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TumorsTumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion

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�� PseudotumorsPseudotumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion

�� TrueTrue tumorstumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

�� Soft tissue and bone tumorsSoft tissue and bone tumors

�� EpitelialEpitelial tumorstumors

�� SalivarySalivary glandgland tumorstumors

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PseudotumorsPseudotumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion

�� mostlymostly thethe jawjaw cystscysts� classified in several categories depending on histogenesis and etiology

�� True cystsTrue cysts�� Odontogenic cysts (Odontogenic cysts (arisingarising fromfrom the epithelium involved in the process of the epithelium involved in the process of teeth teeth developmentdevelopment))

�� From the restFrom the restss ofof MalassezMalassez (periapical, residual cyst)(periapical, residual cyst)�� FromFrom tthe he reducedreduced enamel epithelium (enamel epithelium (dentigerousdentigerous, , eruptioneruption, , paradentparadentalal))�� FromFrom dentaldental laminalamina ((restsrests ofof SerresSerres)) (odontogenic keratocyst, lateral (odontogenic keratocyst, lateral periodontal cyst)periodontal cyst)

�� NonNon--odontogenicodontogenic cystscysts�� DevelopmentalDevelopmental cystcyst

�� PPseudocystsseudocysts�� PostPost--traumatic bone cysttraumatic bone cystAneuryzmatická bone cystAneuryzmatická bone cyst

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OdontogenicOdontogenic cystscysts ((cystscysts derivatedderivated fromfrom restsrests ofof MalassezMalassez) )

�� RestsRests ofof MalassezMalassez –– restsrests ofof Hertwig'sHertwig's Epithelial Root SheathEpithelial Root Sheath

�� PeriapicalPeriapical cystcyst ((radicularradicular))

�� ResidualResidual cystcyst

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PeriapicalPeriapical ((radicularradicular) ) cystcyst

� Located at the root tips of nonvital teeth� Activation: necrosis of the pulp, advanced tooth caries, chronic pulpitis� Remnants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath proliferate due to theinflammatory stimulus

� subsequent liquefaction necrosis in the center of these enlargedepithelial nests

� lined by nonkeratinising squamous epithelium� may be thin and atrophic but� mucous cells may be present� inflammatory changes in the underlyingconnective tissue

� cholesterol clefts with adjacent giant cells� hyaline Rushton bodies

� residual cyst is radicular cyst that isretained in jaws after removal of theassociated tooth

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OdontogenicOdontogenic cystscysts ((cystscysts derivatedderivated fromfrom reducedreduced enamelenamelepitheliumepithelium))

�� FollicularFollicular ((dentigerousdentigerous


�� EruptionEruption cystcyst

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OdontogenicOdontogenic cystscysts ((cystscysts derivatedderivated fromfrom reducedreduced enamelenamelepitheliumepithelium))

�� FollicularFollicular ((dentigerousdentigerous


�� EruptionEruption cystcyst

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DentigerousDentigerous ((follicularfollicular) ) cystcyst

� Developmental cyst� surrounds the crown of an unerupted tooth and is attached to the neck of this tooth

� Usually associated with the maxillary canine or the mandibularthird molar tooth

� accumulation of fluid between the reduced enamel epitheliumand the crown surface or between the layers of the enamelepithelium itself

� no epithelial proliferation is needed to form this cyst

� thin epithelial lining - two to three cells thick� resembles the reduced enamel epithelium� mucus-producing cells as well as ciliated cells are more common

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EruptionEruption cystcyst

� type of dentigerous cyst located in the gingival soft tissues

� overlying the crown of an erupting tooth

� appear as blue-stained blisters of the oral mucosa

� cyst rupturing with progressive eruption of the associated tooth

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OdontogenicOdontogenic cystscysts ((fromfrom dentaldental laminalamina remnantsremnants –– restsrests ofofSerresSerres) )

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic keratocytkeratocyt

�� LateralLateral periodontalperiodontal cystcyst

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OdontogenicOdontogenic keratocystkeratocyst

�� Frequently Frequently affectsaffects mandible mandible –– lastlast third third ofof mandiblemandible and ramusand ramus

�� TypicallyTypically locatedlocated inin bone with possible bone destructionbone with possible bone destruction

