Page 1: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

April-May 2012Vol. 2, No. 2

Reporting milestones about and for the


Students • Faculty • Officers • Personnel • Alumni

Page 2: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

A teAm of Ue NUtritioN and Dietetics students along with their faculty member-coach won the 1st Prize in a National Capital region-level recipe development contest recently.

Specifically, in line with the celebration of the 38th National Nutrition month Celebration in July (whose theme is “Pagkain ng Gulay Araw-Araw itong ihain”), the National Nutrition Council NCr regional office conducted a regional recipe Development Contest last April 27 at the San Juan elementary School Gymnasium.

the contest was aimed to develop low-cost, easy-to-prepare and nutritious vegetable dishes. each recipe should use just five major ingredients and should be prepared in less than 30 minutes. About 35 recipes were submitted by different schools, universities and local government units. recipes were pre-screened and 20 entries were selected for actual execution.

the Ue Nutrition team was composed of 3rd-year students April Bautista and Alex Besana and

UE Nutrition-Dietetics Team Wins 1st Prize in National Nutrition Council Recipe Contest

2nd-year student rose Ann Gianan, with faculty member Geraldine m. maglalang as their coach. the Ue team prepared “Sweet Potato, tofu and Snow Peas in Pineapple Sauce,” which garnered the contest-best score of 98%.

the Ue team bested their counterparts in, among others, our Lady of fatima University, who won 2nd Place for “Beggie Sushi”;

the mandaluyong City government, whose “Vegetable with Pineapple Coconut Sauce” was adjudged 3rd Place; and consolation prize-winners manila Doctors College and Centro escolar University.

the Ue team’s 1st Place victory came with a P10,000 cash prize and a certificate of recognition.

the team’s recipe will also be published, along with those of the

other prize-winning concoctions, in a recipe book for distribution to the beneficiaries of the national government’s Pantawid Pamilya program. the recipe book will also be distributed to local nutrition workers as an in format ion , education and communication (ieC) material to help families improve their meals and food intake.

t h e C o o r D i N A t o r o f the Ue Caloocan Guidance and Counseling office (GCo), mrs. remedios C. moog, obtained her second master’s Degree, master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling, from the royal and Pontifical University of Santo tomas on April 3, 2012. in line with this, mrs. moog produced a thesis-by-article entitled “emotional-Social intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction of Self-identified Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgender (LGBt) Students,” which she successfully defended with a grade of meritus (Cum Laude) on march 19, 2012.

her thesis, the study for which was anchored on the mixed-method perspective, was in publication format and divided into two publications.

Publication 1 was entitled “Revealing the innermost soul of the LGBT: Understanding their emotional-social intelligence, self-efficacy and life satisfaction,” while Publication 2 was “LGBT’s empowerment: The support intervention program on their emotional-social intelligence.” her overall thesis has contributed

Guidance Coordinator’s LGBT Thesis Leads to Cum Laude Grade, Speaking Engagements

significantly to the burgeoning literature on LGBt, as well as the area of LGBt Psychology and multicultural Practice in Guidance and Counseling. the thesis also broadens and deepens people’s understanding and adds to the few studies available in relation to LGBt students’ emotional-social intelligence, self-efficacy and life satisfaction. moreover, it explores the effects of support intervention programs for the enhancement of the emotional-social intelligence in the contextual dynamics of filipinos.

Comprising the panel that deliberated on mrs. moog’s thesis were Dr. eduardo Caligner of Ateneo de manila University as chairman and Dr. mariglo Vicente of USt and Dr. Clarissa Delariarte from St. Paul University as members. USt’s Guidance and Counseling Department Director, Dr. Lucila o. Bance, was mrs. moog’s adviser.

With her thesis, mrs. moog serves as a straight ally who advocates for filipino LGBt college students’ healthy lifestyle and well-being, not just in the USt Graduate School but

also in the professional associations of Guidance and Counseling and Psychology.

in line with this, she was invited to be one of the plenary speakers at the 5th National Convention of integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines (iPCAP) held last february 8, 2012, at the University of Baguio in Baguio City. She will also be one of the presenters for the symposium entitled “filipino LGBt Psychology: from theory to Practice” at the upcoming 49th Annual National Convention of the Psychological Association of

the Philippines (PAP), to be held at Waterfront hotel, Cebu City, on August 15-17, 2012.

mrs. moog has been working in Ue since october 2000, starting as a staff member of the Coordinating office for the theatre and other Venues. She was a part-time Assistant Professor at the Ue College of education from 2004 to 2006 until being appointed as a Guidance Counselor for GCo manila in June 2006. in August 2011, she was appointed as the GCo Caloocan Coordinator. She earned her master in Public Administration degree in 2004 from the Ue Graduate School.

Another GCo Caloocan staff member, Psychometrician Arnold A. De Silva, also completed his thesis at the manuel L. Quezon University (mLQU), where he has earned his master of Arts, major in Guidance, degree. his thesis was “An Assessment of Study habits and emotional intelligence of freshman Probationary Students: implication for a functional Guidance Program,” for which he had Ue Caloocan students as respondents.

Mrs. Rem Moog

the Winning Nutrition team: (from left) Ms. G. Maglalang, A. Besana, A. Bautista and R. A. Gianan

2 April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2


Page 3: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

eNGr. eDGArDo V. CABArioS, an Assistant Professor of the electronics engineering Department of the Ue College of engineering-Caloocan and the Director of the Common Carrier Authorization Department of the National teleco-munications Commission, was elected as the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Preparatory Group for the World Congress on international telecommunications regulation, to be held in Dubai, United Arab emirates, in December 2012.

A Ue graduate of BS electronics engineering in 1977, engr. Cabarios began working as an instructor for the University almost immediately after his graduation. he passed the electronics engineers’ Licensure

UE Eng’g Alumnus-Professor Elected Preparatory Group Chair for International Telecom Congress

exam in 1979. Later on, in 1997, he earned his master in Business Administration degree from the Philippine School of Business Administration.

engr. Cabarios started working at the NtC in 1982 as a Communi-cations Development officer. in 1984, he was promoted as Senior engineer (engineer iii), and again in 1986 as Chief engineer (engineer V) and Division Chief. in 1991, he was appointed as Director ii, a position he continues to hold to date.

he has been a member of the institute of electronics engineers (ieCeP) since 1981. he served as the Director and editor of the IECEPistle in 1989, and as ieCeP’s external Vice President in 2004, before becoming

elected as ieCeP Chairman and President in 2005.

engr. Cabarios has also served as resource speaker in various fora and assemblies. Some of the most notable include the 33rd Asia-Pacific

economic Cooperation Working Group meeting in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 2006, and the international telecommunications Union Sub-regional telecommunications meeting in Siem reap, Cambodia in 2008.

engr. Cabarios was awarded as the outstanding Professional in the field of electronics engineering by the Professional regulation Commission in 2009. he has also been recognized by Ue twice. in 2000, he was the outstanding Alumnus in the field of engineering per the Ue Alumni Association inc., and was also one of the Diamond Jubilee Alumni Achievers in Government Service during Ue’s 60th foundation Anniversary in 2006.

h o N o r A B L e J e J o m A r C . B inay, the Vice President of the republic of the Philippines, will be the guest of honor and speaker during the Gala Night of the three-day “Ue Go Global” Alumni Global homecoming 2012.

the ent i re homecoming , organized by the Ue Alumni Association inc. (UeAAi), takes place on may 25 to 27, 2012—with the may 25 and 26 events happening at the Marriott Hotel in Resorts World manila, Pasay City, and the Golf tournament on may 27 taking place at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club in mandaluyong City.

the Gala Night, which will also feature the Ue Alumni Global Lualhati Awards, takes place on may 26, starting at 5 p.m.

the “Ue Go Global” Alumni Global homecoming 2012 is the sequel to the first ever UE Alumni Global reunion, a mammoth get-together that took place on June 3 to

PHL Vice President Jejomar Binay is Guest of Honor at Global Homecoming

6, 2010, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, and which drew Ue alumni from all over the USA and the Philippines as well as Canada, Australia, other parts of Asia, europe and the middle east.

