  • riy" VCVWrl

    rJL. ;mUMiiHiwwwwwwHjiihi m )mmi ,. Uiiw iiiijhlh j i nun hm ni., , li'K-H- mmiiUI i mij Ht In mjtxpw tl www "in wwW' iwexf itwN ff-i- pr lWV ' I '"' I'U'JiUJiWJw'M -- '. itKmtnimlvjl HUM iniminil n 'M . 'j Mlij J L JU'1 if ) )! ,h'

    CI j in if Gjf 1 1 4


    I '



    ,rtT C,)1









    Is printed and published at the olllcc,Queen Mlrisut, Honolulu, II. I., every

    afternoon (Sundays excepted).

    Subscription, BO cents per Month.

    Address all Ooinmunlcatlous DailyBUMjBTIK.

    AdvertWomctits, tc cn3Uio Insertion,should bo handed iu before one o'clockr. m.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

    MS G. CLEVIOR Mananor

    Bulletin Stsatn Printing Office.Newspaper, Book uud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 250

    Daily Eiillntii SummaryPublished, tvico a Month.

    An interojttiig and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 10 to CO

    columns of leading matter on local top-ics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand IjI mil News. It is the best paperuubllshed iu llio Kingdom to send tofriend abroad.

    Subsc.ipiion tmiilod) SUOaycar.

    Comnuiision Herunants.

    it XIiVClCl:,l2I-.- l & Co.,General Commission Agents.

    C7(J ly Honolulu


    MERCHANTS,Honolulu. H. I.Queen street,



    Commission Agents.


    ) (3 Tones Jr....President & ManagerJ." O. Cteu... .Treasurer & Secretary


    Hon. O. B. Bimiiu. S. C. Aixbn,H. ATKBUOUSB. ,

    JJb ly

    T. WATKKUOU8B,JOHN luiiiolwr aud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, tjum.ii .t., Houolulu. 1

    S. N- - Caatle --J. B. Alherton-G.- T. Castle

    J SUipplug and CommissionMerchants. Importers aud Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu.

    Wm. O. Irwin.Clans Hprc-k.W- .

    IkvVIN & OOMPANY,WG. Factors aud CommissionAgents, Honolulu.

    at OO.,WIUDEii Dciluia in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kiuU, cor. Fort andO,ueen sta.,Houolulu. z

    QttlNUAUM Ei CO.,MS. Importera of General Mer--ohandlHe and Comuaission Merchants,Honolulu,. i ud

    rLil Oulifoiiiltt street,1

    ' San Francisco, Cal.

    ILLoweis. F.J. Lowioy, C. M. Cooke.It OOOKE,LawKaa ssom to Lowers & Dickson,)

    Importers mid Dealers In Lumber and allkinds 6t Builuliur Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

    &: Oo-- 9

    Wholesale Grocers & "Wino Merchants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

    Notice o? Removal!

    THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler, &' Watchmaker'

    Has removed to ono of the NpwStoics in the

    TlionmM Itloclc, Kig Street,Three dooisfioui Cas.tl6 & Cookca',

    Where ho is iitcparcd o mauufacturoall 'Alalia f Jewelry. 00

    A. M. HEWETT,Stajioner & Newsdealer,

    Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. IMutual Tel. 371. ncllTrl.30.

    Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specially,

    Older.' talwu for Now papers, I'uuodl.calc, Ih'okh, Mui-lc- , etc., from auy pattof the world, having uiude all arrangements theiefor wliilst lu San Frnueisco.

    Ited llubbur HinmpM to Order.71

    ' TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,A advertise it in tho Daily BoLLfcrm


    M. THOMPSON,A.ttoi'n.o'-ut-.L.iwv.

    Ofllce In Campbell's Block, Coi . Fort &iMerclmnt Si., Honolulu, 11. 1.


    CS?" When desired, will give tho law Ina written bpluiou, hh to the prob.ible re-sult of tho contention upon the fnctsstated. 1633U'

    JM. MONSARUAT,ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Ileal Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission Loans ncgotiated, Legal Documents Diawn. No. 37Merchant st. (Gazette Bloek), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

    Cecil Brown,and Counsellor at LawNotary 1'ublle, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Merchant htreel, Hono-ul- u.


    J Alfred Maqoon,AT 1 ORNE Y AT LAW.173 2 Merchant stieet. Honolulu, ly

    JOHN A. 'HABSINQER,Ageut to tuko Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Dlllco,Honolulu.


    xSl Vetci'insiryiirKCOii.Ofllce nnd Kesitlcnce: 1C0 King street Telephone 854. Orders lottatHotel Stal)!e3 will bo received andpromptly attended to. 43 3ni

    T H. SOPBR, M.D.

    Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner and Marketopposite Hawaii Nui Millinery Ehlab- -llSUlllLlli, vi... i'..i"y. -- .. oq


    NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

    Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Houolulu.30 if

    J. M. llliNSOJf. O. W. SMITH.

    BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Manufacturing and Dispensing

    Pharmacists,mlj&llO Fort Street, - Honolulu.

    ' Depot for Boericke & Scecklk's


    Tllck'ecker's Porfume3 and ToiletIlequibites, i2y


    Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

    1 09 Fo--t Street, William's Block, Hono-21-Honolulu, H. I.

    WEMEE & CO.aiaiiunu'tnrlns Jewellers,

    NO. OS irOXtT HTK3313aConstantly on hand a large asFortmcn

    of every desciiptionof Jewelry, WatchesGold nnd Silver Plated Ware. &c.

    058 ly

    J. A. BOWER,Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

    Having improved facilities, is preparedto (ill ord6rs at short notice.

    1851 tf

    CARRBAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

    Baddlo Horses, Buggieb, Wiigom-tte- s andVillage Carts witu stylish and gentlehorses to let.

    FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

    hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts aud Haines.

    PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply l'

    M1LU8 & JIAYIiKY.1fi74 ly

    Etcuni Works, Sunny SouthToll-- , Bell 172,Mulmil21G

    Depot. Mirchant btrretTele, Bell 172, Mutual BOO.

    TaMti ImbhUH Wo.Tim undersigned having puiclincrd

    the bufiiicSR of the Tahiti LemoniiiloWurlH, llio depot has been removed toNo. 23 Merchant Street,

    All orders for Aerated WnterH mtiuuf icturi'd at tho above establishment willreceive prompt attention. '

    J. B. BROWN & Co.I. O. Box 401. 1H2!)


    MR. John Mng"on IsniUlioiijed tocollect fot our anduceipta J. K BROWN A CO.

    Jan. 10, 1BSS. IM

    TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,JL advertiso it lu tho Daily Buuxtin.


    Tho Bosl Lunch in Town,

    Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

    The Inoit Brti d oi

    Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on uand.

    II. J. NOLTL', Proprietor.



    F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

    "1 Hotel SI. --tiasr Telephono 74

    WM. aicOANlIiMSS,No. 0 Queen streetj Fish Market,

    Dealer in choicestecf, Veol, aiutton, FIhIi, 4r., AcFamily and Shipping Orders carefully

    'iUcnncd to. Live stock furnished tovessels at Bho.-- t notice, and Vegetablesof nil kind" supplied in nrdor. 840 lv

    .X11JJ iTTTIV. r

    luinrnnnnitrnn va.j j.jv j;iiiuii upuiuaii

    eat Company8B King Street,

    G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Betail Butchors


    NAVY COMTttiiLv-.- .1717 ly

    - DJlcIEIffiKD.




    Naval S tores & GroceriesItrlcliH, Iilmo & Cement.

    Families and Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

    C6T ISLAND. ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 22. P. O. Box, 470.

    No. 20 Fort St., op. O. S. S. Cos Wharf.1800 tf

    Pollett Alps Stock

    Bull Calves trom 10 to 13 months old.

    Heifer Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

    APPLY TO ..

    J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70


    Continental and Colonial

    AGENCY.36 Buo deDunkerque, - - - Paris.

    Eu'cutes Indents for every 'descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis-- , Geriuaii, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' LnwoH Prices.

    Commission, Two-and.- a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Dhcounts allowedto Clients. Oiiginul Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

    Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documeulsj or, diiecttotheinimiigci.

    Tim Agency Renrc-ent- s, Buys, andSelU, fitr Home and Colonial Finns.

    Piece Goods, Cislimcro, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets, Liwns, Clunt7cs,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Milllueiy, Luces, Gloves,Fringe", Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Laec,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glats, andChinu.wuru, Clocks, Wutches,Jowcllry, F,ui(iv GoodB.Blectro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fan1", Ki'f leslasiical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &o ,Oilman's StoriB, Bn&k, ArtisticFurniture, btationery,Chromos, Maehlnciy, lie., &c.

    lUOIv S

    Tahiti Lemonade Works,

    CUSTOMERS who have on hand anyor Cases, wouldgreutly oblige by sending word to theDepot, 28 Merchant Btrcot, and they willut once bu culltd for.

    Our Bi tiles are all crystal valve, andtin wnuU "TAHITI LKMONADEWORKS" blown ilureon.

    BullToUphoiiemMuiiini Telenliiino UfiO,

    n tr E BROWN fi CO.I .. i .

    TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X advertise in tho Daily Bulletin,



    Embroideries, Embroideries,r AT THE

    POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

    W. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.O

    Hamburg and Swiss Edgings !Hamburg and Swiss Iixsex'tings !

    ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES !Children's Embroidery Flounces !

    Ladies' Embroidery Flounces !In Skirt anil Iloloku Lengths.

    Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE,

    Thereby saving United States Duty. The Entire Lot will bo ofleicd at

    Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

    Astonishing Prices,

    A. MORGAN,TClsir.lcsmitli Work.

    - j - "i--t iniiA'amting aim

    79 k 81 Bag Street,Entriinccs from liiujj:

    ;S&bg&. Carriage

    'oEvery description of work in the above lines performed in a flrS'.class manner.

    Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.tSTBell Telephone, 107-- a (mrh CSTBoll Telephone, 107--a


    Largest Stocks,Choicest Quality,

    Lowest Prices- -

    Telephones 175. Corner

    J01 ITT .8


    Oil Rose Praises.ctud 3Iovcliivnt StM.

    n9Edinljurcrb. & Queen Streets.

    " "

    Mi StTBB 1.


    Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

    WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,Mouse Keeping Goods,


    aEO. INGBLHAEDT(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

    Xmpovtei' tvncl loalcr InSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


    Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Port Street.

    t3y- - Store formerly occupied by S. NOTT, opposito Spreckeh & Co.'a Bank.-- a


    ',iij .Mimiii ?,iJ.


