Page 1: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang


Universitas Airlangga

Page 2: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang
Page 3: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang




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Glory be to God Almighty for all the blessings so that finally this book is completed. This book, Undergraduate Thesis Writing Manual and e-Article Writing Format, serves as the official guidelines for all faculty members of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga in writing and formatting undergraduate theses and/or scientific e-articles. This book is expected to help ensuring uniformity of all undergraduate theses and scientific e-articles written and/or published by the faculty.

Undergraduate thesis is a module that gives students learning experiences in composing written scientific works by applying attitudes, ways of thinking, and scientific methods to solve problems related to dental medicine. E-article gives students opportunity to compose scientific writings. Students are then expected to present and defend their works to meet the requirements to obtain the bachelor degree.

We put great hope that this book will be useful for both students and thesis advisers. Finally, we would also like to mention our gratitude to the SP4 team and Research Proposal and Undergraduate Thesis Writing SOP team for their invaluable contributions in the completion of this book.

Surabaya, December 2015 Dean,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

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...... .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . v

Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga tentang Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Pedoman

Pembimbingan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi ....... ix Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga tentang Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Dan Pedoman Pembimbingan

Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi ................................... xiii

BAB 1 KERANGKA SISTEMATIKA PENULISAN PROPOSAL SKRIPSI DAN SKRIPSI ................................................................... 1 A. Bagian Awal Penulisan Proposal Skripsi Dan Skripsi .... 2

1. Halaman Sampul Depan ............................................... 2 2. Halaman Sampul Dalam .............................................. 3 3. Halaman Pengesahan .................................................... 3 4. Halaman Penetapan Panitia Penguji ........................... 3 5. Halaman Ucapan Terima Kasih ................................... 4 6. Abstrak ............................................................................ 4 7. Halaman Daftar Isi ......................................................... 5 8. Halaman Daftar Tabel ................................................... 5 9. Halaman Daftar Gambar .............................................. 6 10. Halaman Daftar Lampiran .......................................... 6 11. Daftar Singkatan ............................................................ 6

B. Bagian Inti Penulisan Proposal Skripsi dan Skripsi ........ 6 Bab 1. Pendahuluan ............................................................ 6 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah ............................... 7 1.2 Rumusan Masalah ......................................... 7 1.3 Tujuan ............................................................. 7 1.4 Manfaat ........................................................... 7 Bab 2. Tinjauan Pustaka ..................................................... 8 Bab 3. Kerangka Konseptual dan Hipotesis Penelitian .. 8 3.1 Kerangka Konseptual Penelitian ................ 8 3.2. Hipotesis (bila ada) ....................................... 8 Bab 4. Metode Penelitian ................................................... 9 4.1 Jenis Penelitian ............................................... 9 4.2 Rancangan Percobaan ................................... 9 4.3 Populasi ......................................................... 9 4.4 Sampel ............................................................. 9 4.5 Vari abel Penelitian ....................................... 10


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4.6 Definisi Operasional Variabel ..................... 10 4.7 Instrumen Penelitian ..................................... 10 4.8 Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian ....................... 10 4.9 Bahan dan Alat .............................................. 10 4.10 Cara Kerja ....................................................... 11 4.11 Prosedur Pengambilan atau Pengumpulan Data ................................................................. 11 4.12 Pengolahan dan Analisis Data .................... 11 Bab 5. Hasil Penelitian ....................................................... 11 5.1 Data Penelitian ............................................... 11 5.2 Analisis Hasil Penelitian .............................. 12 Bab 6. Pembahasan ............................................................ 12 Bab 7. Simpulan dan Saran ............................................... 12

C. Bagian Akhir ......................................................................... 13 1. Daftar Pustaka ................................................................ 13 2. Lampiran ....................................................................... 13

Bab 2 TATA PENULISAN, CARA MERUJUK DAN MENULIS DAFTAR PUSTAKA UNTUK PROPOSAL SKRIPSI DAN SKRIPSI .......................................................................................... 15 2.1 Tata Penulisan ....................................................................... 15

2.1.1 Bahasa dan Tanda Baca .......................................... 15 2.1.2 Kertas dan Sampul .................................................. 15 2.1.3 Pengetikan naskah .................................................. 15 2.1.4 Jarak tepi .................................................................. 16 2.1.5 Nomor halaman ...................................................... 16 2.1.6 Tabel dan Gambar .................................................. 16

2.2 Cara Merujuk ........................................................................ 17 2.2.1 Cara Mengutip Teks ............................................... 17 2.2.2 Cara Menulis Daftar Pustaka ................................ 17

LAMPIRAN ................................................................................................ 19

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Menimbang : a. bahwa dalam rangka untuk menunjang kelancaran

pelaksanaan pendidikan dalam penulisan skripsi di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga dipandang perlu untuk menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi;

b. bahwa nama-nama yang tercantum dalam lampiran

Keputusan ini memenuhi syarat dan cakap dalam menangani tugas tersebut;

c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf a dan b, perlu membentuk Keputusan Dekan tentang Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi.

Mengingat : 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang

Sistem Pendidikan Nasional; 2. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29

tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran; 3. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 12

tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi; 4. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 tahun 2006 tentang

Penetapan Universitas Airlangga sebagai Badan Hukum Milik Negara;

5. Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI Nomor 232/U/2000 tentang Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi dan Penilaian Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa;

6. Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Republik Indonesia Nomor 045/U/2002 tentang Kurikulum Inti Pendidikan Tinggi;

Page 9: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

7. Keputusan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 22/ KKI/XI/2006 tentang Standar Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Gigi;

8. Keputusan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 23/ KKI/XI/2006 tentang Standar Kompetensi Dokter Gigi Indonesia;

9. PanduanPelaksanaanKurikulumNasionalPendidikan Dokter Gigi Indonesia Berbasis Kompetensi tahun 2007 Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia;

10. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

11. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 09/H3/PR/2010 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

12. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 25/H3/PR/2011 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

13. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 5/H3/PR/2012 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

14. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 26/H3/KR/2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Universitas Airlangga;

15. Keputusan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 1278/KR/2010 tentang Pengangkatan Dekan dan Direktur Program Pascasarjana periode 2010-2015;

16. Keputusan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 2496/H3/KR/2011 tentang Penetapan Kurikulum Program Studi pada Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga.



Pertama : Menugaskan kepada pengajar Fakultas Kedoketran

Page 10: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

Gigi Universitas Airlangga yang namanya tercantum dalam daftar terlampir, untuk menyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Dan Pedoman Pembimbingan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi.

Kedua : Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan dengan ketentuan bahwa apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat kekeliruan dan atau kekurangan, maka akan diperbaiki sebagaimana mestinya

Ditetapkan di : Surabaya Pada tanggal : Desember 2015 Dekan,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

Page 11: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

LAMPIRAN KEPUTUSAN DEKAN FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGI Nomor : /UN3.1.2/2015 Tanggal 15 Juli 2015 Tentang : Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Pedoman

Pembimbingan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi

Nara Sumber: 1. Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. 2. Prof. Dr. Anita Yuliati, drg., M.Kes. 3. Devi Rianti, drg., M.Kes. 4. Dr. Ira Widjiastuti, drg., M.Kes., Sp.KG(K). 5. Wahjuni Widajati, drg., MS., Sp.Pros(K). 6. Maretaningtias Dwi Ariani, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D. 7. Titien Hary Agustantina, drg., M.Kes. 8. Udijanto Tedjosasongko, drg., Ph.D., Sp.KGA(K). 9. Yuliati, drg., M.Kes.