Leading the “Ue Go Global” Organizing Committee is Mr. Cezar t. Quiambao (Ue BSBA ’69 and military Science ’69), the President and Ceo of Stradcom; Commodore

renato S. Chan, PCrGA (Ue BSA 1965, mS 1965), the UeAAi President; and Dr. Jesus t. tanchanco Sr. (Ue BBA 1953), the executive Director of Ue’s marketing Department and UeAAi Adviser.

UE Alumni Go Golfingthe entire homecoming’s culmi-

nating activity will be the may 27 “Ue Go Global” golf tournament, which will feature Ue alumni based here or abroad putting away on the green expanse of the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club.

the tournament’s organizing committee is chaired by Gen. Dioscoro Yoro Jr. (ret.) (Ue AB ’60 & mS ’59).

registration for the tourney will start at 11 a.m., with tee off at 1 p.m.

Awards will be given to the top 3 winners and the fun holes: Nearest to the Pin on No. 3, Longest Drive on No. 6, most Accurate and Nearest to the Pin on No. 14.

Vice President Jejomar Binay

Silent Auction to be Held

UE Fine Arts Alumni’s ‘Art-East’ Exhibit to Add Color to Global Homecoming

the Ue fiNe ArtS ALUmNi ASSoCiAtioN, LeD BY itS President, mr. edgar B. Arcilla (Ue BfA ’77), shall be holding an art exhibit called “Art-east at the marriot” during the three-day “Ue Go Global” alumni homecoming celebration at the marriot hotel in resorts World manila in Pasay City.

this exhibit will showcase 30 exemplary artworks and paintings of distinguished UE fine artists such as Gus Albor, Romulo Galicano, Danny Pangan, red mansueto, Cee Carlos Cadid, rodel rillera, ed Arcilla, robert Odejar and Delfin Garcia, to name a few.

the art exhibit shall be opened together with the formal opening ceremonies of the Global homecoming at 8 a.m. on friday, may 25, 2012, at the Ballroom of the marriot hotel.

A silent auction shall highlight this event—the Ue alumni artists’ very first. This marks another milestone as UE Fine Arts alumni gather its members and art patrons to acquire the best of the best art pieces.

the auction mechanics bulletin shall be published at the Ue alumni website ( and displayed at the lobby exhibit area. the auction winners shall be announced at the Gala Night on may 26, Saturday.

meanwhile, ed Arcilla’s “Sunspots & horses” art exhibit that recently ran at the ricco renzo Galleries has been extended for two more months at the Phat Wong Gallery restaurant, also at Lri Design Plaza, N. Garcia St., Bel-Air, makati City. interested parties may contact ricco renzo Galleries at 0927-3244013, 0923-6586779 and 898-2545.

Ed Arcilla with “Sunspots & Horses,” the title piece of his ongoing solo exhibit

Engr. Cabarios

April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2 3


Page 4: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

A S i x - P e r S o N t e A m representing the Ue College of Computer Studies and Systems (Ue CCSS) recent ly became the champion team of the first ever bowling tournament of the Philippine Society of information technology educators (PSite)-National Capital region (PSite NCr). the tournament, billed as the 1st PSite NCr bowling tournament and dubbed as the Society’s “first physical mSW” (a.k.a. monthly seminar-workshop), was held at the Sm mall of Asia Bowling Center on march 15, 2012. the champion

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mArCh 14, 2012, mArkeD the University of the East’s diffusion of outcomes-Based education (oBe) to all its faculty members in the form of an orientation Seminar held at the Ue theatre. the guest speaker was Dr. Conrado e. iñigo (shown above), who is one of the current Commis-sioners of Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commis-sion on Accreditation (PACUCoA) and is the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Quality management representative of the Lyceum of the Philippines University.

the University is endorsing the implementation of oBe in the near future. A team, headed by the Chancellor of Ue Caloocan, Dr. Zosimo Battad, has been designated by Ue President ester A. Garcia to oversee its immediate implementation starting with the three flagship UE colleges, namely the College of Business Administration-manila, the College of Dentistry and the College of engineering-manila.

roy killen1, in his book Effective Teaching Strategies, cited Spady’s definition of outcomes as “high-quality culminating demonstrations

of significant learning in context.” he further opined that outcomes are “demonstrations of learning—things that learners can do as a result of their learning—not the score, label, grade or percentage attached to the demonstration, but the substance and actions of the demonstration itself.”

one definition that Dr. iñigo gave of oBe2 is that “it starts with the belief that all students can learn and be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experience.” the word all referring to students was repeatedly given emphasis. his definition encapsulates the idea that “No student will fail; all students will successfully pass the course.” As Phyllis Schlafly3 had illustrated, “if oBe were applied to basketball, the basket would have to be lowered so all could score equally.”

True in all courses, specifically in mathematics, classes are composed of a diverse cross-section of students with varying academic abilities, learning styles, personalities, interests and even mathematic abilities. As regards mathematics ability, there are those considered as fast learners and there are those

classified as slow learners (or those that take much longer time to learn). implementing oBe requires that every student in a class learn at a designated level and demonstrate a specific outcome before moving on until all demonstrate competency. the fast learners may need to wait for their classmates to catch up, thus, no student moves ahead until all demonstrate competency. This calls for differentiation in the teaching techniques and strategies of a mathematics teacher.

Differentiated instruction (DI), also called differentiation, is an instructional concept that maximizes learning for all students regardless of skill or background. When a teacher differentiates instruction, he/she uses the best teaching practices and strategies to create different pathways that respond to the needs of diverse learners. in other words, the teacher must teach using a variety of techniques and strategies that address the varying needs of all students. eaton4 defined DI as an approach to planning so that one lesson is taught to the entire class while meeting the individual needs

of each student. As the saying goes, “Different

strokes for different folks.” math instruction can be differentiated to allow students to work on skills appropriate to their readiness level and to explore mathematics applications.—Prof. Wilison A. Reyes, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences-Manila

1 Killen, Roy. Effective Teaching Strategies. CeNGAGe Learning Australia. thomson, Social Science Press, p.46

2 Dr. Conrado e. iñigo, talk at the “orientation Seminar on oBe.” Ue theatre, march 14, 2012.

3 Schlafly, Phyllis. What’s Wrong With outcome-Based education? may 1993 report. retrieved march 15, 2012.

4 Eaton, Verna. Differentiating for Students Needs. Saskatchewan Valley School Division. 2011. < html>. retrieved march 15, 2012.