�� Recurrence rate 25Recurrence rate 25--60% (like ameloblastoma)60% (like ameloblastoma)

�� GorlinGorlin--Goltz syndrome Goltz syndrome -- multiple OKC, AD, nmultiple OKC, AD, neevoid basal cell void basal cell carcinomas, milcarcinomas, miliasias,,

�� thin epithelial layer thin epithelial layer (6(6--10 10 cellscells) ) with parakeratosiswith parakeratosis

�� basal cell layerbasal cell layer

�� no inflammatory reactionno inflammatory reaction

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NonodontogenicNonodontogenic cystscysts ((developmentaldevelopmental cystscysts))

� Fissural cysts:� Median mandibular cyst (medianalveolar), Median palatal cyst

� Globulomaxillary cyst

� Nasolabial cyst (nasoalveolar)

� Lateral cysts, Branchiogenic cysts

� Remnants of epithelial ducts� Nasopalatine duct cyst (incisive canalcyst, nasopalatine canal cyst)

� Ductus thyreo-glossus cyst

� Dermoid cyst

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Nasopalatine duct cyst

� Midline cyst near the incisive foramen

� intraosseous lesion

� from nasopalatine duct remnants

� epithelial lining (squamous, respiratory, with or without mucouscells, cuboidal, ...)

� chronic inflammatory infiltrate

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Nasolabial cyst

� in the soft tissue, beneath the ala ofthe nose

� from parts of nasolacrimal duct

� pseudostratified collumnar epithelium

� mucous cells

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Dermoid cyst

� medial cyst in the neck region, base of the oral cavity

� teratoma

� epithelium: squamous epithelium

� fibrous capsule may contain sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, ...

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�� PseudotumorsPseudotumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion

�� TrueTrue tumorstumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

�� EpitelialEpitelial tumorstumors

�� SalivarySalivary glandgland tumorstumors

�� Soft Soft tissuetissue and bone and bone tumorstumors

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OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

� group of lesions that arises from the odontogenic tissue. They developfrom the epithelial part of the tooth germ, the ectomesenchymal part, or from both.

�� EpithelialEpithelial odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� AmeloblastomaAmeloblastoma

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors fromfrom connectiveconnective tissuetissue�� OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma�� OdontogenicOdontogenic myxomamyxoma�� CementoblastomaCementoblastoma

�� MixedMixed odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� OdontomaOdontoma�� AmeloblasticAmeloblastic fibromafibroma

�� MalignantMalignant�� MalignantMalignant ameloblastomaameloblastoma

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� Tumor grows slowly; typical is locally aggressive behaviour, but do not metastasise� most common odontogenic tumour

� mandible (molars) 75%, 20-40y� Deformating the face, loosening of teeth� X-ray - as multilocular cyst� Rare metastatic – malignant ameloblastoma� polycystic amelobalstoma - unicystic ameloblastoma (younger patients)

� Histologically� anastomosing epithelial strands and fields or discrete epithelial islands� peripheral cells at the border with the adjacent fibrous stroma are columnar, withnuclei usually in the apical half of the cell body away from the basement membrane

� tumour infiltrates into the adjacent cancellous bone � spread into soft tissues is highly unusual

follicularfollicular type type –– tumor tumor islandsislands in in fibrousfibrous stromastromaplexiformplexiform type type –– formingforming netnet ((thethe farmerfarmer patternpattern))

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OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

�� groupgroup ofof lesionslesions thatthat arisesarises fromfrom thethe odontogenicodontogenic tissuetissue. . TheyTheydevelopdevelop fromfrom thethe epithelialepithelial part part ofof thethe toothtooth germgerm, , thetheectomesenchymalectomesenchymal part, or part, or fromfrom bothboth. .

�� EpithelialEpithelial odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� AmeloblastomaAmeloblastoma

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors fromfrom connectiveconnective tissuetissue�� OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic myxomamyxoma

�� CementoblastomaCementoblastoma

�� MixedMixed odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� OdontomaOdontoma

�� AmeloblasticAmeloblastic fibromafibroma

�� MalignantMalignant�� MalignantMalignant ameloblastomaameloblastoma

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OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma

�� peripheralperipheral or or centralcentral tumor tumor withwith thethe dominantdominant fibrousfibrous componentcomponent

�� odontogenicodontogenic fibromafibroma ((withwithodontogenicodontogenic epitheliumepithelium))

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OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma

� The lesion is seen within the jaw as well as in the gingiva

� Odontogenic fibroma consists of fibroblasts lying in a backgroundof myxoid material with collagen fibres that may vary fromdelicate to coarse

� Odontogenic epithelium, may occur.

