Page 1: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in



I.SUIJECT Agriculture AL72-0000-(000 CLASS;-


Pests of animals 2. TITLE AND SUBTITLE A sequential study of the pathogenesis of disease caused by

Trypanosoma vivax in experimentally infected calves,utilizing clinicalpathological, histopathologicaland immunofluorescent techniques 3. AUTHOR(S)





8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Sponeorlng Organizatlon,Publahere,Availability)

(Thesis M.S.--Tex.A&M)



PN-RAA- 116


Antibodies ,bacterial Trypanosoma I

Fluorescence Trypanosomiasisbovine 14. CONTRACT NUMBER

Histological technics CSD-1947 Res. Pathology 15. TYPE OF DOCUMENT

AID 590-1 (4-74)

Page 2: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in





A Thesis



Submitted to the Graduate College of the Texas A&M University in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of


Nay 1971

Major Subject: Veterinary Pathology

Page 3: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in





A Thesis



Approved as to style and content by:

(Chairman ol1Coumttee)

(edo eatinent) (Mimber)

(Member) (Member)


May 1971

Page 4: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


A Sequential Study of the Pathogenesis of Disease Caused by

Trypanosoma vivax in Experimentally Infected Calves, Utilizing

Clinical, Pathological, Histopathological and Immunofluorescent

Techniques. (May 1971)

Charles Arthur Daley, B. S., H. S., Montana State University,

D. V. H., Washington State University

Directed by: Dr. Charles H. Bridges

Trynanosoma vivax obtained from a clinically sick cow near

Neiva, Colombia, was passed in a sheep and a calf and inoculated

into the jugular vein of 14 Holstein-Friesian calves. Fever oc­

curred by 24 hours, and recurring parasitemia commenced after 72

hours. It was estimated that practically all of the 14 calves

would have died spontaneously within 3 months if none had been

euthanitized. Associated with the first and subsequent parasi­

temias were decreases in hemoglobin, PCV, M:E ratio, serum

albumin, A:G ratio and neutropenia.

All calves exhibited gradual weight loss by 2 weeks and

later submandibular edema usually became evident. Consistent post

mortem lesions seen after 4 weeks were conspicuously hypertrophied,

edematous lymph nodes, hypertrophied hemal lymph nodes, emacia­

tion, rounded right heart, palpably firm liver, atrophied thymus

and hypertrophied femoral bone marrow.

Associated with T. vivax of the infecting inoculumand,

Page 5: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


succeeding parasitemias were generalized endothelial hypertrophy

and mononuclear cell infiltration along blood and lymph vessels

with proteinuria and bone marrow hyperplasia. Generalized lympha­

tic-and RE'hyperplasia occurred, but was not proven to be due to

At 3 weeks there were aggregations ofthe trypanosomiasis.

macrophages containing engulfed material distributed along

capillaries in pulmonary interalveolar tissue, and this lesion

in combination with the anemia and apparent cardiac insufficiency

were thought important in the development of anoxia, and pro-

Periacinarbably contributed to the single fatality observed.

congestion and fatty metamorphosis of midzonal hepatocytes were

probably related to the failing heart and indirectly to the pul­

monary lesion. Cystitis and pyelonephritis in the last 2 calves

to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic


The detection of trypanosomes in histologic sections, using

a direct fluorescent antibody technique, was impeded by a gen-

It waseralized'fluorescence of tissue's 'of infected calves.

suspected thatthe fluorescence of-tissues was related to the

presence of soluble antigens which are known to exist in T. vivax

infections. ­

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The completion of this research was facilitated by the

cooperation of many people from several countries.

To the committee members and other staff members of The

College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas AM University, the

author extends appreciation, especially to the committee chair­

man, Dr. Charles H. Bridges, for his thorough competence in

histopathology and guidance in the research, and to Dr. L. G.

Adams, Leader of the Texas Group in Bogota', Colombia. Dr.

Adams is to be admired for his conscientious, effective teaching

efforts in 2 languages, and for his tactful, very workable and

professional relationship with people at all levels in the

handling of numerous sensitive situations where technical

excellence is only a single, small requisite to effective

solutions satisfactory to all people concerned.

Acknowledgment is made to personnel of Centro Internacional

Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), The Rockefeller Foundation in Colom­

bia and Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) and particularly

to Dr. Jaime Estupinan, Dr. Guillermo Mateus and Dr. Gustavo

Riveros for their cooperation in the research project; to Mr. Luis

Eduardo Ramirez, Miss Nelly Giron, Miss Beatrice Roitman (all of

Colombia) and Mrs. Zelma Grady (College Station, Texas) for

technical assistance; to Mr. Luis Garcia for competent calf hus­

bandry; to,Mr. Joqe Leal for his professional draftinig and crafts­

Page 7: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


manship as well as instruction in Spanish; and to Dr. E. A. Wells

of the United Kingdom for his aid in the isolation and identifi­

cation of Trypanosoma vivax.

The author and his wife are grateful for the financial

assistance from U.S.A.I.D. and Rockefeller Foundation which made

possible the author's opportunity to receive advanced training

in veterinary pAthology at Texas AMM University and the oppor­

tunity to participate in a foreign animal disease program, as

well as to live for a year in a culture unfamiliar to themselves.

The ultimate thank you is due to Dr. Fred M. Maurer, whose

tireless efforts to improve world animal protein production by

improving domestic animal health have resulted in the establish­

ment of The Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine at Texas

A&M University, College Station, Texas.

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Chapter Page


II LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . 2


IV RESULTS# o . o 17

V DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . 37

VI SUMMARY. * a . . 0 . . 53

REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . 56

VITA o 0. o 0 0 61

Page 9: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in




Morning and Afternoon Rectal Temperatures andI . . . .° , 18 . .Hematological Data ,

Calf Infected 6 Weeks Previously with Trypano­2 19oma vivax,*

. 21 . . . • . •3 Hematological Data (1).

. . . • 22, , ,4 Hematological Data (2)6

Lung from Calf Infected 38 Days Previously5 * , * 27, , *

Heart from Calf Infected 38 Days Previously

with Trypanosoma vivax. ,

6' , * , • 29with Trypanosoma vivax. , , ,

Liver from Calf Infected 38 Days Previously7 o 29o @ o 9 * with Trypanosoma vivax.

8 Blood Smear from Trypanosoma vivax Infected

Calf Incubated 30 Minutes (37 C) with FITC­. • • 35

conjugated Immune Serum . , . •

Page 10: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in



Bovine trypanosomiasis is caused by a flagelated protozoan

belonging to the genus Trypanosoma (29). Kubes, in 1944, pre­

sented evidence that Trypanosoma vivax had spread through certain

countries and adjacent islands in Central and South America during

this century (34). His findings were based on the morphologic

similarities of organisms found there with 1. vivax isolated dur­

ing the original African studies.

Wells, et al. in 1969 found evidence that clinically normal

cattle of various ages harbored T. vivax in Colombia, South Amer­

ica, although the vector was not discovered (50). The tsetse fly

which is the known vector of bovine trypanosomes in Africa has

never been found in the New World.

The importance of trypanosomiasis in South American cattle

has not been established. The blood of cattle frequently contains

T. vivax as well as Anaplasma marinale and/or Babesia j. A

need therefore existed to characterize the clinical, hematologic,

biochemical and pathological aspects of trypanosomiasis alone in

cattle, and to obtain a basic understanding of the pathogenetic


The citations on the following pages follow the style of American Journalof Veterinary Research.

Page 11: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in




The pathogenicity of the disease caused by v. vax in

African cattle is generally regarded as of major importance (35).

Fiennes stated that T. vivax often caused either a chronic or

benign disease with a high recovery rate, and only exceptionally

caused peracute or acute disease (15). Hudson reported that

T. vivax caused fever initially, and subsequently hypoglycemia

and hemorrhages in the tongue, adrenals and kidney (30). Death

occurred in the subacute stage from severe anemia rather than

hypoglycemia. In another study, Fiennes found multiple throm­

boses of the smaller blood vessels in the spleen, liver, lymph

nodes, lung and adrenal glands of cattle with Trypanosoma con­

golense (14). The tunica adventitia of many of the vessels of

the organs studied became hyperplastic with loss of elasticity,

and the endothelial cells reportedly underwent "metaplasia" and

passed into the general circulation.

Foci of chronic infection by both 1. conzolense and T. vivax

were found in bovine cardiac tissue (17).. The cattle had been

exposed to infected'tsetse flies and then treated with trypano­

somicidal drugs. Most of the organisms were degenerated or lysed,

but some were normal, and were always found in capillaries. The

occurrence of myocardial necrosis varied, but often was severe.

