Page 1: Uncovering the Meanings of the Beautiful Names of ALLAH (swt) · Though if we find out that a certain name of Allah is mentioned more frequently in an association of another, at that

American Journal of Humanities & Islamic Studies Vol: 1 (2), 2018


Uncovering the Meanings of the Beautiful Names of ALLAH (swt)

Dina Geumei Al-Huda University

1902 Baker Rd, Houston, TX 77094 Abstract

The current study struggles to highlight the different meaning of the names of Allah (swt).

Believers know that Allah perfected his book the Holy Quran, and that He (swt) mentioned every

single word in its right place and right order. Though if we find out that a certain name of Allah

is mentioned more frequently in an association of another, at that point, one should give it a

reasoning portraying that Allah is conveying to us a message that we need to decipher. It is like

solving a puzzle concentrating the reasoning of specific arrangement of Allah’s names.

Keywords: Islam; Names of Allah (swt); Muslims; Believers; The Creator

Paper Type: Exploratory

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We belief that Allah All mighty had created our mighty brains with a natural curiosity, and

the most among all that humans are curious about is to know their beloved Lord, the one who

created and sustained them, which in turns, lead to the need to know him, but humans found two

paths to do so.

The First path, is through using their five sense and Seeing him in a Tangible form.

Disbelievers tried to know him thought their five senses by giving him multiple shapes and names.

(Idols). While the People of the book changed their revelation and gave the prophets his name and

identity, so they can imagine him in a constant Figure. So some of the Jews claimed that prophet

Izur (pbuh) is the lord and some Christians claimed that prophet Jesus pbuh is the lord.

The Second path, is through using the brain and seeing him in an Intangible form. Muslims sees

him with the eyes of wisdom through what was revealed in the Holly Quran. Logically speaking

this path is the right one, The lord can’t be seen because of multiple reasons, some of them are as

follows :

i. It is an essential part of the test we are having in this Worldly life .

ii. If the length of -one of his billions of creations- the Milky way galaxy is estimated to be

100,000 light years long and each light year is 10,000,000,000 Km and it is one among

trillion of clusters of universes, so what size will the creator be ?

iii. Human should understand that the blessing of sight is a gift granted by Allah and he limited

this capability to whatever will serve our purpose in this worldly life.

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Though how could Muslims know him then, or see him with the eyes of wisdom ?? They see

him through what he described his majesty in his revelations …which is basically our only window

to fulfill our desire and eagerness to know the all mighty GOD. But one should be extra careful

though because a wrong definition is a wrong answer to a lifelong test. Therefore, we have to stick

strictly to the authentic sources of knowledge. Authentic sources are : First , Quranic verses ;

where Allah describes himself , using his words. For example,

ھ إال ھو ـ ال إل لھ األسماء الحسنى ◌ هللا ( سورة طھ )

Allah, there is no god but Him . To Him belong The Most Perfect Names. ( Quran, 20:8)

another example is

ر الخالق البارئ المصو ماوات واألرض ◌ لھ األسماء الحسنى ◌ ھو هللا العزیز الحكیم وھو ◌ یسبح لھ ما في الس

سورة الحشر He is Allah, The Creator, The Maker, The Fashioner. To Him belong Most Perfect

Names. (Quran, 59:24).

Second, Alahadith; where the prophet Mohamed pbuh describes Allah , using his words.

For example, Hadith - Sahih Muslim and Bukhari 8:419, Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah has ninety-

nine Names, one hundred minus one, and whoever 'ahsaha' [enumerates them, believes in them,

ponders their meanings, worships Allah by them and supplicates with them, and acts by them

according to one's belief in them] will enter Paradise.

Lastly, Ahadith al Qudsia; where Allah describes himself using prophet Mohamed words.

From the researcher point of view, Allah Beautiful names are like the stars that light up the way to

know more about our humongous lord. And since human has the mental capacity of making

patterns , so they tried to reach more about the universe through viewing the constellations of the

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stars , like wise researchers in this topic tried to classify the 99 Names in different ways in an effort

to reach to deeper understanding to these beautiful names, so they classified them as follows :

i. Individual Attributes Vs. Attributes of Action.(ex. All knower vs. The creator )

ii. Attributes that start with particle ال VS. ل .(ex. The King vs. The One)

iii. Attributes that are opposites. (ex. The First vs. The Last)

iv. Attributes comes in the following phrases: كفى با= , كان هللا , على كل شیئ

But what the research would like to add to this body of knowledge is through questioning, if we

added one name to another, what would be added to our understanding of the All Mighty God.

