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SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CONNECT: What will be your next step in serving in 2018?

WARM-UP Questions 1. Share an example of when you have felt moved to help someone but were powerless to do anything. 2. How is Jesus both willing and able to address the significant problems in the world and in our lives?

Read John 11:17-37 3. What was Jesus’ relationship with Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? Why does it say that he “stayed where

he was two more days” after he had heard the news of Lazarus’ illness? 4. How was Jesus motivated by BOTH his love for Lazarus and desire to glorify God? 5. Why were Mary and Martha frustrated with Jesus’ delay? What does this say about their understanding

of both his character and power? 6. How does Jesus address Martha’s grief and complaint? How did her idea of the ‘resurrection’ differ to

what Jesus was saying (and what he was about to do)? 7. What does Jesus mean in verse 25? Is he simply being metaphorical or do you believe him to mean

something substantial? 8. How does Jesus respond after he asks where Lazarus has been laid? What is significant about this? 9. How should we be comforted to know that God us able to sympathise with us in our suffering? How

have you known this to be true in your life? Did this make a difference?

Read John 11:38-54 10. Why was everyone concerned at the idea of opening up the tomb? What would you be thinking? 11. How is Jesus’ authority evident in this miracle? How is this miracle still just a sign pointing to a future

(permanent) resurrection of all who trust in the Lord Jesus? 12. What difference does it make to you that Jesus is both willing and able to have victory over death? 13. What is meant by Jesus approaching the tomb “deeply moved” (cf. v.38)? 14. What is the connection (throughout this chapter and John) between believing in Jesus and life? 15. If Jesus asked you “do you believe this?”, what would you say? How do we ‘take up’ his offer? 16. How was the prophesy of the High Priest ironic? How would Jesus’ death really save even more than

one nation? Why was it necessary for Jesus to both die and rise?

APPLY (to this week): Read through the Gospel of John (or at least chapters 11-21) in a sitting or two.

PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank you for your saving love. Thank you for your willingness and ability to save us. Please help us to grow in our trust in the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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GOING DEEPER RESOURCES & SUGGESTIONS Potential Next Steps NEXT STEP IN PRAYER: Come along to our prayer night on Monday February 5 (7-8.30PM) NEXT STEP IN GROWTH: Sign up for the Lenten Study Guide: Truth and Glory (see link at bottom)

Talks & Audio • Five-Part Series on the Resurrection of Lazarus by Don Carson • “The Resurrection and the Life” by Dick Lucas

• An Outline of John’s Gospel by Dick Lucas

Video & Music • Overview of John Chapters 1-12 • Overview of John Chapters 13-21

Articles • “Is Christ’s Victory Over Evil Powers the Centre of His Death and Resurrection” by Peter Adam

Helpful Books (for the Series) • “John For Everyone” Part 1 by N T Wright. Available at:

• “John For Everyone” Part 2 by N T Wright. Available at:

• Remember: you will be able to download a free study guide (starts February 14):

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Talk 1/14 (JOHN’S GOSEL:

TRUTH & GLORY): 04/02/18 “True LIFE”

by the Rev’d Adam Lowe

Bible Passage: John 11:1-53

This morning, we begin a new series on the Gospel of John, entitled, “Truth and Glory”.

• We’re going to be really looking at the TRUTH of who Jesus is,and how it comes into clarity through his GLORY on the cross and in his resurrection.

The Gospel of John, is of course one of four early accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection that we have in the New Testament.

• However, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, John is quite distinctive in style. • It’s split roughly into two major halves. • The second half, focuses on the last meal that Jesus shared with his friends,

along with all of the events that surrounded his death and resurrection. • That’s where we’ll be focusing in our series. • But before we get there, it’s vital to understand that

the first half is structured around seven miracles, or ‘signs’ as John calls them, that point to the identity of Jesus, beckoning a response from those who witness them.

• That’s the purpose of John writing all this down, he says in chapter 20:

31 …these [things] are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.


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• There’s an intended cause and effect. • John has written these things to CAUSE us to believe in the TRUTH of who Jesus is

that he is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that because of that belief, the EFFECT is that we would have life in his name.

