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When we left off, Freya was finally showing signs of being pregnant again, after a rough period following a miscarriage.

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During this time, the quadruplets were kind of put to the side as well. This means that by the time Freya had time

to help them with their homework, all but Desmund here was in bed. Two of them had their homework done,

but the other two will have to work a little harder.

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Peach has been put to the wayside as well. Being potty trained was the first skill she’s learned so far, and she’s

almost ready to become a child!

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As a result, Freya’s been working as hard as possible to make sure Peach has all her toddler skills learnt soon.

While she’s now on her third pregnancy(which result in her fifth child, barring future miscarriages or multiple

births) she’s almost half way through her adult years. Far off from what she had planned.

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Apparently being the first one to learn how to study has its perks, as Aeon came running home after school with an A+…

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…While Lara, who hasn’t done any of her homework at all, got a D+.

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Freya made sure that was rectified quite quickly!

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And while everyone was working on their homework, Peach grew up into a well-suiting pink nightgown.

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As happy Freya was to have all the kids in school and have some time to herself, it couldn’t last. About a day after Peach aged up into childhood, Freya woke up in the middle of the

night to go into labour.

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And so, the newborn baby boy was named Leon, after Leon S. Kennedy from the Resident Evil series.

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Unfortunately, the same time that she woke up to have a baby, she rolled the fear to have a baby(a bit of an oddity for a family sim, but I’ve noticed it happens a lot after a

rough pregnancy or when a sim is struggling to take care of the kids they have). This was enough to tip her over

the edge. Oh dear.

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Luckily, the quads’ birthday comes around the next day to give Freya a bit of an aspiration boost.

(As well as a message of Leon’s impending birthday. It kind of popped up when I was taking the picture. Oops.)

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Aeon aged up into a well-adjusted knowledge sim with a with to one day (add when it shows up). He believes that everyone should look their best at all times and finds a

woman who is always formal very attractive, and wearing glasses makes them look smart. Creative, ill-

logical thinkers need not apply.

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Desmund, on the other hand, became more of the free sort. This pleasure sim isn’t about having your nose to the grindstone all the time, and wants to enjoy his life and have a huge amount of lovely dream dates in his lifetime. Of course, those women probably shouldn’t keep a steady job and be logical enough to be able to

keep up with him.

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Kirby knows it’s not love or knowledge that makes the world go round; it’s money. Money’s always been a little tight in the household – with Freya usually pregnant and just making money off of gifts from one or two dates with potential fathers – and he doesn’t want to live that life

when he gets older. He wishes for a beautiful redheaded lady that he can spoil and give all the beautiful jewelry he could buy. Repairing things is for common folk, though – himself and his lady will hire someone to fix

things rather than have the skill to fix it themselves.

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While Lara enjoyed the solitude during her childhood, as she grew older she realized it was a pretty boring and lonely way to

live. Now that she is a teenager, she wants nothing more to make lots of friends, possibly by running an empire of stores all throughout Sim City. Her mother’s refusal to discuss their alien

heritage has only made it all the more romantic, and she wishes to find an alien boy to spend her life with someday. As long as

he doesn’t waste his time on human careers.

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At this point, the lot started to get glitchy and laggy, so they moved to a new lot. This is oliverstrahle’s makeover

of a Bon Voyage lot. You can find it on ModTheSims.

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The first night that they stayed in the house, Leon aged up into a toddler!

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Now that Leon’s grown up a little, Freya takes it on herself to get another baby daddy(mommy?) lined up. Unfortunately, as much as I tried, the option to date her never showed up. :/ Hopefully

I’m not risking corruption even trying…

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Desperation’s setting in, so I resorted to just spawning in some random guy for her to sleep with. I suppose she

could go out and prowl that way with several teenagers in the house to babysit Peach and Leon, but this will do.

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Meanwhile, Leon’s unwillingly become a part of a game teenagers love. It’s called “musical cribs.” They won’t leave the poor kid

alone to sleep!

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….That was fast.

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It’s been too long since I’ve seen this. :D

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Now that Freya’s finally pregnant again, it’s time to give Leon the attention he needs with learning his skills. I’m not sure how close to growing up he is at this point, but

his aspiration’s pretty red!

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A couple, uneventful days later – apart from the teens getting jobs which they haven’t gotten promoted in yet,

and Leon learning his skills – Freya gives birth in the middle of the family kitchen.

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Oh, no….

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Luckily, it was just twins – a boy and a girl. Naturally, the boy was named Link, and the girl was named Zelda.

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Just thought I’d show just how hectic things were at this time. The twins were being born, Peach had her teen

transition, Leon had his child transition, and Aeon came home from his part-time with a promotion. It was a

wonder my game didn’t crash.

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Luckily, things calm down after this, giving Freya few moments to tend to the newborns.

This also marks the end of part five! See you next time!

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