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Yuva Vaani – Aug 2009’

Tribute Edition - 1st Mahasamadhi Punya Tithi Aradhana Celebrations of Param Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj

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Gurudev’s Articles & Etc











By Swami Saradananda







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Sridhar Rao, as Param Pujya Swami Chidanandaji was

known before taking Sannyasa, was born to Srinivasa Rao

and Sarojini, on the 24th of September, 1916, the second of five children and the eldest son.

Sri Srinivasa Rao was a prosperous Zamindar owning several villages, extensive lands and

palatial buildings in South India. Sarojini was an ideal Indian mother, noted for her saintliness.

At the age of eight Sridhar Rao’s life was influenced by one Sri Anantayya, a friend of his

grandfather, who used to relate to him stories from the epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Doing Tapas, becoming a Rishi, and having a vision of the Lord became ideals which he


His uncle, Krishna Rao, shielded him against the evil influences of the materialistic world

around him, and sowed in him the seeds of the Nivritti life which he joyously nurtured until, as

later events proved, it blossomed into sainthood.

His elementary education began at Mangalore. In 1932 he joined the Muthiah Chetty School

in Madras where he distinguished himself as a brilliant student. His cheerful personality,

exemplary conduct and extraordinary traits earned for him a distinct place in the hearts of

all teachers and students with whom he came into contact.

In 1936 he was admitted to Loyola College, whose portals admit only the most brilliant of

students. In 1938 he emerged with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. This period of studentship

at a predominantly Christian College was significant. The glorious ideal of Lord Jesus, the

Apostles and the other Christian saints had found in his heart a synthesis of all that is best and

noble in the Hindu culture. To him, study of the Bible was no mere routine; it was the living

word of God, just as living and real as the words of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the

Bhagavad-Gita. His innate breadth of vision enabled him to see Jesus in Krishna, not Jesus

instead of Krishna. He was as much an adorer of Jesus Christ as he was of Lord Vishnu.

The family was noted for its high code of conduct and this was infused into his life. Charity

and service were the glorious ingrained virtues of the members of the family. These virtues

found an embodiment in Sridhar Rao. He discovered ways and means of manifesting them.

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None who sought his help was sent away without it. He gave freely to the needy.

Service to lepers became his ideal. He would build them huts on the vast lawns of his home

and look after them as though they were deities. Later, after he joined the Ashram, this early

trait found in him complete and free expression where even the best among men would

seldom venture into this great realm of divine love, based upon the supreme wisdom that all

are one in God. Patients from the neighbourhood, suffering from the worst kinds of diseases

came to him. To Sridhar Rao the patient was none other than Lord Narayana Himself. He

served him with tender love and compassion. The very movement of his hands portrayed him

as worshipping the living Lord Narayana. Nothing would keep him from bringing comfort to

the suffering inmates of the Ashram, no matter what the urgency of other engagements at the


Service, especially of the sick, often brought out the fact that he had no idea of his own

separate existence as an individual. It seemed as if his body clung loosely to his soul.

Nor was all this service confined to human beings. Birds and animals claimed his attention as

much as, if not, more than, human beings. He understood their language of suffering. His

service of a sick dog evoked the admiration of Gurudev. He would raise his finger in grim

admonition when he saw anyone practising cruelty to dumb animals in his presence.

His deep and abiding interest in the welfare of lepers had earned for him the confidence and

admiration of the Government authorities when he was elected to the Leper Welfare

Association, constituted by the state—at first as Vice-Chairman and later as Chairman of the

Muni-ki-reti Notified Area Committee.

Quite early in life, although born in a wealthy family, he shunned the pleasures of the world

to devote himself to seclusion and contemplation. In the matter of study it was the spiritual

books which had the most appeal to him, more than college books. Even while he was at the

college, text books had to take second place to spiritual books. The works of Sri Ramakrishna,

Swami Vivekananda and Sri Gurudev took precedence over all others. He shared his

knowledge with others, so much so that he virtually became the Guru of the household and the

neighbourhood, to whom he would talk of honesty, love, purity, service and devotion to God.

