Download - Types of HRSG

  • 8/18/2019 Types of HRSG


    What are the types of HRSG's?

    written by: johnzactruba • edited by: Lamar Stonecypher • updated: 9/20/2010

    Heat Recovery Steam enerator! "HRS#!$ are a critica% part o& a 'ombined 'yc%e (ower (%ant)*! with any other product or proce!!+ there are di&&erent type!) Here we ta,e a %oo, at thedi&&erent type!)

    • -he main app%ication o& the "Heat Recovery Steam enerator!$ HRS i! in 'ombined

    'yc%e power p%ant!) .n the!e p%ant! the power eneration &rom the Ran,ine cyc%e part+ ie) the

    !team turbine+ i! around one third o& the tota% power enerated ) HRS#! produce the !team &orthi!)

    '%a!!i&ication o& HRS! i! on app%ication+ de!in+ or operation) Some o& the type! are de!cribed



    Fired and Unfired

    ne way i! to c%a!!i&y it ba!ed on the heat input)

     orma%%y HRS#! do not have any additiona% heat input) -he per&ormance and output o& the

    HRS i! dependent on the e3hau!t heat o& the a! turbine) *t part %oad!+ thi! %ead! to reduced

    output &rom the HRS#!) .n addition+ ambient condition! a%!o a&&ect the a! -urbine

     per&ormance) -hi! cou%d a&&ect the down!tream proce!! were the !team i! u!ed) -o avoid !uch!ituation! !upp%ementa% &irin o& oi% or a! ta,e! p%ace) 4ven thouh thi! may not be an e&&icient

     proce!!+ it avoid! co!t%y production di!turbance!)

    Supp%ementa% 5irin ta,e! p%ace in burner! in the a! duct at HRS in%et) i% or a! i! the!upp%ementary &ue%) Since the &%ue a! at e3hau!t o& a a! -urbine i! hih in 3yen content+

    additiona% air i! not re6uired &or combu!tion) -hi! e%iminate! the need o& 5orced dra&t or .nduced

    7ra&t &an!)


    Vertical and Horizontal Types

    *nother c%a!!i&ication i! on the con!truction or de!in o& the HRS) 8a!ed on the a! &%ow it can be vertica% or horizonta%)

    o ertica% type! have a! &%ow vertica%%y upward with coi%! p%aced horizonta%%y)

    o Horizonta% type! have a! &%ow! horizonta% with coi%! p%aced vertica%%y)

    5rom the per&ormance and co!t point o& view both are the !ame) ore than the technica% i!!ue! iti! a proprietary de!in o& individua% manu&acturer! or c%ient pre&erence!) Some o& the di&&erence!

    are :

  • 8/18/2019 Types of HRSG


    o Horizonta% type! re6uire a ;0 < %arer &ootprint area)

    o ore e3pan!ion joint! are re6uired in horizonta% unit!)

    o Structura% re6uirement! are hiher in vertica% type!)

    o Horizonta% type! are more di&&icu%t &or maintenance and in!pection!)

    o vera%% co!t may be !ame in both type!)

    Multiple Pressure peration!

    =et another c%a!!i&ication i! on the operation pre!!ure)

    o Sma%%er HRS unit! operate on !in%e pre!!ure) -he water to !team conver!ion

    ta,e! p%ace in one !in%e pre!!ure circuit) -hi! i! !imi%ar to conventiona% combu!tion


    o .n %arer unit!+ &or optimizin the per&ormance o& the HRS+ !team eneration

    ta,e! p%ace in mu%ti pre!!ure circuit!) -he current optimum i! to u!e three pre!!ure %eve%!)"7etai%! in the ne3t artic%e$

    HRSG "Heat Reco#ery Stea$ Generators%

    HRS#! are boi%er! p%aced down!tream o& a! turbine! to ab!orb the e3hau!t heat and produce

    !team) -hi! e6uipment ma,e! the combined cyc%e the mo!t e&&icient power eneration !y!tem

    avai%ab%e today) >hat are they? How i! it di&&erent? -hi! !erie! e%aborate! the di&&erent type! andoptimization tech

    1) How i! the HRS di&&erent &rom a &o!!i% &ue% &ired boi%er?

    2) >hat are the type! o& HRS#!?

    ;) -rip%e (re!!ure HRS#! @ >hat are the *dvantae!?

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