Ditetapkan di : Surabaya Pada tanggal : Desember 2015 Dekan,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

Page 12: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang







Menimbang : a. bahwa dalam rangka untuk menunjang kelancaran

pelaksanaan pendidikan dalam penulisan skripsi dan pembimbingan skripsi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga dipandang perlu untuk menetapkan Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Pedoman Pembimbingan Skripsi;

b. bahwa untuk keperluan huruf (a) tersebut,

perlu membentuk Keputusan Dekan tentang Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Pedoman Pembimbingan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga.

Mengingat : 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang

Sistem Pendidikan Nasional; 2. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29

tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran; 3. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 12

tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi; 4. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 tahun 2006

tentang Penetapan Universitas Airlangga sebagai Badan Hukum Milik Negara;

5. Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI Nomor 232/U/2000 tentang Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi dan Penilaian Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa;

Page 13: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

6. Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan RI Nomor 045/ U/2002 tentang Kurikulum Inti Pendidikan Tinggi;

7. Keputusan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 22/ KKI/XI/2006 tentang Standar Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Gigi;

8. Keputusan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Nomor 23/ KKI/XI/2006 tentang Standar Kompetensi Dokter Gigi Indonesia;

9. Panduan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Nasional PendidikanDokterGigiIndonesiaBerbasisKompetensi tahun 2007 Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia;

10. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

11. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 09/ H3/PR/2010 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/ PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

12. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 25/H3/PR/2011 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

13. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 5/H3/PR/2012 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 11/H3/PR/2009 tentang Peraturan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga;

14. Peraturan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 26/ H3/KR/2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Universitas Airlangga;

15. Keputusan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 1278/KR/2010 tentang Pengangkatan Dekan dan Direktur Program Pascasarjana periode 2010-2015;

16. Keputusan Rektor Universitas Airlangga Nomor 2496/H3/KR/2011 tentang Penetapan Kurikulum Program Studi pada Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga.


Page 14: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang


Pertama : Menetapkan Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran Keputusan ini. Kedua : Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi berlaku untuk semua mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga. Ketiga : Keputusan ini berlaku sejak tanggal Desember 2015 dengan catatan apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat kekeliruan dan atau kekurangan dalam penetapan ini akan ditinjau dan diperbaiki sebagaimana mestinya.

Ditetapkan di : Surabaya Pada tanggal : Desember 2015 Dekan,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

Page 15: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

LAMPIRAN KEPUTUSAN DEKAN FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGI Nomor : 165/UN3.1.2/2015 TANGGAL 15 JULI 2015 Tentang : Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Program Studi

Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi

Page 16: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

Chapter 1

SYSTEMATICAL OUTLINE OF PROPOSAL AND UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING Systematically, research proposal and undergraduate thesis are outlined as the followings: A. FRONT MATTER

The front matter of an undergraduate thesis is composed of: 1. Outer cover 2. Inner cover 3. Approval sheet 4. Board of examiners appointment sheet 5. Acknowledgment 6. Abstract 7. Table of contents 8. List of tables 9. List of figures 10. List of appendices 11. List of abbreviations


The content of an undergraduate thesis is composed of: CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the

Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives 1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1.4 Significance of the Study



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BAB 5. RESULTS 5.1 Results of the Study 5.2 Results Analysis


7.1 Conclusion 7.2 Recommendation


The back matter of an undergraduate thesis is composed of: 1. References 2. Appendices

A. FRONT MATTER 1. Outer Cover

The outer cover is composed of the followings: a. Title (Times New Roman 16, uppercase, bold, center aligned,

single spaced). 1. Functions to draw interest and reflect the issue in

discussion 2. Illustrates the main idea of the writing briefly and shortly 3. Is not more than 12 words, but not too short nor too

specific 4. Contains researched variables for the easing of

assessment and answering the proposed problem b. Phrases ‘PROPOSAL SKRIPSI’ or ‘SKRIPSI’ (Times New

Roman 22, uppercase, bold, center aligned). c. Logo of Universitas Airlangga (according to the statute of

Universitas Airlangga) center aligned with a diameter of 5.5 cm.

d. Word ‘Oleh’ followed by a colon [:] (Times New Roman 14, sentence case, bold, center aligned).

e. Name of the student (Times New Roman 14, uppercase, bold, underlined, center aligned).

f. Word ‘NIM’ and then followed by the student number (Times New Roman 14, bold, center aligned).

g. Phrases ‘FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGI, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA,’ completion year written one below another (Times New Roman 16, uppercase, bold, center aligned).

h. This page is bound in white softcover for proposals and yellow hardcover for undergraduate theses (see: appendix 1a and 1b).

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i. The top spine of the bound mentions name and student number; the middle part mentions the title; and the bottom spine mentions the year of completion.

2. Inner Cover

The inner cover has the same content with the outer cover but printed on an 80 gsm A4 paper. This is the first page numbered in roman (i, ii, iii, iv, and so on) until the List of Appendices.

3. Approval Sheet

The approval sheet consists of: a. Phrase LEMBAR PENGESAHAN (Times New Roman 12,

huruf uppercase, bold, center aligned). b. Title (Times New Roman 16, uppercase, bold, center aligned). c. Phrases PROPOSAL SKRIPSI or SKRIPSI (Times New Roman

20, uppercase, bold, center aligned). d. Clause Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk

Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (Times New Roman 14, capitalize each word, bold, center aligned).

e. Word Oleh followed by an semi colon [:] (Times New Roman 14, sentence case, bold, center aligned).

f. Student name (Times New Roman 14, uppercase, bold, underlined, center aligned)

g. Word NIM followed by student number (Times New Roman 14, uppercase, bold, center aligned)

h. Word Menyetujui (Times New Roman 14, sentence case, bold, center aligned)

i. Phrase Pembimbing Utama: lower left, followed with a column for signature, full name with title, and NIP (Times New Roman 14, bold, underlined).

j. Phrase Pembimbing Serta: lower right, in line with Pembimbing Utama, followed with a column for signature, full name with title, and NIP (Times New Roman 14, bold, underlined).

k. Phrases FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGI, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA and completion year (Times New Roman 16, uppercase, bold, center aligned) (see: appendix 3a and 3b).

4. Board of Examiners Appointment Sheet

The Board of Examiners Appointment Sheet consists of: a. Phrase PENETAPAN PANITIA PENGUJI PROPOSAL

SKRIPSI atau SKRIPSI (Times New Roman 16, uppercase, bold).

Page 19: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

b. Sentence Skripsi ini telah diuji pada [date] [month] [year] (Times New Roman 14, bold, sentence case).

c. Phrase PANITIA PENGUJI PROPOSAL SKRIPSI or SKRIPSI (Times New Roman 14, uppercase, bold).

d. Complete names and titles of all the proposal examiners in the following order: Ketua Penguji/Pembimbing Utama (lead examiner), Sekretaris Penguji/Pembimbing Serta (second examiner), 3 (three) Anggota Penguji (members of the board of examiners) (Times New Roman 14, bold, double space), see: appendix 4a. Complete names and titles of all the undergraduate thesis examiners in the following order: Ketua Penguji, Sekretaris Penguji, Anggota Penguji, Pembimbing Utama/Anggota Penguji, Pembimbing Serta/Anggota Penguji (Times New Roman 14, bold, double space), see: appendix 4b.

5. Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment is only written for undergraduate thesis and consists of the followings: a. Statement of gratitude to all parties that contribute in the

completion of the undergraduate thesis, starting from the dean, head of department, lead adviser and second adviser, other units or institutions, other parties who could not be named in person (consultants, lab technicians, and parents).

b. Phrase UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH (Times New Roman 12, uppercase, bold, center aligned, double space).

c. No longer than 2 (two) pages of A4 paper. d. Word Surabaya, [month] [year of completion] at the end of

the text (bottom right corner), and then continued with the word Penulis under it. See: appendix 5.

6. Abstract

Abstract is only written for undergraduate thesis and consists of: a. Word ABSTRACT (for abstract in English) and ABSTRAK

(for abstract in Bahasa Indonesia) (Times New Roman 12, bold, center aligned).

b. Title of the abstract written at the center of the page, in uppercase and bold. Title in English or other foreign languages must be italicized.

c. Abstract is written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia with no more than 250 words and contains a brief summary of the entire work encasing the background, purposes, methods, results and conclusions (Times New Roman 12, single space, italicized for English and other foreign languages)

Page 20: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

d. The content of the Bahasa Indonesia and the English versions must be the same.

e. Part of the abstract about background must be identified with the word Background: (for English) and word Latar Belakang: (for Bahasa Indonesia), continued with Purpose: or Tujuan:; Methods: or Metode:; Result: or Hasil:; and Conclusion: or Simpulan:.

f. The last line of the abstracts are keywords written all in English, starting with the word Keywords: (bold and italicized) for abstract in English and the word Kata kunci: (bold) for abstract in Bahasa Indonesia, see: appendix 6a and 6b.

7. Table of Contents

Table of contents consists of: a. All parts of the undergraduate thesis, including chapters, sub-

chapters, and sections along with the page numbers. b. All chapter titles are in uppercase, while sub-chapters’ and

sections’ are capitalized. c. Double space between chapters. d. Single space between sub-chapters. e. All chapter and sub-chapter titles must be the same with the

ones in the body of the writing. f. Written in justified alignment, see: appendix 7.

8. List of Tables

List of tables consists of: a. Table numbers, table titles, and page numbers. b. Table titles taking more than 1 line are in single space. c. Between one table title and another is given double space. d. Table titles written in the list must be the same with the ones

in the writing. e. Written in justified alignment, see: appendix 8.

9. List of Figures List of figures consists of: a. Figure numbers, figure titles, and page numbers. b. Figure titles taking more than 1 line are in single space. c. Between one figure title and another is given double space. d. Figure titles written in the list must be the same with the ones

in the writing. e. Written in justified alignment, see: appendix 9.

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10. List of Appendices List of appendices consists of: a. Appendix number, appendix title, and page number. b. Appendix titles taking more than 1 line are in single space. c. Between one appendix title and another is given double

space. 11. List of Abbreviations

List of abbreviations consists of all abbreviations used in the writing, see: appendix 14


The content of the proposal or undergraduate thesis are as follow: CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Introduction is the description of what the study is and why is it done. It consist of background of the study, statement of the problems, objective of the study, and significance of the study written as follow: a. Introduction is the part of chapter 1 and numbered as page 1. b. Word BAB 1 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the

paper in uppercase and bold without period. c. Chapter title PENDAHULUAN written in uppercase, bold, and

double space below BAB 1 without period. d. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter

title, bold and with each word being capitalized. 1.1 Background of the Study (Latar Belakang)

Background of the study describes the gap between the theories and real world phenomena. This part also describes what issues arise from the gap and why they are important to be discussed in the academic context.

1.2 Statement of the Problem (Rumusan Masalah)

Statement of the problem is a concise and clear statement of the scope of the proposed problem(s) written as question without question mark.

1.3 Objective of the Study (Tujuan)

This part states the observable and measurable objectives of the proposal and/or the undergraduate thesis. Objective of the study is categorized into:

1. General objective describes the targeted goals and outcomes.

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2. Specific objective describes the milestones of operational goals in relation to the selected research variables.

1.4 Significance of the Study (Manfaat)

The significance refers to the contribution made by the study in terms of science, so that it will be useful for the development of science, technology, and art for the betterment of human wellbeing.

CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review covers theory and previous studies being used as references to conduct the study. a. Word BAB 2 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the

paper in uppercase and bold without period. b. Chapter title TINJAUAN PUSTAKA written in uppercase, bold,

and double space below BAB 2 without period. c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the

chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized. CHAPTER 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS a. Word BAB 3 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the

paper in uppercase and bold without period. b. Chapter title KERANGKA KONSEPTUAL DAN HIPOTESIS

PENELITIAN written in uppercase, bold, and double space below BAB 3 without period.

c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized.

3.1 Conceptual Framework (Kerangka Konseptual Penelitian)

Consists of diagram or schematic of the interrelation of the variables within the concept or paradigm of the research, including previous studies.

3.2. Hypothesis (Hipotesis) (if any)

Hypothesis consists of scientific proposition derived from the conceptual framework which serves as a preliminary answer to the research problem.

CHAPTER 4. METHODS OF THE RESEARCH a. Word BAB 4 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the

paper in uppercase and bold without period.

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b. Chapter title METODE PENELITIAN written in uppercase, bold, and double space below BAB 4 without period.

c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized.

Methods of the research cover the followings: 4.1 Types of Research (Jenis Penelitian)

Research for undergraduate thesis can be in form of descriptive or explanative.

4.2 Research Design (Rancangan Percobaan)

Explanative research can be designed as randomized two-group design, befor-after two-group design, solomon four group design, or factorial design. In addition, it could also take form of observational design, such as: crossectional, cohort, or case control.

4.3 Population (Populasi)

Population is the generalized area of objects/subjects with the predetermined quality and characteristic to be studied.

4.4 Sample (Sampel)

a. Sample is the representative part of the population. b. Number of sample is decided using the number of sample formula according to the research design.

c. Sampling technique is the method of sample extraction to be used in the research.

4.5 Research Variable (Variabel Penelitian)

Research variable is an attribute or characteristic or value of a person/object with a certain degree of variation, predetermined by the researcher.

4.6 Working Definition of the Variables (Definisi Operasional Variabel)

It is a description of the variable based on observable and measureable features of the variable itself.

4.7 Research Instrument (Instrumen Penelitian)

It is the instrument used to measure the variable. Some of the instruments are already established, while others have to be designed by the researcher. Scales used for measurement are as such: nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, and ratio scale.

4.8 Location and Time of the Research (Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian)

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Description of time and location of the research must be followed with sufficient reasoning and justification.

4.9 Material and Equipment (Bahan dan Alat)

All the materials and equipment need to be stated and described in details.

4.10 Work Flow (Cara Kerja)

Research with human subject, test animal, and/or listed biological material must be submitted for ethical clearance. Work flow is elaborated systematically, clear, and in appropriate order.

4.11 Procedure of Data Collection (Prosedur Pengambilan atau Pengumpulan Data)

Procedure of data collection must be in accordance to the research method and design.