Lodged parasitic'emboli were suspected to have caused local

Page 12: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in



Most clinical pathological data from cattle infected with

. congolense or 1. vivax included decreased hemoglobin values

and erythrocyte counts (15, 30, 34, 39), eoLinopenia (16), neutro­

philia (39) or neutropenia (13, 16), lymphocytosis (13, 39),

periodic monocytosis associated with a reduction in numbers of

circulating trypanpsomes (16), elevated serum glutamic-oxalacetic

transaminase (SGOT) levels (26) and no change in bilirubin levels

(139 16). Serum albumin levels decreased in sheep with T. vivax

(6, 40), in rats with Trypanosoma brucei (31) and in rabbits with

Trypanosoma evansi (47). Gamma globulins increased (6, 31, 40).

Blood glucose levels remained normal in cattle with 1. congolense

(13), but decreased in rats with :. brucei (48).

Fiennes summarized certain theories (15) as follows: Direct

intervention by the parasites can not be substantiated, because

parasites can not be demonstrated by detailed examinations.

Intracellular developmental forms have been proven to exist only

with Trypanosoma cruzi. Histologic lesions caused by intoxica­

tion induced by dead trypanosomes has not been proven. An

antigen-antibody reaction causing injury to the somatic cells

has been thought to occur.

Because of the lack of information on the pathogenesis of

disease caused by 1. vivax, data on other trypanosomal diseases

has been reviewed. Results of experimental disease caused by

I. brucei in mice indicated that infectivity and pathogenicity

Page 13: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


appeared to be related (37).' Both varied according to the anti-

Gordon et al. (24) exposed rabbits togenic type involved.

Trypanosoma rhodesiense from carrier insects and observed local

multiplication of the parasites, "chancre" formation and invasion

of the blood stream.

Nigerian swine infected with Trypanosoma simian developed

fever and died acutely without anemia (32). Thrombi were present

in hepatic arterioles, pulmonary arterioles, interlobular veins

of the renal cortex, arterioles at the hilus and trabeculae of

lymph nodes, small vessels of the brain, medium sized vessels of

The thrombithe adrenals and submucosal vessels of the intestine.

contained fibrin, mononuclear cells and in some cases whole or

fragmented trypanosomes. Endothelial cells of several thrombosed

capillaries were hypertrophic.

That trypanosomes are influenced by body temperature was

suggested by a report from India in which the parasites were

found chiefly in the skin capillaries of cattle infected with

Fiennes found 3. congolense infections in the skinT evansi (1).

of cattle and mentioned the rapid removal of the parasites once

they entered the main circulation (14). He stated that serum

antibody titers and body temperatures above 38 C were probably

prime 2actors in the defense mechanism. Markinelle studied highly

pathogenic T. cruzi infections in mice and found that a high

(36 C) environmental temperature may protect mice for months (36).

Rabbits infected with Trynanosoma gambiense developed skin

Page 14: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


lesions containing high concentrations of trypanosomes before

death (45). A vascular permeability-increasing factor was de­

monstrated in aqueous extracts of the parasite when inoculated

intradermally following systemic introduction of Evans' blue dye.

T. brucei was studied in rabbits using ear chambers, contrast

media with X-ray films and India ink (23). The endothelium of

venules and capillaries became irregular and blood flow was im­

peded. Many large macrophages which lined the vessels contained

carbon particles. Trypanosomes appeared cyclically in spaces

between vessels, and were often seen when the parasitemia was low.

Just before death the vessels became "sticky" and were lined with

leucocytes. When vascular circulation ceased, the vessels dis­

integrated within a few hours. Fiennes described vascular lesions

in the bovine species that resembled the vascular lesions in

rabbits (14).

It has been established that mammalian hosts develop anti­

body titers against trypanosomes, and that in some unknown way,

the antigenic character of the trypanosomes is altered (27, 40, 49).

The ability of trypanosomes in mammalian hosts to change in anti­

genic character has been offered as an explanation for the fluctu­

ations in parasitemias which are commonly observed. Recently it

has been reported that although chick embryos infected with .

rhodesiense or 1. brucei developed neither agglutinating

antibodies nor antibodies detectable with fluorescent antibody

techniques, fluctuations in trypanosome numbers occurred (22).

Page 15: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Antibody levels in cattle with T. brucei have been related to

increased kinin activity following each peak of parasitemia, and

to a decrease of the precursor of kinin in the blood (4). Tha

kinins are 10 times as active as hisamine,' causing increased vaso­

dilatation and capillary permeability with resulting edema and


Schroeder and Ristic demonstrated a heat-stable opsonin in

calves infected with Anaplasma marginale (44). Titers appeared to

be correlated with intensity and persistence of anemia and with

the amount of erythrophagocytosis in the bone marrow. An auto­

the cause of the anemia.immunization mechanism was proposed as

Zuckerman proposed 4 models to account for the various evi­

dence of autoimmunization in protozoa (52): 1. The infectious

agent may share an antigen with the host cell, with antiparasitic

antibody then combining with the heterogenetic antigen in the host

cell. 2. The target host cell might be coated with parasitic

antigen, which attracts antiparasitic antibody, followed by cell­

ular damage. 3. The target host cell may be directly coated

with antiparasitic antibody and be sensitized. 4. The target

host cell may be so modified by an infectious agent, or its pro­

ducts, or by a drug used in treating the infectious agent, as to

become autoantigenic. Zuckerman stated that protozoan diseases,

inwhich it was suspected that autoimmunity had occurred, were

all diseases of the blood and tissues where the organisms-had

intimateicontactwith cells, and often were intracellular in

Page 16: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


nature, Intracellular forms of T. vivax have not been demonstrated

as they have with . 6ruzi, in which development occurs in a series

of mesenchymal cells, preferentially in cardiac tissue.

Page 17: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in




The isolate of 1: vivax which was used in the experiment was

obtained from a clinically ill cow near Neiva, Colombia, and was

identified by its non-infectivity for laboratory mice, by its be­

havior in culture and by its morphology. The isolate was passed

once in sheep to eliminate Babesia lP. and then in a calf which

was treated with Oxytetracycline HCl* intravenously at the rate of

12 mg./kg. for 12 days and with B-W Drug No. 356-C-61** intraven­

ously at the rate of 5 mg./kg. for 3 days to eliminate Anaplasma

Serum from this calf remained free of complement fix­marainale.

ing antibody titers for Anaplasma and Babesia antigens.

Eleven intact male and 4 female Holstein-Friesian calves 4

All of the calves were raised on pasturesto 6 months were used.

located in the Sabana of Bogota, an area considered to be trypano­

some free. The calves were examined hematologically for trypano­

somiasis and serologically for anaplasmosis and babesiosis and

found to be free of these diseases. The calves were maintained

as a group in one section of a barn, and were not allowed to mix

with other cattle. Prior to their inoculation with trypanosomes,

5 cc. of blood from each of the 15 experimental calves was

*Chas. Pfizer Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.

**Burroughs-Wellcome,Co., Research Park Triangle, N.C.

Page 18: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


inoculated intravenously into a susceptible splenectomized calf,

cultured on enriched blood agar (51), inoculated intraperitoneally

into 2 laboratory mice at the rato of 1.0 cc. each, and examined

in wet mounts.

One calf served as an experimental control in which the con­

tinued absence of blood parasites throughout the experiment indi­

cated that contamination from outside sources was not likely.

The control calf was subjected to necropsy last, and the tissues

served as negative controls for the immunofluorescence study.

Oxylated blood from the carrier calf was examined daily, and

a relative scale for quantitating the degree of parasitemia was

established. In each test, 10 microscopic fields of fresh blood

in a wet mount slide were examined at 400 magnification. If no

trypanosomes were found, the test was considered negative, and if

1 trypanosome was found in a total of 10 fields it was designated

a "1 plus", If an average of 1 trypanosome was found in each of

10 fields it was designated a "2 plus". When there was more than

1 trypanosome in each of 10 fields it was designated a "3 plus",

and if a high number of trypanosomes were present in each of 10

fields it was designated a "4 plus".

Each of the 14 experimental calves was given intravenously

5.0 cc. of citrated blood containing approximately 100,000 organ­

isms per cc. A sample of infective blood was frozen in glycerol

using the technique of Cunningham, et al. (8). The sample was

stored at -79 Clinsuring a stabilate of trypanosomes (as defined

Page 19: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


by Lumsden) for future work (35).

Beginning 5 days prior to theinoculation of the calves and

continuing,throughout the experiment,'rectal temperatures were

measured each morning and afternoon. Samples of blood from each

calf were collected on each of 4 days before inoculation and sub­

sequently on each day of scheduled necropsy. Alijuots of the

blood were treated with sodium fluoride or sodium oxalate and

Blood glucose concentrationsother aliquots were allowed to clot.

