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Roman Walkowiak, Elektrownia Turów S.A.

Andrzej Wójcik, Foster Wheeler Energy International, Inc., Foster Wheeler Energia Polska Sp. z o.o.

Introduction and project history

Turów Power Plant (Poland) modernization started in 1995. The first phase was rehabilitation of Units 1 and 2 that were commissioned in 1998 and the second-phase Unit 3 was commissioned during April 2000. The project has been presented to the public on various occasions thus the objective of this paper will be to show several major changes introduced to design for third phase of modernization of Elektrownia Turow. Primarily, these changes are results of technology and design development but there are also changes resulting from experience gained on the first three units. In this phase FW will replace three old 200 MWe (Units 4, 5 and 6) pulverized brown coal fired boilers with state of art circulating fluidized bed (CFB) Compact boilers each of capacity of 261.6 MWe, instead of 235 MWe-rated CFB units 1, 2 and 3. The first three CFB units in Elektrownia Turow represent conventional CFB technology - the separators are round hot cyclones with heavy refractory lining. This conventional design has been applied in more than 150 units delivered by Foster Wheeler since 1979. Although proven, this design requires use of not-cooled thick refractory-lined cyclones and installation of expansion joints to compensate the thermal expansion difference between top-supported furnace and the bottom-supported cyclones. In order to minimize the maintenance needs related and simplify the overall design Foster Wheeler has developed the Compact design where the traditional cyclones have been replaced with a cooled, rectangular solids’ separators. While the Compact design is already proven FW solution in CFB technology, its Turów application represents biggest CFB with Compact design in the world. Compact design that will be used in phase three of Elektrownia Turow rehabilitation has several advantages that will be discussed. Other up to date design used in Turow boilers will be INTREX™ superheater design. Coming back to the Compact solution: the reduced space requirement is demonstrated in Turow’s case. With Compact design and steam parameters upgrade it has been possible to increase the output of each new unit to 261.6 MWe from 235 MWe utilizing the same footprint available from old 200 MWe boilers. Demolition work of Unit 5 began in January 2000. After the new boilers are commissioned in 2002-2004 Elektrownia Turow will be the biggest utility-size power plant utilizing CFB technology with almost 1,500 MWe installed CFB capacity. This ambitious rehabilitation project of total $US 1.5 billion was awarded with the 1999 Powerplant Award by Electric Power International.

Units 1, 2 and 3 – summary of first operational experience

Turow Units 1, 2, and 3 are the largest Foster Wheeler CFB boilers currently in operation. Table 1 lists the basis for design of these 235 MWe brown coal fired units. Because of the high moisture content of the fuel, the ratio of volumetric flue gas flow rate to the steam duty produced is high. As a result, the physical size of these units is one of the largest in the world. Table 2 lists the basic dimensions of the furnace and cyclones. Figure 1 is an isometric view of one of the units.

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The boilers include a water-cooled furnace, brick lined cyclone and a conventional back pass with superheater III, reheater II and reheater I enclosed in a steam cooled

convection cage. Below there are an economizer and tubular air heater. The furnace includes 14 omega superheater panels and 14 superheater wing walls. Coal is supplied to the furnace through feed points penetrating the furnace wall. Limestone is injected from two feed systems to the injection points. Boiler is equipped with 10 heavy oil fired start-up burners. Bottom ash is removed with water-cooled screw coolers and side ash coolers. Figure 1. View of Turow phase I boiler

Steam Output Fuel Capacity, MWt 528.9 Moisture, wt % 44.0 Steam flow, t/h 665/593 Ash, wt % 22.5 Steam pressure, bar

132/25 Sulfur, wt % 0.6

Steam temperature,°C

540/540 LHV, kJ/kg 8 250

Table 1. Design basis for Turow 1, 2 and 3 boilers The space restrictions imposed necessitated configuring the boiler with two (2) large

diameter cyclone separators that represented a significant scale-up from previous experience. A three-cyclone design would have required increase in boiler island width for which there was not sufficient space. Performance with the large diameter cyclones was as expected with all performance guarantees achieved as noted in Table 3.

Furnace Cyclones Height, m 42.5 Number 2 Width, m 21.1 Diameter, m 10.3 Depth, m 9.9

Table 2. Basic dimensions of Turow 1, 2 and 3 boilers

Before the units were turned-over to the customer, each unit had to complete a rigorous 30-day trial run program. The performance test on boilers 1 and 2 were carried out in May and June 1999. Performance test for boiler 3 was carried out in November 2000.

