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Understanding Faith

What is Faith?

Hebrews 11:1-6 “Assurance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen”

Why do we need it?

Hebrews 11:6 “We cannot please God without it”

Ephesians 2:8-10 “We cannot be saved without it”

Matthew 21:21-22 “We cannot receive from God without it”

**God does not respond to need, he responds to faith

Do we have enough faith?

Romans 12:3 “God gave every man a measure of faith”

John 6:47 “God draws a man through the Holy Spirit”

Luke 17:6 “Need Faith as a Mustard Seed”

Mark 11:22 “Just have faith in God”

Mark 11:23 “Do not doubt, but believe”

Can we have faith in anything and still please God?

Mark 11:22 “Have faith in God”

Galatians 5:6 “Faith works by love”

**Faith will only work when we walk in love

Ephesians 2:8-10 “Faith in God’s Grace”

How do we walk by faith?

Colossians 2:6 Walk the same way we initially trusted God for salvation

Galatians 5:25 Walk in the spirit since we live in the spirit

Romans 10:8-10 Confession with mouth, believe in heart

Matthew 7:7 Ask God

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all cares upon God

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Philippians 4:6 Give ALL requests to God, with a thankful heart

1 Thess 5:18 Give thanks to God

Phil 4:11-13 be content

Colossians 3:13, Mark 11:24-25 Forgive Others, Make Allowances

Mark 11:24 Believe God’s word

2 Corinthians 4:13 Speaking the Word over our life

James 2:14 Acting as if it is true

2 Corinthians 5:7 Seeing God, Not what we see

Jude 20 Praying in the Holy Ghost builds up our faith

James 3 Training up the tongue

James 1,2 Applying what we believe

1 Corinthians 16:14 Walk in Love

John 14:23 Obey God

2 Corinthians 1:20 Believe God’s Commandments

John 17:3 Know God Intimately

Romans 12:1-2 Worship God and Renew Mind to God’s Word

Hebrews 12:1-2 Keep Eyes on Jesus and Run with Endurance

I understand all of this, but I do not know where to start.

Know that you are a new creation in Christ 2 Cor 5:17

Your old self is gone and your new self is here Romans 6:7, Gal 5:24

You are now a part of God’s family and kingdom John 1:12, Romans 8:11

Your life is now hid with Christ Colossians 3:3

Christ is now your life Colossians 3:4

It starts and finishes with God’s grace Colossians 2:6

Show the love God gave you at salvation Matthew 10:8

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Treat others how you want to be treated Galatians 5:14, Luke 6:31

Submit to God, Resist the Devil James 4:7

How do I resist the Devil?

Use the God given authority in Christ Luke 10:19

Put on the armor of God Ephesians 6:12-20

Overcoming Evil with Good, Walking in Love Romans 12:17-21

I’m saved, what next steps should I take?

Know who you are in Christ Romans 5-8, Ephesians 1-3

Get into a church that helps you thrive in Christ Hebrews 10:24-25

Be water baptized 2 Peter 2

Be baptized in the holy spirit Acts 2:4

Add to your faith by staying in the word of God and in prayer 2 Peter 1:5-8, 1 Thess 5:17

Give thanks to God and be content 1 Thess 5:18, Phil 4:11-13

Bring people to Jesus and help them thrive in Christ Matthew 28:19-20

Run your race with endurance, keeping your eyes on him Hebrews 12:1-2

Focus on Jesus and his word, not on your circumstances or yourself Jeremiah 17:7-8, Hebrews 12:1-2

Extra: Why Baptism in the holy spirit? Isn’t there just one baptism?

We are baptized into Christs body when we were born again Romans 6

We needed to get water baptized to bury the old man 2 Peter 2

We needed to get baptized into the holy spirit so the holy spirit can demonstrate his power in us through the ministry Acts 2:4

Doctrine of Baptisms Hebrews 6:2

Jesus was already in the kingdom and is perfect. He needed to be water and spirit baptized at Jordan Luke 2

Spiritual Gifts Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4

Tongues is Biblical, not just human languages 1 Corinthians 14

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Tongues are both corporate and private 1 Corinthians 14:3

Tongues and all spiritual gifts are for today Phil 4:9

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