� Only rarely is the epithelial component so conspicuous thatdifferentiation between odontogenic fibroma and ameloblastomamay be difficult.

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OdontogenicOdontogenic myxomamyxoma

�� rarerare tumor, tumor, growinggrowing in in thethe bone bone withwith thethe locallylocally agressiveagressivebehaviourbehaviour

�� maxillamaxilla a a mandibulamandibula

�� erosion into the surrounding erosion into the surrounding area (sinus)area (sinus)

�� swelling, painswelling, painlessless growthgrowth

�� XX--ray: resembling ray: resembling honeycombhoneycomb

�� curettagecurettage oror block resectionblock resection

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� benign, well circimscribed tumor, heavily mineralised cementummasses connected to the apical root

�� rarerare tumortumor

�� 2020--30 y 30 y patientspatients

�� molarsmolars a a premolarspremolars

�� painpain –– toothtooth isis vitalvital

� vascular, loose-textured fibrous tissue

� surrounds coarse trabeculae of basophilicmineralised material bordered by plump cellswith large but not atypical nuclei.

� Mitotic figures are rare

� Also, osteoclastic giant cells may be present

�� ThTh: : toothtooth extractionextraction

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OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

� group of lesions that arises from the odontogenic tissue. They developfrom the epithelial part of the tooth germ, the ectomesenchymal part, or from both.

�� EpithelialEpithelial odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� AmeloblastomaAmeloblastoma

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors fromfrom connectiveconnective tissuetissue�� OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma�� OdontogenicOdontogenic myxomamyxoma�� CementoblastomaCementoblastoma

�� MixedMixed odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� OdontomaOdontoma�� AmeloblasticAmeloblastic fibromafibroma

�� MalignantMalignant�� MalignantMalignant ameloblastomaameloblastoma

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�� 70% 70% odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors, , hamartomahamartoma�� thethe differenciationdifferenciation intointo dontoblastdontoblast and and ameloblastameloblast ((dentindentin and and enamelenamelproductionproduction) ) isis presentpresent

�� benignbenign processprocess�� 1010--20 y 20 y lifelife, , maxillamaxilla

�� HistologicallyHistologically::� Complex form

� well delineated mass of dental hard tissues in a irregular arrangement(dentin, enamel, cementum)

� stroma consists of mature fibrous connective tissue

�� CompoundCompound formform� malformation consisting of tiny teeth� may vary in number from only a few to numerous� do not resemble normal teeth� normal arrangement of centrally placed fibrovascular pulp tissue surroundedby dentin with enamel in the crown area and cementum in the root part.

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OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

� group of lesions that arises from the odontogenic tissue. They developfrom the epithelial part of the tooth germ, the ectomesenchymal part, or from both.

�� EpithelialEpithelial odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� AmeloblastomaAmeloblastoma

�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors fromfrom connectiveconnective tissuetissue�� OdontogenicOdontogenic fibromafibroma�� OdontogenicOdontogenic myxomamyxoma�� CementoblastomaCementoblastoma

�� MixedMixed odontogenicodontogenic tumorstumors�� OdontomaOdontoma�� AmeloblasticAmeloblastic fibromafibroma

�� MalignantMalignant�� MalignantMalignant ameloblastomaameloblastoma

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�� MalignantMalignant ameloblastomaameloblastoma ((mtsmts))

�� AmeloblasticAmeloblastic carcinomacarcinoma�� resemblingresembling thethe ameloblastomaameloblastoma, , butbut withwith cellularcellular atypiasatypias

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�� PseudotumorsPseudotumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion

�� TrueTrue tumorstumors ofof orofacialorofacial regionregion�� OdontogenicOdontogenic tumorstumors

�� Soft Soft tissuetissue and bone and bone tumorstumors

�� EpitelialEpitelial tumorstumors

�� SalivarySalivary glandgland tumorstumors

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Soft Soft tissuetissue tumorstumors

