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Course InformationCourse: Women In LiteratureSemester: September

2013Year:2013 Phone: 0196656800

Instructor: SuthagarNarasuman Email:[email protected] HoursTexts Compilation of poetry, short stories, novels and films on women

and literature.In order to understand the impact of women’s portrayal in literature, students are also exposed to articles and documentaries. of women’s roles and the close correlation between what is read, seen and consequently perceived/expected in reality. As future teachers, it is hoped this component will contribute to a deeper sensitivity and awareness to appropriate content selection later in various forms of possible teaching materials.

Course Description

Women in Literature is a course which examines the representation of women from a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, novels, film and essays written by both men and women. Students will read and analyze the portrayal of women and the way in which women express as well as the depiction of women’s experiences and imagination. This course should enable students to discover the historical, political and social contexts in which women live, write and are written about. In order to understand the impact of women’s portrayal in literature, students are also exposed to articles and documentaries of women’s roles and the close correlation between the cycle of what is read, seen and consequently perceived/expected in reality. As future teachers, it is hoped this component will contribute to a deeper sensitivity and awareness to appropriate content selection later in various forms of possible teaching materials.

Course OutcomesUpon completion of TSL 652 a student will be able to:

1. Become familiar withthe images of women in literature and recognize major female and male writers.

2. Demonstrate understanding of women’s roles in the society through the challenges, experiences and lives of the female characters. This also includes a greater awareness of how the sustained/stereotypical representation of women affects the perception of women in real life.

3. Describe the author’s purpose, writing strategy, and viewpoint.4. Identify the language style, literary elements, various cultures and values evident

in the literary works.5. Apply critical and analytical thinking in discussing central themes, issues and

ideas found in the texts.

Learning Activities and Measurable OutcomesThe course will be organized into four main units

Learning Unit Assessment Expected Outcome1. Students will engage

in close reading of texts to be able to becomefamiliar with the representation of women in literary texts written by major male and female writers..

In their writing and discussion students will describe some common images of women for instance, the damsel in distress, the self sacrificing pillar of home, the love object, the fallen women, the

*Grading scheme is attached

During tests, students will demonstrate knowledge of issues evident in the literary texts related to these women’s motivation, attitudes, actions, strengths and limitations.

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femme fatale and the feminists.

2. Students will demonstrate understanding of women’s roles in the society through the problems, experiences and lives of the female characters. They will also discover how sustained/ stereotypical representation affects the perception of women in real life

Students will come up with topics and present orally and submit in writing their ideas on the roles of women through group discussion and presentation

Grading scheme is attached Verbal discussion, presentations of students’ collation images, portrayals of women in literature

3. Describe the author’s purpose, writing strategy, and viewpoint

Students will research and share with the class the information on the author’s purpose, writing strategy, and viewpointorally

Grading scheme is attached Discussion of their work regarding bias, persuasion or objectification

4. Identify the language style, literary elements, various cultures and values evident in the literary works.

Students will examine the texts’ linguistic and the literary conventions and identify distinguished cultures and values orally and in writing.

Grading scheme is attached Discussion and presentation

5. Apply critical and analytical thinking in discussing central themes, issues and ideas found in the texts.

In this written assignment students will display their critical thinking skills in discussing issues and themes.

Grading scheme is attached Papers and presentation

Grading Policies The grading scale as explained in the course catalog will be used:

80-100% = A65-69% = B50-54% = C75-79% = A-60-64% = B-70-74% = B+55-59% = C+

2 tests Students will demonstrate their knowledge in two tests. 2 X 15%= 30%

2 individual written assignment

Students will prepare at least a three-page essay based on the given topic The assignment is to be type-written (times new roman, font 12, double spacing and submitted according to the deadline given

2 X 20%= 40%

1 Group project/ Students will be assigned to a groups of three. Each = 20%

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presentation group will address and demonstrate clearly one the themes and issues relevant to the course. This project will be in the form of a play, presentation, etc as long as it is creative and original.

1 individual write-up of presentation

= 10%

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Scheme of work TSL 652

Week TOPIC Learner tasks1

9/9-13/9Course Introduction/ Requirements

Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Secure texts and explore referencesReadings: instructor assigned materials

216/9-20/9 Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway

Add independent reading; Hills Like White Elephant & contextual researchfor Wk3

323/9-27/9 The Force of Circumstance by W.

Somerset MaughamPreparation: Quiz 1


Quiz 1 Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat by

Roald Dahl

57/10 – 11/10

Pride & Prejudice Jane Austen

Analyse the stereotypes present and how it may still hold today. They may use external and varied media references for contemporary examples.

614/10 -18/10

MID SEMESTER BREAK Assignment 1 due before students leave. Prepare for Scarlet Letter during break

721/10 25/10 Trifles by Susan Glaspell

*Issue Assignment 1

Readings: Discussion for time/cultural context impact.

828/10 –

1/11 Collector of Treasures

Discuss ‘bias’ vs objectivity re women & abuse Students provide sample article

94/11 – 8/11

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Compare the literary original vs contemporary interpretation ie ‘Easy A’

1011/11 – 15/11

Quiz 2 Cont. The Scarlet Letter:160 years


Reality/changes of women roles and the expectations. ‘Killing Us Softly’ documentary series may help.

1118/11 – 22/11

I Want A Wife by Judy BradyContinued independent research to prepare for Presentation assignment

1225/11 – 29/11

‘I Stand Here Ironing’ by Tillie OlsenReadings: instructor assigned materials and independent researchAssignment 2

132/12 – 6/12

Assignment 2 Due Presentations

149/12 – 13/12


1516/12 – 20/12


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