UE to Implement Outcomes-Based Education Soon

Ue team was comprised by six CCSS faculty members, namely Dr. Sheila Geronimo, Prof. John Jason J. Discipulo, Prof. Jovy m. Afable, Prof. Arne r. Bana, Prof. marc rodin C. Ligas and Prof. edmon L. torres. they were awarded the 1st Prize amounting to PhP3,000.00.

the Ue team bested three other PSite NCr-member teams: the PSite NCr team, which won 2nd Place; team Pagkakaisa, which won 3rd Place and included Ue CCSS professor marivic Gatus; and Adamson University’s team.—Previously posted on

The winning UE team: (from left) Dr. Sheila Geronimo, Prof. Arne Bana, Prof. Edmon Torres, Prof. Jovy Afable, Prof. Marc Rodin Ligas and Prof. John Jason Discipulo

UE CCSS Team: 1st PSITE NCR Bowling Champions

4 April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2


Page 5: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

Alumni, Honor Societies Members Visit Their Alma Mater

t h e U N i V e r S i t Y h A S strengthened its academic linkage with Chiang mai, thailand-based maejo University with the visit of UE Caloocan officials on April 26 to 30, 2012.

Ue Caloocan Chancellor Zosimo M. Battad led the delegation, which included Dean Victor r. macam of the College of engineering-Caloocan, Dean rogelio V. Paglomutan of the College of Business Administration-Caloocan, Dean Celino B. Santiago of the College of fine Arts, Architecture and Design, and Associate Dean

UE Caloocan Academic Officials Visit, Give Lectures at Thailand’s Maejo University

Crisol A. Bruza of College of Arts and Sciences-Caloocan.

the visit allowed the guests from Ue to see the expanding academic programs and facilities of maejo University, which is the premier agricultural university of thailand, as well as the impressive economic development of the northern part of thailand as represented by the city of Chiang mai. the delegation also got to meet the students of Ue Caloocan and of the University of the Philippines-Diliman who are undertaking their on-the-job

training in tourism at Chiang mai under the guidance of maejo University.

moreover, two of the visiting Ue officials gave lectures to the faculty and doctoral students of maejo University. Dr. rogelio Paglomutan spoke on “Philippine National Treasury, the Financial Market, and the Global Debt Crisis,” while Dr. Bruza presented his completed doctoral dissertation, “Controlling the Educational Manpower Supply and Demand Imbalance Through Relevant Programs.”

maejo University is planning to invite Ue officials anew for an August 2012 academic forum, while Ue is preparing for a series of visits of students and faculty members of maejo University within school year 2012-2013.

the photo above shows (from left) Associate Dean Bruza, Dean Paglomutan, Dr. Somkid kaewtip, the Director of maejo University’s School of Administrative Studies, Chancellor Battad, Dean macam and Dean Santiago.—Dean R. V. Paglomutan

t h e U e C o L L e G e o f f i N e Arts (CfA) Department of Architecture held a lecture on “the Growing Scale and Complexity of Buildings in the mega City” on february 20, 2012, at the UE Caloocan Briefing Room. the event was sponsored by the Ue CfA Architecture Department and the United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxilliary. the lecturer was Architect richard Payne harbord of the royal institute of British Architects.

the lecture was attended by 1st, 2nd- and 3rd-Year Ue Bachelor

College of Fine Arts Hosts Lecture by British Architect

of Science in Architecture students. Also in attendance were UE Fine Arts Dean Celino B. Santiago; members of the CfA’s Architecture Department faculty, led by architects Art Barroca, Leo S. mamaradlo, maribel tubera and Joseph P. Alcoran; and ms. edith N. romero of the Ue marketing Department.

in his talk, Arch. harbord centered on the challenges in designing buildings to address issues such as climate change, sustainability, technology, the expanding population and the effect

of these designed buildings on a social dimension. he also highlighted the need to redesign cities for capacity, with buildings geared for greater densities and more intense land use. he also talked about re-inventing the basic city blocks, as well as the current response for family-friendly buildings, which resulted in stereotype buildings such as malls.

After the lecture, Arch. harbord was requested to open the CfA’s Art exhibit on campus, alongside Ue Caloocan Chancellor Zosimo m. Battad.

Arch. Harbord receives a certificate of appreciation and a UE jacket via CFA Dean Celino Santiago and Arch. Joseph Alcoran of the CFA’s Architecture Department

fiVe reCeNt StUDeNtS of the Ue College of education made their mark at eduquiz 2012, held last February 29 at the Little Theater of Arellano University.

mirasol P. Boyles, then a senior taking up Bachelor of elementary education (Beed), major in Special education, won 1st Place in eduquiz’s individual Category and was part of the entire Ue team in winning 2nd runner-up in the Group Category.

her team members were Bachelor of Secondary education (BSed), major in english, seniors Lucille e. Cui and Benjie D. Sarmuyan, BSed major in Biological Sciences senior raymond John r. Villaraza and Beed major in Generalist Program senior John Luigi i. Zafe.

All five went on to earn their respective college degrees at Ue’s yearend commencement rites held in the morning of April 25, 2012, held at the Plenary hall of the Philippine international Convention Center. mr. Sarmuyan graduated with two honors: the Latin honor of Cum Laude and the College Distinguished Graduate Award.

UE Students Shine at

Eduquiz 2012

• tinajeros National High School, Malabon City

• F. Serrano Sr., Elementary School, Parañaque City

• Saclag Settlement Farm School, San teodoro, oriental Mindoro

opening of Classes in UE*Sy 2012-2013:

College: June4,2012(Monday)

Elementary and High School: June6,2012(Wednesday)

*UE Manila and UE Caloocan

April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2 5


Page 6: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

Outstanding Graduate Awardee Summa Cum Laude

Magna Cum Laude

Geneve Praise T. BONTOGONCAS Cal.

Jannen B. BARONACBA Cal.

Kathrina Chermer D. COMIA CAS Mla.


CAS Mla.

Maria Carizza P. REPOLLO

CBA Cal.

Legend:CAS: College of Arts and Sciences

CBA: College of Business AdministrationCCSS: College of Computer Studies and Systems

COE: College of Engineering

Marinelle Angelica B.


Jeffrey Patrick G. JOSEPH

CBA Mla.

Jim Marshall D. SINLAOCOE Mla.


COE Cal.


COE Cal.

Crystal Allen A. CRUZ


Pitett F. SAMSONCBA Cal.

Ma. Francheska O. JORDAN

COE Cal.

Maria Veronica D. ZAMORA

CAS Mla.

Karlo Antonio M. DEL RIO

COE Cal.

Robee Ann L. BERNABE

CBA Cal.

Angelito UMALI

COE Cal.

Robie Shem T. OCRAYCOE Cal.

Sheila A. SYCCSS



CBA Cal.



Anna Karina D. FIRMANTE

COE Cal.

Kimberly Amanda K.



Raphael M. ROBLESCAS Mla.

Maria Cresielda S. ECALNEA

CAS Mla.

Jene Norel G. VALENCIACOE Cal.



Bernard R. MARIANOCAS Mla.


COE Mla.


CBA Cal.


Maria Aileen D. OLAYTA

CBA Cal.

Hazel Joyce G. DEL ROSARIO

COE Cal.

Miraflor B. BUNAO

CAS Mla.

Arwadin U. USMAN

CAS Mla.



Dhave P. DAYAO

COE Cal.



Joseph John C. ABDULLAH

CAS Mla.


COE Cal.


Francis Frederick D. VALERO


Jasel Han P. VALDEZCBA Cal.

Mark Anthony C. CABASAG

CAS Mla.


CBA Cal.



Philip Rey D. BAUTISTACOE Cal.

Jessica L. TOMAGANCBA Mla.

Erika Cress S. MONTALBO

CAS Cal.

Anthony Nash O. DE LEON

CAS Mla.

College Distinguished Graduate Awardees


Charmaine S. AQUINO

CBA Cal.

