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Unish Kuri Magazine Case Study

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What is the purpos e of the audit?

•The purpos e of the audit is to collect all relevant data and identify opportunities for the brand to build on

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Let’s break it down -

Brand Health Marketing Optimization

R evenue Generation

Cus tomer Experience

Opportunity Areas


Image S ales

R elevance

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The readers –

The quintessential Gen Z. Cool and preppy, addicted to social media and Honey S ingh.

Classifying the readers –

• S ection B and C – College-going male and female – Age 19-20

• S ection B and C – In s chool/ J us t out of s chool – Both male and female – Age 17-18 • S ection B and C – College-going/ working male and female - Age 21-24

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Lets break into the reader’s ps yche

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Age 17 - 18 years

• They have jus t s tarted discovering the world around them on their own.

• They are naïve yet street smart, romanticizes the idea of love and the grown-up job life.

• Have as pirations , but thos e are beyond the pocket money the receive

• Bieber fanatics , they rely on their friends for their lifes tyle choices .

• S pends free time on Facebook.

• Gaming, both online & offline

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Age 19 – 20 years

• ‘THE’ target group loves to rebel agains t the authority, can s eem childis h but s urpris ingly s trong and mature while dealing with

their emotional upheaval.

• Their tas te in mus ic, clothes , art, movies is varied – They are fond of relaxing to Lata Manges hkar and move their bodies to the beats of Pitbull.

• S taunch followers of Taylor Swift, they are quite aware of her pres ent

relations hip s tatus .

• KFC, CCD hoppers , they are open to experimentation with food, fas hion and relations hips . They even keep track of tiny food joints around Kolkata.

• Fond of Bengali Literature and Indian authors

s uch as Chetan Bhagat, Durjoy Dutta etc.

• Follows Bengali TV serials s uch as Mirakkel, Tumi As be Bole, Boyei Galo and are loyal followers of S andipta S en, Mimi, Ena S aha, Dev, Himans h Kholi.

• Guys are more into body building and bikes.

• Primary s ocial media platform they prefer – Facebook.

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Age 21 and above

• They are the refined vers ion of 19-20 crowd.

• They adore Abir Chatterjee, Pros enjeet and movies of R ituporna and S rijit.

• They are more into sports, both cricket and football.

• Their music tas te is als o s lightly more refined, ranging from K.J .Yes udas , A.R .R ahman to lates t s ens ations s uch as Bruno Mars and Pharrel Williams .

• They are res taurant hoppers , ‘checks in’ wherever they go.

• By now they have adopted a style of their own but s till likes to s pice it up

occas ionally.

• They are getting the hang of Twitter jus t about now.

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Brand Health

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Factors to meas ure brand health

Brand Health

Convers ation Drivers

S entiment Drivers

Location, T ime, Impact

Competitive Implications


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1. Conversation Drivers

• Is your content driving conversations? If not, why? • How do you plan to intensify it?

• Which type of content drives the most conversation? • We have means to find that out and implement it to its highest potential.

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Which pos ts are driving convers ation?

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Which pos ts are not driving convers ation?

The level of engagement is significantly lower on thes e pos ts , compared to the

other pos ts

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P oint to be noted -

The content is not open-ended, as in, you aren’t as king people to interact.

The language is youth-centric but it becomes a bit formal at times .

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2. Sentiment Drivers

• Brands try to establish an emotional connection with the audience to gain their trust, loyalty and good will.

• You have to make sure that your content is helping you to achieve just that.

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Unish Kuri doesn’t reply to people except in rare cases when something needs to be cleared up. Comment moderation s hould be exercis ed in a brand page.

Image In Question

•In this case instead of taking it lightly they posted a formal impersonal message to prove their authenticity

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•Also, banning people for making ugly comments is totally fine. But providing links to their website is questionable. Ideally the brand tone should be light and

friendly, not authoritative and formal.

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We know the right tools to track the sentiments around your content.

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3. Location, Time, Impact

• Your content should always be relevant to the TG, to the targeted location and the time of the day.

• You can even analyze how much impact your content has on the TG.

• After all, that’s the deciding factor, if your TG is interested,

if you have a positive impact on them, they will buy your product.

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The graph chart above illustrates that brands should expect higher engagement rate from the fans outs ide of bus ines s hours .

To make an impact on your fans you need to look out for the ideal time to pos t on s ocial media s ites .