• So in order to orientate ourselves to this book, in order that we can clearly see the TRUTH and GLORY of Jesus,we’re beginning today by looking at the seventh sign that John details: the resurrection of Lazarus. It’s critical before we move onto Jesus’ last meal, because it’s from this point in John that Jesus’ fate is sealed, and we see that through the resurrection of Lazarus, that Jesus’ death is not the end, but the death of death, and the birth of life.

• We see that to believe in Jesus, is to receive TRUE LIFE.

So why is true life to be found in Jesus: Because it is based on his character, his authority, and his offer.



So first, true life is to be found in Jesus, because of his CHARACTER. • The story of the resurrection of Lazarus, takes up the entirety of chapter 11. • We didn’t get to hear all of that read out, but the back story to that which we heard,

was that Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, beloved friend of Jesus, was gravely ill. • Jesus was not around, and so out of desperation for their brother,

Mary and Martha send word to Jesus to hurry back in order to do something. • Jesus surprises the disciples by his resolve to go back even in the face of danger;

Jesus surprises Mary and Martha by apparently not being in any particular hurry. • And then Jesus surprises us even more by the revelation that the situation has

deteriorated and that Lazarus is not just sick, but actually he’s dead.

14 So then he told them plainly [that is the disciples], “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

And so, when Jesus finally arrives onto the scene, Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Many were there comforting Mary and Martha.


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• It’s an emotional scene for everyone involved, not only has Lazarus died,but Mary and Martha can’t fathom why Jesus hasn’t come sooner; Martha comes out to greet Jesus, but Mary stays at home. There’s tension in the air.

• Neither Mary nor Martha can resolve why Jesus, who loves them and who could have done something about this, didn’t get there sooner.

• In their minds and hearts, Jesus’ apparent lack of responsiveness seems inconsistent with what they know of both his character and power. They can’t figure it out, and so Jesus responds to them in two, very contrasting ways.

• To Martha he speaks TRUTH, To Mary he speaks COMFORT.

So we note in response to Martha questioning Jesus, yet having confidence in him, we read:

21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” (vv.21-27)


• When Jesus says to Martha that her brother will rise again, Martha assumes that Jesus is talking about the later resurrection of the dead in the last days.

• The common Jewish belief at the time, was that the dead would one day be raised. • But Jesus is challenging Martha, saying, that the belief in the resurrection of the dead,

is not just a doctrine to be believed for the distant future, but a reality rushing-forward into the present and found in him.

• In the face of her grief, Jesus challenges her with the TRUTH of who he is.

But then to Mary, even though she shares the same concern, Jesus’ response is very different.

• He comforts her by grieving with her, asking to be taking to the tomb.

33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. 35 Jesus wept.

• The word for ‘wept’ means that Jesus burst into tears. • When someone died, it was part of the tradition to have professional mourners.

There would be a great commotion, as hired mourners would wail and grieve alongside the family for days following a death.


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• But we’re to be left with no mistake: Jesus is not just putting on a show. • He is not some detached spectator, indifferent to the pain and loss that is felt,

but this - the shortest verse in the Bible - conveys the authentic expression of his heart. • He weeps even though he knows what is about to happen next. • He doesn’t smugly enter the scene, and say: well just wait for what I’m about to do next,

but enters into and experiences the grief of his friend’s death. Do you see how remarkable this is? • That in Jesus, we don’t have someone unable to sympathise with us,

nor someone unable to bring truth into our situation. • We struggle as humans to get that right, of knowing when to speak truth, and

knowing when to speak comfort, but Jesus never makes a misstep. • The common greek idea about gods at the time was that they had no empathy,

that they wouldn’t dare get entangled in the messiness of humanity. • But Jesus, fully human and fully God, doesn’t just get involved,

but is willing to enter right into our pain. // • It can sometimes be so hard to understand why we are suffering,

but we can be certain of this: it’s not because God doesn’t love you, and it’s not because God is indifferent to your situation.



In Jesus we see that we have a God who cares and so should we. That’s his character.

• But God does not just sympathise with us, he has authority to do something about it.

• There’s plenty of situations in which I feel moved to do something, yet I’m powerless to do anything about it.

• But what Jesus shows us here, is that when it comes even to death, he’s not only willing, but he’s able.

38 Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb.

This sounds like a quiet and calm sort of approach, but 'deeply moved’ is an understatement of what is intended in the original language.

