Page 1: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

State reports unemployment rate nearing 14-percent



see page 3

see page 3

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see page 3

FULWOOD ADDS DETAILS - Patrick Fulwood volunteered his artistic talents to add details, such as eagles, trees, and eagle’s nests, to the Dyer School concession stand project started by 21st Century Afterschool kids.

Dyer School concession stand gets make-over

Jerry Cole

230th Engineer Battalion highly motivated, prepared

Construction worker uses home for meth lab

Bridging the Waysee page 3

Watkins named Grand MarshalsBY CINDY EAST

Eddie and Jayna Watkins have been named the 2011 Davy Crockett Days Grand Marshals.

“This was a total surprise. We are honored to serve as Grand Marshals,” the couple said.

The Watkins are very active in youth sports, including baseball and football. They helped form the Gibson County Youth Football League that includes children age kindergarten through sixth grades.

“There are two groups; the kindergarten through second grade group plays flag football and the third through sixth grade group plays tackle football,” said Jayna. “It is the first tackle program in north Gibson County for this age

group. There are approximately 80 kids enrolled in the program. We have six teams - four flag football teams and two tackle teams.”

Eddie and Jayna are also actively involved in the Gibson County Quarterback Club. Eddie also helped get a Jr. Babe Ruth baseball league started back in Rutherford after going without one for a couple of years.

“Eddie spends countless hours at the Rutherford park working on the fields, fertilizing and spraying. He cleans out the end fields. People don’t know he spends so much time there. His purpose is to keep the fields nice for the kids to play on,” Jayna added.

BY CSM TIMOTHY MADISONThe 230th EN NB departed Trenton, Tennessee

on the 17th of August early in the morning with four busloads of highly motivated Tennessee Army National Guard soldiers. The Gibson County Sheriff’s Office and the Patriot Guard Motorcycle Club escorted the unit all the way to the Memphis International Airport where an inspiring flag display was set up as the unit approached the tarmac. I want to personally thank both of these groups for their support of the battalion.

After about a three-hour flight, we arrived at Fort Bliss, Texas and spent the rest of the day settling in. The next few days consisted of normal deployment in processing that everyone is required to go through prior to starting the required mobilization training. We all were anxious to get the training started.

Our time here at Ft. Bliss has been a growing experience. Obviously, there have been a few rough patches as the unit continues to come together. But I am proud to say that the soldiers are becoming a cohesive unit that persevered to overcome all the outstanding leaders that comprise

the 230th EN BN. I would put this fine group of soldiers, NCO’s and officers up against any unit in the entire United States military.

The unit has been afforded the opportunity to conduct unique and valuable training during our time here at Ft. Bliss. This training has been beneficial for all of us, but it has been especially rewarding for our younger soldiers. They have been trained on life saving measures during a Combat Life-Saving (CLS), new technologies working with computers, vehicles, robotics, and on new firing techniques for their weapons.

I am proud of every soldier in this battalion and I am honored to be given the opportunity to serve as Command Sergeant Major for these fine units. We are privileged to have the opportunity to serve with the 913th from Union City, Tennessee, the 188th from North Dakota, and the 481st from New York. The 230th Engineer Battalion is a unit that is truly ‘Bridging the Way.’ We come from different cultural backgrounds and different dialects or twangs (southern vs. northern accents). But we are all working together towards a common goal. As we continue to work together, our unit cohesion will only improve.

Gibson County unemployment continues to rise with the latest state report showing almost 14-percent unemployment here.

The county’s jobless rate for August 2011 is 13.9-percent. That is up .2-percent from July’s rate.

Close by in Madison County, the rate is 10.4-percent. Weakley County is at 15.2-percent while the Obion County (Union City area) rate is 17.2-percent.

County non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rates for August 2011, show that the rate decreased in 57 counties, 28 counties increased, and 10 counties remained the same.

The State of Tennessee’s unemployment rate for August was 9.7 percent, down from the July revised rate of 9.8. The national unemployment rate for August 2011 was 9.1 percent, unchanged from the July revised rate.

Lincoln County registered the state’s lowest county unemployment rate at 6.4 percent, up from the July rate of 6.2 percent, followed by Williamson County at 6.8

PROMOTION CEREMONY - Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Jaco addresses the 230th Engineer Battalion during a promotion ceremony held in Fort Bliss, Texas.

KINTON TO SERVE AS EXECUTIVE OFFICER - Major Corey Kinton will serve as the Executive Officer for the 230th EN BN during their deployment to Kuwait.

LITTLE PROMOTED - HHC 230th EN BN 1st Sgt. Tony Stafford congratulates Sgt. Scott Little on his promotion to Sergeant.

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HAIR PAINTING - Painting hair wild colors was one of the more popular booths during the Dyer School Fall Festival held Friday night. For photos see page 12.

Acting on confidential information, agents from the West Tennessee Drug Task Force along with Dyer Police and Gibson County deputies recently went to 133 High Street in Dyer investigating the possible operation of a methamphetamine lab.

At the residence officers discovered an active methamphetamine lab and other items used to manufacture methampheta m i n e . Arrested at the scene was Jerry L. Cole, 42, of 125 N e w b e r n Highway, Yorkville.

Apparently Cole had been hired by the homeowners to do construction work on the

GCSD received a Youth Empowerment Initiative grant for the 2010-2011 school year. In order to receive this grant, there had to be a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant already in place, which the district has had for the last three years.

The primary focus was middle school grades. As part of the federally funded grant, they were required to do a service-learning project. The students involved in the YEI project chose to paint the school concession stand at Dyer School. They painted it blue and gray.

Becky Terry, grant data specialist and Letitia Flowers, academic and enrichment coordinator, with the 21st Century After School program, helped finish the project.

Patrick Fulwood, a former Dyer School student, volunteered his artistic

2011 Davy Crockett Days Grand Marshals Jayna & Eddie Watkins

Page 2: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

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Update on Gibson County transportation projects


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Page 2 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Insight & OpinionClayburn Peeples reports: Ice cubes to Eskimos, updated

The Lowe Down

The OnStar Corporation riled up a few people last week when they announced that they are going to gather information from all cars equipped with their service, even if the drivers are not paid subscribers. In other words, even if you don’t use the service, someone, somewhere is keeping track of where and when you go, how fast you drive and even how well your tires are inflated.

More and more, we have less and less to say about how much other people know about the ostensibly private parts of our lives.

Do you have a discount card at a grocery or drug store? It’s good for a lot more than just a discount on tooth paste or avocados. It’s also good for compiling a data base on your purchasing habits. It’s called data mining, and the store uses

your information to compile a profile of you which it then uses to tailor the coupons printed on your check out receipt and the emails they send you. They want to know just whom their customers are. And maybe they sell your profile to other companies. Are you a ‘time stressed meat eater?’ A “woman’s magazine purchaser?” There are companies that would like to know that before they send out their catalogs.

They’re not being diabolical in doing this; they’re just trying to maximize their sales and profits. They don’t want to waste their time trying to sell you things you’re not likely to buy. They’re using your data base to look into your mind, not to play with it.

But they do play with your mind in other ways. Ever go to one of those fancy grocery stores with all the


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cut flowers and plants at the entrance? Those flowers and plants make you think ‘freshness,’ psychologists tell us. They may have been in cold storage for weeks, but sitting there in the doorway they look as if a farm girl had just picked them yesterday, and subliminally suggest to us that all the produce in the adjacent section is fresh off the farm. That’s also what that ice all the vegetables are sitting in is for. It’s not to keep them fresh; it’s to make you think they are. The flowers and ice are what are known in the trade as ‘symbolics.’ They make you think of purity and freshness, and you transfer those thoughts to the produce resting on the ice.

Marketeers know more about our preferences than we do these days, and they’re learning more all the time. They are using that knowledge to sell us everything from diet soda to sofa beds.

Take bananas, for example. You probably don’t know what color of bananas you are most likely to buy, but they do. It’s ‘warm,’ as opposed to ‘vibrant’ yellow, so banana companies, after doing studies to confirm this, plant their crops under conditions to produce that color. Note that it has nothing to do with how the bananas taste. It’s how they look that counts.

Apples? Red apples outsell

all others, taste be darned. Compare the taste of a Red Delicious apple with that of nearly any other, and the other will win, but in spite of this, the majority of apples sold in America are Red Delicious. They look like we think apples should look.

So much of what we think we know about our preferences, we don’t. It turns out that all sorts of hidden persuaders are working on us as well.

And not only do advertisers try to tap into our unknown (to us) preferences, they try to shape them as well. And get this; they begin to try to influence our food desires even before we are born. A couple of examples will suffice; A Philippine candy company gave candy to physicians to give away to pregnant women, which they did. Then, several months later, the company came out with a coffee product with the same flavor as the candy, and guess what — toddlers went wild over it. Mothers began giving the coffee to young babies to calm them down, which it did.

An Asian shopping conglomerate sprayed baby fragrance in all the clothing areas in its stores and cherry fragrance in its food court

area. Soothing music was played throughout the mall. Months later mothers began reporting that their crying babies calmed down like magic the minute they carried them into the mall.

Kids. Did you know children are much more likely to eat vegetables if they come in a McDonald’s package? Or that some fast food restaurants and bakeries pipe artificial fresh food smells into public areas to make you and your children hungry for their food? Or that more than 70% of supermarket impulse purchases are made because of a nagging child? Or that half of all women shoppers will purchase a food product just because one of her children asks her to?

Kraft and OreIda know this, you can be sure, and a lot more as well. They know that only about 15% of our purchasing decisions are based upon rational analysis of our needs; the other 85% is influenced by all sorts of factors such as brand loyalty, nostalgia, fear, peer pressure and celebrity.

That’s right, celebrity. Guess how much sales of RayBan sunglasses increased after Tom Cruise wore them in the 1983 movie, Risky Business? More than 50%.