He would exhort them to perform Japa of Rama-Nama. While still in his twenties he began

initiating youngsters into this great Rama Taraka Mantra. He was an ardent admirer of Sri

Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. He visited the Ramakrishna Math at Madras regularly

and participated in the Satsangas there. The call of Swami Vivekananda to renounce

resounded within his pure heart. He ever thirsted for the Darshan of saints and Sadhus visiting

the metropolis.

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In June 1936, he disappeared from home. After a vigorous search by his parents, he was

found in the secluded Ashram of a holy sage some miles from the sacred mountain shrine of

Tirupati. He returned home after some persuasion. This temporary separation was but a

preparation for the final parting from the world of attachments to family and friends. While

at home his heart dwelt in the silent forests of spiritual thoughts, beating in tune with the

eternal Pranava-Nada of the Jnana Ganga within himself. The seven years at home following

his return from Tirupati were marked by seclusion, service, intense study of spiritual literature,

self-restraint, control of the senses, simplicity in food and dress, abandonment of all comforts

and practice of austerities which augmented his inner spiritual power.

The final decision came in 1943. He was already in correspondence with Sri Swami

Sivananda of Rishikesh. He obtained Swamiji’s permission to join the Ashram.

On arrival at the Ashram, he naturally took charge of the dispensary. He became the man

with the healing hand. The growing reputation of his divine healing hand attracted a rush of

patients to the Sivananda Charitable Dispensary.

Very soon after joining the Ashram, he gave ample evidence of the brilliance of his intellect.

He delivered lectures, wrote articles for magazines and gave spiritual instructions to the

visitors. When the Yoga-Vedanta Forest University (now known as the Yoga-Vedanta Forest

Academy) was established in 1948, Sri Gurudev paid him a fitting tribute by appointing him

Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Raja Yoga. During the first year he inspired the students

with his brilliant exposition of Maharshi Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutras.

It was also in the first year of his stay at the Ashram that he wrote his magnum opus ‘Light

Fountain’, an immortal biography of Sri Gurudev. Sri Gurudev himself once remarked:

“Sivananda will pass away, but ‘Light Fountain’ will live.”

In spite of his multifarious activities and intense Sadhana, he founded, under the guidance of

Gurudev, the Yoga Museum in 1947, in which the entire philosophy of Vedanta and all the

processes of Yoga Sadhana are depicted in the form of pictures and illustrations.

Towards the end of 1948, Gurudev nominated him as the General Secretary of the Divine

Life Society. The great responsibility of the organisation fell on his shoulders. From that

moment he spiritualised all its activities by his presence, counsel and wise leadership. He

exhorted all to raise their consciousness to the level of the Divine.

On Guru Purnima day, the 10th of July, 1949, he was initiated into the holy order of

Sannyasa by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. He now became known as Swami Chidananda,

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a name which connotes “one who is in the highest consciousness and bliss.”

In November, 1959, Param Pujya Swami Chidanandaji embarked on an extensive tour of

America, being, sent by Gurudev as his personal representative to broadcast the message of

Divine Life. He returned in March, 1962.

In August, 1963, after the Mahasamadhi of the Master, he was elected as President of the

Divine Life Society. After election, he strove to hold aloft the banner of renunciation,

dedicated service, love and spiritual idealism, not only within the set-up of the widespread

organisation of the Society, but in the hearts of countless seekers throughout the world, who

were all too eager to seek his advice, help and guidance.

Swamiji has toured the length and breadth of India and also South Africa and Malaysia to

serve devotees of the Society.

Again in 1968, Param Pujya Swami Chidanandaji undertook the Global Tour at the kind

request of numerous disciples and devotees of holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj

and visited South Africa, Rhodesia, Mauritius, Malavi, Uganda, Kenya, Germany, Belgium,

France, U.K., Greece, Italy, Switzerland, U. S. A., Canada, Bahamas, Uruguay, Argentina,

Chile, Fiji, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Wherever he went

devotees received him cordially and listened to him with rapt attention.