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This data shows the time your fans are most active on Facebook.

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Post frequency matters for a brand as too many posts in a small range of time res ults in s cattered engagement which every brand wants to avoid.

Unis h Kuri does n’t follow a content calendar and pos ts too many content within

3 to 4 hours which can lead to page ‘Unlike’ and comparatively les s er engagement.

Content s hould be chos en cautious ly by analys ing which type of content your

fans are liking the mos t and s hould be s pread out throughout the day to ens ure more interaction.

The ideal media value of each pos t is 3-4 hours .

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4. Competit ive Implications

This section defines whether people prefer your brand over competitive brands. For Unish Kuri it doesn’t really matter because it is the only Bengali teenage magazine.

5. Influencers

Are the right people talking about your brand? You can find out for yourself! We have tools

for that! If they are not, do you want them to be talking about you? Of course you do. That’s where we step in.

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What we gleaned from our s tudy of Unis h- Kuri’s online pres ence

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Vibrant, no doubt. But a magazine that caters to the constantly evolving youth can be a bit modern in it’s approach when it comes to their main webs ite.

Social media platforms direct traffic to this webs ite, and thus pos ting popular

and brand new content pieces s eparately can bring them more traction.

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• When it comes to Google Search Results Unish-Kuri appears in the first page, though Sananda and Anondolok pops up before it.

• Unish Kuri’s SEO is really good considering that if you use the keywords

“Unish Kuri” the magazine site tops the search results.

• When we use the keywords Bengali magazine Unish Kuri appears in the first page though behind a few other popular magazines.

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•Sponsored ads can helps you to convince people to visit your website, in those cases when relevant keywords don’t pull up in the search result. •Digital ads can also be used to redirect more traffic to their website.

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Opportunity Areas

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For a brand to make their social media presence effective and to convert fans into loyal brand evangelis ts , it has to have a voice, an identity that makes it s tand apart from

the res t.

For Unis h Kuri, it is the mos t important factor. With 5k fans on Facebook and nearly 2k people talking about the brand, Unis h Kuri has s et

quite a high s tandard to be followed by many brands . Yet, we feel the brand needs to s et an objective and a direction.

The objective is clear -

To engage the existing fans, to generate leads,

educating the customers, build awareness. to bring in new fans and to convert them into consumers.

What it lacks to a certain extent is the direction –

Unis h Kuri requires a proper s trategy and an equally proper execution.

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We detected s ome areas that needs a bit developing -

• The name of the page – The brands needs to es tablis h its elf as a s ingle entity.

• Lack of original content. R ight now Unis h Kuri is all about popular content which drives “likes ” and “s hares ” but the durability is very low. Youngs ters aren’t really

known for their attention s pan and Unis h Kuri needs to addres s this particular is s ue.

• No content planning or s trategy. Unis h Kuri has all the neces s ary ingredients ,

it jus t needs the right pus h forward to take the entire s ocial media experience to the next level.

Unis h Kuri needs to build up a relations hip with the fans . It needs a voice, friendly

and warm, helpful and witty.

• Lack of campaigns . You are dealing with college-going youth, s o campaigns and contes ts are a mus t to drive engagement as well as s ales .

• Lack of Hollywood news and gos s ips .

• Lack of gaming information. Both guys and girls are into hard core gaming.

• Twitter. It’s the weakes t point till now.

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• On Twitter, engagement is quite low compared to Facebook.

• Follower count is 2,815 which could use a little boost up.

• Absence of Twitter-optimized posts – the tweets exceed 140 characters which should be avoided.

• Images are supposed to be uploaded directly on Twitter instead of driving

the traffic to Facebook by providing a link to the original post.

• Twitter is a completely different domain all together. Your TG should also vary according to the platforms.

• The shelf-life of tweets is maximum 10 seconds. You have to capture the attention of your audience within that time period.

• Handling Twitter and using it for social media marketing requires assessment, expertise and time.

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Marketing Optimization

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Improve your marketing efforts to intensify your business outcome through marketing optimization.

It’s a three-s tep proces s –

1. Collecting and analyzing the data

2. S potting the challenges and working on it 3. Identifying automation opportunities .

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Marketing Optimization

Influencer Impact

Channel Performance

Timing Impact

Marketing optimization is meas ured by the following metrics -

Campaign Performance

Content Performance

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Taking Unish Kuri into account, We have found that the brand needs to

develop on certain areas to maximize its impact and generate leads .