Especially that it so common in Quranic verses that most the times Allah pair the names in the end

of some verses , as for example

خلقكم ثم یتوفاكم ومنكم من یرد إلى أرذل العمر لكي ال یعلم بعد علم علیم قدی وهللا ,An-Nahlر ( سورة النحل , شیئا إن هللا

Chapter #16 ,Verse #70


The researcher has met a lot of limitations and constrains, and in order to overcome them,

she used the following regulations in order to reach to the appropriate data to be used to dig deep

in the meaning of the Beautiful names of Allah :

1- In order to make the research feasible, the researcher focused on just one name of Allah,

which is the Creator/ الخالق , and search in all the names of Allah that is mentioned with it

in the same verses in the Holly Quran only, and see what will be revealed of new

understanding .

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2- In order to avoid falling in the sin of the innovation in the religion األبتداع that is prohibited,

the researcher will stick to the names that are mentioned in the Quranic verses together.

For example, In the Quran 13:16 “ Say, Allah is the Creator of everything and He is the

One, The Invincible.” ـر لق كل شىء وھو ٱلوٲحد ٱلقھ ـ خ قل ٱ=

3- In order to broaden the horizon of the research, the researcher will use all the Quranic

verses that has the base/root word " لق which is the verb "to create" to collect the data "خ

needed. Mainly because the creator as a name of Allah was mentioned in the Holly Quran

just five times (6:102)(13:16)(39:62)(40:62)(59:24)as follows :

ربكم Sھ إال ھو ذٲلڪم ٱ ـ لق ڪل شىء فٱعبدوه ال إل ـ )١٠٢ وھو على كل شىء وڪیل (خ

1- سورة االنعام

Sوٲت وٱألرض قل ٱ ـ م ب ٱلس ا وال قل من ر ا قل أفٱتخذتم من دونھۦ أولیاء ال یملكون ألنفسھم نفع قل ھل ضرت وٱلنور ـ بھ ٱلخلق یستوى ٱألعمى وٱلبصیر أم ھل تستوى ٱلظلم ـ شركاء خلقوا كخلقھۦ فتش S أم جعلوا لق كل شىء وھو ٱلوٲحد ٱلق علیہم ـ خ Sر ( قل ٱ ـ )١٦ھ

سورة الرعد


لق ڪل شىء ـ خ S٦٢ وھو على كل شىء وكیل (ٱ( مر -3 سورة الز

ھ إال ھو فأنى تؤفكون ( ـ إل لق ڪل شىء ال ـ ربكم خ S٦٢ذٲلڪم ٱ( غافرسورة


ر لق ٱلبارئ ٱلمصو ـ ٱلخ Sوٲت وٱألرض لھ ٱألسماء ٱلحسنى ھو ٱ ـ م وھو ٱلعزیز ٱلحكیم یسبح لھۥ ما فى ٱلس)٢٤(

سورة الحشر


4- In order to find all the Quranic verses, the researcher used a web search engine called "" , to search for the Quranic verses that mention either the word

لق .الخالق or خ

5- In order to avoid redundancy, the researcher compiled the names that have the same

meaning but in exaggeration format together. Like the name of Allah the capable with the

name of Allah the most capable, and the name of Allah the Forgiver with the name of

Allah the Oft Forgiver.