Param Pujya Swami Chidanandaji, right from the beginning is working and serving the Divine

Cause of Sri Gurudev’s Mission tirelessly and spreading his Divine Life Message far and wide

not only in Bharatavarsha but also in countries outside.

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Festival of the month

Krishna Janmashtami

THIS IS THE birthday of Lord Krishna, the eighth Divine Incarnation. It falls on the 8th day of

the dark half of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September). This is one of the greatest of

all Hindu festivals. Lord Krishna was born at midnight. A twenty-four hour fast is observed on

this day, which is broken at midnight.

The Lord appeared when the moon entered the house of Vrishabha at the constellation of the

star Rohini, on Wednesday, the 8th day of the second fortnight of the month of Sravana,

which corresponds to the month of Bhadrapada Krishnapaksha according to the

Barhaspatyamana, in the year of Visvavasu, 5,172 years ago (from 1945), which means

3227 B.C.

Sri Krishna is the ocean of bliss. His soul-stirring Lilas, which are the wonder of wonders, are

its waves. The honeyed music of His flute attracts the minds of His devotees from all three

regions. His unequalled and unsurpassed wealth of beauty amazes the animate and the

inanimate beings. He adorns His friends with His incomparable love.

His palms bear the signs of a lotus and discus, the right sole of His feet of a flag, lotus,

thunderbolt, an iron goad, barley seed, and the Swastika. His left sole has the rainbow,

triangle, water-pot, crescent, sky, fish, and a cow’s footprint. His Form is composed of

condensed universal consciousness and bliss. His Body pervades the entire cosmos.

Devotion is the only means of attaining Lord Krishna. Bhakti kindles love for the Lord. When

love is directed towards Krishna, man is freed from the bondage of the world.

Though Lord Krishna appeared in a human body, He had a divine body not composed of the

five elements. He did not take any birth here in the usual sense of the term. He did not die. He

appeared and disappeared through His Yoga Maya as He has declared in the Gita. This is a

secret, known only to His devotees, Yogis and sages.

His enchanting form with flute in hand is worshipped in myriads of homes in India. It is a form

to which is poured out devotion and supreme love from the hearts of countless devotees not

only in India but also in the West. Millions of spiritual seekers worship Him and repeat His

Mantra, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.

Lord Krishna was great in knowledge, great in emotion, great in action, all at once. The

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scriptures have not recorded any life more full, more intense, more sublime and grander than

the life of Sri Krishna.

Krishna has played various roles during His stay in the world. He was Arjuna’s charioteer. He

was an excellent statesman. He was a master musician; he gave lessons even to Narada in the

art of playing the veena. The music of His flute thrilled the hearts of the Gopis and everyone

else. He was a cowherd in Brindavan and Gokul. He exhibited miraculous powers even as a

child. He killed many demons. He revealed His Comic Form to His mother, Yasoda. He

performed the Rasa Lila, the secret of which can only be understood by devotees like

Narada, Gauranga, Radha and the Gopis. He taught the supreme Truth of Yoga, Bhakti and

Vedanta to Arjuna and Uddhava. He had mastered every one of the sixty-four fine arts. For

all these reasons He is regarded as a full and complete manifestation of God.

Incarnations of God appear for special reasons under special circumstances. Whenever there

is much unrighteousness, whenever confusion and disorder set in on account of unrighteousness

and baffle the well-ordered progress of mankind, whenever the balance of human society is

upset by selfish, ruthless and cruel beings, whenever irreligion and unrighteousness prevail,

whenever the foundations of social organisations are undermined, the great Incarnation of

God appears in order to re-establish righteousness and to restore peace.