�� mesenchymalmesenchymal tumorstumors

�� connectiveconnective tissuetissue fibromafibroma fibrosarcomafibrosarcoma

�� cartilagecartilage chondromachondroma chondrosarcomachondrosarcoma

�� fatfat tissuetissue lipomalipoma liposarcomaliposarcoma

�� bloodblood vesselsvessels hemangiomahemangioma hemangiosarcomahemangiosarcoma

�� lymphaticlymphatic vesselsvessels lymphangiomalymphangioma lymphangiosarcomalymphangiosarcoma

�� crosscross--striatedstriated m.m. rhabdomyomarhabdomyoma rhabdomyosarcomarhabdomyosarcoma

�� smoothsmooth m.m. leiomyomaleiomyoma leiomyosarcomaleiomyosarcoma

�� ......

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Bone Bone tumorstumors

�� by by thethe dignitydignity: : benignbenign and and malignantmalignant

�� BenignBenign�� OsteomaOsteoma

�� OsteoblastomaOsteoblastoma

�� GiantGiant cellcell lesionslesions

�� AneurysmalAneurysmal bone bone cystcyst

�� MalignantMalignant�� OsteosarcomaOsteosarcoma ((osteogenicosteogenic sarcomasarcoma))

�� ChondrosarcomaChondrosarcoma

�� Ewing'sEwing's sarcomasarcoma

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�� BenignBenign fibrofibro--osseousosseous lesionslesions

�� OsteomaOsteoma

�� OsteoblastomaOsteoblastoma

�� GiantGiant cellcell lesionslesions

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BenignBenign fibrofibro--osseousosseous lesionslesions

�� nonneoplasticnonneoplastic intraosseousintraosseous lesionslesions thatthat replacereplace normalnormal bone and bone and consistconsist ofof cellularcellular fibrousfibrous connectiveconnective tissuetissue

�� periapicalperiapical cementalcemental dysplasiadysplasia –– anterioranterior mandiblemandible, , asymptomaticasymptomatic, , radiolucentradiolucent areasareas

�� floridflorid cementocemento--osseousosseous dysplasiadysplasia –– nonsymptomaticnonsymptomatic

�� fibrousfibrous dysplasiadysplasia –– oneone or or manymany bonesbones, , mildmild malocclusionmalocclusion

�� cherrubismcherrubism –– distantdistant faciesfacies, , symetricsymetric, severe , severe malocclusionmalocclusion

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�� lossloss ofof bone in bone in thethe mandiblemandible replacedreplaced by by fibrousfibrous tissuetissue

�� usuallyusually thethe conditioncondition fadesfades as as thethe childchild growsgrows

�� deformdeform thethe affectedaffected personperson's face's face

�� causescauses prematurepremature lossloss ofof thethe primaryprimary teethteeth andand uneruptionuneruption ofofthethe permanent permanent teethteeth..

�� rarerare autosomalautosomal dominant dominant diseasedisease ofof thethe maxillamaxilla andand mandiblemandible

�� MutationsMutations in in thethe SH3BP2SH3BP2 gene gene havehave beenbeen identifiedidentified in in aboutabout 80 80 percentpercent ofof peoplepeople withwith cherubismcherubism

�� OrthodonticOrthodontic treatmenttreatment

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OsteomaOsteoma / / exostosisexostosis / / torustorus palatinuspalatinus

�� torustorus –– palatinuspalatinus, , mandibularismandibularis

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OsteomaOsteoma / / exostosisexostosis / / torustorus palatinuspalatinus

�� torustorus palatinuspalatinus�� 20% 20% olderolder patientspatients

�� osseousosseous structurestructure linedlined by by epitheliumepithelium

�� ulcerationsulcerations

�� osteomyelitisosteomyelitis

�� torustorus mandibularismandibularis�� bilateralbilateral

�� denturesdentures irritationirritation

�� osteomaosteoma�� solitarysolitary –– multilocularmultilocular (AD, (AD, GardnerGardner syndromasyndroma ~~ + + intestinalintestinal polypspolyps, , cystscysts a skin a skin fibromasfibromas))


