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Candidate: Study:



Semester: Section:





Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

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1. Opće informacije o jezičnom portfoliju:

Jezični portfolio projekt je Europskog vijeća u svrhu:

1. dokumentiranja i prezentiranja jezičnih znanja, sposobnosti i vještina te interkulturalnih iskustava koje je

učenik/student/odrasla osoba stekla tijekom školske naobrazbe, ali i u sklopu svojih izvannastavnih aktivnosti

2. postizanja vlastite, samostalne procjene jezičnih znanja, sposobnosti i vještina, refleksije o iskustvima

stečenih u sklopu učenja stranog jezika i dodira s drugim kulturama, kao i planiranja daljnjeg učenja stranog


Ciljevi su oblikovanja jezičnog portfolija:

1. unaprjeđivanje višejezičnosti i dijaloga među kulturama

2. olakšavanje mobilnosti unutar Europe

3. učvršćivanje i očuvanje kulturne raznolikosti

4. unaprjeđivanje samostalnog učenja

5. poticanje na cjeloživotno učenje stranih jezika.

Jezični portfolio sastoji se od tri temeljna dijela:

1. Jezična putovnica pruža uvid u aktualno stanje jezičnih znanja, sposobnosti i vještina vlasnika/ce

portfolija te izvješćuje o iskustvima u vezi učenja stranog jezika, kao i o

interkulturalnim iskustvima

2. Jezična biografija dokumentira osobni životopis u vezi učenja stranog jezika i stjecanja

interkulturalnih iskustava na temelju samoprocjene vlastitih jezičnih znanja,

sposobnosti i vještina, kao i pomoćne instrumente u vezi planiranja daljnjeg učenja

stranog jezika

3. Dosje: predstavlja zbirku vlastitih radova različite vrste u smislu primjera na temelju kojih

se stječe uvid u to što je vlasnik/ca portfolija do sada konkretno oblikovao/la na

stranom jeziku ili pak je to u stanju učiniti. Dosje je moguće oblikovati ili kao radni

dosje koji prati svakodnevno učenje stranog jezika, odnosno, napredovanje

procesa učenja vlasnika/ce portfolija ili kao 'prezentacijski dosje' kojim se ilustrira

aktualno stanje jezičnih znanja, sposobnosti i vještina.

2. Upute za ispunjavanje jezičnog portfolija na Veleučilištu u Varaždinu:

Jezični portfolio je osobni dokument vlasnika/ce koji je namijenjen kontinuiranom popunjavanju, odnosno,

dopunjavanju njegova sadržaja. Svaki se dio portfolija popunjava novim podacima, ovisno o razvoju korisnika/ce

u sklopu učenja stranog jezika i stjecanja interkulturalnih iskustava. U tu se svrhu vlasnik/ca jezičnog portfolija

pridržava uputa sadržanih u portfoliju te u skladu s njima prilaže nove listove s novim podacima.

Jezični portfolio podložan je izmjenama i od strane nastavnika/ce i od strane vlasnika/ce tako da je njegov

sadržaj na temelju uzajamnog dogovora podložan neprestanim revizijama.

U svrhu ostvarenja prava na bodove unutar Kolegija Engleski jezik korisnik/ca Jezični portfolio predaje na uvid

nastavniku/ci najkasnije dva tjedna prije završetka semestra.

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

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Personal data:



Date/place of birth:


Extracurricular activities:

Other personal data:

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

A. Personal FileA. Personal File

A1. Resume 1. Write your personal data in the table!2. Write your resume in the empty box under the table!

A1. Resume 1. Write your personal data in the table!2. Write your resume in the empty box under the table!

My name is...My name is...


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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

A. Personal FileA. Personal File

My family...My family...












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Learning English at school:

Other ways of learning English:

Learning other languages:

Further information on language learning:

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B1. Language Learning 1. Write about your English language learning in the table!

(left column: when, who with – right column: content)

2. Write about your English language learning in the box below!

B1. Language Learning 1. Write about your English language learning in the table!

(left column: when, who with – right column: content)

2. Write about your English language learning in the box below!

I have been learning English...I have been learning English...


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I can recognize some familiar words or those that are similar to words in Croatian, such as an indication of the time, the day of the week, or the month.

I can understand simple sentences, for example on notices and posters.

I can understand a routine form well enough to fill in basic personal information, such as last name, first name, date of birth, nationality, and similar items.

I can understand textbook descriptions of family members or of subjects taken by college students.

I can follow simple commands and directions, such as “no smoking,” or how to get to the restroom, especially if images accompany such directions.I can understand everyday information in a simple personal letter concerning family, leisure activities, or what is happening at school or work.I can recognize whether a news article is about politics, cultural activities, economic news, a human interest story, a product advertisement, a weather bulletin, or another topic.I can get the gist of a text or a letter related to my professional field with occasional use of a dictionary.