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Boiler No. 1 2 3 Design

Steam Output, kg/s 184.06 183.62 186.85 185.4 Boiler Efficiency, % 90.12 91.27 91.00 90 Thermal Output, MWt 524.9 523.1 531.6 528.9 Gross Power, MWe 237.8 240.5 236.9 235 Heat Rate, kJ/kWh 9686 9472 9604 9795 Emissions: NOx, g/GJ <150 <150 <150 150 SOx, g/GJ <140 <140 <140 140 Dust, mg/Nm3 17.5 3.5 6.0 50 Noise, dB(A) 85 85 85 85

Table 3. Performance results of Turow 1, 2 and 3 boilers All plant performance guarantees had to be demonstrated including the requirements of the Union for the Coordination of Production and transmission of Energy (UCPTE) which is the European utility power plant standard that contains guidelines for load ramp changes and plant dispatching.

All units met or exceeded the trial run requirements, demonstrating that the large scale-up of CFB boilers can meet utility market requirements for cycling and that the scale-up of the furnace solids circulation loop beyond previous experience was successful. The trial run and performance tests together confirmed that: • CFB boilers were in full compliance with UCPTE criteria • guaranteed parameters were met in a wide range of load conditions • full capacity can be reached without any problems • emission guarantees are clearly met with significant margins • the boilers are flexible in a wide range of loads • the plant availability was achieved

As indicated above, the performance test results confirmed the design assumptions and met the requirements of the contract. Modifications introduced in Units 1, 2 and 3 Primary air, secondary air and flue gas fans. In the early stages of commissioning high vibrations and cracks in the foundations were experienced. Concentration of those was on the ID and PA fan foundation, inlet guide vanes, duct works before and after the fans, shaft and rotary systems. After detailed analysis FW and Turow made the decision to replace the PA and SA fans with foundations and ductwork. The work started late 2000. New fans are located closely to the old ones in order to do fast switching during planned outage. The ID fan foundations were modified with good result. Heavy-oil start-up burners. The start up burners experienced unstable combustion conditions when burning heavy fuel oil in the turbulence of the CFB combustor. Improvements included burner tip replacement, scanners’ replacement, quick-connectors replacement. Instability of the burner was successfully removed. Other changes introduced by FW, which improved operation: • removed part of side ash cooler cooling coils to improve ash flow • installed distribution plates to direct ash flow

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• improved expansion joints on ash conveyors, drag chain and bucket wheel conveyor attachments

• installed a new bottom ash crushers (substantially improved the situation of ash handling equipment)

Ducting and cyclone / loopseals. The casing of the cyclones and ducting required structural improvements including: • cyclone casing was reinforced with additional stiffener’s • ducts were reinforced by additional stiffeners and bracing • loopseal expansion joints were replaced • loopseal overflow to return pipe was lowered • lower secondary air nozzles were refractory lined • inlet part of loopseal return pipe hanger to boiler was changed • location of secondary air supply to return leg was changed • loop seal brick-lining problems resolved For the Unit 3 the improvements were implemented simultaneously with the construction. The major improvements are: • “arrowhead” type grid nozzles • refractory lined secondary air nozzles • upgraded loop seal expansion joints • upgraded refractory material in lower furnace • upgraded cyclone inlet expansion joints • improved fan and fan foundation design • improved start up burner design • improved combustion control logic Phase III – Units 4, 5 and 6

The $660 million contract extension for phase III of Turow repowering project that includes power blocks 4, 5 and 6 was signed with Consortium of Alstom Power and Foster Wheeler in December 1999. Compact design has been selected for the boiler island with an incentive of having higher power generation for each unit: 261.6 MWe instead of 235 MWe within the same space restrictions that previously accommodated old, pulverized coal 200 MWe units.

The Foster Wheeler CFB boilers for blocks 4, 5 and 6 are designed for fixed pressure, natural circulation, lignite firing units with live steam maximum continuous rating of 195.5 kg/s. Summary of basic steam-water circuit design data is given in Table 4. Estimated boiler efficiency for the phase III is 91 %, LHV based with stack temperature lowered down to 130 °C compared to 157 °C for units 1 – 3.