Then, three years later he wore them again, in the movie, Top Gun, and sales increased another 40%. But get this; 20 years later after Will Smith wore them in Men in Black II, sales tripled.

Is it any wonder companies pay Hollywood an astounding seven billion dollars a year to place products in movies and TV shows?

So don’t think you know what you’re doing the next time you cruise the aisles of your favorite store; you don’t. You may think you are buying based on your genuine consumer needs, but increasingly, your purchases are driven by psychological manipulation affected by increasingly scientific and sophisticated media promotion, much of which you don’t even recognize as advertising.

That bouncing baby boy your wife presented you with last year? By the time he’s three, he’ll recognize 100 different brands, and between 300 and 400 by age ten. The first word he says may be “Daddy”, but the first one he will recognize, researchers tell us, will either be “McDonald’s” or “Ronald.”

But look at his way, at least it’s not “Bud.”


I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather of an early fall and have found time to enjoy one of the many high school football games that have begun across the county.

It has been a few weeks since I’ve written, so I wanted to share some information with you affecting Gibson County and West Tennessee.

There is much talk in Washington, D.C. right now about a new jobs plan and infrastructure program. While we wait to see exactly what that may look like in the State of Tennessee, I want to update you on the various road projects throughout Gibson County that the Tennessee Department of Transportation currently has underway and the status of each project. The following list is current as of September 6, 2011.

•The environmental studies are now complete on the remaining portions of State Route 43 in Milan to McKenzie.

•A reconstruction project is in the early stages of development for State Route 76 and US 79 from west of Cades-Atwood Road to east of State Route 77.

•A bridge replacement project is scheduled for contract letting in the fourth quarter of 2011 for bridges on State Route 188.

•The right-of-way and utility process is currently underway for State Route 104 to Milligan-Gumwoods Road.

•A 6-mile widening project on State Route 104 to west of State Route 108 is currently in the right-of-way and utility process

phase.•A contract for

construction is scheduled to be let in the fourth quarter of 2011 for a 3.9-mile widening project on State Route 104 west of State Route 188 to Milligan-Gumwoods Road.

•The engineering is underway for State Route 445 bridge rehabilitation.

•A contract for construction is scheduled to be let in the fourth quarter of 2011 for new signals at various intersections in Milan, particularly at State Route 43 and State Route 77.

•Engineering is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2011 for a connector from State Route 104 west of Trenton to State Route 5 north of Trenton.

•The right of way and utility process is currently underway for a bridge replacement at Baseline Road over the Parker Branch. A bridge replacement project on State Route 445 was let on August 5, 2011, with an estimated completion date of May 2012.

•A resurfacing and safety measures project is underway on State Route 104 from State Route 43 to the Carroll County line and was let on June 17, 2011, and is scheduled to be completed in September 2011.

•A bridge replacement on Tommy Duffy Road was let on May 6, 2011, and is scheduled to be completed in November 2011.

•A bridge repair project over Cane Creek on State Route 54 was let on May 6, 2011, and is scheduled to be completed in October 2011.

•A bridge replacement project over a branch of the south fork Obion River on Brodie Stewart Road was let on May 6, 2011, and is scheduled to be completed in November 2011.

•A bridge replacement project for 6 bridges on State Route 186 was let on October 29, 2010, and is

scheduled for completion in June 2012.

•The reconstruction project on State Route 76 and US 79 in Milan near the Carroll County line and Cades-Atwood Road was let on June 12, 2009, and is scheduled for completion in October, 2011.

As to be expected, projects are sometimes delayed for various reasons, and the completion dates listed above are best estimates.

Just a few months ago, we mourned the passing of Governor Ned Ray McWherter. His birthday is coming up in October. There is perhaps not a more fitting tribute to him in our state than the impressive transportation infrastructure we have from Mountain City to Memphis. But the work begun over 25 years ago is still in progress, and we must ensure that in these times of lean budgets we continue to invest in a first class transportation system throughout our state.

Governor McWherter taught us that jobs will follow the roads. This is true, as hundreds of jobs have been and continue to be created with various road projects throughout West Tennessee. These improved roads help us maintain attractive communities, create jobs, prepare our area for industries wishing to relocate, and keep our children safe.

For more information about these and other road projects, please visit the Tennessee Department of Transportation website at

In the weeks ahead, I hope to update you on legislative projects I am working on ahead of next year’s legislative session. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

State Sen. Lowe Finney (D-Jackson) serves on the Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee and can be reached at (731) 424-0461 or [email protected].

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Page 3: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Page 3

Watkins namedfrom page 1

from page 1

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Dyer School concession

230th Engineer

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 201110:00 UNTIL 2:00



We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate with our friends.

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from page 1

State reports

from page 1


This is a unit that is also built around the family. Each member of this battalion has a family both within the unit and, most importantly, back at home. This concept is carried further in some instances. As I have visited with the soldiers, I have discovered that we have a total of seven married couples with us – three from Tennessee and four from North Dakota. In addition, we also have brother and sisters, mothers and sons, mothers and daughters,

brothers and fathers and sons serving their country side by side. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that, as a volunteer force, we are prepared to do whatever is asked of us.

As we get closer to leaving to ‘cross the big pond,’ I want to take another opportunity to thank the families back home. You are the reason that we are willing to leave and go serve our country. And you are the reason why we will continue to take care of each other so that we can

return home again. We need and appreciate your support above all else.

We live in a society that seems to have forgotten why we are fighting and what we are fighting for. We must continue to remember that dreadful day on September 11, 2001 when our nation was attacked and so many innocent lives were lost. It will always be better to take the fight to the enemy on their turf rather than all the fight to be brought to ours. We must continue to remember that!

FSC SOLDIERS PROMOTED - FSC 230th EN BN soldiers promoted during mobilization training at Fort Bliss, Texas are (from left) Captain Lynn Jones, Specialist Michael Fuller, Staff Sergeant Theresa Bumpus, Staff Sergeant Johnny Bowie, and 1st Sergeant Steve Robinson.

HHC SOLDIERS PROMOTED - HHC 230th EN BN soldiers promoted during mobilization training at Fort Bliss, Texas are (from left) 1st Sergeant Tony Stafford, Sergeant Jason Guest, Sergeant Bobby Craig, Sergeant Scott Little, and Captain Bryon Grimco.

Construction workerfrom page 1

house and they were not staying there at the time of his arrest.

A subsequent search of Cole’s residence in Yorkville produced additional items related to the manufacturing of methamphetamine. He is charged with promotion of methamphetamine manufacturing, initiation of process to manufacture m e t h a m p h e t a m i n e ,

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percent, up from 6.7 percent. Scott County had the state’s highest unemployment rate at 19.7 percent, down from 19.8 percent in the previous month, followed by Obion County at 17.2, up from 11.4 percent in July.

Knox County had the state’s lowest major metropolitan rate of 7.7 percent, up from 7.5 percent in July. Hamilton County was 8.6 percent, up from 8.4 percent the previous month. Davidson County was 8.8 percent, up from 8.5 percent in July, and Shelby County was 10.4 percent, down from the July unemployment rate of 10.5 percent.

talents to paint the details, such as trees and eagle’s nests, and ‘cut out’ eagles that were added to the finished project. Food Rite and City Lumber Company donated various materials for the project.

Eddie is self-employed and owns Watkins Lawn Care. Jayna works for Joe Tidwell, CPA in Rutherford.

They both grew up in Rutherford and are raising a family in Rutherford. They have one son, Travis, who is a seventh grade student at Rutherford Jr. High. He is a member of the Gibson County Jr. High Pioneers and also plays baseball.

They are active members of the Rutherford United Methodist Church, where Jayna is treasurer. Eddie is the chairman of the board of the UMC and chairman of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. Jayna is the daughter of Jane Eddlemon

and the late Billy Eddlemon of Rutherford. Eddie is the son of Deanie Watkins and the late Peggy Watkins of Rutherford. They have three nephews, Mason and Garrison Wyrick and Coltan Eddlemon and two nieces, Alaina and Annalise Eddlemon.

The Watkins are currently foster parents. They began in 2008 opening their home to children on a short-term basis. In May of that year they fostered Travis and by May of 2009 they had adopted him. “Our home is still open but we have no other children right now,” said Jayna.

The Watkins are members of the Tennessee River Honey Retriever Club out of

Union City. The club is for people who own retrievers. They enter their dogs in competitions for field trials and hunting tests. “We’ve had several champion dogs. Right now we have 11 working dogs,” said Eddie.

Eddie is also an avid sportsman. He and Travis enjoy hunting together.

Jayna wants to include football players of all ages in the Davy Crockett Days parade.

“I want to figure out a way to include players from kindergarten all the way up. The young players look up to the older players and I would like to do something to bring all the players in the community together,” she said.

Other middle schools in the district have completed similar projects. Rutherford students painted a pirate ship in the cafeteria, Yorkville students painted the girls locker room, and Spring Hill students painted their concession stand.

Allicia Ladd, GCSD Youth Prevention Specialist added, “It was such a pleasure to see children working together to make their schools a better place and we want to thank everyone that made these projects a beautiful success.”


Rutherford First Assembly of GodSunday, October 2Sunday School 9:45 A.M.

Worship Service 10:30 A.M.


Former Pastor Myron Greer preaching

Local talent and singing

manufacturing Schedule II methamphetamine.

Cole is held in the Gibson County Correctional Complex under $25,000

bond and a preliminary hearing has been set for October 4th in Gibson County General Sessions Court at Trenton.

CONCESSION STAND - The concession stand at Dyer School recently received a make-over funded by a Youth Empowerment Initiative grant through the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant already in place. City Lumber Co. and Food Rite also donated some supplies. The project was completed in time for the Dyer School Fall Festival held Friday.