Geneve Praise T. BONTOGON

CAS Cal.

NeilsenT. CAMPIT COE Cal.

Maria Cresielda S. ECALNEA

CAS Mla.

Villarica D. MANUELCollege of Fine Arts


College of Education

Jim Marshall SINLAO

COE Mla.

Sheila S. SYCCSS

Honor Rollo f M A n i L A A n D C A L O O C A n

UEThe Yearend 2012

Leadership AwardeesValedictorian

Ronn Michael M. VILLANUEVACollege of Law

MAniLAMen MenWomen Women


Eduardo D. OLEA Jr.College of Dentistry


Franc Jason B. DELA CRUZ

CAS Cal.

Geneve Praise T. BONTOGON

CAS Cal.

G R A D U A T E S W i T H H O n O R S

6 April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2


Page 7: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

Cum Laude

Jaidee Marie L. BAUTISTA

CBA Cal.

Justine Caesar C. FERRER

COE Cal.


COE Cal.



Jennychel M. PASTRANACOE Mla.

Neilson T. CAMPITCOE Cal.

Devorah G. MAGALIT


Joanna Marie L. LEONES


Arabelle Clarice F. ROXASCOE Cal.

Kevin Josh F. TAN

COE Cal.


CBA Mla.


Sheila Ann T. CELARIO

CBA Mla.

Villarica D. MANUELCollege of Fine Arts

Barbara Joy Z. GABRIEL

COE Cal.



COE Cal.

Jenson O. LIM

CBA Cal.

Paul Michael P. IBEROCBA Mla.

Jomar P. PEREZ

CBA Cal.

Michelle Jean T. SALINAS

CAS Mla.


CAS Mla.

Alvin John R. ALVAREZ

CAS Mla.

Ara Abigael T. DIONISIO

CBA Cal.

Dianne Caryl C. CON-UICBA Mla.

Ma. Irish M. MARCELOCBA Cal.

Sharina A. GAJUDOCOE Cal.

Alexi L. PABLO

CBA Cal.



Mark David S. LIM

COE Cal.

Nathex-Kasem F. IWUANYANWU Jr.


Julie Anne S. POLICAN


Mark Anthony N. SALVADOR

CBA Cal.


John Vincent C. ANDINO

CAS Mla.

Reynalyn T. ELONCCSS

Reynald L. CORPUSCBA Cal.

Mark Joseph C. MARCOS

CBA Mla.

Winson Rei D. GASIS


Katrina R. PADUA

CBA Mla.


CBA Cal.

Stephanie M. LIM

CAS Cal.

Maan Elizabeth L.


Bryan C. POSAS

COE Cal.

Joylyn A. SANTOSCBA Cal.

Earvin Jun R. USONCOE Cal.

Allen Kristoffer A.


Reynaldo Gerald T.


John Alfrick C. CRUZCAS Mla.

Pauline I. MARQUEZCOE Mla.

Jesseca C. GERIDACAS Mla.

Joel Francis T. PAGADOR


Geneve Praise T. BONTOGON

CAS Cal.

Alejandro C. LIMBAGACBA Cal.

Jasmine P. JINAHON



CBA Mla.




CAS Mla.


Ma. Bernadette D. ESPIRITU

COE Cal.

Marites Y. CUNANANCBA Cal.

Karen Camille C. MARTIN



Jovielyn L. PALMESCAS Mla.

Angelica O. BUANCCSS

Virginia Marie B. LOPEZCBA Mla.

Fatima D. LABAN

CBA Cal.

Jonathan M. REA

CBA Cal.




Ferdinand Jeffrey Lundgren



CAS Mla.

Cherryfer Bonniefaye P. DAMPOG

CAS Cal.

Jenny Rizza F. MATEOCBA Cal.



CBA Mla.

Divine Grace C. CABATU

CBA Mla.

Troy Vincent A. LUCENA

COE Cal.


CBA Mla.


Sheilla V. SILVA

CAS Mla.





CBA Mla.

Renee Rose V. CARLOS

CBA Cal.




Gabriel Cezar R. OBNIALCAS Mla.


Prince Anthony S. LICUDOCOE Cal.

Janile Reizel L. GUMATAY

CAS Cal.

Winlove Christiane V. PAULECBA Mla.

Marjorie Ann Miguela G. SAJENESCBA Mla.

Charlene L. TAW

COE Cal.

Charmaine S. AQUINO

CBA Cal.


CBA Cal.

Joanna Marie DC. DATOL

CBA Cal.

David Raphael F.



COE Cal.

Arra Karissa C. PANGAN

CBA Cal.

Erica Grace S. CABER



Mary Joy J. LAGARECBA Cal.

Nathaniel Adrian C. REVILLA

CAS Mla.

Alexander M. SILVERIO Jr.

CAS Mla.


Jonnel Marwin A. ALBAYCBA Mla.

Maria Eden M. DELA CRUZ

CAS Mla.

Tricia Ann A. CAYETANO

COE Cal.

Kenneth R. MANGUI CBA Cal.



Josephine D. OLANDEZ

CBA Cal.


Jennifer S. LIM

CBA Mla.

Diane Corrine P. HORTINELA

COE Cal.

Ahira C. PEREZ

CBA Mla.

Ryan Casey V. SALASCBA Mla.

Michael Angelo B.


Airedolf G. BALBA

CAS Mla.


CAS Mla.



John Vincent D. MORENO

CBA Mla.

Lizette Diane D. GRESOLA

CBA Mla.

Xel Abraham G. PANLAQUI

COE Cal.

Wechelle Daphene R.


Renee Rose S. MACARAEG


Ma. Victoria M. LAGOCAS Mla.

Emily A. REYES

CBA Mla.


April Joy V. ZAMORA


Leonari John A. BARROS

COE Cal.

Janelle Jam T. FERRERCBA Mla.

Je Anne DC. DELACOE Cal.


Ma. Carla Ellen C. GUESECAS Cal.

Laarni Denise G. PASCUA

CBA Cal.

Rozel Angela P. CALUNGSUD

COE Cal.

Eduardo Giulliano C. MAGADIA



Rhenelaine B. ROVIRACAS Mla.


CBA Mla.

John Elliote O. ZAPANTA

CBA Mla.

April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2 7


Page 8: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

Academic Excellence Awardees(Elementary Level)


Third Honorable Mention

Alec Denji S. Santos

Second Honorable Mention

Alden Kiel A. JOVES

First Honorable MentionBest in Math

1st Runner-up Math Olympiad

Marion Abilene R. NAVARRO Salutatorian • Best in Filipino • Leadership

Award – SPG • One of the Top Ten Most Outstanding

Pupils of Caloocan City

Elijah Ericson G. DEL ROSARIOValedictorian • Best in

English • Best in Science • Best in Makabayan • Best

in EPP • Best in Computer • Most Outstanding Member of

the Junior Science Club

Julia Mikaela B. MENDOZA With Distinction

Jellah L. CORPUS

With Distinction

Shaune Kathleen S.

