Page 1: Triskell Autumn 2013 version (english)

Proof Of Concept sur

Autumn Version 2013Autumn Version 2013

Get the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserve

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Get the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserveGet the solution you deserve

Page 2: Triskell Autumn 2013 version (english)

What is Triskell?

“Traditional PPM Solutions are no longer appropriate. They are too expensive

New Platform…New ApproachNew Platform…New Approach

“Traditional PPM Solutions are no longer appropriate. They are too expensive and difficult to implement” PPM Analysts

� It belongs to the new generation of platforms EPPM

�100% Agile: Extreme flexibility of parameterization

New Platform…New ApproachNew Platform…New Approach

�100% Agile: Extreme flexibility of parameterization

�100% Agile: Extreme flexibility of parameterization

�100% Enterprise: multi-company, multi-currency, rules and �100% Enterprise: multi-company, multi-currency, rules and procedures.

�Quick return on investment�Quick return on investment

�Low cost of property (TCO): 100% SaaS

�Fast implementation: 80 hours for your first Portfolio

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�Fast implementation: 80 hours for your first Portfolio

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A shared observation by the profession“Today’s economic environment is extremely challenging. To stay competitive, businesses are “Today’s economic environment is extremely challenging. To stay competitive, businesses are

demanding more flexible and scalable project management solutions via the cloud to meet their

complex needs. ”

Mike Sicilia-VP Oracle Primavera (November 2012)

� The customers say enough

� … For too complex solutions, very inflexible, quite expensive, with too long deployments ....!

� Customers ask why?…� Customers ask why?…

� … Just one portfolio? … one only repository?

� … It has to appear this field or this object? …this granularity?� … It has to appear this field or this object? …this granularity?

� …We have to reach a consensus on the parameters? ¡We are not doing the same job!

� Clients Need…

� …Manage their portfolios and satisfy different needs.� …Manage their portfolios and satisfy different needs.

� …Unify their department solutions into one.

� …reduce IT costs.

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…reduce IT costs.

� …rapidly deploy a solution and be able to respond to new needs.

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�All PPM solutions emphasize their flexibility, but ... what


�All PPM solutions emphasize their flexibility, but ... what

suppose to mean?

� For us is:

�Multiple Portfolios�Multiple Portfolios

�Multiple types of objects dependent on each one.

�Different roles for each one.�Different roles for each one.

�Optionally different attributes.

�Different flows and life cycles.

�Establishment of relations between objects

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�Establishment of relations between objects


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Company Example XYZ




Pf. TI

HR / Costs

Tax Benefits






XYZ Company

Pf ProductsObjects

HR / Costs



HR / Costs

Pf. Marketing



Pf. I+D

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� Our datacenter complies the most stringent security standards

SaaS: Secure and Profitable

� Our datacenter complies the most stringent security standards


� SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (previously SAS70)� SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (previously SAS70)

� SOC 2

� SOC 3

� PCI DSS Nivel 1� PCI DSS Nivel 1

� ISO 27001




� FIPS 140-2



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SaaS: Secure and Profitable

� Safe access (https)

� Integrated Firewalls

� Exclusive users� Exclusive users

� Multi-factor authentication (MFA)(MFA)

� Encryption 256 SSL

� VPN Option (Virtual Private Cloud)Cloud)

� Dimensioned hardware needs

� Automatic Updates

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What is Triskell? – ¿Who we are?

� Our Team: Composed of experts in implementing PPM solutions

� Experts in solutions PM, PPM, EPPM

� Experts on customers needs: Dozens of implementations in different types of � Experts on customers needs: Dozens of implementations in different types of

companies and sectors

� A conviction: traditional solutions are far from satisfying the needs of � A conviction: traditional solutions are far from satisfying the needs of


� Our guide line for developing Triskell:� Our guide line for developing Triskell:

� Agility - Performance - Usability - Flexibility - Simplicity

� Our Leitmotiv:� Our Leitmotiv:

� “Provide a unique Solution to manage heterogeneous portfolio”