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Page 4: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

Page 4 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Community Living

Sunday School for Shut-Ins By Mary King

Dyer Church of Christ By Sabrina Sullivan

New Hope By Shirley Hooper

Laneview Baptist Church

Emilee & Josh RayGirl - AliBrooke due 10-12-11

Jenna & Dusty Bragg Girl - 10-27-11

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Kenton News by Cindy Lamar

When you’re ready, please read I John 3:1.

As soon as I prayed to receive Jesus, I had an overwhelming desire to go to church and hear the word of God explained. That was February 20, 1980. That very week we were moving 800 miles away. I didn’t have a clue how God would get me to hear a preacher preach. How would God get me to church? But when I knew he heard me. I believed that he’d already answered my prayer. I couldn’t explain that either.

That next Sunday morning I woke up hearing a noise, “What are you doing?” I asked my husband, “Getting ready for church. Mom and Dad are going, you need to get ready too.” God hadn’t forgotten my prayer. He hasn’t forgotten yours either.

In the words of Jesus

himself: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.”

You have heard me say to you, “I am going and coming back to you.”

If you loved me you would rejoice because I said, “I am going to the Father or My Father is greater than I.”

“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass you may believe.” “I will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me. But that the world may know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me commandment so I do arise let us go from here.” John 14:27-31. NKJV.

Gene and Betty Sue Tuttle of Refugio, Texas were in Obion last week for a few days to visit with Betty Sue’s sister and brother-in-law. On Wednesday evening, Jack and Jane Allen of Kenton and Ray and Caroline Allen of Martin joined them for a great meal and evening of fellowship at Boyette’s Restaurant at Reelfoot Lake.

The Pastor and congregation of the First Baptist Church welcomed their new youth Director and family, Mr. and Mrs. Len Phegley last week. We join in welcoming them to Kenton and wish them the very best.

Beginning October 26 and continuing through October 30 the First Baptist Church will be having family Vacation Bible School each night from 6:00 - 8:30. They invite all children to attend.

Ronnie and Cindy Lamar attended the funeral of Mrs. Christine Skelton in Alamo last Friday. Mrs. Skelton is the mother-in-law of Ronnie’s cousin Lynn and Jack Skelton of Soddy Daisy, Tennessee.

Jackie Zaricor is presently residing at Golden Living in Union City while undergoing rehab and therapy following hip replacement last Monday. Her stay there is expected to be a couple of weeks.

Do you know the One who loves you? The One who died for you?The One who left his home in heaven, and left his Father too. He wants to be your Savior, your Lord, your everything. It takes a bit of child-like faith and prayer on bended knee.

Please remember the following on your prayer list - Jackie Zaricor, Tony Jordan, Jimmy Simmons, Peewee Wyrick, Bobby and Carol Primrose, Jesse and Elaine Davidson, Easton Hopper, Doris and Sam Weatherly, Elmer and Virginia Williams, Sally Copeland, Joe Smith, Judy Webb, Regina Miller, David Stephenson, Cathy and Henry Herane, Gwen Rickard, Paul Lee Williams, Eurby Sanders, Freda Lamar, Bonnie Graves, Racine Hodges, and Clint McLodge.

We were very blessed to view the baptism of Mrs. Tosha Ford this past Sunday. Last Sunday we also had the baptism of Ethen Carrell.

Praise God! It’s awesome to see the baptismal waters stirred.

We enjoyed specials by Johnny Cavender, Jan Cardwell, and Natalie Farrar. The title of Bro. Darryl’s message was “ There’s Victory in the House!”

How is it that we can be victorious with so many negatives in our lives? We have a risen savior that has paid the price for our sin and has made us victorious through him. John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.”

Christians cannot lose their salvation, but Satan can make your life seem unbearable at times. If you allow circumstances to control your

demeanor, you are giving Satan control. Satan thrives on negativity. He is seeking you so be alert. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

We are not promised a carefree no problem life. Trust in our Savior, seek His guidance, read His word, and pray daily. With these we can be victorious in this life, even during the storms. Be an encourager; don’t allow your negativity to affect others. Start living the victorious life He has given us.

Upcoming events: Oct 2 spaghetti dinner - Donations go toward the youth trip. Oct. 8 Youth bake Sale at Davy Crockett days. Oct. 16-19 revival with Bro, Lammie Lamersfield, Check out our refuse program on Wednesday nights for children ages 4-11.

Pray for the sick.

Wednesday evening our minister, Brother Corey Meggs continued our study on spiritual gifts taken from 1 Corinthians:14. We discussed prophecy, speaking in tongues and worship.

Sunday morning Amy Powell blessed us with her beautiful rendition of “We Shall Behold Him.”

Brother Corey began a study on Joshua, how God used him to lead Israel. “Footsteps of faith” from the third chapter explains the work of the cross. In the amazing miracle of passing over Jordan, we find we must all cross Jordan before we achieve the promised land. Just as Christ died on the cross we must die ourselves, get ourselves out of the way and watch God work.

Sunday evening we were

delighted to welcome Paris and Betty Bryant to our service.

From Nehemiah 6, Brother Corey spoke on “The reality of spiritual warfare.” As Nehemiah, along with army officers and cavalry, was completing the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem that had been broken down and burned, they encountered scheming opposition. When enemies can’t get you to compromise, they will attack other ways. In any work we do for God, there will be problems; Satan is alive and well. We must do God’s work in God’s way.

Remember those on our prayer list and our friends in the nursing home.

Thought for the day – spend less time on Facebook, spend more time on God’s book.

For morning worship services we had an attendance of 116 and 83 in Sunday school.

Our message for the morning service came from the book of Matthew 7:1-6, Judge not, that you be not judged. Judge not according to the appearance but make a righteous judgment. Be careful how and what you judge. You will reap what you sow, use no blind judgment, judge yourself like you would judge others. Say what God says, and how God says it and we will have a righteous judgment.

Our message for the evening service came from the book of Ephesians 1, 2, & 3. Christ is the head of the church, which is his body. Church means the called out by the gospel. One body through the cross, that all gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body. The church is God’s wisdom made visible. To him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations.

Remember the following in

prayer – Jerry Martin, Logan Abbott, all of our shut-ins and those in nursing homes.

We had a wonderful teacher’s retreat Saturday with a good lesson from Joey Barron on communication and working together. We got to have a great meal and did a little fishing.

We had a visitation meeting Sunday evening and have some fellow Christians we are hoping to visit soon. Thanks to Lynn Tharpe for putting this together and encouraging others to get involved.

Thanks to Don, Donna and Faith Abbott for hosting a wonderful youth devotional Sunday evening after services. The rain didn’t hinder a great time with lots of good food and fellowship. Thanks to Richard Tharpe and Brad Clark for leading our singing and bringing a great message.

Thanks for everyone who participated in the children’s goodwill boxes. A special thank you to Tina and Bob McClain for putting this together.

A 75th anniversary celebration reception was held at Dogwood Pointe on Saturday, September 17th for Mr. and Mrs. Harry King. More than 50 well-wishers were there to celebrate with them. Along with cake and punch, a short program was provided. Special gifts included a September 1936 Reader’s Digest which featured an article entitled “Marriage as a Career” and some 1936 Buffalo nickels. The celebration concluded with a special video tribute of the couple’s many years together.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry King were married September 23, 1936. Mr. King was born October 8th, 1918, to Ben and Jessie King and Mrs. King was born January 1st, 1918, to Charlie and Mellie Glover all from Gibson County. Who knew that 17 years later, they would meet, fall in love and

marry? Mr. and Mrs. King lived in the Kenton, TN area all their married life.

The wedding, back in those days, was a simple visit to the Cumberland Presbyterian preacher’s house in Rutherford with a couple of friends for witnesses.

Growing up in Gibson County, they attended Bells Chapel and Cool Springs grade schools and they met while attending Rutherford High School. They dated for almost a year before they married. Farming was in their blood and they continued farming until they retired in 1980. At one time they had 500 feeder pigs to care for. They also farmed the land to produce cotton, soybeans, corn, wheat and peanuts.

They had twin daughters Mynonne and Eyvonne and were further blessed with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry King

King’s celebrate their 75 years of marriage

Beth & Preston HughesBaby Girl due 10/20/11Brooke & Jody CarrellBaby Girl due 10/26/11

Ashley Simpson & Curtis ShanklinBaby Boy due 10/21/11

Jennifer & Justin WylieBaby due 12/16/11

Hester Drug Co.Main Street, Rutherford •665-6176

Hester Drug Co.Main Street, Rutherford • 665-6176

Megan Laster & Blake PeevyhouseNovember 12, 2011

Siler Thornton Agency334 South Main Street, Dyer, TN


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For treatment of ischemic stroke, alteplase (Activase) is a thrombolytic medication used intravenously within the first hours following the start of stroke symptoms to restore blood flow to the brain. Alteplase works to dissolve a clot; however, it can lead to bleeding in the brain. For persons who are not able to receive this medication, antithrombotic medications may be used to prevent new clots from forming. Antithrombotics include aspirin, heparin, and low-molecular-weight heparin. Aspirin is an antiplatelet medication that should be started within the first day or two after a stroke. Surgery may be necessary for the treatment of a hemorrhagic stroke.

137 So. Main, Dyer, Tn 692-3578

Duncan’s Bridal Registry

Duncan’s Bridal Registry

Spring Stohler & Charles ReedOctober 15, 2011

Heather Clark & Danny MorrisDecember 17, 2011

Page 5: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Page 5

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GC MEMORIAL LIBRARY - Bookworm story time was held at the Gibson County Memorial Library on Wednesday September 21st at 10am. The children clapped after the reading of “The Sunflower Sword” written by Mark Sperring and Miriam Latimer. After the story, the Bookworms made sunflowers of their own with newspaper, sunflower cut-outs, glue, and painted paper towel holders. The children worked as a team to put together a dinosaur puzzle. After a snack of apples and bananas, the bookworms finished story time with the “Hokey Pokey.” The Bookworm Story Time is Wednesdays at 10am in the Children’s Room at the Gibson County Memorial Library located at 303 South High St., Trenton. Story Time is open for children lap-sit to preschool of all abilities accompanied by an adult. Pictured (L to R): Front- Jaiden Smith, Mason Hill, and Abby Claire Crider, (Back)-Isaiah Smith, Sarah Simmons, and Christianna Smith

Keely Mill By Diane Hamlin

Golden Agers By Alice Ernest

Golden Agers met in the Dyer FBC Life Center on September 21, 2011, with 17 present including visitor Barbara Scott. Vice-president Jane Forsythe began the meeting with a reading that emphasized the fact of our Savior Jesus’ being present and eternal and she asked God’s blessings for the food.

