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TWS useful for batch job monitoring day to day activities. is the state-of-the-art production workload manager for distributed platforms, designed to help you meet your present and future data processing challenges. It is part of the Tivoli Workload Automation product.Ps ef | grep tws for the processes. ; ps ef | egrep writer|twstwsadmin 1458388 3313720 0 09:00:36 - 0:00 /opt/app/tws2/twsadmin/bin/writer -- 2001 WSPTWS01 MAILMAN UNIX 8.5 12 twsadm 311494 381368 0 09:09:34 - 7:54 /opt/app/tws1/twsadmin/bin/batchman -parm 32000 twsadm 827500 508408 0 09:09:32 - 0:03 /opt/app/tws1/twsadmin/bin/writer -- 2001 WSPTWS01 MAILMAN UNIX 8.5 12 twsadm 528694 508408 0 May 20 - 151:32 /opt/app/tws1/twsadmin/bin/monman -- 2011 KI023A MAILMAN UNIX 8.4 root 1159666 311494 0 09:09:34 - 0:05 /opt/app/tws1/twsadmin/bin/jobman

Click New engine once you login.Engine right click properties or else new engine.

Engine name and type as distributed , host name is engine name , we can give the ip address as well.Action list , any new engine, new work station, new jobstream etc

For new job , click job definition then select engine, select task type as unix instead of windows, name as work station name where we are going to do this and job name. select login as twsadmin who is going to add this job. After this we has to go to task option, here we may select command or script. For the scripts you may select predefined parameters and then add your scrips so that executes. After this steps done job stores in database.

Existing job stream changes. Jobstream engine name , work station name is like server name.

Name as job strean name work station as server name , For the carry forward if job stream doesnt run it carry forward that job to next day. Draft for jst draft, monitoring job stream we dont select. Mostly use carry forward option. Valid from to days active. Priority can give and also you can click hold for some time.

In job stream comments and dependency resolution , and for the time restriction dont give as it start at that time

Time restriction for jobs is good .

Default database list where we can see the all list in database, plan list can see whats running today.We can view from database list. Click all job definition.Here we can filiter this to our server name in workstation tab.

Job stream

To filter Right click on all job streams properties. So here we select the filter with workstation name so now on wards for the job stream it filters with that work station .

Click jobstream

Here for the particular job change the dependencies or priority we can do in job stream. Here we have 4 job streams dependent jobs are there.Dependenices from one job stream to another also. to make the dependencies here we have only one job in the job stream , click right click on job and select the paste. To get new job in the jobstream side.Click copy to get the new job ,it displays job stream.

Click ok and apply , then to create dependencies, click action and add link or above one tab also there. by using cursor make dependencies.

Dependendenice on another job stream select external jobstream. for the jobstream name click the button besides job stream name. now click show jobs for that job stream. this is the external dependencies.

To Remove dependencies right click on the link and click delete, if you want delete the job also right click on job and click delete.


Click on find calendar

Click all calenders in database list

For job streamclick on runcycle as shown here.

Running every day , to make different action- run cycle you can change accordingly.In frequency we can put every two days or three days also. Below type select frequency also. if we want to use already mentioned days in calendar database in type select the calendar. There you can select the defined for this job stream select cal1 which we created just now.

Resources Action- new resource

Once resource are setup open job stream , select one job right click properties and then select resources

Change the job stream properties Clicke file properties. to change time. every 15 mins.Defaultplan list All schedule jobs

Here we can see which jobs are running or not.

Click view dependencies , impact view etc which impact of the job. Browse log

if you confirm and click release dependencies all dependencies will go out. canceling the job. Again has to submit freshly.

Click submit- job stream to run full job streams Job to run single job.Select the server where job is you can change the timing also.

Filtering monitoring.All scheduled job click properties filter by job name and stream , workstation .

If you give one workstation name then you would get only that jobs.

Job status properties

For all the errors click error

TWS Submit a single job that failed in a job stream If you have a job that fails in a job stream, here is how to modify that job definition and then resubmit only that job.

In this example, in job stream TCM_COPY_FILES, the job TCM_COPYO_TIME_J was showing Error. I did not capture that picture. When we looked at this job log, we determined there was an incorrect path on the command line.

To correct the path on the command line, you must go to the job definition under Default Database lists. Click on All Job Definitions. Find the job that you want to fix and right click on the job definition. Then right click on properties.

When the properties window opens, click on the Task tab on the left side of the window. There you can make any correction needed to the command line. Be careful when editing the command line. Otherwise you can wipe out the entire command line. When finished click the OK button. That saves your changes to the job definition.

Now that you have fixed the job definition, you need to be able to just submit that one job. In this case this job was the last job (the 5th job) in that job stream. Click on All Scheduled Jobs under the Default Plan Lists. Find that job and click on Rerun (see below).

Click on the little box with 3 dots on the end of the From Job Definition line. This will open a window like below.

Type in the Job definition or part of the job definition with an * at the end, click start, and it will find that job definition for you. This will bring up another window with the job definition in it and you can verify that this is the correct job definition. If it is, then click OK.

This will submit the new job definition in TWS. You do not have to do anything with the job stream. You may have to cancel the job that failed. Then the new job can run successfully and allow the job stream to run to completion.

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