    OFFKRtil) BY TUB

    BO Q B f?ifrlSPIfOBulO 9 8Tl

    ASSB-IT- OVKtt



    TIIL protection of Life Insutnnce combined with tho Investment Principles ofSavings Bank Kimplint nan.year Bndowineiit I'ollcy for $10000 takenout at the age of 25 ycarp;Annual Total Premiums Cajli FundPremium. Paid in 2 yra Tlien duo. Up Policy for Life.

    $487 $9,740 $10,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts nnd

    your family from future want or provideIndisputable, fcc., &c.

    For full pnrticulars, apply to

    AlexanderB1C 1

    GEORGE LUCAS, aJxaCoutraotor --4$!and Bulldor,Sg(i

    Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad- c,Houolulu.

    Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

    Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

    Orders promptly attuuded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


    jo. B5:c3Es:TB:rzx3s:,Contractor and Itnildcr.

    S'orcs and ofllccs fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenbuildiugs, Plans and Speculations d

    zsr Office, 110 Beretanla St.:Mutual Telephone, 302 j Postoffleo Box,100. 322 ly

    Alnlica, jieairTpiirc.aTelephone 5S.

    JOHS3 AG005,Ofiee 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

    Collector & Rcai-fsfa.le-Ags- .nt;

    18 ly

    a-- p' Honolulu iron "Woniis,t1fSfiliTStnn'r' engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead east-ings; muchincry of every dcseriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notico 1

    Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE nnd with despatchHAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 82lf

    CR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

    4eiitH', .Ladled', JL. Children'

    Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

    The Choicest Brands of

    Cigars & TobaccoAlways on lluiul.

    t??Orders from tho other Islandssolicited. 70 tf

    J. HOPP & CO.V-- l Kins: Street.

    Miuufaaturcra and Importers of allkinds of

    Furniture & Upholstery GoodsFINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.

    All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended lo.

    CHAIRS TO RENTFor Bills or Paities in small orlaige

    801 quantities. ly.

    -- WDEST-

    Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

    The undercigiird having opened a flut.class Mi'icliaiitTalloiIng Ksluli- -

    lbhmcnt at the

    Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the firm

    nnmc of

    F.Habermacher&Go.Bigii Jcavu to toliclt the patroirigo of

    his fiiiimli, and public generally.

    f 0 in F. IfMJEllMACHEIl.

    rnHE ONLY LIVE PAPER InX Honolulu 'Tne Dally Bulletin."

    CO ccuta per mouth.

    sirac Gof$680,000,000.

    Equivalent Paid --,U" Annuityfor Lifo$1,310

    different ages cheerfully given. Protectfor your own old age. Policies Free,

    J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hiiwaiian Islandj.


    MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insuranco Co.

    Assets, $5,055,000

    Commercial Insurance Co.(Fire and Marine)

    Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

    (Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

    South British Firo and Marino Ins.'CoCapital $10,000,060

    Now York lifo Insuranco Co.Assets. ft7i nnnnnrt

    C. O. 5ili3LOl j.HONOLULU.

    General Agent, Haw'n Iilands.

    1053 ly

    CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire St Marine Insur'ce Agents.


    Tito Kew KuclautlMUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y,

    of Bcbton.

    The .ffitna Firo Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

    Tlio Vulon Jh'lre una

    Marine Insurance Co.of San, Cala.

    101 ly

    Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

    ESTAllLISHliD 1845,

    Capital 9,000,000 Roichtmarks.rpHE uadersigned, having been ap.X pointed agent of the above Companyfor tho Hawaiian iBlauds, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, EcjrarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms

    Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable InHonolulu.

    II. RIEMENKOHNEIDER,670 ly at Wilder & Co's.

    Kustace & Robertson,

    DKAYMEN.a LL orders for Cartage promptly at--

    tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

    Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

    Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

    Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.933 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

    Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

    Keep constantly on hand for sale

    Steam Family and Blacktmith Coaland a genera) asftirtmcnt of

    415, gar icon.TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS.

    HIGH CLABS AEIIATED WATERS.Lemon SimIh nnd Ginger Ale of ail in.

    toiler qunlity, in nnnll lottlcB, at re.tiili'd y t'hl on ni ut Five cents a hot.tie, arc noi mill will not bo made at thist'stullifchnuut. 1750


    -- A



  • &





    l.. . ,MWJJiaBSBSCWiartBSaggMBP


    NOTICE.All bills ngninst tin- - lntenor De-

    partment must be nrwciiteil befoioMARCH 31st, or tliey cannot bepaid until after tin passage of thenew Appropriation Hill.

    L. A. TIIUHSTON,Ministei i the Interior.

    Interior Office, Mm eh 27, 1888.01 It

    TENDERS.Sealed tumlem will be received at

    the Interior Office until WEDNES-DAY, March 28, 1888, for mattingoffices in the Government Building,

    The matting is to be of the bestquality (white) and weighing notless than 100 lbs. to the mil, and tobe laid in a good and woikmanlikemanner.

    All bids must bo at bo much perroll laid. Particulars can be obtainedat the Interior Office.

    The Minister of the Interior doesnot bind himself to accept the lowestor any bid.

    LOBHIN A. TIIUHSTON,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior Office, March 21), 1S88.98 3t

    I?iiuuicc Department.

    Honolulu, II. I., Feb. 10, 1S88.Notice is hereby given to all em-

    ployees of the llawuiiun Govern-ment, and to othor pertons to whommoneys may be due at the HawaiianTreasury on or before March 31,1888, to present ouchera for hcttle-fne-

    on or before that date ; and allpcraons having moneys on accountof the Government arc lequested tomake tbeir returns promptly, inorder that there may be no delay inclosing the accounts for the fibcalperiod ending March 31, 1888.

    W. L. GREEN.68 tf Minister of Finance.

    BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands

    Draw Exchange on theJBnixlt ol California, . X

    A.nd their ngonts inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

    Messrs. N. 5t. Rothschild & Son, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

    London.Tho Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney,,. Sydney,

    Christchuroh, and Wcll'togta 'The Rank of British Columbia, Vic

    toria, B. 0., and Portland, Or.and

    Transact a Geneiul Banking ly

    'X1 IX 32

    Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,Hut established for the benefit of all.

    TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1888.


    The Bulletin said, on Saturdaylast, in n brief item, referring to theband concert at Thomas Square ontho previous evening, that "thehoodlum element figured in thogrounds to the annoyance of decentpeople." Sinuc then our morningcontemporaries have each comment-ed on the prevalence of this speciesof annoyance at moonlight concerts,and indicated the remedy. Thefact of the existence of this unplea-santness is patent: no one deniesit. The remedy is easy, and withinreach the presence of an activepoliceman at the concerts. It sim-ply remains for the authorities totako action, and see that the ofllccris on hand ; and we feel sure thatit will be done

    chinesTand Japanese.In speaking of the Asiatics which

    como to this country, some peoplohere seem to regard the Chinese andJapanese as one and the same peo-ple, possessing in common the sumogeneral characteristics. A verylimited acquaintance with the twopeoples is sulllcient to convince anyintelligent man of tho erroneousnesBof this conclusion. Scarcely anytwo civilised nations can be namedwith national peculiarities more de-finitely marked, distinguishing themfrom each other, than China amiJapan. That tho people of the twocountries have somo clmracteiisticsin common is true, but no more ttucthan the same assertion in regard toan Englishman and a Zulu. Herewe have Chinamen and Japs inconsiderable numbers, and merecasual observation detects the wide

    difference between the main pccti- -


    linritiea of each nationality. TheChinaman holds tenaciously to thedress of China, while the Jnp adoptsthu Western costume on the fustopportunity. The Chinanmn ismorose, uncouth, and unpleasing inmanner; the Jap is the politest andmost gentlemanly man in the world,not excepting the Frenchman. TheChinaman is n man of callous nature

    and not easily wounded in his feel-ings ; the Jap is ns sensitive as adelicate and rellucd woman. TheChinaman is a most fen cut lover ofmoney, woiks- hard and lives hardto acquire it, and sticks to it like alimpet to a rock ; whereas the Japspends his money, if 'permitted, asfreely and thoughtlessly ns theEuropean or American. The fore-going arc some points of differencewhich are palpable to any observer,and which make it surprising thatanyone should place the two in thesame general classification.


    The method of selecting 'jurieshere, whatever may he the rulesgoverning the proceduie, seems notto distribute jury duties evenly andfairly among the persons liable toserve. It sometimes happens thatthe same man is called upon two orthree terms in succession, or withonly one intervening term, whileothers equally eligible arc altogetheromitted. This can scarcely he con-sidered a fair distribution of dutiesand rcsponsiblities. 1'erhaps thereis no fairer or belter method ofselecting jurymen than from analphabetical list of all eligible per-sons, takiug one letter or a givennumber of letters for each term, inregular order, until the alphabet isexhausted. In this way, dutieswhich most people prefer to avoid ifthey can, are pretty equally dis-tributed.


    Eimtou Bullktin: This morn-ing's "Daily Gazette" has the fol-lowing:

    "Posters in four languages signedby J. II. Soper, Marshal, were putup on Monday, offering a reward of

    500 for the detection of Kok Yuk'smurdcious assailant. Swarms otChinamen eagerly scanned tho redposters in their Acrnacular, andthere appealed to be no small ex-citement among them.

    The reward is furnished by theUnited Chinese Benevolent Society.It took tliis actioji promptly wheninformed that the Government hadno funds available for th ";"lulle-nie- lAs it is close to then -- ;'1

    fiscal - 7 Attorncy-Gcn-ei.- n- lYiuiotil means for aivy extra

    expenditure."If that statement is correct, it

    should not pass unnoticed.A most atiocious murder has been

    committed, and the Attorney-Gener- alcan offer no rcwaid for the de-

    tection of the murderer because "itis close to the end of the fiscalperiod," and he "is without meansfor any extia expenditure."

    If this is the view the Attorney-Gener- altakes, and it is the best lie

    can do, he is unfit for his ofllce.The credit of the Government issurety suflicient to justify offeringa reward.

    Citizkx.Honolulu, March 27, 1888.


    GOOD FJUnrcli :J0l1i Next,

    IT. JIOKNWill have on hand a few ilnypn of

    his well.known delicious BUNSflora 0 a. u. to 0 r. it at the

    Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Bakery

    & Ice Cream Parlor, Hotel street.GO I HI


    hm; 8tiiiji:t.v. rPnoMAs iMui.nooN will. JL open lifri Hiloon on

    SATURDAY. March 31st. nmlwill supply his patrons with uvury deli,cucy piociiMlilc. Monls at all hours.

