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28th April 2016 – 10th May 2016

UNISON Young Trade Unionists at the Havana May Day Parade

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

Hello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of the branch committee since 2015 and earlier this year I was supported by the branch to join the Cuba Solidarity Campaign 2016 Youth Brigade campaign. The brigade is made up of young trade unionist from across the UK and Ireland, in total 28 young trade unionists joined the 2016 brigade. The trade unionists represent many different Trade Unions including UNISON, Unite, GMB, CWU, RMT and USDAW.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) is a British organisation based in London that was set up to campaign against the inhuman treatment of the Cuban people due to the blockade (American Embargo) that was imposed in 1960 on the 19th of October by the American Government. This was done due to Cuba having a Socialist Revolution where now president Fidel Castro, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Raul Castro and countless others fought to oppose the dictator Batista. When they won they started nationalising businesses such as oil and petrol companies which were American owned (e.g. Esso and Shell). America saw the nationalisation of American owned businesses a direct threat to America therefore they imposed the strict trading restrictions on Cuba. These restrictions where not limited to just American trade but trading partners of the US. As an example if a business within a country who were classed as a trading partner with the US and traded with Cuba, America could impose fines to that business – these fines could be in the millions of dollars. These restrictions were to restrict necessary supplies to the Cuban people in the hope they would revolt and overthrow the revolution. There was also a new American policy introduced that enabled any Cubans who made it to American soil could become an American citizen within 24hrs of arrival, this policy is also known as the wet foot dry foot policy. This heavily encouraged illegal immigration from Cuba to America.

The US also broadcasts TV and Radio propaganda via Radio Marti to Cuba costing the American taxpayer $27 million in 2014. Obama tried to end these transmissions in 2012 but Congress continued to fund it. It is said less than 1% listened to the broadcasts.

The goal of the CSC is to help lift these restrictions that the American government have imposed and raise awareness these have on the Cuban people.

Cuba Solidarity Campaign Logo

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

On the 27th of April in the early hours I boarded a flight to Gatwick to meet the other delegates for the first time. I had met the Scottish UNISON delegates previously at different events but spoke to the rest of the delegates via a Facebook group beforehand but had never met. There were delegates from UNISON, Unite, GMB, Unison, USDAW, and RMT. There were 28 of us in total one of the biggest delegations from around the world only beaten by Chile. We were all very excited for the following day and all got on well.

The next day we all met in Gatwick Airport sporting our May Day Brigade T-shirts so we could spot each other. Checked in luggage and embarked on our nine hour flight dotted around the plane talking to other passengers going on their holidays. Virgin even did an announcement about what we were doing which was very good of them.

Once there you could see the effects of the trade embargo when you stepped outside the airport, 1950’s cars and buses everywhere. The cars were beautiful well looked after and painted. The bus we boarded was a bit rusty to say the least and the roof had been fixed with roof felt for a house due to the technicalities of getting materials to fix it ‘properly’.

I was hot and sweaty when we arrived at Campamiento Julio Antonio Mella (our camp) and met a very cheery and friendly Luis Marron who is a Cuban who takes care of the British and Irish delegation. We went over the program of events in the days to come and were introduced to our dorms. Which were very basic, but had fans above to cool us down. There were 6 to a dorm; 2 bunks and 2 beds. The shower and toilet block as also very basic. Cold water only which was refreshing in the 34c heat but it trickled out very slowly. The toilets were western toilets but with non-lockable doors that were only shoulder high.

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 4:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

The first day of activities started with a visit to Artemisa province where we visited a mural for those who fought and died during the revolution. A huge Cuban flag waved in the wind neighbouring and equally grand the 26 of July flag, the date known as the start of the revolution. Inside were carvings into the walls and memorials.

Inside the memorial (above) and (below) the flags at the entrance.

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 5:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

The next stop was a production centre where they forged bricks by using old tools. They also grew Mangos which looked delicious but unfortunately were not ripe to eat just yet. They also made fence posts and kept cattle. It was a boiling day and after standing in the blistering heat drawling over mangos we went to a lake in Las Terrazas which was paradise. We swam and cooled down with some locals before heading back to camp.

A worker in the brick factoryThe cattle reared at the production centre

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 6:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

During our trip we did two days of agricultural work the first being picking up stones in the crops and getting them out the way. On this day we also got to drink sugarcane juice and drink honey from a bee hive. In Cuba there are two types of bee one which stings and one which doesn’t, the beekeeper we went to had the friendlier kind and we got given straws and sucked the honey straight from the hive. The second lot of agricultural work we were given machetes and told to hack down weeds surrounding the banana plantation. This was great fun but also very tiring in the heat even though it was early.

May 1st was the day we were all there for, up at 03:00 and off to Havana for the march. We had great seats under Raul Castro who started the march off. 1.2 million people marched through Havana in just over 2 hours. This wasn’t all of Cuba either, this was just the Havana province there were marches in the other 15 provinces too with hundreds of thousands of

people taking part. The march celebrates the revolution and working people, unions were marching wielding something that represents their profession, teachers had giant cardboard pencils, doctors had a cardboard ambulance we saw other countries marching donning their flags too. It was really quite impressive.

The May Day Parade

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 7:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

After the march we had some time to walk around Havana, you could see the affects of tourism due to the recent amendments to the blockade allowing American citizens to visit Cuba. Scaffolding on buildings doing up the ancient crumbling buildings, a fellow delegate said even last year when he had come it looked loads better. Just imagine if the blockade was lifted entirely what Cuba could achieve. As we had a whole day in Havana we used this time to explore and see what the city had to offer, majority of the group split into smaller groups, this made getting around a lot easier. My group chose to get a taxi to the Malecón where we walked taking in the sights and amazing views.

During the trip we also went to the Convention Palace International where we heard from delegates worldwide discussing their issues at home and showing their solidarity with Cuba. The mothers from America were especially touching, they told of the racist agenda of the police force in the states and how their sons had been killed or sent to prison for crimes they hadn’t committed. Below is the main conference room where the International Meeting of Solidarity took place.

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 8:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

Being there we all felt very lucky and important, we had a translator in our earpiece as naturally there were a lot of speakers of different languages. The hour long presentation on Cuba was very interesting and we learned a lot about the blockade, the illegal occupation of Guantanamo and lots more. We were all left feeling like Cuba has been unfairly treated and that whatever differences the USA and Cuba may have should be cast aside so the people of Cuba can have normal lives. The icon of the revolution Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara’s memorial was a very solemn part of the trip, especially as we were told all the things he had done to achieve Cuba’s states as a socialist country. To then go to his grave was very saddening. He was eventually murdered by the C.I.A in Bolivia. A 7 ton statue stood proudly outside overlooking Villa Clara. Inside was a nice feature of plants, rockeries and plaques. Accompanying the mural is a small

museum with artefacts previously owned items of Che’s such as binoculars, weapons, clothes.

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 9:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

We also visited Camillo’s memorial and whilst there were honoured to meet veteran revolutionaries who told us of their struggles and allowed us to ask questions. Camillo’s museum was similar to Che’s old property of his in glass cabinets.

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

Page 10:€¦ · Web viewHello my name is Simon Stuart, I am your branch’s Young Members Officer and LGBT Officer, I have been a member of

I would like to say thanks to my branch for all their support and enabling me to be a part of such an amazing life changing experience.

The last group photo before departing for the UK

Simon Stuart – UNISON Housing and Care Scotland

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