Page 1: Trunks ValisesHandbags 1 Suit - University of What lessons of the resurrection 11 Why did Christ say Tell the vision

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1 1 Lt to The Lowest BitderT be SiO Ft Lenff

TAMPA FLA July 13 1905

Special Correspondence Ocala BannerS

I Plans for the state fair building

have been decided upon bids will be

at once called for and no time will be

lost in beginning the important work-

of construction1 The main exhibit building will be

1 the largest ever seen at a southern

state fair It will be 910 feet in

I length and 95 feet wide There will

be in all 72 exhibit spaces 37x40 feet

4 which space will accommodate any

1 county exhibit and many will be di¬

vided for smaller exhibits The cen¬

5 ter aisle will be 21 feet wide with 19

cross aisles 10 feet wide all of which

will have outer entrances Thebuilding will be 20 feet high at theeaves and forty feet high in the mid-



A gallary 300 feet length will

be erected in the middle and furnish-



with easy chairs and lounges forvisitors to rest upon especially ladiesand children

The magnificent exposition build-



of the Tampa Bay hotel will beused for the womans department-and other imposing buildings will be

erected The stables pens and

other buildings for live stock will be

much larger than those of the SouthFlorida Fair which will compare in

f in no particular with the state fairThe grounds will be greatly enlarged-

to make room for new buildings up¬

on which no expanse will be spared-

as they are expected to meet allneeds for five years the term for-


I which the grounds have been leasedby the Fair Association which now

includes the leading citizens of allr

sections of the stateReports from all sources indicate

that the fair will be the greatest sucsuccess of the souths history es-



r in point of attendance ofhomeseekers from other states and

1 no county can go without represen-


44 Lake City is going to bond for

170000 for public improvementsamong which she proposes to erect ja

t 20000 high school building pave thestreets with vitrified brick purchase-and


enlarge the light and water plantand install an up to date seweragesystem Still there is life in the oldtown and we hope she will live longand prosper wellOrlando Star

Senator Mitchell might get a leave-

of absence from the Senate until heserves his termMemphis Commer¬

k cialAppeal



In 10 Days Use






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crp sfqii-r i

as a new discovery guaranteedSATINOLA If it fails to removecase of freckles pimples tan

liver spots sallowness blackheads or other skineruptions in 20 days leaves the skin daer softhealthy and restores the beauty of youthThousands testify to the merits of

c Lrette writes Thibopeaux LaOct 1S Q4Por four years y face was com-pletely


covered with frecjtlesand pimples Allremeales until I used two packages ofSatiaola which completely removed the frees

J les and cosnp exion is sow ¬

led and I 1iopeevery ladyhaiIigtnck1es cipimples try 1a Puce 500andJXby leading druggists or mall-


lal in Ocala by Antimonopoly Drug Stareawl leading drBgeiats


SwMay ScsI GavsetiaThe fifth annual session of the Sun ¬

day school convention of the MarionBaptist Association will convene atBlitchton July 29th The following-

is the programSATURDAY

utooa m Introductory sermonRev N K Norwood

200 p m Business sessionEnrolling DelegatesElection ol officer-sAppointment of CommitteesVicePresident 1

Treasurer V ReportsColporteurWhat are the special causes of failure in oui

Sunday school work w D CamWhat are the special benefits derived irom

imparting religious instruction to othersSunday school work-

A L Timer Mrs Wm HockerSUNDAY

1000a m Sunday SchoolDr Blitch1100a m Preaching RevC C Carroll200 p m The Sunday School

Convention of the Marion AssociationPurpose W T GaryIts Achievement RevW B lummerBusiness sessionRepons of CommitteesMiscellaneous BusinessAdjournmentThe following is an example of re¬

view lesson from 1000 to 1100 amI

Twelve Questions About the Scene on the Mount-of Transfiguration

1 Where is the Mount and who were present2 What L> the significance of Peter James

and hnsPresence3 What is the significance of Elijahs presence

4 1 6 I 14 Moses5 Christs6 f I Gods7 What was Christ doing just before his

transfiguration-S What was the topic of conversation of

Christ with Moses and Elijah9 What teachings do we get Iom this lesson

concerning the state ol the righteous dead10 What lessons of the resurrection11 Why did Christ say Tell the vision to no

man till the Son of God be then from the dead12 What 15 the significance of the statement

from God concerning Christ-II

The Liquor TrafficI Five minutes discussion of its nature2 Explanation of the painting