PAPILLA With Distinction

Ammiel Josiah O. MONTERDE

With Distinction

Cheenie Ann D. SY

With Distinction

Special Awardees (Elementary Level)

Gabriel Y. CAJUBAN Outstanding Boy Scout of the Year

Elaine E. DAMIAN

Outstanding Girl Scout of the Year

Alvin C. MAGALLANESFirst Honorable Mention

Best in Elective MathMost Outstanding Member of the Mathematics Club

Community Service Award

Vanessa Mae A. OPEñASalutatorian

Best in EnglishBest in Values Education

Most Outstanding Member of the Junior Dawn

Christian Oliver C. SUMUGAT

ValedictorianBest in Mathematis

Best in ScienceExcellence in Youth

Science Leadership Award

Academic Awardees (High School Level,

Science-Based Curriculum)

Kristina Cassandra

C. LIMBest in FilipinoBest in T.L.E.

Best in Computer


Best in Elective Science

Olafunwa G. ABUIZA

Best in Economics

Academic Excellence Awardees (High School Level,

Science-Based Curriculum)

Academic Awardees(High School Level, Regular Curriculum)

Jan Reyceline E. SIMEON With Distinction

Macx Erl Del M.

MALVATAAN With Distinction

Best in Computer

Shermaine A. BALUYOT With Distinction

Christian Mark G.

GUINGCANGCO With Distinction


With Distinction


Third Honorable Mention

Community Service Award

Judy Ann A. BAñARES

Second Honorable Mention

Best in EconomicsBest in Values



First Honorable MentionBest in FilipinoBest in T.L.E.

Audrey Mae D. GEOLAGON


Rojeena Gail R. RubioValedictorian

Best in EnglishBest in Mathematics

Best in Science

Special Awardees (High School Level)

Danira A. LUSTAN

Most Outstanding Member of the EHSD

Dance Troupe

Maria Joane R. BONTIA

Most Outstanding Member of Lapis at Panitik

Community Service Award

Pamela Angela D. DACUAN Outstanding

Student Leader

Charles Andre K. CASTRO Most Outstanding

Member of the Volleyball Club

Anne Camille JAVELOSA Most Outstanding

Member of the EHSD Chorale

Carl Symon V. CAABAY Most Outstanding

Member of the Samaka Club

Justine Guillerma C. GARCIA

Most Outstanding Member of the Young Entrepreneur


Aaron Israel S.J. CEñIDO Most Outstanding

Member of the Future Home Makers Club

Marcellino C. SANCHEZ

Most Outstanding Member of the Drama Club

Sher-Shacquille C. DE LUNA Most Outstanding

Member of the Badminton Club

Edwell Jann L. TAYAG

Community Service Award


Community Service Award

Jan Maenard O. PADILLA Community Service


John Mello Camille C. GUZMAN

Community Service Award

Ephraim D. ENOVESO

Community Service Award

Christine Joyce A.

CRUZ Community Service


George Emmanuel B.

GUBATANCommunity Service


Elementary and High School Department UE Caloocan

Academic Awardees (Secondary Laboratory School)

Academic Awardees (Elementary

Laboratory School)

Elementary and Secondary Laboratory Schools UE Manila

Dhanna Patricia O. BAUTISTA

Valedictorian • J.P. Laurel Foundation • Awardee for Academic Excellence • UE

Excellence Awardee for Best in English



Peter David V. LACAS

Second Honorable Mention

Franco Francisco J. DE GUZMAN

First Honorable Mention

Blanche B. TAPERLAThird Honorable


John Rafael A. FERRER

Fourth Honorable MentionMercury Drug Awardee for

Best in Mathematics UE Excellence Awardee for Best in Mathematics

Gino Ishmael C. CHUA

Sixth Honorable MentionMercury Drug Awardee for

Best in ScienceUE Excellence Awardee

for Best in SciencePSYSC Awardee for Best

in Science

Jasminah J. MALABI

Eighth Honorable Mention

Nathaniel M. PEREZ

Fifth Honorable MentionUE Sports Excellence



Seventh Honorable Mention

Rica Jane M. APELLIDOA. Y. Foundation

Awardee for National Discipline

Gerry Roxas Leadership Awardee

Kesia F. DESUASIDOValedictorian

Samantha SENOSalutatorian

Marithe Issey Dale N. ABELLAFirst Honorable Mention

Danielle Christian R. GALLENITOSecond Honorable Mention

Nicart B. UBALDOThird Honorable Mention

Honor Rollo f M A n i L A A n D C A L O O C A n

The Yearend 2012 UE

8 April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2


Page 9: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

April and May 2012

Calendars of Activities

of UE Manila

and UE Caloocan

c/o Jollo

1 SUnDAYPalm Sunday

2 MOnDAYAcademic Council Meeting Admission: Administration of the

Ue College entrance test (Cet), 1st Semester, 2012-2013 (up to April 30)

CBA Mla.: faculty Development Program (throughout April)

GCO Cal.: exit interview for Graduating College Students (up to April 24)

GCO Mla.: exit interview of Yearend Graduating Students (up to April 20)

SAO Mla.: iD Picture-taking and Distribution of iD Laces and Protectors for freshmen enrollees (up to June); Processing of Visa extension and Conversion for foreign Students (up to April 30); Submission period for Yearend reports from recognized Student organizations (rSos) and the Ue Student Council (UeSC) (up to April 30)

3 TUESDAYElementary and High School

Department Commencement Rites, UE Theatre, UE Manila

GCO Mla.: Staff Meeting

4 WEDnESDAYOECO: Delivery of Donated

materials for Community Literacy in Barangay 1, tNhS and iLC, malabon and Caloocan

5 THURSDAYMaundy Thursday

6 FRiDAYGood Friday

7 SATURDAYBlack Saturday

8 SUnDAYEaster Sunday

9 MOnDAYAraw ng Kagitingan

10 TUESDAYAdmissions: Start of Summer 2012

enrollment (up to April 18) CBA Cal.: kapihan with the Deans

and the Chancellor, CBA Office CBA Mla.: Submission of final

Deliverables before the issuance of Clearance to the faculty

CCSS: maya training for faculty members (up to April 11)

Law: registration Period for Summer 2012 (up to April 18)

OECO: evaluation of Community outreach Programs

SAO Mla.: Processing/Review of Nominees for the outstanding Graduate Award and Leadership Award for men and Women (up to April 17)

11 WEDnESDAY2012 Elementary and Secondary

Laboratory Schools Commencement Exercises, UE Theatre

Libraries: Library heads meeting

12 THURSDAYCBA Cal.: JPIA Induction of Officers,

tYk 211CCSS: 3D Animation fundamentals

Seminar (up to April 13) Libraries: Archives/Museum/

Library tour of UP and ADmU and the Presidential museum & Library

13 FRiDAYCBA Cal.: Committee on Latin

honors’ meeting, Ue manila; meeting with the Ue President regarding the Accounting honors Scholarship

Libraries: Assessment report and echo Seminar

14 SATURDAYGS: faculty Development Seminar

on echo of outcome-Based education, GS 700

16 MOnDAYCCSS: faculty training on

Advanced Java (up to April 17)

17 TUESDAYPE: Summer Workshop: Basketball

(Boys and Girls), Ue Caloocan Gym (up to may 10); taekwondo (for 5 years old and above), Ue Caloocan (up to may 16)

18 WEDnESDAYFirst Day of Summer Classes PE: Summer Workshop: fencing, Ue

manila Gym 3 (up to may 18); elementary Ballet, Ue manila Gym 2B (up to may 18)

CBA: BSA Comprehensive examination

19 THURSDAYBoard of Trustees Meeting CBA Cal.: College Academic Council

meeting PE: Summer Workshop: Arnis for

kids, Ue manila Gym 1 (up to may 19)