Guaranteed emissions are shown in Table 5 below. Good emissions’ control in CFB boiler is achieved by low combustion temperature and even temperature profile through the height of the furnace, a staged combustion, good residence times and mixing conditions. It should be noted that further lowering of the emission limits to the future EU requirements can be easily obtained with only minor adjustments. For example, for the NOx limit of 200 mg/Nm3 solution will be adding a simple system of weak water-solution of ammonia

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spraying into the separators. Lowering the sulfur dioxide emission can be achieved with more limestone injection to the furnace or with ash activation solutions.

Units will be compatible with UCPTE and PSE (Polish Power Grid Company) requirements regarding their operation for the grid and will be able to work on house-load. Designed stable operation range of the boilers without auxiliary firing is from 40 % to 100 % MCR. Steam temperature control range is from 60 % - 100 % of the full load. Increase of the unit capacity was achieved thanks to higher steam parameters selected, application of Compact boiler concept, the INTREX™ heat exchangers and rotary air preheaters.

Demolition work began in January 2000 for unit 5 with Preliminary Acceptance scheduled for end February 2003.

Live steam FW Hot reheat Cold reheat

Flow kg/s 195.5 195.5 180.7 180.7 Pressure MPa 16.65 (before turbine) app. 20.0 3.85 (before turbine) 4.20 (turbine outlet) Temperature °C 565 (before turbine) 250 565 (before turbine) 357 (turbine outlet)

Table 4. FW CFB Compact design data for phase III

Pollutant NOx mg/Nm3 371 SOx mg/Nm3 347 CO mg/Nm3 150 dust mg/Nm3 50

Table 5. Guaranteed emissions, 6 % O2 cont., dry flue gas corrected

Figure 2. FW CFB Compact boiler for phase III of Turow repowering project

FURNACE22042 X 10074













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Combustion chamber Combustion chamber geometry for the phase III Compact boiler is virtually

unchanged compared to the phases I and II. The furnace cross section is approx. 200 m2 with height from grid to roof approx. 40 m. The combustion chamber is rotated by 90° angle compared to units 1, 2 and 3 in order to fit Compact separators that are arranged on its both sides into the available space. Such arrangement enabled also for better, simpler arrangement of fuel feeding conveyors and other auxiliary equipment in the boilerhouse. Figure 3 shows the isometric view of the boiler and its auxiliary systems for unit 5.

Additional heating surfaces in the combustion chamber are evaporative wing walls – unlike in phase I and II where Omega platen last-stage superheater was installed. In Compact design the final superheaters were replaced with INTREX™ heat exchangers.

Fluidizing grid is water-cooled and includes of approx. 4000 fluidizing nozzles. Type of nozzle is “arrowhead” – such design prevents from back sifting of the bed material into the windbox and of nozzles plugging during shut-downs. The number of bottom ash discharge points in the grid has been increased for better bottom ash control and thus circulating material amount control. The bottom ash screw coolers are equipped with variable speed drives that enable precise control of solids inventory. This arrangement prevents also from any bed material compaction in case of boiler shutdown and necessity of bed material discharge from the furnace. Effective and simple bottom ash discharge system allowed for elimination of bottom ash side coolers that were used in units 1, 2 and 3.

Lower furnace is refractory-lined and Foster Wheeler patented “kick-out” design is applied to prevent from the wall tubes erosion over the refractory upper edge.

Fuel feed system is arranged with 4 speed controlled drag chain feeders, so that the feeding points are along both side (long) walls of the boiler. This system provides uniform fuel feed to the furnace and is designed to achieve full load with one drag chain feeder out of service.

Figure 3. Turow phase III Compact CFB boiler with auxiliary systems

Limestone feed system

is designed to avoid problems with plugging that could result with uneven limestone distribution in the furnace. Limestone is fed into fuel feeding lines via screw feeders eliminating pneumatic piping that has tendency to block.

Evaporative wing-walls are located on both sides of the furnace. Lower part of wing-walls is protected from erosion with refractory material. Compact design and steam cooled separators

Turow modernization phase III applies most modern and already well proven Foster Wheeler CFB Compact design, where the traditional, round cyclones were replaced with a

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rectangular solids separator. Compact design CFB operation principle is exactly the same as any CFB design while the construction of solids separator is membrane paneled steam or water-cooled structure. The Compact design is evolution of Foster Wheeler solutions in CFB technology. There are 27 Compact boilers in operation and further 7 units under construction to-date.