4.12 Procedure of Data Analysis (Pengolahan dan Analisis Data)

The collected data then systematically analyzed to answer the research question.


a. Word BAB 5 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the paper in uppercase and bold without period.

b. Chapter title HASIL PENELITIAN written in uppercase, bold, and double space below BAB 5 without period.

c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized. 5.1 Research Data

This sub-chapter presents all results relevant to the objective and hypothesis. Data can be presented in form of narration, counting operation, curve, tables, or others.

5.2 Data Analysis This sub-chapter presents only the data of the research. If statistical analysis is used, then data analysis only presents the final display showing the results. Print out of the statistical processes is put as appendix.


a. Word BAB 6 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the paper in uppercase and bold without period.

b. Chapter title PEMBAHASAN written in uppercase, bold, and double space below BAB 6 without period.

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c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized.

Discussion chapter must at least include the followings: a. Answer to the research question, or how the objective is obtained. b. Meaning of the findings. c. Dissemination of the findings to the specific group of sciences d. Support or critique of an existing theory, modification of an

existing theory, or proposal for a new theory. e. Description of further implication of the research findings,

including limitations and possible development in the future. CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION

a. Word BAB 7 is written at the center, 3 cm from the top end of the paper in uppercase and bold without period.

b. Chapter title CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION written in uppercase, bold, and double space below BAB 7 without period.

c. Sub-chapter titles are given twice double space below the chapter title, bold and with each word being capitalized. 7.1 Conclusion (Simpulan)

Conclusion is not a summary. It must be directly related to the problem statement and research objective.

7.2 Recommendation (Saran)

a. Based on result, discussion, and conclusion. b. Should be in detail and operational statement, making it easy for

further research. c. Can be directed to the university, government bodies, private

institutions, or other competent/related parties. C. BACK MATTER Back matter of the undergraduate thesis consists of: 1. References

a. Literature listed in the reference section must be cited inside the text, and vice versa.

b. Literature to be used are textbooks and scientific articles published within 5 years prior to the writing, with a composition of 30% textbook and 70% scientific articles.

2. Appendix

Appendix consists of additional notes of information deemed important for the research.

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Chapter 2

WRITING FORMAT AND REFERENCING STYLE 2.1 WRITING FORMAT 2.1.1 Language and punctuation Proposal and undergraduate thesis are written in academic Bahasa Indonesia with the proper use of punctuation according to the standardized format of Bahasa Indonesia (EYD). 2.1.2 Paper and cover a. Body of the text uses white 80 gsm HVS A4 paper. b. Outer cover uses yellow hardcover with embossed typing. c. Inner cover uses white HVS paper with embossed typing. 2.1.3 Typing format a. Texts are typed in double space and justified. b. Title for graph, figure, table and schematic; references; and

abstract are typed in single space. c. Font to be used in the text body is Times New Roman size 12 with

foreign words being italicized. d. New paragraphs are indented 1 tab (5 characters). e. Chapter body or sub-chapter title starts after 2 double space under

the chapter title. f. Chapter body and the next sub-chapter title is to be given 3

spaces. g. Sub-chapters are numbered as below (left-aligned):

1. ..................... 1.1. .................. 1.1.2. ............... ............ a. ................ 1. ............... 2. ................ b. ................... Numbering must not be more than 4 digits.

2.1.4 Margins a. 3 cm top margin b. 3 cm bottom margin

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c. 4 cm left margin d. 3 cm right margin 2.1.5 Page number a. Front matter is numbered as lowercase Roman alphabet (i, ii, iii,

and so on). Pages with chapter title are numbered on the bottom center, 4 spaces under the text. The rests of the text body are numbered on the to-right corner.

b. Outer cover is not included in the numbering. Inner cover is included, but the page number is not typed on the page.

c. Appendices are not numbered. 2.1.6 Tables and figures a. Tables are numbered in Arabic according to the chapter in which it is included, followed with the order of the table, also in Arabic number. Example: Tabel 2.1 (the first table that appears in chapter 2). b. Tables must be titled on top of it. c. Figures are numbered in Arabic according to the chapter in which

it is included, followed with the order of the figure, also in Arabic number. Example: Gambar 2.1 (the first figure that appears in chapter 2).

d. Figures must be titled on the bottom. e. Large tables or figures can be presented on larger folded paper. f. Tables and figures taken from other sources must be cited. 2.2 REFERENCING STYLE Faculty of Dental Medicine uses Harvard Referencing Style. 2.2.1 In-text citation a. Write the name of the author, followed by the year of publication

and the page. b. If more than one author are to be cited, the order follows the year

of publication (Smith 1991, p. 23; Brown 2003, p. 67). c. State the page number whenever possible. d. Details on in-text citation can be seen in Appendix 10. 2.2.2 Referencing a. References only consists of literatures cited in the text. b. References are alphabetically ordered based on the name of the

author. c. Name of institution can be used as replacement for the author if


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d. Details on referencing can be seen in Appendix 10.

Ditetapkan di : Surabaya Pada tanggal : Desember 2015 Dekan,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

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Lampiran 1a: Sampul Depan Proposal Skripsi (Soft Cover) TEKNIK DISINFEKSI CETAKAN ALGINAT DENGAN INFUSA




TINA TOON NIM : 020234567890



2015 Lampiran 19

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Lampiran 1b: Sampul Depan Skripsi (Hard Cover)





TINA TOON NIM : 020234567890



2015 20 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 2a: Sampul Dalam Proposal Skripsi




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2015 Lampiran 21

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Lampiran 2b: Sampul Dalam Skripsi





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2015 22 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 3a: Halaman Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi





Disusun Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi di

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya


TINA TOON NIM : 020234567890


Pembimbing Utama Pembimbing Serta

(Dr. Syahrini, drg., Sp. Pros) (Dr. Fatin Shidqia, drg., M.Kes., Sp. Pros) NIP: 195905051984032001 NIP: 195604301977032001



Lampiran 23

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Lampiran 3b: Halaman Pengesahan Skripsi





Disusun Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya


TINA TOON NIM : 020234567890


Pembimbing Utama Pembimbing Serta

(Dr. Syahrini, drg., Sp. Pros) (Dr. Fatin Shidqia, drg., M.Kes., Sp. Pros) NIP: 195905051984032001 NIP: 195604301977032001



24 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 4a: Penetapan Panitia Penguji Proposal Skripsi PENETAPAN PANITIA PENGUJI PROPOSAL SKRIPSI

Skripsi ini telah diuji pada tanggal 12 Juni 2014 PANITIA PENGUJI PROPOSAL SKRIPSI 1. Dr. Syahrini, drg., Sp. Pros. (Ketua Penguji/Pembimbing Utama) 2. Dr. Fatin Shidqia, drg., M. Kes. Sp. Pros. (Sekretaris

Penguji/Pembimbing Serta) 3. Ahmad Rudiansyah, drg., Sp. Pros.(K) (Anggota Penguji) 4. Dias Anggana, drg., M.Kes., Sp. Pros. (Anggota Penguji) 5. Suradji, drg., M.Kes. (Anggota Penguji)

Lampiran 25

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Lampiran 4b: Penetapan Panitia Penguji Skripsi PENETAPAN PANITIA PENGUJI SKRIPSI

Skripsi ini telah diuji pada tanggal 5 Januari 2015 PANITIA PENGUJI SKRIPSI

1. Dr. Syahrini, drg., Sp. Pros. (Ketua Penguji/Pembimbing Utama) 2. Dr. Fatin Shidqia, drg., M. Kes. Sp. Pros. (Sekretaris

Penguji/Pembimbing Serta) 3. Ahmad Rudiansyah, drg., Sp. Pros.(K) (Anggota Penguji) 4. Dias Anggana, drg., M.Kes., Sp. Pros. (Anggota Penguji) 5. Suradji, drg., M.Kes. (Anggota Penguji) 26 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 5: Halaman Ucapan Terima Kasih

UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Puji syukur saya panjatkan pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala rakhmat dan karuniaNya sehingga skripsi ini dapat diselesaikan. Perkenankanlah saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada : 1. ........ (nama dekan) selaku Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas

Airlangga yang telah memberi kesempatan untuk menempuh pendidikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga.