20 FRiDAYGCO Cal.: Peer facilitators’ training PE: Summer Wellness Program:

Aerobics and Ballroom Dancing

21 SATURDAYLaw: Seminar-Workshop on Practical

Approaches in Effectively Answering essay-type Bar Questions

23 MOnDAYGCO Cal.: Staff Meeting

24 TUESDAYBaccalaureate Mass (UE Manila),

UE Theatre Baccalaureate Mass (UE Caloocan),

Open FieldCCSS: College Academic Council


25 WEDnESDAYConferment of the Degree of Doctor

of Humanities, Honoris Causa, upon Dr. Howard Q. Dee and the 64th Yearend Commencement Rites, PICC Plenary Hall, Pasay City


Conference GCO Cal.: Community outreachSAO Mla.: Staff Meeting

27 FRiDAYOECO: ocular inspection of Barangay

123, moriones, tondo, manila PE: Summer Wellness Program:

Aerobics and Ballroom Dancing

30 MOnDAYOECO: Pre-Brigada eskwela

orientation of Volunteers SAO Mla.: meeting with the incoming

UeSC regarding the 2012 Leadership training Seminar and 2012 freshmen orientation

1 TUESDAYLabor Day

2 WEDnESDAYAdmission: Administration of the

Ue College entrance test (Cet), 1st Semester, 2012-2013 (up to may 31)

CAS Mla.: Seminar Workshop on “Wikang Filipino at/sa Mass Media, isyu, Dulog at Paglinang ng kagamitang Pampagtuturo sa elementarya, Sekondarya at tersyarya,” De La Salle University (up to may 4)

CBA Mla.: industry-Academe Linkage with BPA/P (Exploratory Talk)

CCSS: Programming Skills evaluation (PSe) tutorial, CCSS research and Development Office (up to May 4)

Dentistry: Dentists’ Licensure exam (theoretical Phase, up to may 4)

DRRM: Processing of Official transcripts of records and Diploma for recent and earlier Graduates, Transfer Credentials/Honorable Dismissals, Certifications, CHED-CAV Authentications and Verifications; encoding of Dropping of Subjects and removal of “Lfr” marks (up to may 31)

PE: Sports Clinic (fencing; Ballet and taekwondo, up to may 17)

SAO Mla.: iD Picture-taking and Distribution of iD Laces and Protectors for freshmen enrollees (until June); Processing of Visa extension and Conversion for foreign Students (up to may 31); Preparation for the 2012 Ue Student Council (UeSC) Leadership training Seminar (up to may 31)

3 THURSDAYAcademic Council MeetingCAS Mla.: Philippine Association

of Language teaching (PALt) 3-Day Conference, Benguet State University (up to may 5)

CBA Mla.: faculty Development Program (throughout may)

PE: Sports Clinic (Basketball and Arnis)

4 FRiDAYDRRM: Summer midterm

examinations for Graduate School and CLawLibraries: Library heads meetingOJT: orientation meeting of oJt

Advisers for Summer 2012, Briefing RoomPE: Sports Clinic (fencing)


7 MOnDAYCCSS: Programming Skills

evaluation (PSe) tutorial, CCSS research and Development Office (up to May 9)

8 TUESDAYCBA Mla.: researChallenge 2012DRRM: Summer midterm

examinations for CBA, CAS, CCSS, CDent, Ceduc, CfA and Coe

PE: Sports Clinic (Basketball and Arnis)

9 WEDnESDAYCBA Mla.: College Academic

Council meetingPE: Sports Clinic (fencing)

10 THURSDAYCAS Mla.: Philippine Society for

microbiology (PSm) Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting, Cagayan de Oro City (up to may 11)

CCSS: Staff MeetingPE: Sports Clinic (Basketball and


11 FRiDAYCCSS: enrollment Advisers meeting

with the College SecretaryGCO Cal.: Strategic Planning for

SY 2012-2013PE: Sports Clinic (fencing), Wellness

Program (Aerobics and Ballroom Dancing)

14 MOnDAYDRRM: Start of registration for

Block Sections (up to June 4)GCO Cal.: Academic Counseling for

Students with “Warning – See the Guidance”GCO Mla.: Staff Meeting; Academic

Counseling for 1st Semester, SY 2012-2013 (up to may 31)

OJT: Start of oJt Application for 1st Semester, 2012-2013

15 TUESDAYDRRM: Start of registration for

Students with Student Numbers Starting at 2008 and lower (up to June 4)

PE: Sports Clinic (Arnis)

16 WEDnESDAYDRRM: Start of registration of

Students with SN Starting at 2009 (up to June 4)

PE: Sports Clinic (fencing)

17 THURSDAYBoard of Trustees MeetingDRRM: Start of registration of

Students with SN Starting at 2010 (up to June 4)

18 FRiDAYAdmissions: Start of Admission of

transferees, Degree-holders and Cross-registrants (up to June 4)

DRRM: Start of registration of Students with SN Starting at 2011 (up to June 4), Last Day of regular Summer Classes for Graduate School and CLaw

ORC: University research Council team Building Seminar, tagaytay City (up to may 19)

PE: Sports Clinic (Arnis and fencing), Wellness Program (Aerobics and Ballroom Dancing)

19 SATURDAYDRRM: final examinations for

Graduate School and CLawGCO Cal.: team-Building

21 MOnDAYDRRM: Start of registration of

Students with SN Starting at 2012, transferees, Degree-holders and Cross-registrants (up to June 4)

Education: Deped-Ue training of teachers for the mAPeh k-12 Curriculum, Conference hall (up to may 25)

22 TUESDAYCCSS: College Academic Council


23 WEDnESDAYCAS Mla.: mique international

Conference and event Planners (miCeP) Summer training Workshop on Singapore math teaching, Sm megamall megatrade hall (up to may 25)

CBA Mla.: National Association of CPAs in education inc. (NACPAe; up to may 25)

24 THURSDAYDRRM: Last Day of regular

Summer Classes for CAS, CBA, CCSS, CDent, Ceduc, CfA and Coe

25 FRiDAYDay 1: UE Alumni Global

Homecoming, Marriott Hotel, Resorts World, Pasay City

Dentistry: Dentists’ Licensure exam (Practical Phase, up to may 27)

DRRM: final examinations for CAS, CBA, CCSS, CDent, Ceduc, CfA and Coe

PE: Wellness Program (Aerobics and Ballroom Dancing)

26 SATURDAYDay 2: UE Alumni Global

Homecoming (including UE Manila Campus Tour and Gala Night at Marriott Hotel)

GS: PAASCU meeting

27 SUnDAYDay 3: UE Alumni Global

Homecoming (various locations) and Golf Tournament (Wack Wack Golf and Country Club)

SAO Cal.: UeCSC Leadership training and Seminar-Workshop, rizal, Laguna (up to may 29)

28 MOnDAYCCSS: faculty training on 3D maya

(up to may 29)

29 TUESDAYCAS Mla.: Department of Behavioral

Sciences faculty Development Program, Caliraya recreation Center (up to may 30)

ESLS: in-service faculty training (up to June 1)

31 THURSDAYLibraries: recollection and General

AssemblySAO Mla.: Staff Meeting



April 2012

May 2012

April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2 9


Page 10: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

UE Athletic Awardees 2012UAAP Season 74 Awardees:

Women’s Badminton Team: Champion, UAAP Women’s Badminton Tournament

rochelle C. Andres – most improved PlayerJamila fatima N. Cruz –

most Valuable Playerkimverly J. Gatpolintanmay Laurece S. PamoradaBianca Gail t. reytasBianca marie Nicole t. Semillarocky U. magnaye – Coach

