  • 8/3/2019 Unit 4. a Different Path to Justice


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    Unit 4 A Different Path to Justice

    Reading One

    Restorative JUSTICE1)

    prevents crime supports victims of crime builds stronger communities

    Votes YES for Restorative Justice for Littleton

    1 What is Restorative Justice?

    Crime hurts people. It hurts communities. Restorative justice helps people and

    communities heal. Victims get a voice.2) Offenders take responsibility for their actions.

    2 How does Restorative Justice work?


    In a face-to-face meeting,3) victim and offender take turns telling their story of the

    crime;4)5) what happened before, during, and after the crime;6) how the crime affected7)

    their lives; and how they feel about it.


    The offender and the victim decide together how the offender will compensate for9) the

    damages caused by the crime. Sometimes offenders pay money to the victim. Sometimes

    they fix what was broken. Always they apologize for the pain they caused10)

    the victim,and sometimes that is all the compensation the victim wants.

    3 Why do we need RJ?

    We should stop filling our prisons with young men and women. Prison alone does not

    stop crime. Almost 50 percent of the men and women in U.S. prisons have been there

    before. And at the cost of $40,000 a year per person, prison is very expensive. We need

    1) ; Restorative justice is an approach to justice where offenders are encouraged to take

    responsibility for their actions and "to repair the harm they've done- by apologizing, returning stolen

    money, or (for example) doing community service". - excerpted from Wikipedia ;

    2) voice : ,

    3) In a face-to-face meeting :

    4) take turns ~ing : ~ ; take turns telling their story of the crime:

    ) They took turns driving the car. .

    5) ; : .

    6) crime sin .

    7) affect A : A

    8) compensation : money or services that someone receives because he or she has suffered injury,

    loss, or damage

    9) compensate for A : A

    10) cause A B : A B ; cause . [cause+ +to ] ~ .

  • 8/3/2019 Unit 4. a Different Path to Justice


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    to try something new.

    4 How does RJ prevent11) crime?

    When offenders go through RJ programs, they change. They feel differently about crime.

    They take responsibility for12) their actions. For the first time ever, many offenders begin

    to understand the victim's feelings. They work to make things right.13)

    Seventy percent of offenders who go through restorative justice programs do not commit

    crimes14) again. They don't return to prison.

    Restorative justice makes communities safer and saves money.

    5 How does RJ help victims?Victims get answers to their questions about the crime. They help decide what the

    compensation should be. Victims who go through RJ programs feel safer and less afraid

    than those who do not.

    6 Won't RJ programs put dangerous criminals back on our streets?

    NO. A restorative justice program is not instead of prison. It's in addition to prison. If an

    offender is in prison for 30 years, the restorative justice program won't change that. But

    both victim and offender can still meet and learn from each other. In all restorative

    justice programs, both offenders and victims must choose to be in the program. Usuallyreally dangerous criminals15) won't. But many people who commit smaller crimes will.

    And most people who do enter16) restorative justice programs will not return to prison.

    We don't need bigger prisons. We need Restorative Justice.

    Vote YES for Restorative Justice.

    11) prevent :

    12) take responsibility for A : A

    13) make things right: ( ) right

    things , (wrong things) .

    14) commit crimes :

    15) criminal : ,16) enter : ~ , ~

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    Reading Two

    MOVING PAST17) THE CRIME by Jack Billings

    1 On May 30, 2006, 53-year-old Adam Carson was driving to work.18) While he

    was waiting at a stoplight,19) a truck crashed into his car. The driver of the truck was

    21-year-old Lee Giron, and he was drunk.20) Lee walked away from the crash, but

    Adam was killed.

    2 Valerie Carson, Adam's wife, said, "I wanted to kill the man who killed my

    husband. I was so angry. So hurt. I wanted to scream at him-to tell him what it's like

    to have my whole life taken away. I didn't want him to just go to prison.21) I wanted

    him to do something to help me."

    3 At 21, Lee was surprised and sad that22) the accident killed the older man. But

    in the months that followed, he mostly worried about23) going to prison. In the end, the

    court24) found Lee guilty of drunk driving,25) and he went to prison for one year.26) In

    prison, he didn't think about the accident or the Carsons. He thought only about what

    he wanted to do when he got out. When asked27) if28) he wanted to be in the

    restorative justice program at his prison, he was afraid. He felt terrible29) and didn't

    want to meet the wife of30) the man he had killed. What could he say to her? But

    finally he agreed. Valerie too was afraid to meet the man who had killed her husband.

    But she was still in so much pain, she thought maybe meeting him could change howshe felt. She too agreed to be in the program.

    4 At their first meeting, Valerie told her story. She described her anger, her

    17) move past : ~

    18) work :

    19) stoplight :

    20) drunk : when someone has had too much alcohol

    21) go to prison : prison the

    . . ) He went to sea.

    . . ) She went to the bed.

    . ,


    22) that . ) I'm sorry that you lost

    your job. .

    23) worry about = be worried about

    24) court : , ,

    25) find(judge) A guilty of B : A B ; B . )

    The court found him guilty of murder. .

    26) he went to prison for one year: .

    27) = When he was asked

    28) = whether

    29) felt terrible :

    30) of , (the man) of .

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    sadness, and her fears. Lee listened, and at the end of her story he apologized to her.

    At their second meeting, Lee told his story. At their third meeting, Valerie and Lee

    decided what Lee could do to compensate for the damage. "Nothing could ever31) bring

    my husband back," Valerie says. "But I felt if people could hear Lee's story, another lif

    e32) might be saved." And so Lee and Valerie agreed to work together giving talks to

    young people about drunk driving.33) This is how34) Valerie found herself traveling

    around the country for four years,35) working with the man who killed her husband.

    "Restorative justice helped me to stop seeing Lee as a monster.36) It helped me learn to

    forgive him."

    31) ever

    32) life :

    33) giving talks to young people about drunk driving:

    work together .

    34) how .

    35) This is how Valerie found herself traveling around the country for four years: 4

    .36) monster: someone who is cruel and evil

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