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Neolithic Revolution: 8,000 B.C.E.

Life Before the Turning Point

Paleolithic age: Hunters and gatherers, nomads, clans of 20-30 people, basic language, men and women were equal

Turning Point

The Neolithic Revolution: Development of agriculture and the domestication of animals


People settled in villages and cities. Farmers grew surplus of crops that led to rise in population. Created permanent houses,

expanded language and religious beliefs. Developed political systems, job specialization,

social classes, and new technology. Women lost status. Led to civilization.

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Fall of Roman Empire: 476 C.E.

Life Before the Turning PointVast Empire under one law code. Led by an Emperor who had total

authority. Pax Romana – 200 years of peace in Rome. Great achievements such as law, government, art and architecture (dome and arch), aqueducts,

roads, etc. Increase in trade and security throughout empire.

Turning PointPoor leadership, lack of method of succession,

struggling economy, weakening military, and peasant and slave revolts led to the split of the Empire. Fell in

476 CE when Visigoths sacked Rome!


Led to Dark Ages! Lack of centralized government caused feudal society to emerge. Peasants looked

toward local nobles for protection and worked the land for them. Manorialism developed – self sufficient economic system with limited trade. Most people

lacked education and the Catholic Church dominated society. Gothic Architecture.

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The Crusades: 1095-1272

Life Before the Turning Point

Europe was in the Dark Ages. There was little trade and lack of education. Serfs worked the land

and did not leave their manor. The Church dominated socially and politically.

Turning Point

Pope Urban II called for all Christians to unite and fight the Muslims to regain control of the Holy lands.


After four Crusades, the Muslims won control of the Holy lands. However, the crusades resulted in increased trade in

Europe and the development of towns. Trade routes needed to be protected, which led to the rise of power of

Kings and the decrease of power of the nobles.

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Life After the CrusadesLife After the Crusades

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The Printing Press: 1436

Life Before the Turning Point

Many people were illiterate and ideas traveled slowly through trade. Most books were based on ideas of the church (Bibles)

and were hand written. Most books were written in Latin.

Turning Point

Johann Gutenberg invented the Printing Press, a hand press, in which ink was rolled over the raised surfaces

of moveable hand-set block letters held within a wooden form and the form was then pressed against a

sheet of paper.


Created a revolution in the production of books. Led to the rapid exchange of ideas throughout Europe and an increase in literacy. Fostered the rapid development in science, arts

and religion.

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The Printing PressThe Printing Press

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The Renaissance: 1400sLife Before the Turning Point

Roman Catholic Church dominated social and cultural aspects of society. Art and architecture were influenced by religious ideals. Gothic

Architecture was designed to show the power of God. Most people believed that they were meant to suffer on Earth in order to get to Heaven

in the afterlife.

Turning Point

A renewal in Greco-Roman ideals led to belief in Humanism – humans are special and individuals can achieve great things. Popes, Kings, and wealthy merchants became patrons of the arts and hired artists

to create paintings, sculptures, buildings, etc.


Artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci as well as writers such as Petrarch,

Machiavelli, and Shakespeare would influence western culture. Ideals of humanism and

questioning spirit would lead to the Reformation, Age of Exploration, Scientific

Revolution, and the Enlightenment.

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The Protestant Reformation: 1517

Life Before the Turning Point

The Roman Catholic Church dominated Europe. The Pope had power over Monarchs and could excommunicate anyone from the church. They also collected a tithe, a 10% tax that all land holders

had to pay. The Church was also offering indulgences, where people could pay for the forgiveness of their sins.

Turning Point

Martin Luther, a German monk, posted his 95 Theses on the door of a Church in Wittenberg, Germany. He protested the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church and was excommunicated when

he refused to recant.


Europe was split religiously for the first time (North: Protestant, South: Roman Catholic.) Other Protestant groups developed

such as Calvinism and the Anglican Church in England. Led to the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Inquisition, religious wars,

and aggressive missionary work.

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Protestant Protestant ReformationReformation

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Age of Exploration: 1450-1600sLife Before the Turning Point

Europeans were living in the High Middle ages where trade was increasing but not very favorable. They were forced to trade with the Muslims who

controlled the land routes from China.

Turning Point

New technology and a desire to find water routes to the East led to the Portuguese discovery of a water route to India

(DaGama) and the Spanish discovery of the Americas (Columbus.)