Data Collection

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Main Name Secondary Name

No. of Verses

The Verses

The Creator الخالق/

The One who brings everything

from nonexistence to existence

1- The All Able/ القدیر And The Able/ القادر The most capable, The One attributed

with Power

13 1- ھو المسیح ابن مریم لقد كفر الذین قالوا شیئا إن أراد أن إن هللا قل فمن یملك من هللاماوات واألرض وما ملك الس ھ ومن في األرض جمیعا و= یھلك المسیح ابن مریم وأم

على كل شيء قدیر بینھما یخلق ما یشاء وهللاAl-Maeda, Chapter #5 ,Verse #17, سورة المائدة (

2- خلقكم ثم یتوفاكم ومنكم من یرد إلى أرذل العمر لكي ال یعلم بعد علم شیئا إن هللا وهللا علیم قدیر

)An-Nahl, Chapter #16 ,Verse #70, سورة النحل (

اء فمنھم من یمشي على بطنھ ومنھم من یمشي على رجلین -3 خلق كل دابة من م وهللا ما یشاء ومنھم من یمشي على أربع على كل شيء قدیر یخلق هللا إن هللا

An-Noor, Chapter #24 ,Verse #45, سورة النور (

وھو الذي خلق من الماء بشرا فجعلھ نسبا وصھرا وكان ربك ق دیرا -4Al-Furqan, Chapter #25 ,Verse #54, سورة الفرقان (

على -5 ینشئ النشأة اآلخرة إن هللا قل سیروا في األرض فانظروا كیف بدأ الخلق ثم هللا كل شيء قدیر

Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29 ,Verse #20, سورة العنكبوت (

ة ضعفا وشیبة -6 ة ثم جعل من بعد قو الذي خلقكم من ضعف ثم جعل من بعد ضعف قو هللا یخلق ما یشاء وھو العلیم القدیر

)Ar-Room, Chapter #30 ,Verse #54, سورة الروم (

ثنى وثالث -7 ماوات واألرض جاعل المالئكة رسال أولي أجنحة م فاطر الس الحمد = على كل شيء قدیر ورباع یزید في الخلق ما یشاء إن هللا

Fatir, Chapter #35,Verse, سورة فاطر (

ماوات واألرض وما بث فیھما من دابة وھو على جمعھم إذا یشاء -8 ومن آیاتھ خلق الس قدیر

Ash-Shura ,Chapter #42 ,Verse #29, سورة الشورى (

ماوات واألرض ولم یعي بخلقھن بقادر على أن یحیي -9 الذي خلق الس أولم یروا أن هللا الموتى بلى إنھ على كل شيء قدیر

Al-Ahqaf, Chapter #46 ,Verse #33, سورة األحقاف (

على -10 ل األمر بینھن لتعلموا أن هللا الذي خلق سبع سماوات ومن األرض مثلھن یتنز هللا قد أحاط بكل شيء علما كل شيء قدیر وأن هللا

)At-Talaq, Chapter #65 ,Verse #12, سورة الطالق ( ماوات واألرض قادر على أن یخلق مثلھم وجعل لھم -11 الذي خلق الس أولم یروا أن هللا

أجال ال ریب فیھ فأبى الظالمون إال كفورا )Al-Isra, Chapter #17 ,Verse #99, سورة اإلسراء (

ق -12 ماوات واألرض بقادر على أن یخلق مثلھم بلى وھو الخال أولیس الذي خلق الس العلیم

Ya Seen, Chapter #36 ,Verse #81, سورة یس (

13- ماوات واألرض ملك الس كور یخلق = ما یشاء یھب لمن یشاء إناثا ویھب لمن یشاء الذ

جھم ذكرانا وإناثا ویجعل من یشاء عقیما إنھ علیم قدیر أو یزو

)Ash-Shura, Chapter #42 ,Verse #49 50, سورة الشورى (

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2- The All Knowing

العلیم /The One

nothing is absent

from His knowledg


اھن سبع سماوات -1 9 ماء فسو ا في األرض جمیعا ثم استوى إلى الس ھو الذي خلق لكم م وھو بكل شيء علیم

Al-Baqara, Chapter #2 ,Verse #29, سورة البقرة (

ماوات واألرض أنى یكون لھ ولد ولم تكن لھ صاحبة و خلق كل شيء وھو -2 بدیع الس بكل شيء علیم

)Al-Anaam, Chapter #6 ,Verse #101, سورة األنعام (

3- خلقكم ثم یتوفاكم ومنكم من یرد إلى أرذل العمر لكي ال یعلم بعد علم شیئا إن هللا وهللا70# Verse ,16# Nahl, Chapter-An , علیم قدیر ( سورة النحل

