  • Tuesday March 17, 2020 Activator

    What is the “Box Method?” It is a way to multiply with variables, an easier way to distribute.

    Multiply (74)(392) = 29008

    Multiply (70+4)(300+90+2) = 29008

    Can you expand integers (normal numbers)? Yes

    Why is the method used? to double distribute

    Page #3Lesson 7.1

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)

    + 21,000 + 6,300 + 140

    + 1,200 + 360 +8


    300 +90 +2Multiply using the “Box Method”

    There must be a

    sign in every box.Write down all of the boxes.

    21,000 + 6,300 + 140 + 1,200 + 360 + 8 is 29,008

    Combine like terms

    Page #3Lesson 7.1

  • (2 of 4)

    Combine Like Terms (CLT)


    Example(s) Non-Example(s)

    FactsTo write the answer

    in an easier way.

    • Used only with Add and Subtract

    • The exponent does NOT change.

    4𝑥2 + 3𝑥2 = 7𝑥2

    4𝑥2 − 3𝑥2 = 𝑥24𝑥2 + 3𝑥3 ≠ 7𝑥5

    Not the same exponent

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)Combine Like Terms: Does the exponent change?

    Addition vs. No why? The exponent is multiplication.

    (𝑥3) + (𝑥3) = 2𝑥3Subtraction

    Exponent change? No

    (5𝑥3) − (𝑥3) = 4𝑥3

    Exponent change? No

    𝑥3 + 𝑥3 = 2𝑥3 5𝑥3 − 𝑥3 = 4𝑥3

    Why? We did not multiply a variable by a variable.

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)Combine Like Terms Will the answer have an equal sign? No Why? No equal sign in the question.

    Line 1: (7𝑥3+ 3𝑥2) - (9x - 5𝑥2)

    Line 2: 7𝑥3+ 3𝑥2 - 9x + 5𝑥2

    Line 4: 7𝑥3 + 8𝑥2 - 9x


    Combine Like Terms

    Line 3: 7𝑥3+ 3𝑥2 + 5𝑥2 - 9x Commute

    Page #4Lesson 7.1

  • Tuesday March 17, 2020 Work Period

    (2𝑥2 + 6x + 5 ) - (6𝑥2 +3x + 5)

    If A=(2𝑥2 + 6x + 5 ) and B=(6𝑥2 +3x + 5), what is A-B?

    2𝑥2 + 6x + 5 - 6𝑥2 - 3x - 52𝑥2- 6𝑥2 + 6x - 3x + 5 - 5

    -4𝑥2 + 3x + 0

    -4𝑥2 + 3x



    Combine like Terms

    Page #4Lesson 7.1

  • .

    Tuesday March 17, 2020 Exit TicketWhat is the sum of 8𝑥2 - x + 4 and x - 5 ?

    (8𝑥2 - x + 4) + (x – 5) 8𝑥2 - x + 4 + x - 5

    8𝑥2 + 0x - 1 8𝑥2 - 1

    8𝑥2 - x + x + 4 - 5



    Combine like Terms

    Page #4 Lesson 7.1

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to use the box method and combine like terms.

    Unit 7Lesson 1

  • Wednesday April 10, 2020 Activator


    2𝑥3(5𝑥3) 2𝑥3 + 5𝑥3

    Simplify the expressionsMonomial Monomial Monomial


    7𝑥32∙ 𝑥3(5)(𝑥3)

    2∙ 5 𝑥3(𝑥3) Does the exponent change?No Why? Addition and subtraction

    does not change exponents.

    Page #7Lesson 7.2

  • (1 of 4)



    Example(s) Non-Example(s)


    • has one sign and/or number

    and/or variable

    -1 -1𝑥2

    3x 5 8𝑥4

    x - 1 2x+4

    −2𝑥2 + 3𝑥

    Is one part of an expression

    Page #7Lesson 7.2

  • Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)Simplify the expression

    x (x – 4)


    x – 4

    Can this be graphed? NoWhy? The variable needs distributed.

    𝑥2 - 4x

    A sign (±) 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑜𝑥.

    Are these like terms? ______Same variable & same exponent

    No+ 𝒙𝟐

    - 4x

    Page #7Lesson 7.2

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)Simplify the expression

    x (𝑥2 + x - 4) Write all boxes down

    A sign (±) 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑜𝑥.

    Are these like terms? ______Same variable & same exponent

    +𝒙𝟑 +𝒙𝟐 -4xx

    𝑥2 + x - 4

    𝑥3 + 𝑥2 - 4x

    No Can this be graphed? NoWhy? The variable needs distributed.

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)Simplify the expression

    (x + 3)(x - 4) Write all boxes down

    A sign (±) 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑜𝑥.