Prayers led by Kenny McEwen were uplifted for Mary Helen Scarborough, Julie Skaggs, Emily Parks, Rita Hicks, Martha

Stephenson, and Rebecca Rogers.

Shirley Schull presented a reading titled “The Way Up is Down, “ In the contents was a lesson for humbleness.

For the music of the morning, Kenny sang a solo of “Showers of Blessings,” and he led the group in singing, “There’s Power in the Blood,” and, “Nothing but the Blood.”

Pastor of Dyer FBC DeWayne Goodgine chose the scripture verses found in Ephesians 2: 1 – 19 from

Our Sunday morning services began with Elaine Fields playing the piano and Mike Fields leading us in the hymn, “Face to Face.” Keith Hamlin led us in opening prayer. We all dismissed to our Sunday school classes.

Christy Skelton led the adult class in prayer before doing a good job teaching us our lesson, “It’s All About Grace,” from Romans 5:1-12. We receive salvation and enjoy its benefits through God’s grace.

Shirley King dismissed us in prayer. Rejoice in the Lord always.

Our Sunday morning worship hour began with everyone standing and singing the hymn, “Jesus Is All the World to Me.” Dakota Warren led us in opening prayer.

Bro. Steve welcomed everyone. He had ministered to those in the Dyer Nursing Home Sunday morning and brought back reports of the great time he had, and the good crowd that attended the services.

Many praise reports were given and Laura Hawks shared her tearful testimony with us. Al Margadonna

blessed us with our special music as he sang, “How Far is Heaven.”

Children’s church was dismissed to Jennifer Fields. They had a time of prayer, Bible stories and sang praise songs.

Bro. Steve’s morning

which to glean lessons for life. Keying in on verse 10 first, he revealed that we are God’s masterpiece with gifts that we ought to exercise in love. Much of the reading of verses 1 – 3 indicated the state of man without God. However in verse 4, the strong phrase, “But God…,” corrects all kinds of ills whether they are physical, emotional, or spiritual by our acceptance of Him and living victoriously in Him.

Max Lucado said, “Outlive your life.”

message was from Exodus 20:18-21. Kay Fields dismissed services in prayer as the hymn, “Just As I Am,” was sung.

Read your Bibles and be people of prayer this week. God’s words can get you through the hard times.


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Page 6: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

Page 6 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011


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Bethpage By Joyce Brown

Advertise in the TCR, We work for YOU!

Cards of Thanks

North Union By Connie Cooper

RELIGIONThe Grapevine By Sarah Skinner

REGENA “GIGI” CATHEY Manchester, N.H. - Regena Gay Cathey, 46, died

peacefully at her home in Manchester, on April 10, 2011 after a 14-year long illness.

A memorial service will be held in her honor at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on October 8th at 2 p.m. in Dyer.

Proceeding her death were her mother, Rachel Cathey, and her grandparents, Joe and Ruby Goad, and Allen and Lena Cathey.

She is survived by her sister Tracy Lynn Cathey, her father, Charles Cathey and a brother Bryan Cathey.

Grier’s Chapel United Methodist Church


REVIVAL Brother John Hitz, Evangelist

Sunday, October 9Through

Wednesday, October 12 7 p.m. nightly!

Brother Don Barnett, Pastor Everyone is invited!

We had a wonderful day at St. Paul Sunday. Our worship service began in Sunday school and filtered on into morning service. Minister Timothy White delivered the message. His topic, “Delivered but not free,” was found in Exodus 14:11 – 12 and other scriptures. The youth department provided the devotion and music.

We were blessed to have two young men to unite with our membership. D. J. Walker and Cordell Fisk will be baptized the first Sunday morning in October. Justin Perry rededicated his life to Christ and asked the church to pray for him. We thank the Lord for these young men.

We were happy to have Rev. Pounds, Ms. Willie B. Warren and Barbara White, and Paige White to worship with us.

Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. the youth choir celebrated their 11th Annual choir anniversary. We thank Johnson Tabernacle’s youth choir of Greenfield and Mt. Orange’s youth choir of Trenton for their beautiful selections. St. Paul’s youth choir was at their best and they looked beautiful. We

thank all of our friends and fellow coworkers for their presence.

Minister Jasmin Williams, Lue Shonda Dennis, Chantia Abbott, Diondrea, Jasmine, and Ja’da Pitts, and Jaci White traveled to Jackson Saturday afternoon, ate lunch, shopped, and went to the movies to see the “Lion King.”

Sarah Alford attended Dannielle Rickman’s birthday celebration Saturday evening. A group of Dannielle’s friends and classmates dined at the Mexican restaurant in Trenton and later went to her home and played games and enjoyed lots of fun.

Rodney Alford visited his Aunt Harriette Alford, and Ms. Mary “Aunt B” Berry Saturday. My husband James and I were in Jackson Thursday on business and we ate lunch at Ryan’s. Really enjoyed it; did not have cook and wash dishes.

Michelle Skinner is in school in Atlanta this week.

Love and sympathy is extended tot he family of Mr. Joe Booker. He passed away last week. I do not know his funeral arrangements.

God bless and have a good week.

I always hate it when Bro. Don has to be out of town on a Sunday, but it does allow us the opportunity to invite another preacher to fill in. It’s always a blessing to hear Bro. Daymond Duck expound the Gospel and especially to help us see how God’s prophetic word is relevant to our day and time. Last Sunday was no exception, and I want to thank Bro. Duck again for his diligent study of scripture.

The Sunday school lesson this week was centered on our need for wisdom and discernment, especially in the area of relationships. Remember, you are known by the company you keep.

Kenny Joyce took an unusual approach with the Children’s Sermon as he reviewed the Bible by means of a deck of cards. This recount of an incident that took place in the North African campaign during the war was very interesting. It seems a soldier who was without a Bible was able to share the message of the gospel and even keep up with his calendar by use of the cards. Thanks, Kenny.

After morning services, even with the threat of rain, several from church headed to the Big Cypress Tree park for a picnic. Yes, we did get rained on, but it was still worth the trip and the kids got in one game of softball between showers.

The lights were out for about half of our evening service, but we didn’t let that deter us. Thank you Lord, for battery backup!

Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Danielle Rickman, Royce Turner and Leigh Ann Moody. Also our sympathy is extended to those who lost good friends this past week to accident and illness. And also we send our get-well wishes to Mike Sims and Nerine Cowan.

Our teachers and assistants have been named by the nominating committee and they will begin their tenure in October. Keep them in your prayers. It’s an awesome responsibility to be a leader in the church. Keep safe and pray this week and watch the news about the 66th United Nations meeting going on. Pray for Israel.

GORDON WILLIAMS Savannah – Gordon Williams, 86, formerly of Greenfield,

passed away September 22, 2011, in Savannah. Services were held on September 25, 2011, at Shackelford Chapel in Savannah. Burial was in the White Sulphur Cemetery at Pickwick Dam, Tennessee.

He is survived by two sons, Cary Stanley Williams of Belden, Mississippi and Waymon Williams of Shiloh, Tennessee.

MAXINE COFFMAN Dyer - Mrs. Maxine Coffman, age 85, of Dyer, passed

away from this life on September 22, 2011, at Gibson General Hospital.

Funeral services for Mrs. Coffman were conducted on September 25, 2011, in the chapel of Karnes and Son Funeral Home with Bro. Charles Fike officiating. Interment followed in Bradford Cemetery of Bradford.

Mrs. Coffman was born August 4, 1926, in Dyer; the daughter of the late Jim and Ollie Stewart Poynor. She had retired from Brown Shoe Company. Mrs. Coffman is survived by two sisters, Alladine Poynor and Carolyn Martin; and one brother, David Poynor (Doris).

Karnes and Son Funeral Home was honored to serve the family of Mrs. Maxine Coffman.

Hello friends.If you’ve been missing the Bethpage News, it’s because my computer died of old age Here I am clicking away trying to get familiar with a new laptop. So if you find mistakes, just be patient and maybe I’ll get there.

We had a very busy week at Bethpage last week. We closed out an early fall Vacation Bible School with a family celebration Saturday night.

After the kids presented their program, everyone enjoyed a hot dog and trimmings meal. Following that, they swooped down on the jumpers, games, sno-cones, popcorn and cotton candy in the activities building. They seemed to enjoy the Bible stories, crafts, games and snacks each night and we were delighted to have your kids be a part of that. Thanks to all who made this effort a success.

Sunday service began with Janice & Tina playing, “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” for quiet time and call to worship was “Majesty.”

Bro. James text was from Joshua 7:1-12 and he was able to get several points in before our shortened service

came to a close. We had to compact our Sunday school and worship time as our seniors were honored with a dinner at Reelfoot Lake.

They call us “Senior Saints” but I’m sure I don’t qualify for the saint part of that so I just say seniors. A large number of church folks really enjoyed the delicious meal at Boyette’s.

Many attended the visitation and funeral for Mrs Gretchen Gibbons. Sympathy is extended to Janice and Van Wylie, Buddy and Betty Smithson, their children and extended family in the loss of this long-lived matriarch of their family and community.

We are thanking God for the good rain received last night. I know the farmers need to get the crops harvested, but the earth needed a good soaking and some cooler temperatures.