(38), packed cell volumes, hemoglobin concentrations, sorbitol

dehydrogenase levels (19), serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase

concentrations (41), total serum proteins (2, 12), bilirubin con­

centrations (20), total and differential leucocyte counts and

Theseserum protein electrophoretic patterns (5) were determined.

data obtained from the 14 infected calves are summarized in

Figures 1, 3 and 4. The group mean and standard deviation are

shown on each day of observation.

The packed cell volume was determined by standard laboratory

methods. The hemoglobin concentration was determined by the

Hycel* cyanmethemoglobin technique. Serum bilirbin content was

assayed by the technique described by Gibson and Goodrich (20).

Total serum protein was determined by a hand held temperature com­

pensated Goldberg refractometer (A-0 TS meter).** Serum protein

*Hycel Co:, Houston 2, Texas

**American Optical TS Meter, Buffalo, N.Y.

Page 20: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in

electrophoresis pn cellulose polyacetate membranes was done using

a Gelman deluxe electrophoresis chamber, Model 51210.* Aliquots

of 5.0 lambdas of serum were applied to cellulose acetate mem­

branes soaked in fresh cold barbital buffer having pH 8.6 with an

ionic strength of 0.05. Electrophoresis was continued for 45

minutes at 1.5 to'l.8 milliamperes at a constant direct current

voltage of 350 volts maintained by a Gelman voltage supply,

Model 38201.* The cellulose polyacetate membrane was stained

for 5 minutes in a solution of 0.1% Ponceau S with 5% trichlor­

acetic acid, differentiated in 5% acetic acid (1 minute in each

of 3 baths) and cleared for 30 seconds in a mixture of 10% glacial

acetic acid and 90% methanol. It was dried on glass slides at

60 C for 20 minutes and quantitated by scanning on a Gelman auto­

matic recording and integrating scanner, Model 39372.*

Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase levels were measured

by a modification of the original Reitman and Frankel method (41).

Blood glucose concentrations were determined using a photometric

adaptation of the Somogyi method (38).

One calf, selected by random sampling, was euthanatized by

electrocution at each of the post inoculation times of 12 hours,

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, 23, 30, 38, 45 and 88 days. One calf was

necropsied on day 37 following death due to trypanosomiasis.

The control calf was the last calf to be killed.

*Gelmata Instrument Co., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Page 21: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


As each calf was dissected at necropsy, triplicate sets of

tissues were collected. One set was preserved in buffered 10%

formalin and tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and

eosin, using standard techniques. The other 2 sets were frozen

onto wooden blocks using Cryoform* and stored in separate freezers

at -20 C for immunofluorescence studies.

Emphasis was placed on the histologic study of sections of

tissues from the major organs and lymph nodes, although tissues

from each of the following anatomical sites were examined: lip,

tongue, dental pad, ear, eye, nasal mucosa, mandibular lymph node,

mesenteric lymph node, prefemoral lymph node, hemal lymph node,

lung, heart, aorta, bone marrow, adrenal, kidney, urinary bladder,

spleen, pancreas, rumen, reticulum, abomasum, duodenum, ileum,

colon, liver, gall bladder, ovary, uterus, penis, testicle,

cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, choroid plexus, pitui­

tary, spinal cord, bone, semilunar ganglion, semitendinous muscle,

diaphragm and mediastinal lymph node. All samples of a given

organ except those samples representing gross lesions were taken

from similar locations within the organ.

Bone marrow biopsies were taken from the ribs of 3 calves on

each scheduled day of necropsy. The 3 calves included the calf

to be dissected, plus 2 other calves selected at random. After

all the calves had been subjected to I biopsy, the selection

*International Equipment Co., Needham Heights, Mass.

Page 22: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


process was repeated, using ribs from the opposite sides of the


On day 23 a quantity of blood was withdrawn from an infected

calf selected at random and allowed to clot in order to obtain

serum containing antibodies against T. vivax. The 112 cc. of

serum was put in dialysis tubing with an air pocket at each end

and then placed in a 1000 cc. beaker containing half saturated

(NH4)2SO4 solution. The solution was agitated overnight with a

magnetic stirrer in a refrigerator set at 4 C. The solution was

changed twice. After 24 hours the serum volume had been reduced

to 46 cc. An equal volume of physiological saline containing 1

drop of 1.0 N NaOH per liter was added. To this was added, drop

by drop, 56 cc. of saturated (NH4 )2SO4 , using a magnetic stirrer.

After 1 hour of stirring, it was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for

15 minutes using a refrigerated Sorvall* Model RC2-B centrifuge.

The supernatant was discarded, and the precipitate was washed with

half saturated (NH4 )2S04 . The centrifugation-wash cycle was re­

peated 2 more times. The precipitate was then redissolved in a

minimum quantity of 0.5 molar Na2CO3-NaHCO3 solution at pH 9.0

(Q part 0.5 molar Na2CO3 and 4 parts 0.5 molar NaHC03 ). The re­

suspended material was placed in new dialysis tubing and dialyzed

against 0.05 molar NaHCO3 solution at pH 7.5 in a 1000 cc. beaker.

The solution in the beaker was changed twice overnight. The

*Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Newtown, Conn.

Page 23: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


material in the dialysis tubing, now having'a volume of 51 cc.,

contained 4.9% protein. A sample of it was examined by cellulose

acetate zone electrophoresis and contained gamma globulin with

no albumin. The 51 cc. of solution was expanded to 100 cc. by

mixing with 38 cc. of cold physiological saline and then slowly

adding 11 cc. of buffer solution pH 9.0 (Q part 0.5 molar Na2CO3

and 4 parts 0.5 molar NaHC03 ). One milligram of fluorescein iso­

thiocyanate (FITC)* was used for each 20 milligrams of protein in

the solution. The FITC was dissolved in 2 cc. of acetone and was

added slowly to the swirling solution which was then stirred over­

night in the refrigerator. The conjugated preparation, which had

a pH of 8.9, was passed through 2 columns containing Sephadex**

G-25 (Course), and the gamma globulin containing portion was col­

lected in fractions and tested for protein concentration. It was

filtered, using a Swinny filter holder containing a Milipore***

filter with a 0.45 micron pore size, and stored in 1.0 cc.

aliquots at -20 C.

Positive control slides for the fluorescent antibody study

were prepared as follows. Blood from an infected calf having a

4-plus parasitemia was collected in tubes containing the sodium

salt of ethylenediaminetetraacidic acid (EDTA). The blood was

*Nutritional Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio

**Pharmacia FineChemicals, Inc., Piscataway, N.J.

***Milipore Filter Corp., Bedford, Mass.

Page 24: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


centrifuged at approximately 500 rpm until the supernatant was

clear. The supernatant was collected in a separate tube contain­

ing a very small quantity of the erythrocytes from the original

tube. This material was mixed by swirling, and 1 drop was placed

on each glass slide, spread evenly across the surface and allowed

to air dry. The slides were fixed for 10 minutes with acetone

at -20 C and then allowed to dry. They were stored in slide box­

es surrounded by plastic bags containing a small quantity of

CaCd2 in a freezer at - 20 C.

Sections of uninfected tissues were cut from frozen blocks of

mediastinal lymph node and kidney taken from the control calf.

Sections for FA studies were cut at 4 microns. Those tissues

which were examined by FA techniques included those of the ear,

cerebrum, thymus, heart, lung, mediastinal lymph node, prescapu­

lar lymph node, liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow. The sec­

tions were mounted on new glass slides that had been previously

cleaned in acetone and air dried. The tissues were fixed in

acetone at -20 C.

Tissues from each infected calf were stained and examined as

a group along with at least 1 positive control slide and 1 each

of the negative control slides. The slides were allowed to warm

to room temperature. The conjugate was thawed and diluted 1:50

with 0.01 molar NaH2PO4 buffered saline with pH 7.5, and care­

fully added to the tissue so that its entire area was covered.

Each preparation was placed on supports in a separate covered

Page 25: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in

Petri dish containing moistened filter paper and incubated for

30 minutes at 37 C. Then the sections were removed from the in­

cubator and washed for 15 minutes in each of 3 successive changes

of phosphate-buffered saline that had been chilled previously.

The sections were air driad and cover slips were applied, using

a non-fluorescing glycertn solution at pH 9.0. They were ex­

amined within 1 hour, using a Leitz Ortholux binocular microscope

equipped with lOX oculars and lOX, 40X, 54X oil immersion and

IOOX oil immersion objectives and a dark field condenser. Non­

fluorescing immersion oil was employed. The light source was an

Osram Mercury super pressure HBO-20OW lamp with a diffusion fil­

ter, a BG 12 excitor filter and a K 470 barrier filter.