    +𝒙𝟐 -4x

    +3x -12

    x + 3

    x -4 𝑥2 − 4𝑥 + 3𝑥 − 12

    𝑥2 − 1𝑥 − 12Can this be graphed? YesWhy? The variables are in ( ).

    Page #8Lesson 7.2

  • Wednesday April 10, 2020 Work Period


    The expression (𝑥 − 6)2 is equivalent to

    + 𝒙𝟐 - 6x

    - 6x + 36

    𝑥 − 6𝑥


    Write all boxes down

    𝑥2 − 6𝑥 − 6𝑥 + 36

    𝑥2 − 12𝑥 + 36


    Page #8Lesson 7.2

  • Wednesday April 10, 2020 Exit Ticket F(x) = (𝑥 − 6)2

    x G(x)

    4 4

    5 1

    6 0

    7 1

    G(x) = 𝑥2 − 12𝑥 + 36 𝑎𝑛𝑑

    Does G(x) and F(x) have an infinite (ALL) number of solutions?

    Yes, because it is the same line.

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to multiply polynomials.

    Unit 7Lesson 2

  • Friday April 12, 2020 Activator Simplify the following expressions. Are they equivalent? YES

    x(x) -2𝑥2 + 3𝑥2

    𝑥2 𝑥2Does the exponent change? Does the exponent change?

    Yes. Why? Multiplying variables

    No Why? Combining variables

    Page #11Lesson 7.3

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)Axis of Symmetry –

    x = lines that splits the graph in half.

    Root, Zero, or Solutions –

    Where the graph crosses the x-axis.

    Vertex – The maximum or Minimum point on the graph.

    Page #11Lesson 7.3

  • .

    When x = -1 and x = 3, write the factors

    (x + 1) ( x - 3) = 0 (x + 1) = 0 ( x - 3) = 0

    x = -1 x = 3 +1 +1 -3 -3


    Factor x - 3 = 0 x + 1 = 0



    Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)

    To write the factors, you need to sign switch from the solutions.

    Page #11Lesson 7.3

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)

    + 𝒙𝟐 - 3x

    + 1x -3

    Determine the product of the following expression.

    𝑥 − 3𝑥


    Write all boxes down

    𝑥2 + 1𝑥 − 3𝑥 − 3

    𝑥2 − 2𝑥 − 3


    (x + 1)(x - 3)

    Page #11Lesson 7.3

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)Graph the polynomial f(x) = (x + 1)(x − 3)

    x f(x)

    -1 0

    0 -3

    1 -4

    2 -3

    3 0

    BOX the Roots’s

    X = _____X = _____


    (-1,0) (3,0)Page #12

    Lesson 7.3

  • + 2𝒙𝟐 - 4x

    + 4x - 8

    Determine the product of the following expression.

    2𝑥 − 4𝑥


    Write all boxes down

    2𝑥2 − 4𝑥 + 4𝑥 − 8

    2𝑥2 − 8


    (x + 2)(2x - 4)

    Friday April 12, 2020 Work Period

    Page #12Lesson 7.3

  • Friday April 12, 2020 Exit Ticket F(x) = (x + 2)(2x - 4) G(x) = 2𝑥2− 8 𝑎𝑛𝑑

    Is (-2,0) a solution to the system?

    Yes, because it is on both lines and both tables.

    x F(x)

    -2 0

    -1 -6

    0 -8

    1 -6

    2 0

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to multiply binomials.

    Unit 7Lesson 3

  • Graph the polynomial f(x) = (x + 1)(x +4)

    Write the Vertex (1, -4)

    Is the Vertex a Minimum or Maximum?

    Why? Vertex is at the bottom of the graph.


    Friday April 12, 2020 Activator

    Page #15Lesson 7.4

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)Factor the polynomial f(x) = 𝑥2+ 5x + 4

    x f(x)

    -4 0

    -3 -2

    -2 -2

    -1 0

    BOX the Solutions

    Can you get the factors from the graph? Yes How?Change the signs on the Solutions.

    f(x) = (x + 1) ( x + 4) Page #15

    Lesson 7.4

  • .

    Solve for x when 𝑥2 + 5x + 4 = 0 ?

    (x + 1) ( x + 4) = 0

    (x + 1) = 0 ( x + 4) = 0

    x = -1 x = -4 -1 -1 -4 -4

    This graph will cross the x-axis at (-4,0) and (-1,0).

    Set both parentheses equal to zero.


    Factor x + 4 = 0 x + 1 = 0



    Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)

    Page #15Lesson 7.4

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)Graph the polynomial f(x) = −2(𝑥 − 1)2

    x f(x)

    -1 -8

    0 -2

    1 0

    2 -2

    3 -8

    BOX the Zero’s

    X = ___1(1,0)

    Can the vertex also be a zero?