Scripture of the week: Phil 4:12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everwhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

God bless and have a great week.

Thank you for giving our son, Michael Bell, happy thoughts, good memories and pleasant smiles. You helped to make his days good ones. We were blessed at his service as you were. We felt his joy of living throughout the service, and we know those of you who attended received a blessing also. Thank you for all you did to make our days easier at the time of his death. Thank you for the many kind deeds you extended to our family.

Betty and Eugene BellHoward and Karen Bell

William Alan and Jennifer Bell


Rutherford Fire Department will be hosting its annual auction along with Davy Crockett Days October 8 at 7 p.m. at the Rutherford Fire Department. We will have a large variety of new and gently used merchandise, concessions will be available. Anyone wanting to donate any items excluding clothing and shoes) contact Bob Blankenship 487-3092 or Jon Stafford 414-6134 to drop off or have those items picked up. Come join us for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. We will also be selling hamburgers, BBQ bologna, nachos, funnel cakes, and much more Saturday October 9 from 10 a.m. until shortly after the parade. Thanks for your continued support.


ANNUAL CHARITY CAR SHOW Annual Charity Car, Truck and Bike Show to benefit

the American Diabetes Association Davy Crockett Days, Rutherford, October 8, 2011 registration begins at 8 a.m. Class trophies awarded. All proceeds benefit the American Diabetes Association. For more information contact LaDona Russom 234-8312.

MCKAMEYS CONCERT The McKameys will be in Concert at Holy Hills Baptist

Church in Dyersburg,Tn on October 13, 2011 starting at 7:00p.m. A love offering will be received. All are invited

RJHS ALL-STAR CHEERLEADERS FUNDRAISERThe Rutherford All Star Cheerleaders will be serving

tenderloin sandwiches at the WOW building this Friday, September 30th from 10:30-12:30. The funds raised will go towards the Rutherford All Star Cheerleaders trip to march in the UCA Thanksgiving Day parade at Disney World. The cost will be $5 for tenderloin sandwich, chips and dessert. For questions, please contact 731-343-2861.


Greater Gibson County Area Chamber of Commerce Business & Industry Appreciation Day 18 Hole Golf Tournamen /‘Four Person Scramble’ is Thursday, October 6, 2011 at Pinecrest Golf Course in Dyer. Shotgun starts at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Prizes for flights and flag events. Mulligans available. The Recognition Banquet will follow golf tournament with dinner served at 6:30 p.m. The award presentation will follow dinner.

ANNUAL FROG MARKETArcher’s Chapel UMC, Frog Jump Annual Frog Market

will be held Saturday, October 15, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Breakfast items, homemade desserts and canned food items, new books, Frog Jump t-shirts, crafts and more! 2011 cookbooks available! Chicken and dressing lunch served with all the trimmings starting at 11!! Free admission! For more info call 731-656-4306.

COLLECTING BOX TOPSThe Rutherford School Booster Club is collecting Box

Tops for Education, Labels for Education, and Best Choice UPC labels. These labels are just one way the Booster Club raises funds to support the school’s art program, basketball, softball, and cheerleading. Please send labels to school with a student, teacher, or drop them off at the school. For more information, please contact Jennifer @ 343-9672.

TEEN READ WEEK “A Midsummer Knight’s Read” Teen Read Week 2011

will be October 16-22. There will be a teen program on October 18th starting at 3:30 pm until 4:45 pm at the Gibson County Memorial Library for students 5th grade and up. Teens will have the opportunity to make their personalized Coat of Arms and there will also be tiny archery. Snacks will be available as well. The Gibson County Memorial Library is located at 303 South High St., Trenton, TN.

KENTON SCARECROW CONTEST The Kenton Woman’s Club is sponsoring a Scarecrow

Contest October 1 through 14. Judging will be on October 15 by out of town judges. Entries are being judged in three categories: most original, scariest, and best theme. All scarecrows will be displayed in the downtown area. If you would like to make a scarecrow, drop it off at the Kenton Grain Company and the Woman’s Club will display it. Businesses as well as individuals are invited to participate. Certificates will be awarded to the winners. Come join the fun. For more information, contact Linda Holder at 749-5929

FALL BLOCK PARTYDyer First United Methodist Church

Saturday, October 15, 2011Front Street, Downtown

Everyone Welcome!!Live MusicKids GamesAdult Games Horseshoes Washer Pitching

Face PaintingBible Triva Bingo Jumpers

Hay RidesKids ActivitiesPrizesGive-Aways

MOVIE @ 8:30 p.m.Dyer Station Activities

5K Run • FoodZumbathon for Relay For Life

Motorcycle/Bike Show

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Page 7: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Page 7

This message sponsored by:Dyer, TN • 692-3761

Trenton, TN • 855-3764 Deaton’s Market Place

2038 S. Highway 45 By-PassTrenton, TN 855-3802

A branch of Farmers & Merchants Bank, Trezevant

463 N. Trenton St.Rutherford, TN


Ed Norman - Broker107 W. Court Square, Trenton, TN 855-9899 •

115 E. College St. Kenton, TN • 749-5214

Home Furnishings • Appliances • Electronics


705 S. Main St. Dyer • 692-3441

432 S. Poplar St.Kenton • 749-5356


45 By-PassTrenton, TN

Rutherford Area ACTION Club

Active Citizens To Improve Our Neighborhood

To be a sponsor of The Tri-City Reporter Community Service page Call 731-692-3506 or Cindy Mitchell at 731-334-7706.

Established in 1985 - Sponsors of

The Annual Davy Crockett DaysACTION Club Yard of the Month

ACTION Club $500 College ScholarshipMost recent recipient - Paige Burress

Crockett Days BannersHonor Grand Marshals of the Parades

The Rutherford Area ACTION Club was formed when the Jaycees and Jacettes gave up their charter to take care of projects they had started, such as Davy Crockett Days.

The Club had 65 members when first formed and is down to about a dozen.

ACTION CLUB OFFICERSAlan Abbott PresidentAnn Abbott SecretaryJoe Bone Publicity ChairmanBarbara White Treasurer

To join the ACTION Club call: Alan Abbott - 665-7223, Ann Abbott -

665-6211 or Joe Bone - 665-7253. Membership fee is $5.

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Rutherford City Hall.

September Yard of the Month recipients John Sidney & Happy Raehn

2010 Davy Crockett Days Parade - former Governor Winfield Dunn & State Representative Curtis Halford

2011 Davy Crockett Days Grand Marshals Jayna & Eddie Watkins

2011 Davy Crockett Days Opening Ceremony will be held Sunday, October 2nd at 2 p.m.

Page 8: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

Page 8 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sports & EducationGC Pioneers fall to West Carroll War Eagles

GCHS FootballPlayer of the Week

Catch Milan Football action live on Friday nights followed by West TN Scoreboard Show • Peabody on Saturday at 8:30 a.m.

• GCHS/SGCHS Saturday at 10:30 a.m. www.victory93.7com

GCHS PIONEER PLAYER OF THE WEEK - The Gibson County High School Pioneer Player of the Week for September 23rd is Drew Scobey. Scobey, a junior at GCHS, made 14 defensive tackles and punts. All of Scobey’s punts were over 33 yards. Presenting Scobey with a special game ball is Farmers & Merchants Bank in Rutherford bank president Tim Griggs. The GCHS Pioneer Player of the Week is sponsored by Farmers & Merchants Bank of Rutherford, a branch of Farmers & Merchants Bank of Trezevant. (Photo by Michael Enochs)

•Station #9 BBQ Sale9 A.M. until sold out Rescue Squad next to park•Pet Show 10:00 A.M.- School Tennis Court.•Yard Sales, Bake Sales, Flea Markets, Arts, Crafts & Pioneer Trades - Downtown & at the Cabin•GRAND PARADE - 2:00 P.M.Register on Kellwood parking lot next to the Cabin before 1:30 P.M. Horses register on lot east of Railroad tracks. Cyclists & 4-wheeler riders must wear helmets!•Bluegrass Music on the Porch After parade until 8:30 P.M. - at the Davy Crockett Cabin. •FIREWORKS SHOW!8:30 P.M. - Jones Volunteer Park

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2ND •Opening Ceremony & Flag Raising 2:00 P.M. at Davy Crockett Cabin

MONDAY, OCTOBER 3RD•Davy Crockett Talent Contest6:30 P.M.- Rutherford Gym. Call Tracy to register at 731-414-3741 or register at event. If you sing or play an instrument, be sure to sign up!

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4TH •White Beans & Ham Supper5:30- 7:00 P.M.-Rescue Sq. Bldg.

•BINGO 7 P.M. - Rescue Sq. Bldg.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5TH •Community Wide Cookout & Worship Service6:00 P.M. Davy Crockett CabinComtemporary Christian Band Saul 2 Paul will be providing praise & worship music. Free hamburgers & hotdogs

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH •Rutherford Night Out Block Party- In front of Fire Dept. 6:00-9:00 P.M.Free Party Jumpers, Hot Dogs& Drinks

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7TH •Downtown Business Open House5:00 – 7:00 P.M. Downtown •Food, Music & More! Food provided by businesses •Street Dance with Dakota Band with performance by the Dyer Station Steppers•Fire Department Auction7:00 P.M. at Rutherford Fire Dept.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH•Car, Truck & Bike Show - Registration 8 A.M. - Awards @ 3 p.m. Contact Brad Russom 665-6186-Rutherford School Parking lot.• Vendors - Set up downtown next to railroad tracks selling lots of food, crafts & more. ALL VENDORS must buy a permit at Greene Things Florist. Call 665-6314.