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�� „„cellularycellulary“ “ osteomaosteoma, , osteoblastomaosteoblastoma (2cm and more)(2cm and more)

�� osteoidosteoid osteomaosteoma (0,5(0,5--2cm)2cm)

�� youngyoung patientspatients, , swellingswelling a a painpain

�� osteoblastsosteoblasts a a osteoclastsosteoclastsactivationactivation + + cellularycellulary bone + bone + osteoidosteoid areasareas

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GiantGiant cellcell lesionslesions

�� manymany lesionslesions ofof thethe mandiblemandible and and maxillamaxilla containcontain giantgiant cellcell tissuetissue

�� peripheralperipheral giantgiant cellcell granulomagranuloma�� extraossueousextraossueous nodulenodule in in jawsjaws�� fromfrom periosteumperiosteum and and periodontalperiodontalmembranemembrane

�� 3030--40 y 40 y womenwomen�� focalfocal prple prple nodulenodule on on thethe gigivagigiva

�� aneurysmalaneurysmal bone bone cystcyst�� vesselsvessels resemblingresembling hemangiomahemangioma�� 1010--20 y pacienti20 y pacienti

�� madiblamadibla –– ramusramus�� face face deformationdeformation / bone / bone fracturefracture

�� dif.dg.traumaticdif.dg.traumatic bone bone cystcyst

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�� Ewing'sEwing's sarcomasarcoma

�� OsteosarcomaOsteosarcoma ((osteogenicosteogenic sarcomasarcoma))�� 1:100.000 1:100.000 peoplepeople

�� cca. 7% in cca. 7% in thethe neckneck and face and face areaarea

�� retinoblastomaretinoblastoma associationassociation (Rb1 (Rb1 genegene))

�� painpain?/face ?/face deformationdeformation//teethteeth lostlost

�� normalnormal a a abnormalabnormal osteoidosteoid

�� pleomorficpleomorfic a a hyperchromichyperchromicsarkomatoussarkomatous cellscells

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Ewing'sEwing's sarcomasarcoma

�� highly malignant bone tumor (10% of malignant bone tumors)highly malignant bone tumor (10% of malignant bone tumors)

�� neuroektodermneuroektodermalal cellscells

�� ESFT ESFT -- t (11.22) t (11.22) -- EWS/FLI1EWS/FLI1

�� human adenovirus type 5human adenovirus type 5

�� children and adolescents (not older than 30 years)children and adolescents (not older than 30 years)

�� fever, leukocytosis, FWfever, leukocytosis, FW

�� pain and swelling, focal ulcerationpain and swelling, focal ulceration

�� sensitive and chemosensitive and chemo--and radiotherapyand radiotherapy

�� recurrence rate (30% per 5 years)recurrence rate (30% per 5 years)

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Epithelial tumorsEpithelial tumors

From squamous epitheliumFrom squamous epithelium�� BenignBenign

�� PapillomaPapilloma

�� KeratoacanthomaKeratoacanthoma

�� Benign pigmented lesionsBenign pigmented lesions�� PeutzPeutz--JeghersovJeghersov syndrómsyndróm

�� LeukoplakiaLeukoplakia�� Epithelial dysplasiaEpithelial dysplasia�� ErythroplakiaErythroplakia�� MalignantMalignant

�� Squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma�� Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinoma

From glandular epitheliumFrom glandular epithelium�� Salivary gland tumorsSalivary gland tumors

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�� HPV (HPV (not allways)not allways)

�� keratinisatingkeratinisating / / nonkeratinizatingnonkeratinizating

�� basal layerbasal layer / / spinosaspinosa / / keratinocyteskeratinocytes

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�� predilection for the face, handspredilection for the face, hands

�� solitarysolitary nodulenodule, fast growth, possible spontaneous regression, fast growth, possible spontaneous regression

�� solid papule with a central hollow, filled with keratinsolid papule with a central hollow, filled with keratin

�� central keratinization, hyperkeratosis seems embedded in the central keratinization, hyperkeratosis seems embedded in the epidermis, but bounded epidermis, but bounded by by normal epidermisnormal epidermis;; at the base of at the base of the the iinfiltrative growingnfiltrative growing may be presentmay be present, possibly mitotic activity but , possibly mitotic activity but no atypical mitoses, small abscesses in the epithelium, the no atypical mitoses, small abscesses in the epithelium, the inflammatory infiltrate inflammatory infiltrate