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Clinical Manifestations

The first clinical sign was an increase in the morning rectal

temperature which averaged 2.5 C above normal (Fig. 1). The fever

was at a maximum 24 hours after inoculation and had decreased by

day 3. The average afternoon ractal temperatures are shown in

Fig. 1.

Changes in the appearance of the calves were detectable

approximately 2 weeks post inoculation. The calves gradually be­

came emaciated and their hair coats became dry. At approximately

4 weeks post inoculation the calves appeared more docile, their

heads drooped, and general weakness gradually became apparent.

At 5 weeks post inoculation submandibular edema could be detected

in some calves (Fig. 2). The edema receded in all animals as

death became imminent and in 2 calves the edema had regressed

completely before death. Dehydration and lacrimation were appar­

ent and the abdomens became gaunt after 5 weeks on experiment.

Appetite remained near normal, but there was a general lack of

vigor in this phase. The calves moved more sedately toward their

feed and appeared to eat in a more languid manner.

Clinical Pathology

The parasitemia became evident on day 5 and reached a

Page 27: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


t-om T-n

41. .0.





+ 11064'% 40 j 1

nw 0


s -3 30 35 4mW"Y

Fig. 1. Morning and afternoon rectal temperatures and hemato­

logical data. Group" means are presented and vertical lines

represent t standard deviation. Number of calves decreased

because of selective serial necropsy. Arrow Indicates time of

intravenous inoculal'Aon with Trynanosoma vivax.

Page 28: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Fig. 2. Calf infected 6 weeks previously with Trypanosoma vivax.

Note submandibular edema, lacrimation and generally depressed

attitude. Death was expected following the onset of these signs.

Page 29: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


maximum (4-plus level) on'day 7 (Fig. 1). Thereafter, the degree

of parasitemia in a given calf varied from zero to a,maximum re­

lative value of 4-plus.

The infected calves became anemic as the experiment pro­

gressed. Hemoglobin levels and packed cell volumes decreased

steadily (Fig. 1). There was an overall decrease in the myeloid:

erythroid (M:E) ratio (Fig. 1). Total and direct bilirubin levels

increased slightly, and-then fluctuated thereafter (Fig. 3). The

SGOT levels increased in the last half of the experiment and the

standard deviation increased (Fig. 3). Serum sorbitol dehydro­

g,3nase levels increased and then regressed (Fig. 3).

The level of total serum proteins had decreased by day 8 but

remained constant thereafter (Fig. 3). A slight decrease in the

absolute amount of serum albumin occurred. Although there was a

relative increase in the percent of globulins, there was actually

a slight decrease in the absolute amount of globulins present due

to the decrease in total serum proteins. The albumin:globulin

(A:G) ratio decreased slightly (Fig. 3). The absolute amount of

gamma globulins increased, while,the absolute amount of alpha and

beta globulins decreased (Fig. 3).

Blood glucose levels remained normal until after day 30,

when the mean values decreased to one half those of the pre­

inoculation values (Fig. 4).

Total leucocyte counts decreased by day 8 and remained

fairly constant until day 30 when there was an abrupt increase,

Page 30: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


- 10101UIWUW1 - Mact DIMb,

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-59 j

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are nFig0 G.Hmtlgcldt.Gopman"Arsne

F 2315 1 0 17 23 3 38 0

Pho U4mifl U V 0 D 13 1-1

Fig. 3. HemAtological data. Group means are presented and vertical lines represent t standard deviation. Number of calves decreased because of selective serial necropsy. Arrow indicates time of Lntrave .ousinoculation with Trypanosoma 'vivax.

Page 31: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


--- aglcose


Date of 5050

- .a Neutro


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Fig.~~~~~~~~~~~8 4.Hmtlgcldt.Gopmasaepeetdan vetcllnsrpeet Nuro0tnaddvain

calvs dcresedf slectve twil neropy. rroecase inicte tmofitaeosicuaonwt rasoa


Page 32: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


to a level above normal (Fig. 4). The leucopenia was influenced

by the development of neutropenia in the acute phase (Fig. 4).

This condition persisted until near the end of the experiment,

when a neutrophilia developed.

There was a slight decrease in the number of lymphocytes by

day 8 (Fig. 4). However, there was a relative lymphocytosis due

to the considerable decrease of total leucocytes. The absolute

number of lymphocytes was approximately normal at the end of the

experiment. A very slight eosinopenia and monocytopenia devel­

oped gradually throughout the course of the experiment (Fig. 4).

Gross Pathology

The tissues and organs of the calves killed at 12 hours, 1,

2, 3 and 5 days were not observed to have lesions except for an

occasional small area of consolidation in the apical or cardiac

lobes of the lungs.

In the calf killed on day 8 the lymph nodes were slightly

edematous and the hemal Xymph nodes were slightly enlarged.

The abdominal cavity of the calf killed on day 12 contained

approximately 30 cc. of amber fluid. One prescapular lymph'node

contained multiple petechiae. The thymus appeared edematous and

the spleen was slightly enlarged.

The lymph nodes were enlarged and edematous in the calf

killed on day 17. The hemal lymph nodes were slightly enlarged.

The thymus was reduced in size.

Page 33: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


The lymph nodes of the calf killed on day 23 were moderately

enlarged and slightly edematous. The hemal lymph nodes were nor­

mal in size. The thymus was small, but of normal consistency.

One small abcess containing thick greenish exudate was present in

1 tonsil. Red bone marrow extended half way down the femoral

shaft, contrasting with red marrow that occupied approximately the

proximal 20% of-the femur in calves killed previously.

The lymph nodes of the calf killed on day 30 were slightly

enlarged and edematous. One prescapular lymph node contained

The hemal lymph nodes were greatly enlarged.multiple ecchymoses.

The thymus was not evident. The abdominal cavity contained ap­

proximately 40 cc. of amber fluid.

An experimental calf in a weakened condition died on day 37

after routine blood samples were taken. Although not detected on

external examination of this calf, the connective tissue of the

All of the lymphintcrmandibular space was found to be edematous.

nodes were moderately enlarged and edematous and hemorrhages were

present in the prescapular and renal lymph nodes. The thymus was

small and edematous. The epicardial surface contained multiple

petechiae, the right ventricle was rounded and there was serous

atrophy of pericardial fat. The pericardial sac contained ap­

proximately 30 cc. of amber fluid. The liver capsule and parench­

yma were slightly more difficult to cut than normal. The kidneys

had multiple petechine on'their surfaces and there was serous

atrophy of-perirenal fat, The cortices of the adrenal glands

Page 34: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


were congested.

The calf killed on day 38 was weak, and its eyes were sunken.

Submandibular edema was conspicuous. All of the lymph nodes were

moderately enlarged and edematous, and 1 prefemoral lymph node

had several ecchymotic hemorrhages. The hemal lymph nodes were

greatly enlarged and prominent, and the thymus was small and

edematous. Depot fat in the animal was minimal, The cut surface

of the ventricular myocardium was pale, and the pericardial sac

contained approximately 10 cc. of amber fluid. The liver was pale,

and the capsule and parenchyma were more resistant to cutting

than normal. The abdominal cavity contained approximately 25

cc. of amber fluid. The capsular surfaces of both kidneys con­

tained multiple petechiae. The thymus was gelatinous in consis­


The lymph nodes of the calf killed on day 45 were moderate­

ly enlarged and edematous, and the hemal lymph nodes were greatly

enlarged. Although no free fluid was observed in the body cavi­

ties, considerable fibrin was present in the ventral abdomen. The

mesentery of the spiral colon contained a large quantity of edema.

Serous atrophy of fat was evident. The thymus was small and

edematous. The right ventricle of the heart was moderately

rounded. The apical lobes, the ventral portions of the cardiac

lobes and small ventral portions of the diaphragmatic lobes of

the lung were red and firm. The trachea contained white foam.

The hepatic capsule and parenchyma were moderately resistant to

Page 35: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


cutting. Red bone marrow extended more than half way down the

length of the femur.

The last calf was killed on day 88. This calf had chronic

cystitis. The gross, microscopic and clinical pathological data

did not reflect uncomplicated chronic trypanosomiasis, therefore

data from this calf are not included.

Microscopic Pathology


Within 12 hours after inoculation, hypertrophy was evident

in the endothelium of the pulmonary arterioles. There appeared

to be an excess number of mitotic figures in the endothelium of

arterioles. Within 24 hours post inoculation some alveolar spaces

,contained serofibrinous exudates and erythrocytes. Intraaiveolar

aggregations of macrophages were seen by day 8, and in sections

of lung tissue collected from calves killed subsequently, there

were similar aggregations of macrophages in blood vessels. Some

small blood vessels observed in longitudinal section contained

multiple small dark bodies. By day 23 some alveolar walls were

slightly thickened and contained eosinophilic material. The

interalveolar lesion became more prominent with time (Fig. 5).