Discovery of Americas led to global trade. The Columbian Exchange, or Triangle trade, developed which led to the Commercial Revolution. Animals, products, ideas and disease traveled between Old and New

World. Led to the conquest of Aztecs, Incas, and other Native American Indians and the colonization of the New World by


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Scientific Revolution: 1400s-1600s

Life Before the Turning Point

Europeans depended on the Church to answer most questions. Many people believed in superstitions, old

traditions and customs. People lacked knowledge about medicine, astronomy, anatomy, math, etc.

Turning Point

Thinkers and scientists such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton began to experiment the world around

them in search for their own answers.


New discoveries in astronomy (Heliocentric theory), physics (Law of Gravity), and

Medicine (Microscope) created a questioning spirit in Europe that led to better

understanding of the world. Challenged the power of the church.

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Scientific RevolutionScientific Revolution

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Age of Enlightenment: 1600s-1800sLife Before the Turning Point

Europe was led by Absolute Monarchs such as King Louis XIV of France, Phillip II of Spain, Czar Peter the Great of Russia, Empress Maria Teresa of Holy Roman Empire. The justified their rule by claiming Divine Right, power to rule from God.

Turning Point

Inspired by the scientific revolution, many scholars began to use reason and logic to question the rule of Absolute Monarchs. They

believed in natural laws and rights that existed in politics and government.


John Locke, Jean Rousseau, and Voltaire became the major Enlightenment thinkers of the time

believing in Natural Rights of “Life, Liberty, and Property,” the common good, and freedom of

speech. Their ideas led people to question Divine Right rule and resulted in Revolutions in North

America, France, and Latin America.

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French Revolution: 1789-1799Life Before the Turning Point

France was led by an Absolute Monarch (King Louis XVI) and was divided into three estates (First, second and third.) The

third estate had very little rights and were over taxed. Famine and war swept the land and the French economy was suffering.

Turning Point

Third Estate left the Estates General and protested in the King’s Tennis Court (Tennis Court Oath.) They created the National Assembly and wrote a Constitution to limit the power of the King. The Spark of the Revolution was July 14th 1789 when the people Stormed the Bastille!


Set the Stage for Revolutions in Europe and Latin America. Utilized Enlightenment ideas and challenged Divine Right rule.

Radical Revolution led to Reign of Terror (Robespierre) and use of guillotine. Ended special privileges of nobles and

increased power of middle class (bourgeoisie.)

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Industrial Revolution: 1750-1850Life Before the Turning Point

Most people were farmers or small merchants. Made goods with hand and animal power and lived in small

villages (Rural.) Used Water and wind as energy source.

Turning PointThe Agricultural Revolution in England led to new techniques in

farming that increased production of food. Led to new inventions (Steam Engine) in transportation, communication, and production of goods. Enclosure Movement led to many unemployed farmers

who went to cities searching for work.

Effects/Changes/ImpactProduction goes form Cottage industry to Factories. Use of

Machine power and the growth of cities (Urbanization.) Great Britain becomes an Imperial power (need for

resources.) Conditions in the factory are hard as Capitalists make money, the workers (Proletariat) struggle in poverty. Led to challenges to capitalism (Socialism, communism,


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The Meiji Restoration: 1867-1910

Life Before the Turning Point

Japan was ruled by the Tokugawa Shogunate who ruled through a centralized Feudal system. The Shogun had

isolated Japan from trade with other nations except China, Korea, and the Dutch. Japanese society was controlled by

the government, which banned Christianity.

Turning Point

U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry made a trip to Japan in an attempt to become trading

partners with them. The Japanese and U.S. signed the Treaty of Kanagawa which ended

250 years of isolation.


Led to the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, where the Emperor took over as leader of

Japan. Japan began to rapidly modernize and westernize its military, industry, and social customs. This led to the need for Japan to imperialize other lands for resources. (annexation of

Korea, Sphere of Influence in China, Russo-Japanese War)

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World War I: 1914-1919

Life Before the Turning Point

European nations were competing with one another for military and economic superiority. Militarism,

Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism were increasing.

Turning Point

The Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia was the spark that started the War. When Austria-Hungary

blamed Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia and France and WWI was on!


Mass production of weapons and new technology such as the Machine gun, airplane, tank, poison gas, and submarine caused enormous casualties and damage. Britain, France, U.S. and Italy won the war and forced Germany to sign the Treaty of Versailles.

Economic problems after the war would lead to the rise of Totalitarian leaders like Hitler and Mussolini. Also, during the war, Russia had a revolution- resulted in the first communist

nation, the USSR.

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