�� elderlyelderly

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Epithelial tumorsEpithelial tumors

From squamous epitheliumFrom squamous epithelium�� BenignBenign

�� PapillomaPapilloma

�� KeratoacanthomaKeratoacanthoma

�� Benign pigmented lesionsBenign pigmented lesions�� PeutzPeutz--JeghersovJeghersov syndrómsyndróm

�� LeukoplakiaLeukoplakia�� Epithelial dysplasiaEpithelial dysplasia�� ErythroplakiaErythroplakia�� MalignantMalignant

�� Squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma�� Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinoma

From glandular epitheliumFrom glandular epithelium�� Salivary gland tumorsSalivary gland tumors

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PeutzPeutz--Jeghers syndromeJeghers syndrome


�� formation of benign polyps in the gastrointestinalformation of benign polyps in the gastrointestinal -- hamarthamarthomashomas((risk risk intususcepcia!!) intususcepcia!!)

�� hyperpigmented maculae of the lips and mucosa hyperpigmented maculae of the lips and mucosa

�� dif.dg. hyperpigmentation: Addison's disease (adrenal insuf.)dif.dg. hyperpigmentation: Addison's disease (adrenal insuf.)

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Epithelial tumorsEpithelial tumors

From squamous epitheliumFrom squamous epithelium�� BenignBenign

�� PapillomaPapilloma

�� KeratoacanthomaKeratoacanthoma

�� Benign pigmented lesionsBenign pigmented lesions�� PeutzPeutz--JeghersovJeghersov syndrómsyndróm

�� LeukoplakiaLeukoplakia�� Epithelial dysplasiaEpithelial dysplasia�� ErythroplakiaErythroplakia�� MalignantMalignant

�� Squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma�� Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinoma

From glandular epitheliumFrom glandular epithelium�� Salivary gland tumorsSalivary gland tumors

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�� "white "white coatings at the mocous of oral cavitycoatings at the mocous of oral cavity, which can not be , which can not be wiped off and wiped off and classifiedclassified asas other disease"other disease"precancerprecancerosisosis!!smoking!, alcohol, chron.smoking!, alcohol, chron. candidosiscandidosis, HPV, EBV ..., HPV, EBV ...

homogeneoushomogeneous -- flat, uniform, white flat, uniform, white areasareasnonnon--homogeneoushomogeneous -- irregular, nodular irregular, nodular areasareas + erythroplakia+ erythroplakia

�� clinical diagnosis, has a characteristic histologic correlateclinical diagnosis, has a characteristic histologic correlateacanthosisacanthosis = thickening of the spinous layer of squamous = thickening of the spinous layer of squamous epitheliumepitheliumhhyperkeratosisyperkeratosis = thickening of the = thickening of the keratinkeratin layerlayeratrophyatrophy –– erythroplakiaerythroplakia

may lead tomay lead to�� dysplasia and CISdysplasia and CIS

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Squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma

�� malignant epithelial tumorsmalignant epithelial tumors

�� smoking, sunlight, alcohol, chron.smoking, sunlight, alcohol, chron.irritationirritation, viruses, viruses

�� older age, 90% menolder age, 90% men

�� mostly lower mostly lower liplip and tongueand tongue

�� ffirstirstlyly, the exophytic growth, slow , the exophytic growth, slow growth growth and and late late metastases metastases (in (in tonguetongue the the early early iningrowth growth into theinto the blood vessels and blood vessels and metastasis to the lungmetastasis to the lung can be foundcan be found) )

�� may exulcermay exulcerateate

�� The The endofytic formendofytic form does existdoes exist!!