High School Chess TeamBryan B. Barcelon – Gold medalma. essah teresa C. Cortes – Silver medal

Women’s Fencing Team: Five-Time Champion, UAAP Women’s Fencing Tournament

Christine h. Almas – Gold medal, team epee and team SabreClichelleyn G. Del rosario – Gold medal, team

Sabre and Silver medal, individual Sabre

elaine kea h. Gonzales – Gold medal, team epee and Bronze medal, individual epeeAntionette A. Lavilla - Gold medal, team epeeAnna terizza mari A. macaraig – Gold medal, team epeePatricia marie Y. melendres – most Valuable Player; Gold medal, individual foil, team foil and team epeeJylyn P. Nicanor – Gold medal, individual Sabre and team Sabrekeren e. Pangilinan – Gold medal, team foil and team Sabre; Bronze medal, individual foilrose Anne m. reyes – Gold medal, team Sabrerolando Canlas – Coach (foil)rufelrino B. endriano – Coach (epee)Chester J. Uy – Coach (Sabre)

Men’s Fencing Teammanoah S. Baal – Silver medal, team epee; Bronze medal, team foilClark Vincent C. De Guzman – Silver medal, team epee; Bronze medal, team foil and individual epeeLee eigran e. ergina – Silver medal, individual epee and team epee; Bronze medal, team foilBruce kevin h. Ng – rookie of the Year; Silver medal, individual Sabre and team Sabrekenneth John G. Paraso – Bronze medal, team foilroger randall r. Samia – Silver medal, team epeeGervacio V. Sandoval iii – Silver medal, team SabreBryan Jhon Bon f. Santos – Silver medal, team SabrePaul o’Neil t. talavera – Silver medal, team Sabre

Boys’ Fencing Team: Back-to-Back Champion, Boys’ Fencing Tournament

felix Almender i. Bayatan – Gold medal, team foil; Silver medal, team epeeChristian Jhester m. Concepcion – Gold medal, team foil and team Sabrekim Paolo m. Gutierrez – rookie of the Year; Silver medal, individual foil and team epeefrancois Nowell t. Licono – Gold medal, individual epee, team foil and team Sabre; Silver medal, individual Sabremarlow Nicole S. osayan – Silver medal, team epeeNathaniel m. Perez – most Valuable Player; Gold medal, individual foil, team foil and team Sabre; Silver medal, individual Sabre

Judo TeamZebedee S. Buagas – Silver medal, 57kg. Categorymary Grace S. Guiling – Gold medal, 70 kg. Category

Paulo D. manangan – Gold medal, 81kg. CategoryNenuco r. Nomoto – Bronze medal, 57kg. Categoryhalbert P. orcine – Bronze medal, 81kg. Categorymark onil e. reyes – Silver medal, 57kg. CategoryPrecious Diane P. rosos – Bronze medal, 78kg. CategoryJohn mark G. Verano – Silver medal, 66kg. Category

Softball Teammarlyn C. francisco – Champion, 26th Southeast Asian Gamesmary Joy P. Lasquite – Coach; Champion, 26th SeA GamesGene Joy t. Parilla – most Stolen Bases; Champion, 26th SeA Games

Men’s SwimmingJaitulla t. Ajirulla – Gold medal, 200m Breaststroke; Bronze medal, 400m

individual medley and 100m Breaststroke

Girls’ Swimming Team: Champion, UAAP Girls’ Swimming Tournament

Camille Joy r. Arreza – Gold medal, 4 x 100m freestyle relay; Silver medal 4 x 50m freestyle relay and 4 x 100m medleyJoleyrina michaela A. Buna – Silver medal, 200m and 100m Breaststroke; Bronze medal, 100m Backstroke, 50m freestyle, 800m freestyle and 200m Backstrokefrances may L. Cabrera – Silver medal, 200m Butterfly, 50m Butterfly and 800m freestyle; Bronze medal, 400m individual medleykristiana Allia mariz U. Cortado – Gold medal, 4 x 50m relay; Silver medal, 4 x 100m relay and 50m Breaststroke; Bronze medal, 100m Breaststroke

maria Camille Yvonne C. Cortey – Gold medal, 4 x 100m freestyle relaymaylyn f. estipona – Gold medal, 4 x 50m relay; Silver medal, 4 x 50m freestyle and 4 x 100m medleyClaire Anne A. Galang – Gold medal, 200m Backstroke; Silver medal, 100m Backstroke and 50m Backstrokericalyn B. magbanua – Gold medal, 4 x 100m freestyle relay; Silver medal, 4 x 50m freestyle relaymaureen B. mallares – Gold medal, 4 x 100m freestyle relayChristine Jhoy S. mendoza – most Valuable Player; Gold medal, 400m freestyle, 200m freestyle, 400m individual medley, 200m Butterfly and 800m freestyle; Silver medal, 100m ButterflyLeila Franchette O. Quiambao – Silver medal, 4 x 50m freestyle relaymaricris Johanna C. Silvala – Gold medal, 4 x 50m relayirah isabelle t. Solon – Gold medal, 4 x 50m relay; Silver medal, 4 x 100m medleyJaime G. Geralde – Coachmartin Jerald B. Valdez – Assistant Coach

Boys’ Swimming TeamJericho Dominique P. De Leon – Silver medal, 100m Breaststroke and 200m Breastroke; Silver medal, 400m individual medleyJowan Carlo Q. De Veyra – Silver medal, 4 x 200m freestyle; Bronze medal, 4 x 100m freestylerenz Lexter C. evangelista – Silver medal, 4 x 200m freestyle; Bronze medal, 4 x 100m freestyleJhustin eden D.C. Jamias – Silver medal, 4 x 200m freestyle; Bronze medal,

Recognized and awarded on March 29, 2012, 1 p.m., UE Conference Hall

10 April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2


Page 11: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

4 x 100m freestyle and 400m freestylekevin Nicole C. Perez – Bronze medal, 4 x 100m freestylekerwin r. rollon – Silver medal, 4 x 200m freestyle

Juniors’ Table Tennis Team: Grand Slam Champions

Donna marie r. Gamila – Gold medal, SinglesJaezl may B. ingeniero – Gold medal, SinglesLyr eden S. Leyva – most Valuable Player; Gold medal, Singleskaimo t. mangulabnan – Gold medal, SinglesAngela Joyce Q. Nesperos – Gold medal, Doubleskrisha Jade m. Pelaez – Gold medal, Doublesian michael D. Valdemoro – Gold medal, DoublesJohn Paul A. Vasquez – Gold medal, Doublesrogelio C. Ponte – Coachhomber C. tiongson – Asst. Coach

Taekwondo TeamAaron James m. Galita – Silver medal, fin Weight DivisionJhon Nityananda Das B. Lim – Gold medal, featherweight Divisionking Phillip P. Pineda – Silver medal, flyweight DivisionJoenel m. rendora – Bronze medal, fin Weight DivisionJenar B. torillos – Silver medal, Bantam Weight Division

Men’s Track and FieldAbraham L. Alzona – Bronze medal, 400m Dash, 200m Dash and 4 x 100m relayKristoffer S. Carlos – Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relayStefan N. Jalbuena – Silver medal, 10,000m Walk and 5,000m Walk

Wenlie S. maulas – Silver medal, 800m run; Bronze medal, 1,500m runrichard S. Salano – Silver medal, 5,000m run, 10,000m run, 3,00m ‘ Steeple Chase, 1,500m runrhonnie D. Valentin – Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relayrhyean ian S. Vergara – Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relay