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1. Campaign Performance

The performance of a campaign can be measured using various online tools

This helps establish whether the objectives of the campaign have been achieved

The insights gathered help in planning future brand campaigns

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Various tool helps us to analyse how campaigns are performing across all social media channels.

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2. Influencer Impact

The world s hifted from direct marketing to influencer marketing, but word-of-

mouth marketing is s till as relevant as it was before.

Fact is , you need influencers to recommend your brand, but how to find the right influencers ? How to interact with them? We can help you with that.

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• Influencers are very important for a brand as their opinion can make Or break your brand. They can be your brand advocates, and can help you

to get recognised by all the right people.

• To persuade someone to become your brand evangelist, first you need to find the right influencer.

There are tools that can help you achieve that. But your brand needs to have a positive impact on them.

• Screenshot No.1 is from Friend FM’s Twitter page, where you can see that the

Influential people from Kolkata are appreciating the effort and are providing encouragement.

• We are providing the second screenshot to highlight the influencers

who are common people, but they have made a mark of their own and are regarded as powerful influencer for a brand.

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Screenshot 1 S creens hot 2

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3. Content Performance

• Tools help measure the popularity of a content piece

• These insights are key factors while planning the content strategy

• Regular post content can be revised, to suit the audience, based on the data these tools offer

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With the help of social media tools you can very easily measure how your well your content is performing.

The s creens hots are jus t a s mall example of how much you can learn about

your fans , their preference and your brand health from the analys is .

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4. Channel Performance

• Which channel is driving more cus tomers ? We have ways to find out that!

• The tools help you to detect which s ocial media channels

are performing its bes t right now.

• S trategies for individual channels can be created from thes e reports

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Just an example of how you can analyse which channel is performing the best right now. You can even find out which kind of content your fans are loving right now on

different platforms .

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5. Timing Impact

The timing and frequency of your content has a major role to play to dictate its reach and engagement.

We should be well aware of the best times to post on social media platforms to derive the best

result. For each platform the “best” time varies.

We follow a calendar specially customized for each brand that will give us the perfect times to post a particular content. There are tools to help us with that too!

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Naturally, the best days to tweet are Friday, Saturday and Sunday when people Get a chance to relax and catch up on news .

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And the best time? For Twitter, the best times are afternoon hours and after dinner hours .

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To market your product, online or offline, you need to have a solid plan.

Offline you have done a great job, unders tanding the puls e of your TG.

But your s ocial s trategy needs a little bit of makeover to reach its maximum potential.

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R eference P oints

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Lets take into account the online presence of ‘Just Another Magazine (JAM)

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Clean interface. The top area is dedicated to its online platforms .

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Popular segments are featured individually to pique the audience’s interes t.

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The magazine is immensely popular in India, but their Facebook and Twitter pages aren’t really impres s ive.

Compared to Unis h Kuri J AM lacks loyal fan bas e and engagement. Unis h Kuri does n’t have any direct competitors , and thus it has the advantage to influence the

youth in many ways than one.

S eventeen is another magazine brand, s pecially for girls who are very active on s ocial media.

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Purely feminine and young, but clear and bright interface.

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Quiz section – a nice idea to drive traffic to the page via s ocial media. S eventeen is everywhere, from Facebook to Ins tagram!

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Your very own personalized Google!

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Each post provides a link to their original website. Their s ocial media pres ence exis t jus t to highlight their original

page, which is neces s arily a bad practice.

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Seventeen magazine seems to have grasped the concept of Twitter.

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They know what’s trending and how to implement those to keep the fans excited.

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Retweeting when mentioned – all to keep the fans happy!

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Instagram account - Bright, attractive and relevant photos s teal the s how every time.

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YouTube account – Celeb videos , DIYs and makeovers , girls and quite a lot of s ubs cribers .

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Unish Kuri has the potential to dictate the life style of young impressionable youth, cons idering its loyal fan bas e.

The magazine is the ultimate s tyle, gos s ip and DIY des tination.

Digitally your potential knows no boundaries .

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R evenue Generation

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Where is your brand generating revenue? How?

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You can measure Revenue Generation through –

Revenue Generation

Convers ion Impact

R evenue Impact

Loyalty Impact

Search Impact

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Convers ion Impact

• Conversion Impact usually varies from business to business

• Regardless, it gives an understanding of the impact social is having so that you can make informed future decisions

• Using custom reports, one can even more directly understand the impact social is

having on your business.