2. ........ (nama ketua departemen) selaku Ketua Departemen yang telah memberi ijin untuk pembuatan skripsi ………

3. ........ (nama pembimbing utama) ........ 4. ........ (nama pembimbing serta) ......... 5. ........ nama personal lain yang relevan dalam pembuatan skripsi Penulis menyadari bahwa penulisan skripsi ini masih membutuhkan penyempurnaan, oleh karena itu penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun. Semoga skripsi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang memerlukan.

Surabaya, Januari 2015


Lampiran 27

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ABSTRACT Background: Alginate was often used as an impression material. Dental cast of the patient’s mouth could be a transmission’s agent of infection to dentist and dental technicians. As a prevention of infection’s transmission to dental impressions, was disinfected by spray or immersion techniques. 25% Piper betle L. infusum could be used as disinfectant for this impression. Purpose: Knowing the dimensional changes of alginate impressions after disinfected 25% Piper betle L. infusum either by spraying or immersion techniques. Methods: Alginate impressions of a master model of brass metal were made and disinfected with 25% Piper betle L. infusum using the spray and immersion techniques for 10 minutes. Impressions were cast in dental stone and the linear dimensional differences between the cylinders’ diameters and the inter-cylinders distances were measured with a caliper. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD. Result: There were a statistically significant differences the cylinders’ diameters and the inter-cylinders distances of alginate impressions after disinfected by either spraying or immersion techniques, were compared with the master model. Conclusion: The spray technique of 25% Piper betle L. infusum produces smaller the dimensional changes of alginate impressions than the immersion technique.

Key words: Disinfection, alginate impression, 25% Piper betle L. infusum, spray technique, immersion technique 28 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 6b: Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia (Abstrak) TEKNIK DISINFEKSI CETAKAN ALGINAT DENGAN INFUSA DAUN SIRIH (Piper betle L.) 25% TERHADAP PERUBAHAN DIMENSI ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Alginat sering digunakan sebagai bahan cetak. Hasil cetakan gigi dari mulut pasien dapat menjadi agen penularan infeksi terhadap dokter gigi maupun teknisi laboratorium. Pencegahan penularan infeksi dilakukan dengan pemberian disinfektan baik dengan cara disemprot atau direndam. Infusa daun sirih 25% dapat digunakan sebagai disinfektan pada cetakan alginat. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perubahan dimensi cetakan alginat setelah didisinfeksi infusa daun sirih 25% baik dengan cara disemprot maupun direndam. Metode: Cetakan alginat dicetakkan pada model master kuningan. Hasil cetakan didisinfeksi menggunakan infusa daun sirih 25%, dengan cara disemprot atau direndam, selama 10 menit. Cetakan alginat diisi gipsum, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran dimeter silinder dan jarak antar silinder menggunakan kaliper. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA serta LSD. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan ukuran diameter silinder dan jarak antar silinder pada model gipsum setelah didisinfeksi baik dengan cara disemprot atau direndam, dibandingkan dengan model master. Simpulan: Disinfektan infusa daun sirih 25% dengan teknik semprot menghasilkan perubahan dimensi cetakan alginat yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan teknik direndam. Kata kunci: Disinfeksi, cetakan alginat, infusa daun sirih 25%, teknik semprot, teknik rendam Lampiran 29

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Lampiran 7: Halaman Daftar Isi


Halaman Sampul Depan ........................................................................................ i Sampul Dalam ........................................................................................ ii Lembar Pengesahan ............................................................................... iii Penetapan Panitia Penguji .................................................................... iv Ucapan Terima Kasih ............................................................................ v Abstract ..................................................................................................... vi Abstrak .................................................................................................... vii Daftar Isi .................................................................................................. viii Daftar Tabel ............................................................................................ ix Daftar Gambar ........................................................................................ x Daftar Lampiran ..................................................................................... xi Daftar Singkatan ..................................................................................... xii

BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN ..................................................................... 1 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah ................................................................. 1 1.2 Rumusan Masalah ........................................................................... 3 1.3 Tujuan Penelitian ............................................................................ 3

1.3.1 Tujuan Umum .............................................................................. 3 1.3.2 Tujuan Khusus .............................................................................. 3

1.4 Manfaat Penelitian .......................................................................... 4

BAB 2. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ............................................................ 5 2.1 Material Cetak ................................................................................. 6 2.2 Material Cetak Alginat ................................................................... 7 2.3 Disinfeksi .......................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 .......................................................................................................... 2.3.2 .......................................................................................................... 2.4 ............................................................................................................. 2.5 Mekanisme aksi disinfeksi terhadap perubahan dimensi alginat 2.5.1 .......................................................................................................... 2.5.2 ..........................................................................................................

BAB 3. KERANGKA KONSEPTUAL DAN HIPOTESIS PENELITIAN 3.1 Kerangka Konseptual Penelitian .................................................. 3.2 Hipotesis Penelitian ........................................................................ 30 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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BAB 4. METODE PENELITIAN .......................................................... 4.1 Jenis Penelitian ................................................................................ 4.2 Rancangan Penelitian ..................................................................... 4.3 Populasi ............................................................................................ 4.3 Sampel .............................................................................................. 4.4 Variabel Penelitian .......................................................................... 4.5 Definisi Operasional Variabel ....................................................... 4.6 Instrumen Penelitian ...................................................................... 4.7 Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian ........................................................ 4.8 Bahan dan Alat ................................................................................ 4.9 Cara Kerja ......................................................................................... 4.10 Prosedur Pengambilan Data ........................................................ 4.11 Pengolahan dan Analisis Data .................................................... BAB 5. HASIL PENELITIAN ................................................................ Data Penelitian ....................................................................................... Analisis dan Hasil Penelitian ............................................................... BAB 6. PEMBAHASAN ....................................................................... BAB 7. SIMPULAN DAN SARAN ..................................................... 7.1 Simpulan .......................................................................................... 7.2 Saran .................................................................................................. DAFTAR PUSTAKA .............................................................................. LAMPIRAN ............................................................................................ Lampiran 31

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Lampiran 8: Halaman Daftar Tabel

DAFTAR TABEL Tabel 2.1 Komposisi bahan cetak alginat.................................................... 5 Tabel 2.2 Mekanisme kerja disinfektan pada mikroorganisme .. 9 Tabel 2.3 Mikroorganisme rongga mulut ................................................. 10 Tabel 2.4 Klasifikasi tanaman kemangi .................................................... 13 Tabel 5.1 Nilai rerata diameter silinder model gipsum hasil

pengisian cetakan alginat yang telah direndam dalam ekstrak daunkemangi 5% (mm) ................................................ 31

Tabel 5.2 Hasil analisis uji ANAVA satu arah pada diameter silinder model gipsum 32

32 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 9: Halaman Daftar Gambar

DAFTAR GAMBAR Gambar 2.1 Daun kemangi (Ocimum basilicum L) ....................................... 15 Gambar 3.1 Kerangka konsep perubahan dimensi cetakan alginat

setelah didisinfeksi dengan ekstrak daun kemangi 5% .. 16 Gambar 4.1 Model master. 1. Analog gigi molar pertama kanan; 2.

