
UNIT 3: Dating, Courtship, and Marriage  

Table of Contents  

Introduction 3 

Lesson 1: Dating, Courtship, and Marriage 4 Learning Targets 4 Health Check 4 Learn about It! 5 Check Your Understanding 12 Health Care 13 

Pro-health Challenge 14 

Self-Check 16 

Bibliography 18 

Glossary 19               

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UNIT 3    Dating, Courtship, and Marriage  

 Fig. 1. Engagement ring is a symbol of love and commitment. 

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Introduction  One goal of human existence is to find a life long partner that they could grow old with.                                   Religion suggests that men and women are created for one another to bear children and                             build a family. While on the other hand biology explains that the union of a female egg and                                   male sperm is essential for the survival of the human species. Both ideas agree that                             reproduction is essential to life.  However, finding a life long partner is not that simple. In human society, there are certain                               customs and traditional standards that vary from different cultures. As human civilization                       progresses, the primary purpose of starting a family is not only limited to reproduction. In                             the Philippines, the majority of Filipinos follow a specific rule in finding a partner. We go                               through the process of courting and dating — this how we show our respect to our potential                                 partner and their families. In fact, we have this historical tradition called “harana” where a                             male pursuer visits the house of a lady if they want to express their endearment through a                                 song using their guitar. Dating and courtship in the Philippines might seem to be complex                             compared to liberated countries. But because of these practices, Filipinos became respectful                       and created a strong bond with the family they established.  



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Lesson 1: Dating, Courtship, and Marriage  

Learning Targets  In this lesson, you should be able to: 

● identify the difference between dating, courtship, and marriage; ● demonstrate an understanding of dating, courtship, and marriage; and ● describe what dating, courtship, and marriage is. 


Health Check  Parent History


● Old photos of parents ● Bond paper 


1. Bring your old photo of your parents while they were still dating or before they got                               married. 

2. Ask your parents how did they meet each other and how did your father court your                               mother. 

3. Write this in a bond paper and paste or clip a copy of their old photo.  Guide Questions:  

1. How did your father meet your mother? 2. Did he have a hard time courting her? 3. What physical feature or attitude do they like about each other? 


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Learn about It!  Finding a partner is a decision we make as part of our                       human sexuality. We are social beings, and most of us                   can find our lifelong partners in social gatherings: an                 acquaintance, a classmate, your neighbor, and even a               childhood friend. We communicate with them frequently             until you finally go out with them formally and call it dating.  What is Dating?  Dating is a period where two people who are interested in each other will give time and                                 exert effort to pursue a romantic relationship depending on the result of knowing each                           other. Dating can be done in groups, some in pairs and call it a double date or you can                                     enjoy the company of one another. This social interaction may evolve into a more serious                             level known as courtship.  Benefits of Dating  Dating is an integral part of fulfilling your human sexuality. It helps us understand not only                               our potential partners but also ourselves. It gives us a better idea of what we want and                                 expects in a relationship. Dating also provides us with the opportunity to be ourselves and                             to meet someone who will accept and even help us become a better person.  What is courtship?  Courtship is a period where two possible long-life partners already established a mutual                         romantic relationship. They consider each other as a couple taking the role as girlfriend and                             boyfriend. They have known each other pretty well, and sometimes their families have                         already accepted this fact if they are open about their relationship.   But courtship is not yet the final step. There is another step that takes part in the courtship                                   

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process. If the couple gets too comfortable enjoying spending time together, an                       engagement proposal might take place showing how serious they want to commit to one                           another. The traditional way is when a man spill the words “Will you marry me?” while                               offering an engagement ring and woman the woman would reply “Yes.” If everything goes                           in favor of the couple, marriage will seal and strengthen the beginning of their journey of a                                 lifetime as husband and wife.  Benefits of Courtship  Courtship is an investment we can offer to our partners and ourselves. In this period, we                               slowly gain maturity, especially on emotional aspects. We enjoy the gift of discovering love                           and affection while establishing something that might become part of our future.  What is Marriage?  

 Fig. 2. A wedding cake. 