I can access a specific piece of information on a web site that relates to my professional or personal areas of interest.I can follow simple directions and instructions at work, such as what to do in case of fire or whom to contact for help with my computer.

I can read short factual narrations, descriptions, and follow a clear progression of ideas.

I can separate the main idea from the details in a short text relating to personal or professional areas of interest.

I can guess the meaning of certain unknown words through context when the rest of the sentence is clear.

I can understand personal letters and professional letters concerning my areas of expertise when they are written in standard language.

I can follow concrete arguments and understand conclusions in texts related to my areas of expertise.

I can recognize the perspective of the author in a news article or the point of view given in an article relating to my areas of expertise.

I can understand the details of correspondence related to my personal or professional areas of interest.

I can read short stories, plays, and short novels and follow the unfolding of the plot, the motivations of the characters, and the flow of ideas.I can read instructions and a variety of texts requiring an extended vocabulary, as long as I can look up uncommon words or expressions.

I can scan lengthy texts on a wide variety of topics in order to decide quickly whether closer reading is needed.

I can read long and complex literary texts or highly specialized texts in my professional field.

I can read work-related analyses and reports, and appreciate stylistic particularities, implicit ideas, hypotheses, or points of view.

I can understand without great difficulty contemporary novels and various texts outside of my expertise.

I can understand any professional correspondence, provided I have occasional use of a dictionary.

I can understand complex instructions outside my areas of interest, such as how to use equipment or put together a child’s toy from the pieces in a box.I can understand and interpret virtually any type of written text, including those that are abstract, structurally complex, or highly colloquial, whether they are literary or non-literary writings.

I can appreciate classical and contemporary literature in different genres (poetry, prose, theatre, satire).

I can recognize the implicit message in expressions, jokes, and puns, and appreciate irony in a text.

I can understand long and complex texts and perceive fine stylistic differences and implicit meanings.

I can understand complex technical manuals I use in personal or professional settings.

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!


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I can reproduce simple error-free sentences that I have learned previously.

I can write a simple post card or letter to friends, such as “Paris is wonderful!” or “See you soon!”

I can fill out a simple form asking personal information, such as forms for hotel registration or a new ID card.

I can write simple sentences about where I live and identify members of my family.

I can write simple phrases about everyday events, like when to meet or where we are going for dinner.

I can draft e-mail messages to request information, make a hotel reservation, or order catalogue items well enough to be understood by those used to receiving international requests.

I can write invitations and express thanks in simple language, using greetings and closings I have learned.

I can connect and recombine simple sentences and structures I have already learned to write a short essay or to leave a message at work.

I can describe or narrate certain professional and family activities using familiar vocabulary or structures.

I can narrate certain things that have happened in the near or distant past, especially if I have the help of a dictionary or textbook.I can use the most important connecting words to indicate the chronological order of events (first, then, after, later)

I can summarize in simple connected sentences the research I have done for a term paper.

I can write standard letters giving or requesting detailed information, or prepare a simple cover letter and resume in response to a job announcement, as long as I have models to work from. I can write compositions or personal letters in which I discuss general topics, explain my preferences, or give news of family and friends.

I can describe films and recount the plot of short stories and plays, using a dictionary as needed.

I can draft simple reports in my professional fields of expertise, observing accepted conventions and making few enough errors that my meaning is understood by classmates or colleagues. I can write my CV in a summary form.

I can express myself with ease on a wide range of topics in my areas of personal interest and professional expertise.

I can write standard formal letters, such as conveying information or making requests, and do so in an acceptable register while using appropriate conventions.

I can write an academic essay or a professional report that requires me to develop arguments and support opinions.

I can easily synthesize information and summarize points of view and arguments found in several sources.

I can write detailed descriptions and narrations, making clear the progression from one event or description to the next in a text that is easily readable.I can write fluently and accurately about a wide range of topics in my areas of personal interest or professional expertise, varying vocabulary and style according to content.

I can draft detailed smooth-flowing essays and formal reports using both an appropriate register and style.

I can express myself clearly, implementing various strategies to organize and develop my ideas, tailoring my writing to the intended audience.I can elaborate my case effectively and accurately in complex formal letters, such as addressing or making complaints or responding to situations requiring tact and delicacy.I can develop clear arguments, giving appropriate emphasis to significant points, presenting relevant supporting details, and drawing logical conclusions, as needed for a term paper or a report. I can express myself easily in a style adapted to almost any audience and in a manner appropriate to the content of the text.

I can easily draft complex pieces of correspondence, journal articles, and work-related reports.

I can provide and tailor an effective and logical structure for my writing in order to help the reader to find significant points.I can easily give a critical appreciation of business proposals or literary works, articulating my arguments effectively and accurately using a full range of grammatical structures.I can utilize idiomatic and colloquial expressions as well as technical jargon in my area of specialty, tailoring language to express fine distinctions of meaning.

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!


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I can understand basic greetings, such as hello, good-bye, and how I am doing.