    COO lm


    A SITUATION In a country stoic,hy a young man tlint can leadand wiito both English mid Portuguese.Address " 31," P. O. Box 000 lw


    ON account of my health and mydepailiuo fiom the kingdom, uilhills due to me must ho paid on orhofore the 1st of April next, or will boplaced hi tho linmU of a collector.(100 lw Yy". T. IUIOADS.


    rpilE ANNUAL MEETING OP tho1 Wooih.vwn Daihy and (stockCo., will hu held at thonfllco of W. O.Smith, Foit Mieut, on TJ1UKSDAY,Mnieli 20, 1888, at 2 o'clock v. si. Afull attendance of thu MocMioldeis Isdoaircd. A. h. SMITH.08 td Sccrctaiy y. 1). & S. Co,

    r.. .. ' . i .Ox..

    Auction Sales by James F, Morgan.


    Watchmaker's Tools & Effects I

    By order of J. H. Pntnnm, Eq, V. 5Consul-Genera- I will fell nl

    Public Auction

    Oil FRIDAY, March 30tli, 1888,

    AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31.,At mv Salesroom, Queen slrcei, for the

    Estate of Wm. Turner, deceased,

    IVntclunnicer' Tools."Watch Kcpiilrliis Material,

    Large Lots of Clocks2 1ST. P. Show Cases,

    1 Sofa, Counters, &c, &c.

    JAS. F. MORGAN,(101 !lt Auctioneer.


    ALE of FUuNSTURBy order of the KxeuUors of the Eslale

    of G. EnjrelhnrJf, deceased, 1 willBull nt Public Auction, ot my

    Salesroom, Queen stieet,

    On FRIDAY, March 30tli, '88,

    AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.,

    Tho Household Furniture, comprising:

    Parlor & Moon Firfre,Music Box,

    B. W. Sideboard,

    CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,Etc., Eic., Etc., Etc, Etc.

    JAS. IT. MORGAN,C01 lit Auctioneer.

    Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure and

    of Sale.

    nrcordanee with a 1 owcr of saleIX contained in a certiin woitgajicmade liy the Hid of I'ciekunu, (by theirattorney D. llliuoni) to Huniy M. Alex-ander, dated the 21bt diy of April, 1684,recorded in liliei fi, page 47:2. .Noticeis hcieby given tlint said moilg.igec in-tends to foiuclOM! mid mottgjge, forcondition bioken, and upon said fore-closur- e

    will sell at Public Auction attho Salesroom, of Jap F. Jlorgjn inHonolulu, on MONDAY, the 2nd duyol Apnl, 15?S, :it 12 o'clock noon of biiidda', the prcniK-c-s d scribed in saidmonuagens below spccillcd.. Further particulars can ho had of W.

    R. Castle, Attorney at Law.11KNKY M. ALEXANDER,


    Premises to be sold nie situate on theIslnml of Molokni and comprise, aboutone-hal- f of tie Ahun-ri- ' (thcAhu.T.uan'"'" k'oU1 a" i'hole). It con- -

    j o45 acits, nnd i a magnilicentproptrly coin prising socral humlredneics of tl,e lintsl kul.i land in theKingdom wlioncc the lopor scttlrmenihas been supplied in pist jetrs, besidesUula and forest land. It ad'oidi, anotherof Ihe few chances of today to ohtniua tine land. 901 It

    Mortgagee's Motico of Foreclosure and

    of Sale.

    JN accordance with n pswer ofalecontained in u cituin mnrlgigoninde by I). Himeni to S W. Wilcox,dated the 21st day of October, 184,

    in libci DO, pice 273. Nolico Islionby eiven that tahl moitgacco in-tends to foreclose tanl mortgage, forcondition broken, and upon sihl foie-clojin- c

    will 'ell at Public Auction atihc Salesroom of .Tis V. inHonolulu, on MONDAY, the 2nd iluvof Apiil, 1688, ut 1 J o'clock noon of slidday, the piemiscs (hscribed in sddmortgnyeas lelow spceilkd.

    Furthir partlculaits cm be had of W.It. Oasllc, Attorney ul Law,

    S. "W. WILCOX,Moitgagee.

    Pieini'es to bo r Id aie situated onthe ImIiuhI of Mq1iL i, and consist of

    lf An i ndivided one-hal- f interestin 30 (17 100 iieiei in Kninaln of lineland.H'l tot Hi in Hnyal Patent 1001, toTliouiii-- .

    2nd All of niorlgugeo'u interest Intho magnilieei't Ahupimn of Pelekunii, (ovciiog over one halfiheicof, and wiih ilio foiecloiiire ofthis date of the Pclckunu Hid mortgagethe entire Ahtipuiia contitiuing 53ICaeicswill be Bold, lloyal Patent 73l!2 toKHpu'iIpoop'o. 901 It

    ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.WO, corner iMtiunnkenncd King

    stitcts. lulling this dny inndn noiissignmont to mo ot all his properly andiiKseis, for tho benefit of his creililorS,nil pcihonh having cluiuib niiuinhi himaio to piuicnt ll.o saiuolo moitt once, and all portons imlultail trowing aiij inonuy lo mid Yec o, andany euor.b having po o hloji(rcoiuiolof any pioporly Ic'l'Uivin lo him sillpleiii-- muke iuuuvduio p.ijimnl ordelivery ol saiuo lo mo nt thu oll'.co ofM. Phillips fc Co.

    M. GllEEN,"Assignto of Yeo Wo

    Honolulu, March 20, 18B8.


    THE s'ook in Undo, btore fixtures nndnow eontaiiied in tho storefonnorly occupied by Yeo Wo, cornerMauuakcn mid King slrceis, togethernith horto and vrngon, building and in.tercst In lease at Palninn, and all debtsduo and on lug upon book account tothe tald Yeo Wo, arc oll'cred for (isa whole, and miiHt be sold bcforoTUKS.DAY.Maich 27th. Parlies dcshhig topurchaser can obtain full iiiforinadonat olUco of Phillips .t Co.

    51. GUI3EN,Assignee of Yeo Wo. ,

    Honolulu, March 21, 1868. 90 lw

    MESSRS'J. E. BROWN & collect for thoBulletin

    Honolulu June 8th, 1687. 67



    t "VN Kinnu street No.; pallor, 3 bed.


    rooms, servant's room,f&Zi& Maine and carriage

    house. Lot 100x170 feet; garden.Apply to

    CO tf J. E. 1WOWN & CO.


    a 13 lVrV liEN Pilkol and Kee.tsS&m X numokii streets, lot rnrs

    tcoju:&A&3 thiough lo Kinnu street, 100feet frontneo. Giol nasturate. Uotttcecontains 5 rootin, cinlege houie nndttables for 8 or 4 horses, lteut $'J0 permoult). Apply to

    J. E. BROWN As CO.,14 tf 28 Meiclmnt sticet.


    ,&& X PalamaApply lo

    Wsi. McCANDI.ESS,BJtf nt the Fish 5lnrkct.


    T71VE nilnutcs' walk fiomJL1 tho '.ut OfflcL'. for a bacheloi.

    Apply to80 tf J M. MONSAHKAT.

    TO RENT.A COTTAGE on LUihaj.. A

    kTHW xi. sneer, uciwceu aviiigiJS nnd School stieets. Kent $13..,1. A ....!..51. S. OlliNBAUJl & CO.,

    80 tf Quceu sticet.


    The undersigned has just received directfrom the lloyal Ulster Woiks,

    Belfast, a specially lineassortment ot

    Marcus Ward's Letter Papers,Suitable for Inter Island ami Foreign


    Also, Menu, Name & Ball Programmes

    In Great Variety.

    J8J A. M. HEWETT. Tlw


    THE undersigned having beenAssignee of the Estntoof It. W. Liinc, bankrnpt, reii-- -.all persons who have claims ag.unst theestate of said K V. Lainc, secured orotherwise, lo present the same dulysworn to, and all persons indebted losaid Estate arc requested to make o

    payment toA. J. CARTWIUUHT,

    Assiance of the Estnto of It. AV.

    '' Honolulu, Match lSlh, 18S8. 04 Ow

    All kinds of

    rah 87

    jjaxuenuuv-L-- i jjjiv.tA.m.1 nw.tjieiy


    GHAS. J. FISHEL,Cor. Fort and Hotel St9.


    Blearing Sale.

    Wo AVill Holl22'5 dozen Ladles Linen Cnpe Guitars at

    10 cents eachHamburg Edging from fie. up320 perfcct-nltln- Jllsses' Corets nt 2Go210 doz Gent's Cotton Undershirts at 2!ic181 dozen Mioses' and Children's Silk.

    clocked Uoe, full ilui-l- i, ?fie.205 dozen 51eu's Silk-clocke- d Ho-- e, full

    finish, $2.50 per doz.ICO do. 5Ieu'8 lUbbed Hose, full finish,

    nt 2. CO per doz.63 doz Gent's Col. Shitts, collars and

    culls, at 50c eich.C4 dozen Bov'-- s Straw Hats, C8o. each,

    worth $1 1)070 doz Children's School Hits at 60c.,

    worth double.

    FOR TWO 1EKSWo mean to keep trade lively.

    Visit ojr citnblist'mrnt, ask our prices,nnd you will think so too.

    Ijiulios' JcrscyB,"While Goods,

    Dress GoodsHave been selling cheap, hut f'c present

    stock will go for a mere song.

    Tills great cut Is

    Ohas, J. Fishel,


    Brackets, atip rnb 'cjoc jj9'&o




    A large assortment of Bird .Cages, at

    G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

    G. WEST& CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, and jS"ew Chromos, at

    G. WEST & CO.'S.Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at

    Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap Books,

    . G. WEST& CO.'S.Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and

    Chairs, at

    G. WEST& CO.'S.Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small

    Wheel Barrows, at. WKST & CO.'.

    Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at

    west & go:s.Organs, Guitars, Aceordeons, Drums, Flutes,

    Banjos, etc., etc., at

    G. WEST& CO.'S.Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at

    G. WESTJ CO.'S,Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to order, at

    G. WEST & CO.'S.

    Pianos and kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned andRepaired, at

    G. WEST & CO.'S.

    Canary. Birds, warranted Singers, at

    G. WEST '& CO.'S, .105 Fort StreetHONOLULU.




    The New and Elegant Fitted Store of M, McINERNY, corner

    of Fort and Merchant Streets,

    is irew wwmmWhere will bo found an Diuplay ot Goods of ouchgrndos, as this corner has been always noted for,

    Entire New Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc- -Inerny now East. Among my very General

    Stock will found

    Ladies', Misses' & Childrens'

    French KM Button Boots and Sliprs,

    T vAftK

    R WTttjflf-iii- ii c o.' fTsra

    Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Peb. & St.-Goa- t But. Boots," " " Dongoltv Kid Button Boots," " " Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles,

    Ladies' Silk Hose,Ladies' Silk and Merino Undervests,

    Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Lisle and Balbrigan Hose,

    Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers," Perforated Silk Undershirts," Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts," Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers," "White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts and

    Drawers," Anglo-Indi- a Gauze & Merino Undershirts.

    Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of

    Men's Boy's Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elegant Neck Wear, Very Choice Line of Sus-

    penders, Jouvins "White and Colored TTid Gloves,- aufo Fine itiuing and Driving Gloves,

    Buck Gauntlets.

    Eray Style & SMe in leu's Hats & Boy's Straw Hats.Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid Heads

    'ijfold and Silver.

    HrffiS Jtasi.Hi 0 b a n msms ns'mvBmm $q . a iii fi r vb f i;mufimi m.vrn' Jir!m iumii e, ammPW : mn w&mb yayu unii m muju9 J. a mmm--m m -

    W,'-ir.5r,ii- IB t,












    W UviBHlfll

    I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

    Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

    Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

    All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, Carefully-Mad- eand Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

    Razors and Pocket Knives,Razor Straps and Brushes, .

    Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers,

    Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate),

    dice Perrnmes ni otknr Toilet Articles.Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,

    Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,

    Shawl and Trunk Straps,Traveling Rugs, (very line), which every traveler ought to


    Tie Usual lo Stock of Life' Gent's & Boy'sGOLD & SILVER

    i is a mi

    A i

    Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM

    STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 FineE2TN. B. No Plated Goods Sold in tub EatablishmenVSSa

    Thanking tho public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

    6VL McINERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 80 lm




    Eji ..V: UNSEAT ViIdtailK .f& " t' .&&,.mA mimWES , .? , . ii. ,:!..,. HtaMaaaK.vG &cr T iusaaflWESj rsmamvtaunmi mm r &jitmigmm.f's&i( fj?a lfc4ttiBMaMmwJjj. y:!, ... &&&, lAi

  • jaL-jaiS-&r-

    A Few fltol'O

    Ladies' Kid Gloves

    For 81.00. At

    The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

    TH J3

    gallji gulTtfinTUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1888.

    DEPARTURES.Jlarch 27

    Stmr liilsellUc tor Muut nt B p inSUm- - Kllunea Hon fur Hniniikua at 5


    Stmr Mlkahala Mr Kiuml nt 5 p mSclir Caiiutu for KiuuiSclir Walolt Mr KiiiuSclir Kuiilkoaoidl for IvolialaSehr Allelic lliiMullluu for Iho South Sea

    InlandsBk Sonoma for Sun Francisco


    Stmr Mokulll for Molokid nt 5 p mStmr Iwaliinl for Lahnluuiini llatnakua' at 8 a inBk Finest Queen for San Francisco

    PASSENGERS.For MiukIiuI Islands, per schooner

    Hnsscltlne, .Vim oh 27 B M Moigiiu wifeand 2 children, V S Moignu andOwen Thomas.

    For Maul and Hawaii, per steamerKlnau, March 20-- For Volcano: MrsWild, J A Wood and vile, K Hints-.- , MrDriver, Mr .VI on Is, a Urown and wife,Messrs Mooie, .Itidson and Pottcrcr.For Hllo and way ports: Mr Baldwin,!:J,ycan, Sister lloniiveiitma and pupilnnd about 40 deck.

    SI!!PP"m: NOTES.The bark V 11 Ilnp'.iins Is discharging

    her ballast, white hand, near the 1 M SS whaif. The ballast was bought byMr Nil Thomas.

    The salltmr of the I bin k Sonenia waspostponed until y. She took 2",fi93 bajjs sugar. veighlng 0,371,132 lbs.,nnd valued at $153,U()0.


    March 2th, to lbs wife of Mr. S.Roth, a daughter.


    "Mosti loses" is the title of thelatest painting by Mi.s Alico Lcviquent King Uios.'

    . -- -

    Mn. F. Horn will be prepared tofurnibb hot crobh buns fiom 0 a.m.until (i r. m. on Friday, Mmch 30th.

    Tin; ownor of a time-boo- k and anorder for $15 fiom the Koad

    can have the same bycalling at this ofliec.

    . .

    A span of gray horses, hitched ton carriage, ran away down Fort streetthis niorninjjr winding up, withoutfurther damage, at Goldberg's corner.

    - -

    Somu natives fiom Kalibi say thata frog was caught out there severaldays ngo, and it is now being exhi-bited, as a curiosity, at 25 cents alook.

    A I.AKOU bust photograph of Col.V. V. Ashford, in the full dress uni-form of the Honolulu Hides, withouthelmet, is on exhibition at KingBros.'

    Mn. John G. Rotbwell has beenappointed general delivery clerk inthe Post Ollicc, iee Mr. E. Wode-lious- e,

    liaiihfcricded to the MoneyOrder Department.


    Anybody knowing the where-abouts of Mr. Albert Herzog, anAmerican, will confer a. gteat favorupon his friends by communicatingwith Mr. J. II. Putnam, the U. S.Consul-Uenciii- l.

    Tun Milliliter of the Interiorall peis-on- s having bills against

    his depaitmcnt to present the samebefore March 151st, or they will notbe paid until after the passage of thenew appiopiiiilion bill.

    Mn. W. Foster, clerk of the Su-premo Court, notifies that all billsagainst the Couit should bo pie-gente- d

    on or before Thursday next,ns accouuiri for the current biennialperiod will bo closed on that day.

    A uncin company attended theBand Concert at Km ma Squiue lastnight. Tho atmosphere beingusually clear, tho music was r-tinctly heard and enjoyed bysous at their homes in tho distance.

    Mn. J. W. Pratt took an excellentA photogiaph of Ilia Majesty decorat--

    ing Mr. Kahalcwai with tho Order ofKalakauaand Judge Hoapili with thoOrder of Iviiinohiiinohii at Kailua, ontho 17th of Mmch, in tho King'jj hallthere.

    Mu. J. F. Morgan will bell at hissalesroom on Fiiday, at 10 a. m allthe houtohold fuiniluro of the IntoGeo. Engelharilt. Also at the eamotinio and place, by order of J. II.Putnam Etq,, U. S. Consul-Gonora- l,all tho balance of tho stock-in-trad- oof tho Into Win. Turner.


    The mere playing of drive whibtis not gambling. The dictionariessay that to gamble one must play"for money or any other stake."So long as there is no stake, thereis no gambling. If, however, thereare stakes or prizes, for which theuamo is played, then, wo regret tosay, it boars a strong outwardresonihlauce to tho tleunltionof tho word "camblo." Of course,it leally can't bo Gambling: because it is done by peoplo whowould not gamble. That is a com-plete auswor. But if it were douoby people 'who did ganiblo, it wouldrun great risk of being classed aspartof their naughtiness. This showsthe advantage of a good name, andnow and then or goou kick, too.- -

    Hartford Courant.

    rpH E DAI LY BU LLETI N la a llvo4-- evening papor. OU cents per month,


    If yon want nFine Hat or Necktie,

    o to

    Tho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


    Band concert, nt Tlionms Square,nt 7:00 o'clock.

    Meeting of Excelsior Lodge No.1, 1. O. O F. at their Lodge room,Foit street, nt 7:30 o'clock.

    Meeting of the choir of the secondcongregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral, at the residence of Mr. T.May, at 7:U0 o'clock, for lehcarsal.

    Mr. C. J. Fishcl's millinery estab-lish limit open till 9 o'clock.

    Meeting of the Auti-Asiiil- ic Union,at the Bell Tower, at 7:30 o'clock.Important. A full attendance de-sired.

    Diill of Co. B. of the HonoluluRilles, nt thdir armory, at 7:30o'clock. A full attendance re- -quested.


    The Royal Hawaiian Band willgive it moonlight concert at ThomasSquat o this uvening, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Following is tho pro-gramme:

    1'AllT I.March Taunhaitser WaguerOverture Fia Dlavolo AuberWaltz Itluu Danube Straussltcinlniscenees of Void! Godfrey

    Klin Lei.1'AllT II.

    Variations German Song. . OehsLcho Ka Ilea a HImi ....BulgerCavatina Lucia DouUettcGalop Stoichselmabel .Fain bach

    Hawaii l'onoi.

    . EVENTS

    Closing of tenders for matting atGovernment House.


    The launch Montague, the pro-perty of Mr. J. I. Dowsctt, is nowin the ship-yar- d of Mr. J. A. Dower,rcceivinga thorough overhauling andextensive repairs. She will be madeone foot wider, three feet longer,and one foot higher, which will alterher shape considerably, and enableher to more etlicicutly carry alarger cargo. She will run fromvarious ports on Maui to Molokaiand Kalaupapa, for the Hon. J. I.Dowsett, who has the contract forsupplying the Settlement with paiai.


    The Chinaman, Kop Yule, whowas butchered at his btoio on Sun-day evening, by someone unknown,died at the Queen's Hospital yester-day evening at 5 o'clock from theeffects of the injuries received. ACoroner's 5 jury was empanelled,who after viewing the body weredismissed, subject to the call of theCoroner. During the evening aPortuguese with a pair of stainedtrowsers was arrested, on suspicion.The man was set at liberty, whilethe stains are being analyzed by Mr.Geo. Smith, chemist.


    Tuksday, March 27thNorham, assault and battery on

    Belle Martin SI). 10.Lee Hop, selling pork on Sunday

    morning after 8 o'clock, 83.Antone L'cttina, charge, smug-

    gling opium. Evidence all in,arguments made this afternoon.

    Several cases wcic continued.



    Irritated throats and annoyingcougli3 arc quickly relieved by thegenuine Butter Scotch, only to bofound at tho Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenty of testi-monials. OS

    I'l1 'U'J1 " im1".


    The schooner Addie Ilasseltin ar-rived yesterday morning, 20 daysfrom Sau Francisco, to take Mr. E.M. Morgan, family and brother,and a number of others to the SouthSea Islands.