    YESPage #15

    Lesson 7.4

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)Graph the polynomial f(x) = 2𝑥3 − 12𝑥2 + 10𝑥

    x f(x)

    0 0

    1 0

    5 0

    BOX the Zero’s

    X = ___

    X = ___

    Write the solutions.

    X = ___0

    15 Page #16

    Lesson 7.4

  • Wednesday April 24, 2020 Work PeriodCompare the graph of f(x) = 𝑥2 to the graph

    of g(x) = (𝑥 − 2)2 + 3. Which two directions did the g(x) shift(move)? 2 right and 3 up

    x f(x)

    -2 4

    0 0

    2 4

    x g(x)

    0 7

    2 0

    4 7

    f(x) g(x)

  • Wednesday April 24, 2020 Exit TicketWhat is f(6) – g(6)? 36 – 19 = 17

    f(x) = 𝑥2 g(x) = (𝑥 − 2)2 + 3

    f(6) = 36

    g(6) = (6 − 2)2 + 3f(6) = (6)2

    g(6) = (4)2 + 3

    g(6) = 16 + 3

    g(6) = 19

    Show your work. Page #16

    Lesson 7.4

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to graph quadratics.

    Unit 7Lesson 4

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Activator



    How do you graph radical equations?

    Page #19Lesson 7.5


    2 steps

  • (1 of 4)



    Example(s) Non-Example(s)


    Page #19Lesson 7.5

    • Opposite of an exponent• Fractional • exponent


    9 = 3 16 = 4

    𝑥12 𝑥2


    A radical(root) is an operation to remove (undo) an exponent.

  • Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)Perfect Squares

    9 = 3

    16 = 4

    Calculate the (square) roots.

    25 = 5

    36 = 6

    49 = 7

    100 = 10

    144 = 12

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)

    x f(x)

    0 0

    1 1

    4 2

    9 3

    Graph the function f(x) = 𝑥How is this calculated?

    f(x) = 𝑥

    f(9) = 9

    f(9) = 3 Page #19Lesson 7.5

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)

    x f(x)

    -5 3

    -4 4

    -1 5

    4 6

    Graph the function f(x) = 𝑥 + 5 + 3

    How did the graph shift?

    5 units left3 units up Page #20

    Lesson 7.5

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Work Period


    Graph f(x) = 𝑥 + 2 over the domain −2 ≤ x ≤ 7.

    x f(x)

    -2 0

    -1 1

    2 2

    7 3

    Intervals have no ARROWS.

    starts. ends.Is there shading on the graph?

    No, it is an equation.

    Page #20Lesson 7.5

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Exit Ticket


    Evaluate f(-2) and f(7) when f(x) = 𝑥 + 2.

    f(x) = 𝑥 + 2

    f(-2) = (−2) + 2

    f(-2) = 0

    f(-2) = 0(-2,0) is a point

    on the line.

    f(x) = 𝑥 + 2

    f(7) = (7) + 2

    f(7) = 9

    f(7) = 3(7,3) is a point

    on the line.

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to graph quadratic (radical) equations.

    Unit 7Lesson 5

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Activator

    Page #23Lesson 7.6

    Can you take the (square root) of a negative number? NoWhy? Two of the same numberscannot multiply to be negative

    Calculate −9

    Error: non-real (irrational)

    (3) (3) = +9(-3)(-3)= +9

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)

    Page #23Lesson 7.6

    How do you solve radical equations?

    You can (square) root both sides.

    Solve. 𝑥2 = 36

    x = 6

    Check your


    𝑥2 = 36

    (6)2= 36

    36 = 36

    Yes, x = 6 is a solution.

  • Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)

    Page #23Lesson 7.6

    However, is x = 6 the only solution? No

    𝑥2 = 36

    (−6)2= 36

    36 = 36

    x = -6 is also a solution.

    Check on the calculator.

    Make a table for f(x) = 𝑥2 - 36

    x f(x)

    -6 0

    6 0

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)

    Page #23Lesson 7.6

    Solve the quadratic (number exp.) equation.

    𝑥2 − 5 = 44

    𝑥2 = 9

    𝑥2 + 7 = 16

    𝑥2 = 49

    x = 3

    x = −3

    -7 -7

    x = 7

    x = −7

    +5 +5x y

    7 0

    -7 0x y

    3 0

    -3 0

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)

    Page #24Lesson 7.6

    Solve the quadratic (number exp.) equation.𝑥2

    3= 27

    4𝑥2 − 3 = 97

    x y

    9 0

    -9 0x y

    5 0

    -5 0

    4𝑥2 = 100

    X = ±5

    𝑥2 = 25

    +3 +3

    ÷ 4 ÷ 4 𝑥2 = 81

    X = ±9

    (3) (3)

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Work Period


    A landscaper is creating a square flower bed such that the length is L, feet. The area of the flower bed is 81 square feet. Write and solve an equation to determine length.

