  • 7/27/2019 Truss-Braced Wing Bibliography


  • 7/27/2019 Truss-Braced Wing Bibliography


  • 7/27/2019 Truss-Braced Wing Bibliography


    Chapman, C.D., Saitou, K., and Jakiela, M.J., "Genetic Algorithms as an Approach toConfiguration and Topology Design,"Advances in Design Automation, Vol. 1, ASME,1993, pp. 485-498.

    Chapman, C.D., Saitou, K., and Jakiela, M.J., "Genetic Algorithms as an Approach toConfiguration and Topology Design,"J. of Mechanical Design, Dec., 1994, pp. 1005-


    Gage, P.J., and Kroo, I.M., "A Role for Genetic Algorithms in a Preliminary DesignEnvironment," Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 1995,HTML document available via the World Wide Web.

    Gage, P.J., and Kroo, I.M., "Representation Issues for Design by TopologicalOptimization by Genetic Methods," Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Stanford University, 1995, HTML document available via the World Wide Web.

    Gage, P.J., Kroo, I.M., and Sobieski, I.P., "Variable-Complexity Genetic Algorithms forTopological Design,"AIAA Journal, Nov., 1995, pp. 2212-2217.

    Truss-Braced Wing Studies

    Hurel, M., "The Advantages of High Aspect Ratios," Interavia, Volume VII, No. 12,1952, pp. 695-699.

    Smith, P.M., DeYoung, J., Lovell, W.A., Price, J.E., and Washburn, G.F., "A Study ofHigh-Altitude Manned Research Aircraft Employing Strut-Braced Wings of High-Aspect-Ratio," NASA-CR-159262, February, 1981.

    Turriziani, R.V., Lovell, W.A., Martin, G.L., Price, J.E., Swanson, E.E., and Washburn,G.F., "Preliminary Design Characteristics of a Subsonic Business Jet ConceptEmploying an Aspect Ratio 25 Strut-Braced Wing," NASA CR-159361, Oct., 1980.

    Virginia Tech Reports

    Mason, W.H., "Proposal for Multidisciplinary Design Investigation of Truss-BracedWing Aircraft"

    Vortex-Lattice Method and Induced Drag

    Blackwell, J., "Numerical Method to Calculate the Induced Drag or Optimal SpanLoading for Arbitrary Non-Planar Aircraft," NASA SP-405, May 1976.

    Jones, R.T., "Effect of Winglets on the Induced Drag of Ideal Wing Shapes," NASATM-81230, Sept. 1980.

    Kroo, I.M., "A General Approach to Multiple Lifting Surface Design and Analysis,"AIAA Paper 84-2507, Oct. 1984.

    Kroo, I.M., and Smith, S.C., "Computation of Induced Drag with Nonplanar andDeformed Wakes," Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions, SAE Paper 901933,Long Beach, CA, Sept. 1990.

  • 7/27/2019 Truss-Braced Wing Bibliography


    Kuhlman, J., and Ku, T., "Numerical Optimization Techniques for Bound CirculationDistribution for Minimum Induced Drag of Nonplanar Wings: Computer ProgramDocumentation," NASA CR-3458, 1982.

    Lamar, J., "A Vortex Lattice Method for the Mean Camber Shapes of Trimmed Non-Coplanar Planforms with Minimum Vortex Drag," NASA TN-D-8090, June 1976.

    Mason, W.H., "Wing-Canard Aerodynamics at Transonic Speeds--FundamentalConsiderations on Minimum Drag Spanloads," AIAA 20th Aerospace Sciences Meeting,Orlando, FL, AIAA-82-0097, Jan. 11-14, 1982.

    Smith, S.C., and Kroo, I.M., "Computation of Induced Drag for Elliptical and Crescent-Shaped Wings," J. of Aircraft, July-Aug., 1993, pp. 446-452.

    van Dam, C.P., "Induced-Drag Characteristics of Crescent-Moon-Shaped Wings,"J. ofAircraft, Feb., 1987, pp. 115-119.

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