Rutherford, TN • 665-6652

Schedule sponsored by

A branch of Farmers & Merchants Bank, Trezevant, TN

BY LORI CATHEYThe Gibson County

Pioneers football team lost to West Carroll High School this past Friday night, 33 to 7. In the first quarter, the Pioneer defense showed up big-time to hold the War Eagles scoreless. The GC offensive line and running back Markee Brown got the scoring going for the Pioneers. The offensive line created a huge hole for Brown to run though for a 65-yard touchdown with 11 minutes remaining in the second quarter. GC’s kicker, Jake Wylie’s extra point was good and the Pioneers were up 7-0.

FORCED FUMBLE - #89 Clayton Yarbro knocks loose the football from the War Eagles’ quarterback to force a fumble during Friday night’s game. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

SWEEPING THE LINE - The Pioneers offensive line makes room for #29 Markee Brown to run for a 65 yard touchdown against West Carroll. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

KEEPING UP THE SPIRIT - The Gibson County cheerleaders cheered the team on during Friday nights football game at Atwood. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

GROUNDING AN EAGLE - Senior #54 Cameron Johnson and #44 Danny Evans slammed the West Carroll running back to the turf for a loss. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

HALFTIME ENTERTAINMENT - Gibson County’s Marching Pioneers’ pit crew performed during halftime. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

The War Eagles would score a quick one with 8:52 left in the second quarter. Gibson County’s Marcaous Bailey blocked the extra point making it 7-6 Pioneers. With 1:06 left in the first half, West Carroll scored their second touchdown, giving the War Eagles a 12-7 lead going into halftime.

“Our defense did a good job in the first half but fell short in the third quarter,” said GC Head Coach Lee Atkins.

West Carroll scored 21 unanswered points in the second half.

GC junior Drew Scobey is

the player of the week with 14 defensive tackles and punts. All of Scobey punts were over 33 yards.

Clayton Yarbro led the Pioneers with 10 tackles (5 tackles for a loss), 1 sack and 1 force fumble. Danny Evans had 13 tackles and Cameron Johnson added six tackles.

The Pioneers are preparing to play Covington, one of the best teams in our district.

Covington executes the wing-t offense to near perfection. The next game will be Friday night September 30th at Covington.

Advertise in The Tri-City Reporter

We work for you!

Page 9: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Page 9

NEW FOOTBALL LEAGUE - The newly formed younger Pioneer Tackle Football League traveled to the Bethel College Campus last Saturday to participate in a jamboree. They played on a real Astroturf surface. Unfortunately both the 5-6 grade group and the 3-4 grade group lost their two quarters of play but they received valuable game experience. Pictured above, a toss back to the offensive player for the 3-4th grade Pioneer players. (Photos by Donnie Cox)


Held at Station 9 Rescue Building next to Rutherford Park


To be served by Station 9 Rescue Squad

White Beans, Cornbread, Dessert and Drink

$4.00 - Adults$2.50 - Children under 12

Also available - Hot Dogs for the kids!


Conducted by The Rutherford Area ACTION Club

Join us for a night of food & fun!For more information call John Baker

at 749-6056 or Joe Bone at 665-7253



Located at Rescue Building Next to Rutherford Park

10 A.M. - 4 p.m.Or until sold out

Seating Will Be AvailablePlates For Eat-in or Carry

Out include BBQ, BBQ Bologna or 1/2 Chicken,

baked beans, slaw dessert & drink.



For Pre-orders call George Fisher - 692-4773 or John Baker - 749-6056

Come Join Us!Saturday, October 1, 2011

Race Begins at 8:00 a.m.Registration Begins at 7 a.m.

Jones Volunteer Park- Rutherford, TNENTRY FEE: $12.00

Entrants Will Receive A T-Shirt.•Awards For 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each age group•AWARDS FOR OVERALL MALE AND FEMALEAGE GROUPS: The Same For Male And Female

•14 and under •15 - 19 •20 - 29 •30 - 39


OR KASEY HARRIS @ 225-6324


5K RUN/WALK“Building Unity... One Step at a Time”

This years race will be held in Memory of Linda Sample

and Charlie Reagan

•40 - 49•50 - 59 •60 +

REASONS HAD FIVE GOALS - Gibson County #14 Paxton Reasons tries maintaining control of the ball while being pressured by a Ripley defender. Reasons lead the team with 5 goals on Monday. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

PHILLIPS HAD FOUR GOALS - Senior Mary Phillips moves the ball down field. Phillips had 4 goals against Ripley. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

SANTANIELLO HAD THREE GOALS - Lady Pioneer Anna Santaniello makes one of her three goals. The Lady Pioneers defeated Ripley 15 to 1. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

GCHS GOLF TEAM - Members of the 2011 Gibson County High School Golf Team are: (l to r) Michael Morris, Spencer Richardson, Magan Porter, Austin Brewer, Austin Yergin, Jerry Whitt and coach John Stovall. The Gibson County Golf Team is a very young team this year. Magan Porter is the only senior. The Golf Team would like to take this time to give a special thanks to Pinecrest Golf Course in Dyer for allowing them to use their great golf course. (Photo by Lori Cathey)

TEAM SPIRIT - Teammates Cameron Cox and Ty Carson show their team spirit. (Photos by Donnie Cox)

DOING THE “GET-AWAY” - The young Pioneer runner tries to escape the defender. (Photos by Donnie Cox)

PLUG UP THE HOLES - The defensive player on the other team opens a hole for his player to charge through. (Photos by Donnie Cox)

Page 10: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011


Sale Of Contents Career Training

Classified Deadline: Friday, 5 p.m. Cost: $5.50 Minimum charge for 20 words or less (After 20, add 25-cents per word.) Classifieds must be paid in advance. This includes yard sales.

Classifieds-Real Estate-Legals


Interior- Exterior Paint • Leaky Faucets • Leaky Roofs • Broken

Windows • Ceiling Fans & much more Most all household repairs and upgrades. Certified Home Inspector • Licensed and

Insured 665-6292 or 731-612-8427


DRIVERS!No Experience? No Problem! 14-day, local training in Jackson, TN to earn great pay, benefits, job security. Placement assistance and student tuition loans available. Call 1-800-423-8820 or go to for training opportunity with DRIVE-TRAIN, 119 E.L. Morgan Drive in Jackson.--------------------------------tfn

Help Wanted



For Sale


For Rent


Yard Sale

“For Over 40 Years!!!


Open to the Public 2nd & 3rd Saturday of each month from 9-12Bedding, clothing, household itemsFor emergency call 643-6237

O S B O R N TRANSPORTATION NOW HIRING CDL A DRIVERS Union City, TN Terminal. Manager Jimmy Holden. At Osborn It’s “Your life style, your choice: you choose from short haul, southeast regional, OTR, 7 on 7 off and part-time, great pay, plenty of miles/home time! Call 866-215-3659. 2wks.-----------------------------

FOR SALE BY OWNERS 2 bedroom, 2 bath brick home on 1.5 acres in country outside of Rutherford near China Grove area. 2 car garage and 30 x 40 shop. Call 665-6960. --------------------------1wk.


Grooming Kenton • 446-1898 Call Jenny Whitworth!

HELP WANTED Busy Medical Clinic looking for part time possibly full time help. Medical Assistant or Medical Reception experience helpful but not necessary. Send Resume to: Medical Assistant PO Box 287, Trenton, TN 38382. tfn

SALE OF CONTENTS The contents of Storage Unit #6 belonging to Brandon Peevyhouse; Unit #10 belonging to Amy Morris; and Unit #62 belonging to Tiphany Turner will be sold September 30, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. Tidwell Mini Storage, 728 S. Trenton St., Rutherford, TN 38369. 665-6147. 1wk.



DRIVERS Local Milan area, CDL-A Teams! Start at 62 cpm split++! Lots os home time. Must qualify for Hazmat endorsement and Secuirty clearance. 1-866-204-8006. 2wks.

ADOPTION: A SO. CALIFORNIA beach community music/ film industry couple wish to adopt newborn. Secure, creative, happy future awaits your baby. Expenses paid as permitted. Legal/ confidential. Call Marie or Rob toll-free anytime 1-855-222-5609 (TnScan)

A D O P T I O N - B I R T H M O T H E R - TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP for you, unconditional love for your baby if you choose us… creative active couple hoping to adopt. Expenses Paid. Please text/ call Kathleen & Gene, 1-201-577-2124 (TnScan)

DIVORCE with or without children $99.95. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. FREE information. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 1-888-789-0198 24/7. (TnScan)

ALLIED HEALTH CAREER TRAINING- Attend college 100% online. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-481-9409 (TnScan)

HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT Surgery: If you had hip or knee replacement surgery between 2005- present and suffered problems requiring a second revision surgery you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727 (TnScan)

NOW HIRING: C O M P A N I E S DESPERATELY need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Fee required. Info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. TN-1196 (TnScan)

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE - Driving For a Career - 14 Day CDL Training in Jackson TN. 15 Years Training Experience. Great Pay, Student Loans, Grants, Placement Assistance. Drive-Train 119 E.L. Morgan Drive Jackson TN. 800-423-8820. (TnScan)DRIVERS- PAID TRAINING! REFRESHER Course available for Regional Truck Drivers. Earn 35 to 37 cpm, home weekly, and great benefits. Call 888-321-1821 or visit EOE. (TnScan)

DRIVERS- CDL-A, FEDEX GROUND: Owner Operator Teams & Small Fleet Owners •Weekly Settlements •Fuel Supplement Program •All Runs Hub-to-Hub •100% Drop & Hook •Outstanding Home Time & More! FedEx Ground will contract with entities that are established under state law as corporations. 866-832-6339 (TnScan)

A BETTER CAREER WITH Melton Great Equipment & Benefits 2 Mos. CDL Class A Driving Exp 877-258-8782 (TnScan)

FLATBED DRIVERS NEW PAY Scale- Start @ .37cpm Up to .04cpm Mileage Bonus, Home Weekends, Insurance & 401K Apply @ 800-648-9915 (TnScan)