Analog gigi kaninus kanan; 3. Analog gigi kaninus kiri; 4. Analog gigi molar pertama kiri ........................................... 20

Gambar 4.2 Beberapa alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan ekstrak daun kemangi 5%. 1. Mesin penggiling daun kemangi kering; 2. Daun kemangi

kering yang telah dihaluskan; 3. Rotary evaporator 24 Gambar 4.3 Beberapa alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam

pembuatan sampel. 1. Model master; 2. Hasil cetakan alginat dalam sendok cetak individu; 3. Pengisian gipsum pada cetakan alginat................................................... 24

Gambar 4.4 Pencetakan adonan alginat pada model master menggunakan sendok cetak individu 27

Lampiran 33

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an Penulisan Skripsi

Lampiran 10: Cara Merujuk Daftar Pustaka Sistem Harvard Book Elements of the citation Author(s) of book – family name and initials Year of publication, Title of book – italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication.

In-text examples End Note and

Reference type Reference list example RefWorks (which (penulisan sitasi di dalam naskah) reference type?)

Single author Sophisticated searching techniques are Berkman, RI 1994, Find It fast: how Book important in finding information (Berkman to uncover expert information on 1994, p. 25) any subject, HarperPerennial, OR New York, pp. 20-5. Berkman (1994, p. 25) claimed that … OR Berkman (1994, pp. 30-5) agrees that …

2 authors … from an engineering perspective (Cengel Cengel, YA & Boles, MA 1994, Book & Boles 1994, p. 13) Thermodynamics: an engineering OR approach, 2nd edn, McGraw Cengel and Boles (1994, p. 13) found … Hill, London, pp. 10-6.

3 authors … as previously demonstrated (Reid, Reid, DH, Parsons, MB & Green, Book Parsons & Green 1989, p. 76) CW 1989, Staff management in human services: behavioral research and application, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, pp. 73-9.

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In-text examples

End Note and Reference type Reference list example RefWorks (which

(penulisan sitasi di dalam naskah) reference type?)

4 or more authors … neck pain caused by whiplash (Jull et al. Jull, G, Sterling, M, Fallah, D, Book 2008, p. 15). OR Treleaven, J & O’Leary, S 2008, Jull et al. (2008, p. 15) have argued … Whiplash headache and neck pain: research-based directions for physical therapies, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 10-9.

No author … already mentioned (Be, know, do: Be, know, do: leadership the Army Book leadership the Army way 2004, p. 80). way 2004, Jossey-Bass, San OR Francisco, pp. 71-82. In Be, know, do: leadership the Army way Insert alphabetically into the (2004, p. 80) there is an interesting example Reference List. …

Multiple works … geology of Queensland’s national parks Willmott, WF 2004, Rocks and Book by the same (Willmott 2004, p. 12; 2006, p. 103). landscapes of the national author parks of southern Queensland,

Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, pp. 7-13. Willmott, WF 2006, Rocks and landscapes of the national parks of central Queensland, Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, pp. 100-14. Order chronologically from in the reference list.

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an Penulisan Skripsi

In-text examples

End Note and Reference type Reference list example RefWorks (which

(penulisan sitasi di dalam naskah) reference type?)

Multiple works … geographically speaking (Dawkins Dawkins, R 1996a, Climbing Mount Book by the same 1996a, p. 23; 1996b, p. 67) Improbable, Viking, London, author, published pp. 20-31. in the same year Dawkins, R 1996b, River out of

Eden, Phoenix, London, pp. 61-9. Order alphabetically by title in the reference list

Two or more … rock formations (Dawkins 1996, p. 23; Dawkins, R 1996, Climbing Mount Book works by different Willmott 2004, p. 12) Improbable, Viking, London. authors pp. 20-31.

Willmott, WF 2004, Rocks and landscapes of the national parks of southern Queensland, Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, pp. 7-13.

Book by an … in the case of an institution (Australian Australian Government Publishing Book organisation or Government Publishing Service 1987, p. 11) Service 1987, Commonwealth institution . printing and publishing manual,

2nd edn, A.G.P.S., Canberra, pp. 11-8.

Page 48: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang


In-text examples

End Note and Reference type Reference list example RefWorks (which

(penulisan sitasi di dalam naskah) reference type?)

Different … the meaning of educational research Pring, R 2004, Philosophy of Book Editions (Pring 2004, p. 33). educational research, 2nd edn,

Continuum, London, pp. 29- 38. The edition statement is placed after the title of the work. This is not necessary for a first edition.

Edited book … some findings (ed. Sjostrand 1993, p. 99) Sjostrand, S (ed.) 1993, Institutional Edited book OR change: theory and empirical … optics defined (eds Pike & Sarkar 1986, findings, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, p. 67) N.Y, p. 99

Pike, ER & Sarkar, S (eds) 1986, Frontiers in quantum optics, Adam Hilger, Bristol, p. 99.

Book Series In defining permutation groups Bhattacharjee, M 1998, Notes of Book Bhattacharjee (1998, p. 73) … infinite permutation groups, Lecture notes in mathematics no.1698, Springer, New York, p. 73


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38 Chapter in a book Elements of the citation Author(s) of chapter – family name and initials Year of publication, ‘Title of chapter – in single quotation marks’, in Editor(s) of book (eds), Title of book – italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Page numbers.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Chapter in an Bernstein (1995, p. 243) Bernstein, D 1995, ‘Transportation Book section edited book explained intelligent traffic planning’, in WF Chen (ed.), The civil

flows. engineering handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 231-61.


an Penulisan Skripsi

Conference paper Elements of the citation Author(s) of paper – family name and initials Year of publication, ‘Title of paper – in single quotation marks’, Title of published proceedings which may include place held and date(s) – italicised, Publisher, Place of Publication, Page number(s), (viewed date-in-full, URL – if accessed electronically).

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Published Bourassa (1999, p. 44) Bourassa, S 1999, ‘Effects of child care on Conference proceeding conference paper emphasised … young children’, Proceedings of the third

annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology, International Society for Child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 44-6.

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Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Unpublished … estimating partner conference paper change (Bowden and

Fairley 1996, p. 56)

Bowden, FJ & Fairley, CK 1996, ‘Endemic Conference paper STDs in the Northern Territory: estimations of effective rates of partner change’, paper presented to the scientific meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians, Darwin, 24-25 June. pp. 51-9.

Journal Article Elements of the citation

Author(s) of journal article – family name and initials Year of publication, ‘Title of journal article – in single quotation marks’, Title of journal – italicised, Volume, Issue or number, Page number(s), (viewed date-in-full, URL – if accessed electronically).