53 Startling facts about the vice of Tnttjnperance

4 rive methods of correcting the liquor evilIll

Christian Science vs Science and ChristianityI Christian Science not Christian because it

denies the divinity and vicarious atonement of I

Jesus the Christ2 Not scientific because it denies all classified I

knowledge concerning matter pain acd med-icine


Each proposition to have Lye scutes dis-cussion



IVDivine healing1 What if divine healing according to the ex

ample given by the prophets2 By Christ3 By the Apostles I

4 What was the object in each instance5 Does the need of miraculous healing stll j

exist6 Should we pray for the sick 1

7 Explain James 5 1115V

The Unpardonable Sin j

1 Against whom can the sin be committedMath1231 Mark 32530

2 Vnat is the nature of the sin3 Who committed it in the New Testament j

4 What TIMS the occasion5 Can one comwit tbt= sin row I

6 Can one unknowingly commit the sin I

7 Why should this sin be unpardonableI

S Is it impossible for a Christam to committhis isn

9 What does he mean when PanI said Grievenot the Spirit

10 What was the sin of Ananias11 What was the sin of Simon the Magician I

12 Explain Heb io6 31

Each Baptist church and Sundayschool in the Marion Association isurged to send a full quota of dele ¬

gatesBlitchton is preaparing to give a

royal welcome and will expect a fulldelegation and will be disappointed-if they are not present

Lake City Was Not to Blame-

A number of papers throughout thestate claim that Lake City owes herdefeat to Dr Julian and Mr Personswho represented Columbia county inthe recent legislature by them mak-ing


a bitter attack upon Dr AndrewSledd the universttys presidentSuppose we grant this which in ouropinion is quite true is it sufficientcause for this enormous sum ofmoney to be thrown away and thecitizens of Lake City made to sufferthis irreparable loss were not toblame

Their representatives disloyalty tothe university was criticised by thepress of Lake City and the generalpublic what more could they doOrlando Star-

A Pretty Flcwer from Far Off CaliforniaThe Ocala Fla Banner is forty

years old and Frankarris has heldeditoral charge during the whole timeso acceptably to the people that thepaper today has more influence thaneverfcEditor Harris is a clean inde-pendent


forceful writer and onewhom it is always a pleasure to read I

after Redland CaL Citograph I

Secretary Taft says that John FWallace changed his position overnight This refutes the charge thatit was changed over salary AtlantaJournal




Snollygaster of Florida Politics Had

An Exciting Tires at Ward City

In Bradford County

Among those who have novel ex-


or interesting experience onthe hustings of Florida to relate is

Charles L Fildes Few men in Flori-



are more resourceful as campaignspeakers and but few have had asmuch of it or as great a variety asthe snollygoster of Florida politics

My latest experience fit to com-


upon remarked Mr Fildes toa party of friends the other day atthe Aragon Hotel was at WardCity in Bradford county

They were having a wet and drycampaign down there and sent for agood man to wake em up for thewets I accepted the job and wentdown to old Bradford with more gin ¬

ger and argument than Messrs Stock ¬

ton Barrs Wright ana the gangopened up in the last campaign whenthe first gun was fired at Long Branch-

in Bradford county I landed atWard City and got there a little lateThere was Brother Carpenter ofTampa a temperance lecturer who

has burntjup the rush in many a hotcampaign for the temperance in thestate and who is a Jim Dandy tooThere were two other preachers andthey were holding forth in the church-

I sauntered in an walked up prettywell to the front Brother Carpenter-

was everlastingly rasping whiskeysaloons etc and was doing it in hischaracteristic style I had been seat-

ed for a few moments when BrotherCarpenter made a personal allusion-

to me I thoughtit was about time I

to declare myself I saidBrother Carpenter I mi ht as well

tell you now that I am to make aspeech for the saloon men

If ever I created a sensation by a

few words it was then Upon theirfeet came the preachers the goodelders the deacons ard soothsayers-


protect against such an unholyproceeding as a whisky speech intheir church They would not listento it I was voted out