Compact separator operation principle is centrifugal solids separation with swirling vortex-type gas flow - despite its rectangular shape. Separated solids flow down the walls with solids accumulation opposite to the furnace outlet opening and in separators’ corners. Compact boiler design to be used in phase three of Elektrownia Turow rehabilitation has several advantages. First of those is steam cooled construction. Walls of the separators are connected in the steam circuit and constitute first stage of superheating duty.

Figure 4. Compact CFB boiler principle

Average gas and hot solids temperature inside separator is approximately 850 °C and the average fluid temperature inside the wall tubes is 370 °C. Compact separator cools the solids-gas mixture down so the separator exit gas temperature is lower then furnace gas exit temperature: approximately 845 °C compared to 870 °C (predicted data, given for full load operation).

Since both furnace and the separator hang from the support grid and are cooled constructions the thermal expansion between them is minimized and simpler expansion joints are needed. This is one of most important features of Compact design since expansion joints in CFB boilers is common area of failure.

There are four separators installed two by two on opposite sides of the combustion chamber. This arrangement is a result of scale-up concept that enables to use proven separator geometry. Separator cross section is approx. 50 m2 and there are two vortex finders in each separator– together eight pieces.

Thanks to the cooled construction there is no need for heavy refractory lining. In Compact design only approx. 50 mm abrasion-resistant refractory is needed. This minimizes maintenance need and allows for shorter startup times of the unit. Since large portion of refractory can be cast on the workshop in controlled conditions quality of the refractory is expected to be higher, which will further increase its lifetime.

Simple membrane panel structure means also lower costs, especially when compared to cooled cyclone construction. Separator walls manufacturing takes place in workshop, with automatic welding machines that secures the quality and reduces costs.

Finally, Compact design reduces the boiler’s footprint due to compact construction, since separator is integrated with the furnace. Intrex™ Heat Exchanger

INTREX heat exchanger is an advanced development in the CFB technology that uses solids-to-tube heat transfer model. It consists of a water-cooled enclosure integrated with the furnace water-steam system and the return channel. Superheater tube bundles are immersed in the bubbling bed material.

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Tube bundles further cools the solids collected by the separator before they are

returned to the furnace - see Figure 5. In addition to cooling the externally circulated solids, openings in the furnace rear wall provides access for additional solids to internally circulate through the heat exchanger tube bundles ensuring sufficient hot solids to the INTREX heat exchanger at all loads. Excess solids spill back into the furnace through openings in the furnace rear wall.

Figure 5. INTREX™ heat exchanger principle INTREX heat exchanger provides additional

solids cooling for the large utility-size boilers, where solids cooling cannot be achieved by the combustion chamber walls only. It has also wide controlling capabilities. The solids flow rate through the tube bundles is controlled by controlling the amount of aeration air added to the lift legs that return the solids to the lower furnace. By controlling the solids flow rate through the chamber of the INTREX superheater, the heat absorption can be varied giving operational flexibility to control furnace and/or superheat steam temperature. Another control capability exists through control of heat transfer coefficient from solids to the tubes that is achieved by change of fluidization of the solids in the INTREX chamber. For the superheater application of INTREX heat exchanger conventional control with water spray steam desuperheaters is additionally used.

In Turow phase III case there are eight (8) INTREX heat exchangers; 4 of them are located on front wall and another 4 on rear wall of the furnace, all under the separators’ return channels. Those heat exchangers constitute 2nd and 3rd – final stages of live steam superheaters. Rotary air preheater

Most of the CFB boilers supplied by FW utilized tubular air heater due to its high reliability, ease of operation and zero-leakage of air into gas stream. This was also the case for Turow I and II phase. For Turow third phase, however the rotating air heater was selected. Selection criterion was possibility to further decrease exit gas temperature in order to achieve better boiler efficiency. The rotary airpreheater is located in the back pass, directly under the economizer and steam coil air heater used during start-ups and shutdowns of the unit. It is a quart-sector type with primary-air flow in the inner sectors and the secondary-air flow in the outer sectors. Such arrangement causes that major leakage is from the primary air to the secondary air. Cross contamination to the flue gas side is mainly caused by the entrainment of air that is between the heat surface element. The automatic leakage control system shall adjust the gap between the seal surfaces to minimum during different operational conditions. Foster Wheeler reheat control system

Reheat temperature control is designed as cold reheat steam by-pass system (US Patent No. 5,038,568). At full load part of cold reheat steam bypasses reheater I and regulates steam temperature at reheater II outlet. The reheater II outlet steam temperature is setpoint for