    The Ilasseltin had very light airduring tho whole passage down.She anchored outside and after talc-ing her passengers on board at 7o'clock this morning weighed anchorand proceeded South.

    Mr. Morgan took a number offowls, plants andbesides a large assortment of gene-ral nierchandibo and provisions.The steam scow took out the goodsand passengers.


    A new lodge, to bo called the"Rebeka Degree Lodge," was in-stituted by W. IS. Foster as DeputyGrand Sire, at Excelsior Lodge hall,lust evening. After the institutionnn election and installation of olll-cc- rs

    followed :W. IS. Foster, Noblo Grand.IS. 0. Rowe, Vice Grand.J. ISmmclulli, Secretary.S. 11. Rose, Treasurer.S. Savidge, Wardon.W. 0. Smith, Conductor.J. J. Lcckor, Tiibidc Guardian.B. F. Dillingham, Right Sup-

    porter of tho Noblo Grand,W. 0. Parko, Chaplain.This lodge is a' branch of the I.

    0. 0. F, and is instituted for thobenefit of tho w Ivca and daughtersof members of the Order of Oddfel-lows, these ladies, having the ptivi-leg- o

    of joining. Tllo regular nightof inaeting will bo the first and lastFiiday of each month.

    AILY BULLETIN SUMMARY40 columns. 'A per suuum.

    Jo to

    Tho Arcado-EG- AW & CO.Tor yonr

    Full Dress White Vests,


    A Chinaman applying for a licenceto drive a hack yesterday, was toldto got a letter of recommendation.OffWent John to one of the leadingbusiness houses of Honolulu, and alittle later returned with a paper,on which was written: "ThisChihatiian has owed us money for18 months past."

    Signed, (firm name.)John got the licence on the

    strength of the recommendation,and n fee.


    LODGE F. & A. M.A special meeting of Hawaiian

    Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M., washeld last night, when tho followingodiccrs wcic installed by P. M., AV.F. Allen, assisted by P. M., J. M.Monsarrat, acting as Marshal :

    W. M. Graham, W. M.John Philips, S. W.A. 11. Scriingcour, J. W.AV. M. Giffatd, Ticasitrer.T. C. Porter, Secretary.Rev. A. Mackintosh, Chaplain.Andrew Urown, S. D.M. N. Sanders, J. D.John II. Sopor, Marshal.

    gJ.U. Goldberg and F. Ailcrbach,htewaids.

    Capt. Ben. Whitney, Tyler.After the installation, the late

    Worshipful Master. J. M. Morsnr-ra- l,was presented with a beautiful

    Past Master's Jewel. The jewel isof gold; it was manufactured byMr. John Spear, and is an artisticpiece of wotkmanbhip. The faceside of the jewel, contains thesquare and orient within the pointsof the compass, which is extendedon a quarter circle. On the obverseside Is the following inscription:Presented to P. M., J. M. Monsar-rat by the membcis of HawaiianLodge No. 21 F. & A. M., Dec.27th, 1887. Tho jewel was intendedfor presentation on a former occa-sion, but the presentation was post-poned until the present time.

    At the conclusion of this cere-mony the members of tho Lodgeand visiting brethren repaired to theAnti-roo- where 'a bountiful colla-tion was served. Toasts and speechesfollowed, after which the assemblyadjourned.


    ur.Fonu .limn, c. a.

    Ti'ksuat, Mar. 27, 1888.S. M. Damon el al vs. J. O.

    Carter. In re Deed of Trust of HisMajesty Kalakaua. Bill fpr appointment of a Trustee. J. O.Carter's resignation accepted andAlex. J. Cartwright appointed inhis stead.

    F. M. Hatch for complainants.In re estate Cii YitorAliYot,

    late of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased.Petition of W. R. Castle for Probateof Will, etc. Hearing continuedIroni yesterday. Ordered that willis admitted to probate : that letterstestamentary be issued to W R.Castle and Chu bam Sau as execu-tors, that W. R. Castle is appointedguardian of said Chu Sam Sau with-out bond ; that notice to creditorsbe published in Weekly HawaiianGazette and Hawaiian ChineseNews, etc., etc.

    W. R. Castle for petitioner.In re guardianship of Fedcrhen,

    Minors. Petition of guaidian forallowance of first accounts and di-vision of balance cash on hand inhe-rited from United States.

    Ordered that accounts arc ap-proved, that widow is first entitledto her dower out of said ca9h, bal-ance and remainder to be dividedequally among 1 minors or their le-gal representatives: that is share of3 minors to their guardian and shareof deceased minor Anne to hermother A and to iter husband A.

    W. O. Whiting for guardian ; A.Rosa for other heirs.




    About four-fift- of the humanrace U subject to Iunncy ; that Is tosay, they believe in tho moon as thosign, herald and arbiter of every-thing relating to the human destiny.Fiom immemorial time men havecast an askant glance at the sover-eign mistress of the night to ascer-tain whether it be safe to do this,that, or tho other thing, and havebeen ruled to action or withheld fromit by tho lunar feign. The extent towhich belief in the influence of themoon prevails among educated peo-ple is amazing, while tho devoutfaith of the purely superstitious isalmost pitiful at times. Yet, for allthat is absurd there is so much thatis rational, not so Inuch in the lineof cause and effect as in the natureof generally recurring incidents.When peoplo can associate two kindsof pneumonia it is not strange ifBoino of them believe the one is thecause of tho other.

    A ring around the moon is, for ex-ample, very often the prophet of badweather, and the iguoiant mindreadily enough accepts it ns this

    .caiisu of the foal weather. Thoscientist, however, takes the troubloto be ptaclical in his solution of thoproblem. He iibsurus us that ''thocuuso of the IiuIob is tho formation

    liOOk nt tho Flno tilno efDress Goods,

    AtTho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

    I.qichI (Style.

    of an extremely attenuated form ofcloud, which floarin the van of allcyclonic disturbances;" so that thelunar halo is in itself an effect, be-ing the sign of the approach of n"cyclone" or area of depression.A clear moon indicates the nntl-cyclon- ic

    condition, or area of highpressuie. A watery inpon indicatedthe advent of a disturbance, andthe blunting of the cusp9, due tothe same cause, has the same signi-ficance. These atmospheric condi-tions are not, however, produced bythe moon ; they are simply made lunl-not- is

    by the moon as a reflective orbthat is affected to the sight byvarious atmospheric changes. Thuswhen the old moon is seen in thenew moon's arm9 bad weather is im-pending. But this prognostic issusceptible of a very practical ex-planation. "When the moon ap-peals 'new' to us, tho earth shouldappear 'full' to the lunar inhabi-tants, if there were any ; and whatcauses the dark part of tho youngmoon to bo dimly visible is its re-flection of the brilliant earth shine."But as clouds lcflect more light thancither sea or land, an unusual illu-mination of the night side of themoon indicates a large amount ofcloud in our atmosphere, and it isvery reasonable to suppose thattheso clouds are drifting upon usas the cairiers of foul weather.

    From theso and kindicd observedcoincidences have sprung a vast dealof moon lore that has some basis intiuth, but is cither sustained or re-pudiated by a knowledge of physi-cal laws. For example, it is a pro-per saying that when tho horns ofthe moon arc turned up we will havefair weather, because the rain can-not spill from it; but when they arcturned down wet weather is to beexpected, because the moon cannothold its water. Though t'ais idea iswidespiead, the folly of supposingthat the altitude of a constantlychanging moon lias anything to dowith the wet and dry seasons is ob-vious.

    An almost equally ttniveisal be-lief is that a new moon falling onSaturday presages a period of wetwet and unsettled weather, a palpa-ble superstition, considering the factof an absence of anything like perio-dicity in subh occurrences. It isHie same with the notion that Christ-mas duriiiK a waxinu moon means agood ycar,and during a waning moonmeans a bad year, as though a dayof religious selection weighed morethan its lay follows in fashioning themoon's influence. Thi3 is in keep-ing with the proverb that to cut thehair when the moon is new will addto the beauty and richness of itsgrowth.

    It is well enough to be guided bysuch signs of the moon as answer todefinite physical principles, thosethat prove the moon phenomena inthe reflection of atmospheric condi-tions and chuiiucs, but the pioverbsthat set the moon up as a producer,as the cause of certain effects, arcas absurd as it would be to supposethat the watch-dog'- s bark signallingtho approach of thieves wa thecause of the theft. The moon is atort of looking-glas- s in which wemay sec atmosphere changes, dis-turbances and dangers reflected, andto be governed by the signs is oftenthe part of wisdom. But sciencelias stripped the lunar orb of muchof the direct potency one titno at-tributed to it. Chicago Intcr-Occa- n.


    The reigning families of Europehave recently had a large share oftrouble. Probably no ruler ofmodern times has had a more un-bearable afllictlon than that whichovertook the late Republican Presi-dent, of Franco. It illustrates theinspired declaration that a man'sfoes shall he of his own household.Prosideut Grevy's son-in-la- AVil-so- n,

    ruined him. Death would havebeen a much lighter nflliction ; andit is probablo that thohas more than once wished thatWilson had died before he knowhim. The latter has just receiveda severe criminal sentence on a con-viction for an infamous tralllc indecorations. Tho crime was tracedhomo to him. Criminal convictionsin France arc without tho intervention of a jury. Tho Judgo declaredin substance that by reason of Wil-son's fortune and family his offensewas all the moro heinous. He hadshocked the public conscience andtainted tho public morals; and hav-ing barely missed compromising thedignity of the nation, "the sentenceunder the law would ha without ex-tenuation." President Grcvy wasforced out of office, the crown ofhis official honor broken in his oldage. If death had overtaken thoFrench President, or had swept awayhis family, the aflliction would havohad Boino mitigation. But there inone for this old man, save the con-sciousness that he had no hand inthu crimes of his son-in-la- andthough for a time he defended himbecauso ho thought it impossiblethat such offense could lie committediilmobt under his own eyes, ThoFrench President disappeared by acalamity worse than death.

    The German Emperor went to bislong home at the close of a very longlife w ithoutono word of reproach, norwith less than profound regret fromall well-meani- subjects. And yethis death was probably listened by

    A flue l.lno ofLadies' Misses' Shoes,

    AtTho Arcade EGAN & CO.

    the great allllclion that had overtaken his son. He grieved over themisfortune, hoped agaiiut hope,watched any reported change for thobetter. These rcyal characters arenot less human because they occupyexalted positions. Adrersity anddeath overtake them without anyrespect to rank. They are but com-mon dust when they "depart. Thepalaco can no more shut out diseaseand death than tho cottage of tbopeasant.

