  1. 1. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes UNIT THREE, LESSON 3.4 BY MARGIELENE D. JUDAN
  2. 2. LESSON OUTLINE Major Comparisons of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells The Prokaryotic Cell
  3. 3. All cells are composed of 3 major parts: 1. External coverings (cell membrane or wall) 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleus
  4. 4. External Covering
  5. 5. Prokaryotes coverings: 1. capsule 2. Cell wall 3. Cell membrane
  6. 6. Eukaryotes coverings: 1. Either cell wall or cell membrane. Plant cells have both. Animals cells have cell membrane only.
  7. 7. Cytoplasm
  8. 8. As mentioned in the previous lesson, cytoplasm is the semisolid, semiliquid substance inside the cell which includes the organelles.
  9. 9. Cytoplasm is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Cytoplasm + nucleus = protoplasm
  10. 10. Cytoplasm is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Cytoplasm + nucleus = protoplasm
  11. 11. Prokaryotes pro means before; karyon means nucleus
  12. 12. Eukaryotes eu means true; karyon means nucleus
  13. 13. Nucleus
  14. 14. The nucleus contains the DNA, which contains all the codes necessary for life.
  15. 15. Prokaryotes have no true nucleus The DNA is suspended in a dense part of cytoplasm called nucleoid region.
  16. 16. Eukaryotes have nucleus with a double membrane.
  17. 17. According to evolutionary theory, the complex nucleus of eukaryotes originated from the nucleoid region of prokaryotes.
  18. 18. Thats why prokaryote means before nucleus (referring to eukaryotes).
  19. 19. Major Comparisons (Summary)
  20. 20. Major Cellular Parts Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cells (Animals) Eukaryotic Cells (Plants) Covering Capsule Cell wall Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Nucleoid region
  21. 21. Both pro- and eukaryotes perform the same biological functions. The only difference is their structure.
  22. 22. Eukaryotes have a more complex structure and organelles.
  23. 23. The Prokaryotic Cell (unicellular or w/ one cell)
  24. 24. The Prokaryotic Cell 1. Coverings 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleus
  25. 25. 1. Coverings Capsule Cell wall Cell or plasma membrane
  26. 26. 1. Coverings Layer Location Composition Function Capsule Outermost Glycocalyx (a sticky chemical/carbohydrat e) Attaches prokaryotic cell to surface; protection and support Cell wall Between capsule and plasma membrane Peptidoglycan Promotes additional protection and support Plasma membrane innermost Phospholipid bilayer Protection and support; passageway of materials exiting and entering the cell
  27. 27. Also, locomotive organelles (ex. flagella) are also attached to the plasma membrane to enable the organism to move.
  28. 28. The flagella enables movement as it propels in a circular way.
  29. 29. Another, the fimbriae, are appendages that function more for adhesion (attachment to a surface) and lesser for movement. It is also used in attaching the zygote in the mothers womb. Pili are longer than fimbriae.
  30. 30. 2. Cytoplasm The semisolid/ semiliquid/ gel-like substance that hold the internal parts (organelles) They have inclusions, which store organic molecules and supply it if needed.
  31. 31. 3. Nucleoid region The dense region in cytoplasm that contains the DNA.
  32. 32. 3. Nucleoid region Their DNA is called a plasmid. It is circular or loop in shape, not double helix. Loop or circular DNA (prokaryotes only) Double helix DNA (eukaryotes only)
  33. 33. 3. Nucleoid region Plasmids are important especially when danger arises. Loop or circular DNA (prokaryotes only) Double helix DNA (eukaryotes only)
  34. 34. 3. Nucleoid region When danger happens, a prokaryote transfers the plasmid to another prokaryote. The process is called conjugation. The pili serve as a spiked tube for transfer.
  35. 35. Pili are used like a needle to transfer the plasmid.
  36. 36. Short quiz tomorrow: (10 items) Study only Table 2.1 (p.103) and Table 2.2 (p.104) After the quiz, each group will perform the Cell Theory Song. You may spend the remaining time to practice your performance tomorrow.
  37. 37. Sources: Science Links 7

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