This lesion was randomly distributed throughout the parenchyma

within pulmonary lobules. Typically, an affected lobule was

located adjacent. o a normal lobule, and therefore the affected

tissue was dispersed in a random pattern. By the end of the

Page 36: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Fig. 5. Lung from calf infected 38 days previously with Innumerable debris-laden macrophages ac-Trypanosoma vivax.

counted for most of the increased thickness of the interalveolar

tissue. No deposition of extravascular material was demonstrable

with special stains. H&E. 350X.

Page 37: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


experiment the interalveolar tissue was seen to contain numerous

macrophages, some of which apparently contained engulfed material.

Lung sections collected on days 30, 37 and 38 and processed with

Periodic Acid Schiff or Masson's Trichrome Stain* indicated the

basement membranes of the vessels were normal, and there was no

evidence of deposition of excess material along the vessels.


Evidence of progressive changes were found in the myocardium

as early as day 2. At that time small lymphocytes had infiltrated

the interstitial tissue around blood vessels and lymphatics.

Larger lymphocytes were recognizable by day 5 and day 12. The

endothelial cells of arterioles were hyperplastic. After a month

there were many plasma cells in the interstitial tissue along the

blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves and between muscle bundles

(Fig. 6). Some myocardial nuclei were altered, with the chromatin

being arranged in a long, thin, wavy line along the central axis

of the cell, such as is described for the "caterpillar cell" of

certain human cardiac myopathies (43). Sarcosporidia were common

in heart muscle as well as in skeletal muscle.


Initial changes in the liver were observed by day 3. There

*PAS & Hasson'sTrichrome Stains: AFIP Protocol. 1957

Page 38: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Fig. 6. Heart from calf infected 38 days previously with Trypanosoma vivax. Cellular infiltration at this stage invclved

numerous plasma cells as well as lymphocytes. Some myocardial nuclei resembled "caterpillar nuclei" seen in certain human myopathies. H&E. 150X.

Fig. 7. Liver from calf infected 38 days previously with Trypanosoma vivax. Periacinar congestion masked an occasional

dying hepatocyte, Fatty metamorphosis was predominant in midzonal areas. H&E. 130X.

Page 39: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


were areas of acute focal necrosis which were infiltrated with

neutrophils. Some of the hepatocytes located near terminal he­

patic veins had undergone fatty metamorphosis. A few lymphocytes

had infiltrated into portal tracts by day 5, and they were more

numerous by day 8. By day 23 there were large aggregations of

macrophages in terminal hepatic veins, and a few neutrophils had

infiltrated into the parenchyma. Kupffer cells scattered through­

out the tissue were filled with globules of hemosiderin. Peri­

acinar congestion was marked by the fifth week, and in most, but

not all calves there were many degenerated hepatocytes around

terminal hepatic veins, with fatty metamorphosis being present

in the midzonal regions (Fig. 7). Periacinar fibrosis could not

be demonstrated by special staining techniques.


In the kidneys of the calf killed on day 3 there was exces­

sive proteinaceous material in the proximal convoluted tubules,

and the glomerular tufts were slightly hypercellular. The degree

of proteinuria had decreased to a low but persistent level by the

end of the second week. Endothelial hypertrophy was evident in

arterioles oriented nearglomeruli. The lumens of some of these

arterioles were very small during the second week. Perivascular

infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells and other mononuclear

cells becaeeuore prominent as time elapsed. At the end of 3

weeks, large accumulations of cells were present around the

Page 40: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


arcuate arteries.

The degree of hypercellularity of the glomerular tufts in­

creased and at the end of 5 weeks the tufts completely filled

some of the Bowman's spaces. Macrophages filled with hemosiderin

were located predominently in the medulla. Accumulations of

neutrophils in the proximal convoluted tubules and elsewhere in

the kidney were visible on day 38.

Lymph nodes

In general, by 12 hours post inoculation mitotic activity was

at a high level in the germinal centers of most lymph nodes. Dur­

ing the experiment most lymph nodes had evidence of lymphoid or

reticuloendothelial hyperplasia, however, toward the end of the

experiment some germinal centers appeared exhausted. Occasionally

small hemorrhages and edema were seen. Macrophages containing

hemosiderin were scattered throughout the lymphatic tissue during

the latter portion of the experiment.

The mediastinal lymph nodes were typical of those nodes in

which lymphoid hyperplasia occurred. During the first week there

was a moderate degree of hyperplasia and many necrotic cells were

present in germinal centers. In the second week there apparently

was an increase in the number and size of the germinal centers.

Harked lymphoid hyperplasia was evident during the last 4 weeks

of the experiment.

In the prescapular lymph nodes a mild reticuloendothelial

Page 41: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


cell hyperplasia was evident by the end of the first week, and the

condition developed to a moderate or marked level during the sec­

ond week. The condition regressed considerably near the end of

the experiment. Concurrently, the concentration of lymphocytes

appeared slightly decreased oh day 2 and on day 12 there was

moderate depletion, although the concentration uf lymphocytes was

approximately normal at the end of the experiment.

Bone Marrow (femur)

Specimens of bone marrow from the first 2 calves killed con­

sisted mostly of depot fat with some evenly distributed hemo-

After day 3 the blood forming tissue increased atpoietic cells.

the expense of the fatty tissue and by day 12 there were confluent

areas of hemopoietic tissue. Cells of the erythroid series were

It wasgenerally more numerous than cells of the myeloid series.

estimated that there were about twice as many erythroid cells as

myeloid cells on day 23, After this time reticuloendothelial

(RE) cells were numerous, and in some areas they had aggregated

in discrete foci. Congestion was apparent in tissue collected

after 3 weeks, and tissue collected on day 38 contained many

cells of the neutrophilic series.


Endothelial hyperplasia was evident in a few subcutaneous.

arterioles by day 3, but this was not evident in calves killed

Page 42: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


toward the end of the experiment. A slight to moderate infiltra­

tion of eosinophils, lymphocytes and macrophages had occurred in

the interstitial tissue along blood vessels and lymphatics. The

concentration of infiltrating cells in the subcutaneous tissue

remained at a fairly constant level during the course of the dis­



During the first week there was a slight increase in numbers

of eosinophils and neutrophils in the interstitial tissue between

lobules. The cortices of the lobules appeared thin by day 12,

and by day 23 there was a definite depletion of thymocytes. No

parenchyma remained by day 30, and on days 37 and 38 all that

remained was supporting connective tissue and vessels, with no

distinctly discernable boundary between cortex and medulla.

There was a moderate degree of atrophy present in some of the

thymus tissue collected on day 45 but in other areas the tissue

was normal.


There was moderate congestion and moderate to marked hemo­

siderosis in sections of spleen collected after the first week,

and this condition persisted throughout the experiment. Neutro­

phils collected in the red pulp, mostly near Malphigian corpus­

cles, in the late stages of the disease.

Page 43: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Hemal Lyiaph Nodes

There was a variable degree of congestion.

Fluorescent antibody stained tissue

Trypanosomes fluoresced with a typical apple green color in

smears from infected blood (Fig. 8). Smears were improved by re­

moving most, but not all, of the erythrocytes as less time Oas

required per slide. The optimum dilution of the conjugate was


Trypanosomes with somewhat less fluorescence than that of

the controls were detected in the mediastinal lymph node and

spleen of the experimental calf killed on day 23. The parasite

seen in the mediastinal lymph node was intact, and the nucleus

and kinetoplast both had\a strong fluorescence. The rest of the

parasite was easily visible, but fluorescence was weak. The sec­

cond trypanosome, seen in splenic tissue, possessed similar

fluorescing qualitiesas the one described in the lymph node.

It was intact except for a small portion of the anterior ex­

tremity. In neither case was it possible to say if the parasites

were located in vessels. Because the organisms were essentially

of the same shape as ,the trypanosomes observed in blood films,

they probably were lying free in the interstitial fluid. Almost

certainly they were not intracellular. An examination of tissue

cut from the samq.,frozen blocks and examined by'light microscopy

Page 44: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Fig. 8. Blood smear from Trypanosoma vivax infected calf incu­bated 30 minutes (37 C) with FITC-conjugated immune serum. Large oval nucleus and smaller kinetoplast (left extremity of organism) exhibited identical quality of apple green fluorescence. Three erythrocytes are present. Ultraviolet light with dark field con­denser. 1620X.

Page 45: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


failed to locate any portions of parasites.