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R evenue Impact

• One option is to look at the segment of customers who were originally referred from social media. This often works well for subscription businesses where

there is one main purchase event

• The above can be achieved through a subscription tab on Facebook

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Loyalty Impact

• There’s no analytics software that can measure something as intangible as brand loyalty. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible to get a grasp on it.

• Third party analytics tools help identify & keep track of brand advocates & their

interactions with the official profile

• Keeping track of brand testimonials that come in also help gauge the loyalty impact

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S earch Impact

Identifying what kinds of content are mos t cos t effective in rais ing organic s earch rankings . We have means to hep you with that.

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Cus tomer Experience

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• Unish Kuri is a popular news portal for news and gossip from all across the world

• The content shared receives a fair amount of engagement

• To build on the customer experience, Unish Kuri should use the platforms to make the communication more personal

• This can be achieved by responding to comments, driving conversations, sharing content

from users etc

What are the cus tomers looking for?

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R OI is obs olete!

R eturn On R elations hip is the new R OI

Building relationships &

Personal connections

Loyalty Trust


Facebook Fans Retweets Shares


Leads to

As apparent in the number of

Ultimately having a positive effect on your

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Bes t P ractices for R eturn on R elations hip

• Getting to know your customers by paying attention to their needs and demands

• Giving guidance and providing relevant information

• Being genuine in your responses

• Initiating and contributing to conversations

• Closely monitoring your customer’s activity in social channels – Finding out what makes them tick, what puts them off

•Last but not least, Watching out for the right moment to connect with your customers

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Here’s How S entiments Are Meas ured Online

Metric Purpose New Media Metrics

New Media Data Source

ATTITUDES How people talk about your brand & product

Customer quotes/ insights

SMM tools


Service & product issues, emerging crises

Theme/Cluster Analysis

SMM tools, Wordle

INTENSITY Momentum of a topic or issue

Buzz SMM tools

BLIND SPOTS “What are we missing” in relation to NPS or customer satisfaction scores

Customer Quotes/ Insights

SMM tools

SERVICE LEVELS Performance of social CRM

# of service issues SMM tools, annotation

CONTEXT Are they having the right impact?

Most common keywords

SMM tools, custom analysis

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Operational Efficiency (S WOT)

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Massive fan-following

The account is verified

The target audience is young and the social media space is youth-centric

The fans are active and willing to engage

The vast range of content that Unish kuri covers

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The content pieces aren’t personalized

Lack of a brand voice

Absence of content strategy

Other important social media channels are avoided

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Opportunit ies

Most of the brands ignore the fact that an emotional connection with the fans is necessary to stand apart from the rest.

Social media is not limited to posting interesting pieces and trends, it’s

about building a relationship with the people.

Social media has evolved. It’s time for us to evolve too.

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Other S ocial Media platforms they s hould extend to

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• Target group is ruling Instagram. They upload photos of anything and everything and along with their friends they tend to follow brands they find appealing.

• Good quality photographs are one of Unish-Kuri’s strongest points, with the right blend

of available resources and creativity the brand can become the talk of the town.

We can promote Instagram on Facebook and Twitter and host contests to drive engagement.

• You can create a hype around exclusive celeb/ event photographs– who can resist that?

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• Mos t of the content that’s publis hed in the magazine is YouTube-friendly. You can turn one dimens ional content into interes ting dynamic content by introducing

the video element.

• You can video-s hoot photo s es s ions , makeover and hair s es s ions .

• You can hos t contes ts on college campus , you can poll votes , and the lis t goes on.

• With video you can introduce new s egments s pecially for the digital audience.

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• High frequency of pos ts may lead to “Unlikes ”

• The unchanging pattern may lead to dis interes t

• Lack of us er generated content can res ult in dis engagement

• Overs hadowing by other brands

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Once we agree that the findings of the s tudy are relevant to your brand, thes e are the s tages that will follow

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P itch

Novelty Test Conversation Evaluation & Monitoring

This section will include consumer related data & how we will use these insights to address the problem

This is where we give you the ‘Big Idea’ that will help change/ re-establish the perception towards the brand

Centred around the big idea, we create campaign to connect effectively with the audience on individual platforms

Regular activities & campaigns will all be tracked to gather insights & stay at par with the changing trends

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