ة ضعفا وشیبة -4 ة ثم جعل من بعد قو الذي خلقكم من ضعف ثم جعل من بعد ضعف قو هللا

یخلق ما یشاء وھو العلیم القدیر )Ar-Room, Chapter #30 ,Verse #54, سورة الروم (

ة وھو بكل خلق علیم -5 ل مر قل یحییھا الذي أنشأھا أوYa Seen, Chapter #36 ,Verse #79, سورة یس (

ق العلیم -6 ماوات واألرض بقادر على أن یخلق مثلھم بلى وھو الخال أولیس الذي خلق السYa Seen, Chapter #36 ,Verse #81, سورة یس (

-7 یا أیھا الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند هللا

علیم خبیر أتقاكم إن هللاAl-Hujraat, Chapter #49 ,Verse #13, سورة الحجرات (

ماوات واألرض لیقولن خلقھن العزیز العلیم -8 ن خلق الس ولئن سألتھم مAz-Zukhruf, Chapter #43 ,Verse #9, سورة الزخرف (

9- ماوات واألرض ملك الس كور یخلق = ما یشاء یھب لمن یشاء إناثا ویھب لمن یشاء الذ

جھم ذكرانا وإناثا ویجعل من یشاء عقیما إنھ علیم قدیر أو یزو

Ash-Shura, Chapter #42 ,Verse #49 50, سورة الشورى ( 3- The All Mighty/ الع

زیز The

Almighty, The Self

Sufficient, The Most Honorable

ماوات واألرض -1 6 وھو الذي یبدأ الخلق ثم یعیده وھو أھون علیھ ولھ المثل األعلى في الس وھو العزیز الحكیم

)Ar-Room, Chapter #03 ,Verse #27, سورة الروم (

ر -2 ر النھار على اللیل وسخ ر اللیل على النھار ویكو ماوات واألرض بالحق یكو خلق السسمى أال ھو العزیز الغفار الشمس والقمر كل یجري ألجل م

Az-Zumar, Chapter #39 ,Verse #5, سورة الزمر (

ماوات واألرض لیقولن خلقھن العزیز العلیم -3 ن خلق الس ولئن سألتھم مAz-Zukhruf, Chapter #43 ,Verse #9, سورة الزخرف (

4- وھو العزیز الغفور م أحسن عمال الذي خلق الموت والحیاة لیبلوكم أیك Al-Mulk, Chapter #67 ,Verse #2, سورة الملك (

5- ر لھ األسماء الحسنى یسبح لھ ما في الخالق البارئ المصو ھو هللا

ماوات واألرض وھو العزیز الحكیم الس )Al-Hashr, Chapter #59 ,Verse #24, سورة الحشر (

في والمطلقات یتربصن بأنفسھن ثالثة قروء -6 وال یحل لھن أن یكتمن ما خلق هللا والیوم اآلخر ھن في ذ أرحامھن إن كن یؤمن با= ن أرادوا إصالحالك إ وبعولتھن أحق برد

جال علیھن درجة ولھن مثل الذي علیھن بالمعروف عزیز حكیم وللر وهللا

Al-Baqara, Chapter #2 ,Verse #228, سورة البقرة (

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4- The Most

Wise / الحكیم

The Judge of

Judges, The One who is

correct in His


ماوات واألرض بالحق ویوم یقول كن فیكون قولھ الحق ولھ الملك یوم 4 وھو الذي خلق السھادة وھو الحكیم الخبیر ور عالم الغیب والش ینفخ في الص

)Al-Anaam, Chapter #6 ,Verse #73, سورة األنعام (

ماوات واألرض وھو الذي یبدأ الخلق ثم یعیده وھو أھون علیھ ولھ المثل األعلى في الس وھو العزیز الحكیم

)Ar-Room, Chapter #30 ,Verse #27, سورة الروم (

ماوات واألرض ر لھ األسماء الحسنى یسبح لھ ما في الس الخالق البارئ المصو ھو هللایم وھو العزیز الحك

)Al-Hashr, Chapter #59 ,Verse #24, سورة الحشر (

في أرحامھن یتربصن بأنفسھن ثالثة قروء والمطلقات وال یحل لھن أن یكتمن ما خلق هللا والیوم اآلخر ھن في ذ إن كن یؤمن با= ولھن لك إن أرادوا إصالحاوبعولتھن أحق برد

جال علیھن درجة مثل الذي علیھن بالمعروف عزیز حكیم وللر وهللا

Al-Baqara, Chapter #2 ,Verse #228, سورة البقرة ( 5- The All Aware/ الخ

بیر The One

who knows the

truth of things.