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Journal articles Huffman (1996, p. 48) Huffman, LM 1996, ‘Processing whey Journal article

expanded on the theory … protein for use as a food ingredient’, OR Food Technology, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 49-52. … uses for whey protein (Huffman 1996, pp. 48.


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Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks

(which reference type?)

Electronic journal … changes in resource Daniel, TT 2009, ‘Learning from simpler Electronic article in article with page management (Daniel 2009, times’, Risk Management, vol. 56, no. EndNote numbers p. 41) 1, pp. 40-44, viewed 30 January 2009, Journal article with <>. Electronic type chosen in For an article retrieved from a database, Refworks. it is sufficient to give the URL of the database site.

Electronic journal … the discipline of art Donahue-Wallace, K & Chanda, J 2005, Electronic article in End article without history (Donahue-Wallace ‘A case study in integrating the best Note page numbers & Chanda 2005, p. 13) practices of face-to-face art history and Journal article with online teaching’, Interactive Multimedia Electronic type chosen in Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Refworks. Learning, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 10-7, viewed 30 January 2009, <http://imej.wfu. edu/articles/2005/1/01/index.asp>.

Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Thesis Elements of the citation Author of thesis – family name and initials Year of preparation of thesis, ‘Title of thesis – in single quotation marks’, Award, Institution issuing degree, Location of institution.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Thesis Exelby (1997, p. 17) Exelby, HRA 1997, ‘Aspects of gold and Thesis described the process … mineral liberation’, PhD thesis, OR University of Queensland, Brisbane, … processing gold (Exelby pp. 11-32. 1997, p. 17) The title is not italicised and is placed in quotation marks.

Report Elements of the citation Author(s) of report – (person or organisation) Year of Publication, Title of report - italicised, Report number (if available), Publisher/ Institution, Place of publication, (viewed date-in-full, URL - if accessed electronically).

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Print report … in Queensland Mortimer, M. & Cox, M 1999, Contaminants Report waterways (Mortimer & in mud crabs and sediments from the Cox 1999, p. 177) Maroochy River, Environment technical report no. 25, Queensland Department of the Environment, Brisbane, pp. 167- 78.

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Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Electronic report … young children’s Rathbun, AH, West, J & Hausken, EG 2003, schooling (Rathbun, West Young children’s access to computers & Hausken 2003, p. 5) in the home and at school in 1999 and 2000, NCES-2003-036, National Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC, pp. 1-8, viewed 4 November 2003, < pubs2003/2003036.pdf>.


an Penulisan Skripsi

Newspaper and magazine article Elements of the citation Author(s) of article – family name and initials Year of publication, ‘Title of article – in single quotation marks’, Title of newspaper – italicised, Day month, Page number(s).

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Newspaper article ... as seen in the move Simpson, L 1997, ‘Tasmania’s railway goes Newspaper article (print) to privatise the railway private’, Australian Financial Review, 13

(Simpson 1997, p. 10) October, p. 10.

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Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Newspaper article … government has been Porteous, C 2007, ‘Rudd blamed for (web) blamed for the water drought’, Courier Mail, 15 August, p.

shortage (Porteous 2007, 17, viewed 27 February 2009, <http:// p. 17).>. For an article retrieved from a database, it is sufficient to give the URL of the database site.


Web page Elements of the citation Author(s) of page – (person or organisation) Year (page created or revised), Title of page - italicised, description of document (if applicable), name of the sponsor of the page (if applicable), viewed date-in-full, URL.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Web page with … this agreement Albanese, A 2009, Fairer compensation for Web page author (Albanese 2009, p. 43) air travellers, media release, 29 January,

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, pp. 41-9, viewed 30 January 2009, <http://www.minister. January/AA007_2009.htm>.

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an Penulisan Skripsi

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Web page with … in this subject guide University of Queensland Library 2009, Web page corporate or (University of Queensland Mechanical engineering subject guide, organisational Library 2009, p. 11) University of Queensland Library, pp. author 10-9, viewed 6 February 2009, <http:// php?title= Mechanical+Engineering>.

Web page with … it has been argued that Bliss, SE n.d., The effect of emotional intelligence Web page no date of emotional intelligence on a modern organizational leader’s ability to publication is a combination of make effective decisions, viewed 10 February

competencies (Bliss n.d.) 2008, <>. Patent Elements of the citation Author(s) of patent – family name and initials Year of issue, Title of patent- italicised, Number of patent including country of issue.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Patent … gas insulated Cookson, AH 1985, Particle trap for Patent transmission systems compressed gas insulated transmission (Cookson 1985) systems, US Patent 4554399.

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Standard Elements of the citation Corporate body issuing standard Year of publication, Title of standard- italicised, Number of standard including identifier of issuing country or body, Publisher of standard, Place of publication.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Standard … steels are classified International Organization for Standard (International Organization Standardization 1982, Steels - for Standardization 1982) classification - part 1: classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steels based on chemical composition, ISO 4948- 1:1982, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.

Map Elements of the citation

Issuing body Year of publication, Title of map – italicised, Series (if available), Publisher, Place of publication.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Map … reading this map Department of Mines and Energy, Map (Department of Mines and Queensland 1996, Dotswood, Australia Energy, Queensland 1996) 1:100 000 geological series, sheet 8158, Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland, Brisbane. 45

Page 57: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS WRITING MANUAL Faculty of menetapkan Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi; b. bahwa nama-nama yang

46 Personal communication Elements of the citation Information obtained by interview, telephone call, letter or email should be documented in the text, but should NOT be included in the list of References.

Reference type In-text examples Reference list example End Note and RefWorks (which reference type?)

Personal When interviewed on 15 Do not include in the Reference List Personal communication communication June 1995, Dr Peter Jones

explained that … OR This was later verbally confirmed (P Jones 1995, pers. comm., 15 June).


an Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 11a: Penilaian Naskah Proposal Skripsi



No Unsur yang dinilai Acuan nilai Nilai maksimal penguji

1 Judul 10 (Kesesuaian judul dan isi, singkat, jelas, maksimal 12 kata)

2 Pendahuluan 25 (Relevansi latar belakang secara jelas)

3 Kerangka konseptual 35 (Relevansi landasan teori dengan konsep penelitian)

4 Metode Penelitian 25 (Relevansi dengan variabel yang akan di ukur)

5 Daftar Pustaka 5 (Konsistensi sesuai dengan sistem Harvard) TOTAL NILAI 100

Nama Penguji : .....................................................

Tanggal Ujian : .....................................................

Tanda Tangan : .....................................................

