
The Fault in Our Stars was written by John Green. The Fault in

Our Stars was published January 10, 2012. The Fault in Our Stars is an

emotional ride filled with happiness, sorrow, and anger. This book is

about a girl named Hazel Grace LanCaster who meets a boy named

Augustus Water, also known as Gus. These two meet in a cancer sup-

port group. They instantly were connected. Hazel Grace has thyroid

cancer. Gus has osteosarcoma, a cancer that caused him to lose a leg.

As they both loved and enjoyed a book called An Imperial Affliction by

Peter van Houten. This bond over An Imperial Affliction leads to amaz-

ing, loving, and a sad trip. During this trip both Gus and Hazel realized

they have real feelings for each other, but since this love it ends with a

very sour, heart stopping ending.

The Fault in Our Stars is an amazing book filled with emotion. I

would recommend this book to a teen or a young adult. I love the emo-

tion. The anger and sadness gets to you. It's a tear jerking adventure. I

could read this book over and over again and never get sick of it . It’s

really enjoyable. This book shows how life can be really bad and how it

will get better. This book will get you from laughing to crying. You won’t

be able to put it down, that’s how addicting it is. It’s really amazing. I

highly recommend it.

TSN Times

Upcoming Events

Monday, February 18, 2019

Inside this issue:

Book Review 1

Student Interviews 2

8th Grade Polls 2

Music-Jimi Hendrix 3

Book Review 3

Sports 4

TS Nurnberger

Middle School

312 N Union

St. Louis, Michigan 48880

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(Mid Winter Break)

Early Release: 2/26

End of Q3: 3/22

Spring Break:


Book Review—The Fault in Our Stars

Autumn Mann

Student interviews Jenna Abell

Page 2 TSN Times

I interviewed four students about whether gym should be required, if

they enjoy gym, and which sports they play. Alexys thinks gym should be re-

quired because, “Some people need the exercise.” For our second question,

she responded with, “Sometimes I enjoy gym, but I don’t like that we have to

do push ups.” Alexys plays volleyball and basketball. Danielle said, “I don’t

like gym very much, but I do think it keeps kids in shape and healthy.” Dan-

ielle enjoys gym sometimes and thinks the games we play are fun. She does

not play any sports. Next we asked Wisdom the same questions. His re-

sponse was very similar to Alexys’. He thinks gym needs to be required be-

cause kids need the exercise. When asked if he enjoyed gym, he responded

with, “Yes, because I’m in good shape.” Wisdom plays basketball and foot-

ball. Lastly, I interviewed Wyatt. Wyatt thought gym shouldn’t be required and

should be replaced with swim class. He does not enjoy gym because we are

required to change our clothes. Wyatt participates in bowling. Overall, the ma-

jority thinks gym should be a requirement, sometimes people enjoy gym, and

most of the students do sports.


By: Miranda Strong and Jayde Thompson

Book Review—Red Queen By; Jasmine Cole

Jimi Hendrix

By: Grant Bebow

A lot of the modern and old famous guitarists think Jimi Hendrix is very good too, “They’re claiming that (the grunge bands) put Seattle on the map, but like, what map? ...I mean, we had Jimi Hendrix. Heck, what more do we want?” -Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, "I'm an Electric La-dyland guy. His music always sounds perfect to me, be-cause he's bending sound, taking care of music in every dimension. Where most peo-ple think of it in two dimen-sions, he's thinking of it in four. I don't think there's a better guitar player in history.” -John Frusciante (former Red Hot Chili Pepper). And When Jimi Hendrix covered Bob Dylan’s All Along the Watch-tower Bob Dylan said he was overwhelmed, "It over-

whelmed me, really. He had such talent, he could find things inside a song and vigorously develop them. He found things that other people wouldn't think of finding in there. He prob-ably improved upon it by the spaces he was using. I took license with the song from his version, actually, and continue to do it to this day." -Bob Dylan.

Jimi Hendrix was a very popular American musi-cian popular in the late 60’s until his death is 1970. Jimi Hendrix has influenced many people from Stevie Ray Vaughan, to Eddie Van Halen, to Zakk Wylde. And many people consider him the best guitar player in the world.

At Woodstock in 1969 Hendrix played his version of the Star Spangled Ban-ner, and many people were angered by the perfor-mance, but today it is con-sidered one of the best per-formances of all time. The genres that Jimi Hendrix played are Rock, Hard Rock, Rhythm and Blues, Psychedelic rock, and Blues.

Page 3

Red Queen is a book about a teenage girl with a herd life, spending most of it stealing from

the rich for her poor family. Everyone around Mare is split up by blood color and engulfed in an on-

going war. A war in which would bring Mare great loos along with great sacrifice. Red Queen is a

great book of loss, love, and standing up for what you believe is right no matter the cost. Even if it

means someone could lose their head. Mare travels

through great lengths, sadness, and heartache to try and

change the world she lives in for the better.

I would recommend this book to older teens be-

cause of the strong language and a bit of violence. I be-

lieve anyone who is mature enough to handle these things

would be able to enjoy the story. This story is considered

to be part of the fantasy genre. If you enjoy reading about

magic and tragedies you would really like this book. With

Basketball is literally the best sport but, unfortunately our team is not very good right

now. I don't even know what our record is but we missed a lot of our games. Thankfully we

get to make them up though. Our first game against Nouvelle was going to get rescheduled

to last Thursday, but we didn't have school. The game we had after that was against Swan

Valley, and they mopped the floor with us. Then Ithaca wasn't as bad but I think we just

needed to recover and mentally prepare ourselves. We play Alma tonight I don't think we will

do too bad.


Paul Robinson

Page 4


Eduardo Memije-Ramirez

The game Soccer/Football is a wonderful sport to play. It’s a exciting and competitive to

play and watch. The famous sport was invented more than 2,000 years ago in Ancient China, but

parts of Central America claim that they invented it. England also says they invented the sport,

which was false. England played the sport, but did not invent the sport. The original name to the

sport was football, but England started to call it soccer. The United States also calls it soccer,

meanwhile other countries still refer it to its original name.

In 1930 the FIFA World Cup was invented. The FIFA World Cup is a huge event, that only

happens every four years. The FIFA World Cup involves multiple teams from different countries.

This event is not held in the same place, its held in different places each time. For example, the

last World Cup was held at Russia in 2018. The next World Cup is going to be held at Qatar, but it

isn’t final because of multiple issues. There is only one team that wins the World Cup. That team

wins prize money and a trophy. The World Cup trophy is made out of 18 carat gold.

Each soccer team has eleven players on the field with different “jobs”. Each team has goal-

keeper, this is a very important position to the team. This person is responsible for preventing the

ball from going into the net. This player has to be at his best at all times. A full-back is also keep-

ing the ball from entering the net. They also support the other players that are advancing forward

to the opponent's side. The Wing-Back is similar to the Full-back, but are more focused on push-

ing forward instead of protecting. This player needs to be fit to cover the distance that is required

in order for them to support the attackers. The Striker is the person that is mostly focused on mak-

ing the goals for their team. Behind the Strikers are responsible for making room so the main

Striker can score. They can also make a few points themselves, if they have a chance. These

were some out of the many positions that you can play on the team.

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