ماوات واألرض بالحق ویوم یقول كن فیكون قولھ الحق ولھ الملك -1 3 وھو الذي خلق السھادة وھو الحكیم الخبیر ور عالم الغیب والش یوم ینفخ في الص

)Al-Anaam, Chapter #6 ,Verse #73, سورة األنعام (

یا أیھا الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند -2 علیم خبیر أتقاكم إن هللا هللا

Al-Hujraat, Chapter #49 ,Verse #13, سورة الحجرات (

أال یعلم من خلق وھو اللطیف الخبیر -3Al-Mulk, Chapter #67 ,Verse #14, سورة الملك (

6- The All Seer

البصیر /The All-Noticing,

The One who Sees all things

that are seen by

His Eternal Seeing without

a pupil or any other


سمیع بصیر 3 ا خلقكم وال بعثكم إال كنفس واحدة إن هللا م)Luqman, Chapter #31 ,Verse #28, سورة لقمان (

ماوات واألرض في ستة أیام ثم استوى على العرش یعلم ما ھو الذي خلق السماء وما یعرج فیھا وھو معكم أین ما كنتم یلج في األرض وما یخرج منھا وما ینزل من الس

بما تعملون بصیر وهللاAl-Hadid, Chapter #57 ,Verse #4, سورة الحدید (

بما تعملون بصیر ؤمن وهللا ھو الذي خلقكم فمنكم كافر ومنكم مAt-Taghabun, Chapter #64 ,Verse #2, سورة التغابن(

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7- The All-

Prevailing One/ القھار

The Dominant, The One who has

the perfect Power and

is not unable over


2 1- ماوات ب الس قل من ر قل أفاتخذتم من دونھ أولیاء ال یملكون ألنفسھم واألرض قل هللاا قل ھل یستوي األعمى والبصیر أم ھل تستوي الظلمات والنور نفعا وال ضر أم جعلوا =

خالق كل شيء وھو الواحد القھار شركاء خلقوا كخلقھ فتشابھ الخلق علیھم قل هللا)Ar-Rad, Chapter #13 ,Verse #16, سورة الرعد (

الواحد القھار ( -2 ا یخلق ما یشاء سبحانھ ھو هللا صطفى مم أن یتخذ ولدا ال لو أراد هللاAz-Zumar, Chapter #39 ,Verse #4, سورة الزمر

8-The One / الواحد The

Unique, The One without a Partner

2 1- ماوات واألرض قل هللا ب الس قل أفاتخذتم من دونھ أولیاء ال یملكون ألنفسھم قل من را قل ھل یستوي األعمى والبصیر أم ھل تستوي الظلمات والنور نفعا وال ضر أم جعلوا =

خالق كل شيء وھو الواحد القھار شركاء خلقوا كخلقھ فتشابھ الخلق علیھم قل هللا)Ar-Rad, Chapter #13 ,Verse #16, سورة الرعد (

الواحد القھار -2 ا یخلق ما یشاء سبحانھ ھو هللا صطفى مم أن یتخذ ولدا ال لو أراد هللاAz-Zumar, Chapter #39 ,Verse #4, سورة الزمر (

9- The Trustee /

الوكیل The One

who gives the

satisfaction and is relied upon.

لق ڪل شىء وھو على كل شىء وكیل (٦٢) 2 ـ خ ٱ=مر سورة الز

لق ڪل شىء فٱعبدوه وھو على كل شىء وڪیل (١٠٢) ـ ھ إال ھو خ ـ ربكم ال إل ذٲلڪم ٱ= سورة االنعام

10- The Great

Forgiver/ا The لغفار

oft Forgiver/

الغفور The One forgives

the sins of His slaves time and

time again/a


ر -1 2 ر النھار على اللیل وسخ ر اللیل على النھار ویكو ماوات واألرض بالحق یكو خلق السسمى أال ھو العزیز الغفار الشمس والقمر كل یجري ألجل م