All right I saiclIll speak fromthe depot platform after the meet ¬

ing You see I crowded in an an-


at any rate during themelee I was fortunate to get inthat much

Brother Carpenter then roasted mein good fashion I was paid by thesaloon men he said and he impress-ed


this upon bis audience with greateffect You know that when you aremaking a speech for a fee during acampaign keep the fee in the back-


Dont let the Florida Crack-


know anything about it Tell himthat you are out as a matter friend ¬

ship or patriotism That will do for I


if he learns the truth about your re-


cash you are to be seriouslycrippled-

And I learned another lesson j

right there After the church meet-


I had called the crowd togetherand was going it with a getthere-Eli gait 1 made this observation-

My fellow countrymen I haveI

been debarred the use of the churchbut lets all get together out here inthe open air in Gods bright sunlightwhich is the only thing the trusts andtemperance people have left us Iwant to say by way of an openerthat it is just as fair for me to bepaid by the saloon men as it is forthese temperance lecturers to be paidby the express companies and theblind tigsrs

There was a temperance lecturerseated right in front of me He wasthe most vicious man I ever saw Heonly said four words but there waslots of meaning in that one brief sen ¬

tenceThat is a falsehood

Just about that time I saw him gointo his pants pocket for a knife with

PISOS CURE FORCUHESWHEK ALL ELSE FAILSBest Cough Syrup Tastes Good jUse IB time Sold by dngti-


a blade long nough to go through athin fellow like me He commencedcleaning his finger nails ai he con-

tinued to keep a fierce lookout forwhat I was to say next I said noth-ing offensive 1 took another tack

Let me tell you something When-ever


you are on the platform or any ¬

where else and you see a fellow whocomes suddenly to the conclusion-that his finger nails need cleaningjust keep out of his way Dontbother him TimesUnion

Mrs Stanford and the entral Pacific-

To the Eoitor ol the Ocala BannerMrs Jane L Stanfords death has

led to the recalling of many stories-of her kindness of heart and the en-


that she gave to herI

husband who was the leader in plan ¬

ning and building the first railroadacross the continent He once said

If it had not been for Jane theCentral Pacific would never havebeen built

The Boston Congregationalist saysAnd she couldnt vote either The

I Congregationalist might have addedthat MrsStanford wished to voteand would certainly have been al¬

lowed to do so if the ballot were con¬

ditioned on distinguished public ser¬

vice instead of on tile accident ofmasculinity-

When a woman does a good workeven under the disadvantages of disfranchisement some opponents ofequal rights draw the queer infer¬

ence that women do not need theballot If an Indian girl manages tomake beautiful embroidery with a bitof crooked bone does that prove sheought not to be allowed to use aneedle She probably would notthink so if she had a chance to getthe needle and the women who haverendered the most distinguished pub-


service without the ballot havegenerally been believers in equal suf¬

frage as for instance FlorenceI

Nightingale Clara Barton JuliaWarde Howe Mary A LivermoreHarriet Beecher Stowe James j

Adams and >lrs Jane L Htamord f


IA Beautiful Inscription

Following has been suggested as aninscription for the memorial ro thewomen of the Southern Confederacy-to be erected under the auspices of I

the United Codfederate VeteransTo the Women of the Southern Con ¬

federacyWhose loving ministrations nursed I

the wounded to healthAnd soothed the last hours of the

dyingWhose unselfish labors

Supplied the wants of their defend-ers


in the fieldWhose unwavering faith in our

CauseShone ever a guiding star 1

Through the perils and disasters ofwar I

Whose sublime fortitudeSustained them

sufferingfunder every privation-


IWhose floral offerings I

Are yearly laid upon the graves ofthose I

Whom they still honor and loveand I

Whose patriotism-Will teach their children

To emulate the deeds of their Con ¬I

federate siresBut who with a modesty excelled

only by their worthHave ever discouraged-

This tribute to their noble virtues

Jacksonville to Fernandina-The Jacksonville Fernandina

Southern Railway Co announces thatit will apply for incorporation tobuild a line 28 miles long from Jack-sonville


to Fernandina Fla Thestockholders and directors are Samuel-A Swann and William A Evans ofFernandina JohnR Young of Savan ¬

nah Ga William S West and JohnW West of Valdosta Ga FrankAdams of Jasper Fla and CharlesDarby and Eugene E West of Jack ¬

sonville Fla They are interested inthe naval stores and lumber businessThe officers are President Eugene-E West vicepresident John RYoung secretary Samuel A Swanntreasurer Frank Adams