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Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinoma

�� skin tumor (predominantly on the face) skin tumor (predominantly on the face) –– proliferation of the proliferation of the cells similar to the immature cells of the basal layer of the cells similar to the immature cells of the basal layer of the epidermis (but arises from hair follicule)epidermis (but arises from hair follicule)

�� variable histological featuresvariable histological features

�� grows predominantly endophytic, with the dermis infiltration, angrows predominantly endophytic, with the dermis infiltration, and d surface exulceration (ulcus rodens)surface exulceration (ulcus rodens)

�� without metastasis (semimalignant), locally destructive, with without metastasis (semimalignant), locally destructive, with relapses relapses –– the adequate surgical extirpation with the the adequate surgical extirpation with the histopathological examination of the borders is necessaryhistopathological examination of the borders is necessary

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TumorsTumors ofof salivarysalivary glandsglands

�� relatively rare tumors with an incidence 1relatively rare tumors with an incidence 1--3/100.0003/100.000

�� AAffect ffect in in 70% 70% thethe major glands (parotid gland 70% major glands (parotid gland 70% -- benign, benign, sublingual 70%sublingual 70% -- malignant)malignant)

�� in in 30% 30% affectaffect small glandssmall glands

�� HistomorfologicHistomorfologicallyally highly variable highly variable appearanceappearance (glands, ducts (glands, ducts --basal and reserve cells, basal and reserve cells, myoepithelialmyoepithelial cells)cells)

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TumorsTumors ofof salivarysalivary glandsglands

�� BenignBenign tumorstumors�� PleomorficPleomorfic adenomaadenoma

�� MonomorficMonomorfic adenomaadenoma

�� AdenolymphomaAdenolymphoma

�� OnkocytomaOnkocytoma

�� MalignantMalignant tumorstumors�� MukoepidermoidMukoepidermoid carcinomacarcinoma

�� AdenocysticAdenocystic carcinomacarcinoma ((cylindromacylindroma))

�� AdenocarcinomaAdenocarcinoma

�� CarcinomaCarcinoma fromfrom acinousacinous cellscells

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PleomorphicPleomorphic adenomaadenoma

�� most most commoncommon salivarysalivary glandgland tumor, tumor, usuallyusually affectsaffectsparotidparotid ofof womenwomen, 20, 20--60 r60 r

�� SlowSlow growthgrowth, , painlesspainless, face , face deformatingdeformating

�� unfixedunfixed, , circumscribedcircumscribed, , nodularnodular, soft , soft consistancyconsistancy

�� encapsulatesencapsulates proliferationproliferation ((fibrousfibrous capsulecapsule))

�� ductalductal and and myoepithelialmyoepithelial cellscells supportedsupported by by stromastroma withwithmucoidmucoid, , myxoidmyxoid or or chondroidchondroid appearanceappearance((myxochondroepitheliomamyxochondroepithelioma))

�� MyoepithelialMyoepithelial cellscells and and epithelialepithelial cellscells formform areasareas or or sheetssheets, , maymay bebe rarelyrarely cribriformcribriform or or tubulartubular

�� growinggrowing intointo capsulecapsule, , recurrencyrecurrency, , possiblepossible malignantmalignantvariant variant –– thethe biologicalbiological behaviourbehaviour isis difficultdifficult to to analyzeanalyze

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MonomorphicMonomorphic adenomaadenoma

�� The group of benign tumors formed by proliferation of epithelialThe group of benign tumors formed by proliferation of epithelialcells of one type with a characteristic arrangementcells of one type with a characteristic arrangement

�� Properties similar to PA, less recidivismProperties similar to PA, less recidivism

babassocellulocellularar adenomaadenoma

�� nests of tumor cells separated by fibrous nests of tumor cells separated by fibrous stromastroma

�� in in thethe centre are centre are thethe cuboidalcuboidal cells resemblingcells resembling strat.basalestrat.basale ofof thetheepidermusepidermus

canalicularcanalicular adenomaadenoma

•• anastomoanastomosingsing sheetssheets forming the forming the canaliculescanalicules –– formedformed by a layer of by a layer of cylindricalcylindrical to to cuboidalcuboidal cellscells

•• myxomatmyxomatousous hypocellular stroma with dilated capillarieshypocellular stroma with dilated capillaries

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AdenolymphomaAdenolymphoma ((Warthin'sWarthin's Tumor, Tumor, PapillaryPapillary CystadenomaCystadenomaLymphomatosumLymphomatosum))

�� benignbenign, , slowlyslowly growinggrowing tumortumor

�� lowerlower pole pole ofof thethe parotidparotid, , accountingaccounting 22--10% 10% ofof allall SGTSGT