An Incarnation is the descent of God for the ascent of man. A ray from the Cosmic Being in His

potential state of manifestation descends on earth with mighty powers to keep up the

harmony of the universe. The work done by the Incarnation of God and His teachings produce

a benign influence on human beings and help them in their upward divine unfoldment and


The Incarnation comes to reveal the divine nature of man and makes him rise above the petty

materialistic life of passion and egoism.

The greatest manifestations are called Incarnations proper. Rishis, Munis, prophets, sons of

God and messengers of God are minor manifestations.

The Incarnations usually come with their particular or favourite groups or companions. Lord

Rama came with Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. Lord Krishna came with Balarama,

Devas and Rishis. Sanaka came with Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatsujata. Some, like

Sri Shankara and Ramanuja, come as teachers and spiritual leaders. Some, like Chaitanya,

are born to instill devotion in the hearts of people and turn their minds towards God. The

Incarnations proper, like Krishna, come only when there is widespread catastrophe in the


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Ganesh Chaturthi

SALUTATIONS to Lord Ganesha who is Brahman Himself, who is the Supreme Lord, who is the

energy of Lord Shiva, who is the source of all bliss, and who is the bestower of all virtuous

qualities and success in all undertakings.

Mushikavaahana modaka hastha,

Chaamara karna vilambitha sutra,

Vaamana rupa maheshwara putra,

Vighna vinaayaka paada namasthe

MEANING: “O Lord Vinayaka! the remover of all obstacles, the son of Lord Shiva, with a

form which is very short, with mouse as Thy vehicle, with sweet pudding in hand, with wide

ears and long hanging trunk, I prostrate at Thy lotus-like Feet!”

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular of Hindu festivals. This is the birthday of Lord

Ganesha. It is the day most sacred to Lord Ganesha. It falls on the 4th day of the bright

fortnight of Bhadrapada (August-September). It is observed throughout India, as well as by

devoted Hindus in all parts of the world.

Lord Ganesha is the elephant-headed God. He is worshipped first in any prayers. His Names

are repeated first before any auspicious work is begun, before any kind of worship is begun.

He is the Lord of power and wisdom. He is the eldest son of Lord Shiva and the elder brother

of Skanda or Kartikeya. He is the energy of Lord Shiva and so He is called the son of

Shankar and Umadevi. By worshipping Lord Ganesha mothers hope to earn for their sons the

sterling virtues of Ganesha.

Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss. He is the Lord of Brahmacharins. He is

foremost amongst the celibates.

He has as his vehicle a small mouse. He is the presiding Deity of the Muladhara Chakra, the

psychic centre in the body in which the Kundalini Shakti resides.

He is the Lord who removes all obstacles on the path of the spiritual aspirant, and bestows

upon him worldly as well as spiritual success. Hence He is called Vigna Vinayaka. His Bija

Akshara (root syllable) is Gung, pronounced to rhyme with the English word “sung”. He is the

Lord of harmony and peace.

Lord Ganesha represents Om or the Pranava, which is the chief Mantra among the Hindus.

Nothing can be done without uttering it. This explains the practice of invoking Ganesha

before beginning any rite or undertaking any project. His two feet represent the power of

knowledge and the power of action. The elephant head is significant in that it is the only

figure in nature that has the form of the symbol for Om.

The significance of riding on a mouse is the complete conquest over egoism. The holding of the

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ankusha represents His rulership of the world. It is the emblem of divine Royalty.

Ganesha is the first God. Riding on a mouse, one of nature’s smallest creatures and having

the head of an elephant, the biggest of all animals, denotes that Ganesha is the creator of all

creatures. Elephants are very wise animals; this indicates that Lord Ganesha is an embodiment

of wisdom. It also denotes the process of evolution—the mouse gradually evolves into an

elephant and finally becomes a man. This is why Ganesha has a human body, an elephant’s

head and a mouse as His vehicle. This is the symbolic philosophy of His form.

