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Introduction - The Tribulation

Richard Kendrick Jr.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2011 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2004013063 This text meets the Permissions notice of the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, listed on the copyright and permissions page of every ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). There are less than one thousand (1,000) verses inclusive in the online and free version (Ebooks) of this publication. The commercial publication has all required permissions (pending at this time). All Scripture quotations are marked with their appropriate version designation where possible. The ESV designation will usually appear after the scripture designation, to provide an ease of reading, and immediate reference to the version being cited. This allows for instantaneous recognition of the scriptural text. Partial Scripture quotations may not be distinguishable with regards to version. In such cases, there may be no version designation. Every effort has been made to properly designate each Scripture quotation as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Any errors in this regards are purely accidental, and shall be construed as such. It should be noted that there will be additional versions of the Bible utilized in this publication, as linguistic comparison is essential to all detailed study of the Bible. All references to version of the Bible aside from the English Standard Version and the King James Version likewise fall within the accepted fair use standards.


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Special thanks goes to BibleGateway. This is a tremendous resource for any student of the Bible. This site provides invaluable assistance through readily available versions of the Holy Bible in an easy to access format. BibleGateway was used as a ready­at­hand quick reference when I needed to jump from scripture to scripture at­will. Any reader interested in utilizing BibleGateway can access it online at:


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This work may be utilized and cited in your research and study. We recognize that Tribulation Rising is a vast resource that pools material from many sources. Many of the points made in Tribulation Rising cross publications and pages on the website and printed material. As such, we recognize the difficulty in citing every location of a particular point, illustration or fact. To that end, all citations and references from any resource on Tribulation Rising may be indicated in the Bibliography or Works Cited page under a single reference in the MLA format. Here is the accepted reference: “The Tribulation Is Rising.” Tribulation Rising. Web. 17 Aug. 2015. <> In text citations may be noted within the flow of the text, or with a singular designator (TR) at the end of the citation. All collaborative efforts with Tribulation Rising require no such designators, as a collaborative effort is one that has already been agreed upon. Since the electronic and written material is sourced from the material presented on the website, we consider the above citation to be an adequate form to satisfy the accepted standards for citation and documentation. Permission is hereby granted for individuals and groups to print and disseminate all pages contained in Tribulation Rising. When quotations from Tribulation Rising are used in non­saleable media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, transparencies, or similar media, a complete copyright notice is not required. Permission is specifically granted for the printing of all PDF’s offered as part of the Tribulation Rising website. These PDF’s are provided for ease of access, and to aid in the study of the material and the Word of God. You may also print additional copies for distribution at your discretion, to a maximum of 50 copies.


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Welcome to Tribulation Rising!

Before we get into the detailed study of the coming tribulation, it is good to have

a general feel for the overall timing. That is the purpose for this short


The study of the tribulation is an undertaking on a massive scale ­ if it is done correctly.

First and foremost it takes prayer and the Holy Spirit to guide your studies. Much of the

true detail and insights are literally hidden in plain sight. This is intentional for many

reasons, which we cover in greater detail throughout the study.

The first thing to understand about the tribulation is that it consists of two 42 month

periods, with a break in the middle, and sandwiched between a total of eight

consecutive years. As for the rest ­ you will figure that out as you go.

Everything that you will read in this general listing is covered in greater detail in the

individual pages. The reasons why and premise behind each point can found as you

read through Tribulation Rising.


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You may have questions after reading this quick summary. Those questions will be

addressed naturally as you go through the individual pages.

Welcome Aboard!


In the days and months before the time period known as the tribulation, we will enter a

time known as “birth pangs”. This will be a time where certain signs manifest across the


These are things that come both before and during the tribulation.

Among these signs we find:

Wars and rumors of wars;



Blood moons;

Solar eclipses;

Cold heartedness;

Persecution of Jews;

Persecution of Christians;


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Calling evil as good;

Calling good as evil;

Distress in the weather;

Economic turmoil;

These are the most widely known signs of the birth pangs. These signs are found

primarily in Joel 2, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, and Revelation. There are additional

scriptures which cover these signs, but the primary understanding and order can be

found in these areas.

We are currently in this period of time. It will soon conclude.