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Lampiran 11b: Penilaian Ujian Proposal Skripsi



No Unsur yang dinilai Acuan nilai Nilai maksimal penguji

1 Kelengkapan dan kejelasan materi dalam 25 penyajian

2 Cara presentasi 25 3 Kemampuan beragumentasi secara logis 50

dan obyektif dalam menjawab pertanyaan TOTAL NILAI 100

NILAI AKHIR PROPOSAL SKRIPSI: (Nilai Proses×30%) + (Nilai Naskah Skripsi×30%) + (Nilai Ujian Skripsi×40%) = ...................... Nilai Huruf Nilai Angka

Nama Penguji

A ≥ 75,0 ............................................. AB 70,0 – 74,9

NIP : B 65,0 – 69,9 BC 60,0 – 64,9

Tanggal Ujian : C 55,0 – 59,9 D 40,0 – 54,9

Tanda Tangan : E < 40 48 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 11c: Penilaian Naskah Skripsi


JUDUL SKRIPSI : NAMA / NIM : DEPARTEMEN : No Unsur yang dinilai Acuan nilai Nilai penguji

maksimal 1 Judul 5

(Kesesuaian judul dan isi, singkat, jelas, maksimal 12 kata)

2 Abstrak 5 (Menggambarkan isi naskah singkat)

3 Pendahuluan 10 (Relevansi latar belakang secara jelas)

4 Kerangka konseptual 20 (Relevansi landasan teori dengan konsep penelitian)

5 Hasil dan analisis data 20 (Relevansi data yang didapat dengan statistik yang digunakan)

6 Pembahasan 30 (Relevansi antara permasalahan, hasil lingkup penelitian dengan tinjauan pustaka)

7 Simpulan 5 (Kesesuaian antara judul dengan permasalahan)

8 Daftar Pustaka (Konsistensi sesuai dengan sistem 5 Harvard) TOTAL NILAI 100

Nama Penguji : ..................................................... Tanggal Ujian

: .................................. ...................

Tanda Tangan : .....................................................

Lampiran 49

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Lampiran 11d: Penilaian Ujian Skripsi





No Unsur yang dinilai Acuan nilai Nilai maksimal penguji

1 Kelengkapan dan kejelasan materi dalam 25 penyajian

2 Cara presentasi 25 3 Kemampuan beragumentasi secara logis 50

dan obyektif dalam menjawab pertanyaan TOTAL NILAI 100 NILAI AKHIR SKRIPSI = (Nilai Proses×30%) + (Nilai Naskah Skripsi×30%) + (Nilai Ujian Skripsi×40%) = ...................... Nilai Huruf Nilai Angka

Nama Penguji : A ≥ 75,0 AB 70,0 – 74,9

NIP : B 65,0 – 69,9 BC 60,0 – 64,9

Tanggal Ujian : C 55,0 – 59,9 D 40,0 – 54,9

Tanda Tangan : E < 40 50 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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Lampiran 12: Penilaian Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Skripsi (Nilai Proses)




No Sasaran penilaian Acuan nilai Nilai maksimal pembimbing

1 Kejujuran 35 2 Inisiatif dan kreativitas 15 3 Disiplin 15 4 Tanggung jawab dan ketekunan 20 5 Kerjasama 15


Surabaya, ..............................

Pembimbing Utama/Serta Proposal Skripsi/Skripsi

................................................. NIP.

Catatan: 1. Penilaian tersebut di atas hanya diberikan oleh Dosen Pembimbing,

yaitu Pembimbing Utama dan Pembimbing Serta. 2. Nilai proses diperoleh dari

Pembimbing Utama + Pembimbing Serta = 2

Lampiran 51

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Lampiran 13: Format Penulisan e-jurnal

KERANGKA SISTEMATIKA PENULISAN E- JURNAL Secara berurutan kerangka penulisan e-jurnal seperti di bawah ini: 1. Jumlah kata dalam naskah e-jurnal maksimal 3000 kata. 2. JUDUL: menggambarkan isi pokok tulisan secara ringkas dan jelas,

ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris 3. NAMA–NAMA PENELITI: disertai catatan tentang profesi, nama

departemen dari instansi tempat penulis bekerja 4. ABSTRAK: ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, tidak

lebih dari 250 kata, dan merupakan intisari seluruh tulisan, meliputi: background, purpose, method, results, conclusion. Di bawah abstrak ditulis 3 – 5 kata kunci (key words). Abstrak dibuat satu paragraf.

5. PENDAHULUAN: meliputi latar belakang masalah, ringkasan tinjauan pustaka, rumusan masalah serta tujuan penelitian dan harapan untuk waktu yang akan datang.

6. BAHAN DAN METODE: berisi penjelasan tentang bahan dan alat yang digunakan, waktu, tempat, teknik dan rancangan percobaan. Metode harus dijelaskan secara singkat dan lengkap (ABC= accurate, brief and clear).

7. HASIL: dikemukakan dengan jelas bila perlu dengan ilustrasi maksimal 4 bisa berupa gambar/grafik/diagram dan tabel. Hasil yang telah dijelaskan dengan tabel atau ilustrasi tidak perlu diuraikan terlalu panjang dalam teks.

8. PEMBAHASAN: menjelaskan posisi penelitian terhadap penelitian sejenis yang sudah dilakukan. Pembahasan harus relevan dengan permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian, diakhiri dengan paragraf simpulan (tanpa sub judul simpulan) dan saran untuk pengembangan hasil penelitian (jika ada).

9. UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH: ditujukan pada semua pihak yang membantu, bila memang ada dan harus diterangkan sejelas mungkin. Ucapan terima kasih diletakkan pada akhir naskah, sebelum daftar pustaka.

10. DAFTAR PUSTAKA: disusun dengan sistem Vancouver. Setiap nama pengarang diberi nomor urut sesuai dengan urutan pemunculan dalam naskah, dan mencantumkan : a. Untuk buku: nama penulis, editor (bila ada), judul lengkap buku,

kota penerbit, penerbit, tahun penerbitan, volume, edisi dan nomor halaman.

52 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi

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b. Untuk terbitan berkala: nama penulis, judul tulisan, judul terbitan (disingkat sesuai dengan Index Medicus), tahun penerbitan, volume dan nomor halaman.

c. Contoh penulisan daftar pustaka: 1. Anusavice KJ. Phillips’ science of dental material. 12th ed. St.

Louis: Elsevier Science; 2013. pp. 487-91. 2. Maldonado A, Swartz ML. Perry CF. An in vitro study of

certain properties of a glass ionomer cement. J Am Dent Assoc 2011; 96(2): 785-91.

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Lampiran 14: Daftar Singkatan


Singkatan Lengkapnya Artinya Ante ante di atas, sebelumnya post post setelahnya art (arts) article (articles) artikel cf confere bandingkan dengan cf.ante confere ante bandingkan dengan hal

terdahulu confere post bandingkan dengan hal yang

dikemukakan chap. chapter bab col column lajur cp. compare bandingkan c.s cum suis dan kawan-kawan div. division bagian ed editor, edited ,edision editor, dieditkan, edisi ed.cit edition citato edisi yang telah dikutip e.g. example gratia misalnya et alter dan yang lain et.seq et sequentes dan berikutnya etc. et cetera dan sebagainya f. (ff) following halaman , baris berikutnya fig. figure gambar h. (hh) halaman halaman ibid. (ib) ibidem yang sama i.e id est ialah infra infra di bawah l. (ll.) live (lives) baris loc.cit. loco citato pada halaman yang sama n note catatan n.d. note date tanpa tanggal (tahun) n.m no name tanpa nama n.p no place tanpa tempat op.cit opere citato pada karangan yang sama p. (pp.) page (pages) halaman pt part bagian r recto halaman kanan buku terbuka sect (sec,) section seksi ser. series seri

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Singkatan Lengkapnya Artinya st. stanza bait sup supra di atas trans (tr.) translated (translation) diterjemahkan (terjemahan) v. verso halaman kiri buku terbuka v. (vv.) verse (verses) sajak v. vide lihat viz videlicet ialah vol. (vols) volume (volumes) jilid

Lampiran 55

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