    No greater reverses have befallenany ruling family than those whichoverlook that of Louis Napoleon.He died in exile. The only son ofhis widow was killed in a "miserableAfrican war, where he had hope-lessly bought distinction and foundonlj' death at the hands of savages.The detluoned and childless widowis in exile, bearing her griefs alone.Maximilian's widow is still a maniac,in her middle age, although she wasonce the nominal Empress of Mex-ico. Victoria early became a widowand has since lost two of her favor-ite children. Tho Bavarian Kingwent insane and drowned himself inthe presence of his keepers. Thelate German Emperor assumed olllccas a Regent when the mind of Insliving and ruling brother had utterlyfailed. The late Car of Russiacame to a tragic death at the handsof Nihilists. The shadows are notall in low places they arc some-times darkest in high places. ps-F- .




    inanufiictiircil ut the aliovu establish,ment arc used by all the priuclpnlfn in ill ci at llnnoliilu, nnd cicluslu-l-by 11. 1J. M. vessels of tmit visiting thisport. Plain Soda Water cnuul toScliwcppis. Depot '2 Mcichiuit street.

    1.00 lw

    ClHARLIE! Tlieie'a noupo tnlking,

    Cimly Factory imoUlsdelicious Chocolate Cream! U8 lw

    SAY, JENNY! When we go downtown we'll call at tho Elite niiil get

    nn cjqulsito Ino Cream Drink I 'S lw

    CHAS. J. FISH EL has receivedAiisliiilla the latest stylo ofIndies lintiiinmed hats, alo a lino lineof children's leghorn hats' In ihffeieiitshapes. Call and tee tlioin. b7 lw

    GET SOME Genuine OhlfashionedCunilv, at the ntiwCandy l'actoiv! "Yum! Vuin!"


    BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Rear ot Lucks' Mill.

    T7RESH, HOME-MAD- E W.AL-J- Unut creams lednccd to 30 cents

    per wliolo pound, nttlio Pioneer SteamCandy Factory and Ua'.ery, Hotel, i be-t- w

    ecn Nuuaiui and Fort itieets. 71

    rrtHE BEST PAPER to sub'crlhuX for Is thu "Daily liitllctln." 05cents per molilh

    I?RESH, HOME-MAD- E CHO-- J.colate and Coeoauut Caramels

    to :i0 cents per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Steam Candy Factory andBakery, Hotel, between Xuuaiiu andFort stieets. 71

    HPHE OLDEST DAILY In theJL Kingdom "I Ins Daily Bulletin.''

    GO cents pei month.

    JjMNEST BRANDS OF CALI--- Lloruia Poit, Madeira and 21alugj,

    for rjio in kcn and ca-e- s byGONSALVKa & CO.,

    01 Qui'cu stri'Ot.

    THE ONLY READABLE PA-t- hu1 PER in Kliiniluin "Teh.Daily Bulletin." 60 ronls per month

    PURE, FRESH, HOME-MAD- EVanilla Chocolate Crcauis(de-liclous- )i educed to '.10 cents per whole

    pound, at the PiohT.r.n Steim CandyFactouv Ani IUki'.uv, Hoini., en

    Nijuanu ani Four bthbets.71

    CLEAN RAGS Rim second handwill be giatefully rci-clv- .eil for tho use of the hnnntfii of tholiranch Hospital for I.ciicr3 al KnknaUo,or nt tlin Leper Sfttlment ou Molokai,if left with J. T. Waterhousc, jr., at theQueen Street Store. t&f tf

    3IISS. P. THtELE,On Buri'lauia btreet near Piikol.

    (Formerly House,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

    Daily & Boarding School.Also, French and Gorman taught, and

    Mii9ic LostoiiR irlvrn.A fafe co.'voynnt" will call for and re.

    turn clilblriiii living nt distance.73 Mutual Telephone No. (idl. P1'"


    88 KINO HrX"Jt BlUT.

    HAS been opened over thu icstaurantby ono of thu best practicalbarbers in the city. Gentlemen wish,ing a nice uav Shave, or n fanhlomihlnHair Cut will find it to llmlr advantagoto give me u trial. 7. 1 in

    NOTfOEthe subscribers of the MutualTo,Telephone Company) In order to

    feouru thu very best of svrrlco the mi.tierslgtml requcstb that any cnmplnlnlB inregard to tlm Inattention of the operators,nr trouble on the lines or instruments,will bo lupnrlc) at oneu to J. W. Pratt,Supoilutciiiltnt, or U)

    0.0. HEItGint,95 lw Secretary.


    WANTEDrpo fXi'hanpn a No. 1 Pinuo for oX Hono and I'hailou, or for n llprua

    and Drake, Inqulru at this onloc.Vi U

    1 ! RlH,

    r'T cr.

    lanirim r '


    63 & 65 FORT STREET.--o


    s oiT


    : A.S

    Ma Lin Ml EiraiM




    SI at Low

    NEW I

    EffltatMeries and

    ASH ON



    M BrnM Prices.

    S. EHELICK,83 & 65 Fort street.

    58 Opposite Irwin & Co.


    : HAS JUST

    ' '" "- -


    :- -

    Dupeo Hams & IJacon, Kits .Salmon llellics, Kits Mackerel, Kegs .Beef, KcgsPork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Blown Bread, Tabic Fruits, Gertnea,

    nuclei ns & Prnnco American Feed Co.' Assort'd Soupa,Kidgcs Food, Imperial Granuin, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas. Pop Com, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

    And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.EST" Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- Jl

    otice to the


    Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for tho above arti-cle arc respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18(1!), before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all the ridiculous, empty nnd pompons newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where n cake can be procured to give the greatest satis-faction to tho most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisiteworkmanship on your table which will not crumble in piecc3 when cut,but bo a credit to the fine art of tho Confectioner, which has not only- - fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. AU at-tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine and not worth theprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions nro always cheaper than a hnlfmado one's me.Hating had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in till and the highest styles of art.

    U1. HORN,

    Torclioni Laces !


    these Islands

    Streets, IIOIIOIUIU, II.

    2 in

    The only Practical Confectioner in all branches; PiopnetorHonolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be--twecn Fort and Nuuami


    Made of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodknvu Daily,sold at the great reduced price of

    S2.00! S2.GOI S2.00! S2.00! S2.00IPER GALLON-HON- EST MEASURE


    DES 'X'.AJB 1863.o

    B3?Ab Homo evil disposed persons who ar openly boasti-ng- of tho intention of ruining-- my business and villanouslyfolsefying my GOODS and ICE CREAM I will forfeit$100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.



    P. HORN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

    Both Telephones !No. Vl. HoleljSt. bet. Nuuunu & Fort St.70








    tl,l,y' V



  • i,T'


    Groceries, Provisions and Feed, PKAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

    New Goiiil tonoifed by every Packet from the ITcstern States nml EuropeFrosh California lVduro by everr Steamer. All crderi fiiltiifulty attended toand Goods delivered to any part 01 the oily free of charge. Islnml oulcrs coll-cltci- l.

    Satisfaction mmiiinU'ed. Post Office Hot 14ft. Telephone No. 1)2. 108 ly..1.1.1 r.





    SPEGTSOSi17ol ly

    Just Received at


    A large assortment of

    PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of




    Sale rafc 3E5,e!soiiK.Tble PriceWHOLESALE AND RETABL.


    General AsentsAccountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insuranco

    Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exohango Brokers.Export

    DepartmentsBooks and Accounts accurately kept and pioporly adjusted.Collotions will receive special attention and returns promptly nude.Conveyancing; a Specialty. Recoids &earel.od and (otitct Abstinute of Title

    furnished.Legal Documents and Papcis of every discretion carefully diawn and hand.

    somely engrcsed.Copying and Translating in all langeaiies iu general uio ia this Kingdom.Heal Estate bought, and sold. Tiiics raid and Pioperly safely insured.Houses Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, ai.d rents collected.Eire and Life Insurance effected in first class Insuiauce CompaniesCustom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

    Leans negotiated r.t favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions elicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or bold on most favoiablo terms.Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive particular attention.

    ES All Business entrusted to! receive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

    Having had an extensive business experience for oer Ucnty-fiv- c years inXcw York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate aud complicated nature, or requiring tact and discictiou, and ropcctfullysolicit a trill.

    Bell Telephone No. 27-1- . Xlirwaliun. iJiiNiixews Agency.ian. 8 ly

    Telephone Ilolh Companies 240. V. O. ilox 207.


    FRESH GOODS from California on ICE, by eacli steamer of the O. S. S. Co.r- - A COMl'LLTl: LINK OP '




    A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

    Allot which we offer to the Public at UEASONAULE PH1CES.Fresh New Zealand Butter,

    By (aril arrival from New

    JJel lito Iilis GoLOF SAN FIJANOISCO.


    Made iu America.

    Meals Superior to all Others.

    GONSAIiVES & CO.,Mole AKcntH or the Hawaiian

    JhIuiiiIh,78 tf

    J. O. MAKCIIANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

    Book-Unde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo-kManufacturer,

    Friend Itullding, Uctiicl ttiett, Hono.02 lulu, If

    o iiUSO nAWAHAxo.who want to communiALLper6ons tho PoitiiL'iiese, either

    for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will 11ml ittho most prolltublo way to advertise intho Luso JIawaiiaiio, the now organ oftho I'ortugueso co.ony, which is pub.llshed on Merclmnt street, Gazette Build,ing, (Post-Olllc- o Letter Uox K.), andonly charges reasonable rates for advertlsomentfl.

    of Business

    ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !Zealand SOMETHING FINK.


    For Sale! To Let! For Lease!

    POE SALE 1 Lot of Land. 175X108 ft.Healthy Location. Good vie,$9G0.

    1 Lot of Land, 155x108 ft. Healthy Lo- -cation, etc, $850.

    TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 1 rooms.fl5 per moil tli.

    1 House with Btoie, $40 per month.Hooms, en suite or single, from $2 to ?5

    per week.

    FOR LEASE I Lots, each G070 feat,lor building. Good Location; waterJam on; tonus easy una uie right pur-tit- s

    assisted in building.APPLY TO

    FEANE G0DFBEY('opjlul anil ;'iifj'iil UuaineMW AKent

    No. 81 King Sticet.P. O. Box 845. Burgess' Express Office.


    FERTILIZERS!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

    Etc., Etc.

