a variety of crops

and large grasslands to feed and house cattle.


• Northeast Steel and oil production:• Population: many people in urban areas

wanted to work.• Transportation: Steel and oil could be shipped

across the country by railroad and by ships to overseas ports.

• Resources: Large deposits of iron ore, coal, and oil were present in the region.

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