On the Ganesh Chaturthi day, meditate on the stories connected with Lord Ganesha early in

the morning, during the Brahmamuhurta period. Then, after taking a bath, go to the temple

and do the prayers of Lord Ganesha. Offer Him some coconut and sweet pudding. Pray with

faith and devotion that He may remove all the obstacles that you experience on the spiritual

path. Worship Him at home, too. You can get the assistance of a pundit. Have an image of

Lord Ganesha in your house. Feel His Presence in it.

Don’t forget not to look at the moon on that day; remember that it behaved unbecomingly

towards the Lord. This really means avoid the company of all those who have no faith in God,

and who deride God, your Guru and religion, from this very day.

Take fresh spiritual resolves and pray to Lord Ganesha for inner spiritual strength to attain

success in all your undertakings.

May the blessings of Sri Ganesha be upon you all! May He remove all the obstacles that

stand in your spiritual path! May He bestow on you all material prosperity as well as


Extract from - Hindu Fasts & Festivals By Sri Swami Sivananda

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Article by Swami Saradananda,

author of “Teach Yourself Yoga”

Enhancing the quality of your life with the practice of hatha yoga

Hatha yoga sees your body as a vehicle for your soul – and your body-vehicle functions best

when it is kept clean, strong and healthy. Without good health, life can be unpleasant, even if

you have great wealth and power. Yoga techniques are designed to enable you to maintain a

state of optimum physical and mental health.

Good health may be defined the positive state that you experience when all of the organs of

your body are functioning at their maximum capacity under the intelligent control of your

mind. One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is that it helps you to develop an enhanced

awareness of the general health and well being of your body. With practice, you find

yourself not only able to sense impending health problems but also able to understand what

corrective action are best taken.

Physical benefits of yoga

Yoga exercise give first attention to the back, taking the view that you are as young as your

spine. It provides you with a series of gentle exercises that helps to increase the flexibility of

the various joints of your body, especially your vertebrae. The asanas also lengthen and

release tension from your muscles; they stimulate the lubrication of your ligaments and tendons

while massaging your internal organs. Both the physical practice of yoga and the meditation

help you to develop enhanced muscle control and balance. The yoga practices work on the

various parts of your body in an interrelated and holistic manner that brings you to a state of

inner harmony.

Detoxification and Improved Circulation

By gently stretching your muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga

ensures that an optimum blood supply reaches all parts of your body. It also improves the

functioning of your lymphatic system and flushes out toxins. Increased circulation brings added

nourishment and oxygen to all the cells of your body. Evidence seems to be adding up that

the regular practice of yoga can delay the ageing process, increase your energy and give

you a remarkable zeal for life.

Arthritis and general stiffness

Yoga's slow gentle exercises provides welcome relief to painful joints. The easy stretches,

especially when practiced with deep breathing, tend to relieve a great deal of the muscle

tension that stresses your joints. Many people see yoga and meditation as the perfect anti-

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arthritis formula – and an over-all panacea for general stiffness in the body.

Chronic illness, such as asthma or diabetes

Many chronic illnesses seem to be stress related. Yoga tends to reduce levels of anxiety and

stress. If you suffer from asthma and begin a yoga practice, you will probably find yourself

calmer, more relaxed and less prone to shortness of breath. The breathing exercises will be of

great benefit to you.

When you suffer from a chronic illness, you tend to feel helpless and out of control. Yoga can

give you the strength to look at your situation calmly and objectively. Apart from the negative

consequences of your illness, there is often something positive that you can learn from the


With the regular practice of yoga you may learn to control your own energy and direct it

where it is most needed to alleviate chronic problems. You will probably find a great

improvement in your sleeping patterns. Chances are that you will also find yourself with more

energy and increased stamina.


When you continually overwork your mind and body, their natural efficiency diminishes. Yoga

exercises discourage violent movements and retrain your muscles to let go of tension.

Breathing exercises enable to better control your mood swings while developing your ability

to stay calm in the most stressful situations.