    For Hulo by IIAXSOX &, W3IYTJI.

    WE are now prepared to rcceivo alloidcis for the above Pertilizerofa supirinr (juality, thoroughly curedand warranted one of the best articlesof tho ltlnd in the market. Ordeis maybe left willi

    L. P. HANSON, 200 Quei n street,G. 51. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable.

    03 J m

    rPHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERX "The Dallv Bulletin." CO cents

    per month.

    FOE SALE- -

    olstein Friesian

    BULLS & HEIFERS. ofno

    11AIlllY J. AG NEW 8Begs leave to notify tliu public Unit liehits on hand nt "Qieentielil," KiipiolaulPark, u line lot of young Hulls midHeifers of the celebrated "UolstclnFilesian'' family. Selected ft out thebest held In America. The Heifers w illoiilvc slioitly. The Bull "Waterloo"aud Heifer "Santa Anita." lieio adver-tised, ate samples of the stock:

    Bull "WATERLOO."

    Tonic Intl'rlaic nt California I'nlr,1887.

    (Calved May 13, 1086.)

    Ear Tag. Xo. 111. Register No 3230,ll.IMI.U. Vol. 2.

    Sire "Anggio Idallne Ith's Roland,"ii.ii.ii. vol. s, ;u'j,

    O. She ".Fun," Distilet Uull of Oostwond.

    Dam Jacob Wit's "Mvtli,"' 1I.H.11.Vol. 8, 01100, by "Jacob Itli."

    G. Dam "Tnjntje," X.H.H. 002."Aaggle Idallne HH's Roland" calved

    Feb. 1S81, Imported in dam (August,1SSJ) "Anggio Idallne 1th."

    'Angglc Idiiliuc-lth- " has a milk iceordas a old of 3,012 lbs. 8 ozs. in 7mos. aud (i days, and her dam "A aggieIdallne Hid" gave t7 -5 lbs. iu 1 day asii 3 j ear old in Holland, and has giventho first season after liupoitation flfl lbs.12 ozs. In 1 day. and S31" lb. 11 ozs. in7 mos. and 0 ilays. "Ximtje," the damof "Anggio Idallne 3id," gave 08 5lbs. in 1 day. "Ximljc" is also the damof "Aaggle Idallne 2nd"' whogave 01 lbs. in 1 day, as a I year old inHolland, gnc the season after im-portation, as a o year old, 53 lbs. 1 day and S750 Ihs. 1 1 ozs. in 7 mos.and 17 davs. Dam also of "Aaggle Ida-lin- o"

    (1302), iccoid of OS in lday iu Holland, and gave tho 111 st sea-son after Inipoitntion 00 lbs. in 1 day,and 0,300 lbs. ir os. in 0 mos. and 25days.

    "Aaggle Idalinc 3idV sire "Jacob2nd." is also tho she of "Xcptunc" and"AaL'gie 2nd.''

    "Kuland" won the 1st pii.c at XcwYoikFair, 1SS4.

    Jacob "Wit's "Mvth," the dam of"Watciloo." eahed .Mnrch 23, 1SS4, andwas imported in Mav 18SI.

    Sire "Jacob 4th," (X.II.U. 210) (J.W'.sH.II.ll. 2002.)

    G. Klip "Jacob 2nd," (N.1I.I5. 50).G. G. Sire "Jacob 1st." (X.U.I!. 20).G. G. G. Sire "Hooker."D.un "Trizntje." (X.II.U. 002) with

    milk iccoid of (is 2-- 5 lbs. in 1 day."Jacob 2nd'' was m Inner of lt piizoat Haailem, 1S70, ami of the 2nd piizc

    atLevden in 1SS0. His dam "Tiintje,"(X.H.I!. in) has a iceord of 80 lbs. 'in 1day. He is also the siro of "Aaggle2nd," which has the laigest oldreeoul Known, having given 01 lbs. 5ozs. iu 1 day, 17.710 lbs. 2 o.s. m oneyear, and u butler iccoid on dry feed of13 lbs. G ozs. in one week.

    G. G. Sue "Jacob 1st," (X.II.U. SO)winner of 1st prize at Amsterdam. Illsdam was "Do Goede," a prize cow atPalis Exposition, with milk iceord of01 lbs. Sozb. in 1 dav.

    G. O. G. She "Hooker;"' she, prizebull rtt Hooni. 1S71. "Hooker" is theshe of "Lady Uifden,'' iccoid of 10,275lbs. in 1 year; of "Aaggie"' iceord 1S,-0- 04

    lbs. 15 ozs. in 1 year; of "Porce-lain," (X.II.U. 147) ipeoitl SO lbs. 1 oz.iu 1 day, and winner of 1st prize atHottcidam. 1S70.

    Heifor "SANTA AIIITA."

    (Calved April 27, 1086.)

    Ear Tag, No. 102, Hcgistcr Xo. 4021,H.F.II.H. Vol. a.

    Sire "Piinee Imperial," (11.11.15. Vol.0, 1,1(11.)

    G. She "Xctheiland Piiuee," (710.)G. G. Slio "Seheinmel.'G. G. G. SIic'beliicii(ler."

    .un "Lakc-id- i! Amy," (II.II.IS. Vol.9.0040) impoitcd, by Distiiet Hull ofTvik.

    G. Dam "Mantel.""Prince Impoikil," (1,104) was the

    winner of 1st piizc Xcw Yoik 6taloFair, as ;i old. Also winner ofpiie in 188 land 1861.

    "Xctheiland Prince," (71(1) winner oftluco 1st prizes and one 2nd piioatXcw York State Fair.

    "Seliemniel,' sou of "XctheilandDowager," ( Vol. 0, 2,KI2). andsire of "Xetheil.ind Piineess," (U.I1.B.Vol. !. SU2); Xelhcrland Countess,"(11.11. 11. Vol. (1, 2,(i;H); "XethcrlandBelle," (11.11. II. Vol. (!, 1.870); aud"Xetheikud Dowager 2nd,''

    "Schicuder," she of "XethcilandQueen," (II. II. 11. Vol. 'J, lir; and"Xctheiland Duchess," (II. 11.11. Vol.0, 2,11)3).


    "Xctheiland Queen" at 2 ofage gave 111.571 lbs. milk In 315days. 1 years of age gave 15.01-- lbs, 0ozs. milk iu 1 year. r. yea is of ago gaveS;i lbs. 1 at, milk in 1 day, ami 10,010lbs. 8 ozs. milk iu 7 nio, 18 days.

    "Xetlicrhind Dowager" at 0 yeaisgave 12,731 lbs. 2 ozs. milk iu 1 year.Commencing at 22 mos. old she gave12,200 lbs. 1 os. milk the 1st year.

    "Xctheiland Duchess" at 3 years gavo11,101 lbs. 12 os. milk in 1 voir. At5 years gave K!,fi20 ins. i os. in) iu inj year.

    "Xetherland Piineess" at 3 yearsgao 14,101 lbs. 2 os. milk In 1 war.

    ".xeiiieiiunu jieiie" at 4 yearn gavo1 1,511 His. 0 o.s. inilk iu 8 inos. 17 (lays


    "Xetherland Quecii" in Xo ember,1882, made 20 lbs. in 1 week and 30 lbs.8 os. in 2 weeks without any changefrom her feed lu (juautlty or quality.Butter weighed after working and be-fo- ie

    salting."Xetherland Piineess" made, before

    she was :i years old, 1 1 lbs, ! ozs. Iu 1week, and when she was 3 year old bjiomade iu 1 week, on winter feed, 1 1 lbs.114 os. j us a 4 year old she inndo in ai day's test at the rato of 18 lbs, 01 o.s,of butter lu 1 week.

    "Xetherland Belle" made as aold 10 lbs. 7 os. in 1 week,

    "Xetherland Duchess" made as a C- -yenr old 1 lbs. 2 os. lu 1 week,

    "Xetbeiland Baroness" made soonafter Impoilatlou and before she wasacclimated, 17 lbs. 5 os. in 1 week.

    Six nicinbeis of this family all boughtfrom ouo bi coder in Holland, nil be had,avciagcd 10 lbs. 7 7-- 12 ozs. which wobellew lias never been equaled by anyentire family of the samo number.

    "Pilneo linpeiliil's" dam "Catlottu,"(H.II.B. Vol, 6, 1,200), ns a old,lias glycu 1,514 lbs. U ozs, of milk Ju 1

    mo. As R old lins given 70 lbs.a ozs. of milk In 1 day and 0,22" lbs 13ozs. of milk In 7 mos. 18 days. IllsGrand Dam ga 01 lbs, of milk hi 1day.

    "Xotlierlnnd Prince's" dam "LadyNctherland," 1I.11.I1. Vol. 5, 1.203),lias a milk record of "3 2-- 3 lbs. in 1 day.Sbo has given in o mos. aud 5 days,0,130 lbs. 11 ozs. of milk. In Fcbiuaryand March, 1885, sho made 21 lbs. U oz.

    butter in 1 week, and 8S lb'. 0 ozs. Inconsecutive dny. and 17 lln. of milk

    made 1 lb. of butter. Ills Clrand "Diiin"Grit Met 2nd," has si record of 71 lb.

    os. In 1 day. 1II Gicnt Oiand Dam"Gert Met" v, as kept 20 years foi breed-in- g.

    "Lady Nelherland" Is dam of"Xetheiland Queen" and "NclheilaiidPiliicess,'' and won 2nd pifro ns bestnilleli cow of anv breed, at New YorkStato Fair, 1882. ("Anggio," of thosrtino herd, wiimlnz 1st mlze), and wasone of the held that won the goldmediil.

    "Santa Anita's" dam "LakesideAmy," (II. 11.11. Vol. 0, 0,840) , calvedFcbiuary 25, 184. Imported August,18S4. Her Grand Dnm "Mantel" lias alccoid of 01 lbs. of milk lit 1 day, us a

    old; u cow of elegant milk veinsand Hue escutcheon, bled by J. LaauTnisk, Noith Holland.

    ALSO- -

    A few Highly Bred Jersey Cows.

    80 2v eod

    O. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.

    Arrive al Honolulu from San Francisco.