I can understand clear and simple commands, such as “come in” or “open the door.”

I can understand various simple and familiar expressions of everyday life, like “thank you” and “you’re welcome.”

I can understand numbers, prices, days of the week, months of the year, and references to time of day, although I may need to clarify with gestures or by asking someone to repeat.

I can understand basic words and phrases about myself and my family when they are spoken slowly and clearly.

I can understand simple personal questions, such as my name, address, and telephone number.

I can understand everyday words and phrases when people speak slowly and clearly, as in a restaurant or at a hotel.

I can follow simple directions on how to find something or how to get somewhere, such as getting to a museum or a train station.

I can identify the main points in television news items when there is visual support.

I can understand the purpose of a telephone call in order to direct it to a qualified person.

I can understand the essential information in short recorded passage dealing with everyday events which are spoken slowly and clearly.

I can understand detailed instructions when they relate to my everyday experience or to my areas of expertise.

I can understand the arguments given by each person in a short discussion about a topic that I know well.

I can follow much of what happens in films in which images and actions help me to interpret the meaning of clear and simple language.

I can understand the main idea in a short audio recording (radio, television, or video) when it is articulated in common language about topics that interest me.

I can understand detailed factual information on familiar topics in school or at work.

I can understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for something I use every day.

I can understand most film dialogues and televised documentaries when the topics covered are familiar.

I can appreciate a speaker’s mood, tone, feelings, and attitudes.

I can understand a lecture or talk within my own field, if the subject matter is familiar and the presentation is clearly structured.I can understand standard spoken language in everyday situations, even in a noisy setting where several people are talking.

I can follow without difficulty a phone conversation concerning my personal and professional interests.

I can understand explanations of concrete and abstract topics spoken at a normal speed and in a standard dialect.

I can discern opinions and follow the development of arguments in conversations and presentations, even when some ideas are implied rather than stated.

I can recognize a wide range of idioms and common phrases, and follow many changes of style and of register.

I can understand public announcements, such as those in a train station or at a sporting event, even when the clarity of the message is minimal due to the background noise of trains or screaming crowds.

I can understand most language in films or television programs, including those containing slang or idiomatic speech, although I may need to confirm details when the accent is unfamiliar.

I can easily follow complex interactions among native speakers in group discussions or debates.

I can understand any utterance, whatever the level of language or the speed of delivery.

I can understand long, complex oral presentations, even when they do not concern my areas of expertise.

I can follow specialized lectures and presentations which use a high degree of colloquialism, regional usage, or unfamiliar terminology.I can follow complex presentations, and group discussions or debates, even when they are about abstract, complicated, and unfamiliar topics.I can understand movies, TV shows, and stage plays, even when they contain non-standard speech and colloquial expressions, provided I have time to become familiar with the accent.

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!

B2. Self-assessment 1. Place a checkmark in the column next to what you can do in English!


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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B2. Self-assessment 2. On the basis of the above checked information write a summary of your foreign language skills!

Summarize your skills by giving examples from the grammar of English language!

B2. Self-assessment 2. On the basis of the above checked information write a summary of your foreign language skills!

Summarize your skills by giving examples from the grammar of English language!

In English, I can...In English, I can...

When it comes to English grammar, I am aware that…When it comes to English grammar, I am aware that…


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What? How? When?

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

B. Language BiographyB. Language Biography

B3. Language learning aims 3. Write about your foreign language skills that you still did not master. Think about how you could do that and write about your impressions!

Write down the date when you would be able to improve your skills!

Choose one of your language skills and describe how you acquired it!

B3. Language learning aims 3. Write about your foreign language skills that you still did not master. Think about how you could do that and write about your impressions!

Write down the date when you would be able to improve your skills!

Choose one of your language skills and describe how you acquired it!

I could not...I could not...


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Who? Where? What?

Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

C. DossierC. Dossier

C1. Intercultural experience 1. Write down in the table about your experience with the culture and speakers of English language!

2. Choose one or more intercultural experiences and describe them in the box below!

C1. Intercultural experience 1. Write down in the table about your experience with the culture and speakers of English language!

2. Choose one or more intercultural experiences and describe them in the box below!

I was... I was...


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Date Title







Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

C. DossierC. Dossier

C2. My own works 1. Write the list of other activities which have added to your

knowledge of English language!

2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!

C2. My own works 1. Write the list of other activities which have added to your

knowledge of English language!

2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!



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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

C. DossierC. Dossier

C2. Your works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!

C2. Your works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!(Title)




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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

C. DossierC. Dossier

C2. Your works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!

C2. Your works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!(Title)




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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009

C. DossierC. Dossier

C2. Your Works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!

C2. Your Works 2. Add some other specific projects you have created in English!

You can write about a film you have seen, a book you have read,

an article you have read on the Internet!

Describe what you have or have not understood!(Title)




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Ó Engler-Grabar 2009 14

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