DRIVERS- GOOD MILES! REGIONAL Truck Drivers start at 37 cpm w/1+ years experience. Home Every Week. Affordable family benefits. Call 888-362-8608, or visit EOE. (TnScan)

HIRING DRIVERS, INCREASED PAY SCALE, Flatbed $0.36 - Dry Van $0.35 - Reefer $0.36 - Flatbed & Reefer $0.365 Available Incentive $0.035. Late Model Equipment, Lots of miles. Health, Vision, Life, Dental, Vacation, Holidays, 401K. Jerry Barber 800-826-9460 Ext.5, (TnScan)

DRIVER $2000 SIGN ON Bonus! Start a New Career! 100% Paid CDL Training! No Experience Required. CRST Expedited 800-326-2778 (TnScan)

DRIVERS/ CDL TRAINING - CAREER Central No Money Down CDL Training Work for us or let us work for you! Unbeatable Career Opportunities. *Trainee *Company Driver *Lease Operator Earn up to $51k *Lease Trainers Earn up to $80k (877) 369-7191 (TnScan)

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DRIVER- CDL-A EXPERIENCED OTR Drivers Up to $3000 Bonus Up to .39¢ Per Mile 888-378-7137, 6 mo. OTR exp. & CDL Req’d (TnScan)

DRIVERS - CDL-A OTR DRIVERS Start up to 44¢ per mile!! Lease Purchase Available! Great Hometime Experience Req’d. 800-441-4271 X TN-100 (TnScan)

DRIVERS - CDL-A EXPERIENCED TEAM Drivers OTR Positions Available! Up to 50¢ per mile. Class A CDL & Hazmat Req’d 800-942-2104 Ext. 7307 or 7308 (TnScan)

GET BACK TO BASICS. Solid Miles + Good Pay + New Equipment = Your Success! Great Benefits & Hometime. Dry Van & Flatbed. CDL-A, 6mo. OTR. 888-801-5295 (TnScan)

FLATBEDDERS - TIME FOR A Change? $1,000 Average Weekly! Excellent Equipment. Home Weekly. CDL-A, Minimum 4-months Experience. Refresher Training Course Available. 888.711.6505 – Celebrating 40 Years! (TnScan)

FINANCE COMPANY CALLS NOTE! Must Liquidate All Lake Lots ASAP. Saturday 10/1 only! 2 acres with free boat slips only $18,500. Similar lot sold for $59,900. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Own for pennies on the dollar. Excellent financing. Call now 1-800-704-3154, x 3735 (TnScan)

VIRGINIA M, CRUTCHER, ESQ. 23 Years Experience Social Security Disability, Juvenile and Criminal Court, Rule 31 Listed Mediator. Former SSA Attorney 901-550-0350 Free Consultation (TnScan)

SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3997- Make Money & Save Money with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N (TnScan)

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE FROM Home. *Medical *Business *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-738-0607, (TnScan)

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - TRAIN for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-266-0040 (TnScan)

PREGNANT? NOW WHAT? FREE, confidential pregnancy counseling. In person • On the phone • Online Bethany Christian Services 1.800.BETHANY • 901.818.9996 (TnScan)

YOUR LOW COST ADVERTISING Solution! One call & your 25 word ad will appear in 93 Tennessee newspapers for $265 or 21 West TN newspapers for $95. Call this newspaper’s classified advertising dept. or go to (TnScan)

YARD SALE Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1 at 7. All kinds of tools, shovels, hoes, mechanic, knives, juke box, all kinds of records, 45 and 72, some Elvis, chain saw, drills, red wagon, linens, and other items at 116 Callis St. in Rutherford.

FOR SALE Black, Automatic, 4 wheel drive, Super Cab, 1998 Ford Ranger XLT PV. $1900. Call 692-2199.


Saturday, October 1 begins at 7:00 - ?? 110 Old Dyer Rutherford Road, Dyer TN. Playstation 2 – Guitar Hero, Nintendo DS games, Pink gas powered 4-wheeler, baby items, girl’s clothes – sizes 5 –16, women’s clothes, small – plus size, men’s clothes – big & tall. Lots more.


Kenton – Mower and miscellaneous - Fri. Sept. 30 and Saturday October 1, 8:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m., 446 W. College.

YARD SALEOct. 15 – 154 Ashley from 7 a.m. ‘til 1. Furniture, clothes, miscellaneous.

FOR RENT 2 BR, 1 BA brick home, carport, big utility room. $375 per month with $325 deposit. Call 422-5766 or 643-6679.

HUGE YARD SALE Fri., Sept. 30th and Sat., Oct. 1st at 328 and 329 Bells Chapel Rd. between 105 Rutherford and Baseline Rd. Yorkville. 20 tables plus set up.

FOR SALE OR RENT 250 Hull St. in Dyer. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, central heat and air. $350 month with $250 deposit on a nice lot. $25,000 or best offer. Call 784-1518. 3wks.

Food Rite Stores in Alamo, TN is now

taking applications for the following positions:

MEAT DEPARTMENT MANAGER:Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities required at job entry:•Knowledge of meat rotation•Organizational skills•Ability to lift up to 50 lbs•Knowledge of ordering system•Communication skills•Ability to work flexible hours as needed and scheduled•Ability to independently perform all duties as required of the positionMinimum Qualifications:•High School Diploma/GED Equivalent•Two years experience in retail or grocery business

PRODUCE MANAGER:This is a full time position. Minimum qualifications include High

School Diploma or GED Equivalent. Experience preferred.

Those interested may apply in person at Food Rite 378 South Bells Street Alamo, TN and return application to store manager, Brian Martin. Applications are also accepted at our website

ACCEPTING BIDSThe City of Dyer is accepting bids until 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 6, 2011 for a Roofing Project at the Dyer Wastewater Plant. Specifications are available at Dyer City Hall, 235 South Royal Street, Dyer, Tennessee 38330. Additional information is available from Jason Griggs at 731-692-3767. Please submit bids in a sealed envelope marked “Wastewater Plant Roof” to Dyer City Hall, 235 South Royal Street, Dyer, Tennessee 38330. The City of Dyer reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all bids.

Walton Thompson, Mayor

ACCEPTING OFFERSAccepting offers for the purchase

of the Lois D. Keel farm (184 acres) Located at the corner of Narrow Gauge

Road & Poplar Grove Road.Minimum offer of $3,000.00 per acre.

Forward offers to: Bill R. Barron, Attorney124 East Court Square, Trenton, TN 38382


OCTOBER 31,2011


The TCR deadline is

Friday @ 5 p.m.

FOR SALE 12 ft. Buddy Boat, 12x12 dog kennel, 4 wheeler 90cc needs carburetor work, 2 wheel trailer 6x12, Backhoe. Call 487-3091. 2wks.

Page 10 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ATTENTION: Do-It-Yourselfers

Let us do PART or ALL of your Home Improvements Project!

All types construction60 Years Total Experience

Quality Work Competitive Prices

Call Randy 697-0492 or Joe 697-1809


Page 11: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

Gibson Co. 4-Hers learn and serve

Subscribe& $ave!!

Drawing basics class available

Join America’s Greatest Recipe Swap Today!

Join the recipe swap and conversation!

The Tri-City Reporter, Thursday, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Page 11


West Kentucky and Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, genetic information, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal – relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

FL #1550

Jackson, TN • 731-467-1842Rick Hinson, CAI,


2445 East End Drive, HumboldtSaturday, October 1 @ 10:00 A.M.

All Equipment & Tools.Also offering building

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Mr. King has decided to retire after many years in business. He has hired Hinson Auction & Real Estate Inc. to sell all of his fine equipment at absolute auction. We will aslo be offering his building with owner’s conformation. He is very motivated to sell so don’t miss this auction to get some well-maintained equipment and nice commercial building.

PARTIAL LISTING: Bridgeport CNC EZ Trak Mill with power bar, 9x48 table with spray mist, M/D EZ-Trak, S/N EZ1-CH-4460 • Victor 618 EM Tool Maker Lathe, With 20” bed, 50M Sony Digital Coolant Colock Attachment • Bridgeport CNC Toro-Cut 22 EZ Path, 22 Station, S/N TC/22-626 • Bridgeport CNC Lathe Romi EZ Path SD, 6” to 10” chuck, S/N 002084108-363 • Drake VH-24 Vertical Bandsaw, With Power Table, Built in Welder • Gardner Denver 80 gal. 2 stage Air Compressor; Hobart 200 AMP Welder,With Sticher & Spotter, S/N 84WS14563; 4- Kurt 8” Vises • 24” Digital Caliper • Granite 36”x48” with 2 ledges on table • Granite 18”x24” with 2 ledges on table • Brooches • Presion Tooling • Drill Bits • Cutting Tools • Inserts • Taps • Layout Tools • Dies • 2- 5 Drawer File Cabinets • 2 Door Storage Cabinet • Wood Desk • Executive Chair • 2 Drawer File Cabinet • Many More Miscellaneous Items

Real Estate To Be Offered at 10 A.M.Building has 2 H/A units, 3 phase, gas, steel siding with 10’ side rollup door and security cameras.

Please visit website www.hinsonauctions.comfor detailed listing

Terms: 10% Buyer’s premium on machinery & tooling. To be paid in full day of auction.

Real Estate Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium added to final bid. 10% Down day of auction Closing to be on or before 20 days.