The Sumter and Marion county pa ¬

pers are bragging about watermelonsweighing 35 to 40 pounds as if theywere the biggest ever grown Dur-ing


the 80s Ed Eady at Wildwoodraised plenty of watermelons weigh ¬

ing 50 to 60 pounds each It was acommon thing for him to load a carwith watermelons averaging 40pounds each In a word Ed Eady-can beat any man in Florida raisingwatermelons He is now in St Pe-


enjoying his wealth PuntaGorda Herald



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Latest Methods Best Goods Work Guaranteed idiTelegraph ordertj receive atsention and embalming done

anywhere on short notice



Mutual Life Insurance Company



Protects both you and your family-C


JL REDDITT t District ManagerKey Room 5 Gary Building Ocala Florid



HandbagsSuit cases-




Opera House Block Ocala Fla



is hereby given that Ihe following described lands will be sod at public auction beemnffiat 12 oclock noon on Monday the tScccnth tlcy of 4tpt z s-

at5 >j

Ocala in the county of Marion or so much thereof as will be necessary to the am ount duetfor taxes herein set OpposIte 10 tae same together with cost ol such sale and adVertising

I i






DECRYPT OF UD AcresJls nU-I Ii <

xI I

H W Jones-


wi of se and v of ne4 I I I

ex lots 25 34 and 35Yds e J

and w by 70 yds n and s in I II

nw cor 2S12 21 110 6 74459 chs e and w by 1659 chsinand s in se cor 2S12


I 821 5 06 1

Ann Pervis 5 chs n and s by 4 chs e and vj ri in ne cor of seI4 of swl3S121I 2 1 9LMrs M G Chambers eU of ne i of neex 5 acres I r S II in se cor i33 12 ° ir 15 2 90

R 3 Hfckson 1 of sw 14of neU 3312 20 1 31Henning L and I Co 14 and sw of ce1i I 3il2i25I-W

240 4 S6J God = n 763 chs n and s by 16 chs e i j f

I and tv in nw cor of 426l321J 12 2 9GIsaac Bradley icom 1750 chs s and 20 chs

i of ne cor of mV14 WI 25l3l2ljthence s 634 chs e S17 chs i j

I n 634 chs w 3flt chs I1 T-


2 2 211Richard Holmes 420 ft e and w by 210 ft nand I I r

i s in se cor of eA of ne l 2 2 1J M Meert 222 ft n and s by 19S ft e and i >w in sw cor of lot 2 J27J13i2l 1 97T F and A B Harrisons 2 of se4 of nw4 of se4 11322-

iv45 c4 +Mrs V M Smith j of swliN 1

2113i22r 40 2 17James Garvin sw i of seI4 of sei 10 1 55 1T N Lewis for 1903 lots 14 and 15 blk 11 Kerr CityilOJ1325-lJ

2 59M Meffert svi of sw4 7 14211 40 1 53BZ Baldwin sw = of nw14 J27 1421I 40 2 29J D Baskin lot 8 Swains plat of Anthony J r 2 22

W Wesley Smith lot 24 Swains plat of Anthony t J I 94Unknown ne and w1f of seJ4 33j1423r 240 5 23Charles Ford s of seU ex 1 acre to R R 215 191 28 2 90H L Anderson ej of 515 191 320 7 80J H Boyles-I

leV of nei of sw3 1715201 30 3 32A Walker sw3 J of nv 4-

ne 2115 201 40 Y1J9iChars Allen i of nwii 3115122r 40 2 1723iza Donally com 1332 ft nand 1579 ft e of T i lsw cor of S 15122thence n 105 ft w 210 ft s I105 ft e 210 ft h 350tWilliam Young lot 3 sub of V7 of Sanchezgrant t15i221 10 5OILA M-