 After the engagement, the couple will eventually decide on getting married to settle down                           and start a family. Marriage is a deep commitment we share with a partner under a                               religious oath or a legal contract. You will form a bond with your partner and swear it in                                   front of witnesses. This bond is founded on love, respect, and fidelity that you will obey until                                 the last day of your lives. 

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 Benefits of Marriage  Marriage is one of the most memorable life experience we might encounter as we become                             adults. It boosts our confidence to live a wonderful life. In some religions, marriage is a                               sacred sacrament one can experience. It is an affirmation of your existence as a person                             with worth and value. The security in loving and being loved creates a significant impact on                               your well-being and happiness.  Multiculturalism 

 It’s not always true that you can easily find a lifelong partner from your city, province or even                                   in your own country. Many couples found their partners from the other side of the world.                               Thanks to technology with such advanced communication, we can talk, or video chat people                           from different countries. Since there are many Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), Filipinos get                         the chance to mingle with other nationalities.  

 Fig. 3. Multicultural marriages of Americans and Asians are common these days. 


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 Dating and courtship may be difficult at first due to several differences. The following are                             examples of differences we need to cross if we find a partner from a different culture:  

1. Language Barrier - Filipinos may be fluent in certain languages like English or                         Spanish, but what if we found a partner from India or France? Communication is key                             for a long-lasting relationship, and this is where most of the misunderstanding occurs.                         Both partners should enhance their communication skill. They can teach each other                       their language and make it as their bonding moment, or they could both                         communicate in the universal language which is English.  

2. Food Differences - If you found someone from another country and they have                         unusual food preferences, what would you do? Food is always part of one's culture.                           You grew up from eating the same food from your country. So, it is better that we also                                   need to try out our partner's cuisine and traditional food because once you're                         married, this food will be a part of your household with your future children.  

3. Religion - Everyone is born with a belief. This is part of our culture and geographical                               location from the map. It will be hard if you both choose which religion should be                               followed. Especially if you already started a family and had children. It is a test as                               multicultural partners, no matter what religion you will follow, as long as you have                           love and respect for each other’s culture, a lifelong relationship is manageable.  

4. Cultural and Moral values - The Philippines has a conservative culture especially                       those under Christianity. If you found a partner form liberated countries like those in                           the western region, your values and ideas may clash. But the key to this situation is a                                 two-way understanding. As a couple, both of you should communicate properly your                       thoughts and what you think about a specific situation, and at the same time,                           understand where your partner is coming from with full of respect. 


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Behavior and Attitudes of a Healthy Marriage and Family Life  

● Respect - Partners should consider each other’s feelings, know and value what your                         partner wishes because mutual respect is a big factor in a relationship.  

● Mutual Support - When you both choose to be together for a lifetime, it is your role                                 as a husband or as a wife to lift each other up. Encourage each other to become a                                   better version of themselves.  

● Open Communication - Speaking up for the things that they are not as comfortable                           as a couple will strengthen their relationship. Proper communication will always clear                       the line of misunderstanding.  

● Compromise - The best way to settle two opposing ideas or decision between                         husband and wife is to meet halfway. They are no longer two people, but instead, they                               are a single unit of a family so they should decide on things consciously.  

● Respect for Privacy - As husband and wife, you embrace each other’s differences                         while keeping your own individuality. Even though the family should always come                       first, but you as an individual should be respected with your private interests and                           needs. 


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Factors that Contribute to a Successful Marriage  


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Check Your Understanding  A. Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is false.   

1. After dating someone a few days, jumping into marriage will be just fine. 2. Courtship is a sign of respect to your partner and their families. 3. If both of you really love each other, marriage is no longer important in the                             

Filipino culture. 4. An engagement ring is symbol of love and commitment. 5. Multiculturalism is a combination of two distinct culture, bonded into                   


B. Draw a smiley face 🙂 if the statement is correct and draw a frowning face 🙁 if                                 the statement is wrong. 