During this time, we will see additional scriptures come to pass that appear to be “out of

order”. What that means is this. Many of the major prophecies we see in Revelation,

especially those in the second half of the tribulation, take time to develop. There will be

multiple scriptures which reveal individual elements of the overall prophecy. Here is the

critical thing to remember when looking at these major prophecies:

Every individual element must be fulfilled BEFORE the total prophecy comes to pass.

The Beast Kingdom is one such example. Both the Old and New Testaments have

individual prophecies that make up the total picture of the Beast Kingdom that rules in

the second 42 months of the tribulation. These individual elements begin to come to

pass before the tribulation actually starts.

However, the Beast does not assume power until ALL of the individual elements are



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As of this writing, we have seen the fulfillment of Revelation 13:3­4:

One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was

healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and

they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight

against it?”

We see this with the rise of ISIS. As you study where the Beast rises from, you see

what the Bibles reveals when it talks about the mortal wound that was healed. You find

that this was fulfilled when ISIS began its initial conquest of Iraq.

Also, in May of 2014, ISIS captured its third major city in Iraq. On the day after this was

confirmed, every major news organization proclaimed three different things:

The utter amazement of this terrible power that rose from nothing;

ISIS appears invincible and unstoppable;

There seems to be nothing that anybody can do to stop them.

To this day, this narrative continues and grows as the Beast continues to grow. This

does not mean that we sit at Revelation 13:3­4. It simply means that these particular

pieces can now be checked off the list. Once all of the individual elements are checked

off the list, we will have the fully grown Beast that rules in the second 42 months of the

tribulation. As of now, we have what can be described as the “baby Beast”, now born

and growing.


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Once the time of birth pangs has passed, the time known generally as the “tribulation”

or “Great Tribulation” will begin. The actual time period extends beyond the actual

tribulation. However, most will know what you are addressing if you say “tribulation”.

What Happens Next?

Here is the quick listing of the events that will now come. Again, the details of each are

located within the individual studies on the website. Reserve all questions until you

review each section, as the answers are likely already covered.

Each individual study goes into great detail on the impact of the individual judgments

that come as well.

The Rapture

The Rapture will be the first direct event that occurs.

This is known as the Great Assembly, and is required to occur before the start of the

tribulation in order for the Law of Moses to be fulfilled. The rapture is a part of more

than 10 individual fulfillments in the Law of Moses.

After the rapture, the first judgments outlined in the Book of Revelation occur. These

will be the seven seal judgments.

These judgments are also a part of the Great Assembly, and occur within the space of

the 15 days immediately following the rapture.

The tribulation itself does not start until the seventh seal is opened.


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The rapture starts a period of time that will last for eight years. This period also

contains the seven years of the tribulation.

The First Half of the Tribulation

The first half of the tribulation is called the “wrath of the Lamb, and God”, or just the

“wrath of the Lamb”. This becomes critical to understand when you encounter those

that attempt to reorder the events of the tribulation to fit false doctrine. The primary

purpose for this reordering is to deny that the rapture occurs before the start of the


The first half of the tribulation will last for 42 months, or 1,260 days.

During this period, the seven Trumpet judgments of God will fall. They are spaced

approximately five months apart in occurrence.

This is the time period where the Third Temple is built and goes active with regular daily


This is the time period of the Two Witnesses.

This is the time period of the 144,000 sealed Jewish witnesses.

During this period, the Holy Spirit is still active, and salvation occurs in the same

manner that it did before the rapture. The primary difference is that salvation now

requires death through martyrdom.

By the end of the 42 months, every new or tribulation believer will die. It is important

that you understand that nearly no Gentile believers survive the tribulation, and all

Gentiles that find Christ in the first 42 months do not live to see the second 42 months.


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When the end of the tribulation comes, it will be Jews alone that remain, so long as they

did not take the Mark of the Beast.

The Beast Kingdom completes its growth stage, in preparation for its 42 month rule.

The Middle of the Tribulation

After the completion of the first 42 months of the tribulation, a period of intermission

called “mid­trib” will begin.

Mid­trib will run nearly a year in duration.

Just before mid­trib starts, several things will happen:

The Antichrist will invade Israel and capture Jerusalem.