Microscopic structures having an evenly distributed apple

green fluoresctince were observed in tissue from certain organs of

the experimentally infected calves but not from tissue of the con­

trol calf. In cardiac tissue collected at 12 hours a blood vessel

was seen to be surrounded by an area of evenly distributed flu-

In renal tissuG taken later in the experiment thereorescence.

was a similar type of fluorescence that was evenly distributed

through the glomerular tufts of some Bowman's spaces and in the

interstitial tissue around vessels associated with the convoluted

tubules and to a lesser extent with descending tubules.

In tissue from the control calf and most infected calves

non-specific fluorescence was seen in the form of multiple, even­

sized circular granules which were not trypanosomes. The granules

had an apple green fluorescence and were sufficiently small that

as many as 200 were estimated inside some cells. The cells were

suspected of being macrophages. Usually, however, the number in

a cell was much less, although the size of the granules remained

fairly constant. Organs most often affected included lymph nodes,

spleen and thymus, while the cerebrum was rarely involved.

Granules similar to those seen intracellularly were observed

intercellularly in bone marrow of at least 1 infected calf. In

some areas the granules were packed tightly together in the inter­

cellular spaces and often were sufficiehtly numerous as to form a

syncytium which tended to outline the normal cellular structures.

Page 46: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in




Calves inoculated with I. vivax developed fever within 24

hours, which was similar to results reported with 1. vivax (15,

30) and T. conaolense (13) in Africa, while inoculation of T.

vivax in Venezuela rarely caused fever (34). During the rest of

the experiment the average morning and afternoon rectal tempera­

tures did not deviate markedly from the normal range, which also

was similar to the African work. It was difficult to demonstrate

relapsing temperatures with T. congolense infections except by

calculating a 3-day average in order to "smooth" the temperature

curve, or else by using a virulent strain of parasite in cattle

of very young age (13, 15). It is well known that trypanosomes

undergo changes in antigenic composition (27), which may be re­

lated to the decrease in fever. It is possible that a mild per­

sistent fever did occur which was sufficiently variable as to be

indistinguishable from normal individual variation of rectal tem­

perature in a small group of animals.

The afternoon temperatures were consistently higher than

those recorded in the morning, with the exception of the initial

fever, because the calves were regularly exposed to strong after­

noon sunlight. Some rectal temperature values were low near the

end of the experiment because I or more calves were in a moribund


Page 47: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


Each calf reacted similarly, gradually becoming weak and

listless, although its appetite remained normal. Submandibular

edema, which developed during the latter part of the experiment,

probably was related to the failing heart and to decreased os­

motic pressure of the blood due to loss of albumin and possibly

other blood proteins via..the kidney. Albumin is c6nsidered to

account for 45. or more of the osmotic pressure of the blood and

is important in fluid balance (9). The edema tended to regress

as death became imminent, and its appearance, followed by re­

gression was interpreted as an unfavorable prognostic sign. It

was likely that dehydration in the terminal stage was a factor in

the regression of the edema, although quantitation of water intake

was not monitored. A similar report of submandibular edema was

made in the 1. vivax infected cattle in Venezuela (34), but not

in the African work (15, 30).

Anemia developed rapidly in the acute phase, based on the

rapid rate of decrease of hemoglobin and PCV (Fig. 1). In the

subacute phase these blood parameters decreased at a persistent

but slower rate which appeared to be directly associated with

the gradual development of emaciation. Anemia, rather than di­

lution due to an increase of plasma volume, was suggested by

concurrent evidence of an erythropoietic response in histologi­

cal sections of femur marrow and smears of rib biopsies and a

slight but immediate increase in total and direct bilirubin

levels following inoculation (Fig. 3).

Page 48: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


When the PCV reached the range of 16% to 20%, death could be

expected, as illustrated by a PCV of 17% in the calf that died.

Rave, in Colombia (39), infected 5 calves of similar age and

breeding to the calves used in this experiment and observed anemia

in which the PCV decreased to 15% to 22%, after which a calf had

to be killed on day 47. Except in cases where animals died in

the acute phase, anemia was one of the most constant signs that

developed in cattle infected with I. vivax (15, 30, 34) and

anemia, rather than hypoglycemia, was suspected of being the

cause of death in subacute bovine trypanosomiasis in Kenya (30).

Anemia of Venezualian cattle infected with I. vivax was often

aggrevated by blood loss from chronic intestinal parasitism (34).

The present experiment indicated that trypanosomiasis in Colom­

bian calves under favorable husbandry conditions and in the ab­

sence of other hemoparasites can be fatal, whereas apparently

other native calves infected with T. vivax are often clinically

unaffected (50). It is evident that innate resistance, husbandry

practices and perhaps unknown factors are also important.

The timing of increases in serum bilirubin levels coincided

with that of the first parasitemia, and apparently was the re­

sult of the release of hemoglobin from erythrocytes. However,

the bilirubin levels did not exceed the limits of published

normal values for calves (7). The increase in direct or con­

jugated serum bilirubin was indicative of normal hepatic function

in response to the elevated level of non-conjugated bilirubin.

Page 49: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


The latter is the difference between the total and the direct

bilirubin, and this had-increased approximately 2 fold with the

first parasitemia. In contrast, data derived from African calves

infected with 3. congolense and which were anemic had normal

icterus index values, although no serum bilirubin tests were

made (13).

The SGOT values increased gradually from day 23 until the

experiment terminated (Fig. 3), and histologic examination re­

vealed that lesions in cardiac and hepatic tissue had developed

It is known that homogenates of T. vivax re­during this time.

lease 10 times as much SOOT as is present in equal volumes of

normal serum and that the SOOT is elevated in serum from animals

that have experienced destruction of muscle and hepatic tissue

The rise of SOOT in the chronic phase probably was due(26).

chiefly to tissue necrosis. It is possible that the slight but

rapid rise in enzyme levels during the 24 hours following inocu­

lation was due to enzymes released from the infecting trypano­

somes. The similar rate and magnitude of SGOT increase after

day 5 that coincided with the first parasitemia, and that was

followed by a slightly elevated plateau, was probably due at

least in part to the periodic destruction of trypanosomes. The

tissue desruction that occurred in the chronic phase evidently

released sufficient tissue enzymes to raise the level higher,

!although the absolute rise was indicative of only mild tissue

damage. Additional evidence of hepatic tissue damage was furnish­

Page 50: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


ed by the slightly elevated levels of serum sorbitol dehydro­

genase (SDH), an enzyme specific for hepatic tissue (19), during

the third and fourth weeks (Fig. 3).

There apparently was considerable damage to the endothelium

of the renal glomeruli due to trypanosomes of the first parasitem­

ia and succeeding parasitemias, because there was evidence of a

moderate degree of proteinuria in histological sections of kidney

as well as a decrease in total serum proteins (Fig. 3). Total

serum proteins stabilized at a lower level during the second week

which likely was the result of several factors, including a re­

duced rate of loss of proteins through the kidney. The decreased

level of proteinuria observed in histologic sections of renal

tissue after the second week supported this theory. The extent

of hepatic lesions was considered insufficient to account for the

decrease in production of serum albumin.

There was a slight decrease in total serum globulins, but

the percentage of total serum globulins was greater because of the

loss of serum albumin. It is possible that some of the smaller

alpha globulins also were lost via the kidney, as there was a

very slight decrease of this fraction. The first proteins to

leak through the glomerular membrane are albumin and alpha glo­

bulins, and if the damage is severe, the beta and gamma fractions

also may be lost (3). The A:G ratio decreased slightly in the

first 2 weeks and this change was apparently due to the consider­

able loss of albumin through the kidney rather than due to an

Page 51: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


absolute increase of globulins.

These results agree with results from . vivax infections

in sheep (6, 40) and L. brucei in rats (31) in which there was

a decrease in serum albumin. One author (31) attributed the

loss to kidney damage, while another (6) stated that a primary

increase of serum globultn acted as a plasma expander, resulting

in dilution of albumin and beta globulins. Total serum proteins

decreased and the A:G ratio w4s reversed, with excess albumin

appearing in the urine of rabbits with T. evansi (47).

Gamma globulins increased gradually in the 4 weeks following

the first parasitemia (Fig. 3), and this was probably related to

the immune response following the protozoal infection. Similar

responses were observed by others in trypanosomiasis (6, 31, 40).

The increase of gamma globulins is accepted as being related to

the development of immunity following exposure to infectious

agents, although the magnitude of response to protozoal agents

may not be as clear cut as that of bacterial infections (9).

Hoiever, in calves with eperythrozoonosis, another hemoprotozoan

disease, the serum gamma globulins actually decrease and the

A:G ratio increases, which is contrary to most reports (10).

The same individual calf had progressively lower blood glu­

cose values on each of the last 2 observation days (Fig. 4), and

at necropsy there was emaciation and serous atrophy of fat.