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Hot ReheatSteam


Cold Reheat Steam

Pressure Control Valve



Flue GasFlow


Main Steam

the reheater I bypass valve that controls the flow. If the setpoint is exceeded the flow through reheater I is reduced and more steam flow through bypass is allowed. Such reheater arrangement results with following advantages: • Better heat rate • More reliable reheat steam temperature control • Simplified and faster start-up • Better steam temperature matching ability • Simplified construction and maintenance

Figure 6. Reheater bypass arrangement

Research activities in Turow Unit 3

One of the world’s largest CFB boilers in Turow offer unique opportunity for research activities aiming at better understanding of processes in large-scale CFB boilers and validating existing body of knowledge and models. For this reason the following partners have formed a consortium: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany; Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland; Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; Turow Power Plant; Vattenfall and Foster Wheeler. Activities proposed by the consortium include preparation of a research program, performance of measurements, data analysis and preparation of reports and will be executed under auspices of the Fifth European Framework Program.

The quantities to be measured include hydrodynamic properties, combustion and environmental studies and dynamic behavior of the boiler. Hydrodynamic properties to be measured include vertical and horizontal distribution of bed and fuel particles and their size distribution, temperature fields, gas concentrations and solids flux. Fluctuations of pressure and oxygen as well as dust and gas concentrations in the flue gas path will be measured. Finally, the boiler response to load changes will be observed including emissions and steam data.

Results will update knowledge about large furnaces and complete knowledge on smaller units. This will improve the understanding of boiler data, contribute to the validation of prediction models, and allow a safer design for higher boiler performance, both with respect to efficiency and reliability of operation and environment. The results will be used directly to improve and refine the methods of design of boilers which will make possible further reduction of the environmental impact under the conditions of higher electric efficiencies (higher steam data). Table 6 below shows details and schedule of the project. First results will be reported in year 2002. When project is completed in beginning of 2003, this will provide a solid base for further CFB combustion development.

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Activity Year Target Preparation of measurements

2000 Selection of measurement ports. Selection of probes for detailed measurements inside boiler.

Preparation of CFB boiler for measurements

2001 Selection of fuel and additives and operating conditions in order to provide a stable operation of the unit. Installation and calibration of probes. Preliminary tests. Data collection systems checked.

Hydrodynamics measurements

2001 Investigation of solids concentration, fuel dispersion and changes of the boundary layer properties with height. Solid sampling to evaluate size distributions. First evaluations and comparison with previous data.

Combustion and emission measurements

2002 Study the impact of fuel distribution in a horizontal section of the riser. Measure the vertical and lateral gas concentrations (O2, CO, NO, HC, SO2 and if possible also NH3 and HCN).

Dynamic behavior 2003 Boiler response during load changes. Emissions of SOx, NOx and N2O measured together with selected in-furnace quantities during these dynamic conditions. Collection of the response of steam data and combustion parameters under fluctuate process conditions.

Analysis of results and discussion

2003 Comparison with other measurements and modeling. Refinement of existing models for static and dynamics simulations. Extrapolation to larger size CFB units. General conclusions regarding boiler performance with respect to operation and design.

Table 6. Research project’s targets and schedule Next step: CFB OTU

Key decision factors for the selection of the CFB technology for the Turow modernization were: ease of emission control with no additional scrubbers, fuel flexibility and operational reliability over wide load conditions. Such criteria set indicates possible future development of Turow, which is already now the largest CFB-based plant. Since CFB technology moved into the utility-size market there will be a strong incentive to increase the cycle efficiency that can be obtained by operating above the critical pressure. In addition to increased efficiency with reduced fuel costs the supercritical steam cycle provides environmental benefit of less carbon dioxide production (green house effect) and less emission of SOx and NOx (acid rain). The coupling of supercritical OTU and CFB technologies offers a very attractive alternative, combining benefits of both.

In units with natural circulation the steam pressure is controlled by the fuel-firing rate. Superheat steam temperature is determined by the proper sizing of the superheater heat transfer surface and controlled by spray water attemperation. In a once-through unit the feedwater pump will set the steam flow and the superheated steam temperature is controlled by the fuel firing rate.

Essential to the design of a once-through boiler is the ability to accommodate heat absorption variations without overheating the furnace enclosure tubes and limit the differential temperature between adjacent wall tubes. Typically this has been done by designing the furnace for high fluid mass flow-rate that results with high pressure loss and therefore increased auxiliary power consumption.