Weight Reduction and Eating Disorders

Asanas themselves do not burn large amounts of calories, but you will probably find that a

regular yoga practice can be very useful in weight management. The asanas stimulate

sluggish glands to increase their hormonal secretions. They work particularly on the thyroid

gland, which in turn affects the metabolism of your entire body. There are several asanas,

such as the shoulder stand and the fish posture, which are especially beneficial for the thyroid

gland. Yogic practices tend to reduce anxiety and lead to improved body awareness. This, in

turn, reduces anxious and compulsive eating.

Many food obsessions and eating disorders stem from your inability to assimilate energy in

healthy ways. Yoga practice enables you to efficiently work with your prana (vital energy). It

gives you a healthier self-image, and it enables you to be more self-reliant and less “needy”


To Be Continue….

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Chapter IV

The Yoga of Wisdom

(Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga)

Lord Krishna said, “O Bharata! Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness becomes

powerful, then I Myself come to birth (7). For the protection of the good, for the destruction of

evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness I am born from age to age (8). In

whatever way men approach Me, so do I reward them: men follow in every way My path, O

son of Pritha (11). He who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, he is wise among men,

he is a Yogi, even while performing all actions (18). Whose undertakings are all destitute of

desires and purposes and whose actions have been burnt by the fire of knowledge him the

wise have called a Sage (19).

“Without hope, with the mind self-controlled, having abandoned attachment to the fruit of

actions, all greed and envy, always content with whatsoever he obtains without effort, free

from the pairs of opposites, balanced in success and failure, with his thoughts established in

Brahman, he is not doing anything, although doing actions; he is not bound, though acting (20-


“Brahman is the oblation; Brahman is the clarified butter; by Brahman is the oblation poured

into the fire of Brahman; Brahman verily shall be reached by him who always sees Brahman

in action (24).

“Some Yogins perform sacrifice to Devas; while the Jivanmuktas offer the Self in the fire

Brahman. Some again offer hearing and other senses in the fire of restraint. Others again

sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the breath in the fire of Yoga of self-restraint

kindled by knowledge. Others again offer wealth, austerity, study of scriptures and

knowledge as sacrifice. Others offer as sacrifice the outgoing breath in the incoming and the

incoming in the outgoing (25-29).

“Superior is knowledge-sacrifice to the sacrifice of objects. All actions in their entirety, O

Partha, culminate in knowledge (33).

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“Know that by long prostration, by question and service; the wise who have realised the Truth

will instruct thee in that knowledge (34). Even if thou art the most sinful of all sinners, yet thou

shalt verily cross all sins by the raft of knowledge (39). Just as the blazing fire reduces fuel to

ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge reduce all actions to ashes (37).

“The man who is full of faith, who is devoted to it, and who has subdued the senses and

obtains this knowledge and having obtained knowledge he goes at once to the Supreme

Peace (39). The ignorant, the faithless, the doubting self goes to destruction; there is neither

this world, nor the other, nor happiness for the doubting (40).

“Therefore, with the sword of knowledge cut asunder the doubt of the Self born of ignorance,

residing in the heart and take refuge in Yoga. Arise, O Bharata” (42).

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Inspiring Thoughts


Lord, help me live from day to day In such a self-forgetful way, That even when I kneel to pray, My prayer shall be for “Others”. Help me in all the work I do To ever be sincere and true, And know, that all I do for You Must needs be done for “Others”. And when my work on earth is done, And my new work in Heavens begun May I forget the crown I’ve won, While thinking still of “Others”. “Others.” Lord, yes, “Others!” Let this my motto be. Help me to live for others That I may live for Thee.

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♦ Every Saturday

� 4.30 – 6.30 p.m. : Yoga Class (3 months course)

*next intake in October 2009 � 7.00 – 7.30 p.m.: Chanting of Triyambagam Mantra x 108 � 7.30 – 8.30 p.m.: Youths Bhajan

♦ Every Sunday

� 4.30 – 6.00 p.m. : Dharma Class on Scriptures, Hinduism & Swami Sivananda’s


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