Liver tissue showed moderately increased resistance to cutting

and microscopically there was hepatic periacinar congestion but

Page 52: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


no fatty metamorphosis. Fiennes (13) found no si~nificant

changes in levels of blood sugar in calves or adult cattle with

1. conaolense infections, although he indicated that hypoglycemia

had been reported occasionally in cattle with chronic trypanoso­


A recent report suggested that T. brucei infection in rats

resulted in a diabetes mellitus-like condition (48). In the ratb

there was a decrease of peripheral glucose utilization in the

acute stage that was masked by a high rate of glucose consumption

by the trypanosomes, however, hypoglycemia became apparent in the

.chronic stage. The condition responded to, but was not entirely

restored to normal by insulin. The response described is more

characteristic of adrenal diabetes than of pancreatic or pituitary

diabetes (28). In this experiment, only 1 calf developed hypo­

glycemia, and no evidence of fatty metamorphosis was observed in

the liver of this particular calf, a lesion consistently reported

with diabetus mellitus (33).

Leucocytic parameters in trypanosomiasis apparently vary

with the age of the cattle, species of the trypanosome, suscepti­

bility to other diseases and unknown factors. In this experiment

neutropenia occurred following the first parasitemia, but neutro­

philia developed after 3 weeks (Fig. 4). This data correlated

with the presence of pus in the convoluted tubules of the calf

killed on day 38 and with chronic cystitis seen in the last ex­

perimental calf which was killed on day 88. Apparently an in­

Page 53: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


ctease in susceptibility to other diseases developed before the

end of the experiment, probably because of a general decrease

in body defenses. Mild neutropenia was also reported in adult

African cattle infected with either T. vivax (16) or 2. congolense

(13), whereas Colombian calves infected with T. vivax developed

mild neutrophilia (39). -

There was mild lymphocytopenia after the first week (Fig. 4),

although histologic examination of most lymph nodes revealed an

increased level of activity in germinal centers and increased

numbers of lymphocytes in the sinuses. Histological examination

revealed an infiltration of lymphocytes into the interstitial

tissue along blood and lymphatic vessels in most organs, appar­

ently in response to antigens, possibly including soluble antigens

released from the trypanosomes. In contrast, lymphocytosis was

reported in calves infected with 1. congolense (13) or T. vivax

(39), although the number of calves used in the latter work was


There was generalized hypertrophy of endothelium and sten­

osis in the small blood vessels. The many small dark bodies

observed in small blood vessels of the lung and otheq organs

were suspected of being degenerated trypanosomes. Lymphocytes,

plasma cells and macrophages were common in interstitial tissue

along blood and lymph vessels.

Material suspected of being dead trypanosomes was seen in

stained sections of the lung. Since the lung contained the first

Page 54: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


capillary bed in the path of the trypanosomes following inocu­

lation in the jugular vein, a portion of the initial inoculum

probably became lodged in pulmonary tissue. Alterations in the

integrity of the vascular endothelium and hemorrhage apparently

resulted from the influence of the parasites. Whatever the

process there was a gradual thickening of the interalveolar struc­

tures which was easily detectable after 3 weeks (Fig. 5). This

change was not consistent throughout the parenchyma but developed

in individual scattered areas, probably as a function of the

distributibn pattern of dying trypanosomes in the pulmonary

parenchymna. It is possible that the trypanosomes of succeeding

parasitemias became lodged in vessels already damaged or sensi­

tized and provided a continuous source of irritation of tissue

in focal aroas. Another possible source of continuing irritation

may have been from soluble antigens, which are exoantigens, and

are known to develop in certain T. vivax infections (25).

Apparently the interalveolar change was due principally to the

numerous macrophages observed, many of which contained engulfed

material. Based on the examination of lung tissue using apecial

staining techniques,* there was no evidence of the deposition of

excess amorphous material associated with interalveolar capillar­


The efficacy of gaseous exchange between the alveoli and the

*PAS and Massonlo Trichrome Stains: AFIP Protocol, 1957

Page 55: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


surrounding capillary network probably was decreased due to ac­

cumulations of macrophages along interalveolar capillaries. Other

conditions contributing to anoxia were the anemia and cardiac in­

sufficiency. The combined influence of these 3 factors probably

deterimentally influenced endothelial and myocardial viability.

The hearts from some of the calves killed last had enlarged

This probably was due chiefly to pulmonaryright ventricles.

hypertension caused by atenosis of pulmonary arterioles and also

by the accumulation of macrophages along interalveolar blood

Apparently the parasites exerted a deterimental effectvessels.

on the endothelial component of myocardial vessels in a manner

similar to that observed in the lung, consequently, inflammatory

cells were attracted into the interstitial tissue surrounding

blood vessels and lymphatics (Fig. 6). This inflammatory process

was more pronounced in the myocardium than in other organs.

Plasma cells were prominent in cardiac and lymphatic tissue after

Plasma cells in large numbers are usually limited to1 month.

the lymph nodes, and they are particularly associated with chronic

L '

mental inoculation of T. vivax into sheep IgG immunoglobulins

appeared, whereas prior to that time the immunoVnetic response

inflammation (18). It is interesting that 1 month after experi­

had consisted of only macroglobulins (40). Changes observed in

the myocardial nuolei of chronically affected calves resembled

the Anitschkow myocytes or "caterpillar cells" tihich have been

described for human cardiac myopathies (43). Cardiac insuffi­

Page 56: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


ciency probably accounted for the chronic passive congestion of

the liver and contributed to the submandibular edema and edema

of the lymph nodes and other organs. However, the hypoproteinemia

probably contributed to the edema also due to decreased osmotic

pressure of the blood.

It is possible that.-the acute focal hepatic necrosis observed

on day 3 was due to trypanosomes becoming lodged in the sinusoids.

However, similar lesions were not present in the liver of calves

killed later, although parasitemias were repeatedly demonstrated.

The periacinar congestion was probably a result of impaired func­

tion of the heart. Zones of degenerating hepatocytes observed

around the terminal hepatic veins and fatty metamorphosis seen in

midzonal hepatocytes (Fig. 7) were also probably due to abnormal

circulation, although the anemia and possibly the deposition of

material around pulmonary capillaries may have been contributing

factors. Mild to moderate lymphocytic infiltration of portal

areas was similar to the general lymphocytic infiltration of

interstitial tissue in other organs. Aggregations of macro­

phages were seen in terminal hepatic veins. Fiennes similarly

described periacinar congestion, fatty metamorphosis and aggrega­

tions of macrophages in hepatic vessels in African cattle in­

fected with 3. congolense (14) and another investigator found

large macrophages in the ear capillaries and venules of rabbits

2 weeks after being infected with ,,brucei (23).

,Tieintegrityof, the vessel walls of the glomerular tdf ii

Page 57: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


was altered before the first parasitemia became evident and pro­

teinuria'developed. This change was apparently initiated by the

relatively small number of inoculated trypanosomes. Hyperplasia

of the cells of glomerular tufts eventually resulted in filling

Bowman's spaces. Some of the tufts were embedded in a matrix of

proteinaceous material. .Neutrophils were observed in the renal

tubules from the animal killed on-day 38 and the last calf re­

maining alive, which was killed on day 88, had a chronic purulent

cystitis. It is tempting to explain the decrease in serum al­

bumin by the loss of protein through the kidneys. Macrophages,

lymphocytes and plasma cells collected around arterioles and

small renal arteries. Some of these perivascular infiltrations

were of considerable size at the end of the experiment. Cortical

and arcuate vessels were affected most frequently.

The hyperplasia of RE and lymphatic elements of lymph nodes

was assumed 'toresult chiefly from the trypanosomal infection.

The plasmacytosis which developed in certain lymph nodes during

the fifth week coincided with the appearance of high numbers of

plasma cells in the interstitial tissue of the heart. However,

the reason for the plasmacytosis at that specific time was not


Hypertrophy of femoral bone marrow was evident at necropsy,

and histologic examination of marrow indicated that a response

in erythropoietic activity had begun'during the,first week post

inoculation. ,This response coincided with the time of the first

Page 58: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


parasitemia and with the initial decline in hemoglobin after

day 5. Increased erythropoietic activity continued thereafter

and there was no evidence of exhaustion of the hemopoietic sys­

tem. The M:E ratio (Fig. I),based on rib biopsies, declined

moderately during the experiment, and this change was considered

due principally to increased erythropoietic activity. The pro­

liferation of RE tissue in bone marrow was considered evidence

of an extreme reaction by the body defense mechanism in response

to a persisting infection.

There'are few reports in the literature describing bone

marrow response in trypanosomiasis. Fiennes found that the marrow

throughout the full length of long bones of calves and adults in­

fected with 1. congolense was red, but stated that in histologi­

cal sections the marrow was aplastic. This redness probably

indicates a state of congestion of a tissue which normally is

filled largely with depot fat and hematopoietic tissue.