Az-Zumar, Chapter #39 ,Verse #5, سورة الزمر (

الذي خلق الموت والحیاة لیبلوكم أیكم أحسن عمال وھو العزیز الغفور Al-Mulk, Chapter #67 ,Verse #2, سورة الملك (

11- The All

Compassionate/ ن ـ حم الر

He who wills

goodness and mercy for all His

ن 2 ـ حم ماوات واألرض وما بینھما في ستة أیام ثم استوى على العرش الر الذي خلق الس فاسأل بھ خبیرا

Al-Furqan, Chapter #25 ,Verse #59, سورة الفرقان (

ن من تفاوت فارجع البصر ھل ترى ـ حم ا ترى في خلق الر الذي خلق سبع سماوات طباقا م من فطور

Al-Mulk, Chapter #67 ,Verse #3, سورة الملك (

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creatures 12 -The

Fashioner/ ر المصو

The One who forms

His creatures

in different pictures.

ماوات واألرض -1 1 ر لھ األسماء الحسنى یسبح لھ ما في الس الخالق البارئ المصو ھو هللا وھو العزیز الحكیم

)Al-Hashr, Chapter #59 ,Verse #24, سورة الحشر (

13- The Most

Subtle/ اللط یف

The Subtle

One, The Gracious, The One

who is kind to His slaves

and endows

upon them.

أال یعلم من خلق وھو اللطیف الخبیر -1 1

Al-Mulk, Chapter #67 ,Verse #14, سورة الملك (

14-The Evolver/ The البارئ Maker,

The Creator who has

the Power to

turn the entities.

ماوات واألرض -1 1 ر لھ األسماء الحسنى یسبح لھ ما في الس الخالق البارئ المصو ھو هللا وھو العزیز الحكیم

)Al-Hashr, Chapter #59 ,Verse #24, سورة الحشر (

15-The Watcher/

قیب الرThe One

that nothing is

absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related

to the

attribute of


یا أیھا الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منھا زوجھا وبث منھما رجاال 1 كان علیكم رقیب ا الذي تساءلون بھ واألرحام إن هللا كثیرا ونساء واتقوا هللا

)An-Nisa, Chapter #4 ,Verse #1, سورة النساء (

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16- The All hearer

میع / السThe One

who Hears all things that are

heard by His

Eternal Hearing without an ear,

instrument or


سمیع بصیر -1 1 ا خلقكم وال بعثكم إال كنفس واحدة إن هللا م

)Luqman, Chapter #31 ,Verse #28, سورة لقمان (

Data Analysis & Discussion

The researcher has selected the name of Allah the Creator لق ـ as the main name to be ٱلخ

studies and found out that this name is mentioned in the Holly Quran in 5 verses, while the verb

to create خلق is mentioned in 204 verses. The creator or to create is paired with other names of

Allah in 36 verses.

The researcher found out from the data collected the following:

i. The name of Allah the Creator is a name of Action (which means it is an attribute

connected with Allah's will and power) , is paired mostly with the names of individual

( which means the attributes that are fixed constituents of Allah , constant parts of his

very being ) like the Able , the Knowledgeable , the All Mighty, the All Aware, the All

Seer, the All Prevailing, the One, the Trustee , the Most Wise , the Great Forgiver, the

Most Subtle, the All hearer, the Most Compassionate.

ii. The only names of action that are paired with the name of action the Creator is the

Watcher and the Maker.

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iii. Out of the 36 verses used in this study 17 mentioned the creation of the heavens and

the skies, while 7 mentioned the creation of human beings.

iv. Both the name the Able and the knowledgeable together were paired with the name the

Creator in 3 verses. علیم قدیر

v. Both the name the All Wise and the All Might together were paired with the name the

Creator in 3 verses. العزیز الحكیم

vi. Both the name the One and the All Prevailing together were paired with the name the

Creator in 2 verses . الواحد القھار

vii. The name of Allah the All Able is repeated the most with the name of Allah the Creator

or the verb to create.(13 times), comes next in line the All knowing (9 times), After that

comes the All Mighty (5 times). Then the Most Wise ( 4 times). After that in clusters

of three the All Aware, the All Seer, and the Oft Forgiver. Then in clusters of twos the

All Prevailing , the One and the trustee, and the All Compassionate. Finally in cluster

of ones the Most Subtle, the Evolver, the Fashioner, the Watcher and the All hearer.