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� Responds to the users needs

Functional Excellence� Responds to the users needs

� Not imposed the needs of one area to another one

� Each one has their indicators, rules � Each one has their indicators, rules and objects…

� But keeping the dependencies between thembetween them

� But adding your Portfolio

� Using a solution with adapted � Using a solution with adapted functionalities and activating only necessary functions

� Evolve with the needs of your � Evolve with the needs of your organization: Investment Portfolio, Products, Applications, Projects .... through a single platform

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through a single platform

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General CharacteristicsGeneral Characteristics

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Home Page


�Last modified objects�Last modified objects


�Setting Calendar with work plan






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�Settings for users �fields image type�Settings for users

�Multiple views


�fields image type

�Numeric fields typesettable

�Graphs created by users�intuitive

�Groupings with subtotal

�Graphs created by users

�Gantt global resume

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Portfolio Scenarios

�Portfolio scenarios are a key feature in the management thereof

�Allows to configure our portfolio in terms of capabilities or objectives

�Allows the use of attributes Timephased�Allows the use of attributes Timephased

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Generic resources

� One of the main new features of Triskell is the generic resource management in Projects

and Teams

� Allows you to associate this type of project resources and equipment, and then replace � Allows you to associate this type of project resources and equipment, and then replace

them by personal resources

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� The time-phased attributes are numeric and can…

�Having multiple versions (budget, schedule, committed real ...)

�Broken down into several lines (Types of resource, cost ....)�Broken down into several lines (Types of resource, cost ....)

�Use rates for each period, and online version

� Are preferably used, but not exclusively in:

Cost Management� Cost Management

� Benefits Management

� Resource Requirements Management� Resource Requirements Management

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Time-phased Attributes

� Display Options

�View and Edit Multi-version

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Time-phased Attributes

� Display Options�Define attribute economic or time

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Time-phased Attributes

�Display Options�Period of time to show configurable, not associated with natural periods

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Time-phased Attributes

�Other Options�Other Options

�Save different views

�Automatically distribute total amounts periods

�Rollup at levels above and related objects�Rollup at levels above and related objects

�Copy public and private versions

�In Time Phased attributes of type Resource and associated fee, ability to view the �In Time Phased attributes of type Resource and associated fee, ability to view the

information in effort or economic value of the same

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Gantt Editor

�New design

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Editor Gantt

�Gantt calendar with holidays

�Normalizing Tasks. Eliminates imposed dates

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Editor Gantt

�Visibility of resource load per task

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Gantt Editor

� Duration Fixed / Effort driven

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�Registration of time per �Registration of time per

month, week, day

�Configurable multi-level


�Allocation to different types of


�Allocation between dates�Allocation between dates

�Export to MS Excel

�Comments and Historical�Comments and Historical

BestBest integratedintegrated TimesheetTimesheetTriskell 2013 © All rights reserved

BestBest integratedintegrated TimesheetTimesheet

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� You can save up to 80% compared to your current solution

Save money NOW

� You can save up to 80% compared to your current solution

� Forget about: � Buy licenses� Buy licenses

� Dedicate or buy hardware to host your solution

� Expensive customizations

� Eternal Implementations that rise services costs� Eternal Implementations that rise services costs

� Traumatic Migration

� With TriskellNo license purchases. You pay for a service that periodically renew. If you are � No license purchases. You pay for a service that periodically renew. If you are not satisfied, to the end of service you get your data free of charge

� Triskell is SaaS. We take care of everythingTriskell is SaaS. We take care of everything

� No adjustments need it, you can set according to your needs

� Really fast Implementations: 25% of the average of other solutions

� Automatic Updates and transparent to the user

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� Automatic Updates and transparent to the user

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Save money Now

�To help you decide the change ...�To help you decide the change ...

Actively help you upload your data to TriskellActively help you upload your data to Triskell

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Contact us.

We will be pleased to help you saving moneyWe will be pleased to help you saving money

and improving the management of your


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[email protected]

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