• “Deeply moved” actually means that Jesus was angry! • The word in the original language relates to the bellowing sound an animal makes.

Jesus approaches the tomb, with an inexpressible anger, this is the wrath of the lamb.


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• You might be wondering what he is angry about? • Some have suggested that Jesus is angry at:

the hypocritical mourners, or the lack of his friend’s believe. But it seems apparent that Jesus is angry at neither of them, but at death itself and the enemy behind death.

• One commentator puts it like this:

“In Mary’s grief he sees and feels the misery of the whole race and burns with rage against the oppressor of humanity [sic]. It is death that is the object of his wrath, and behind death him who has the power of death, and whom he had come into the world to destroy. Tears of sympathy may fill his eyes, but that is incidental - his soul is held by rage, and he advances to the tomb, as Calvin’s words, ‘as a champion who prepared for conflict”.

• Jesus sees the ravages that death has brought, the hopes that it tramples, the despair and pain it inflicts, and he directs that anger, not to those around, not to himself, and therefore not to God, but to the enemy itself whom Jesus, and Jesus alone, will defeat.

39 “Take away the stone,” he said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”


• Lazarus has been dead for four days, everyone thinks that Jesus’ command to take the stone away is a crazy idea, it’s going to smell, Martha is freaking out!

• There was no doubt now that Lazarus was truly dead. • Up to this point, Mary and Martha couldn’t reconcile what they knew about Jesus,

and the situation that they had found themselves in, but that was all about to change.

43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

By a word, Lazarus was raised! What word? The dead man’s name.

• I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.

When someone was buried in a tomb in Jewish custom, the way they would have been wrapped would meant a living person bound up, would still be able to shuffle and hop along - exactly what Lazarus seems to do. • People would have been completely amazed as Lazarus shuffles out!


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• But as Jesus commands for the cloths to be removed, we’re reminded that this is still just a sign.

• As those cloths cling to him, so does the possibility of death. Presumably Lazarus still dies at some point.

• This is not Lazarus’ permanent resurrection. Death itself has not yet been undone.But Jesus is pointing to a time when it will be.

• That there would be one, whom when they died, that they would break death itself, so that when they would be raised, their grave clothes would be left behind.

• That would be the final blow to death, for all who believe in him. • True life is found in Jesus, not only because of his character and his authority,

but because of his offer to you.



The way we take the WILLINGNESS of Jesus, and combine it with his ABILITY to save, is by responding to his OFFER. Of believing, of trusting in him. • That’s not only the backdrop of the entire first half of John,

it’s also the emphasis throughout this chapter.

v.14 …“Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.”v.40 “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” v. 41 I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

Jesus does all of this and more, so that we would believe. • He prays aloud not for the sake of the dead, but as a word to the living!

That those who hear this, can see with clarity that it’s through him that we can know life. He’s the one who is willing. He is the one who is able.

• And he’s offering it to you. • The religious leaders…. They would have no such thing.

So from that day on they plotted to take his life. (v.53)


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• Their strategy of confronting Jesus, challenging his teaching, trying to discredit him was getting no where.

• In their self-interest and political expediency, they don’t even consider the possibility that Jesus is truly the authentic Messiah:

• They thought it easier to try and remove the truth than face the truth, saying:

…50 You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.”

• The High Priest, unintentionally prophesies about real meaning of Jesus’ death. • They thought Jesus’ death would save them from upsetting the Romans,

when Jesus’ death would actually be the means through which all people could be saved. • That on the cross, he would take the weight of all the sin and brokenness in the world,

that he would pay the price for it all, and in doing so break the very power of death itself.

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”


• Friends: do you believe this? • You have the opportunity, right now. In this room, here today,

if you’ve not done so before, to believe in Jesus Christ, and as a result never die because you are saved through him.

• Lazarus’ resurrection not only points to Jesus’, but it’s a glimpse of ours as well. • Have you taken that offer?

Have you turned your life over to him?

• Many on that day, who had gone to comfort Mary in her grief, walked away believing in Jesus as Lord.

• They witnessed Jesus’ CHARACTER, they saw his AUTHORITY, and they responded to his OFFER. //

• They went to mourn a death, they left with the gift of life. • Jesus is willing. Jesus is able. All is left is to believe.


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