�� malesmales, over 50y, over 50y

�� unfixedunfixed, , circumscribedcircumscribed�� On palpation a solid, painless, smooth surface, elastic, On palpation a solid, painless, smooth surface, elastic, fluctuatingfluctuating

�� PapillaryPapillary proliferationproliferation ((epithelialepithelial part) part) withwith innerinnerand and outerouter layerlayer ofof epithelialepithelial cellscells

�� lymphoidlymphoid stromastroma organizedorganized in in folliculesfollicules

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OxyphilicOxyphilic adenomaadenoma ((OncocytomaOncocytoma))

� rare benign tumours� predominantly tumours of those over middle age, women, usually in theseventh or eight decade

� parotid glands� slow-growing and may rarely be bilatera.

�� WellWell circumscribedcircumscribed, , redred--brownbrown colorcolor�� FromFrom largelarge oxyphilicoxyphilic cellscells withwith granulargranular cytoplasmcytoplasm –– oncocytesoncocytes

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TumorsTumors ofof salivarysalivary glandsglands

�� BenignBenign tumorstumors�� PleomorficPleomorfic adenomaadenoma

�� MonomorficMonomorfic adenomaadenoma

�� AdenolymphomaAdenolymphoma

�� OnkocytomaOnkocytoma

�� MalignantMalignant tumorstumors�� MukoepidermoidMukoepidermoid carcinomacarcinoma

�� AdenocysticAdenocystic carcinomacarcinoma ((cylindromacylindroma))

�� AdenocarcinomaAdenocarcinoma

�� CarcinomaCarcinoma fromfrom acinousacinous cellscells

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Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

� most common, form 4.8% of all salivary gland tumours, most commontypes of post-irradiation salivary gland tumours

� parotid, peak age incidence is in the fifth decade.

�� locally invasivelocally invasive growthgrowth, destructive, metastases, often quickly, painfully, destructive, metastases, often quickly, painfully

�� less malignant variantsless malignant variants –– recurrencyrecurrency

�� Well differentiated adenocarcinoma G1Well differentiated adenocarcinoma G1�� consists of squamous epithelial cells and mucusconsists of squamous epithelial cells and mucus--producing cellsproducing cells

�� cystic formations lined by mucincystic formations lined by mucin--producing cellsproducing cells

�� sheetssheets of squamousof squamous--epithelial cellsepithelial cells

�� Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma G3Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma G3�� consists predominantly consists predominantly fromfrom epithelial squamous cellepithelial squamous cell

�� wwithout cystic formations, pleomorphic cellsithout cystic formations, pleomorphic cells

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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma ('Cylindroma')

�� More More commoncommon in in minor salivarysalivary glandsglands, , the palate is by far the most� peak age incidence is in the sixth decade (range 12-72 years) and thefemale to male ratio is 1.3

�� Slow growth, but painSlow growth, but painfulful and facial nerve palsyand facial nerve palsy� late appearance of recurrences, but ffrequent, metastases, worse requent, metastases, worse prognosisprognosis

�� PerineurPerineuraal disseminationl dissemination -- PAINPAIN�� Poorly encapsulated, grayPoorly encapsulated, gray--white colorwhite color, , growinggrowing intointo the surrounding the surrounding tissuetissue

Typical cribriform adenoid cystic carcinomas

�� Consists of cylindrical cavitConsists of cylindrical cavitiesies filled with hyaline masses and filled with hyaline masses and connectiveconnective tissuetissue with capillarieswith capillaries

�� MyoepitMyoepithhelelialial cellscells

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AcinicAcinic cellcell carcinomacarcinoma

�� ArisesArises fromfrom acinicacinic cellcellss

�� ParotideParotide, women, women

�� LowLow--grade malignancgrade malignancyy, but often recurs, but often recurs

�� WellWell--circumscribed, circumscribed, unfixedunfixed

�� CellsCells:: mucinous, serous, seromucinmucinous, serous, seromucinousousin different structures (solid, mikrocystic, papillaryin different structures (solid, mikrocystic, papillary--cystic, cystic, follicular)follicular)Cells with abundant basophilic Cells with abundant basophilic granular cytoplasmgranular cytoplasmCells with Cells with vacuolatedvacuolated cytoplasmcytoplasmEosinophilic cells with Eosinophilic cells with centrally located centrally located nucleusnucleus

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