Such a design utilizes so called “once-through” thermohydraulic characteristics because an excessively heated tube will have a reduction in flow since the friction pressure loss is a significant fraction of the total pressure loss. Combination of high heat input with reduced flow may result with increase in steam temperature and therefore tube metal temperature that can result in tube failure. To provide high mass-flow rates, the evaporative furnace walls have been designed in a multiple pass arrangement or a single pass with spiral

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arrangement. However, the spiral tube arrangement is not applicable for CFB boilers, because the inclined enclosure tubes would be subject to erosion.

The current state-of-the-art technology for once-through boiler design is the BENSON Vertical tubing technology that provides a means to design for low-mass flow rates with a simple, single vertical pass configuration that can safely accommodate full variable steam pressure operation.

In the BENSON Vertical design, the furnace vertical enclosure tubes are selected so that relatively low mass-flow rate (about 1000 kg/m2-s) results at full load. This mode of operation is termed to have a “natural circulation” characteristic because an excessively heated tube will have an increase in flow since the hydrostatic pressure loss is much greater than the friction loss.

The heat flux to the enclosure walls of the CFB furnace is considerably lower than in a pulverized coal furnace (see Figure 7) so mass-flow rates lower than that required for a conventional furnace can be used without concern for departure from nucleate boiling (DNB). Dry-out shall take always place with safe manner when operating the boiler in sub-critical pressure region.

With smooth tubes, a low mass-flow rate results in a lower steam-side film heat transfer coefficient and dry-out will occur at relatively low steam qualities. This means that cooling of the furnace tubes will not be as effective as with high mass-flow rates. Also, since dry-out occurs at a lower steam quality, it occurs lower in the furnace where the heat flux is the greatest. If the DNB (Departure from Nucleate Boiling) causing deterioration in internal film heat transfer coefficient occurs here, tube failure can result. However, unique to the BENSON Vertical technology is the use of optimized rifled tubes to eliminate this problem.

Figure 7. PC versus CFB heat flux The DNB can occur near zero percent steam quality – lower furnace, when operating in the critical pressure range (210-215 bar). Optimized rifled tubing can enhance the heat transfer rate and reduce the tube temperature.

Next phenomenon connected with the supercritical pressures is the low load instability that can cause on long run cracks in the furnace

walls’ tubing when oscillations of drying and wetting occur. This can be relatively simply taken care for with a pressure equalizing headers installed on a wall.

In addition to the “natural circulation” characteristic that minimizes differential temperatures that can cause fatigue cracking, the BENSON Vertical design offers more advantages. Since the evaporative circuit can be designed with low mass-flow rates, the total pressure loss and therefore power consumption is lower. The vertical, self-supporting furnace enclosure tubes are linked to a standard top support system that does not require attachment of separate support straps. Full variable pressure can be used over the once through operating load range to match steam turbine metal temperature for cycling service. The low system operating pressure at low loads reduces pump power consumption and therefore, fuel consumption.

Figure 8 illustrates a 600 MWe Compact CFB BENSON Vertical boiler concept. This particular design utilizes four (4) double-vortex Compact solids’ separators that are positioned on each side of the furnace. Solids entrained in the flue gas are collected by the separators and are cooled by INTREX superheaters. The duty of the INTREX superheater is

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selected to maintain the desired furnace operating temperature for optimum emission control and to efficiently provide final superheating.

The furnace enclosure is formed from vertical tubes, all of which are in parallel flow. Fluid leaving the furnace is passed through the in-line tangential steam separators. From the steam separators, the steam is superheated in the furnace roof, the COMPACT separators, Heat Recovery Area (HRA) enclosure, the HRA convection superheaters, and finally in INTREX heat exchangers. The entire reheater is positioned above the economizer in the series pass HRA. Final reheat steam temperature is controlled by the Foster Wheeler patented reheat steam bypass system, however different reheat steam temperature control methods may be used to control final reheat steam temperature: reheat steam bypass, parallel back-pass or INTREX reheater with solids and fluidization control. Standard spraying will always provide instant response trimming.