    Let L = Length 𝐿2 = 81

    𝐿 = 9The length of the

    flower bed is 9 feet.

    How many 1-foot stones are needed for the perimeter? 9+9+9+9 = 36 stones Page #24

    Lesson 7.6

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Exit Ticket


    Determine the cost of the garden with tax.

    Page #24Lesson 7.6

    Stones (36) at $1.95 each

    Flowers (25) at $3.95 eachMulch (6) at $3.33 each

    Weed Barrier (2) rolls at $15.99 each

    $220.91 (1.08) = $238.58Tax Final Cost

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to solving equations with

    exponents using radicals.

    Unit 7Lesson 6

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Activator

    Page #27Lesson 7.7

    Solve for x. How do you remove the root? ( )2

    4 = X

    ( )2 ( )23 = 𝑥 + 5

    9 = x + 5-5 -5

    Check your work.

    3 = (4) + 5

    3 = 93 = 3 Yes

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)

    Page #27Lesson 7.7

    Graph g(x) = 3 − 𝑥 + 5. x g(x)-5 3

    -4 2

    -1 1

    4 0

    Is (4,0) a root?

    Yes, it is on the table next

    to a zero.

  • Today’s New Vocab (2 of 4)

    Page #27Lesson 7.7

    Evaluate g(4) when g(x) = 3 − 𝑥 + 5.

    g(4) = 3 − (4) + 5

    g(4) = 3 − 9

    g(4) = 3 − 3

    g(4) = 0

    x g(x)

    -2 1.26

    4 0

    Is g(4) rational or irrational? Rational b/c

    9 𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡.

    Is g(-2) rational? NoIt has a decimals on the table.

  • Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)

    Page #27Lesson 7.7

    Graph f(x) = 1

    3𝑥 + 4.

    x f(x)

    -4 0

    5 1

    Is (-4,0) a root?

    Yes, it is on the table next

    to a zero.

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)

    Page #28Lesson 7.7

    Evaluate f(-4) when f(x) = 1

    3𝑥 + 4.

    f(-4) = 1


    f(-4) = 0

    x g(x)

    -4 0

    -2 0.47

    Is f(-4) rational or irrational? Rational b/c

    0 𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡.

    Is f(-2) rational? No,It has a decimals on the table.

    f(-4) = 1

    3(−4) + 4

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Work Period


    The number of people, p involved in recycling in a community is

    modeled by the function p = 90 3𝑥 + 400, where x is the number of months the recycling plant has been open. How people were involved starting out? After 3 months? After 12 months?

    x P(x)

    0 400

    3 670

    12 940

    Does this graph indicate growth or decay of this

    recycling program? GrowthWhy? The people helping

    are increasing.

  • Monday April 16, 2020 Exit Ticket


    Page #28Lesson 7.7

    The number of people, p involved in recycling in a

    community is modeled by the function p = 90 3𝑥 + 400. How many people will be helping after 4 years(48 months)?

    p(x) = 90 3𝑥 + 400

    p(48) = 90 3(48) + 400

    p(48) = 90 144 + 400

    p(48) = 90(12) + 400

    p(48) = 880

    x p(x)

    48 880

    The more helping hands the better.

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to graph complex radical equations.

    Unit 7Lesson 7

  • Thursday May 2, 2020 Activator

    #5: Evaluate the function when x = 8.

    Page #29Unit 7 Review

  • Today’s New Vocab (1 of 4)#10: What is the product of (3x-3) and (x+1)?

    Product means multiply

    Page #31Unit 7 Review

  • Today’s (2 of 4)#11: Make a table, graph.

    12. Write the Solutions

    x = -1 and x = 1

    Page #31Unit 7 Review

  • Page #32Unit 7 Review

    Today’s New Vocab (3 of 4)#17. Solve the quadratic equation for x.(𝑥 + 3)2 = 49

    (x + 3) = 7x + 3 = 7

    x = 4-3 -3

    (𝑥 + 3)2 = 49

    (x + 3) = -7x + 3 = -7

    x = -10-3 -3

  • Today’s New Vocab (4 of 4)#14: Simplify the expression. Page #31

    Unit 7 Review

  • #9: What is equivalent to 2𝑥2(4x + 5)?

    𝐼𝑠 2𝑥2

    𝑎 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟? YesPage #30

    Unit 7 Review

    Thursday May 2, 2020 Exit Ticket

  • Monday May 6, 2019 Activator • Please take out your Homework • Please take out your Classwork• Unit #7 Test: 10% Question #19• No work needed on #2• You must receive at least a 65%, or you

    must stay after school to complete it.

    • Tutoring: Mon 2:45-4:15, Wed 2:45-4:15

  • Today’s Objective

    Students will be able to review objectives from Unit 7.

    Unit 7Review

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