    Austinliii April .1Maiiposu Apiil 12Austinliii May 1Zcalandia ... May 10Australia ....Mny2t)Alameda. . . . Juno 7Australia. ...Juno 20Marinosa . ...July 5Aiistialm July 24Zeiiliindiu August 2Australia August 21Alameda August 31AiiHlialiii September 18Alariposn September 27Austialia October 10Zealainlia October 25Australia November 13Alameda November 22Austialia December 11

    Lcavo Honolulu for San Francisco.Zealandi.i April SAustralia April 10Alameda May 0Australia Mny 8Mniipota Juno I!Australia Juno fiKenliiudiu. July 1Australia Inly 3Alameda July 2!)Australia July 31Mitiiposu August 20Australia: August 28Zoalaiulia September 23Australia September 2oAlameda October 21Austialia October 23Mariposa November ISAustralia November 20Zeal nn din December 1(5Australia December 18Alameda . . . .(18S0) .Tuntiary 13

    Honolulu LibraryAN

    Rcadiiui Room Association.

    Cor. Biotel Ik Alultca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

    The Library consists at the piescutime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

    Tho Heading Hoom is supplied w itliabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodicals.

    A Parlor is provided for conversationnd games. .Terms of membership, fifty cents a

    jionth, payable fpiarterly in advance.No formality icmiircd in 'joining exceptsigning the loll.

    Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors floin the other islands sue wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

    This Association having no regularmeans of suppeit except the dues ofmember, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof tills kind, will put down their namesand become legular contributors.

    A. J. OAimVHIGHT, Pros.,M. 51. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,II. A. PAltMELEE, Secretary,A.L.SMITIIi'icasiircr,C. T. BODGEBS, 5I.D.J

    Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

    Rubbish! Mbisli! Rubbish!

    nPHE undcisiKiied having been in thonnd now being upr ointcd by tho Boardni iicnuu as liuuuisu uoilccior. ilicriby wish to thank the public lorthere liberal pationage, hoping a eon.tinuatice of the sniiio with a moro ex.tended list of eustomirs. I sliall ashcrclofoie liave my nibbisli eaits go oneach street wlieie rcquiitd three timesf noli week, except in very niiny weather,then (wo times each week, Afler thismonth each cart will carry a bell toannounce its appcainnce on the siieet,Hint no one will have an excuse for notsetting out their dirt.

    CKjrl'ilccs as heretofore: Ordinarylloiibo Hubhlsh and Yard Sweepings,CO cents, 75 cents and 1.00 per month,if put iu containers.

    The nbovo pilces nrrnnged accordingto Uio amount of rubbisti lakcn away.

    Trto Trimmings and Horse Litterwill be charged extra.

    Hoisc?, Bullocks, Hogs and Dogs willbe bin led at reasonable rates.

    N. F. BURGESS.P. S. Anyono kuowing of one who

    is lcquired lo have their rubbish re.moved, who h not able to pay the tax,if tho party or parties will let me knowI will do their carting frco of chareo.00 lm N. F. 1)7

    FOR SALE.O WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedO Whale Bo'it, U0 feet Ioiil'. 3 dietdeep; H feel wldu; 222 hit Suif Boats;1 18 liet Suif Boat; 2 Di-cki- Plunder,10 foci long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 lect0 inches deep, with miibt and palls nilcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Anplv to.

    E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder aud General Jobber. SI tf

    i '?,; "C . r; it "S. i,..- -

    jbMfe Kr,: t&.HA&.la ..,JMmtwmm

    ULftlOWU LUuuwiuaitMu1M'.iaMCuiieJuijiiij.MrJlJtlJuiii n imwiiiMmmaj&la

    firea Barn!Great Bargains--


    Tho business of tho Into

    GEO. ENGELHARDTWill bo conducted by the undersigned

    uxocutnrs of the will of thedeceased, until tho


    CONSI6T1NU 01'--

    II iwcl vnvo ,GlasHwure,


    IClteheii UlodbUm,StOVCK,


    Cluindellcrni,Lumps, ISte., Etc.,


    Everything will be sold at Cost

    Price !

    Tims aflbrding housekeepers andothers a rare opportunity of re.plenishing or renewing lho-- ncce.snry household articles at

    They will also sel' at publicauction sometime next woih daleto be announced in a futment th Into reaidenco of the deceasedon Quccu street, near the corner ofAlakc.i, the entire contents of the

    Fernery and Conservatory

    tThcro is a gardener in daily at-tendance and public inspection is cor-dially invited.


    Executors of tho Will.72 tf

    g i3

    i -

    Tf I I CDIII e V8o o I CZJbob O en r7M O 5 I J- -

    m 2 CD

    2. Q B" g. K2X CQ

    M ? O g O0 " 2. trf

    '- g 3? S a


    Nos. 33, 45, G2, G3, 67, 73 & 97.

    E. U. Scliuntaii, - - Proprietor.EST" Stand Corner Merchant and Fort

    Stieets.- rJ7ciopiioiicsf aao. --en

    meh 0 80-l-


    WE beg to intimate that 5Ir. W. L.Gnen who lias hitherto, with5Ir. G. "V. 51aefarlar.e, conducted ouragency here, retires from tho samo ason 1st January, 1888.

    51r. G. W. 51acfarlane, nssisted by51 r. Robcit Cation, will continue torepresent our firm here.

    51IRRLEE3, WATSON & CO.Honolulu, 23rd February, 1888.

    73 tf


    Tlio Walkiki residence of Mr. Fred HHajseldcu situated at Kapiolanl Parkbetween the residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, and 5Ir. Frank Brown, is offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto the undersigned.02 tf FRED II. nAYSELDEN.

    TO LET.

    The premises at Kallhl Valley adjoin-in- gthe residence of 5Ir. 5Iarkham and

    known as the Guerrero Homestead, Theyconsitt of three distinct lots, viz:

    1 Houso lot upon which stands a sub-stantial two-stor- y house andArea about 1 3-- 4 acres.

    2 House lot cf about 3-- 4 ol an aero.3 Houso lot and taro land. Area about

    2 acres. , 'For further paitlculars apply to

    J. BI. MONSARRAT,74 Merchant Street. tf

    Richard Gayford,VETISRINAJtY

    Shooing' UlTovo,I'oit Bl.. Next I.nrnV Mill.Shooing, from $1.50.

    Horses and Cattlo Trcatod forall DiscaBOB.

    Xtcsldcncc: 31 Alukca Street,i. o. box iob.

    Bell Telephone) Slenee, 3M.

    Australian Mail Service.

    FOK SAN FRANCISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

    "Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

    bo due nt Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on "r nbout

    April 8, 1888.And will leave for the ahovo port withmulls and passengers on or about thaidate.

    For ficlglit or passage, having SU-PERIOR A.CC051MODATIONS, applyto

    WE G. IEWIN & CO., Agents.

    For Sydney and Auckland,

    The new and fine Al steel steamship

    ii ianposa,Of tho Oceanic Steani'liip Company, will

    be due nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

    April 12, 1888,And will have piompt ditpatch withmalls and passengcis for tho above ports.

    Por Iroight or passage, baring SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIOXS, upplvto37 WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

    Hell Tel. 31M. Jlntuul Tol. ISOl'.O. Ilox 415.

    Office 38 51ei chant St., Honolulu



    Conveyancing a Specialty Record s em ehed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

    Copying, Translating, and engrossing in (11languages in general uso in tho King,dom.

    Custom Houso brokerage Flro and LifeInsurance receive prompt attention.


    MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector.

    Skilled and Unskilled. Labor Furnished.

    REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

    Several valuable properties in andaround ihe city now for sale on easyterms.

    Convenient Collages in desirable healthylocations in and near the ciiy to let orlease at reasonable rates.

    Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will raako themselves use-fu- l

    in performing tho various officesand chores required by private fami-lie-

    Full particulars given on applicationat tho agency.

    Orders from the other Islands piompt-l- yattended to.

    Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 800.P. O Box 409.

    J. E. BR0WN & CO.,Firo Proof Stono Building.

    42 Merchant Street.


    General Commission Merchants

    General Agency for Haw'n Islandoiiuc

    Burlington and Chicago Railway

    Across America,Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

    and 5Iadeira.

    Through tioketsgi anted from Honoluluto all points East.

    Accountant Department.5Iercuandisc stored and sold on com-

    mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom Houso Business

    attended to,Books and Accounts kept nnd audited.Legal Documents prepared.Average adjusted.Propei tics leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drwn.

    To Let No 80 Kinnu street; riirlor, 3bedwioms, kitchen, servant's room,stable, carriage house, guideii etc.Rent very moderate.

    College at Waikiki, opposito BunnySouth; largo yurd, stable, eto. Pessession on let April.

    New York Line.

    An At vessel will bo ilcspctehrd bythis Lino for Honolulu, lo li avo

    Now York in all Alnj.For further Information npply to

    "W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 7!) Brond Streo'.

    New York.

    CASTLE & COOKE,67 3m Honolulu.


    ViewsAl J. J. ffl!

    03 tf

    xue:ge:x'V2XBy the S. S. "Australia" Bill Pebniary,

    --AND XOW OX SALECalifornia 0rangcs---prim- e sample, Barrels

    Saurkraut, Kegs Saurkraut, Crates WhiloHeart Cabbago, Celery on Ice,

    Crates Cauliflower,AND AT.I, VAltll.TIES OP

    A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned FrultF, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Wnl.nuts, Hardnuts, AlmondnutP. O.innidTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc, Etc, LtoESTLOW PRICE TO SUIT THE T1MES-t- 0

    CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,GO King street, Honolulu tf

    M.-lt- . COLBURN,


    ALL kinds of diajage attended topromiitness. AVhlte andBlack Sand delivered in quantities tosuit. Also, Black Reck and Coral Rock.

    Office: With J. P. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Mnunakea. 72 3m


    Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


    W shes to notify tho public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

    No. 13 Kaahumami Street,ET UP STAIRS, -- u

    81 3ni

    Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works,

    SUNNY SOUTH.Honolulu Depot, - - - 28 Merchant St.

    Manufacturers of nigh Clasi AeratedWaters, put up in Patent Crystal

    ValYe-Bottle- s


    Flain Soda,Ginger Ale,

    Kuspberrynde,Hop Ale

    Tahiti Lemonade,Cream Soda


    J. E. BROWN & CO.,08 Proprietors. tf




    Every descilption of


    Bread & Crackers,FRESH SODA CRACKERS


    SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


    Island orders promptly attended to.08 Oin

    Yosemiie Skating

    $3 3a i is-js- : aSkating! Skating! Skating!


    Corner Queen & Richard Stroots.

    Will bo open every evening from 7 to0:'vi0 v. M.

    todays and Saturdaysevening for the Public in General.

    THOSIAS E. WAXiti,1601 Proprietor. lyr







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