Figure 8. 600 MWe FW Compact CFB Benson Vertical boiler

The Compact CFB BENSON Vertical boiler design permits the use of variable pressure operation with its advantages. As system pressure is lowered, so is the saturation temperature for evaporation that requires changes to the water inventory temperature as well as to the evaporative pressure part

temperature. Sliding pressure operation therefore has more inertia or slowness to load change. In addition, CFB boilers have an inventory of solids both in the furnace and INTREX heat exchanger, as well as some refractory that affect the thermal inertia characteristics of the boiler. Extensive modeling work has been conducted by FW to develop a control system to co-ordinate the heat flow to the boiler water/steam according to the energy output requirements placed on the unit. The primary objective is to maintain the appropriate ratio of water/steam system heat input to feed water flow ratio during fast load change conditions. The CFB boiler has several control parameters that increase the operational flexibility of the unit to meet the required dynamic response behavior. For example heat absorption rate can be rapidly changed by shifting the solids distribution profile and heat release patterns within the

furnace by varying how much and where primary and secondary air are introduced into the furnace. Figure 9. Boiler Load Control Parameters Additional flexibility is available when INTREX heat exchangers with its unique control capabilities is used. Additionally, standard control means such as throttling reserve in the variable pressure ramp and throttling of steam extraction to feed water heaters might be used to make the CFB OTU equal or comparable to conventional PC boiler for step and ramp load changes. Unique to the CFB OTU is that it can accommodate disturbances from the process

(fuel rate and quality) because of the stabilizing effect of the bed material.

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Conclusions With the start of demolition works in the unit 5 the modernization of the Turow plant

project has crossed its half way. Operational experience from units 1 – 3 has shown suitability of the CBF technology for the purpose i.e. firing low grade, high moisture Polish brown coal in an environmentally sound way, reliably and safely. Improvement performed during operation of units 1 and 2 have addressed all major concerns, which has been confirmed by granting these units Final Acceptance Certificates.

Compact CFB technology has developed more rapidly then the conventional CFB thanks to straight applicability of conventional CFB experience and unique features, that were the innovation core ideas: less and thinner refractory, better startup times, reduction or elimination of the troublesome expansion joints, integrated, simpler separators. Parallel, INTREX heat exchangers successful experience in number of reference projects and integration of the INTREX heat exchanger into the Compact design occurred. Together, it constituted a basis for move of the Compact design into the utility-size market while excellent control capabilities of such design allowed for considering its’ applicability to the once-through, supercritical steam circuits.

Turow phase III Compact technology is a logic development, when considering both its features and timing of available experience from other Compact boilers as well as experience gained in phases I and II.

Technology further development paths are already defined by FW with development of the concept and design for 600 MWe supercritical steam parameters once-through unit, meanwhile 400 MWe-range boilers are ready to be marketed.

Research program that is launched in order to better understanding processes and dynamic behavior of the large CFB furnaces will validate prediction models used so far. These two processes, the innovation and its industrial, well managed application and verification with real-scale, field measurements are the forces that will move the CFB technology into higher capacities, high cycle-efficiencies with all the advantages of fuel flexibility and emission control simplicity that CFB provides.

The BENSON Vertical once-through boiler technology, with its “natural circulation”, positive thermohydraulic flow characteristic, is ideally suited for CFB boiler application. The range of fuels firing capability, low pollutant emissions, and high efficiency provide for cost effective power production. Features such as the Compact separator and INTREX heat exchanger further add to operational flexibility, low maintenance costs, and increased reliability. Control capabilities of the CFB OTU BENSON vertical unit with modified sliding pressure philosophy will match parameters normally required for conventional, high-grade fuels fired units, such as PC or gas. References 4. J. Jablonski, W. Nowak, T. Ozimowski, “Rehabilitaiton of Turow Power Plant,” The

Sixth Foster Wheeler Fluidized Bed Customers’ Conference, San Diego, CA, August 18-20, 2000.

5. S. E. Hatch, “Compact CFB’s,” Foster Wheeler Review, Spring 2000. 6. S. J. Goidich, T. Hyppanen, K. Kauppinen, “CFB Boiler Design and Operation Using

the INTREXTM Heat Exchanger,” 6th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Würzburg, Germany, August 22-27, 1999.

7. P. K. Gounder, J. P. Risse, “Circulating Fluidized Bed with Reheat,” Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, FL, October 19-21, 1992.

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8. S. J. Goidich, “Integration of the BENSON Vertical OTU Technology and the Compact CFB Boiler,” POWER-GEN International 2000, Orlando, FL, November 14-16, 2000.

9. S. J. Goidich, T. Hyppanen, “Foster Wheeler Compact CFB Boilers For Utility Scale”

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