Women’s Track and Fieldmarie Alice L. Dela Cruz – Bronze medal, 3,000m Walk, 5,000m WalkAlloyda kezia B. Devoma – Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relaymacrose m. Dichoso – Bronze medal, 1,000m runirene B. Gullos – Silver medal, 400m Low hurdle and 4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, 400m Dash and 4 x 100m relayira mari A. hernandez – Silver medal, Discus throwJosephine t. mendoza – Silver medal, 4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, 800m runApril e. Pedrozo – Gold medal, 3,000m Walk and 5,000m WalkJeny rose h. rosales – rookie of the Year; Gold medal, 100m Dash, 200m Dash and 400m Dash Silver medal, 4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relaykristina mae S. Santos – Silver medal, 4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, 4 x 100m relay

Boys’ Track and Field TeamChester miguel A. Corpuz – Silver medal, 5,000m runJohn robertson V. madayag – Gold medal, 400m run; Silver medal,

4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, 400m hurdles and 800m runBlaise N. miguel – Silver medal, 4 x 400m run and 800m run; Bronze medal, 1,500m runSteve Christian N. miguel – Silver medal, 4 x 400m relay; Bronze medal, triple JumpDaveson kyle C. Narido – most Valuable Player; Gold medal and record- Setter, 5,000m Run, 1,500m run, 2,000m Steeple Chase and 3,000m run; Gold medal, 800m run; Silver medal, 4 x 400m relay

Boys’ Volleyball Team: Eight-Time Champion

rencel m. AmbayGeuel D. Asia – Best Setterreuel D. Asiaedward V. Camposano – most Valuable Player, Best Blocker, Best AttackerCzarles S. GarciaChristian Lorenz S. Gopio – rookie of the YearJack L. kalingkingralph raymond C. madrigalron Adrian D. medallaevander C. monsantokarl Justine D. roque – Best receiverLester kim V. SawalJoshua A. UmandalAaron f. Yengcheungruel m. Pascual – Coachroberto r. Javier – Assistant


Girls’ VolleyballPia Gabrielle B. Sarmiento – Best receiverChristine mhae tolentino – rookie of the Year, Best Libero

Non-UAAP Awardees:

Women’s and Girls’ Weightlifting Teams

Daryl Ann A. Ancuelo – Bronze medal, Secondary Category, Phil. National Games

eriel S. Cardano – Bronze medal, 44kg., Batang Pinoy Gamesecatarina S. Cardano – Gold medal, open Category, Phil. National Gamesma. Celinna C. espeña – Bronze medal, 44kg., Batang Pinoy GamesPrincess D. estrella – Silver medal, 47kg., National openemily A. racelis – Silver medal, 48kg., Phil. National GamesAislin Agnes Yap – Silver medal, 56kg., Batang Pinoy Games

Men’s and Boys’ Weightlifting Teams

Jay ranil Aguila – Silver medal, 77kg. Phil. National GamesSammy Y. Bondad – Silver medal, 53kg., Phil. National Gamesherbert robinson V. Cadenas – Gold medal, 56kg., Phil. National GamesCharles Justin C. Cardano – Gold medal, 62kg., Phil. National Gamesedrew S. Cardano – Bronze medal, open Category, Phil. National GamesJerby D. Deriada – Gold medal, 85kg., Phil. National GamesJacob odale evans – Gold medal, open Category, Phil. National Gamesronald Pagalan – Silver medal, 63kg., Phil. National GamesDalip Sigh Brar ranvijay – Gold medal, College Category, Phil. National GamesNestor A. redulla Jr. – Bronze medal, open Category, Phil. National GamesJamil Joseph D. Sebastian – Gold medal, 42kg., Batang Pinoy Games.

Some of the recognized athletes and coaches with UE President Ester A. Garcia, EVP Carmelita G. Mateo, UE Manila Chancellor Linda P. Santiago (3rd to 1st from left)

and PE Asst. Director-OiC Rodrigo M. Roque (far right)

April-May 2012 • Vol. 2, No. 2 11


Page 12: UE Silangan News, April-May 2012

Admission & Registration Schedule and School CalendarSy 2012-2013

ADMISSION & REgIStRAtION 1st Semester, 2012-2013 2nd Semester, 2012-2013

1. ADMiSSiOn Freshmen(1stYear,1stSemester) April02(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.01(M)-Nov.06(Tu),2012NewStudentsofGS,Law,Dentistry April02(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.01(M)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Transferees May18(F)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Degree-Holders May18(F)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Cross-Registrants May18(F)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012

2. REGiStRAtioNFreshmen(1stYear,1stSemester) April02(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.01(M)-Nov.06(Tu),2012BlockSection(Curriculum-Allsubjects) May14(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.19(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012StudentNo.startingat2008&lower May15(Tu)-June04(M),2012 Oct.22(M)-Nov.06(Tu),2012SNstartingat2009 May16(W)-June04(M),2012 Oct.23(Tu)-Nov.06(Tu),2012SNstartingat2010 May17(Th)-June04(M),2012 Oct.23(Tu)-Nov.06(Tu),2012SNstartingat2011 May18(F)-June04(M),2012 Oct.23(Tu)-Nov.06(Tu),2012SNstartingat2012 May21(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.23(Tu)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Transferees May21(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Degree-Holders May21(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012Cross-Registrants May21(M)-June04(M),2012 Oct.26(F)-Nov.06(Tu),2012

got News?News items about the Ue Community are welcome in Silangan!

Please email us at <[email protected]> (photos must come in separate jpeg files) or submit soft copies to the URO at the 2nd floor, Dalupan Building, UE Manila, during regular office hours,


our tel. no.: 734-5471 loc. 314.All submissions are subject to editing for clarity and due to space constraints.

thank you.




Editor in ChiefEdilbertoB.SulatJr.

Editorial AssistantsLolitaM.Carpina



SCHOOL CALENDAR 1st Semester, 2012-2013 2nd Semester, 2012-20131. First Day of Regular Classes June04(M),2012 November06(Tu),20122. Preliminary Exams


July16(M)toJuly19(Th),2012 Dec.17(M)toDec.20(Th),2012

b. SaturdayClasses July21(Sa),2012 Dec.15(Sa),20123. Christmas Break Dec.22(Sa),20124. Classes Resume Jan.03(Th),20135. Midterm Exams


Aug.28(M)toAug.31(Th),2012 Feb.04(M)toFeb.07(Th),2013

b. CLaw&GraduateSchool Aug.20(M)toAug.26(Sa),2012 Feb.04(M)toFeb.09(Sa),2013c. SaturdayClasses Sept.01(Sa),2012 Feb.09(Sa),2013

6. Last Day of Regular Classesa. CAS,CBA,CCSS,CDent,CEduc,

COE,CFAOct.05(F),2012 Mar.19(Tu),2013

b. CLaw&GraduateSchool Oct.03(W),2012 Mar.16(Sa),2013c. SaturdayClasses Sept.29(Sa),2012 Mar.16(Sa),2013

7. Final Examinationsa. CAS,CBA,CCSS,CDent,CEduc,

COE,CFAOct.09(T)toOct.12(F),2012 Mar.21(Th),22(F),25(M),and26(Tu),

2013b. CLaw&GraduateSchool Oct.04(Th)toOct.10(W),2012 Mar.18(M)toMar.23(Sa),2013c. SaturdayClasses Oct.06(Sa),2012 Mar.23(Sa),2013d. DepartmentalFinalExaminations Oct.08(M),2012 Mar.20(W),2013

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