Silas3igins lot 2 15 153Henderson n16 of 136151241se of nei4 204 76Addie Tort 420 ft n and s by 210 ft e and r

w in sw cor 13 16 1211-

I 21Mrs L V Gary sw 34 of se i and e of s of Tsi 9116221 100 3 311J Hoag n of se4 of se4 and sw I

of seii of se4 1411622f 30 2Prank Moses wof sw4 and eU of W 19 161221 240 111 8 jT C Hall iw4 of nw 40 asF B Clark sw of nw i-


40 5 84W H Cody Mgr of 1

517T221 164 SOJ D Glymp i of sw i ex sh of se of r IIseU of sw14 eo 6 1723 75 535Jake Hampton s1f of s tof se14 of swi 61171231-17J23I

5 1 38A Dibold lot S Foss of nwM 5 88J D Glymp-

Polynlots 10 and 11 Foss sub of nw r

I6 17 23 1085 3 9Sand Drummondlot 21 Foss sub of nwi4 6 23-


4 88A Dibold n 13 of lot 25 Foss sub of nw i 1

J C acres in nw cor of swl492

7jl7i23r 7-

SO1Carney Phosphate Co nM of nwi4 971-231 sCarney Phosphate Co ne of nw i of seU S 17 23F 101Virgil Sloorer-

Henninir632 chs sq in nw cor of ne4 Iof ses 4 10 17 23 t41 85L arid I Co ne of seJ4 ex 11 acresisi 2832 2 29W S West nei of nei and se of nw291723 SO 3 21Madam DEquivlllen1 of ne24 of sw IMiss Emma Spooner 20 1 55s ex 65 acres on w side 95 2 90T W Henderson <u of ofswU ne7i of nwil4l724 5-

SOSSG W Varn and Co s1l of swiiJames A Drivers Jot4 and s of lot 3 il9il725 SI


6003GeoTe W Hutson ISWii ofsw3i 13h171261 40 368Carrie A Lloyd 125 ft e and w by 112 ft n ands in sw cor blk 25 O S OcaJa r 9 68 1William TonnS SO ft n and s by 56 ft e and vr

in nw cor of lot 1 blk 4S 0 S r

Ocala I1 2 77Mrs S C Miller 105 ft e and w by 231 ft nand js and bd on s by So 1st St7 u liw on e by Tuscawilla St I 22 8thMrs Mary Walker neJ4 of nw 4 ex 2 acres in ne 19 15 22j 38 5 36L B Rowland lot 4 blk 121 S S ParkS M Moulton lot 43 blk 177 Leroy 5 I 16J20T 61Farnsworth lots 27 and 28 blk 179 Leroy 13 1620 SJJ C Grisby lots 21 and 22 blk ISO Leroy 21 16 201 82G S Green lots 31 and 32 blk 181 Leroy 21 16 201 S2John Cobus lot 27 blk 1S2 Leroy 13 16 20E Bennett lot 36 blk 1S4 Leroy 13 16 201SB SpranIer lots 30 31 32 blk 237 Leray 16 16 20 1 41JEd D Ricker lots31 32 33 blk 240 Leroy 1620 1 4Ed D Ricker lots 1 to 16 and 41 to 48 blk

241 Leroy 16 20r 1 S1D B Gllchrlst lots 43 and 47 blk 243 Leray 21 1C 20G H Wyatt lots 39 and 40 blk 245 Leroy 13 16 20t 82Jobn Armspugh lots 20 and 22 blk 247 Leroy 13161201 JJulia J B Nichols lot 7 blk 249 Leroy 4Charles Reacher lot 23 blk 362 Leroy231620T tjJ B Kapp S lot 7 Wk 411 7ji620JAdam Turner se ex 6 acres in sw cord nw and J1I acres in aw cor of nw of se ii 2133Adam Turner 150 71903 jse ex 6 acres ia sw cor ofnw and-J 3acrewcor of nw3t of se 11 J3 21I




Tax Collector Marion County FlaJ

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