No immediate response was observed in the granulocytic cell

series in bone marrow sections in response to decreased levels

of circulating neutrophils. However, there was evidence of

stimulation of the neutrophilic cell series in bone marrow sec­

tions from the last 3 calves killed which correlated with the

increased numbers of circulating neutrophils in the same calves

(Fig. 4).

In the ear endothelial hyperplasia of some subepithelial

arterioles had occurred by day 3 but stenosis was not observed.

Page 59: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


moderate degree of cellular infiltration of inter-There was a

stitial tissue around blood vessels but it did'not reach the

intensity of the perivascular infiltration that occurred in the

A portion of the infiltrated cells werekidney and heart.

eosinophils, whereas in the other organs except the thymus the

The influence of factorsnumber of eosinophils was minimal.

other than the trypanosome infection could not be ruled out.

Accumulations of neutrophils were observed in the red pulp

of the spleen in the last several calves killed. The effect was

most pronounced in tissue near the splenic corpuscles. The

neutrophils possibly were attracted to that site as a result

of antigens which accumulated in cells of the RE system, al­

though normal pooling of cells due to decreasing circulation can

not be ruled out.

Fluorescent antibody conjugate at a dilution of 1:50 was

More dilute preparations resulted in incon­considered optimum.

sistent fluorescence of the trypanosomes and less dilute prepara­

tions resulted in excess non-specific fluorescence.

Positive control blood smears containing a reduced number

of erythrocytes were preferred because less time was required

in locating the trypanosomes, whereas the presence of a few

erythrocytes facilitated initial focusing of each slide.

The color and intensity of fluorescence of the nucleus and

kinetoplast within a given trypanosome was identical (Fig. 8)

suggesting that components common to both structures were

Page 60: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


involved. This effect applied both to the trypanosomes sean in

positive control blood smears and in trypanosomes from infected

tissue, although the fluorescence was less intense in the latter.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and nucleoproteins of DNA are known

to be present in both the nucleus and kinetoplast of trypanosomes

(11) and both compounds are of sufficient size as to stimulate an

immune response. It is likely that one or both compounds served

as antigens common to both the nucleus and kinetoplast.

Fluorescence of the external surface of the trypanosomes was

of a much more subdued intensity compared to the fluorescence of

the nucleus and kinetoplast. The external antigens involved were

probably either a part of the external wall or were related to

metabolic products that may have coated the organisms. Apparent­

ly the external antigens were less recognized as foreign antigens

by the immune mechanism of the calves as compared to the endo­

antigens from the nucleus and kinetoplast. Metabolic excretory

products of trypanosomes are likely to be of small average molec­

ular size, and therefore the antigenic response to such products

would be relatively weak.

The amorphous, non-particulate fluorescence observed in glo­

merular tufts, convoluted and descending tubules and intersti­

tial tissue in the kidney was not seen in renal tissue of the

control calf, It is possible that the fluorescence war ralated

to soluble antigens to T. vivax which have been demonstrated

(25,,49). Such antigens would likely be widespread in the,

Page 61: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


tissues and this may explain the diffuse distribution of fluor­

escence that was observed. The pattern of distribution of

fluorescence in interstitial tissue along vessels was thought

to be similar to the distribution of inflammatory cells seen

with conventional microscopy. The source of the antigens was

suspected of being the degenerated trypanosomes in or near small

blood vessels or lymphatics.

Fluorescence of a particulate, granular nature was considered

to be non-specific because a similar pattern of fluorescence was

seen in tissue of the control calf. The number of fluorescing

particles was highest in organs containing an abundance of macro­

phages, such as the spleen and lymph nodes, and therefore the

fluorescence may have been related to breakdown products. How­

ever, granples believed to be of a similar nature because of

their shape, size, and degree of fluorescence were also abundant

in intercellular areas of the bone marrow.

Page 62: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in




T. vivax obtained from a clinically sick cow near Neiva,

Colombia, South America was passed in a sheep and in a calf, and

then inoculated into the.jugular vein of 14 Holstein-Friesian

calves. Fever occurred by 24 hours and recurring parasitemia

commenced after 72 hours post inoculation. It was estimated

that practically all of the 14 calves would have died spontan­

eously of trypanosomiasis within 3 months if none of the calves

had been euthanitized.

Associated with the first and subsequent parasitemias were

decreases in hemoglobin, PCV, M:E ratio, serum albumin, A:G ratio

and neutropenia, and slight increases in total and direct bili­

rubin and SGOT levels. Later changes included slightly elevated,

fluctuating total bilirubin levels, slightly increased SGOT and

gamma globulin levels and slightly decreased alpha and beta

globulin levels. Blood glucose levels decreased in only 1 calf

after day 30.

After 2 weeks all calves exhibited a gradual loss of body

condition and later submandibular edema usually became evident.

The latter condition sometimes regressed and this sign along with

a PCV below 20% indicated that death was near. After 4 weeks the

post mortem lesions'considered sufficiently consistent to be of

diagnostic'value included conspicuously hypertrophied, edematous

Page 63: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


lymph nodes and hypertrophied hemal lymph~nodes, emaciation,

rounded right heart, palpably firm liver, atrophied thymus and

hypertrophied femoral bone marrow.

Associated with the 1. vivax of the infecting inoculum and

of succeeding parasitemias was a generalized endothelial hyper­

trophy and mononuclear cell infiltration along blood and lymph

vessels, with proteinuria and bone marrow hyperplasia. General­

ized lymphatic and RE hyperplasia occurred, but was not proven

At 3 weeks post inoculationto be due to the trypanosomiasis.

there was an aggregation of macrophages containing engulfed ma­

terial distributed along capillaries in pulmonary interalveolar

tissue, and this lesion in combination with the anemia and ap­

parent cardiac insufficiency were thought to be important in

the development of anoxia and probably contributed to the sin­

gle fatality observed.

Periacinar congestion and fatty metamorphosis of midzonal

hepatocytes were probably related to the failing heart and in­

directly to the pulmonary lesion. Cystitis and pyelonephritis

in the last 2 calves to be killed probably was a reflection of

generalized debility due to chronicity of the trypanosome in­


The detection of intact trypanosomes or their residue in

histologic sections, utilizing a direct fluorescent antibody

Generalized fluorescence oftechnique, was ,of limited success.

interstitial tissue associated, at least in part, with vessels

Page 64: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in


was observed in tissue from infected calves but not from the

control calf. It was suspected that the fluorescence was re­

lated to the presence of soluble antigens to the trypanosomes,

Page 65: Trypanosoma - · to be killed probably was a reflection of generalized, chronic debility. ... boses of the smaller blood vessels in



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9. Dimopoullos, G. T.: Plasma Proteins. la: Clinical Bio­chemistry of Domestic Animals. Cornelius. C. E. and Kaneko, J. J., editors. Academic Press, New York. (1963): 109.

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45. Seed, J. R.: Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma lewisi: Increased Vascular Permeability and Skin Lesions in Rabbits. Exp. Parasitol., 26, (1969): 214-223.

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48. Voorhies, H. P.: The Effect of T. brucei (S-42)'on Host Carbohydrate Metabolism: Liver Production and Peripheral Tiasue Utilization of Glucose. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 63, (1969): 122-123.

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50. Wells, E. A., Betancourth, A. and Page, W. A. The Epidemi­ology of Bovine Trypanosomiasis in Colombia. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod., 2, (1970): 111-125.

51. Wells, E. A., Lumsden, W. H. R., and McNeillage, G.: Iso­lation of Trypanoaomes of the Section Stercoraria from Cattle in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Brit. Vet. J. 124, (1968): 382-392.

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Charles Arthur'Daley, son of Thomas Henry Daley and Lena

Gunderson, was born near Shelby, Montana, on March 25, 1932.

He attended elementary and high school in Shelby, Montana, and

received his diploma in May, 1951.

He entered Montana State University in Sept., 1951 and

graduated in June, 1956 with a B. S. degree in range management

and a M. S. degree in/animal industry. At that time he entered

the U. S. Air Force, and was released in Jan., 1960.

In Sept., 1960 he entered Washington State University and

was graduated inMay, 1964 with the D. V. M. degree. He then

was employed by tho Montana Livestock Sanitary Board until Aug.,

1968, working in regulatory and diagnostic veterinary medicine,

In Sept., 1968 he accepted a fellowship from the Institute

of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Texas AM University, with

financial support from U.S.A.I.D. and The Rockefeller Foundation

to work toward the M. S. degree in veterinary pathology at Texas

MM University and Bogota, Colombia, South America.

He was married on Apr. 5, 1968 to Dorothy Ann Schanil of

Bozeman, Montana.

The typist for this thesis was Charles Arthur Daley,

College StationTexas.

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