As shown in the following pie chart.

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i. The name the Able is paired with the name the Creator in 13 verses , approximately

half of them with the context that Allah is capable of doing anything. على كل شيء هللا


ii. The name the All knowing is a paired with the name the Creator in 2 verses, with the

context that Allah is the one who knows everything. وھو بكل شيء علیم

iii. The name the Trustee is mentioned in the two verses that are associated with the creator

in the context of the trustee on anything and everything. على كل شىء وكیل


TheAllAble/ریدقلا andTheAllAble/رداقلا



TheMostWise / میكحلا

TheAllseer /ریصبلا


TheOne / دحاولا

TheTrustee / لیكولا


TheGreatForgiver/ ofttheandرافغلاforgiver/روفغلاTheAllCompassionate/ـمحرلا ن

TheEvolver/ ئرابلا

TheWatcher/ بیقرلا


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Digging deep in the data collected, the researcher concluded the following:

i. Since the only Action attributes that Allah swt associates with the creator is the maker

and the watcher, so Allah's message is so clearly refer to that he created us and make

us and he will watch us whether we are going to fulfill the reason of our creation which

is worshipping the creator, or we will do otherwise.

ii. Since the name of Allah the All Compassionate associated with the creation of the

heaven and earth, so Allah's message could be that human being has to understand that

the creation and perfection of a habitat that is well designed to sustain humans on earth

is one of Allah's most evidence of his mercy and blessing that he had on mankind.

Scientist in their search for life outside our planet earth found out life is impossible

because there is no atmosphere to protect the other planets from the debris that falls

from the space, that's why we find a lot of craters on these planets, nor there is the right

gravitational pull that allow us to walk , grow planets and even allow our bones to

condense calcium so we have strong bones (astronauts lose some of their bone density

traveling in space because of the absence of the right of gravity).

iii. Since the name of Allah the All Able the All Knowing علیم قدیر is associated with the

creation of male, female or making a couple incapable of having off spring, aging and

death, so Allah's message to us is that he swt knows what he is doing, and all what

humans don't like ,like having a baby girl or to having no kids at all, or being old and

incapable of serving oneself , it happen for a reason and it is part of this life test to see

whether we will be grateful or deniers.

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iv. Since the name of Allah the trustee is associated with the creator in the context " to be

trusted on anything and everything" على كل شىء وكیلso Allah 's message is that he is the

one who created humans, he is the one to be trusted on their sustenance and their

maintenance. This message should help believer who are dealing with anxiety and fear

of the future or of the unknown, because if they know that they have to put their trust

in their Lord, they should have peace of mind.

v. Since the name of Allah the One the All Prevailing الواحد القھار is mentioned in

association with the creator in two verses that deal with the idea of polytheism, so the

message of Allah is to call the human attention that the creator is one and doesn't have

neither a partner nor a son, and that he is dominant on everything and anything and

nobody can defeat him swt.

vi. Since Allah mentioned his name as the creator associated with his name as the All Able

thirteen times in the Holly Quran, So the message that Allah is telling us is that we

creature when we think of him as a creator we have to think of him as the one who has

the infinite capability to create what he wills , when he wills , the way he wills it to be.

Allah had mentioned in these verses the miracle of creating the earth, the heavens , the

water, the human beings, the animals with different species , functions and variety and

imputations that made them able to survive. And he also mentioned in these verses the

creation of the unseen like the angels.

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Khan, Kamillah, 2013, "The Beautiful Names Of Allah, Knowing God By his names" library of Congress Cataloguing- in- Publication.

Shaykh Abdur_Rahman ibn Nasir 'as- Sadi, 2003 "The explanation of the beautiful and perfect names of Allah " Islam way .net .

Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimeen, 2010 " Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah, the important principles to remember." Dar-us-Salam .

Abu Hamid Al Gazali ,1993,"Al-Ghazali on the 99 Beautiful names of God" ,Islamic Texts Society.

Mohmmed Ibn Khaifah Al-Tamimi , 2001 " Tawhid of Allah's most beautiful name and lofty attributes , the belief of Ahal Sunnah and al jamah , Al-Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution

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