
Unifications of

Italy and Germany

Q: What does unification mean?Unification = become one

Q: If this is about Italy becoming one and Germany becoming one, what does that mean about Italy and Germany before this?

I & G were both divided

Nationalism grew in I & G during 1800sQ: Why did nationalism grow?

Germany = former Holy Roman EmpireQ: What do we know about the HRE? Religion? Wars? Major states? Hated enemy? Rulers?Bismarck = prime minister of Prussia


Bismarck makes GermanyB.I.G.

B. Bismarck used war & German nationalism

Bismarck, Prime

Minister of Prussia

Q: Who did we learn first made Prussia into a military power?

Great issues of the day will be decided.. by blood and iron.

I. “I do whatever it takes” = realpolitik

I believe in realpolitik,so I’ll do whatever ittakes to get what I want!

Q: If you’re willing to do anything to get what you want - you believe in realpolitik - then what sort of things might you do?

G.Germany unified after Franco-Prussian War (1870)

Q: Who did the HRE, and therefore the Prussians, hate?

1st Reflection:

Why would a nationalist like

Bismarck want the German states to become BIG and



Nationalists made Italy...


Italy = many city-statesQ: What did we learn earlier this year began in these Italian city-states and then moved into Northern Europe?

O. Oh, Cavour unites N. Italy

Cavour, advisor to

king of Sardinia

N.Nationalist Garibaldi joins South with North

Garibaldi - used guerrilla warfare

E. Eventually papal states (Rome) joined Italy - 1870Q: What does papal


2nd Reflection:

Why would nationalists like

Cavour and Garibaldi want the Italian city-states to become ONE?

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