The Two Witnesses will be killed. They will lay dead in the streets of Jerusalem for

three and a half days. They will then be resurrected and caught up to heaven.

During the mid­trib period, the Beast kingdom will complete its transition to what we see

in Revelation 13 forward.

The Antichrist will stop the daily sacrifices at the Temple.

He will enter the Holy of Holies and declare himself God.

The False Prophet will rise, place an image in the Temple, and demand that the entire

world worship the Beast.

He will declare death to all that do not worship the Beast. He will enforce the loyalty

and worship of the Beast through a mark, known as the Mark of the Beast.


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The BEMA, or Judgment Seat of Christ begins in heaven.

The 144,000 sealed Jewish witnesses are also caught up to heaven in time for the


The False Prophet will return to Rome, and transition the Vatican into the operational

capital of the new global economy of death. From Rome, the False Prophet will serve

the Antichrist.

The mission of the Vatican will be straightforward and simple. It will be tasked with the

successful completion of Hitler’s Final Solution. Where Nazi Germany failed, Rome will

nearly succeed – and do so on a global scale.

*** When you see the events that occur during the mid­trib period, it is easy to see why

it will last nearly a year. This is not an overnight process. However, while much of what

we have discussed above occurs simultaneously, the events involving the Temple,

Abomination of Desolation, and the Mark of the Beast occur at the end of the mid­trib

break. They will occur in the last 65 days of the mid­trib period.

The Second Half of the Tribulation

The second half of the tribulation is called the “wrath of the God”, or the “winepress of

the wrath of God”. This becomes critical to understand when you encounter those that

attempt to reorder the events of the tribulation to fit false doctrine. The primary purpose

for this reordering is to deny that the rapture occurs before the start of the tribulation.

Both halves of the tribulation are specifically called times of wrath of God.

The second half of the tribulation will also see the wrath of Satan against the Jews.

Understand that while Satan’s wrath does come, the time period is NOT defined or


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declared as the time of Satan’s wrath. It is a result of things solely under the control of


To declare the time where Satan’s wrath falls on earth as an official time of wrath is to

take control of the tribulation period from God, and place it in the hands of Satan. He

can only respond to the things that God has declared and brought to pass.

The second half of the tribulation will last for 42 months, or 1,260 days.

During this period, the seven Trumpet judgments of God will fall. They are spaced

approximately five months apart in occurrence.

The Third Temple is now tasked with the worship of the Beast. The regular sacrifices

will resume, only they will be abominable sacrifices of unclean animals.

However, the main sacrifice at the Temple will be the Jews themselves. They will be

beheaded and burnt upon the altar in the worship of the Antichrist.

In the last three months of the second half of the tribulation, God will destroy Rome and

all it controls. This will end what is left of all economic function.

During the last three months, there will be no food and no peace.

During the last three months, the armies of the world will converge on the Valley of

Meggido, for the coming battle of Armageddon.

On the last day of the tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ occurs. He comes back

with the saints of heaven as an army.

He destroys the armies of the Antichrist.


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The Antichrist and False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire.

The Judgment of Nations takes place in Jerusalem.

The 1,000 year reign of Christ begins.

Once the 1,000 year reign is complete, what we know as "eternity" will start with the

descending of New Jerusalem from heaven.

There is more than we can possibly cover in a single page. Perhaps that is why Trib

Rising is as massive a project as it is. As you go through the individual pages, you will

see things you never even imagined possible. In these end times, the Lord has really

opened up an understanding of prophecy that is beyond words. He has truly poured out

His spirit, and prophecy no longer the arena of the "big boys" alone. It is a treasure that

many of us now share.

So, sit back and relax. Spend a little time in prayer ­ then dig in. You will be glad that

you did!

In the name of our Most Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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Every effort has been made to document each source that was reviewed, consulted and quoted in the production of Tribulation Rising. However, the research for this project extends back for more than 20 years. It is simply not possible to document every source that contributed to this material. The bibliographical information presented here represents our best effort to compile as many of the sources as possible. This was an effort that began in earnest once the direction for this project was made known by the Lord. There are more contributors represented in this material than we have the ability to thank individually. To that end, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all of the faithful scholars that have heard the voice of the Lord, and completed the task He placed before them.


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