 1. In dating, both man and woman need to be patient. 2. A wedding is a ceremony in front of witnesses that you will begin a lifelong                             

journey with a partner. 3. The married couple should lift each other up as a sign of love and support. 4. Marrying a person you don’t like is fine as long as he or she has money to                                 

support you. 5. For Christians, it’s ok for a man to date and court multiple women at the same                               


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Health Care  Ideal Partner Describe the ideal partner you want to be with in the future by providing description on the                                 three criteria 


Materials: ● Pen ● Paper 


My Ideal Partner in the Future 

Physical Features   

Attitude and Behavior   


 Guide Questions: 

1. What is your basis for the description of your future partner? 2. Do you find these traits in your parents as well? 3. Do you believe that it’s possible to find an ideal partner? 



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Pro-health Challenge  Goal: Your task is to interview at least three married couples that have been together for                               not less than five years.  Role: You are an adolescent researching Filipino couple practices and attitude towards                       healthy family life.   Audience: Young adolescent like you who are looking forward to having a healthy family of                             their own.  Situation: In the advancement of technology and different kinds of information are being                         spread all over the country. The Filipino tradition on dating, courtship, and marriage is                           severely affected. To preserve this, we need to learn from our elders on how they value and                                 practiced those traditions to maintain a healthy family life.  Product, Performance, and Purpose: Interview at least three couples that have been                       married for more than five years. Follow the guide below and make a conclusion based on                               their answers.  

Ask the couple about the following: 1. How long have you known each other? 2. What activities do you usually do when you dated? 3. How long did the husband court the wife until they got engaged? 4. Do you have differences as a couple? How did you overcome these differences? 5. What are your tips and secret to long-lasting healthy family life? 6. Can you give any advice for me on how to find a partner? 

 Conclusion: Base your conclusion on the collective answers of the three couples.     14  Copyright © 2018 Quipper Limited 

Standards and Criteria for Success:    


Criteria  Beginning (0-12 points) 

Developing (13-16 points) 

Accomplished (17-20 points) 




Content (Focus on details/events are clearly evident; it is clearly related to the topic.) 


Organization (Logical progression of details/events; clear transitions between ideas.) 


Language (spelling, mechanics, grammar and usage) 


 Key Guide Question 


Why should finding a partner follow a certain step like dating and courtship? 


Reflective Questions 


How can we preserve the dating, courtship and marriage tradition in the Philippines? 


Guide Questions: 

1. What are the advantages of marrying someone you dated and courted? 2. What is the importance of getting to know the phase of finding a partner? 3. What are the benefits of socialization in finding a lifelong partner? 

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I think I need more time and assistance. 


I have a minimal understanding of it. 


I am confident that I can do this with ease. 

Identify the different steps in finding a lifelong partner. 


Enumerate ways of proper dating and courtship. 


Demonstrate knowledge the importance of marriage in creating a healthy family. 




I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________. I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________. I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________. I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________. I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ . 

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Wrap Up   



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Bibliography  Gerardo C. Garcia, et al. 2015. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action 8, 254-258 Metro 

Manila: Rex Book Store 

Norma B. Santiago, et al. 2016. Active MAPEH 8, 435-471 Sampaloc Manila: Magallanes 

Publishing House 

World Health Organization Nutrition. “Health and the Family.” Accessed January 27, 2019 


SlideShare. “Health Grade 8 Second Quarter Dating Courtship, and Marriage. Accessed February 3, 2019 ng-an-marriage 

SlideShare. “Learning Module in Health Grade 8, The Family Life”. Accessed February 3, 2019. 


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Beliefs refer to a conviction of the truth of some statement. 

Conservatism refers to the belief in the value of established and traditional practices in the                             


Courtship refers to the activities that occur when people are developing a romantic                         

relationship that could lead to marriage 

Culture refers to a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc. 

Dating refers to a social arrangement to meet with someone that is usually romantic in                             


Engagement refers to an agreement to be married 

Intimacy refers to something of a personal or private nature. 

Language Barrier refers to a hindrance to communicate due to language differences 

Marriage refers to the relationship that exists between husband and wife 

Multiculturalism refers to the existing of many different kind of cultures 

Mutual refers to something that is shared between two or more people 

Proposal refers to the act of asking someone to marry you 

Sexuality refers to the sexual habits and desires of a person. 


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