(731) 692-2702 (731) 643-7138 cell


Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011 - 9:00 a.m. Estate of Mr. Jerry Arnold

9 Lewis Street, Humboldt, TN•2003 Ford Ranger, Step-side, Ext Cab Pick Up W/V6 Engine, Automatic Trans, CD Player, Bed Cover, Good Michelin Tires, Odometer Reading 42,435 Miles, Nice Little Truck •1976 MF 235 Diesel Tractor Showing 2409 Hrs. •6 Ft Bush Hog Finish Mower •Howse Rotary Mower •2 Bottom Breaking Plow •Boom Pole •Older Scoop 3 Pt Hitch •2 Person Fiberglass Paddle Boat •2 Bench Grinders •Rockwell 3x12 Belt Sander •Drills •2 Two Wheelers (1 Antique) •1 Roll Red Brand Barb Wire •Barb Wire Stretchers, and Other Misc Outside Items • Lots More




Visit for all properties!*Residential*Commercial*Auctions*Relocation*Land

Milan Office Humboldt Office5108 S. First*686-3341 1954 Main St*787-4720

Jonathan Murphree 697-3173 •Mykie Anderson 499-2209 •Ray Whitwell 697-5002 •Ruth Ann Pafford 571-2227 •Jimmy Copous 571-7417 •David

Nelson 571-1270 •Winfred Allen 420-4720 •Carolyn Allen 697-4710 •Brad Lindsey 414-2318 •Jason Snell 414-2082 •Lisa Massengill 499-0535


4970 Sidonia Kenton Rd, Kenton 4BR/2BA - $57,900

•Lot - S. Church, Rutherford- $6,500•1.5 Ac, Dyer - $9,500

•28 Ac - 45 By-Pass, Dyer - $140,000 •30 Ac - St Rt 105, Rutherford - $110,000

•40 Ac - Mercer Cut-Off Loop, Dyer - $96,000

Investment Opportunity in Dyer/Rutherford Area - Package price $157,900 includes 1 Duplex, and 1 Triplex. Potential income $1,750/month. Excellent locations.

306 S. Trenton St, Rutherford 4BR/1.5BA - $49,900

14 Jesse Wood Rd, Kenton 3BR/1BA - 4 Ac - $69,900


290 Northern Chapel, Rutherford 4BR/3BA-Lg Shop-9 Ac - $389,900

323 Gravettes Crossing Rd, Rutherford

3BR/1BA - 6.20 Ac - $69,900

208 N. Trenton, Rutherford, 9148 Sq Ft, partitioned for offices - $129,900

105 Peck Switch Cove, Dyer 3BR/2BA - $99,500

82 Trimble Hwy, Rutherford3BR/2BA - $94,900


The Gibson General Healthcare Foundation will be honoring a “Volunteer of the Year” at its annual Gala, October 29, 2011. The “Volunteer” should be a community member that has shown outstanding volunteer services in our area. (Members of the Foundation are not eligible) A monetary award will be given to a healthcare related charity of the honoree’s choice in honor of the “Volunteer.” Nominations may be made by submitting a letter to Gibson General Healthcare Foundation, c/o Suzanne Greenhaw, 200 Hospital Drive, Trenton, TN 38382. Application deadline is October 8, 2011.


4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENTThrough its pledge of

“hands to larger service,” 4-H has historically given back to the community by encouraging young people and adults to volunteer. In 4-H, service is commonly defined as the voluntary action of an individual or a group of individuals without pay. Service to the community, through food drives, raking the yard of an elderly neighbor, adopt-a-highway programs, teens teaching younger youth, teens mentoring children or youth determining community needs and helping solve community problems, helps young people learn caring, leadership and citizenship.

With this is mind Gibson County 4-H members got down, dirty, and loaned their hands to larger service when they set flower bulbs for a spring flower garden at the Harlan Morris Home.

According to Deborah Seward, Extension Agent, the Gibson County 4-H program recently received Season of Service grant funds to carry out several

Anyone wishing to be more creative with their digital photography is invited to participate in a course offered by the University of Tennessee at Martin Office of Extended Campus and Online Studies. The course is for those already thoroughly familiar with digital photography and comfortable with their digital camera. It will be offered on Tuesdays, Oct. 4-25, from 6:30-9 p.m. The registration fee is $125.

Students will be instructed in the creative use of filters, tripods, multiple lenses and flash photography. Wildlife, landscape, flower and fine art photography will be featured subjects.

The course will include lectures on the use of low light, nighttime, high dynamic range and panoramic camera settings. Students may also be exposed to basic use of Photoshop and other digital image manipulation software. Email evaluations and photograph critiques will be used throughout the course.

Dr. Tom Gallien will instruct the course. Gallien has over 40 years of photographic experience and studied under the personal supervision of several professional photographers. Those interested may view a limited number of his images at

All participants are required to bring a tripod, a notepad and their camera’s instruction manual.

To register for the course, contact ECOS at 731-881-7082 or register online at

The University of Tennessee at Martin Office of Extended Campus and Online Studies will offer a course in drawing basics for members of the community. The course will be offered on Tuesdays, Oct. 4-25, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The registration fee is $55.

The class will focus on using charcoal and pencil to draw still life objects. Students are welcome to draw the instructor’s display or bring items from home.

All students are required to bring charcoal and drawing pencils, drawing paper, and both small and large drawing pads to class. All items can be found at Walmart.

To register for the course, contact ECOS at 731-881-7082 or register online at

service project in order to fulfill this portion of the 4-H pledge, “hands to larger service.”

Seward stated the grant has an interdisciplinary approach designed to educate youth while they serve their community. First the 4-H members, parents, and volunteer leaders attended an in-depth workshop on gardening which was taught by Master Gardeners: Mrs. Marlene Wilson and Mrs. Eileen Elliott. The gardeners used applied math and science while teaching the youth about the fall flower bulbs which will yield spring flowers.

One of the main objectives of this service project is to teach the youth environmental stewardship and scientific principles while getting connected to and serving the community. Gibson County 4-Hers set over two hundred tulip and daffodil bulbs in addition to planting hosta and iris bulbs at Harlan Morris.

Tennessee Master

Gardeners are trained volunteers that help the Extension Service share the latest and greatest gardening information! All volunteers

are trained with 40 hours of horticultural classes and return 40 hours of volunteer community service through their Extension office.

UT Martin to offer advanced photography

Taylor LP to Clark Family Holdings, LLC – 13th CD

Hubert P. Clemmer, III and wife, Denise L. Clemmer to Kenneth R. Keymon and wife, Kathy Keymon – 13th CD

Jerry W. Shelton and wife, Janice Shelton to Jeffrey David Keel – 15th CD

James M. Payne and wife, Susan T. Payne to Wesley Gordon and wife, Jennifer Gordon – 8th CD

Max Thomas Walker and Ruth T. Walker to Ruth T. Walker – 18th CD

Clark Family Holdings, LLC to Jo Lyn Jordan Gray

Jack W. Lunsford to Derrick Slayton and wife, Lauren Slayton – 20th CD

Robert A. Thomas and Jimmy G. Thomas to Hedrick Shoaf – 13th CD

Thomas E. Harwood to

Jimmy Allan Rodgers of Humboldt and Thelma Caroline Barnes Boehm of Humboldt

Jacob Aaron O’Brien of Jackson and Jennifer Leigh Chandler of Jackson

Joey Alan Hicks of Milan

and Golden Ariel Morrison of Milan

Travis William Hoertsch of Paris and Misty Dawn Cunningham of Fayetteville

Paul Thomas Griffin of Trenton and Jenna Ruth Cole of Humboldt

Property Transfers


James B. Webb and Brandon Newman – 7th CD

Meredith G. McKeel, a/k/a Meredith A. Goodman, to Carrie S. Williams – 2nd CD

William E. Horton, Jr. to Linda C. McMinn – Medina

Helen H. Couch to Keith Hopper and wife, Terrie Hopper – 3rd CD

Jackie Ray Skelton to Hector Vicente and wife, Maria T. Compos – 7th CD

Marshall Byron Sides to Bill M. Davis – 5th CD

Phyllis Ann Crockett and Gregory Paul Crockett to James D. Rozzell and Teri T. Rozzell, Trustees of the Rozzell Family Trust – 3rd CD

Jonathan J. Murphree and wife, Amy M. Murphree to Timothy W. Sanderson and wife Marsha L. Sanderson – Milan

Subscribe & $ave!!!

Page 12: Tri-City Reporter September 28 2011

Page 12 The Tri-City Reporter, Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scenes from Dyer School Fall Festival

Celebrate Gibson County!Everyone is invited to be a part of this historic journal.

Featuringthe entire county!

Be sure your business and its founding date, including address and contact information is included!

A keepsake unlike any other!

Leave a legacy!

HistoricalReview adsstart at only $40!

For more info, call The Tri-City Reporter at 692-3506! FACE PAINTING - Fourth grade teacher Aimee Patton had children lined up for face painting.

WAITING FOR A SPECIAL TREAT - Kindergartener Haley Mingle waits in line for her snow cone.

ENJOYING FALL FESTIVAL - Ella Kate McCurdy and Gracie Lee Alford enjoy the Dyer School Fall Festival held Friday night. Both girls had their hair painted with bright colors

SCHOOL SUPPORT - Former Dyer School students Kennedy Garner and Cara Beth Holt came back to support their old school.

HELPING HAND - Former Dyer Student Mallarie Riffe supports her mom, third game teacher Jessica Riffe during the Dyer School Fall Festival. (photos by Jennifer McCaig Cox)

COMMUNITY HELPERS DAY - Rutherford School recently held a Community Helpers Day to show children how helpful and important emergency services are to the community. Students from Kenton School also participated in the event. Among the services participating was the Air Evac Lifeteam. The children were very excited to see the helicopter land, have the opportunity to see and sit inside and then watch it take off. Reese McVay, Caden Reeves and Jacob Mansfield (top photo) visit with Rhonda Hobbs and Danny Parker, members of the Air Evac crew. Also participating in the Community Helpers Day were (lower photo) members of the Rutherford Police Department, Rutherford Fire Department, Tennessee State Troopers, and the Gibson County Sheriff’s Department.

LITTLE PILOT - Davis Eakes, Kenton School kindergarten student was excited to sit in the Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter and wear the pilot’s helmet.

READY FOR TAKEOFF - Rutherford School students K.J. and Kylie Cardwell sit in the Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter. They are the children of Mayor and Mrs. Keith Cardwell.

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