  • 1. HEALTH AND ILLNESS Patricia Lpez lvarez 6 A

2. HEALTH: IS A STATE OF PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WELL_BEING. When we are healthy,we feel well.HEALTHY HABITS: We must sleep 8 or 9 hours every night and rest when we are tired. 3. Eat a balanced diet. Eat five meals a day and always eat breakfast 4. Wash our hands before meals and have a shower every day 5. Breathe fresh air and avoid places with smoke. 6. ILLNESS is the opposite of health.We feel tired and our bodies do not work properly. 7. SIMPTOMS ,like coughs,pain or fever,tell us that our bodies are ill. 8. TYPES OF ILLNESS.IILLNESS CAN BE . NON INFECTIOUS INFECTIOUS 9. Non infectious illness have different causes.Injuries or poor diet can make us ill. Infectious illness are caused by harmful bacteria or viruses. An illness is contagious when an ill person transmits the illness to a healthy one. Flu and meassles are contagious illnesses. Tetanus and salmonellosis are non-contagious illnesses. 10. BACTERIA Bacteria are unicellular micro-organisms. .There are two types of bacteria: -Beneficial bacteria,like the one used in making yoghurt. -Harmful bacteria that can cause illnesses. These bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria 11. BACTERIAL MENINGITIS AFFECTED AREA.: NERVOUS SYSTEM 12. AFFECTED AREA: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.SALMONELLOSIS SALMONELLOSIS 13. BRONCHITIS. AFFECTED AREA: BRONCHI IN THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 14. OTHER MICRO-ORGANISMS There are other micro-organisms that can cause illnesses.They can be : UNICELLULAR MULTICELLULAR 15. TYPE:Unicellular microorganism. Illness caused:damages the skin. Symptoms: eczema.CANDIDA (YEAST) 16. TYPE.Unicellular microorganism. Illness caused: intestinal illness. Symptoms: diarrhoea and fever,AMOEBAE 17. TYPE. Unicellular microorganism. Illness caused :malaria. Symptoms :periodic ,high fevers.PLASMODIA 18. TYPE:MuIticellular microorganism. Illness caused:athletes foot. Symptoms:dry skinFUNGI 19. VIRUSES A virus is not a micro-organism.It causes infectious illnesses. It is not a living thing but it needs cells to carry out its life processes. Viruses cause many illnesses such as flu,measles ,herpes and AIDS. 20. PREVENTING AND TREATING INFECTIOUS ILLNESSES 21. Pathogenic micro-organisms can enter our bodies in differet ways: _ Through the respiratory system,when we cough 22. _ Through the digestive system,when we eat contaminated food. 23. _ Through wounds and cuts in the skin. 24. HOW CAN WE PREVENT INFECTIONS ?IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE HYGIENIC 25. _ Disinfect wounds. 26. _ Wash your hands before eating or handling food. 27. _ Wash uncooked food. 28. _ Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. 29. _ Do not share eating utensils 30. VACCINES Vaccines can prevent some illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria. Vaccines introduce into our bodies the micro_organism or virus that is making us ill. .The body reacts to the virus and produces substances to destroy it. If the micro_organism or virus returns, our body will recognise it and fight against it. 31. HOW DO WE TREAT INFECTIONS ? When viruses or micro_organisms enter our bodies and cause an infection ,doctors prescribe different treatments: 32. INFECTIONS CAUSED BY BACTERIA ARE TREATED WITH ANTIBIOTICS. 33. INFECTIONS CAUSED BY FUNGI ARE TREATED WITH ANTI-FUNGAL MEDICINES 34. INFECTIONS CAUSED BY VIRUSES ARE ONLY TREATED WITH MEDICINES THAT HELP TO REDUCE SYMPTOMS. DOCTORS CAN ALSO PREVENT THESE INFECTIONS WITH VACCINES. 35. FIRST AID KIT It is important to have a first aid kit at home to treat minor injuries. It should include the following items: 36. THERMOMETER 37. STERILE GAUZE 38. BANDAGES 39. CLOTH ADHESIVE TAPE 40. DISPONSABLE GLOVES 41. ANTISEPTIC 42. COTTON WOOL 43. CREAMS FOR INSECT BITES AND BURNS 44. TWEEZERS 45. ROUND TIP SCISSORS 46. ALCOHOL 47. PLASTERS 48. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 49. TTHE END

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